(2025) Acta Materialia. 286, 120727. Abstract
MXenes, a novel class of monolayer transition metal carbides and nitrides, have gathered significant attention in materials science for their exceptional properties. This study focuses on investigating the influence of atomic defects on the fracture toughness of MXenes and similar monolayers. Comprehensive understanding and modeling of the fundamental physical mechanisms that govern MXene defect-mediated fracture is largely unexplored. Here, molecular dynamics simulations and theoretical fracture mechanics are employed to investigate the role of slit vacancy defects in the toughness of Ti2C MXene. The material is found to exhibit brittle fracture behavior, and compared to classic predictions, its strength is significantly degraded by short defects. Two physical mechanisms are proposed to model MXene fracture the material nonlinear elasticity, and the quantization of the crack driving energy. Combining both effects, this model is in excellent agreement with the MXene simulated toughness and may find application in other materials exhibiting similar toughness degradation and nonlinear elasticity.
(2024) ChemSusChem. 18, 1, e202401148. Abstract
Bombyx mori silk fibroin fibers constitute a class of protein building blocks capable of functionalization and reprocessing into various material formats. The properties of these fibers are typically affected by the intense thermal treatments needed to remove the sericin gum coating layer. Additionally, their mechanical characteristics are often misinterpreted by assuming the asymmetrical cross-sectional area (CSA) as a perfect circle. The thermal treatments impact not only the mechanics of the degummed fibroin fibers, but also the structural configuration of the resolubilized protein, thereby limiting the performance of the resulting silk-based materials. To mitigate these limitations, we explored varying alkali conditions at low temperatures for surface treatment, effectively removing the sericin gum layer while preserving the molecular structure of the fibroin protein, thus, maintaining the hierarchical integrity of the exposed fibroin microfiber core. The precise determination of the initial CSA of the asymmetrical silk fibers led to a comprehensive analysis of their mechanical properties. Our findings indicate that the alkali surface treatment raised the Youngs modulus and tensile strength, by increasing the extent of the fibers crystallinity, by approximately 40 % and 50 %, respectively, without compromising their strain. Furthermore, we have shown that this treatment facilitated further production of high-purity soluble silk protein with rheological and self-assembly characteristics comparable to those of native silk feedstock, initially stored in the animals silk gland. The developed approaches benefits both the development of silk-based materials with tailored properties and the proper mechanical characterization of asymmetrical fibrous biological materials made of natural building blocks.
(2024) Genealogy. 8, 2, 35. Abstract
Tracing the ancestral roots of Polish Jews before the introduction of metrical data in 1808 represents a unique and complex challenge for genealogists and historians alike. Indeed, limited official records, shifting geopolitical boundaries, and the absence of standardized documentation practices characterize that early era. Sometimes, however, genealogical sources and records unique to Jews, based on religious daily life and traditions, have subsisted. When available, they open unforeseen avenues into identifiable family histories for which no other record, or personal memories, are available. In other cases, less well-known archival records unexpectedly emerge to elucidate a perplexing genealogical problem. The present article deals with two such instances with a similar starting point, namely, the apparent impossibility of merging two family clusters with the same surname in a given town. The first case deals with two separate KUMEC clusters in the small Polish town of Konskie. Research of this specific case, using limited official records, leads to the discovery of a single-family line dating back to the early 1600s, by means of complementary metrical and rabbinical data. The second case deals with two distinct KRELL clusters in the city of Warsaw, which, after 25 years of extensive but unsuccessful research, finally leads to merging into a cohesive KRELL ancestral line dating back to the early 1700s, by means of a less exploited source of archival records. The present study puts forward guiding principles for searches back to pre-1808 Jewish family history. As such, it should be useful to researchers encountering similar roadblocks in the quest for their Jewish ancestors.
(2024) Journal of Polymer Science. 62, 12, p. 2780-2796 Abstract
Recent progress in creating micro and nano-scale thermoset polymer fibers through extensional flow reveals remarkable mechanical properties. For instance, epoxy microfibers display a notable increase in stiffness, strength, and toughness as their diameter decreases. This size-dependent behavior, well-explored and explained in thermoplastic polymers, is far from being understood in thermoset polymers, as their densely cross-linked network structure seems to restrain preferential directionality. Our theoretical analysis proposes that, during the pre-gel curing phase, when the thermoset polymer begins clustering but remains in a liquid state, substantial cluster elongation is induced by the extensional flow. This elongated formation persists to some extent after curing completion, resulting in enhanced mechanical properties along the fiber's primary axis. Concurrently, the high extension reduces fiber diameter, leading to a power-law diameter dependence of fiber stiffness. The model agrees well with experimental data from tensile tests on epoxy microfibers, highlighting the potential to fine-tune mechanical properties by controlling the curing process, and laying the groundwork for future improvements.
(2024) International Journal of Solids and Structures. 292, 112718. Abstract
Beaded fiber composites represent ingenious design strategies capable of resolving the conflicts between strength and toughness in most engineering materials. Although intermittent beading holds great potential for improving mechanical properties, the underlying mechanisms responsible for strengthening and toughening of beaded fiber composites are largely unknown. In this study, we explore near-tip fields of an interface crack between the fiber and the polymeric bead, which is associated with fiber-bead debonding in the course of fiber pullout. The post-yield strain softening followed by strain hardening of polymer matrix, and friction between the bead and matrix are accounted for in the numerical analyses. It is found that pullout of fibers leads to development of multiple shear bands near the tip of the interface crack between the fiber and bead, and coalescence of shear bands gives rise to a zone of high plastic strain. Compared with the low level of friction between the bead and matrix, the bead-matrix interface with high friction coefficient can generate a larger zone of high plastic strain, increasing the propensity of interfacial debonding between the fiber and bead. Furthermore, we have revealed the role of thin coating of carbon nanotubes (CNT). Adding a CNT coating on the fiber enables the emergence of a small zone of high plastic strain near the interface crack tip and reduces the shear stress levels, thereby delaying bead debonding. Additionally, the introduction of CNT coating facilitates stress transfer from the bead to fiber, leading to high pullout force. The findings of this study provide important mechanistic insight into the design principles of beaded fiber composites.
(2024) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 16, 7, p. 9210-9223 Abstract
Biology resolves design requirements toward functional materials by creating nanostructured composites, where individual components are combined to maximize the macroscale material performance. A major challenge in utilizing such design principles is the trade-off between the preservation of individual component properties and emerging composite functionalities. Here, polysaccharide pectin and silk fibroin were investigated in their composite form with pectin as a thermal-responsive ion conductor and fibroin with exceptional mechanical strength. We show that segregative phase separation occurs upon mixing, and within a limited compositional range, domains ∼50 nm in size are formed and distributed homogeneously so that decent matrix collective properties are established. The composite is characterized by slight conformational changes in the silk domains, sequestering the hydrogen-bonded β-sheets as well as the emergence of randomized pectin orientations. However, most dominant in the composites properties is the introduction of dense domain interfaces, leading to increased hydration, surface hydrophilicity, and increased strain of the composite material. Using controlled surface charging in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, we further demonstrate Ca ions (Ca2+) diffusion in the pectin domains, with which the fingerprints of interactions at domain interfaces are revealed. Both the thermal response and the electrical conductance were found to be strongly dependent on the degree of composite hydration. Our results provide a fundamental understanding of the role of interfacial interactions and their potential applications in the design of material properties, polysaccharide-protein composites in particular.
(2023) International Journal of Fracture. 245, 3, p. 195-208 Abstract
Intermittent beading is a novel design that holds great potential for simultaneous improvement of strength and toughness of composites. Despite the progress in fabrication of beaded fiber composites, the mechanisms of fracture in such composites are largely unknown. In this study, calculations are carried out for interfacial debonding in a beaded fiber composite subjected to tensile loading. The post-yield strain softening followed by strain hardening of polymer matrix, and debonding of the fiber-bead, bead-matrix and fiber-matrix interfaces are accounted for in the numerical analyses. It is found that interfacial debonding can activate plastic deformation in the bead and polymer matrix, contributing to toughening of the beaded fiber composite. We have identified that the bead-matrix interfacial debonding is the major mechanism controlling plastic deformation in the matrix. The low cohesive strength of the bead-matrix interface plays a role in suppressing development of shear bands in the polymer matrix, enhancing plastic dissipation of the composite. The high toughness of the bead-matrix interface enables large plastic zone in the matrix, promoting plastic dissipation. For the fiber-bead interface, there is an increase in plastic dissipation of the composite with decreasing cohesive strength, while high interface toughness can amplify plastic dissipation. In addition, we reveal that weak fiber-matrix interface is capable of spreading plastic deformation in the matrix, increasing plastic dissipation of the composite. The findings of this study can shed new light on the fracture mechanisms of beaded fiber composites.
(2023) Scientific Reports. 13, 20416. Abstract
Contemporary designs of engineering structures strive to minimize the use of material in order to reduce cost and weight. However, the approach taken by focusing on materials selection and on the design of the exterior shape of structures has reached its limits. By contrast, nature implements bottom-up designs based on a multiple-level hierarchy, spanning from nanoscale to macroscale, which evolved over millions of years in an environmentally sustainable manner given limited resources. Natural structures often appear as laminates in wood, bone, plants, exoskeletons, etc., and employ elaborate micro-structural mechanisms to generate simultaneous strength and toughness. One such mechanism, observed in the scorpion cuticle and in the sponge spicule, is the grading (gradual change) of properties like layers thickness, stiffness, strength and toughness. We show that grading is a biological design tradeoff, which optimizes the use of material to enhance survival traits such as endurance against impending detrimental cracks. We found that such design, when applied in a more vulnerable direction of the laminate, has the potential to restrain propagation of hazardous cracks by deflecting or bifurcating them. This is achieved by shifting material from non-critical regions to more critical regions, making the design sustainable in the sense of efficient use of building resources. We investigate how such a mechanism functions in nature and how it can be implemented in synthetic structures, by means of a generic analytical model for crack deflection in a general laminate. Such a mechanical model may help optimize the design of bioinspired structures for specific applications and, eventually, reduce material waste.
(2023) ACS Nano. 17, 21, p. 20962-20967 Abstract
Development of biodegradable plastic materials is of primary importance in view of acute environmental and health problems associated with the accumulation of plastic waste. We fabricated a biodegradable composite material based on hydroxyethyl cellulose polymer and tyrosine nanocrystals, which demonstrates enhanced strength and ductility (typically mutually excluding properties), superior to most biodegradable plastics. This emergent behavior results from an assembly pattern that leads to a uniform nanoscale morphology and strong interactions between the components. Water-resistant biodegradable composites encapsulated with hydrophobic polycaprolactone as a protection layer were also fabricated. Self-assembly of robust sustainable plastics with emergent properties by using readily available building blocks provides a valuable toolbox for creating sustainable materials.
(2023) Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 140, 38, e54437. Abstract
The electrospinning of thermoplastic polymers is widely used in applications such as filters and coatings, but has only recently been applied to thermosetting polymers because of their chemical structure and reactivity. Epoxy is a thermosetting polymer which, when combined with a curing agent, chemically reacts to form a crosslinked matrix. In the present study, we demonstrate that to electrospin epoxy and obtain continuous micro and nanofibers, one must precisely control the curing reaction. Epoxy was mixed with triamine curing agent and, to enable electrospinnability, was dissolved in a mixture of tetrahydrofuran and dimethylformamide solvents. We identified a narrow working window wherein a proper solution for electrospinning is close to the gel point, right before the transition from liquid to solid gel state. The solution was characterized by means of (i) Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy to monitor the extent of reaction, (ii) steady shear viscosity to detect the divergence near the gel point, and (iii) oscillatory loss and storage shear moduli to identify the liquid-to-gel transition. Based on these measurements, it was possible to monitor the chemical transformations that the epoxy solution underwent with time, such as chemical interconnections and gelation, and thus define the working window for electrospinning.
(2023) Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. 18, 3, 036001. Abstract
A crack propagating through a laminate can cause severe structural failure, which may be avoided by deflecting or arresting the crack before it deepens. Inspired by the biology of the scorpion exoskeleton, this study shows how crack deflection can be achieved by gradually varying the stiffness and thickness of the laminate layers. A new generalized multi-layer, multi-material analytical model is proposed, using linear elastic fracture mechanics. The condition for deflection is modeled by comparing the applied stress causing a cohesive failure, resulting in crack propagation, to that causing an adhesive failure, resulting in delamination between layers. We show that a crack propagating in a direction of progressively decreasing elastic moduli is likely to deflect sooner than when the moduli are uniform or increasing. The model is applied to the scorpion cuticle, the laminated structure of which is composed of layers of helical units (Bouligands) with inward decreasing moduli and thickness, interleaved with stiff unidirectional fibrous layers (interlayers). The decreasing moduli act to deflect cracks, whereas the stiff interlayers serve as crack arrestors, making the cuticle less vulnerable to external defects induced by its exposure to harsh living conditions. These concepts may be applied in the design of synthetic laminated structures to improve their damage tolerance and resilience.
(2023) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 167, 107427. Abstract
The fiber-matrix interface is a critical component in fiber composites, affecting both their strength and toughness. In this study, glass fibers were treated with thin coating of CNT bundles, creating a strong scaffold using evaporation-driven deposition. Epoxy beads were applied to the coating, implementing the Plateau-Rayleigh liquid instability phenomenon. The coated and beaded fibers were embedded in epoxy matrix and subjected to pullout tests, yielding a significant increase of 140% in strength and 400% in toughness, compared to untreated fibers. Electron microscopy and 3D micro-CT imaging elucidated the improvement mechanisms, including strengthening and toughening of the fiber-matrix interphase by the scaffold and anchoring of the epoxy beads. Composites reinforced by such fibers should potentially lead to significant enhancement of simultaneously both strength and toughness. Similarly, the mechanical and electrical properties of flexible functional composites can be enhanced by weaving the coated and beaded fibers into a smart fabric.
Chemo-mechanical-microstructural coupling in the tarsus exoskeleton of the scorpion Scorpio palmatus(2023) Acta Biomaterialia. 160, C, p. 176-186 Abstract
The multiscale structure of biomaterials enables their exceptional mechanical robustness, yet the impact of each constituent at their relevant length scale remains elusive. We used SAXD analysis to expose the intact chitin-fiber architecture within the exoskeleton on a scorpion's claw, revealing varying orientations, including Bouligand and unidirectional regions different from other arthropod species. We uncovered the contribution of individual components constituent behavior to its mechanical properties from the micro- to the nanoscale. At the microscale, in-situ micromechanical experiments were used to determine site-specific stiffness, strength, and failure of the biocomposite due to fiber orientation, while metal-crosslinking of proteins is characterized via fluorescence maps. At the constituent level, combined with FEA simulations, we uncovered the behavior of fiber-matrix deformation with fiber diameter
(2023) Journal of applied mechanics. 90, 2, 021007. Abstract
Introducing beads on the fibers is a promising design, which can give rise to enhanced strength and toughness of polymer matrix composites. In this study, we propose a computational model for fracture of the composites with beaded fibers, in which fiber breakage, plastic deformation of polymer matrix, friction between the bead and matrix, geometric interlocking between the bead and matrix, and debonding of the fiber-matrix, bead-matrix and fiber-bead interfaces are accounted for; calculations are carried out for pullout of beadless and beaded fibers embedded in a polymer matrix. It is found that the strength and toughness of the beaded-fiber reinforced composites are controlled by the synergistic interactions of operative mechanisms involved in fiber pullout. Compared with beadless fibers, beaded fibers enable the development of lower levels of stresses at the fiber-matrix and bead-matrix interfaces, retarding interfacial debonding. The presence of beads activates large plastic deformation of the polymer matrix and promotes geometric interlocking and frictional dissipation, giving rise to the simultaneous improvement of strength and toughness of the composites. It is identified that the polymer matrix with enhanced strain hardening spreads plastic deformation in the matrix and promotes stress transfer from the matrix to the fiber, thereby amplifying strength and toughness simultaneously. The fibers-matrix interface with intermediate strength levels leads to weak pullout resistance. In addition, we show that the low coefficient of friction plays a crucial role in promoting stress transfer from the matrix to fiber, thereby increasing the pullout resistance of beaded fibers.
(2022) ACS Applied Nano Materials. 5, 3, p. 3654-3666 Abstract
The molecular orientation in polymer fibers is investigated for the purpose of enhancing their optical properties through nanoscale control by nanowires mixed in electrospun solutions. A prototypical system, consisting of a conjugated polymer blended with polyvinylpyrrolidone, mixed with WO
nanowires, is analyzed. A critical strain rate of the electrospinning jet is determined by theoretical modeling at which point the polymer network undergoes a stretch transition in the fiber direction, resulting in a high molecular orientation that is partially retained after solidification. Nearing a nanowire boundary, local adsorption of the polymer and hydrodynamic drag further enhance the molecular orientation. These theoretical predictions are supported by polarized scanning near-field optical microscopy experiments, where the dichroic ratio of the light transmitted by the fiber provides evidence of increased orientation nearby nanowires. The addition of nanowires to enhance molecular alignment in polymer fibers might consequently enhance properties such as photoluminescence quantum yield, polarized emission, and tailored energy migration, exploitable in light-emitting photonic and optoelectronic devices and for sensing applications. -
(2022) Materials. 15, 3, p. 890- 890. Abstract
The fibre-matrix interface plays an important role in the overall mechanical behaviour of a fibre-reinforced composite, but the classical approach to improving the interface through chemical sizing is bounded by the materials' properties. By contrast, structural and/or geometrical modification of the interface may provide mechanical interlocking and have wider possibilities and benefits. Here we investigate the introduction of polymer beads along the interface of a fibre and validate their contribution by a single fibre fragmentation test. Using glass fibres and the same epoxy system for both matrix and beads, an increase of 17.5% is observed in the interfacial shear strength of the beaded fibres compared to fibres with no polymer beads. This increase should lead to a similar improvement in the strength and toughness of a beaded fibre composite when short fibres are used. The beads were also seen to stabilise the fragmentation process of a fibre by reducing the scatter in fragment density at a given strain. A case could also be made for a critical beads number-4 beads in our experimental system-to describe interfacial shear strength, analogous to a critical length used in fibre composites.
(2021) Materials. 14, 22, 6855. Abstract
Compared with their monolithic version, layered structures are known to be beneficial in the design of materials, especially ceramics, providing enhanced fracture toughness, mechanical strength, and overall reliability. This was proposed in recent decades and extensively studied in the engineering literature. The source of the property enhancement is the ability of layered structures to deflect and often arrest propagating cracks along internal interfaces between layers. Similar crack-stopping abilities are found in nature for a broad range of fibrillary layered biological structures. Such abilities are largely governed by complex architectural design solutions and geometries, which all appear to involve the presence of various types of internal interfaces at different structural levels. The simultaneous occurrence at several scales of different types of interfaces, designated here as hierarchical interfaces, within judiciously designed layered composite materials, is a powerful approach that constrains cracks to bifurcate and stop. This is concisely described here using selected biological examples, potentially serving as inspiration for alternative designs of engineering composites.
(2021) Polymer (Guilford). 235, 124307. Abstract
Drawn epoxy fibers possess increasingly high mechanical properties when their diameter is decreased down to a limit of about 10 μm. Smaller diameters with even higher properties can potentially be obtained by electrospinning. Yet, electrospinning of standalone epoxy fibers has not been possible so far, because of the reactivity of epoxy and the fragility of such fibers. These difficulties are overcome in the present study by dissolving the epoxy in methyl ethyl ketone solvent, and achieving suitable electrospinning conditions by controlling the degree of epoxy crosslinking in the solution. The fibers are captured on a net screen, with the positive electrode placed behind it. The resulting electrospun fibers exhibit about 80% higher strength and stiffness compared to bulk epoxy, and striking 900% higher elongation and 1200% higher toughness. Also observed is a size-dependence of the strength on the fiber diameter, which shows a sharp strength rise to more than 300 MPa (compared to about 70 MPa in bulk epoxy) in fibers of diameters down to 3 μm. This rise in properties is likely due to anisotropic molecular rearrangement resulting from the strong stretching forces induced by electrospinning. Highly performant epoxy nanofibers could find applications in diverse fields, including reinforcement in composites, sensors, coatings and electronic devices.
(2021) Polymer (Guilford). 230, 124034. Abstract
Fully cured epoxy resins are typically brittle materials but according to recent research, cured epoxy fibers exhibit a singular mechanical behavior, including yielding followed by large deformation, and very high strength, toughness, and modulus. These properties appear to intensify as the fiber diameter decreases. The microstructural origin of this unusual behavior has not been fully determined. Here we use confocal polarized Raman spectroscopy to monitor the apparent molecular reorientation induced by plastic deformation of epoxy fibers, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on these and previous X-ray diffraction measurements, a likely molecular explanation for the extreme mechanical behavior of micro-sized epoxy fibers is proposed.
(2021) Composites Science and Technology. 210, 108793. Abstract
The geometric modification of fibre-matrix interfaces is a promising approach for simultaneous improvement of strength and toughness of composites. In this study, we investigate the effect of discrete epoxy droplets deposited on glass fibres embedded in an epoxy matrix, using single fibre experiments. Pullout tests reveal increases in both the pullout force and work in beaded fibre samples compared to beadless ones. This is somewhat unexpected as the bead and the matrix are made of the same material (cured epoxy) and possess the same mechanical properties. Interestingly, upon pullout, only the fibres are extracted from the matrix whereas the beads remain within the matrix, indicating that failure occurs at the fibre-bead interface. The simultaneous improvement in pullout force and work seen during the pullout of beaded fibres is explained by a conceptual anchoring mechanism based on friction lock, which agrees well with the experimental results. Smaller beads yield higher increases in pullout force and work, leading to the possibility of denser packing of multiple beaded fibres in a practical composite.
(2021) Advanced Functional Materials. 31, 34, 2102923. Abstract
Bombyx mori silks possess great potential in textile industries due to the large-scale green production. However, the demand for silks with functional as well as mechanical properties are continuously rising due to the emergence of other functional textiles. It remains a great challenge to functionalize natural silk and simultaneously improve its mechanical properties. Inspired by the relationship between natural coresheath structure and mechanical properties of cocoon silk, the application of a thin reduced graphene oxide (rGO) layer coated B. mori silk (GS) is shown via hydrogen interfacial interaction. The resultant rGO-coated silk exhibits a remarkable tensile strength of 1137.7 MPa and toughness of 304.5 MJ m−3, which are 1.9 and 2.6 times higher than that of pure B. mori silk, respectively. Moreover, the GS shows a high electrical conductivity of 0.37 S m−1 with great thermal and deformation sensitivity. The bioinspired approach provides a universal and facile strategy for functionalizing natural fibers by applying rGO nanosheets surface coating.
(2021) Polymer Composites. 42, 3, p. 1214-1223 Abstract
We examined the combined effect of crosslinking and dual reinforcement on the thermal and mechanical properties of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Glutaric acid (GA) was used as crosslinker while tungsten disulfide nanotubes (WSNT) and carboxylated multiwall carbon nanotubes (f-MWCNT) were used as dual reinforcing agents. Tensile strength and toughness of the hybrid composite, that is, crosslinked PVA reinforced with both f-MWCNT and WSNT, was higher than those of neat PVA, crosslinked PVA, crosslinked PVA reinforced with WSNT and crosslinked PVA reinforced with f-MWCNT. The hybrid composite showed remarkable improvement over neat PVA: tensile strength increased by 138%, Young's modulus increased by 142%, and toughness increased by 246%. Water uptake tendency and thermal stability of the composites were also examined and compared. The advantage of using dual reinforcement was a simultaneous increment in tensile strength and toughness, similar to what is observed in some natural materials like nacre.
(2021) Carbon. 173, p. 705-714 Abstract
The reinforcement of composites by carbon-nanotubes (CNTs) is typically limited by agglomeration and non-uniform dispersion. Thus, achieving a nanocomposite with high density of reinforcement material is a tough challenge. In this work, rather than mixing CNTs in a matrix, we first construct a dense CNT-network scaffold, and then impregnate it by the matrix to obtain a composite. To that end, we explore an evaporation-driven self-assembly approach to form 3D CNT scaffolds on quartz fibers, which combines high CNT density and nanoscale pore size with a straightforward, efficient process. The scaffold is thicker than the fiber by more than an order of magnitude, with a typical pore size of 70 nm and porosity of 60%. The strength of a scaffold-reinforced composite is evaluated by a fragmentation test. μCT 3D-reconstruction of the fragmented scaffold reveals that the matrix-impregnated scaffold creates a multiscale structure that under load behaves much like a fibrous composite. The fragmentation results are analyzed by a mechanical model, demonstrating a scaffold-composite strength of ∼200 MPa. The improved strength and relatively high CNT volume fraction (∼20%), along with the capability of tuning the scaffold thickness and density, make the proposed structure a promising prospect for composite reinforcement, as well as for diverse nanoscale applications.
