Israel Rubinsten CV & Publications
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Prof. Israel Rubinstein The Agnes Spencer Chair of Physical Chemistry |
Complete Publications
Curriculum Vitae
Professor of Chemistry, Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
Areas of Activity:
Supramolecular chemistry; self-assembly; nanostructured metal films; localized plasmon; optical sensors; electrochemistry; thin films; nanoparticles; template synthesis.
Ph.D. Chemistry: 1979, Tel-Aviv University (Advisors: Profs. E. Gileadi and E. Eisner)
Title of Ph.D. Dissertation: "Electrochemistry of Bromine-Bromide Solutions"
M.Sc. Chemistry: 1973, Tel-Aviv University (Advisor: Prof. E. Kariv)
Title of M.Sc. Thesis: "Electroreduction of α-Halo and α-Amino Ketones"
B.Sc. Chemistry: 1970, Tel-Aviv University
Awards and Honors:
2009: The article “Analysis of Polyaniline Films on Electrodes” (I. Rubinstein, E. Sabatani, J. Rishpon, J. Electrochem. Soc. 1987, 134, 3078) was featured as JES Classic in “Interface”, The Electrochemical Society Magazine, Special Issue: “Science at Its Best” (Vol. 18 No. 1, Spring 2009, page 62).
2008: Special Issue honoring the 60th birthday, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 621, No. 2 (15 September 2008).
2007: 60th Birthday International Symposium, “Electrochemistry and Self-Assembly for Nanomaterials Science”, University of Namur, Belgium, 29-30 August, 2007.
2002: Fellow of The Electrochemical Society.
1999: Fellow, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
1987: Somach Sachs Memorial Award, Weizmann Institute.
1984: Victor L. Erlich Career Development Chair, Weizmann Institute.
1981: Bantrell Research Fellowship, California Institute of Technology (declined).
1978: Stella Drusin Winston Scholarship, Tel-Aviv University.
1971, 1972, 1975: Arie Shenkar Scholarship, Tel-Aviv University.
1969: Delek Scholarship, Tel-Aviv University.
Fellow Member, The Electrochemical Society
Fellow Member, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
Member, Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry (SEAC)
Member, Israel Chemical Society
Member, Israel Vacuum Society
Member, Shotokan Karate-Do of Israel
Professional Experience:
From 1983: Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute of Science (Scientist, 1983; Senior Scientist, 1984; Associate Professor, 1988; Professor, 1996).
1981-1982: Staff Scientist, General Electric Research and Development Center, Schenectady, N.Y.
1979-1981: Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Texas, Austin (with Prof. A.J. Bard).
1971-1979: Instructor, Department of Chemistry, Tel-Aviv University.
Visiting Professor:
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany, June-September 1995.
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, May-October 1989.
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, November 1987-January 1988; April-May 1986; July-August 1985.
Special Functions:
Discussion Leader, Gordon Research Conference on Noble Metal Nanoparticles, Massachusetts, 2010.
Member of the International Advisory Board, International Symposium on Electroanalytical Chemistry (ISEAC), Changchun, Jilin, China (10th, 2005; 11th, 2007; 12th, 2009; 13th, 2011; 14th, 2013).
Member of the International Committee, 13th International Conference on Organized Molecular Films (LB 13), Quebec City, Canada, 2010.
Member of the Review Panel for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Center for Functional Nanostructures, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2009.
Invited Speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Chemical Sensors and Interfacial Design, Rhode Island, 2007.
Member of the Organizing Committee, 72nd Israel Chemical Society Meeting, Tel-Aviv, 2007.
Member of the International Committee, 12th International Conference on Organized Molecular Films (LB 12), Krakow, Poland, 2007.
Member of the Review Panel for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Excellence Initiative on “Molecular Function and Interaction”, Frankfurt, Germany, 2006.
Member of the Editorial Board, Nanomedicine (publisher: Future Medicine, London).
Member of the International Committee, 11th International Conference on Organized Molecular Films (LB 11), Sapporo, Japan, 2005.
Member of the Evaluation Panel for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Priority Program on “Nanowires and Nanotubes - From Controlled Synthesis to Functions”, Bad Honnef, Germany, 2004-2007.
Discussion Leader, Gordon Research Conference on Chemical Sensors and Interfacial Design, Rhode Island, 2003.
