Dr. Ofer Shoshani | Biomolecular Sciences Field Cancer genome evolution Research Focus Chromosome Catastrophes in Cancer Dr. Ofer Shoshani Biomolecular Sciences
Prof. Elazar Zelzer | Molecular Genetics Field Neuronal - Musculoskeletal System Development and Disease Research Focus Proprioception and the the musculoskeletal system in development and disease Prof. Elazar Zelzer Molecular Genetics
Prof. Gil Levkowitz | Molecular Cell Biology Field Development and function of the hypothalamus Research Focus We study morphogenesis, cell biology and function of hypothalamic neurons, which regulate appetite, stress and social behavior Prof. Gil Levkowitz Molecular Cell Biology
Prof. Asaph Aharoni | Plant and Environmental Sciences Field Plant metabolism Research Focus The role of specialized metabolism in plant- environment interactions Prof. Asaph Aharoni Plant and Environmental Sciences
Dr. Ivo Spiegel | Brain Sciences Field Molecular Systems Neuroscience Research Focus Genomic & state-dependent regulation of neural circuit plasticity Dr. Ivo Spiegel Brain Sciences
Prof. Elior Peles | Molecular Cell Biology Field Cellular and molecular neurobiology - Myelin and glial cell biology Research Focus Combine molecular biology, biochemical and advanced microscopy techniques to study myelinating glial cells Prof. Elior Peles Molecular Cell Biology