(2021) Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. 16, 2, 026013. Abstract
Biological structures such as bone, nacre and exoskeletons are organized hierarchically, with the degree of isotropy correlating with the length-scale. In these structures, the basic components are nanofibers or nanoplatelets, which are strong and stiff but anisotropic, whereas at the macrolevel, isotropy is preferred because the direction and magnitude of loads is unpredictable. The structural features and mechanisms, which drive the transition from anisotropy to isotropy across length scales, raise fundamental questions and are therefore the subject of the current study. Focusing on the tibia (fixed finger) of the scorpion pincer, bending tests of cuticle samples confirm the macroscale isotropy of the strength, stiffness, and toughness. Imaging analysis of the cuticle reveals an intricate multilayer laminated structure, with varying chitin-protein fiber orientations, arranged in eight hierarchical levels. We show that the cuticle flexural stiffness is increased by the existence of a thick intermediate layer, not seen before in the claws of crustaceans. Using laminate analysis to model the cuticle structure, we were able to correlate the nanostructure to the macro-mechanical properties, uncovering shear enhancing mechanisms at different length scales. These mechanisms, together with the hierarchical structure, are essential for achieving macro-scale isotropy. Interlaminar failure analysis of the cuticle leads to an estimation of the protein matrix shear strength, previously not measured. A similar structural approach can be adopted to the design of future synthetic composites with balanced strength, stiffness, toughness, and isotropy.
(2021) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 140, 106161. Abstract
The surface modification of aramid fibers is an essential and potent approach to manipulate and improve fiber properties. Biogenic fibers are in stark contrast, as exemplified by the case of natural silk fibers. This high-performance fiber features a surface functionalization as a thin sericin film enwraps it for improving the mechanical properties of silks. Inspired by this unique sheath structure of biogenic silk, we improved the performance of aramid fibers by exploiting a coating composed of reduced graphene oxide nanosheets that self-assemble on the fiber surface guided by hydrogen bonding and π-π stacking interactions. The graphene functionalized aramid fibers show a remarkable 1 GPa improvement in tensile strength. Moreover, the functionalized aramid fiber also shows high electrical conductivity which preserved 99% of its conductivity even after 100 cycles. Our approach provides a universal strategy for improving the performance of the fiber via surface functionalization by graphene nanosheets.
(2021) Express Polymer Letters. 15, 8, p. 708-724 Abstract
Natural materials often consist of hierarchical architectures, which are extremely efficient in mechanical terms. Whereas the structure-function relationship is well-studied in natural hard materials, soft materials are not getting equal at-tention, despite their high prevalence in nature. These soft materials are usually constructed as fiber-reinforced composites consisting of diverse structural motifs that result in an overall unique mechanical behavior. In this study, as a proof-of-concept, a soft biomimetic composite was fabricated from a hierarchical electrospun polyamide fiber, reinforcing a hydrogel matrix and creating a simple synthetic analog for natural soft composites. This material system investigates the structure-function relationship between the structure and mechanical function by mimicking different structural motifs. The polyamide-hydrogel composite exhibited large deformations and nonlinear material behavior. Varying degrees of crimping enabled a controlled strain stiffening behavior and engineered transition from matrix-dominated to fiber-dominated behavior. We also observed that the individual nanofibers in our bundles created cross-bridges with the matrix and within the bundle, making the material system more resistant to failure. Our bio-inspired composite demonstrated mechanical behaviors similar to natural soft com-posites, which can aid in the future design and development of the next generation of soft architectural composites.
(2020) Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 8, 18, p. 6034-6041 Abstract
Strain sensors are used in varied applications, including personal healthcare monitoring, human-machine interaction, and artificial skin. Here, we report fabrication of a highly sensitive capacitive strain sensor comprising a self-healing polydiacetylene-polyacrylic acid-Cr3+ hydrogel. The dielectric hydrogel medium was prepared through a simple synthesis scheme from readily available ingredients. The elasticity and pronounced sensitivity of the composite hydrogel are attributed to the distinct components of the system. The Cr(H2O)(6)(3+) complexes function as cross linkers, maintaining stability of the hydrogel framework through electrostatic binding to carboxylate moieties within both the polyacrylic acid and polydiacetylene, additionally facilitating incorporation of high concentration of water molecules essential for maintaining hydrogel elasticity. In parallel, polydiacetylene, employed here for the first time as a vehicle for strain sensing, endows the system with high intrinsic capacitance sensitivity to mechanical stimuli, further exhibiting a major contribution towards greater flexibility and resilience under high strains. The sensor exhibits high stretchability of 500%, and high sensitivity exhibiting a gauge factor (GF) of up to 160. Applications of the polydiacetylene-polyacrylic acid-Cr3+ capacitive hydrogel sensor for physiological strain monitoring are presented.
(2020) Materials. 13, 10, 2415. Abstract
Short fibers may serve as toughening agents of composite materials because of the high energy dissipated during fracture, associated with numerous fiber pullouts. An ongoing challenge is to improve their toughness even further, by directing and concentrating fibers near highly stressed structural regions. Weak magnetic fields are utilized to increase the fracture toughness of an epoxy matrix reinforced by short magnetized glass fibers by directing and concentrating fibers near highly stressed structural regions. The orientation and local concentration of the fibers are controlled by the vector components of the magnetic field, and by the gradient in field intensity, respectively. Optimized fracture toughness was achieved by using two pairs of permanent magnets, combining enhanced concentration of fibers in the crack-tip vicinity with alignment of the fibers along the load direction. This optimized value was well above the reference fracture-toughness measured for composites with the same filler content in the absence of a magnetic field, as well as above the value achieved by exploiting unidirectional alignment, without fiber translation, using a solenoid. The method suggested in this study-localized reinforcement using magnetic translation of fillers through the formation of magnetic gradients-enables efficient and controllable improvement in the composite's overall resistance to fracture, without the involvement of additional phases or material.
(2020) Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications. 108, 110505. Abstract
Electrospinning is one of the most investigated methods used to produce polymeric fiber scaffolds that mimic the morphology of native extracellular matrix. These structures have been extensively studied in the context of scaffolds for tissue regeneration. However, the compactness of materials obtained by traditional electrospinning, collected as two-dimensional non-woven scaffolds, can limit cell infiltration and tissue ingrowth. In addition, for applications in smooth muscle tissue engineering, highly elastic scaffolds capable of withstanding cyclic mechanical strains without suffering significant permanent deformations are preferred. In order to address these challenges, we report the fabrication of microscale 3D helically coiled scaffolds (referred as 3D-HCS) by wet-electrospinning method, a modification of the traditional electrospinning process in which a coagulation bath (non-solvent system for the electrospun material) is used as the collector. The present study, for the first time, successfully demonstrates the feasibility of using this method to produce various architectures of 3D helically coiled scaffolds (HCS) from segmented copolyester of poly (butylene succinate-co-dilinoleic succinate) (PBS-DLS), a thermoplastic elastomer. We examined the role of process parameters and propose a mechanism for the HCS formation. Fabricated 3D-HCS showed high specific surface area, high porosity, and good elasticity. Further, the marked increase in cell proliferation on 3D-HCS confirmed the suitability of these materials as scaffolds for soft tissue engineering.
(2020) Polymer. 190, 122226. Abstract
In this work, we investigate the governing fixation mechanism in a polycaprolactone-diol/2,4,2,6-Toluene diisocyanate/Ethylene glycol based shape memory polyurethane (SMPU). In particular, we test whether strain-driven crystallization, known to govern the SMPU fixation state in semi-crystalline SMPUs, is indeed vital for a significant memory capability. As synthesized, the SMPU exhibits semi-crystalline morphology. However, after heating, the synthesized semi-crystalline SMPU becomes amorphous and retains this state for up to 60 h, so that its crystallization is delayed. Consequently, this enables a complete shape-memory cycle without the effect of crystallization over the shape-memory properties. We show that in the amorphous state, the bulk SMPU displays substantial memory-effect capabilities approaching optimal performance, without contribution from crystallization mechanisms. This effect is further enhanced in electrospun SMPU nanofibers, likely as a result of the high molecular orientation induced by extensional flow. We propose that the dominant fixation and recovery mechanism in such SMPUs is the inhibition of molecular chain mobility, imposed by interlocking of the SMPU hard-segments when the polymer network is cooled below the transition temperature.
(2020) Journal of Materials Science. 55, 2, p. 535-544 Abstract
Nanodiamonds (NDs) were synthesized under atmospheric conditions by heating a precursor powder mixture consisting of naphthalene and a microwave (MW) absorbing material inside an ordinary MW oven for 10 min. Pyrolysis of naphthalene led to the formation of onion-like carbon particles which then converted to NDs after prolonged MW irradiation. Different carbon-based materials like graphite, carbon black, graphene, and carbon nanotubes were used as microwave radiation absorbers that assisted in the dissociation of naphthalene and formation of NDs. ND particles were formed in both isolated as well as aggregated forms. Size of the particles ranged from 2 to 700 nm. Scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis were used to characterize the NDs present in the MW-synthesized product. The proposed MW-based ND synthesis technique is simple, fast, inexpensive, energy efficient and could be suitable for industrial scale production.
(2020) Nature Communications. 11, 1, 224. Abstract
Helicoidal formations often appear in natural microstructures such as bones and arthropods exoskeletons. Named Bouligands after their discoverer, these structures are angle-ply laminates that assemble from laminae of chitin or collagen fibers embedded in a proteinaceous matrix. High resolution electron microscope images of cross-sections through scorpion claws are presented here, uncovering structural features that are different than so-far assumed. These include in-plane twisting of laminae around their corners rather than through their centers, and a second orthogonal rotation angle which gradually tilts the laminae out-of-plane. The resulting Bouligand laminate unit (BLU) is highly warped, such that neighboring BLUs are intricately intertwined, tightly nested and mechanically interlocked. Using classical laminate analysis extended to laminae tilting, it is shown that tilting significantly enhances the laminate flexural stiffness and strength, and may improve toughness by diverting crack propagation. These observations may be extended to diverse biological species and potentially applied to synthetic structures.
(2020) Matter. 2, 1, p. 220-232 Abstract
Summary Epoxy nanocomposites have many promising applications in the fields of aerospace and aeronautics, as well as many others. Achieving tough epoxy nanocomposites remains a great challenge, however. One inspiration for improving the mechanical properties of epoxy nanocomposites is nacre, which has remarkable fracture toughness for its layered \u201cbrick-and-mortar\u201d architecture. Inspired by this, we fabricated a lamellar graphene scaffold by the freeze-casting technique. An alternating-layered epoxy-graphene nanocomposite was made by infiltrating epoxy into this graphene scaffold. As our epoxy-graphene nanocomposite consists of ∼99 wt % organic epoxy, in contrast to nacre containing ∼96 wt % inorganic aragonite, we call it an \u201cinverse nacre-like\u201d epoxy-graphene layered nanocomposite. It exhibits exceptional fracture toughness, 3.61 times that of pure epoxy, and demonstrates anisotropic conductivity due to the anisotropic graphene scaffold, which can be used to detect cracks. Our bioinspired strategy provides a promising approach to combine excellent mechanical properties with functional properties to fabricate high-performance nanocomposites.
(2019) Graefes Archive For Clinical And Experimental Ophthalmology. 257, 12, p. 2691-2695 Abstract
Purpose: To determine the effect of the hormones estrogen and progesterone on the biomechanical properties of porcine corneas. Methods: Thirty fresh porcine corneas were acquired from an abattoir. The corneas were equally divided into three groups. Groups were incubated for 1 week in Eusol-C solution containing supra-physiologic concentrations of estrogen, progesterone, or control (no added hormone). After incubation, the central corneal thickness (CCT) of each cornea was measured using an electronic caliper, and then the corneas were cut into strips. The strips were then clamped in the pneumatic jaws of a computer-controlled biomaterial tester (Instron 4502, USA) and stretched at a constant rate of 1 mm/min until tissue rupture while constantly recording the stress and strain of the tissue. Stressstrain curves were plotted and Youngs modulus was calculated for each corneal strip. Results: Average corneal thickness was 873.5 ± 143.1 μm for the control group, 928.0 ± 97.7 μm for the estrogen group, and 922.0 ± 116.7 μm for the progesterone group (data presented as mean ± SD). There was no statistically significant difference between the groups regarding the CCT (p = 0.89). The average Youngs modulus was 17.00 ± 3.46 MPa for the control group, 16.95 ± 6.83 MPa for the progesterone group, and 12.33 ± 3.24 MPa for the estrogen group. The difference between the control and estrogen groups was statistically significant (p = 0.018) while the difference between the control and progesterone groups was not (p = 0.72). Conclusion: Estrogen has a relaxing effect on the porcine cornea, resulting in reduced stiffness of the tissue. Progesterone has no significant effect on the biomechanical properties of porcine corneas. Estrogen and progesterone do not significantly affect CCT.
(2019) Express Polymer Letters. 13, 11, p. 993-1003 Abstract
Epoxy fibers with different diameters were prepared by hot drawing and their mechanical properties were measured under tension. The stiffness, strength, ultimate strain, and toughness revealed substantial scale-dependent effects as they all significantly increased with a decrease in size. Compared to bulk epoxy, an intrinsically brittle material, thin epoxy fibers displayed a highly ductile behavior under tension. A drop in stress observed immediately beyond the yield point was followed by the development of a stable necking region propagating through the entire fiber length, then by strain-hardening up to final rupture. Necked fiber segments tested in tension were found to have even higher strength and modulus compared to the initial as-prepared fibers. Possible reasons for the highly ductile mechanical behavior and the size effects of epoxy fibers are discussed. Size effects for the strength of epoxy can be elucidated in principle either by means of a classical fracture mechanics argument (strength ~ 1/d
1/2), or via a stochastic model argument (strength ~ 1/d
1/β, where β is a function of the material and is generally larger than 2). In both models the presence and size of critical defects play a key role. However, defects cannot explain the colossal ductility (plastic deformation) seen in our experiments, nor can the presence of defects justify a size effect in an elastic property, namely Youngs modulus. Only scarce evidence exists in the literature for similar (milder) size effects in epoxy fibers but without any structural justification. We find here that highly cross-linked necked epoxy fibers exhibit partial macromolecular anisotropy which likely explains the observed high mechanical characteristics. -
(2019) Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 30, 10, p. 2549-2557 Abstract
We describe a new family of composite materials, polymer/organic nanocrystal (ONC) hybrids. These were prepared from soluble ONCs based on perylene diimides (PDI) and water-soluble polymers (sodium alginate and polyvinyl alcohol). Polymer/ONC films were characterized by optical spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and tensile strength studies. The films show enhanced chemical and mechanical stability due to synergy between the constituents. The hybrid films are stable in both water and organic solvents, unlike the individual components. The ONCs we employed possess nonlinear optical activity (second harmonic generation, SHG); they showed improved photostability (stable SHG under laser light) in the hybrids. Tensile strength enhancement (as high as twofold in the film having just 2.4% ONCs by weight) was observed as revealed by mechanical measurements. Hybrids with aligned ONCs were also prepared using simple extrusion via syringe needle followed by gelation. Employing ONCs in polymeric hybrid materials enables facile fabrication in aqueous media, synergy, chemical, mechanical, and photostability as well as useful photofunction (SHG), introducing a versatile class of composite materials.
(2019) ACS Nano. 13, 10, p. 11097-11106 Abstract
In view of their facile fabrication and recycling, functional materials that are built from small molecules ("molecular plastics") may represent a cost-efficient and sustainable alternative to conventional covalent materials. We show how molecular plastics can be made robust and how their (nano)structure can be tuned via modular construction. For this purpose, we employed binary composites of organic nanocrystals based on a perylene diimide derivative, with graphene oxide (GO), bentonite nanoclay (NC), or hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), that both reinforce and enable tailoring the properties of the membranes. The hybrids are prepared via a simple aqueous deposition method, exhibit enhanced mechanical robustness, and can be recycled. We utilized these properties to create separation membranes with tunable porosity that are easy to fabricate and recycle. Hybrids 1/HEC and 1/NC are capable of ultrafiltration, and 1/NC removes heavy metals from water with high efficiency. Hybrid 1/GO shows mechanical properties akin to covalent materials with just 2-10% (by weight) of GO. This hybrid was used as a membrane for immobilizing β-galactosidase that demonstrated long and stable biocatalytic activity. Our findings demonstrate the utility of modular molecular nanoplastics as robust and sustainable materials that enable efficient tuning of structure and function and are based on self-assembly of readily available inexpensive components.
(2019) Acta Biomaterialia. 94, p. 565-573 Abstract
Since scorpions exist almost all over the world, some expected body differences exist among the species: undoubtedly, the most evident is the shape and size of their pincers or chelae. The scorpion chela is a multifunctional body component (e.g. attack/defense, mating and protection from the environment) that leads to the development of different stresses in the cuticle. How such stresses in the cuticle are accommodated by different chelae shape and size is largely unknown. Here we provide new comparative data on the hierarchical structure and mechanical properties of the chela cuticle in two scorpion species: Scorpio Maurus Palmatus (SP) that has a large chela and Buthus Occitanus Israelis (BO), with a slender chela. We found that the SP exocuticle is composed of four different sublayers whereas the BO exocuticle displays only two sublayers. These structures are different from the exocuticle morphologies in crustaceans, where the Bouligand morphology is present throughout the entire layer. Moreover, the scorpion chela cuticle presents an exclusive structural layer made of unidirectional fibers arranged vertically towards the normal direction of the cuticle. Nanoindentation measurements were performed under dry conditions on transversal and longitudinal planes to evaluate the stiffness and hardness of the different chela cuticle layers in both scorpions. The chela cuticle structure is a key factor towards the decision of the scorpion whether to choose to sting or use the chela for other mechanical functions. Statement of Significance: Many arthropods such as lobsters, crabs, stomatopods, isopods, and spiders have been the subject of research in recent years, and their hierarchical structure and mechanical properties extensively investigated. Yet, except for a limited number of pre-1980 publications, comparatively little work has been devoted to the terrestrial scorpion. The scorpion chela is a multifunctional part of the body (e.g. attack/defense, mating and protection from the environment) that involves the development of various stresses in the cuticle. How these stresses in the chela cuticle are managed by different chelae shape and size is still unknown. The lack of a single study that integrates morphological characterization of the entire hierarchical structure of the scorpion chela cuticle, and local mechanical properties, significantly affects the scientific knowledge regarding important structural approaches that can be used by nature to maximize functionality.
(2019) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 58, 23, p. 7636-7640 Abstract
Epoxy nanocomposites combining high toughness with advantageous functional properties are needed in many fields. However, fabricating high-performance homogeneous epoxy nanocomposites with traditional methods remains a great challenge. Nacre with outstanding fracture toughness presents an ideal blueprint for the development of future epoxy nanocomposites. Now, high-performance epoxy-graphene layered nanocomposites were demonstrated with ultrahigh toughness and temperature-sensing properties. These nanocomposites are composed of ca. 99wt% organic epoxy, which is in contrast to the composition of natural nacre (ca. 96wt% inorganic aragonite). These nanocomposites are named an inverse artificial nacre. The fracture toughness reaches about 4.2 times higher than that of pure epoxy. The electrical resistance is temperature-sensitive and stable under various humidity conditions. This strategy opens an avenue for fabricating high-performance epoxy nanocomposites with functional properties.
(2019) ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. 7, 12, p. 10623-10632 Abstract
Poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) is a thermoplastic and biodegradable polyester characterized by high rigidity due to its high crystallinity. However, the use of long-chain biobased monomers to produce segmented copolymers is an effective strategy to tailor the properties of PBS, such as increasing flexibility. In this Article, a series of aliphatic biocopolyesters of poly(butylene succinate-dilinoleic succinate) (PBS-DLS) were successfully synthesized via a direct two-step polycondensation method using a semipilot scale reactor for melt polymerization and titanium dioxide/silicon dioxide coprecipitate catalyst (C-94), an alternative catalytic system. The change in catalyst led to a reduced reaction time and eliminated the distillation step required for the typical organometallic titanium catalyst, thus representing an improvement in energy efficiency. In this study, the thermal and mechanical properties were investigated and compared, focusing on the effect of varying the amount of biobased dilinoleic diol in the structure. With increasing amount of long-chain diol, a decrease in molecular weight, density, and melt flow index was observed. The semicrystalline nature of the copolymers was confirmed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) methods. Increasing the soft DLS segment content in the copolymer series resulted in an increase in the elastic behavior of the polymers. The broad range of crystallization temperatures and melt flow index values indicates that a polyester library with customizable properties that spans PBS applications has been successfully obtained.
(2019) Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 125, p. 384-400 Abstract
We present a theoretical analysis of the elastic stresses in a composite reinforced with beaded fibers by extending the classic Cox shear lag theory. The motivation for reinforcing a composite with beaded fibers is to improve both strength and toughness, two often conflicting properties. It is found that owing to their geometry beads intermittently placed on a fiber enhance fiber anchoring in the matrix, and can potentially dissipate energy by deforming the matrix during failure. The composite stiffness is shown to improve compared to a composite with beadless fibers, particularly when the beads are large and stiffer than the surrounding matrix. The stress profiles in the fiber, bead, matrix and along their respective interfaces incur periodic perturbations induced by the beads, modeled by Hill equation. For given elastic constants and bead geometry, these profiles reveal the weakest link loci in the structure, and consequently determine the composite strength and failure mode. A finite element analysis is presented that confirms our results. The bead-fiber and bead-matrix interfaces may be tuned by choice of materials and coatings to achieve desired mechanical properties.
(2019) Lubricants. 7, 3, 28. Abstract
Composites of poly(l-lactic acid) (PLLA) reinforced by adding inorganic nanotubes of tungsten disulfide (INT-WS2) were prepared by solvent casting. In addition to the pristine nanotubes, PLLA nanocomposites containing surface modified nanotubes were studied as well. Several surface-active agents, including polyethylene imine (PEI), were studied in this context. In addition, other biocompatible polymers, like poly d,l-lactic acid (PDLLA) and others were considered in combination with the INT-WS2. The nanotubes were added to the polymer in different proportions up to 3 wt %. The dispersion of the nanotubes in the nanocomposites were analyzed by several techniques, including X-ray tomography microscopy (Micro-XCT). Moreover, high-temperature rheological measurements of the molten polymer were conducted. In contrast to other nanoparticles, which lead to a considerable increase of the viscosity of the molten polymer, the WS2 nanotubes did not affect the viscosity significantly. They did not affect the complex viscosity of the molten PLLA phase, either. The mechanical and tribological properties of the nanocomposites were found to improve considerably by adding the nanotubes. A direct correlation was observed between the dispersion of the nanotubes in the polymer matrix and its mechanical properties.
(2019) Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 7, 6, p. 2787-2794 Abstract
Shape memory polymers are widely used in industrial applications. Despite extensive and continuous research studies, it is still a great challenge to improve the mechanical properties without affecting their shape memory properties. One approach to improving them is to seek inspiration from natural materials that exhibit superior performance and provide an infinite source of design guidelines. Inspired by the hierarchical architecture of nacre, we have prepared nacre-like shape memory epoxy-graphene composites via freeze-casting, a technique to create lamellar materials with complex hierarchical microstructures. Perpendicular to the lamellar direction, the fracture toughness of our composites is similar to 2.5 times that of the epoxy matrix, due to the synergy of extrinsic toughening mechanisms combining crack deflection, crack branching, crack bridging, and friction between the layered platelets. We achieved high damage-tolerance in our composites by having some degree of plasticity to relax stresses in an epoxy layer. The shape memory properties can be activated using external heating. Due to the electrical conductivity of graphene, we have also achieved electro-active shape memory composites. Our approach suggests an avenue for producing bioinspired shape memory composites with good mechanical and multi-functional properties by utilizing the design principles and strengthening/toughening mechanisms active in nacre and other biological materials.