Invited Speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Organic Thin Films, Il Ciocco, Italy, 2003.
Member of the International Committee, 10th International Conference on Organized Molecular Films (LB 10), Beijing, PRC, 2003.
Organizer, Session on Electrochemistry, 66th Israel Chemical Society Meeting, Tel-Aviv, 2001.
Discussion Panel Leader (“Electrochemistry: A Broad View”), Israel Electrochemical Symposium Honoring Prof. E. Gileadi, Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 2000.
Invited Speaker and Session Chairman, Texas Electrochemistry Conference (Allen J. Bard Birthday Symposium), Austin, TX, 1998.
National Representative, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), 1992-1998.
Discussion Leader, European Research Conference on Supramolecular Chemistry: Advanced Materials, Kerkrade, The Netherlands, 1998
Organizing Committee Member, Dutch-Israel Symposium on Molecular Avenues in Materials and Surface Science, Weizmann Institute, 1998.
Invited Speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Electrochemistry, Ventura, CA, 1998.
Discussion Leader, Gordon Research Conference on Chemical Sensors and Interfacial Design, New Hampshire, 1996.
Organizing Committee Member, Symposium on Surface Characterization and Dynamics, Weizmann Institute, 1996.
Co-Organizer (with A.E. Kaifer), Symposium on Organic Monolayers Supported on Electrode Surfaces, 190th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Chicago, 1995.
Co-Organizer (with D. Wagner), Symposium on Materials and Interfaces, Israel Chemical Society Meeting, Weizmann Institute, 1995. - Organizing Committee Member, Israel Chemical Society Meeting, Weizmann Institute, 1988.
Cited Work:
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Natur und Wissenschaft, March 29, 2004.
Materials Today, April 2004, p. 9.
NanoBiotech News 2(5), Feb. 2004.
News - Analytical Currents, Anal. Chem. 73 (2001) 301A.
Chem. Eng. News, Science/Technology Concentrates, July 31, 2000.
CHEMTECH (Amer. Chem. Soc.) 29 (July 1999) 62.
High-Tech Materials Alert 14 (Oct. 1997) 11.
Chem. Eng. News, April 4 (1988) 15.
News and Views, Nature 332 (1988) 393.
Front Pages:
Frontispiece, Angew. Chem. Int., Ed. 42 (2003) 5575.
Frontispiece, Chem. Eur. J. 8 (2002) 3849.
1986-2009: Graduate courses in Electrochemistry, The Feinberg Graduate School, Weizmann Institute
1987-1989: Member of the Teaching Committee for Chemistry, The Feinberg Graduate School, Weizmann Institute
1974-1979: Instructor, Graduate Laboratory Course in Electrochemistry, Tel-Aviv University
1974-1977: Chemistry teacher and coordinator of chemistry studies, Tichon Hadash High School, Tel-Aviv
Reviewer for:
Journal of The American Chemical Society, Science, Angewandte Chemie, Journal of Physical Chemistry, ACS Nano, Analytical Chemistry, Langmuir, Small, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Chemistry of Materials, Applied Physics Letters, Chemical Communications, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Chemical Physics Letters, New Journal of Chemistry, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Electrochimica Acta, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Israel Journal of Chemistry, Thin Solid Films, Colloids and Surfaces, Journal of Materials Research, Applied Surface Science, Optics Communications, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, Nanomedicine, Biointerphases, Biomacromolecules, Reactive and Functional Polymers, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.
Israel Science Foundation (ISF), US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF), German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific R&D (GIF), Israel Ministry of Science, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), US National Science Foundation (NSF), ACS Petroleum Research Fund.
Research Grants:
“Detection of MicroRNA Using LSPR Spectroscopy for Diagnostic Applications”, Kamin – Israel Ministry of Industry & Trade, 2012-2013.
“Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) Sensing”, The Israel Science Foundation, 2011-2015 (with A. Vaskevich).
"Rational Design of Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) Systems", Minerva (German-Israeli Committee), 1/2009-12/2011 (with A. Vaskevich).
"A Novel Optical Biosensor", The Gurwin Family Fund (Weizmann Institute), 2008-2009 (with A. Vaskevich).
"Photoluminescence and Optoelectronic Measuring system", The Israel Science Foundation, Converging Technologies Equipment Grant", 2007 (with R. Naaman, D. Cahen, E. Joselevich).