(2018) Composites Part A-Applied Science And Manufacturing. 112, p. 525-538 Abstract
Carbon nanotube grafted carbon fibers (CNT-g-CFs) were prepared continuously, spool to spool, via thermal CVD. The application of an in-situ potential difference (300 V), between the fibers and a cylindrical graphite foil counter electrode, enhanced the growth, producing a uniform coverage of carbon nanotubes with diameter ca. 10 nm and length ca. 125 nm. Single fiber tensile tests show that this approach avoids the significant reduction of the underlying carbon fiber strengths, which is usually associated with CVD grafting processes. Single fiber fragmentation tests in epoxy, with in-situ video fragment detection, demonstrated that the CNT-g-CFs have the highest interfacial shear strength reported for such systems (101 +/- 5 MPa), comparable to state-of-the-art sizing controls (103 +/- 8 MPa). Single fiber pull-out data show similar trends. The short length of the grafted CNTs is particularly attractive for retaining the volume fraction of the primary fibers in composite applications. The results are compared with a short review of the interfacial data available for related systems.
(2018) Composites Science and Technology. 160, p. 21-31 Abstract
Simultaneous improvement of strength and toughness is a challenge in composite materials, as an improvement in one is generally at the expense of the other. The filler-matrix interface has a crucial role in such improvement. It appears that modification of the interfacial structure/geometry may have wider possibilities and benefits than the classical chemical bonding approach. Using a model glass-epoxy fiber-reinforced composite, we modified the regular cylindrical fiber-matrix interface by applying intermittent epoxy beads along the fiber, taking advantage of the Plateau-Rayleigh liquid instability phenomenon. Under load, the beads serve as fiber anchors in the matrix, thus exploiting the fiber strength to its maximum. During fracture, the pullout of beads through the matrix appears to dissipate more plastic deformation energy compared to the pullout of regular fibers. Fragmentation tests of beaded fibers in epoxy matrix demonstrate these failure mechanisms; single-bead fiber pullout tests with different bead sizes and surface treatments provide strength and toughness data that substantiate this approach. The concept of intermittent beading has ample possibilities for optimization. It is also scalable and therefore practical.
(2018) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 10, 19, p. 16802-16811 Abstract
The flexural rigidity of cylindrical specimens, composed of epoxy reinforced by short, magnetized glass fibers, was enhanced using weak magnetic fields (
(2018) Polymer International. 67, 4, p. 414-421 Abstract
The effect of basalt fibre sizing on the mechanical and interphase properties of fibre-reinforced composites was studied. Two different chemical preparations of the fibre surface (PBT-compliant and PP-compliant) were used. The polymer matrix was prepared from polypropylene/poly(butylene terephthalate) (PP/PBT) immiscible polymer blend and the effect of different compatibilizers on the composite properties was evaluated. SEM hints at improved fibre adhesion to the polymer matrix when a PP-compliant sizing is applied. SEM also reveals improved compatibilization effects when block copolymer instead of multiblock copolymer is used for the PP/PBT blend preparation. The pull-out test was applied to quantitatively evaluate the interface adhesion between the fibres and matrices. It showed a high value of the interfacial shear strength between basalt fibres modified with PP-compliant sizing and polymer blend compatibilized by block copolymer, thus confirming good adhesion. One possible explanation of such good mechanical properties can be related to the chemical interactions between functional groups, mainly maleic anhydride on basalt fibres and the polyolefin component (PP) of the polymer matrix.
(2018) Journal of Materials Science. 53, 8, p. 5879-5890 Abstract
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) and tungsten disulphide nanotubes (WS2-INT) have been widely used to improve the strength and toughness of composite materials. The mechanisms of such improvements are extensively studied, but it is not often clear what prompts a specific reinforcement mechanism to work. In this work we prepared two similar systems reinforced with different nanofillers (MWNT and WS2-INT). Using in situ optical microscopy and post-fracture electron microscopy, we established that using different nanofillers results in a different type of fracture and a different reinforcement mechanism. When compared to non-reinforced composites both systems showed significant improvements in both strength and fracture toughness.
(2018) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 140, 14, p. 4761-4764 Abstract
We demonstrate a solution-based fabrication of centimeter-size free-standing films assembled from organic nanocrystals based on common organic dyes (perylene diimides, PDIs). These nanostructured films exhibit good mechanical stability, and thermal robustness superior to most plastics, retaining the crystalline microstructure and macroscopic shape upon heating up to 250-300 degrees C. The films show nonlinear optical response and can be used as ultrafiltration membranes. The macroscopic functional materials based on small molecules can be alternative or complementary to materials based on macromolecules.
(2018) 30, Abstract
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies of laminated selfassembled Ncapped diphenylalanine crystals are presented by Lihi AdlerAbramovich, Ehud Gazit, and coworkers in article number 1704551. These crystals exhibit wellordered crystal packing and diffraction of subÅngstrom resolution, yet display an exceptionally flexible nature. The combination of strength, toughness, and flexibility can be explained in terms of weak interactions between the rigid crystal layers, which are presented in the SEM image shown.
(2018) Advanced Materials. 30, 5, 1704551. Abstract
One major challenge of functional material fabrication is combining flexibility, strength, and toughness. In several biological and artificial systems, these desired mechanical properties are achieved by hierarchical architectures and various forms of anisotropy, as found in bones and nacre. Here, it is reported that crystals of N-capped diphenylalanine, one of the most studied self-assembling systems in nanotechnology, exhibit well-ordered packing and diffraction of sub-angstrom resolution, yet display an exceptionally flexible nature. To explore this flexibility, the mechanical properties of individual crystals are evaluated, assisted by density functional theory calculations. High-resolution scanning electron microscopy reveals that the crystals are composed of layered self-assembled structures. The observed combination of strength, toughness, and flexibility can therefore be explained in terms of weak interactions between rigid layers. These crystals represent a novel class of self-assembled layered materials, which can be utilized for various technological applications, where a combination of usually contradictory mechanical properties is desired.
(2018) Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium Architectured Materials Mechanics. Barthelat F.. & Siegmund T..(eds.). Abstract
(2018) Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium Architectured Materials Mechanics, September 17-19, 2018. Barthelat F. B. & Siegmund T..(eds.). Abstract
(2018) Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium Architectured Materials Mechanics, September 17-19, 2018. Barthelat F.. & Siegmund T..(eds.). Abstract
(2017) Journal of Biomechanics. 65, p. 125-130 Abstract
Dentin is a biocomposite possessing elegant hierarchical structure, which allows it to resist fracture effectively. Despite the considerable efforts to unravel the peculiar fracture behavior of dentin, the effect of microstructural features on the fracture process is largely unknown. In this study, we explore the interaction between the primary crack with crack tip located in intertubular dentin (ITD) and microcracking of peritubular dentin (PTD) ahead of the primary crack. A micromechanical model accounting for the unique composite structure of dentin is developed, and computational simulations are performed. It is found that the microcracking of PTD located in the crack plane in front of the primary crack tip can promote the propagation of the primary crack, increasing the propensity of coalescence of primary crack and micro cracks nucleating in PTD. We show that the two-layer microstructure of dentin enables reduction in driving force of primary crack, potentially enhancing fracture toughness. The high stiffness of PTD plays a critical role in reducing the driving force of primary crack and activating microcracking of PTD. It is further identified that the microcracking of PTD arranged parallel to the crack plane with an offset could contribute to the shielding of primary crack. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
(2017) Cornea. 36, 11, p. 1395-1401 Abstract
Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine the effect of variation of the exposure time of near-infrared irradiation on corneal stiffening after a bacteriochlorophyll derivative (WST11) with dextran (WST-D) application.Methods: One hundred four paired eyes of 3-month-old New Zealand White rabbits were included in this study. Fifty-two eyes (ex vivo n = 34, in vivo n = 18) were mechanically deepithelialized, treated topically with WST-D, and irradiated at 10 mW/(c)m(2) using a diode laser at 755 nm for 1, 5, or 30 minutes. Untreated fellow eyes served as controls. Corneoscleral rings were removed immediately after treatment (ex vivo), or 1 month after treatment (in vivo). Corneal strips were cut and underwent biomechanical stress-strain measurements.Results: Ex vivo, the mean tangent elastic modulus was significantly higher in the treatment groups than in the control groups for 1, 5, and 30 minutes of irradiation, respectively, 6.06 MPa, 95% confidence interval (CI, 4.5-7.6) versus 14.02 MPa, 95% CI (10.2-17.8), n = 11, 4.8 MPa, 95% CI (3.9-5.7) versus 15.03 MPa, 95% CI (12-18.1), n = 11, and 7.8 MPa, 95% CI (5.6-10.02) versus 16.2 MPa, 95% CI (13.6-18.9), n = 11; P
(2017) Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 73, p. 50-67 Abstract
The turtle carapace, the top dorsal part of the shell, is a remarkable multi-scale dermal armor that has evolved to withstand various types of high-stress events encountered in nature. This keratin-covered boney exoskeleton exhibits a number of structural motifs, including alternating rigid and flexible components, layering and functionally graded elements, designed to protect the reptile during predatory attacks, and smashing events. Here we review the multi-scale structural hierarchy of the turtle carapace and its corresponding mechanical properties. We show how the microscopic features of the carapace govern its various macroscopic mechanical responses relevant to protective functioning, including dynamic (impact and cyclic) compression and bending loading situations. In addition, the effect of hydration, a crucial factor for proper physiological-mechanical behavior of biological materials, is illustrated throughout. We also discuss carapace-inspired designs that could be advantageous over the traditional strategies adopted in impact-resistant materials, and could bring new mechanistic insights.
(2017) Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 58, 10, p. 4089-4095 Abstract
PURPOSE. To determine the long-term safety and efficacy of WST-D/near-infrared (NIR) corneal stiffening. METHODS. One eye of 23 New Zealand White rabbits was de-epithelialized mechanically followed by topical application of 2.5 mg/mL WST11, combined with dextran-500 (WST-D) for 20 minutes. Subsequently, samples were irradiated with a NIR (755 nm) laser at 10 mW/cm2 for 30 minutes. Untreated fellow eyes served as controls. One week (n = 4), 1 month (n = 6), 4 months (n = 9), or 8 months (n = 4) after treatment rabbits were euthanized. Corneal strips were cut in superiorinferior direction for extensiometry testing (1, 4, and 8 months), and histologic sections were prepared for evaluation of keratocyte distribution (1 week and 8 months). RESULTS. Elastic modulus after treatment was significantly higher than in paired controls (16.0 ± 2.3 MPa versus 9.6 ± 3.6 MPa [P = 0.008], 18.1 ± 4.5 MPa versus 12.6 ± 2.3 MPa [P = 0.003], and 18.6 ± 3.6 MPa versus 14.2 ± 3.6 MPa [P = 0.010], at 1, 4, and 8 months, respectively). A significant decrease in keratocyte count at the anterior stroma was observed directly after treatment (1.5 ± 1.7 vs. 19.0 ± 4.1 [P = 0.002]). At 8 months keratocyte repopulation appeared completed, with similar distribution in treated and untreated corneas (15.9 ± 1.1 vs. 14.5 ± 2.5 [P = 0.562]). Corneal thickness was comparable between treated and untreated corneas at all time points. CONCLUSIONS. WST-D/NIR treatment resulted in significant and persistent long-term increase in corneal stiffness. Initial keratocyte apoptosis in the anterior stroma is followed by repopulation to normal level at 8 months after treatment. The safe nature of NIR light allows treatment of corneas of any thickness without endangering corneal endothelium or deeper ocular structures, potentially benefiting patients deemed unsuitable for riboflavin/UV-A cross-linking.
(2017) Journal of Materials Science. 52, 14, p. 8357-8361 Abstract
In this article, the authors present their point of view on whether an analogy can be drawn between nano and classical microcomposites. Their opinion corresponds with a 25-year-old opinion article by Calvert and is based on their own extensive studies and a large body of studies in the scientific literature. They propose that polymer nanocomposites are in fact quasi-homogeneous molecular blends, which ought to be regarded as molecular composites or self-reinforced polymers. Hence, the micromechanical models of classical composites may not generally apply to nanocomposites, where-instead-the interactions on a molecular scale between the nanoparticles and the polymer matrix control the properties. A few examples, including of nucleation and confinement by nanoparticles, are discussed.
(2017) Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 71, p. 54-67 Abstract
In this study we explore the materials design principles of the carapace of a Terrapene Carolina box turtle, which possesses a sandwich-like structure consisting of a foam-like interior layer (FIL) enclosed by two dense exterior layers (DEL). A constitutive scheme accounting for the large deformation, plastic yielding and post-yield strain hardening caused by densification of the cells in the foam is developed to model the mechanical properties of the FIL, and a large deformation elastic-plastic model for the DEL is proposed. Computational simulations of the carapace subjected to indentation loading are performed and it is found that the layer sequence plays an essential role in the mechanical properties of the carapace. For the sandwich-like layering, the stiff DEL provides penetration resistance and the FIL contributes to the energy dissipation of the entire structure through plastic deformation, which enables reduction in back-deformations, enhanced penetration resistance and low stresses transmitted to the inner layer. For other layer sequential patterns, the contributions of the DEL and FIL are limited, leading to poorer mechanical performance. Based on these results, we propose that the sandwich-like structure of the carapace of the box turtle is designed to maintain sufficient resistance to penetration deformation, a defeating mechanism, and at the same time to significantly amplify energy dissipation, a defending mechanism. This double function could be used in the development of future human body armor.
(2017) Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 28, 6, p. 645-657 Abstract
Multiwalled carbon (MWCNT) and tungsten disulfide (INTWS2) nanotubes are materials with excellent mechanical properties, high electrical and thermal conductivity. These special properties make them excellent candidates for high strength and electrically conductive polymer nanocomposite applications. In this work, the possibility of the improvement of mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of poly(trimethylene terephthalate) (PTT) by the introduction of MWCNT and INTWS2 nanotubes was investigated. The PTT nanocomposites with low loading of nanotubes were prepared by in situ polymerization method. Analysis of the nanocomposites' morphology carried out by SEM and TEM has confirmed that welldispersed nanotubes in the PTT matrix were obtained at low loading (
(2017) Journal of Nanomaterials. 2017, 4838095. Abstract
The dielectric and electrical characteristics of the semiconductive WS2 nanotubes/epoxy composites were studied as a function of the nanotubes concentration and the pressure applied during their molding. In addition, the ability of WS2 nanotubes to serve as stress sensors in epoxy based nanocomposites, for health-monitoring applications, was studied. The nanocomposite elements were loaded in three-point bending configuration. The direct current was monitored simultaneously with stress-strain measurements. It was found that, in nanocomposites, above the percolation concentrations of the nanotubes, the electrical conductivity increases considerably with the applied load and hence WS2 nanotubes can be potentially used as sensors for health monitoring of structural components.
(2017) Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 134, 1, 44370. Abstract
Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT)/expanded graphite (EG)/poly(trimethylene terephthalate) (PTT) hybrid nanocomposites were prepared via in situ polymerization. Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were employed to determine both, purity and morphology of the nanofillers and the dispersion of nanotubes and nanosheets. The electrical and optical properties of thin polymer films based on both \u201csingle\u201d nanocomposites and hybrid nanocomposites were studied. For PTT/SWCNT nanocomposites, results confirmed that films optical transmittance decreases as the concentration of SWCNT increases, attaining almost no optical transmittance for 0.3 wt % of nanofiller. Conversely, the electrical conductivity of nanocomposites was found to increase by increasing the nanofiller amount and the σdc values indicate that percolation occurs at a very low SWCNT content (around 0.05 wt %). In the case of PTT/SWCNT + EG nanocomposites, when the content of SWCNT is 0.05%, the hybrid system presents lower conductivity than that corresponding to the \u201csingle\u201d nanocomposite. The incorporation of additional EG to the PTT/SWCNT nanocomposite has a small effect on the electrical conductivity but inhibits the transparency of the system.
(2016) Composites Science and Technology. 137, p. 35-43 Abstract
Multilevel hierarchical structures built up from nanoscale to macroscale are common in nature, but their potential has not been achieved by man-made composites. The presented multilevel structure consists of carbon nanotube fibers (CNTFs) embedded in epoxy matrix. This structure exploits the supreme mechanical properties of individual CNTs together with the manageability of the microscale CNTFs, and has the potential to overcome the implementation difficulties associated with nanocomposites. Using different chemical treatments (ethylene glycol or nitric acid solvents), the CNTFs are densified and the amount of epoxy penetration inside the CNTFs is controlled, creating an interphase between the single CNTs. The strength and adhesion properties of individual CNTFs in epoxy are measured by continuously monitored fragmentation tests and characterized by electron microscopy. A modified Cottrell-Kelly-Tyson model is applied to account for the CNTF unique cross-sectional geometry, comprising millions of individual multiwalled CNTs, and for the effect of matrix penetration. The composite strength and toughness are found to be strongly dependent on and improved by the extent of penetration, suggesting that the composite mechanical properties would be tunable by controlling the interphase. The presented integrative analysis shows that CNTF based composites are an excellent potential choice for strong and tough structures, as well as for bio-engineering. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
(2016) Applied Clay Science. 132-133, p. 105-113 Abstract
A simple method for preparation of hybrid of graphene oxide (GO) and Laponite (Lap), obtained by solvent evaporation from their highly stable aqueous dispersions is reported. The dispersion up to ~ 1 mg/ml of GO in 1% Lap dispersion, i.e., 10:1 of Lap:GO was found to be stable without flocculation for several months; lower mass ratios of Lap to GO than this showed marginal flocculation with time. The electrostatic interaction between cations present in the interlayers of Lap and the functional groups of GO is envisaged to be the cause for the stable dispersion, which was confirmed by the presence of cations; viz., Na+ and small amounts of K+ and Mg2 + in the aqueous filtrate of the hybrid. Their interaction was further confirmed by higher absorption of GO in aqueous Lap dispersion than that in water using UVvis spectroscopy. The resulting hybrid material was found to be partially reduced and self-assembled to form layered structure in its dry state. The hybrids further showed improved electrical conductivity (~ 0.01 S/cm) upon chemical reduction. The present study demonstrates a facile method for preparation of a new hybrid material and greener pathway for GO reduction; though partially. This hybrid has potential as multifunctional filler for clay polymer nanocomposites.
(2016) Journal Of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics. 54, 22, p. 2377-2387 Abstract
Functional fillers in multilayered films provide opportunity in tailoring the mechanical properties through chemical cross-linking. In this study, Laponite-graphene oxide co-dispersion was used to incorporate graphene oxide (GO) easily into polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)/Laponite layer-by-layer (LBL) films. The LBL films were found to be uniform and the layer thickness increased linearly with number of depositions. The process was extended to a large number of depositions to investigate the macroscopic mechanical properties of the freestanding films. The LBL films showed remarkable improvements in mechanical properties as compared to neat PVA film. The GO-incorporated LBL films displayed higher enhancements in the tensile strength, ductility, and toughness as compared to that of PVA/Laponite LBL films, upon chemical cross-linking. This suggests the advantageous effects of GO incorporation. Interestingly, cross-linking of LBL films for longer time period (>1 h) and higher temperature (similar to 80 degrees C) was not found to be much beneficial. (C) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
(2016) Nanocomposites. 2, 4, p. 162-168 Abstract
The development of polymeric coatings for brittle substrates such as ceramics or glass is an important technological goal, the aim of which is to provide protection or enhance the mechanical properties of the substrate. In this work we propose a novel one-step approach, evaporation-driven self-assembly of polymers, to coat Al2O3 substrates with a thin nanocomposite coating. The films consist of polyvinyl butyrate polymer and either multi-walled carbon or tungsten disulfide nanotubes, which are found to improve both the strength and toughness of the brittle alumina substrates via crack bridging and crack propagation inhibition mechanisms.
(2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113, 48, p. 13624-13629 Abstract
The simple process of a liquid wetting a solid surface is controlled by a plethora of factors - surface texture, liquid droplet size and shape, energetics of both liquid and solid surfaces, as well as their interface. Studying these events at the nanoscale provides insights into the molecular basis of wetting. Nanotube wetting studies are particularly challenging due to their unique shape and small size. Nonetheless, the success of nanotubes, particularly inorganic ones, as fillers in composite materials makes it essential to understand how common liquids wet them. Here, we present a comprehensive wetting study of individual tungsten disulfide nanotubes by water. We reveal the nature of interaction at the inert outer wall and show that remarkably high wetting forces are attained on small, open-ended nanotubes due to capillary aspiration into the hollow core. This study provides a theoretical and experimental paradigm for this intricate problem.
(2016) Macromolecules. 49, 17, p. 6518-6530 Abstract
The simultaneous sharp rise in stiffness, strength, and toughness of electrospun nanofibers at small diameters is explained here as the result of the molecular orientation induced by the strong stretching of the electrospinning extensional flow. Differing from the common view that this phenomenon is related to the nanofibers size scale, we show by theoretical analysis that it is likely the result of an abrupt transition in polymer chain extension that occurs at high flow strain rates. Consequently, the molecular orientation and mechanical properties experience a matching transition, followed by a linear rise with the strain rate. The model compares well with published experimental data, supporting the assertion that the observed phenomena can be explained as the consequence of electrospinning conditions instead of size dependence. We show how the mechanical properties can be tuned by controlling the process as well as set the goal for future improvement in these properties.
(2016) Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 59, p. 527-537 Abstract
Dentin possesses unique hierarchical structure, which has a significant influence on the mechanical properties. Understanding the relationship between structure and mechanical properties of dentin is essential for preventing and curing oral diseases, as well as, potentially for developing man-made engineering materials with superior mechanical performance. In this study, the effect of the two-layered structure, where hard peritubular dentin (PTD) containing dentin tubules are embedded in soft intertubular dentin (ITD), on the fracture behavior of dentin is investigated. A numerical model is developed, in which PTD cracking, ITD cracking and the debonding of the interface between PTD and ITD are all taken into account. Numerical simulations reveal that PTD fracture and interface debonding are the major failure mechanisms, which are consistent with experimental observation. It is identified that the cohesive strength and critical separation of interface are the key parameters controlling which of the mechanisms is active. The low cohesive strength of interface and small critical separation of interface can lead to interface debonding, while the large cohesive strength and critical separation give rise to PTD fracture. In addition, it is found that large volume fraction of dentin tubules and small volume fraction of PTD can enhance the toughness of dentin, which provides a new insight into the degraded mechanical properties of old dentin.
(2016) Scientific Reports. 6, 26305. Abstract
The development of composite materials that are simultaneously strong and tough is one of the most active topics of current material science. Observations of biological structural materials show that adequate introduction of reinforcements and interfaces, or interphases, at different scales usually improves toughness, without reduction in strength. The prospect of interphase properties tuning may lead to further increases in material toughness. Here we use evaporation-driven self-assembly (EDSA) to deposit a thin network of multi-wall carbon nanotubes on ceramic surfaces, thereby generating an interphase reinforcing layer in a multiscale laminated ceramic composite. Both strength and toughness are improved by up to 90%, while keeping the overall volume fraction of nanotubes in a composite below 0.012%, making it a most effective toughening and reinforcement technique.
(2016) Composites Science and Technology. 127, p. 47-53 Abstract
Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is a biocompatible, semi-crystalline and water soluble polymer with moderate tensile properties. To improve the thermal and mechanical properties of PVA, as well as to reduce water uptake, structural modification by glutaric acid (GA) and nanoparticle reinforcement by tungsten disulphide nanotubes (WSNTs) were used to prepare PVA based composites. We observed a significant drop in the water uptake of GA crosslinked PVA, an indication of the formation of a network. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was applied to confirm the presence of covalent bonds formed during the crosslinking. Crosslinked PVA and composites are found to have higher thermal stability and mechanical properties compared to their un-crosslinked counterparts. Tensile tests show that the presence of WSNTs increases the strength (up to 25%), modulus (up to 120%) and toughness (up to 80%) of the pristine as well as the crosslinked PVA. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
(2016) Science advances. 2, 2, e1500969. Abstract
Defects in crystalline structure are commonly believed to degrade the ideal strength of carbon nanotubes. However, the fracture mechanisms induced by such defects, as well as the validity of solid mechanics theories at the nanoscale, are still under debate. We show that the fracture toughness of single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) conforms to the classic theory of fracture mechanics, even for the smallest possible vacancy defect (∼2). By simulating tension of SWNTs containing common types of defects, we demonstrate how stress concentration at the defect boundary leads to brittle (unstable) fracturing at a relatively low strain, degrading the ideal strength of SWNTs by up to 60%. We find that, owing to the SWNT's truss-like structure, defects at this scale are not sharp and stress concentrations are finite and low. Moreover, stress concentration, a geometric property at the macroscale, is interrelated with the SWNT fracture toughness, a material property. The resulting SWNT fracture toughness is 2.7 MPa m0.5, typical of moderately brittle materials and applicable also to graphene.
(2016) CrystEngComm. 18, 2, p. 230-239 Abstract
Onion-like carbon spheres (OLCSs) were synthesized by heating a mixture of naphthalene and graphite powder inside a kitchen microwave oven for ∼1 min under atmospheric conditions. Naphthalene, a hydrocarbon, provides carbon for growth, while graphite plays the crucial role of microwave absorber. The size of the OLCS particles was distributed over a wide range from a few 10s of nm up to a few μm. The OLCS particles self-assembled in a long range chain-like structure. The duration of microwave heating and the ratio of the precursor components were found to be important factors affecting the size and density of the particles. Alternative hydrocarbon sources and microwave absorbers were also examined for OLCS growth. Addition of ferrocene as a catalyst to the precursor mixture of naphthalene and graphite resulted in the formation of highly crystalline carbon-encapsulated iron (in the form of oxide/carbide) nanoparticles with a core-shell structure. The as-synthesized OLCS mixture containing graphite as the precursor was mixed with poly-alpha olefin oil (PAO4) as an additive. A significantly lower friction coefficient and wear rate were obtained with this mixture as compared to the neat PAO4 and PAO4+graphite mixture. Microwave heating was also employed to coat thin films of OLCSs on alumina/glass substrates. The conductivity of these films was measured using the four probe method. The microwave-assisted method used to produce OLCSs has several advantages like cost and energy efficiency, minimal preprocessing, etc. This technique can be of industrial importance for bulk productions of OLCSs and graphitic shell-encapsulated metal nanoparticles.
(2016) Journal of Biomaterials Applications. 30, 6, p. 873-885 Abstract
The aim was to develop a hybrid three-dimensional-tissue engineering construct for chondrogenesis. The hypothesis was that they support chondrogenesis. A biodegradable, highly porous polycaprolactone-grate was produced by solid freeform fabrication. The polycaprolactone support was coated with a chitosan/polyethylene oxide nanofibre sheet produced by electrospinning. Transforming growth factor-β3-induced chondrogenesis was followed using the following markers: sex determining region Y/-box 9, runt-related transcription factor 2 and collagen II and X in quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, histology and immunostaining. A polycaprolactone-grate and an optimized chitosan/polyethylene oxide nanofibre sheet supported cellular aggregation, chondrogenesis and matrix formation. In tissue engineering constructs, the sheets were seeded first with mesenchymal stem cells and then piled up according to the lasagne principle. The advantages of such a construct are (1) the cells do not need to migrate to the tissue engineering construct and therefore pore size and interconnectivity problems are omitted and (2) the cell-tight nanofibre sheet and collagen-fibre network mimic a cell culture platform for mesenchymal stem cells/chondrocytes (preventing escape) and hinders in-growth of fibroblasts and fibrous scarring (preventing capture). This allows time for the slowly progressing, multiphase true cartilage regeneration.
(2016) Regenerative Medicine - from Protocol to Patient. Steinhoff G.(eds.). 3 ed. p. 1-55 Abstract
Extracellular matrix (ECM) is an important component of stem cell niche areas, which provide residence, regulate stem cell pool size and control stem cell mobilization. ECM is a complex interlinked composite of collagenous molecules, non-collagenous molecules and water-rich mucopolysaccharide ground substance. Cells are integrated to their matrix via integrin and non-integrin receptors, which control adhesion, migration, division, growth, anoikis, transdifferentiation and other cellular behaviour. ECM safeguard cells and tissue architecture and strength, but also growth factor deposits, which proteinases as signalling scissors can release in a site- and process-specific manner. Selected processes, like wound healing, cartilage and heart ECM, and tumor growth are used to exemplify participation of ECM in tissue regenerative processes.
(2015) Journal of Supercritical Fluids. 106, p. 9-15 Abstract
Silica aerogels are unique solids with extremely high porosity (>99.5% air by volume), transparency and low density. With their high surface area and thermal resistivity they make excellent heat insulators. However, due to their fine structure they are fragile and therefore impractical for structural applications. To improve their mechanical properties we suggest incorporation of minute amounts of tungsten disulfide nanotubes. Nanotubes of tungsten disulfide are known for their high mechanical strength, strain and thermal stability. Adding some 0.11 wt% of tungsten disulfide nanotubes to a variety of polymers clearly lead to substantial improvement in their mechanical properties. The current study reports the preparation of silica aerogels compounded with small amounts of tungsten disulfide nanotubes. Three-point bending and uniaxial compression tests of the composite aerogel revealed 85% and 23% improvement in the composite material toughness, respectively.
(2015) Composites Science and Technology. 118, p. 72-77 Abstract
A synergetic effect between graphene nanoplatelets (GNP) and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) leading to an improvement of the electrical conductivity of poly(trimethylene terephthalate-. block-poly(tetramethylene oxide) (PTT-PTMO) based nanocomposites is demonstrated. PTT-PTMO based nanocomposites were prepared with varying concentration of SWCNT and GNP as conducting fillers, and their electrical conductivity and morphology were evaluated using Dielectric and Raman spectroscopies respectively. It has been shown that the addition of SWCNT and GNP enhanced the electrical conductivity of composites, particularly in the case of composites with 0.3 wt. % SWCNT and 0.1 wt. % GNP nanoparticles. These results suggest the existence of synergy arising from the combination of two conducting fillers with different geometrical shapes and aspect ratios as well as different dispersion characteristics in the PTT-PTMO thermoplastic elastomer matrix.
(2015) Composites Science and Technology. 117, p. 139-145 Abstract
Hybrid hierarchical carbon-nanotube (CNT)-based composites, such as radially-aligned CNT arrays grown onto microfiber filaments, have significant potential to expand the performance and functionality of fiber reinforced composites. Here, a novel method for high-yield growth of aligned CNTs on aerospace-grade carbon fibers (CFs) is demonstrated at the composite level for the first time. Fuzzy carbon fiber reinforced plastics (fuzzy CFRP) unidirectional composites with >60% microfiber volume fraction are fabricated via vacuum-assisted resin infusion of CNT-grafted tows using an unmodified aerospace-grade epoxy. Preservation of microfiber tensile modulus and strength are demonstrated by longitudinal composite tensile testing, consistent with single-fiber tensile tests. Fiber-matrix interface strength is also unchanged by the CNT growth as revealed through continuously-monitored fiber fragmentation tests. Taken together, the results provide needed new composite-level understanding of hierarchical structural composite laminates and motivate future work on structural CF composite laminates with integrated multifunctionality and improved interlaminar and intralaminar performance.
(2015) Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications. 53, p. 128-133 Abstract
Biological structures consisting of strong boney elements interconnected by compliant but tough collagenous sutures are abundantly found in skulls and shells of, among others, armadillos, alligators, turtles and more. In the turtle shell, a unique arrangement of alternating rigid (rib) and flexible (suture) elements gives rise to superior mechanical performance when subjected to low and high strain-rate loadings. However, the resistance to repeated load cycling - fatigue - of the turtle shell has yet to be examined. Such repeated loading could approximately simulate the consecutive high-stress bending loads exerted during (a predator) biting or clawing. In the present study flexural high-stress cyclic loads were applied to rib and suture specimens, taken from the top dorsal part of the red-eared slider turtle shell, termed carapace. Subsequently, to obtain a more complete and integrated fatigue behavior of the carapace, specimens containing a complex alternating rib-suture-rib-suture-rib configuration were tested as well. Although the sutures were found to be the least resistant to repeated loads, a synergistic effect was observed for the complex specimens, displaying improved fatigue durability compared to the individual (suture or even rib) constituents. This study may assist in the design of future high-stress fatigue-resistant materials incorporating complex assemblies of rigid and flexible elements.
(2015) Nanomaterials and Energy. 4, 1, p. 30-38 Abstract
Inorganic, fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles of tungsten disulfide (WS2) and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) have been synthesised in the past and their useful tribological properties have been studied quite extensively. Rhenium doping of such nanoparticles was also reported and studied to some extent. Herein, further studies of the physico-chemical properties are reported in connection to lubrication under mild loads. Due to their self-repelling character, the doped nanoparticles form tessellated monolayers on certain substrates. When mixed in small amounts, the IF nanoparticles lead to a reduction in the viscosity of water-based gels. Furthermore, the added nanoparticles lead to a precipitous reduction in traction force (friction) under mild loads. The lubrication mechanism of such nanoparticles is briefly discussed.
(2015) Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 98, 4, p. 1285-1291 Abstract
Ceramic composites found in nature, such as bone, nacre, and sponge spicule, often provide an effective resolution to a wellknown conflict between materials' strength and toughness. This arises, on the one hand, from their high ceramic content that ensures high strength of the material. On the other hand, various pathways are provided for stress dissipation, and thus toughness, due to their intricate hierarchical architectures. Such pathways include crack bridging, crack deflection, and delamination in the case of layered structures. On the basis of these inspiring ideas, we attempted here to create simultaneously strong and tough laminated alumina composite with high ceramic content. Composites were prepared from highgrade commercial alumina with spin-coated interlayers of ductile polymers (PMMA and PVA). The specimens' ultimate properties (strength, fracture toughness, and work of fracture) were measured by a four-point bending method. In some cases, fracture toughness of the composites was increased by up to an order of magnitude, reminiscent of the natural layered composites. It is proposed that this increase may be attributed to an interlocking mechanism, often encountered in biological composites. The significance of sample architecture and the role of the interfacial and bulk properties of the interlayer material are discussed.
(2015) Carbon. 82, p. 327-336 Abstract
Extremely fast growth of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), within just 5 s, was achieved by a facile microwave (MW) assisted heating technique, under ambient conditions. A mixture of graphite, ferrocene and carbon fiber was used as the precursor material. Growth characteristics were examined using different compositions of the precursor and MW powers. Both graphite and carbon fiber were found to be necessary for achieving fast growth of CNTs. MW heating of the precursor mixture at 100% power (1800 W) resulted in a yield of CNTs (26 +/- 5 wt%). Conversion efficiency of carbon from ferrocene to CNT at 100% MW power is about 82 wt% on average. When relative proportion of graphite in the mixture is high, yield decreases but conversion efficiency of carbon increases. Base growth mode is proposed as dominant growth process of the CNTs. Driven by the capillary effect of CNTs, catalyst particles are found to be encapsulated inside the tubes at different locations along their length. Solvent free, instant, easy, and cost effective growth process proposed here using ordinary MW oven is likely to be amenable to scale-up for industrial production of CNTs. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
(2015) Materials Science & Engineering: C-Materials For Biological Applications. 47, p. 1-7 Abstract
Tendons are among the most robust structures in nature. Using the structural properties of natural tendon as a foundation for the development of micro-yarns may lead to innovative composite materials. Gelatin monofilaments were prepared by casting and spinning and small yarns-with up to ten filaments-were assembled into either parallel or 15 degrees twisted yarns. The latter were intended as an attempt to generate mechanical effects similar to those arising from the crimp pattern in tendon. The mechanical properties of parallel and 15 degrees twisted gelatin yarns were compared. The effect of an increasing number of filaments per yarn was also examined. The mechanical properties were mostly affected by the increasing number of filaments, and no benefit arose from twisting small yarns by 15 degrees. However, since gelatin filaments are elasto-plastic rather than fully elastic, much increased toughness (by up to a factor of five for a ten filament yarn) can be achieved with yarns made of elasto-plastic filaments, as demonstrated by experiments and numerical simulations. The resulting effect shows some resemblance to the effect of crimp in tendons. Finally, we developed a dependable procedure to measure the toughness of single filaments based on the test of a yam rather than on a large number of individual filament tests. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
(2015) Express Polymer Letters. 9, 6, p. 509-524 Abstract
Graphene nanoplatelets/single walled carbon nanotubes/poly (trimethylene terephthalate-block-poly (tetramethylene oxide) segmented copolymer (GNP/SWCNT/PTT-PTMO) hybrid nanocomposites were synthesized via in situ polymerization. A remarkable synergistic effect between GNPs and SWCNTs on improving thermal and mechanical properties of nanocomposites based on segmented block copolymers was observed. Heterogeneous structure of the PTT-PTMO allowed for a better and more uniform distribution of both types of nanoparticles and stabilized the structure in question. This enabled us to observe a so-called synergistic effect, caused by the use of mixture of carbon nanotubes and graphene nanopletelets, on the enhancement of thermal and mechanical properties of the obtained polymer. In order to ascertain the influence of mentioned carbon nanostructures on the nano-phase-separated structure of the synthesized PTT-PTMO block copolymers, differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) and dynamic mechanical thermoanalysis (DMTA) measurements were performed. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) and transmission electron microscopic (TEM) images of the PTTPTMO nanocomposites displayed that hybrid nanofillers exhibited better distribution and compatibility than SWCNTs and GNPs did individually. The tensile modulus of 0.5SWCNT/0.1GNP/PTT-PTMO composites was 68% higher than that of the PTT-PTMO alone, compared to only a 10 and 28% increase in tensile modulus for 0.3GNP/PTT-PTMO and 0.3SWCNT/PTT-PTMO composites respectively (the highest concentration when single nanofiller was added).
(2015) Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. 10, 1, 016009. Abstract
A number of biological armors, such as turtle shells, consist of a strong exoskeleton covered with a thin keratin coating. The mechanical role upon impact of this keratin coating has surprisingly not been investigated thus far. Low-velocity impact tests on the turtle shell reveal a unique toughening phenomenon attributed to the thin covering keratin layer, the presence of which noticeably improves the fracture energy and shell integrity. Synthetic substrate/coating analogues were subsequently prepared and exhibit an impact behavior similar to the biological ones. The results of the present study may improve our understanding, and even future designs, of impact-tolerant structures.
(2015) Nanocomposites. 1, 1, p. 3-17 Abstract
The toughness, strength and stiffness of nanocomposites are considered for the general case of hollow fillers with arbitrarily shaped cross-sections. The particular cases of nanotubes, thin wall general cylindrical fillers, and thin ribbons are examined. The toughness is expressed by the energy dissipated when the filler pulls out from the matrix during the composite fracture, taking into consideration the filler critical length. The study reveals how the properties of nanocomposites can be optimized by modulating the filler shape and dimensions, as well as the mechanical properties of the material and interface. The tradeoffs between toughness, strength and stiffness are analyzed in view of their different and sometimes opposite dependence on the material and geometric parameters. It is shown that when the filler is shorter than its critical length, typical of most current nanotubes, the toughness, strength and stiffness can be improved simultaneously by reducing the filler cross-sectional aspect ratio (wall thickness divided by diameter). The mechanical performance of composites reinforced by carbon nanotubes and microfibers is compared for several possible filler packing conformations, demonstrating the high potential of nanoreinforcement.
(2014) Applied Physics Letters. 105, 3, 033703. Abstract
Plant tissues are able to generate complex movements via shape modifications. These effects are tightly related to distinctive multi-scale composite architectures of the plant material, and can therefore largely be interpreted by composite mechanics principles. Here, we propose a generic framework for the analysis and prediction of the shape morphing of intricate biological composite materials, arising from changes in humidity. We have examined in depth the hierarchical structures of three types of seed pods for which we propose a theoretical scheme that is able to accurately simulate the relevant shape deformations. The validity and generality of this approach are confirmed by means of laboratory scale synthetic models with similar architectures leading to equivalent morphing patterns. Such synthetic configurations could pave the way to future morphing architectures of advanced materials and structures.
(2014) Tribology Letters. 55, 1, p. 103-109 Abstract
In the present work, MoS2 nanoparticles with fullerene-like structure, and most particularly those doped with minute amounts of rhenium atoms, are used as additive to medical gels in order to facilitate their entry into constricted openings of soft material rings. This procedure is used to mimic the entry of endoscopes to constricted openings of the human body, like urethra, etc. It is shown that the Re-doped nanoparticles reduce the traction force used to retrieve the metallic lead of the endoscope from the soft ring by a factor close to three times with respect to the original gel. The mechanism of the mitigation of both friction and adhesion forces in these systems by the nanoparticles is discussed.
(2014) Computational Materials Science. 83, p. 504-512 Abstract
In this study, a molecular dynamic model was employed to simulate oblique extraction of a multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWNT) from resin and to calculate the carbon nanotube's (CNTs) deformation and stress distribution. Numerical results reveal the occurrence of elongation and necking in a CNT prior to the movement of its embedded end and of local buckling in a segment near where a CNT exits resin under large angle oblique extraction. Numerical results for the 0, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 oblique extractions reveal the effects of the oblique angle on the force-displacement curve and the tensile stress distribution over selected CNT cross-sections. Based on the simulation results, it is noted that CNT breakage in large-angle oblique extraction is mainly attributed to stress concentration caused by local buckling and it has a detrimental effect on the CNT toughening capacity.
(2014) Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 30, p. 223-233 Abstract
The turtle shell is a natural shield that possesses complex hierarchical structure, giving rise to superior mechanical properties. The keratin-covered boney top (dorsal) part of the shell, termed carapace, is composed of rigid sandwich-like ribs made of a central foam-like interior flanked by two external cortices. The ribs are attached to one another in a 3-D interdigitated manner at soft unmineralized collagenous sutures. This unique structural combination promotes sophisticated mechanical response upon predator attacks.In the present study mechanical bending tests were performed to examine the static behavior of the red-eared slider turtle carapace, in different orientations and from various locations, as well as from whole-rib and sub-layer regions. In addition, the suture properties were evaluated as well and compared with those of the rib. A simplified classical analysis was used here to rationalize the experimental results of the whole rib viewed as a laminated composite.The measured strength (~300. MPa) and bending modulus (~7-8.5. GPa) of the rib were found to be of the same order of magnitude as the strength and modulus of the cortices. The theoretical prediction of the ribs' moduli, predicted in terms of the individual sub-layers moduli, agreed well with the experimental results. The suture regions were found to be more compliant and weaker than the ribs, but comparatively tough, likely due to the interlocking design of the boney zigzag elements.
(2014) Journal of Biomechanics. 47, 2, p. 367-372 Abstract
The effect of hydration on the mechanical properties of osteonal bone, in directions parallel and perpendicular to the bone axis, was studied on three length scales: (i) the mineralized fibril level (~100. nm), (ii) the lamellar level (~6. μm); and (iii) the osteon level (up to ~30. μm).We used a number of techniques, namely atomic force microscopy (AFM), nanoindentation and microindentation. The mechanical properties (stiffness, modulus and/or hardness) have been studied under dry and wet conditions. On all three length scales the mechanical properties under dry conditions were found to be higher by 30-50% compared to wet conditions. Also the mechanical anisotropy, represented by the ratio between the properties in directions parallel and perpendicular to the osteon axis (anisotropy ratio, designated here by AnR), surprisingly decreased somewhat upon hydration. AFM imaging of osteonal lamellae revealed a disappearance of the distinctive lamellar structure under wet conditions. Altogether, these results suggest that a change in mineralized fibril orientation takes place upon hydration.
(2013) Biomaterials. 34, 34, p. 8599-8606 Abstract
Recapitulation of the cellular microenvironment of the heart, which promotes cell contraction, remains a key challenge in cardiac tissue engineering. We report here on our work, where for the first time, a 3-dimensional (3D) spring-like fiber scaffold was fabricated, successfully mimicking the coiled perimysial fibers of the heart. We hypothesized that since in vivo straightening and re-coiling of these fibers allow stretching and contraction of the myocardium in the direction of the cardiomyocytes, such a scaffold can support the assembly of a functional cardiac tissue capable of generating a strong contraction force. In this study, the mechanical properties of both spring-like single fibers and 3D scaffolds composed of them were investigated. The measurements showed that they have increased elasticity and extensibility compared to corresponding straight fibers and straight fiber scaffolds. We have also shown that cardiac cells cultivated on single spring-like fibers formed cell-fiber interactions that induced fiber stretching in the direction of contraction. Moreover, cardiac cells engineered within 3D thick spring-like fiber scaffolds formed a functional tissue exhibiting significantly improved function, including stronger contraction force (p = 0.002), higher beating rate (p
(2013) Composites Science and Technology. 87, p. 157-163 Abstract
The utilization of highly branched polymer (e.g., epoxy resins) in engineering applications is often limited by their brittle nature (low fracture toughness). Loading the polymer matrix by fillers such as individual nanotubes is a promising alternative to enhance fracture toughness without compromising other mechanical properties. However, to fully understand the nanotubes toughening role and correctly characterize the nanocomposite failure mechanisms, a complete exfoliation of the nanotubes aggregates into individual nanotubes is essential. In this work, we embed only individual nanotubes in the polymer matrix using a novel dispersion method. The individual nanotube concentration in the composite is accurately determined. We achieve a record fracture toughness enhancement and, for the first time, demonstrate a coherent quantitative correlation between the fracture toughness and the surface roughness. Finally, comprehensive statistical investigation of the nanotube failure mechanisms shows that carbon nanotubes fail via fracture mechanism, while tungsten di-sulfide nanotubes via pullout mechanism. The failure mechanism could be predicted by the slope of the surface roughness vs. fracture toughness curve.
(2013) Nanoscale. 5, 18, p. 8526-8532 Abstract
Insertion of endoscopes and other medical devices into the human body are ubiquitous, especially among aged males. The applied force for the insertion/extraction of the device from the urethra must overcome endoscope-surface-human-tissue interactions. In daily practice a gel is applied on the endoscope surface, in order to facilitate its entry into the urethra, providing also for local anesthesia. In the present work, a new solid-state lubricant has been added to the gel, in order to reduce the metal-urethra interaction and alleviate the potential damage to the epithelial tissue. For that purpose, a urethra model was designed and fabricated, which allowed a quantitative assessment of the applied force for extraction of the endoscope from a soft polymer-based ring. It is shown that the addition of MoS2 nanoparticles with fullerene-like structure (IF-MoS2) and in particular rhenium-doped nanoparticles (Re:IF-MoS2) to Esracain gel applied on the metal-lead reduced the friction substantially. The Re:IF-MoS 2 showed better results than the undoped fullerene-like nanoparticles and both performed better than the gel alone. The mechanism of friction reduction is attributed to fullerenes' ability to roll and act as a separator between the active parts of the model.
(2013) Acta Biomaterialia. 9, 9, p. 8099-8109 Abstract
Biological tissues usually exhibit complex multiscale structural architectures. In many of these, and particularly in mineralized tissues, the basic building block is a staggered array-a composite material made of soft matrix and stiff reinforcing elements. Here we study the stiffness of non-overlapping staggered arrays, a case that has not previously been considered in the literature, and introduce closed-form analytical expressions for its Young's modulus. These expressions are then used to estimate the stiffness of natural staggered biocomposites such as low-mineralized collagen fibril and mineralized tendon. We then consider a two-scale composite scheme for evaluating the modulus of a specific hierarchical structure, the compact bone tissue, which is made of mineralized collagen fibrils with weakly overlapping staggered architecture. It is found that small variations in the staggered structure induce significant differences in the macroscopic stiffness, and, in particular, provide a possible explanation for the as yet unexplained stiffening effects observed in medium-mineralized tissues.
(2013) Journal of Structural Biology. 183, 2, p. 149-164 Abstract
Recent progress made in the field of hierarchical biological materials is reviewed with an emphasis on the staggering characteristics at the smaller structural scale of a number of tissues. We show by means of selected examples that the small-scale architecture, and particularly the degree of staggering and overlap, plays a critical role in the macroscopic elastic behavior of those tissues. (c) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
(2013) Composite Interfaces. 20, 6, p. 421-429 Abstract
Single fiber fragmentation tests were carried out to measure the properties of the fiber-matrix interface in several carbon fiber (CFs)/epoxy composite systems. Four kinds of CFs were studied: (1) primary CFs (used as received); (2) desized CFs (sizing removed through thermal treatment); (3) resized CFs (deposited with epoxy sizing by solution); (4) carbon nanotube (CNT)-grafted CFs (grown with CNTs using a chemical vapour deposition method). The interfacial shear strength decreased by around 30% for the desized CFs and the CNT-grafted CFs compared with the pristine CFs. The value of interfacial shear strength for the resized CFs was 20% larger than that of the desized CFs. There is a good agreement between the results of single fiber fragmentation tests and that of contact angle tests.