"Coordination Self-Assembly: From Structure to Function", The Israel Science Foundation, 2007-2011 (with A. Vaskevich).
"Transmission Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (T-LSPR) Biosensors", Yeda CEO Fund (Weizmann Institute), 2007-2008 (with A. Vaskevich).
"Composite Magnetic Nanoparticle Nanotubes (NPNTs): Towards Micro- and Nano-Scale Chemical Reactors", Russia-Israel Joint Research (Russian Federation for Basic Research / Israel Ministry of Science), 2006-2008 (with A. Vaskevich, S. Gubin, G. Yurkov).
"Computational Toolbox for Protein-Surface Docking", European Union NEST Project PROSURF, 2006-2009 (Project Coordinator: E. Molinari, Italy) (with A. Vaskevich).
"Composite Nanoparticle Nanotubes", U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation, 2005-2009 (with A. Vaskevich, D. Meisel).
"Novel Composite Nanomaterials Prepared by Template Synthesis", Minerva (German-Israeli Committee), 1/2005-12/2007 (with A. Vaskevich).
"Nanostructured materials", Ilan Gluzman Research Grant (Weizmann Institute), 2004-2005.
"Transmission Surface Plasmon Resonance (T-SPR) Spectroscopy: Basic and Applied Aspects", Center for Scientific Excellence (Edward D. and Anna Mitchell Research Fund), Weizmann Institute, 2003-2004 (with A. Vaskevich).
"Coordination-Based Nanocomposites", The Israel Science Foundation, 2003-2007 (with A. Vaskevich).
"Biosensors and Micro-Photonics Based on Nano-Scaled Functional Hybrid Particles and Films", Tashtiot Infrastructure-Strategic Research Grant (Israel Ministry of Science), 2002-2005 (with S. Margel, D. Davidov, J. Rishpon, A. Vaskevich).
"Nanostructured Photonic Sensors", European Union Shared-Cost RTD Project NANOPHOS, 2002-2006 (Project Coordinator: N. Vainos, Greece) (with A. Vaskevich).
"Monitoring the Environment", Weizmann Faivovich Foundation (Weizmann Institute), 2002-2003 (with A. Vaskevich).
"Nanostructured Gold Surfaces for Molecular Self-Assembly”, Center for Scientific Excellence (Philip M. Klutznick Research Fund), Weizmann Institute, 2002-2003 (with A. Vaskevich).
"Threading Biomolecules in Nanoporous Membranes", Clore Center for Biological Physics (Weizmann Institute), 2001-2002.(with M. Elbaum)
"Novel Composite Nanostructures Comprising Active Metals and Organic Monolayers", Minerva (German-Israeli Committee), 1/2001-12/2003 (with A. Vaskevich).
"Patterned Ion-Binding Ultrathin Films for High-Density Storage Media", U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation, 1999-2002 (with A. Shanzer, A. Vaskevich, C.R. Martin).
"Novel Coordination-Based Multilayers, Polymers and Dendrimers on Metal Surfaces", The Israel Science Foundation, 1999-2002 (with A. Shanzer, A. Vaskevich).
"Self-Assembled Organic Films on Active Metals", Philip M. Klutznick Research Grant (Weizmann Institute), 1999-2000.
"Self-Assembled Organic Films on Non-Noble Metals and Alloys: A Novel Approach to Interface-Related Technological Challenges", Tashtiot Infrastructure-Strategic Research Grant (Israel Ministry of Science), 1999-2002 (with Ch. Sukenik, D. Aurbach, D. Mandler, A. Groysman).
"Structurally and Functionally Improved Self-Assembled Organic Monolayers on Electrodes", Minerva (German-Israeli Committee), 1/1997-12/1999.
"Novel Composite Surfaces for Controlled Two-Dimensional Nanostructured Architectures", Henri Gutwirth Research Grant (Weizmann Institute), 1998-1999.
"Superior Self-Assembled Monolayers on Electrodes Through Innovative Control of Surface Conditions", The Israel Science Foundation, 1996-1999.
"Electrodeposition of Semiconductor Quantum Dots and Their Application to Nanoscale Electrochemistry", U.S. Office of Naval Research, 1993-1997 (with G. Hodes).
"Self-Assembling Monolayers on Electrodes: The Relationship Between Surface Conditions and Monolayer Properties", The Israel Science Foundation, 1993-1996.