(2013) Journal of Materials Science. 48, 16, p. 5590-5595 Abstract
Growing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on the surface of fibers has the potential to modify fiber-matrix interfacial adhesion, enhance composite delamination resistance, and possibly improve toughness. In the present study, aligned CNTs were grown upon carbon fabric via chemical vapor deposition. Continuously monitored single-fiber composite fragmentation tests were performed on pristine and CNT-grafted fibers embedded in epoxy, and single-laminate compact-tension specimens were tested for fracture behavior. A significant increase (up to 20 %) was observed in the interfacial adhesion, at the cost of a decrease in the fiber tensile strength. As a result, the maximum load of the composite was decreased, but its residual load-bearing capacity more than doubled. The likely sources of these effects are discussed, as well as their implications.
(2013) Composites Science and Technology. 83, p. 27-31 Abstract
We quantify nanocomposite toughness through a reanalysis for nanotubes of the Cottrell-Kelly-Tyson (CKT) model, of the definition of critical length, and of the energy dissipation model for pull-out. The effect of the hollow cylindrical geometry of nanotubes is discussed, followed by an examination of proper ways to compare energy dissipation at the nano and micro levels.
(2013) Acta Biomaterialia. 9, 4, p. 5956-5962 Abstract
The mechanical and structural properties of the sublayers of osteonal lamellae were studied. Young's modulus (E) of adjacent individual lamellae was measured by nanoindentation of parallel slices every 1-3 μm, in planes parallel and perpendicular to the osteon axis (OA). In planes parallel to the OA, the modulus of a lamella could vary significantly between sequential slices. Significant modulus variations were also sometimes found on opposing sides of the osteonal canal for the same lamella. These results are rationalized by considerations involving the microstructural organization of the collagen fibrils in the lamellae. Scanning electron microscope imaging of freeze fractured surfaces revealed that the substructure of a single lamella can vary significantly on the opposing sides of the osteonal axis. Using a serial surface view method, parallel planes were exposed every 8-10 nm using a dual-beam microscope. Analysis of the orientations of fibrils revealed that the structure is rotated plywood like, consisting of unidirectional sublayers of fibrils of several orientations, with occasional randomly oriented sublayers. The dependence of the measured mechanical properties of the lamellae on the indentation location may be explained by the observed structure, as well as by the curvature of the osteonal lamellae through simple geometrical-structural considerations. Mechanical advantages arising from the curved laminate structure are discussed.
(2013) Acta Biomaterialia. 9, 4, p. 5890-5902 Abstract
Turtle shell is a multi-scale bio-composite in which the components are arranged in various spatial patterns, leading to an unusually strong and durable structure. The keratin-coated dorsal shell, termed the carapace, exhibits a flat bone, sandwich-like structure made up of two exterior cortices enclosing a cancellous interior. This unique structure was developed by nature to protect the reptile from predator attacks by sustaining impact loads and dissipating energy. In the present study we attempt to correlate the micro-scale architecture with the mechanical properties of the carapace sub-regions of the red-eared slider turtle. The microscopic structural features were examined by scanning electron microscopy and micro-computed tomography. Nanoindentation tests were performed under dry and wet conditions on orthogonal anatomical planes to evaluate the elastic modulus and hardness of the various carapace sub-regions. The mineral content was also measured in the different regions of the carapace. Consequently, we discuss the influence of hydration on the carapace sub-regions and the contribution of each sub-region to the overall mechanical resistance of the assemblage.
(2013) Materials Science & Engineering: C-Materials For Biological Applications. 33, 2, p. 603-607 Abstract
This communication presents a simplified "mechanics-of-materials" approach for describing the mechanics of staggered composite architectures, such as those arising in a variety of biological tissues. This analysis calculates the effective modulus of the bio-composite and provides physical insights into its elastic behavior. Simplified expressions for high- and low-mineralized tissues are then proposed and the effects of the mineral thickness ratio and aspect ratio on the modulus are demonstrated.
UHMWPE fiber surface modification by atomic layer deposition of alumina(2013) p. 6094-6101 Abstract
Ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fibers are highly crystalline fibers with superior mechanical properties and very high tensile strength. However, due to the fibers' non polar nature it is hard to bond them to other polymers. In this research, the fiber surface was modified using atomic layer deposition (ALD) of alumina at low temperatures. The surface treatment was aimed at increasing the adhesion between the fibers and an epoxy matrix without degrading the fiber mechanical properties (as often happens after fiber surface treatment). The Microbond technique was used to quantify the interfacial shear strength between the UHMWPE fibers and the epoxy matrix and it was found to be tripled compared to a non-treated fiber, without reducing the fibers' ultimate tensile strength. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were used to characterize chemical composition and surface morphology of the deposited layer. Young modulus and nano-hardness were derived from the nano-indentation measurements using an AFM probe. Nano-indentation results showed an order of magnitude increase in the fibers' Young modulus and nano-hardness after alumina deposition.
(2012) Designed Monomers and Polymers. 15, 6, p. 547-559 Abstract
With the growing progress in tissue engineering, the search for new scaffolding materials has recently intensified considerably. Focusing on this, we synthesized hydrophilic-hydrophobic terpolymers containing poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and two different polyester units: butylene terephthalate and butylene linoleate. The spinnability of the materials was verified by the electrospinning process. The influence of different molecular masses of PEG on thermal and mechanical properties as well as on electrospinning of new terpoly (ester-ether-ester) elastomeric materials was investigated. The thermal properties data revealed the crystallization of soft segments in materials containing PEG of high molecular mass (4600 g/mol). Increased crystallinity contributed to increased mechanical properties of terpolymers. We also investigated the effect of the temperature transitions and the degree of crystallinity on the electrospinning process for nanofiber preparation. It was found that polymers containing crystallizable soft segments of PEG 4600 are more suitable for electros-pinning compared to terpolymers (TEEE) containing PEG 1000.
(2012) Polymer. 53, 22, p. 5037-5044 Abstract
We recently discovered that minute additions of sodium chloride (NaCl) during the preparation of electrospun polymethyl methacrylate (ES PMMA) nanofibers significantly raise their mechanical properties. In the present work, twisted yarns made of such ES PMMA nanofibers were prepared and the effects of NaCl mediation and yarn structure and twist on the resulting mechanical properties were studied. Improvements in these properties due to NaCl mediation are again observed for yarns, as they were for single ES fibers. Furthermore, both Young's modulus and the ultimate strength of the yarns show an increase with increasing angle of twist up to a maximum, followed by a decrease at higher twist angles.
(2012) Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 13, p. 185-193 Abstract
Single collagen fibers and nanohydroxyapatite/collagen nanocomposite fibers with 6.4-18.5. wt% hydroxyapatite (HA) content were prepared by electrospinning. Their mechanical properties were systematically investigated at ambient conditions by means of nanotensile tests. A narrow range of fiber diameters, 250-350. nm, was selected for these tests as size effects are observed for the mechanical properties of all the fibers types, namely a decrease as the fiber diameter increases. The pure collagen fibers are found to exhibit tensile properties comparable to natural collagen fibril. Young's modulus of the HA-filled nanocomposite fibers is found to be only slightly higher than that of the pure collagen fibers, but significant improvements in strength, strain and toughness, are obtained. Optimal mechanical properties arise in the 6.4-11.6. wt% HA range.
(2012) Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 53, 10, p. 6378-6388 Abstract
Purpose. We evaluated the efficacy and safety of photochemical corneal stiffening by palladium bacteriochlorin 13-(2-sulfoethyl)amide dipotassium salt (WST11) and near infrared (NIR) illumination, using ex vivo and in vivo rabbit eye models. Methods. Corneas of post mortem rabbits and living rabbits were pretreated topically with 2.5 mg/mL WST11 in saline or in 20% dextran T-500 (WST-D), washed and illuminated with an NIR diode laser (755 nm, 10 mW/cm2. Studies with corneas of untreated fellow eyes served as controls. Tensile strength measurements, histopathology, electron spin resonance, and optical spectroscopy and fluorescence microscopy were used to assess treatment effects. Comparative studies were performed with standard riboflavin/ultraviolet-A light (UVA) treatment. Results. WST11/NIR treatment significantly increased corneal stiffness following ex vivo or in vivo treatment, compared to untreated contralateral eyes. The incremental ultimate stress and Young's modulus of treated corneas increased by 45, 113, 115%, and 10, 79, and 174% following 10, 20, and 30 minutes of incubation with WST11, respectively. WST-D/NIR had a similar stiffening effect, but markedly reduced post-treatment edema and shorter time of epithelial healing. WST11/NIR and WST-D/NIR generate hydroxyl and superoxide radicals, but no singlet oxygen in the cornea. Histology demonstrated a reduction in the keratocyte population in the anterior half of the corneal stroma, without damage to the endothelium. Conclusions. Treatment of rabbit corneas, with either WST11/NIR or WST-D/NIR, increases their biomechanical strength through a mechanism that does not involve singlet oxygen. The WST-D/NIR treatment showed less adverse effects, demonstrating a new potential for clinical use in keratoconus and corneal ectasia after refractive surgery.
(2012) Composites Science and Technology. 72, 14, p. 1711-1717 Abstract
To assess the effect of carbon nanotube (CNT) grafting on interfacial stress transfer in fiber composites, CNTs were grown upon individual carbon T-300 fibers by chemical vapor deposition. Continuously-monitored single fiber composite (SFC) fragmentation tests were performed on both pristine and CNT-decorated fibers embedded in epoxy. The critical fragment length, fiber tensile strength at critical length, and interfacial shear strength were evaluated. Despite the fiber strength degradation resulting from the harsh CNT growth conditions, the CNT-modified fibers lead to a twofold increase in interfacial shear strength which correlates with the nearly threefold increase in apparent fiber diameter resulting from CNT grafting. These observations corroborate recently published studies with other CNT-grafted fibers. An analysis of the relative contributions to the interfacial strength of the fiber diameter and strength due to surface treatment is presented. It is concluded that the common view whereby an experimentally observed shorter average fragment length leads to a stronger interfacial adhesion is not necessarily correct, if the treatment has changed the fiber tensile strength or its diameter.
(2012) Physical review letters. 109, 7, 078102. Abstract
A number of important biological tissues such as nacre, tendon, and bone consist of staggered structural arrays as universal motifs. Such arrays usually include stiff fibril-like (or plateletlike, or needlelike) elements embedded in an extrafibrillar (XF) phase. This work discusses the effect of the stiffness of such an XF matrix on the elastic properties of the resulting staggered composite. In the case of most biological composites, this XF stiffness is hardly accessible and very little data are available. We develop an analysis based on previous analytical formulation that results in a relation between the XF modulus and the deformations of the staggered particles. This analysis is then used to back-calculate the yet unmeasured modulus of the XF phase from experimental deformation data, thereby providing a simple alternative to potentially complex direct measurements. This is demonstrated and validated for parallel-fiber bone tissue.
(2012) Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 12, p. 174-183 Abstract
Dentin and enamel are viewed here as multi-scale composites comprising a staggered micro-structure made of stiff platelets embedded in a more compliant matrix, and further assembled into macroscopic composite-like structures. Mechanical models are formulated for both tissues and their effective moduli are evaluated analytically. The resulting predictions are in very good agreement with Finite Elements (FE) simulations and experimental data from the literature. The models developed in this study demonstrate the possibility, in certain cases, to generate special mechanical effects linked to the structural complexity of these tissues.
(2012) Composites Science and Technology. 72, 12, p. 1416-1422 Abstract
Growing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on the surface of fibers has the potential to modify fiber-matrix interfacial adhesion, enhance the composite delamination resistance, and possibly improve its toughness and any matrix-dominated elastic property as well. In the present work aligned CNTs were grown upon ceramic fibers (silica and alumina) by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) at temperatures of 650. °C and 750. °C. Continuously-monitored single fiber composite (SFC) fragmentation tests were performed on pristine as well as on CNT-grown fibers embedded in epoxy. The critical fragment length, fiber tensile strength at critical length, and interfacial shear strength were evaluated. Significant increases (up to 50%) are observed in the fiber tensile strength and in the interfacial adhesion (which was sometimes doubled) with all fiber types upon which CNTs are CVD-grown at 750. °C. We discuss the likely sources of these improvements as well as their implications.
(2012) Journal Of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics. 50, 14, p. 957-962 Abstract
In this article, Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) of varying diameters, both untreated and polycarboxylated, were dispersed at constant weight percentage in an epoxy matrix, and resulting fracture toughnesses (K Ic) were measured in each case. We show that changing the MWCNT diameter has two effects on the composite fracture toughness: (i) a small MWCNT diameter enables larger interfacial surface for adhesion maximization, which increases toughness; (ii) at the same time, it limits the available pull-out energy and reduces the MWCNT ability to homogeneously disperse in the matrix due to this same large active surface: this decreases toughness. Most commercially available MWCNTs have a length range of several μm, thus an optimal diameter exists which depends on MWCNT wall thickness and surface treatment. Such optimal diameter maximizes pull-out energy and thus composite fracture toughness. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part B: Polym Phys, 2012 Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), when sufficiently dispersed in a polymer matrix, offer exceptional mechanical properties as reinforcement fillers in nanocomposite materials. In addition to homogeneous dispersion, optimization of the interfacial bonding between both contacting phases is essential for CNT incorporation to reach full potential. In this study, multiwalled CNTs of various diameters, both untreated pristine and polycarboxylated, were dispersed at equal weight percentage in an epoxy matrix, and resulting fracture toughnesses have been measured. An optimal diameter exists depending on CNT thickness and surface treatment.
(2012) Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 9, p. 198-206 Abstract
Variations in Young's modulus of individual lamellae around a single bone osteon have been measured in three orthogonal planes by nanoindentation. The objective of these measurements was to establish a correlation between the mechanical properties and the microstructure of the osteonal lamellae. When indentation was performed in a plane perpendicular to the osteon axis (OA), the modulus of the lamella closest to the canal appears to be higher than the modulus of all other lamellae. No such difference was observed in planes parallel to the OA. However, in the parallel planes, an unexpected asymmetry in modulus was detected on opposing sides of the canal, potentially supporting the validity of the rotated plywood structure model of bone lamellae. Finally, based on the experimentally measured Young's modulus values, most osteonal lamellae appear to exhibit structural anisotropy.
(2012) Carbon. 50, 5, p. 1734-1739 Abstract
Structural changes in multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) resulting from covalent functionalization during oxidation were studied by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman spectroscopy. Strong correlation is found between the oxidation progress (i.e. increase in the amount of oxygen and oxidized carbon) and the degradation in inter-atomic conjugation, the latter being inferred from the intensity of satellite ('shake-up') lines in the C1s XPS spectrum. Moreover, defects appear to cluster rather than distribute at random along the CNTs. Hints on the sites most vulnerable to the progress of the chemical attack are provided. Defect clustering leads as well to deterioration of inner layers of nanotubes at relatively early stages of the chemical attack. As a consequence, the mechanical strength of the CNTs degrades but the resultant interface with a host matrix can become physically intermittent, which may positively contribute to the composite strength and toughness. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
(2012) Composites Science and Technology. 72, 5, p. 566-573 Abstract
The effective moduli of a multi-scale composite are evaluated by a bottom-up (hierarchical) modeling approach. We focus on a two-scale structure in which the small scale includes a platelet array inside a matrix, and the large scale contains fibers inside a composite matrix. We demonstrate that the principal moduli of the multi-scale composite can be fine-tuned by the platelet arrangement and orientation. As a case study, we consider the phenomenon of fiber micro-buckling within the multi-scale composite. It is found that the compressive micro-buckling strength can be considerably increased for specific platelet orientations. The multi-scale design approach presented here can be used to generate novel families of composite materials with tunable mechanical properties.
(2012) Applied Physics Letters. 100, 13, 133703. Abstract
Over the last decade, it has been shown that cells can sense and respond to mechanical perturbations in their underlying substrate (or extra-cellular matrix, ECM). However, the effect of an inhomogeneous stress on cell response has been scarcely studied, mainly due to technical difficulty to create a well-controlled stress (or strain) state in the ECM, even though stress gradients are of critical importance in-and likely induce-wound healing, for example, through local cell growth and tissue formation. Here, we present a technique which can be easily used to study the response behavior of cells to a well-defined inhomogeneous stress field.
(2012) Journal of Biomechanics. 45, 4, p. 672-678 Abstract
This work aims at evaluating the elastic modulus of hard biological tissues by considering their staggered platelet micro-structure. An analytical expression for the effective modulus along the stagger direction is formulated using three non-dimensional structural variables. Structures with a single staggered hierarchy (e.g. collagen fibril) are first studied and predictions are compared with the experimental results and finite element simulations from the literature. A more complicated configuration, such as an array of fibrils, is analyzed next. Finally, a mechanical model is proposed for tooth dentin, in which variations in the multi-scale structural hierarchy are shown to significantly affect the macroscopic mechanical properties.
(2012) Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. 49, 2, p. 232-273 Abstract
There is a growing probability of collisions between hypervelocity space debris and satellites due to the continuously increasing activities in space. At hypervelocity impact, both impactor and target materials are exposed to high strains and high strain-rate deformations, as well as to high temperatures developed at the instance of the impact. To analyze both effects, hypervelocity impacts of two different impactor materials upon different targets were carried out using a laser-driven flyer system. Quantifying the effect of these parameters on both material properties is crucial for predicting the final damage in space. The target materials studied in this research were different spacecraft materials, such as woven-Kevlar/epoxy composite, aluminum, and polycarbonate. The hypervelocity impacts were carried out with either nickel or aluminum as impactor materials. The impactor properties' effect on the depth of penetration and the damaged area in the target materials were studied. A twodimensional axisymmetric model of the impactor and the target was run on a commercial finite element package, ANSYS AUTODYN software. The results of the finite element simulation were compared with the experimental results, and a good agreement between the two was found.
(2011) Macromolecular Rapid Communications. 32, 24, p. 1993-1997 Abstract
Residual stress in polymers arises from the freezing of unstable molecular conformations. Residual stress is critical because its relaxation can cause shrinkage, defects, and fractures of polymer materials. The storage of stress is purposely enhanced to develop shape memory materials. Unfortunately, the storage of mechanical stress is still poorly controlled and understood. An approach to sense the storage of stress based on the spectroscopic response of carbon nanotubes is explored. The Raman response of nanotubes exhibits a variable sensitivity to strain when embedded in polymers that have experienced different thermal and mechanical treatments. This unique feature opens up new possibilities for the use of carbon nanotubes as mechanical nanosensors.
(2011) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108, 50, p. 19901-19906 Abstract
Inorganic nanoparticles of layered [two-dimensional (2D)] compounds with hollow polyhedral structure, known as fullerenelike nanoparticles (IF), were found to have excellent lubricating properties. This behavior can be explained by superposition of three main mechanisms: rolling, sliding, and exfoliation-material transfer (third body). In order to elucidate the tribological mechanism of individual nanoparticles in different regimes, in situ axial nanocompression and shearing forces were applied to individual nanoparticles using a high resolution scanning electron microscope. Gold nanoparticles deposited onto the IF nanoparticles surface served as markers, delineating the motion of individual IF nanoparticle. It can be concluded from these experiments that rolling is an important lubrication mechanism for IF-WS 2 in the relatively low range of normal stress (0.96±0.38 GPa). Sliding is shown to be relevant under slightly higher normal stress, where the spacing between the two mating surfaces does not permit free rolling of the nanoparticles. Exfoliation of the IF nanoparticles becomes the dominant mechanism at the high end of normal stress; above 1.2 GPa and (slow) shear; i.e., boundary lubrication conditions. It is argued that the modus operandi of the nanoparticles depends on their degree of crystallinity (defects); sizes; shape, and their mechanical characteristics. This study suggests that the rolling mechanism, which leads to low friction and wear, could be attained by improving the sphericity of the IF nanoparticle, the dispersion (deagglomeration) of the nanoparticles, and the smoothness of the mating surfaces.
(2011) Sensors & Transducers. 12, Special Issue, p. 53-65 Abstract
It is now possible to synthesize inorganic nanotubes (INT) of WS2 in a pure phase and substantial amounts. Due to their crystalline perfection, they are characterized by excellent mechanical behavior. This study is dedicated to the investigation of the effect of INT-WS2 on the mechanical, thermal, adhesion and tribological properties of epoxy based nanocomposites. Various concentrations up to 1.0 wt% of the INT were added to the epoxy matrix. First a method was developed to mix the nanotubes in the epoxy resin matrix. A combination of both magnetic stirring and ultrasonic mixing was used. The adhesion, fracture toughness and strain energy release rate were studied. The INT-WS2 were found to significantly improve all these properties. The wear of the nanotubes-reinforced epoxy was eight-times lower than that of pure epoxy. These results suggest numerous applications.
(2011) Nanotechnology. 22, 45, 455706. Abstract
Structural arrangements of nanoplatelets in a polymer matrix play an important role in determining their properties. In the present study, multilayered composite films of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) with Laponite clay are assembled by layer-by-layer (LBL) deposition. The LBL films are found to be hydrated, flexible and transparent. A facile and solvent-free method - by depositing self-assembled monolayers (SMA) of a functional silane on substrates - is demonstrated for preparing free-standing LBL films. Evolution of nanostructures in LBL films is correlated with thermal and mechanical properties. A well-dispersed solvent-cast PVA/Laponite composite film is also studied for comparison. We found that structurally ordered LBL films with an intercalated nanoclay system exhibits tensile strength, modulus and toughness, which are significantly higher than that of the conventional nanocomposites with well-dispersed clay particles and that of pure PVA. This indicates that clay platelets are oriented in the applied stress direction, leading to efficient interfacial stress transfer. In addition, various grades of composite LBL films are prepared by chemical crosslinking and their mechanical properties are assessed. On account of these excellent properties, the LBL films may find potential use as optical and structural elements, and as humidity sensors.
(2011) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 11, 9, p. 7931-7936 Abstract
Electrospun (ES) nano-scale polymer fibers are known to exhibit lower Young's modulus and strength than their bulk counterpart. We have discovered that minute additions of sodium chloride (NaCl) during the preparation stage of ES polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) fibers raises the fiber mechanical properties in a significant way, nearly up to bulk values, over a range of diameters. NaCl-induced electrical effects leading to enhanced molecular alignment during nano-fiber formation is the most likely explanation for this synergistic effect. Moreover, beyond the now-recognized rise in Young's modulus values, we observed that the strength and tensile toughness of the ES fibers also significantly increase at progressively smaller diameters.
(2011) Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 59, 9, p. 1685-1701 Abstract
A generic mechanical model for bio-composites, including stiff platelets arranged in a staggered order inside a homogeneous soft matrix, is proposed. Equations are formulated in terms of displacements and are characterized by a set of non-dimensional parameters. The displacements, stress fields and effective modulus of the composite are formulated. Two analytical models are proposed, one which includes the shear deformations along the entire medium and another simplified model, which is applicable to a slender geometry and yields a compact expression for the effective modulus. The results from the models are validated by numerical finite element simulations and found to be compatible with each other for a wide range of geometrical and material properties. Finally, the models are solved for two bio-structures, nacre and a collagen fibril, and their solutions are discussed.
(2011) Journal of Structural Biology. 174, 1, p. 23-30 Abstract
The local Young modulus of dry dentin viewed as a hierarchical composite was measured by nano-indentation using two types of experiments, both in a continuous stiffness measurement mode. First, tests were performed radially along straight lines running across highly mineralized peritubular dentin sections and through less mineralized intertubulars dentin areas. These tests revealed a gradual decrease in Young's modulus from the bulk of the peritubular dentin region where modulus values of up to ∼40-42. GPa were observed, down to approximately constant values of ∼17. GPa in the intertubular dentin region. A second set of nano-indentation experiments was performed on the facets of an irregular polyhedron specimen cut from the intertubular dentin region, so as to probe the modulus of intertubular dentin specimens at different orientations relative to the tubular direction. The results demonstrated that the intertubular dentin region may be considered to be quasi-isotropic, with a slightly higher modulus value (∼22. GPa) when the indenting tip axis is parallel to the tubular direction, compared to the values (∼18. GPa) obtained when the indenting tip axis is perpendicular to the tubule direction.
(2011) Polymer-Carbon Nanotube Composites. p. 400-427 Abstract
Over the past 30 years Raman spectroscopy has transformed the field of composite micromechanics and is being successfully applied to the field of nanotube-reinforced polymers. Under the effects of stress, careful study of the Raman spectrum of carbon nanotubes provides a unique insight into various physical phenomena in nanocomposites. This chapter demonstrates the power of the Raman signature of carbon nanotubes as a detector of bulk matrix defects, the occurrence of polymer phase transitions, and the nanotubes' own orientation change with respect to applied stress, stress profiles from Raman-insensitive fibers, and dual information about improvements in the stress transfer ability and about nanotube wall structure degradation due to the surface treatment itself. Remaining challenges are described.
(2011) Composites Science and Technology. 71, 3, p. 373-381 Abstract
In this study we explore the effect of applied strain on the electrical resistance of carbon nanotube buckypaper films encapsulated in several types of epoxy resins. We find that such buckypaper sensors are indeed able to measure strains in polymers with different elastic properties and that the electrical resistance change similarly for all polymers tested here. For highly ductile polymers, the resistance change of the buckypaper sensors can be measured for strains higher than 30%, thus demonstrating surprisingly high sensitivity at large deformations. Different electromechanical responses are observed when the buckypapers are made of single-walled or multi-walled carbon nanotubes. The response of the buckypapers to the stress and strain distributions locally induced by well defined defects deliberately introduced into the resins is also assessed. The buckypaper sensors are found to be sensitive to the geometry of local defects.
(2011) Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 25, 13, p. 1603-1617 Abstract
In this paper we evaluated the effect of embedding inorganic nanotubes (INT) of tungsten disulfide (WS2) in an epoxy matrix, on the mechanical, thermal and adhesion properties of the resulting nanocomposites. The nanotube content spanned a range of values (0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 wt%), and the nanotube incorporation process consisted of a combination of both distributive (magnetic stirring) and dispersive (ultrasonic mixing) methods. The adhesion of the nanocomposites to an aluminum substrate was characterized by both a single lap shear and a T-peel test. The fracture toughness (K IC) of the nanocomposites was characterized by a standard compact tension (CT) plane-strain fracture test. The thermal properties of the nanocomposites were determined by dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA). Overall, the addition of INT-WS2 was found to improve the shear strength and peel properties of the nanocomposite, and to significantly improve its fracture toughness and glass transition temperature. The extent and character of the nanotube-epoxy interaction were examined by electron microscopy, as was the energy dissipation mechanisms during fracture.
(2011) Regenerative Medicine. p. 21-80 Abstract
Extracellular matrix (ECM) is an important component of stem cell niche areas, which provide residence, regulate stem cell pool size and control stem cell mobilization. ECM is a complex interlinked composite of collagenous molecules, non-collagenous molecules and water-rich mucopolysaccharide ground substance. Cells are integrated to their matrix via integrin and non-integrin receptors, which are utilized in the control of adhesion, migration, division, growth, anoikis, transdifferentiation and other cellular behaviour. ECM provides architecture and strength, but also growth factor deposits, which proteinases as signalling scissors can release in a site- and -process-specific manner. Several processes, like wounds, cartilage, fractures, myocardial infarctions and tumor growth are used to exemplify regenerative processes.
(2010) Composites Part A-Applied Science And Manufacturing. 41, 9, p. 1093-1098 Abstract
We study the effect of the molecular nature of the interface between an epoxy matrix and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on the mechanical properties of the resultant nano-composites, with emphasis on toughness. A number of samples based on variously functionalized CNTs, namely, pristine, carboxylated, and aminated CNTs are examined, with different qualities of dispersion. Nano-composite toughness is found to increase with enhanced interfacial adhesion, an effect that is opposite to what is usually observed in traditional fiber-based composites. The classical pull-out energy model is shown to effectively explain this result. It is thus possible to tune the toughness of a nano-composite by adjusting the molecular nature of its interface and the CNT characteristics, namely its strength and its length relative to its critical length.
(2010) Biomaterials. 31, 25, p. 6635-6646 Abstract
The relative motion between the tooth and alveolar bone is facilitated by the soft-hard tissue interfaces which include periodontal ligament-bone (PDL-bone) and periodontal ligament-cementum (PDL-cementum). The soft-hard tissue interfaces are responsible for attachment and are critical to the overall biomechanical efficiency of the bone-tooth complex. In this study, the PDL-bone and PDL-cementum attachment sites in human molars were investigated to identify the structural orientation and integration of the PDL with bone and cementum. These attachment sites were characterized from a combined materials and mechanics perspective and were related to macro-scale function. High resolution complimentary imaging techniques including atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and micro-scale X-ray computed tomography (Micro XCT™) illustrated two distinct orientations of PDL; circumferential-PDL (cir-PDL) and radial-PDL (rad-PDL). Within the PDL-space, the primary orientation of the ligament was radial (rad-PDL) as is well known. Interestingly, circumferential orientation of PDL continuous with rad-PDL was observed adjacent to alveolar bone and cementum. The integration of the cir-PDL was identified by 1-2 μm diameter PDL-inserts or Sharpey's fibers in alveolar bone and cementum. Chemically and biochemically the cir-PDL adjacent to bone and cementum was identified by relatively higher carbon and lower calcium including the localization of small leucine rich proteins responsible for maintaining soft-hard tissue cohesion, stiffness and hygroscopic nature of PDL-bone and PDL-cementum attachment sites. The combined structural and chemical properties provided graded stiffness characteristics of PDL-bone (Er range for PDL: 10-50MPa; bone: 0.2-9.6 GPa) and PDL-cementum (Er range for cementum: 1.1-8.3 GPa), which was related to the macro-scale function of the bone-tooth complex.
(2010) Nanotechnology. 21, 36, 365705. Abstract
Inorganic layered materials can form hollow multilayered polyhedral nanoparticles. The size of these multi-wall quasi-spherical structures varies from 4 to 300 nm. These materials exhibit excellent tribological and wear-resisting properties. Measuring and evaluating the stiffness of individual nanoparticle is a non-trivial problem. The current paper presents an in situ technique for stiffness measurements of individual WS2 nanoparticles which are 80 nm or larger using a high resolution scanning electron microscope (HRSEM). Conducting the experiments in the HRSEM allows elucidation of the compression failure strength and the elastic behavior of such nanoparticles under uniaxial compression.
(2010) Dental Materials. 26, 2, p. 179-184 Abstract
Objectives: The small volume of human dentin available for sample preparation and the local variations in its microstructure present a real challenge in the determination of their mechanical properties. The main purpose of the present study was to develop a new procedure for the preparation and mechanical testing of small-scale specimens of biomaterials such as dentin, so as to probe local mechanical properties as a function of microstructure. Methods: Ultra short laser pulses were used to mill a block of dentin into an array of 16 μm size dentin pillars. These could then be individually tested in compression with an instrumented nanoindenter fitted with a 30 μm wide flat punch. Results: The laser-based pillar preparation procedure proved effective and reliable. Data was produced for the mechanical properties of a first set of dry dentin micro-pillars. Significance: This novel experimental approach enables the preparation and compression of micron-scale samples with well-defined microstructure. For dentin, this means samples containing a relatively small number of well-defined parallel tubules, with a distinct orientation relative to the applied load. The ability to isolate the separate effects of microstructural parameters on the mechanical properties is of major significance for future substantiation of theoretical models.
(2009) Composites Science and Technology. 69, 7-8, p. 1250-1255 Abstract
Outer surfaces of spacecraft in orbit are exposed to hypervelocity impact originating from micro-meteoroids and space debris. The structural composite materials are integral parts of the spacecraft envelope. We studied the impact response of structural micro-composites containing Kevlar 29, spectra 1000 and oxygen RF (Radio Frequency) plasma surface-treated spectra 1000 fibers of 27-μm diameter, embedded in 100-μm epoxy resin films, in a series of planar impact experiments. The composites were loaded by 50-μm aluminum and polycarbonate impactors having velocities ranging from 400 to 550 m/s. The velocity of the free surface of the composite samples was continuously monitored by VISAR (Velocity Interferometer System for Any Reflector). The dynamic tensile (spall) strength of the micro-composites was calculated on the basis of the recorded free surface velocity profiles. Correlations were found between the spall strength and the separately measured: (i) fiber/matrix interfacial adhesion, (ii) tensile strengths of the fibers, of the matrix and of the micro-composites, and (iii) internal residual stresses. The spall strength of surface-treated spectra fibers micro-composites was found to be lower than that of both pristine spectra fibers micro-composites, and the pure epoxy film. The epoxy film reinforced by Kevlar fibers was found to have the highest spall strength.
(2009) Composites Science and Technology. 69, 7-8, p. 1323-1325 Abstract
The effect of fiber diameter change on the toughness of short fiber polymer-based composites is studied by assuming that the main energy absorption upon fracture is the fiber pull-out mechanism. An expression is derived for a characteristic fiber length, ℓ*, distinct from the critical length, above which an increase in fiber diameter always yields an increase in composite toughness. Experimental validation is provided through impact testing of composites made of short polyethylene terephthalate fibers in a polypropylene matrix.
(2009) Nano Letters. 9, 4, p. 1423-1426 Abstract
Unusually large deformation is observed in poly(methyl metacrylate) (PMMA) electrospun fibers under tension when multiwall or single-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs and SWCNTs) are included as a second phase in the fibers. These distortions are virtually absent in pure PMMA fibers and stem from markedly different energy dissipation mechanisms and necking modes arising from the dissimilar nanotube morphologies. Thus, both nanotubes types are effective tougheners of PMMA fibers, with an advantage for MWCNTs over SWCNTs.
(2009) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113, 12, p. 4751-4754 Abstract
We study the strain-induced shift of the D* Raman band of single-wall carbon nanotubes in polyvinyl alcohol-nanotube composite fibers. If embedded in structural components, such strain-sensitive fibers may be considered for potential applications as strain or stress sensors. Due to improved interfacial adhesion, stronger shifts of the D* Raman band are observed when carboxylic functional groups are present at the nanotube surface. This indicates that nanotube carboxylation would yield better efficacy for future sensing applications. However, we also observe that the improvements of interfacial adhesion do not lead to substantially better mechanical properties of the fibers. This effect is discussed by considering possible degradation of nanotubes during surface functionalization.
(2009) Applied Physics Letters. 95, 23, 233113. Abstract
Covalent surface modification of multiwall carbon nanotubes leads to enhanced nanotube dispersion in the polymer. Despite this, the mechanical properties of electrospun fibers made of polymethylmethacrylate containing surface modified nanotubes generally fall below those of fibers with pristine nanotubes, sometimes below those of pure polymer fibers. We show that covalent functionalization produces defects in the graphene structure, leading to mechanical weakening of the nanotube and, therefore, of the nanocomposite.
(2009) Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. 46, 2, p. 230-235 Abstract
The probability that debris will collide with a spacecraft in low Earth orbit is a rising concern of the space community. The most exposed materials are composite materials and polymers that serve as structural materials. Studying the fracture mechanisms of fiber/matrix microcomposites due to hypervelocity impact is the main purpose of this work. A laser-driven flyer-plate technique was used to simulate the debris impact, and microcomposite specimens of Spectra 1000 or Kevlar 29 fibers and epoxy resin as a matrix were prepared. In addition to studying the micromechanical response of hypervelocity impact on pristine microcomposites samples, the response of irradiated microcomposites was also examined. Pristine microcomposites and samples after exposure to gamma radiation were impacted by the aluminum laser-driven flyers at 0.9 and 1:7 km=s. The micromechanical response was correlated to the fibers and fiber/matrix interface properties.
(2009) Advances in Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Methods for Materials and ructures. p. 187-197 (trueSolid Mechanics and its Applications). Abstract
We propose a new experimental approach for the study of Young's modulus and the strength of dentin, using micro sized pillar-like specimens tested under compression using a nanoindenter apparatus fitted with a flat punch indenter. Dentin micro pillars were prepared by ablation with ultra short laser pulses, and subsequently compressedwith a 30 μmdiameter flat punch. Tubule orientation is found to affect the compression behavior of dry dentine in air, more so for Young's modulus than for strength.We propose to fit these results with adaptations of fiber composite theoretical models.
(2009) ICCM-17 - 17th International Conference on Composite Materials. Abstract
The electrical resistance of single and multi-walled carbon nanotubes buckypaper films was studied as a function of mechanical strain. The buckypaper strain sensors were encapsulated in epoxy matrices and the effect of carbon nanotube type and degree of strain on their resistance change and sensitivity were studied.
(2008) International Journal of Impact Engineering. 35, 12, p. 1606-1611 Abstract
Investigation of composite materials response to hypervelocity impact by space debris has been carried out. In order to simulate hypervelocity impact, a unique laser driven flyer plate (LDFP) system was used, generating hypervelocity debris with velocities of up to 3 km/s. The materials studied in this research were Kevlar 29/epoxy and Spectra1000/epoxy thin film micro-composites (thickness of about 100 μm). Both Spectra and Kevlar fibers are used in long-duration spacecraft outer wall shielding to reduce the perforation threat. The micro-mechanical response of different composites was studied and correlated to the fiber, the matrix and the fiber/matrix interface properties. Visual and microscopic examinations of the damaged area identified fiber debonding as the prevailing failure mechanism. On the basis of a simple energy balance model it can be stated that for Spectra/epoxy composite the dominant mechanism is new surface creation, whereas for Spectra surface-treated fibers/epoxy the fiber pull out is the dominant mechanism. For Kevlar/epoxy fiber, pull out mechanism plays an important role.
(2008) Dental Materials. 24, 12, p. 1640-1646 Abstract
Objective: To reduce friction between orthodontic stainless wires and bracket by coating the wire with nickel-phosphorous electroless film impregnated with inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles of tungsten disulfide (IF-WS2) which are potent dry lubricants. Methods: Coating was preformed by inserting stainless steel (SS) wires into electroless solutions of nickel-phosphorus (Ni-P) and IF-WS2. The coated wires were analyzed by SEM (scanning electron microscope) and EDS (energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer) as well as by tribological tests using a ball-on-flat device. Friction tests simulating archwire functioning of the coated and uncoated wires were carried out by an Instron machine. The adhesion properties of the coated wires after friction were analyzed by a Raman microscope. Results: SEM/EDS analysis of the coated wires showed clear impregnation of the IF-WS2 nanoparticles in the Ni-P matrix. The friction coefficient measured by the ball-on-flat tribometer was significantly reduced (from 0.25 to 0.08). The friction forces as measured with the Instron on the coated wire were reduced by up to 54% (4.00 N ± 0.19 uncoated vs. 1.85 N ± 0.21 coated). Raman spectra showed that even after extensive friction tests the Ni-P with the IF-WS2 nanoparticles is attached to the underlying stainless steel wire. Conclusions: It is proposed that the wires coated with these nanoparticles might offer a novel opportunity to substantially reduce friction during tooth movement. A few tests undertaken to evaluate the toxicity of the fullerene-like nanoparticles have provided indications that they might be biocompatible.
(2008) Nano Research. 1, 1, p. 22-31 Abstract
The mechanical properties of individual WS2 nanotubes were investigated and directly related to their atomic structure details by in situ transmission electron microscope measurements. A brittle mode deformation was observed in bending tests of short (ca. 1 mu m in length) multilayer nanotubes. This mode can be related to the atomic structure of their shells. In addition, longer nanotubes (6-7 mu m in length) were deformed in situ scanning electron microscope, but no plastic deformation was detected. A "sword-in-sheath" fracture mechanism was revealed in tensile loading of a nanotube, and the sliding of inner shells inside the outermost shell was imaged "on-line". Furthermore, bending modulus of 217 GPa was obtained from measurements of the electric-field-induced resonance of these nanotubes.
(2008) Advanced Functional Materials. 18, 13, p. 1905-1911 Abstract
Bone is mechanically and structurally anisotropic with oriented collagen fibrils and nanometer-sized mineral particles aggregating into lamellar or woven bone.[1] Direct measurements of anisotropic mechanical properties of sublamellar tissue constituents are complicated by the existence of an intrinsic hierarchical architecture. Methods such as nanoindentation provide insight into effective modulus values; however, bulk material properties cannot sufficiently be characterized since such measurements represent properties of near-surface volumes and are partially averaged over fibril orientations. [2-5] In this study, we focus on the material properties of bone at one single level of hierarchy. By measuring properties of individual parallelfibered units of fibrollamellar bone under tension under controlled humidity conditions, an unusually high anisotropy is found. Here, we clearly demonstrate ratios as large as 1:20 in elastic modulus and 1:15 in tensile strength between orientations perpendicular and parallel to the main collagen fiber orientation in native wet bone; these ratios reduce to 1:8 and 1:7, respectively, under dry conditions. This extreme anisotropy appears to be caused by the existence of periodic, weak interfaces at the mesoscopic length scale. These interfaces are thought to be relevant to the proper mechanical and physiological performance of bone.
(2008) Composites Science and Technology. 68, 1, p. 329 - 331 Abstract
The structural toughness arising from conventional energy dissipation mechanisms has the potential to be much more significant in nanocomposites than in composites containing conventional micron-size fibers. This is illustrated and discussed here using nanotube pull-out as an example of such dissipation. While somewhat challenging conventional scaling arguments, this appears to concur with current experimental observations.
(2008) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 48, 2, p. 65-72 Abstract
Mechanical properties of peritubular dentin were investigated using scanning probe microscopy techniques, namely Nanoindentation and Band Excitation. Particular attention was directed to the possible existence of a gradient in these properties moving outward from the tubular lumen to the junction with the intertubular dentin. Finite element analysis showed that the influence of the boundaries is small relative to the effects observed. Thus, these results strongly support the concept of a lowering of modulus and hardness from the tubular exterior to its periphery, which appear to correlate with graded changes in the mineral content.
(2008) Soft Matter. 4, 12, p. 2410-2417 Abstract
Live cells create adhering contacts with substrates via focal adhesion (FA) sites associated with the termini of actin stress fibers. These FA 'anchors' enable cells to adhere firmly and locally to a substrate, and to generate traction that enables cell body displacement. Using time-lapse video microscopy, we have monitored the spontaneous anisotropic changes in FA size and shape, resulting from molecular reorganization of the adhesion sites in live, non-motile rat embryonic fibroblasts adhering to fibronectin-coated glass surfaces. The resulting experimental data on FA growth, saturation and decay is compared with predictions from a number of biophysical models. We find that the growth and saturation regimes for all FAs exhibit a consistent, recurring pattern, whereas the disassembly regime exhibits erratic behavior. We observe that the maximum size of FA areas depends on the FA growth rate: larger FA areas are formed as the growth rate increases. Using a composite mechanics model by which the evolution of the shear stress profile along the FA region can be calculated, we suggest that FA saturation is triggered either by the reaching of a minimum shear stress threshold at the FA back edge, or of a maximum difference between the maximum and minimum shear stress along the FA site.
(2008) Applied Physics Letters. 92, 20, 206102. Abstract
Some of the responses to the comment by C. Lu on the tensile strength distribution of multiwalled carbon nanotubes are discussed. Lu made a number of claims that includes no size effect in chemical vapor deposition multiwalled carbon nanotubes (CVD MFNT) and a two parameter Weibull-distribution should be put on an equal footing with the lognormal or the normal distribution. The classic Weibull probability distribution function (pdf) is not to be put on equal footing with other pdf. It is the appropriate physical model for so-called extreme value phenomena which include fracture problems of various kinds. The Weibull model has a deeper link to physics than any other statistical model. The Akaike information criterion proposed by Lu seems to be an exercise in probability function fitting.
(2007) Nature Nanotechnology. 2, 12, p. 742-744 Abstract
The properties of materials reinforced by nanoparticles often fall far short of those predicted by theory, but now a layer-by-layer assembly approach offers a way in which nanocomposite materials could begin to realise their true potential.
(2007) Advanced Functional Materials. 17, 16, p. 3332-3338 Abstract
Geoinspired synthetic chrysotile nanotubes both stoichiometric and 0.67 wt % Fe doped were characterized by transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. Bending tests of the synthetic chrysotile nanotubes were performed using the atomic force microscope. The nanotubes were found to exhibit elastic behaviour at small deformations (below ca. 20 nm). Young's modulus values of (159±125) GPa and (279±260) GPa were obtained from the force-deflection curves using the bending equation for a clamped beam under a concentrated load, for the stoichiometric and the Fe doped chrysotile nanotubes, respectively. The structural modifications induced by Fe doping altered the mechanical properties, with an apparent dependence of the latter on the number of constituting walls of the nanotubes.
(2007) Polymer. 48, 23, p. 6843-6854 Abstract
Specific interfacial interactions in multi-component systems such as composites improve the chemical compatibility between the filler and the matrix, prevent the filler from aggregating and strengthen the interface. Carbon nanotube (CNT) based polyacrylonitrile (PAN) composites were prepared either by extrusion or electrospinning to yield fibers with diameters on two different scales - micro- and nanometric. Introduction of a third component, ethylene carbonate, a plasticizer which is capable of forming strong dipolar interactions with the nitrile group of the polymer, had a four-fold effect. It enabled melt-processing of the polymer, caused a structural transition in the crystalline matrix, improved the uniformity and decreased the diameter of the electrospun fibers. It also indirectly revealed a preferred interaction between the π-electrons of the CNT and the nitrile groups of PAN, as was identified based on synchrotron microbeam WAXD, DSC, 13C NMR and FTIR of CNT-filled and unfilled PAN fibers. The nature of CNT and PAN interaction was modeled by charge-transfer of CNT π-electrons from the highest occupied molecular orbital to the empty nitrile π* orbital of PAN.
(2007) Bone. 41, 3, p. 456-461 Abstract
The lamellar bone's strength is mainly affected by the organization of its mineralized collagen fibers and material composition. In the present study, Raman microspectroscopic and imaging analyses were employed to study a normal human femoral midshaft bone cube-like specimen with a spatial resolution of similar to 1-2 mu m. Identical bone lamellae in both longitudinal and transverse directions were analyzed, which allowed us to separate out orientation and composition dependent Raman lines, depending on the polarization directions. This approach gives information about lamellar bone orientation and variation in bone composition. It is shown that the nu(1) PO4 to amide I ratio mainly displays lamellar bone orientation; and nu(2) PO4 to amide III and CO3 to nu(2) PO4 ratios display variation in bone composition. The nu(2) PO4 to amide III ratio is higher in the interstitial bone region, whereas the CO3 to nu(2) PO4 ratio has lower values in the same region. The present study provides fresh insights into the organization of a lamellar bone tissue from two orthogonal orientations. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
(2007) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 111, 24, p. 8432-8436 Abstract
The cylindrical geometry of nanotubes dictates a strong anisotropy of their physical properties. In practice, the difficulty in extracting individual components of the elastic tensor has limited the available information to only very partial and indirect experimental data. Here, the interlayer shear (sliding) modulus (C44) of single multiwalled WS2 nanotubes was studied by atomic force microscopy bending tests. The observed value of 2 GPa agrees well with the value of 4 GPa obtained for density functional tight binding calculations for 2H-MoS2. This value of the shear modulus represents a much higher degree of anisotropy than that obtained for carbon nanotubes and enables assignment of the mode of shear deformation.
(2007) Advanced Materials. 19, 9, p. 1228-1233 Abstract
The stress-strain behavior of the poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) nanofibers and carbon nanotubes reinforced PMMA nanofibers that were prepared by electrospinning, has been analyzed. Young's modulus and the tensile strength of the reinforced nanofibers exhibited considerable improvements, in comparison to the pure PMMA nanofibers. It is observed that the improved mechanical behavior of the composite fiber reflects the reinforcing effect of the nanotubes rather than any diameter effect. This improvement is likely related to the good dispersion and orientation of the nanotubes within the polymer, and to the string interfacial adhesion due to the nanotube surface modification. It can also be observed that the scale parameter of the fiber strength distribution increases significantly, after incorporation of nanotubes into the PMMA fiber. Such high-strength electrospun nanofiber-based composites can have wide applicability for future engineering applications.