"Electrical Properties of Self-Assembling Monolayers", Minerva (German-Israeli Committee), 1/1993-12/1995.
"Study on Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical CO2 Reduction", The Japan New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) (with A. Fujishima, R. Tenne and I. Willner), 1992-1995.
"Controlled Electrochemical Growth of Conducting Polymer Films", Basic Research Foundation (Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities), 1990-1993. - "Electronically Conducting Polymers with Improved Morphology", Yeda Fund (Weizmann Institute), 1990-1991.
"Monolayer Membranes as Ultramicroelectrodes of Molecular Dimensions", Minerva (German-Israeli Committee), 1/1989-12/1991.
"Electronic Conductivity in Ultrathin Organic Films on Electrodes", Fusfeld Research Award (Weizmann Institute), 1988.
"Organized Organic Monolayers on Electrodes", Israel National Council for Research and Development / European Community, 1987-1990.
"Highly Organized Organic Monolayers on Electrodes", Yeda Fund (Weizmann Institute), 1987.
Group Members:
Senior Staff Scientist: Dr. Alexander Vaskevich (from 1998).
Consultants: Dr. Haim Leader (2006-), Dr. Ludmila Frolov (2009-2009), Dr. Tatyana Bendikov (2007-2008), Dr. Alexander Vaskevich (1997-1998), Dr. Baruch Zinger (1985-1989).
Sabbatical: Dr. Haim Tobias (2007-2008).
Postdoctoral Associates: Dr. Ludmila Frolov (2009-), Dr. Giuliano Bellapadrona (2009-2011), Dr. Tali Sehayek (2007-2008), Dr. Miri Greenstein (2006-2008), Dr. Gilad Lando (2006-2007), Dr. Tatyana Bendikov (2004-2007), Dr. Yantao Pang (2004), Dr. Irit Ruach-Nir (2003-2004), Dr. Michal Lahav (2002-2003), Dr. Marie Anne Schneeweiss (1999-2001), Dr. Yan Zhang (1996-1998), Dr. Zhiquiang Gao (1993-1994), Dr. Koo-Chun Chung (1992-1993).
Ph.D. Students: Mariano Susman, Ofer Kedem, Yulia Kargin, Alexander Tesler, Tanya Karakouz (2011), Tali Sehayek (2007, Otto Schwarz Prize), Ovadia Abed (2006) (with A. Shanzer), Meni Wanunu (2005, Elhanan Bondi Prize), Ilanit Doron-Mor (2004), Irit Ruach-Nir (2003) (with G. Hodes), Gregory Kalyuzhny (2001), Boaz Alperson (1998) (with G. Hodes), Anat Hatzor (1998), Hannoch Ron (1998), Yuval Golan (1996) (with G. Hodes), Merlin Bruening (1995) (with A. Shanzer), Eyal Sabatani (1992), Suzi Steinberg (1991, Kennedy Prize), Zeev Porat (1990).
M.Sc. Students: Mariano Susman (2011), Ofer Kedem (2009), Yulia Kargin (2009), Yanina Braginski (2009), Shani Eliyahu (2007), Tanya Karakouz (2006), Keren Carmi (2004), Tali Sehayek (2002), Meni Wanunu (2001) (with A. Shanzer), David Behar (1997) (with G. Hodes), Keren Shabtai (1997), Irit Ruach-Nir (1997) (with G. Hodes), Anat Hatzor (1994), Yael Gafni (1993), Hannoch Ron (1992), Yuval Golan (1991) (with G. Hodes), Yaron Greenwald (1991) (with B. Zinger), Eyal Sabatani (1985).
Undergraduate Students: Reut Peretz (2010-2011), Ben Maoz (2008-2009), Katelyn Reighard (2008-2009), Mila Eydelman (2006-2007), Rivka Ben-Ishay (2005-2008), Sivan Livne (2004-2005).
Personal Information:
Born 1947, in Tel-Aviv, Israel. Graduated from high school in 1965. Served in the Israel Defense Forces from 1965 to 1967. Married with four children, resides at the Weizmann Institute.
Music, Karate (black Belt).
Mailing Address:
Department of Materials and Interfaces
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel
Phone: +972-8-9342678 Fax: +972-8-9344137
Skype: irubinstein