(2007) Composites Part A-Applied Science And Manufacturing. 38, 5, p. 1354-1362 Abstract
A process for melt mixing of carbon nanotubes in polyacrylonitrile, which is aided by addition of plasticizer is proposed and employed to extrude/draw filaments at various draw ratios and test them for a range of properties. Microscopic observations show that the nanotubes are evenly dispersed throughout the filament and that they are preferentially aligned along its axis. The extrusion/drawing process results in two fold higher draw ratios of the nanocomposite filament compared with the unfilled control, and the first is shown by wide-angle X-ray diffraction and by polarized Raman spectroscopy to possess higher crystalline and morphological orientation. Thermal analysis and measurements of electric conductivity and mechanical properties attest to the condition that the carbon nanotubes are engaged in π-π interactions with the nitrile groups and/or with their polymerized conjugated imine system. These interactions interfere with and reduce the mutual dipole interactions of the nitrile groups of the polyacrylonitrile, allowing the nanocomposite filaments to be stretched to higher draw ratios. The potential reinforcing effect of the carbon nanotubes is cancelled out by the loss of the original dipole interactions, resulting in lower mechanical properties. However, the interaction of the carbon nanotubes with the conjugated imine system offers potentially interesting electric properties.
(2007) Composite Interfaces. 14, 4, p. 285-297 Abstract
The surface of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) was functionalized by covalent linking of long alkyl chains. Such functionalization led to a much better tube dispersion in organic solvents than pristine nanotubes, favored the formation of homogenous nanocomposite films, and yielded good interfacial bonding between the nanotubes and two polymer matrices: a thermo-set (Epon 828/T-403) and a thermoplastic (PMMA). Tensile tests indicated, however, that the reinforcement was greatly affected by the type of polymer matrix used. Relative to pure PMMA, a 32% improvement in tensile modulus and a 28% increase in tensile strength were observed in PMMA-based nanocomposites using 1.0 wt% nanotube filler. Contrasting with this, no improvement in mechanical properties was observed in epoxy-based nanocomposites. The poorer mechanical performance of the latter system can be explained by a decrease of the crosslinking density of the epoxy matrix in the nanocomposites, relative to pure epoxy. Indeed we demonstrate that the presence of nanotubes promotes an increase in the activation energy of the curing reaction in epoxy, and a decrease of the degree of curing.
(2007) Journal of Dentistry. 35, 2, p. 150-155 Abstract
Objectives: We present a novel way to create high-resolution three-dimensional images of tooth dentin by harmonic generation scanning laser microscopy. Methods: The images were taken using a pulsed infrared laser. Three-dimensional reconstruction enables the visualization of individual tubules and the collagen fibrils mesh around them with an optical resolution of ∼1 μm. Results: The images show micro-morphological details of the dentinal tubules as well as the collagen fibrils at a depth of up to about 200 μm. The data show that while collagen fibrils are organized in planes perpendicular to the tubules, close to the dentin enamel junction they lie also along the long axis of the tubules. Conclusions: The unique 3D information opens the opportunity to study the collagen fibril arrangement in relation to the tubule orientation within the dentin matrix, and may be applied to study the micro-morphology of normal versus altered dentin.
(2007) Applied Physics Letters. 90, 8, 083108. Abstract
A one-step procedure to assemble nanoscale electrospun poly(methylmetacrylate) (PMMA) and multiwall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) reinforced PMMA fibers into twisted continuous ropes is presented. A post-treatment procedure following rope assembly is essential to maximize the mechanical properties of the ropes. A comparison between the mechanical properties of the individual nanoscale fibers and microscale ropes reveals that rope strength variability is advantageously smaller than single fiber strength variability, but also that the average rope strength is smaller than the single fiber strength. The incorporation of MWCNTs in PMMA ropes often leads to a significant increase in failure strain and toughness.
(2007) Applied Scanning Probe Methods Vi: Characterization. p. 287-323 (trueNanoscience and Technology). Abstract
(2006) Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. 128-130, p. 37-46 Abstract
The discovery of carbon nanotubes offers exciting opportunities for the development of novel high property materials. Disaggregation and uniform dispersion are critical challenges that must be met to successfully produce such high property materials, since carbon nanotubes tend to self-associate into micro-scale aggregates. This results in products with inferior mechanical and electric performance. Recognizing this problem, extensive research has been reported in the literature on development of dispersion technologies based on both mechanical and chemical approaches. Here, we review recent progress and advances that have been made on dispersion of carbon nanotubes in aqueous and organic media by non-covalent adsorption of surfactants and polymers. Carbon nanotube structure, properties and mainly self-assembly are discussed in detail.
(2006) Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Materials in a Space Environment and The 8th International Conference on Protection of Materials and Structures in a Space Environment. 616 ed. Abstract
Spacecraft in low-Earth orbit (LEO) are exposed to a large flux of hypervelocity impacts with small particles of natural space micrometeoroids and man generated debris. At risk are the outer surfaces of the spacecraft usually made of polymers and composite materials. The objective of this work is to study the effect of hypervelocity impact on the fracture of fiber-matrix micro-composites. The hypervelocity impact is generated using a laser driven flyer plate technique. Organic fibers/epoxy micro-composite samples were prepared using Spectra 1000 or Kevlar 29 fibers and epoxy resin as a matrix. A combined effect of hypervelocity impact along with ionizing radiation on micro-composites has been examined. For this purpose untreated micro-composites and samples after exposure to gamma radiation were impacted by the aluminum laser driven flyers at 0.9 and 1.7 km/s. The micro-mechanical response of different composites was studied and was correlated to the fibers and fiber/matrix interface properties.
(2006) Journal of Materials Research. 21, 8, p. 1913-1921 Abstract
The secondary osteon is the fundamental building block of compact cortical bone at the tissue level. Light and scanning electron microscopy have shown that the osteon consists of a laminated cylindrical composite of mineralized collagen fibril lamellae ∼5-7 μm thick. Using scanning nanoindentation and quantitative backscattered electron imaging on secondary osteons from the human femoral midshaft, we found that the indentation modulus shows a periodic variation between ∼24 GPa and 27 GPa within a single lamella. The average lamellar value remains nearly constant across the osteon and increases abruptly to more than 30 GPa at the interstitial bone interface. The local mineral content, determined from quantitative backscattered electron imaging at the indented locations, shows also a lamellar level modulation and is positively correlated with the indentation modulus at the same tissue position. We propose that such a mechanically and compositionally modulated structure may be an effective crack-stopping mechanism in bone.
(2006) Composites Science and Technology. 66, 10, p. 1348-1353 Abstract
Fibrous arrays and composites are among the strongest structures created by man or found in nature. Such materials often fail in a slow, cumulative fashion, suppressing the sudden occurrence of rapid structural collapse. Our classical understanding of the statistical tensile strength and failure of unidirectional composites is usually based on a stochastic model where the key predictor is the size (N*) of a critical cluster of adjacent broken fibres, which inevitably leads to final composite failure. Here we show, via direct measurements using high-resolution synchrotron X-ray tomography, that in a quartz-epoxy composite the classical stochastic theory underpredicts - by a factor 3-5 - the size N* of the critical 'failed-fibre' cluster. A simple fracture mechanics argument which relates the critical fibre cluster size to the material strength is proposed to account for our data.
(2006) International Journal of Fracture. 139, 3-4, p. 425-436 Abstract
The nanoscale deformation and fracture mechanisms of parallel fibered bone are investigated using a novel combination of in-situ tensile testing to failure combined with high brilliance synchrotron X-ray scattering. The technique enables the simultaneous measurement of strain at two length scales - in the mineralized collagen fibrils (∼100 nm diameter) along with the macroscopic strain (∼1 mm diameter). Under constant rate tensile loading, we find that fibril strain saturates beyond the macroscopic yield point of bone at ∼0.5%, providing a correlation between the failure mechanisms at the nanoscale and the bulk structural properties. When bone stretched beyond the yield point is unloaded back to zero stress, the fibrils are contracted relative to their original state. We examine the findings in the context of a fiber - matrix shearing model at the nanometer level.
(2006) Advanced Materials. 18, 12, p. 1537-1540 Abstract
A shear-lag model classically used in the field of composite materials science to the context of a cell adhering to a substrate through FA sites was studied. The shear stress at a given time along an adhesion site was calculated, providing a view of the stress present along the cell substrate interface as a result of the force exerted by internal actin bundles. The shape of such stress profiles suggests a likely mechanism for the biochemical feedback activity leading to the growth of the adhesion region. The most significant result that emerges from this approach is the prediction of a shear-stress profile along the FA length that exhibits a maximum value at the front edge, with likely biochemical recruiting of new proteins at that site. The effect of the material and geometrical parameters of the FA components and of the ECM as well as questions pertaining to the entire cell morphology can be explored using this model as a guide.
(2006) Advanced Functional Materials. 16, 3, p. 357-363 Abstract
Microscale aggregate formation, resulting from high intrinsic filler attractions, is one of the major issues in nanocomposite preparation and processing. Herein, the dispersive effects achieved by a wide range of surface-active agents, as well as surface oxidation and functionalization, are investigated. The aim of our research is to form a uniform, multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWNT) distribution in water-soluble (poly(ethylene glycol)) and water-insoluble (polypropylene) polymers. In order to understand the surface-charge-related stability of the treated nanotubes solutions, zeta-potential measurements are applied. Quantification of the state of the MWNT dispersion is derived from particle-size analysis, while visual characterization is based on optical and electron microscopy. To estimate the nucleating ability of the surface-modified carbon nanotubes, the temperature of crystallization and the degree of crystallinity are calculated from differential scanning thermograms. Finally, we suggest general guidelines to produce uniform MWNT dispersions using a dispersive agent and/or surface treatment in water-soluble and water-insoluble polymers.
(2006) Tribology Letters. 21, 2, p. 135-139 Abstract
Uneven malaligned teeth are a problem afflicting large numbers of people, having significant economic and societal repercussions. Sliding a tooth along an archwire during orthodontic treatment involves a frictional type of force which resists this movement, causing a number of adverse effects. First, using excessive orthodontic force, leads to unwanted movements of the anchor teeth and increasing the risk of damage to the roots of the teeth. Furthermore, the frictional force is distributed unevenly between the archwire and the brackets interface, leading to strong adhesion between the wire and the bracket's corner. This force-asymmetry causes lengthening of treatment and frequent visits for fine-tuning of the orthodontic appliances. Despite numerous efforts to lower the friction, no satisfactory solution to this issue has been obtained. In the present work a self-lubricating metal coating containing fullerene-like WS2 (IF) nanoparticles is demonstrated. Such coatings significantly reduce archwire friction, and may alleviate the adverse complications. Moreover, a number of other medical applications of the self-lubricating coatings are foreseen.
(2006) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103, 3, p. 523-528 Abstract
The mechanical properties of materials and particularly the strength are greatly affected by the presence of defects; therefore, the theoretical strength (≈10% of the Young's modulus) is not generally achievable for macroscopic objects. On the contrary, nanotubes, which are almost defect-free, should achieve the theoretical strength that would be reflected in superior mechanical properties. In this study, both tensile tests and buckling experiments of individual WS2 nanotubes were carried out in a high-resolution scanning electron microscope. Tensile tests of MoS2 nanotubes were simulated by means of a density-functional tight-binding-based molecular dynamics scheme as well. The combination of these studies provides a microscopic picture of the nature of the fracture process, giving insight to the strength and flexibility of the WS2 nanotubes (tensile strength of ≈16 GPa). Fracture analysis with recently proposed models indicates that the strength of such nanotubes is governed by a small number of defects. A fraction of the nanotubes attained the theoretical strength indicating absence of defects.
(2006) Advanced Materials. 18, 1, p. 83-87 Abstract
The interfacial strength between carbon nanotubes and a polymer matrix increases dramatically when the carbonnanotube surface is chemically modified. As individual nanotubes are pulled from a polymer matrix, a transition from pullout to fracture occurs (see Figure) at a critical nanotube embedded length, with chemically modified nanotubes showing a smaller critical length than unmodified ones.
(2005) Composites Science and Technology. 65, 15-16 SPEC. ISS., p. 2380-2384 Abstract
This paper summarizes and discusses the limited statistically significant, currently available, experimental data for the tensile strength of individual nanotubes of any sort. Only three such data sets currently exist: two for multi-wall carbon nanotubes and one for multi-wall WS2 nanotubes. It is shown here that Weibull-Poisson statistics accurately fits all strength data sets and thus seems to apply at the nano-scale as well as it does at the micro- and macro-scales. The significance and trends of the Weibull shape and scale parameters, and their relation to the specific structural features of the different nanotubes, are discussed in each case. More recent fracture analyses are also discussed and, in that context, the role of defects in quasi-perfect structures in relation to the theoretical strength is examined.
(2005) Applied Physics Letters. 87, 20, p. 1-3 203106. Abstract
Individual multiwalled carbon nanotubes grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) were tensile tested within the chamber of an electron microscope using an atomic force microscope-based technique. Weibull-Poisson statistics could accurately model the nanotube tensile strength data. Weibull shape and scale parameters of 1.7 and 109 GPa were obtained. The former reflects a wide variability in strength similar to that observed for high-modulus graphite fibers, while the latter indicates that the irregular CVD-grown tube wall structure requires, in some cases, higher breaking forces than more regular tube wall structures. This apparent strengthening mechanism is most likely caused by an enhanced interaction between the walls of the nanotube.
(2005) Composites Part A-Applied Science And Manufacturing. 36, 11, p. 1555-1561 Abstract
The thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy-based nanocomposites based on low weight fractions (from 0.01 to 0.5 wt%) of randomly oriented single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes were examined. Preparation methods for the nanocomposites, using two types of epoxy resins, were developed and good dispersion was generally achieved. The mechanical properties examined were the tensile Young's modulus by Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis and the toughness under tensile impact using notched specimens. Moderate Young's modulus improvements of nanocomposites were observed with respect to the pure matrix material. A particularly significant enhancement of the tensile impact toughness was obtained for specific nanocomposites, using only minute nanotube weight fractions. No significant change in the glass transition temperature of SWCNT/epoxy nanocomposites was observed, compared to that of the epoxy matrix. The elastic modulus of the SWNT-based nanocomposites was found to be slightly higher than the value predicted by the Krenchel model for short-fiber composites with random orientation.
(2005) Nano Letters. 5, 10, p. 2108-2111 Abstract
Deformation mechanisms in bone matrix at the nanoscale control its exceptional mechanical properties, but the detailed nature of these processes is as yet unknown. In situ tensile testing with synchrotron X-ray scattering allowed us to study directly and quantitatively the deformation mechanisms at the nanometer level. We find that bone deformation is not homogeneous but distributed between a tensile deformation of the fibrils and a shearing in the interfibrillar matrix between them.
(2005) Composites Science and Technology. 65, 11-12, p. 1861-1868 Abstract
Two epoxy resins with widely different mechanical properties were used as matrices in which functionalized carbon nanotubes were randomly dispersed to produce nanocomposites. In both cases, strong covalent bonds were created as a bridge between the nanotubes and matrix, but due to differences in viscosity, the nanotubes dispersion was much better in the rubbery epoxy resin than in glassy epoxy. A 28% increase in tensile Young's modulus was observed in the rubbery system using 1 wt.% functionalized nanotubes, compared to the unreinforced rubbery epoxy. As to glassy epoxy based composites, no improvement in modulus could be observed but a significant 50% improvement in impact toughness was observed, compared to the unreinforced glassy epoxy resin.
(2005) Advanced Functional Materials. 15, 6, p. 975-980 Abstract
Nanocomposites based on semi-crystalline poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and well-dispersed chemically functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes are combined through simple mixing. The interaction between the nanotubes and the polymer matrix is studied using optical and thermal methods. Significant enhancement of the mechanical properties is obtained for the functionalized-nanotube-based composites. These results imply that promoting nanotube dispersion and strong interfacial bonding through adequate functionalization of nanotubes improves the load transfer from the matrix to the reinforcing phase.
(2005) Physical Review B. 71, 11, 115443. Abstract
Individual multiwalled carbon nanotubes were controllably wetted by polyethylene glycol, glycerol, and water. A Wilhelmy force balance approach was used to calculate contact angles at the nanotube-polyethylene glycol and nanotube-glycerol interfaces, allowing examination of the contact angle dependence on the nanotube diameter. Water, however, exhibited a significantly larger interaction with the nanotube, which could only be explained by allowing for internal wetting of the open carbon nanotube structure. This internal wetting angle is smaller than the external one.
(2005) Chemical Physics Letters. 404, 4-6, p. 263-266 Abstract
The contact angle between multiwall carbon nanotubes, carbon nanofiber and carbon fibers, and polypropylene and polyethylene glycol was measured using electron microscopy. Good wetting was observed using both polymers. The Owens-Wendt plotting procedure was used to obtain the polar, dispersive and total surface energy parameters for the three types of carbon materials. Minor differences only were found between these.
(2005) Composites Part A-Applied Science And Manufacturing. 36, 1, p. 33-37 Abstract
We have recently developed an experiment to measure the interfacial adhesion in nanotube-polymer composites by 'dragging-out' a single nanotube from a polymer matrix using an atomic force microscope tip. To quantify the data, an approximate analysis was used. Here, this 'drag-out' configuration is reproduced at a larger scale, namely, using a single flexible fiber (polyethylene) bridging a polymer (epoxy) hole. The data generated from this single fiber drag-out experiment was used as input in a new theoretical model that evaluates the interfacial shear adhesion at the fiber-matrix interface. Comparisons were made between the data generated from the single fiber drag-out and independent pull-out data produced in a classical microbond experiment with the same material system. The drag-out data compare fairly well with the microbond test data, and are found to be of the same order of magnitude as in the literature.
(2005) PRICM-5. Vol. 475-479. p. 4097-4102 (truePricm 5: The Fifth Pacific Rim International Conference On Advanced Materials And Processing, Pts 1-5). Abstract
The Young's modulus of WS2 nanotubes is an important property for various applications. Measurements of the mechanical properties of individual nanotubes are challenging because of the small size of the tubes. Lately, measurements of the Young's modulus by buckling of an individual nanotube using an atomic force microscope(1) resulted in an average value of 171GPa. Tensile tests of individual WS2 nanotubes were performed experimentally using a scanning electron microscope and simulated tensile tests of MoS2 nanotubes were performed by means of a density-functional tight-binding (DFTB) based molecular dynamics (MD) scheme. Preliminary results for WS2 nanotubes show Young's modulus value of ca. 162GPa, tensile strength value of ca. 13GPa and average elongation of ca. 12%. MD simulations resulted in elongation of 19% for zigzag and 17% for armchair MoS2 single wall nanotubes. Since MoS2 and WS2 nanotubes have similar structures the same behavior is expected for both, hence there is a good agreement regarding the elongation of WS2 nanotubes between experiment and simulation.
(2004) Functional Carbon Nanotubes. p. 150-154 Abstract
Individual multi-walled carbon nanotube pullout experiments were used to measure the adhesion strength at a nanotube-epoxy polymer interface. The interfacial strength was found, as expected, to increase when the nanotubes were chemically treated to induce strong bonding with the polymer matrix. At long nanotube embedment lengths within the polymer, the nanotubes were seen to fracture in preference to failure at their interface with the polymer. Interfacial mechanics models are applied to the data to describe interfacial adhesion at the nano-level.
(2004) Functional Carbon Nanotubes. p. 110-114 Abstract
The wetting properties and surface characteristics of individual carbon nanotubes are elucidated by immersing the nanotube into various organic liquid. The resultant force acting on the nanotube can be used to evaluate a liquid contact angle at the nanotube surface from classical methods. This technique was shown to be accurate enough to discern differences in wetting behavior due to both structural and chemical changes in the nanotube structure.
(2004) Materials Today. 7, 11, p. 32 - 37 Abstract
Materials and material development are fundamental to our very culture. We even ascribe major historical periods of our society to materials such as the stone age, bronze age, iron age, steel age (the industrial revolution), polymer age, silicon age, and silica age (the telecoms revolution). This reflects how important materials are to us. We have, and always will, strive to understand and modify the world around us and the stuff of which it is made. As the 21st century unfolds, it is becoming more apparent that the next technological frontiers will be opened not through a better understanding and application of a particular material, but rather by understanding and optimizing material combinations and their synergistic function, hence blurring the distinction between a material and a functional device comprised of distinct materials.
(2004) Materials Today. 7, 11, p. 38 - 42 Abstract
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), whether single- or multi-walled (SWNT or MWNT, respectively), have, in an unparalleled fashion, grabbed the attention of both researchers and business leaders within the polymer community. The vast potential afforded by the unprecedented combination of mechanical, electrical, and thermal properties within one nanoscale additive opens new vistas for commodity plastics, elastomers, adhesives, and coatings, as well as new specialty systems with never-before-realized combinations of material properties within a processible plastic or fiber1, 2, 3
Recent developments in the application of Raman spectroscopy to carbon-nanotube-based composite materials are reviewed. This technique may be used to identify carbon nanotubes, access their dispersion in polymers, evaluate nanotube/matrix interactions and detect polymer phase transitions. The Raman spectra of nanotubes can also be used to quantify the strain or stress transferred to nanotubes from the surrounding environment and to investigate local stresses and strains in polymers and composites. A polarized Raman technique was developed to detect the stress or strain in a matrix using randomly dispersed single-walled nanotubes. This technique has been used to detect and map stress fields in model fibre-polymer composites. The stress distributions around fibre breaks were mapped and compared with classical load transfer models.
(2004) Composites Science and Technology. 64, 15 SPEC. ISS., p. 2283-2289 Abstract
Pullout experiments were performed at the nanoscale using an atomic force microscope, to assess the interfacial adhesion between multi-walled carbon nanotubes and a matrix of polyethylene-butene. Fracture energy for the nanotube-polymer interface was calculated from the measured pullout forces and embedded lengths. The results suggest the existence of a relatively strong interface, with higher fracture energy for smaller diameter nanotubes.
(2004) Composites Science and Technology. 64, 13-14, p. 1915-1919 Abstract
The interfacial strength between E-glass fibers and an isotactic polypropylene matrix is evaluated in this work using single-wall carbon nanotubes as stress sensors. The carbon nanotubes were present in small quantities within an industrial sizing applied to the glass fibers. Variations in the composite interfacial strength due to the glass fibers being coated with different polymer coatings prior to composite processing were easily detected using the carbon nanotube stress sensors. These interfacial measurements correlated well with results from conventional micro-mechanical fragmentation testing.
(2004) Nano Letters. 4, 8, p. 1439-1443 Abstract
Stepped conical structures have been produced at the surface of poly(ethylene glycol) by contacting a single, relatively short carbon nanotube attached to an AFM tip with the molten polymer surface, followed by polymer cooling. Cooling of the polymer melt in the nanotube vicinity is the most likely mechanism for these ziggurat-like structural formations. Simple heat transfer calculations confirm the effect of the nanotube length on the propensity for local solidification of the polymer.
(2004) Physical review letters. 92, 18, p. 186103-1-186103-4 186103. Abstract
The static and dynamic wetting measurements of an individual multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were discussed. The possibility of adapting the Wilhelmy balance method to perform measurements of the static and dynamic wetting characteristics of single carbon nanotubes using a range of simple liquids in air was shown. It was observed that the increased attractive force during removal of carbon nanotubes from the liquids could be used to evaluate the mechanical distortion of the liquid meniscus. A method was also developed to monitor the forces acting on individual carbon nanotubes during their immersion into and retraction from liquids in air.
(2003) AIP Conference Proceedings. 1 ed. Vol. 696. p. 580-587 (trueInternational Conference On Physics Of Emerging Functional Materials (Pefm-2010)). Abstract
Two methods are described for experimental determination of interfacial strengths of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in a polymer matrix. These SPMbased techniques allow realtime monitoring of the dynamics of a single pullout event. A comparison and contrast of these different techniques is presented here. Correlations found with the tube diameter give insights as to the nature of the CNTpolymer interaction.
(2003) Composites Part A-Applied Science And Manufacturing. 34, 12, p. 1219-1225 Abstract
The feasibility of using Raman spectroscopy to map strain fields in model composites is demonstrated by means of two experiments. (1) The mapping of the stress concentration in the vicinity of a break in a strained E-glass fiber, using the Raman spectrum of single-wall nanotubes dispersed in the polymer around the fiber. (2) The mapping of strain using the Raman response of a strained high modulus carbon fiber and, simultaneously, from the surrounding polymer matrix using single-wall nanotubes dispersed in the polymer. The size and shape of the 'zone of influence' resulting from the stress concentration effects around the fiber breaks are evaluated in both cases. Model experiments of this type provide fundamental design information about the fiber-matrix stress transfer mechanisms in composites.
(2003) Composites Science and Technology. 63, 11, p. 1647-1654 Abstract
Silicone based elastomers have been mixed with single-wall carbon nanotubes or larger carbon nanofibrils. Tensile tests show a dramatic enhancement of the initial modulus of the resulting specimens as a function of filler load, accompanied by a reduction of the ultimate properties. We show that the unique properties of the carbon nanoparticles are important and effective in the reinforcement. The modulus enhancement of the composites initially increases as a function of applied strain, and then at around 10-20% strain the enhancement effect is lost in all of the samples. This "pseudo-yield" in elastomeric (or rubber) composites is generally believed to be due to trapping and release of rubber within filler clusters. However, in-situ Raman spectroscopy experiments show a loss of stress transfer to the nanotubes suggesting that instead, the "pseudo yield" is due to break-down of the effective interface between the phases. The reorientation of nanotubes under strain in the samples may be responsible for the initial increase in modulus enhancement under strain and this is quantified in the Raman experiments.
(2003) Applied Physics Letters. 82, 23, p. 4140-4142 Abstract
The measurement of the force required to separate a carbon nanotube from a solid polymer matrix was discussed. The reproducible nanopullout experiments were performed by using atomic force microscopy during the analysis. The results showed that the polymer matrix in close vicinity of the carbon nanotube was able to withstand stresses, causing considerable yield in a bulk polymer specimen.
(2003) Journal Of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics. 41, 5, p. 520-527 Abstract
The nonisothermal crystallization of multiwall carbon nanotube (MWNT)/isotactic polypropylene (iPP) nanocomposites was investigated. The results derived from the differential scanning calorimetry curves (onset temperature, melting point, supercooling, peak temperature, half-time of crystallization, and enthalpy of crystallization) were compared with those of neat iPP. The data were also processed according to Ozawa's theory and Dobreva's approach. These results and X-ray diffraction data showed that the MWNTs acted as α-nucleating agents in iPP. Accordingly, MWNT/iPP was significantly different from neat iPP: A fibrillar morphology was observed instead of the usual spherulites.
(2003) Advanced Functional Materials. 13, 2, p. 159-164 Abstract
CdSe nanoparticles were electrodeposited on mechanically strained gold, the latter achieved by controlled bending of gold films evaporated on mica. It is shown that the size and bandgap of the electrodeposited CdSe quantum dots (QDs) can be varied by applying mechanical strain to the Au substrate during deposition. This is attributed to change in the lattice spacing of the strained {111} Au and consequently in the lattice mismatch between the Au and the CdSe. Negative mechanical strain promotes the formation of rocksalt (RS) CdSe nanocrystals, normally existing only at high pressures. This is attributed to surface tension compression in the small crystals, together with enhancement of the phase transition by the CdSe/substrate interface.
(2002) Composites Science and Technology. 62, 15, p. 1957-1964 Abstract
Using a model polypropylene-based composite, we report the observation of longitudinal damage in a transcrystalline interphase under the effect of a transverse notch, propagating in a direction perpendicular to the axis of a Kevlar fiber. We find that a Cook-Gordon-like damage mechanism is active. The damage growth rate in the transcrystalline layer, parallel to the fiber axis, is larger in thinner layers. A schematic model of the microstructural aspects of damage, which reflects the anisotropic microstructure of the transcrystalline layer, is proposed and briefly discussed.
(2002) Applied Physics Letters. 81, 20, p. 3873-3875 Abstract
An experimental technique for probing the adhesion of carbon nanotubes to a polymer matrix was described. The nanotube-polymer interaction was quantified by detaching individual single-walled carbon nanotube bundles and multiwalled-carbon nanotube from an epoxy matrix using a scanning probe microscope tips. These experiments were used for the calculation of the nanotube-polymer interfacial shear strength.
(2002) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2, 5, p. 517-521 Abstract
Randomly oriented rod or rope-like nanoparticles on the surface of an elastomeric substrate are aligned along one direction simply by stretching the substrate. The technique is demonstrated here using single-walled carbon nanotube ropes, and the degree of alignment is assessed by polarized Raman spectroscopy. The alignment is preserved after the particles are removed from the substrate surface, showing that the aligned nanoparticles can be stamped in patterns onto another surface.
(2002) Chemical Physics Letters. 361, 1, p. 57-61 Abstract
The interfacial shear strength in single-wall nanotube-polymer composites is calculated using a traditional force balance approach, modified for a hollow tube, and the effect of varying some of the model parameters is examined and discussed. It is shown that high values of the interfacial shear strength (compared to those in current advanced fiber-based polymer composites) are in principle attainable. Defects in the hexagonal structure of a nanotube, which technically is a 'perfect' material, are expected to strongly reduce its strength and the model predicts that, as a consequence, a large variability should be experimentally observed in either the interfacial strength or the critical length of apparently identical nanotubes.
(2002) Composites Science and Technology. 62, 7-8, p. 1105-1112 Abstract
Composites consisting of different quantities of carbon nanotubes and nanofibrils in a poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) matrix have been prepared using a polymer extrusion technique. The nanotubes or nanofibrils were first dispersed over the polymer matrix particles using a dry powder mixing method. The final composite specimens contained well-dispersed and aligned nanofibrils and nanotubes. The orientation distribution of carbon fibrils and nanotubes in the composite was determined by image analysis and found to be maximized in the extrusion flow direction. The Knoop hardness data confirmed this observation, as a maximum was observed at 90° to the orientation of the reinforcement. When the initial PMMA particle diameter was under 200 μm, considerable improvements were observed in the mechanical properties of the nanofibril/PMMA composites. The interpretation of the mechanical data for nanotube/PMMA composites was more complex. Indeed, the tensile modulus was almost insensitive to the presence of either single-wall or multi-wall nanotubes, whereas the impact strenght (thus, indirectly, the fracture toughness) was significantly improved by even small amounts of single-wall nanotubes. The method proposed here for the dispersion and orientation of carbon nanotubes and nanofibrils in a polymer matrix show promise for the preparation of improved engineering composites.
(2002) Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 69, 9, p. 1049-1055 Abstract
The existence of a size effect is an integral part of the physical phenomenon of brittle fracture. The literature dealing with the influence of fiber size on its ultimate strength has mainly focused on specimens whose failure is governed by a single category of flaw. In this work, we are discussing the size effect from a statistical point of view for fibers exhibiting multiple failure modes.
Polarized resonance Raman spectroscopy of single-wall carbon nanotubes within a polymer under strain(2002) Physical Review B. 65, 11, p. 1134131-1134134 113413. Abstract
The D* Raman band of single-wall carbon nanotubes aligned by shear flow in a polymer matrix has been measured as a function of tensile strain. The Raman intensity varies with the optical polarization direction, an effect which is used here to assess the degree of tube alignment. The strain dependence of the Raman shift depends strongly on the nanotube orientation and the polarization direction. We show that, using polarized light, unoriented nanotubes can be used as strain sensors so that no tube alignment is necessary and the strain can be measured in all directions in a single sample.
Recent advances in carbon nanotube mechanics(2002) FRC 2002: 9th International Fibre Reinforced Composites; Newcastle; UK; 26-28 Mar. 2002. p. 47-53 Abstract
Carbon nanotube nanocomposites containing well-dispersed and aligned single- and multi-walled nanotubes have been fabricated by an extrusion method and their impact and hardness properties determined. The impact resistance of the polymer matrix has been improved considerably by the inclusion of the highly flexible and elastic nanotubes. The Knoop hardness reached a maximum at 90 deg to the orientation of the reinforcement, which demonstrated the direction of maximum strength, is in the extrusion flow direction. New techniques to investigate the adhesion of carbon nanotubes to a polymer matrix are described and recently produced data are presented. The measured interfacial shear strengths for multi-walled carbon nanotube nanocomposites is found to be very high, a result which is in agreement with earlier conjectures.
(2002) Macromolecules. 35, 2, p. 403-409 Abstract
γ orthorhombic isotactic polypropylene transcrystallinity nucleated on aramid fibers under high pressure was investigated by synchrotron X-ray diffraction and by scanning electron microscopy. It was determined that the c axes of the lamellae (the growth axes) are distributed radially about the fiber and that the lamellar ab face is randomly oriented on the fiber surface. This finding is consistent with the apparent absence of an epitaxial relationship between the crystal structure of the surface of the Kevlar aramid fiber and the lattice of γ iPP crystals.
(2002) Composites Science and Technology. 62, 1, p. 147-150 Abstract
Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) embedded in a polymer can be used as mechanical sensors because the position of the D* Raman band is strongly dependent on the strain transferred from the matrix to the nanotubes. The unpolarized Raman spectrum of the nanotubes has high strain sensitivity if the nanotubes are oriented along the principal strain axis in the polymer, whereas with polarized Raman, even unoriented nanotubes exhibit a strong wavenumber shift in the Raman spectrum with strain. These methods are demonstrated here by measuring the stress distribution around a circular hole in SWNT/polymer composites under uniaxial tension. In both cases the results fit the classical linear elasticity solution.
(2002) Advanced Composites Letters. 11, 1, p. 7-13 Abstract
When a single-fibre composite test is performed to obtain information about the interfacial adhesion in a composite, a gradual strain increase often causes an opaque (black) cylinder to nucleate at, and grow from, the fibre failure sites. The nature of the opaque cylinder is difficult to ascertain using optical microscopy. This is the subject of the present note. To study the inside of the opaque cylinder we use several experimental methods based on imaging the failed region: optical microscopy, laser Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Mechanical models, including FEM analysis and analytic equations based on the shear-lag approach, are used to discuss the experimental work. The nature and growth mechanism of the opaque cylinder are of importance in defining the parameters and/or contributions that appear in both the force balance and the energy balance schemes.
(2002) Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 13, 10-12, p. 759-764 Abstract
Single-wall nanotubes (SWNTs) embedded in polymer can be used as mechanical sensors because the position of the D* Raman band of SWNTs is strongly dependent on the strain transferred from the matrix to the nanotubes. In order to detect the stress (or strain) information in specific directions, polarized Raman spectroscopy is used to select out the signal from the nanotubes that are parallel to the polarization direction. This method is demonstrated by measuring the stress distribution around a circular hole in the SWNT/polymer composites under uniaxial tension. Then the stress field in a polymer matrix in the vicinity of a single glass fiber is mapped on the micrometer scale. A stress concentration zone is observed around the fiber end. The importance of this technique and the measurements for composite design and micro-mechanical models is discussed briefly.
(2001) Composites Science and Technology. 61, 14, p. 2139-2143 Abstract
The stress field in a polymer matrix in the vicinity of a single glass fiber was mapped on the micron scale by using the strain-response of the Raman spectrum of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) embedded in the matrix. A stress concentration zone is observed around the fiber end. Far away from the fiber, the applied stress value is recovered. The importance of this technique and the measurements for composite design and micro-mechanical models is discussed.
(2001) Composites Part A-Applied Science And Manufacturing. 32, 11, p. 1543-1551 Abstract
The interfacial properties for E-glass/epoxy composites were measured using push-out tests and single fiber fragmentation tests. Theoretical models for both stress-based and energy-based criteria were used to interpret the experimental results. Fibers treated with γ-aminopropyl-triethoxysilane (γ-APS) showed higher bond strength (∼1.7 times higher) and interfacial toughness (∼1.9 times higher) than those of unsized E-glass based composites. However, the average interfacial toughness obtained from fragmentation tests was about six times higher than that obtained from push-out tests. Considering the analytical frameworks employed to interpret the values measured in the present work, the fragmentation test is a more appropriate method to obtain interfacial energy for polymeric composites, but both methods are appropriate for relative measurements of interface strength.
(2001) Journal Of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics. 39, 17, p. 2016-2021 Abstract
The morphology of transcrystalline isotactic polypropylene under tensile stress was studied with wide-angle synchrotron X-ray diffraction. The strain was apparently generated predominantly within the amorphous phase because no change in the crystal structure or in the orientation of the lamellae was detected. The results are interpreted in terms of anchoring of the transcrystalline layer to the fiber surface, and the possible consequences of these morphological features on the mechanical properties of the aramid-polypropylene composite as a whole are discussed.
(2001) Journal Of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics. 39, 13, p. 1492-1495 Abstract
Raman spectral shifts of single-wall carbon nanotubes embedded in polymer systems were used to measure transitions in polymers. Glass-transition temperatures and secondary transitions were observed, and Raman spectroscopic data were compared with dynamic mechanical tests for a thermosetting and a thermoplastic polymer. The data confirm that the Raman spectral response of carbon nanotubes embedded in polymers is sensitive to polymer transitions.
(2001) Polymer. 42, 15, p. 6641-6650 Abstract
The physical and mechanical properties of microdroplets can differ significantly from those of the bulk material. This is especially true for epoxyde droplets, owing to (i) diffusion and vaporization of the hardener during the first step of the cure, (ii) surface oxidation and (iii) possible hydrolysis of the hardener during the first step of the cure schedule. The glass transition temperature of microdroplets was found to be 20-50°C lower than that of the bulk material. It is shown that this leads to microdroplets exhibiting a higher Young's modulus and a lower yield point than the bulk network. Those discrepancies influence the adhesion between fibre and matrix by changing the stress distribution at the interface and can lead to biased results when comparing different matrices with the microbond test. The general idea that microbond specimens behave like ideal elastic components is now reassessed in view of (i) a plastic flow of the polymeric droplet and (ii) the occurrence of rate-dependent processes. This leads to a fundamental question regarding the use of microcomposites as a model of macroscopic-scale specimens.
(2001) Polymer. 42, 14, p. 6231-6237 Abstract
We report for the first time details of the morphology of alpha isotactic polypropylene transcrystallinity induced by aramid fibers as determined by high spatial resolution X-ray diffraction. We suggest that the parent lamellae nucleate at the fiber surface with the crystallite a*-axes parallel to the fiber axis, twist one quarter turn about the parent a axis within an approximate distance of 25 mu -m and then continue to grow without further twisting. This result is unexpected since lamellar twisting has never been observed in pure a spherulitic polypropylene.
(2001) Applied Physics Letters. 78, 12, p. 1748-1750 Abstract
Raman spectroscopy was used to map the stress distribution in the vicinity of discontinuities in a polymer using single-wall nanotubes seeded in the specimen. In the case of a hole in a polymer matrix subjected to unidirectional stress, the experimental stress field compared well with the classical linear elasticity solution. For a single glass fiber embedded in a polymer, the tangential thermal residual stress in the vicinity of the fiber was picked up by Raman spectroscopy and is in satisfactory agreement with a standard two-phase concentric cylinder model.
(2001) Macromolecules. 34, 5, p. 1252-1257 Abstract
The relation between the mechanical properties and the lamellar morphology of the α-isotactic polypropylene transcrystalline interphase in a fiber composite was investigated by means of nanometric shear and directional indentation measurements, using scanning force microscopy. Measurements were performed along directions parallel and perpendicular to the transcrystalline growth direction. A key finding is the inversion of the shear modulus anisotropy ratio from 2.3 to 0.5 as the crystal grows away from the fiber. On the basis of this finding, an improved view of the hierarchical lamellar and molecular order of the transcrystalline layer is proposed.
(2001) Polymer. 42, 12, p. 5401-5413 Abstract
The ability of the microbond technique to characterise changes in the physico-chemical structure of the interface between fibre and matrix has been checked using eight epoxyde/glass fibre systems differing by their matrix chemistry, fibre surface treatments, and fibre diameter. It has been shown that the widely used average IFSS method can lead to biased results. The test is now considered as giving mode I or mixed-mode properties of the interface and not only a mode II interfacial toughness or interfacial shear strength (IFSS). Energy approaches are thus be preferred to stress criterion models. The suitability of six theoretical models was checked. Difficulties were found in determining a parameter or method effectively representative of the physico-chemical structure of the interface. The model providing the most reliable results was that of Scheer and Nairn. Significant plastic flow of the polymeric droplet was observed, leading to a questioning of the hypotheses of ideal elastic components.
Mechanics and dynamics of transcrystalline alpha-isotactic polypropylene at the nanoscale(2001) Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures. 3, p. 53-61 Abstract
Direct, spatially resolved, mechanical measurements on the transcrystalline phase formed near high modulus carbon fibers embedded in alpha -isotactic polypropylene are reported. A scanning force microscope has been implemented with two nonstandard modifications in order to probe both the Young's modulus and shear modulus at varying directions with respect to the lamellae growth direction. The experiments show an unequivocal anisotropy in both moduli, which varies with radial distance from the fiber. The results can be interpreted in terms of morphology of the polymer molecules and lamella stacks. The different probe size for the two measurements enables a separation of molecular and lamellae order.
Mechanics and Dynamics of Transcrystalline α-Isotactic Polypropylene at the Nanoscale(2001) Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures. 2001, 3-4, p. 53-62 Abstract
Direct, spatially resolved, mechanical measurements on the transcrystalline phase formed near high modulus carbon fibers embedded in α-isotactic polypropylene are reported. A scanning force microscope has been implemented with two nonstandard modifications in order to probe both the Young's modulus and shear modulus at varying directions with respect to the lamellae growth direction. The experiments show an unequivocal anisotropy in both moduli, which varies with radial distance from the fiber. The results can be interpreted in terms of morphology of the polymer molecules and lamella stacks. The different probe size for the two measurements enables a separation of molecular and lamellae order.
(2001) Composites Part A-Applied Science And Manufacturing. 32, 3-4, p. 391-399 Abstract
Small amounts of single-wall carbon nanotubes embedded in a polymer matrix were used to sense the mechanical response of the polymer using microRaman spectral data. A flow orientation method was applied to align the nanotubes in the matrix. The Raman spectra obtained for specimens cut both parallel and perpendicular to the flow direction were found to be significantly different, as a function of mechanical strain. Thus Raman spectroscopy combined with mechanical testing provides a way to probe the alignment of nanotubes in composites. The Raman shift-strain response for samples loaded perpendicular to the flow direction suggests that nanotube reorientation is achieved upon straining the polymer beyond its yield point. Our data suggest that the adhesion between the nanotubes and the polymer exceeds the shear yield strength of the matrix. We show that a stress-strain curve for the polymer may be produced directly by means of Raman spectroscopy.
(2000) Polymer. 41, 21, p. 7843-7854 Abstract
The kinetics of α (monoclinic) and β (hexagonal) transcrystallization of isotactic polypropylene on aramid Kevlar 149 fibres, glass fibres and high modulus carbon fibres was investigated under isothermal and gradient cooling conditions. No difference was found between growth rates of bulk spherulites and transcrystalline layers, and Hoffman's theory led to the same results in both cases. Regarding α transcrystallization, a transition between regimes II and III occurred near 137°C and the ratio of the slopes of the two regimes was close to the theoretical value of 2. Regarding β transcrystallization, only regime II was exhibited in the temperature range studied. However, the induction time for transcrystallization was strongly influenced by the type of fibre, which in turn - based on Ishida's approach - resulted in variations in free energy differences at the fibre-crystallite interface for various fibres and bulk polypropylene. The respective values were 1.3, 1.5 and 2.1×10-3 J m-2 for Kevlar 149 fibres, high modulus carbon fibres than in polypropylene, showing that α crystallization is more likely to occur in Kevlar 149 fibres and high modulus carbon fibres and bulk polypropylene. Gradient-thermal measurements were performed for α transcrystallinity which allowed estimation of the activation energy of transcrystallization for the different composites. Activation energies of transcrystallinity promoted on Kevlar 149 and high modulus carbon fibres were found higher than the activation energy for bulk crystallization.
(2000) Physical Review B. 62, 11, p. 7571-7575 Abstract
The components that contribute to Raman spectral shifts of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT's) embedded in polymer systems have been identified. The temperature dependence of the Raman shift can be separated into the temperature dependence of the nanotubes, the cohesive energy density of the polymer, and the buildup of thermal strain. Discounting all components apart from the thermal strain from the Raman shift-temperature data, it is shown that the mechanical response of single-wall carbon nanotubes in tension and compression are identical. The stress-strain response of SWNT's can explain recent experimental data for carbon nanotube-composite systems.
(2000) Applied Composite Materials. 7, 4, p. 209-217 Abstract
Raman spectroscopy was used to investigate the compressive fragmentation process and the interface behavior in ultra high modulus (UHM) (750 GPa Modulus) pitch-based graphite/polypropylene composites upon cooling from processing temperature to room temperature. It is found that bulging is the primary mechanism of failure in these fibers, and Raman peak position measurements show that not all visually detected features represent real fiber failure. However, at real break locations, the fiber strain is found to drop to zero.
(2000) Applied Physics Letters. 76, 20, p. 2883-2885 Abstract
Specific peaks of the Raman spectrum of single-wall nanotubes shift significantly upon immersion of the tubes in a liquid, relative to the corresponding peaks in air. This observation means that nanotubes are sensitive to molecular forces, and is interpreted by relating the corresponding molecular strain to a thermodynamic parameter, the cohesive energy density (or more loosely, the surface tension) for a range of liquids. We find that nanotubes deform by a different amount for each liquid. Calibration of this phenomenon enables the construction of a compressive stress-strain curve for carbon nanotubes.
(2000) Composites Science and Technology. 60, 3, p. 367-377 Abstract
Stress concentration profiles resulting from the progressive fragmentation of a single fiber, and fiber/polymer interfacial adhesion, were assessed by testing a two-fiber hybrid microcomposite. The specimen consisted of a highly pre-stressed E-glass fiber and a lightly stressed Kevlar fiber, embedded in an epoxy film. The large pre-stress ensured saturation of the fragmentation process in the glass fiber. The interfacial adhesion was quantified by an energy balance approach as well as by a conventional stress balance (Kelly-Tyson) scheme. The stress concentration profiles induced in the Kevlar fiber by breaks in the nearby E-glass fiber were measured by micro-Raman spectroscopy, using several interfiber distances. The experimental results were compared with an extension of our earlier theoretical scheme for the stress concentration factor profile. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
(2000) Journal Of Materials Science-Materials In Medicine. 11, 1, p. 49-60 Abstract
Lamellar bone is common among primates, either in the form of extended planar circumferential arrays, or as cylindrically shaped osteons. Osteonal bone generally replaces circumferential lamellar bone with time, and it is therefore of much interest to compare the mechanical properties and fracture behavior of these two forms of lamellar bone. This is, however, difficult as natural specimens of circumferential lamellar bone large enough for standard mechanical tests are not available. We found that as a result of treatment with large doses of alendronate, the lateral sides of the diaphyses of baboon tibia contained fairly extensive regions of circumferential lamellar bone, the structure of which appears to be indistinguishable from untreated lamellar bone. Three-point bending tests were used to determine the elastic and ultimate properties of almost pure circumferential lamellar bone and osteonal bone in four different orientations relative to the tibia long axis. After taking into account the differences in porosity and extent of mineralization of the two bone types, the flexural modulus, bending strength, fracture strain and nominal work-to-fracture properties were similar for the same orientations, with some exceptions. This implies that it is the lamellar structure itself that is mainly responsible for these mechanical properties. The fracture behavior and morphologies of the fracture surfaces varied significantly with orientation in both types of bone. This is related to the microstructure of lamellar bone. Osteonal bone exhibited quite different damage-related behavior during fracture as compared to circumferential lamellar bone. Following fracture the two halves of osteonal bone remained attached whereas in circumferential lamellar bone they separated. These differences could well provide significant adaptive advantages to osteonal bone function. (C) 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
(2000) Bone. 27, 6, p. 875-876 Abstract
Why does a bone fracture? We should be able to answer that in a nontrivial manner, but we cannot. This is an embarrassing admission in an age when treatments are available that can reverse the tendency toward bone loss and thus lessen the danger of fracture. Furthermore, if we knew much more about the relation between the material bone and its fracture properties, we might be able to optimize treatments to improve the quality of the material, or at least predict when the chance of a fracture increases, taking into account also the state of the material. We have been working on aspects of this problem for 15 years. We were recently much humbled by some observations we made,2 which illustrate just how little is still known about the relations between bone microstructure and its mechanical properties. As these results are probably of interest to many in the bone community, and especially researchers focussing on osteoporosis, we thought it would be appropriate to briefly summarize the results and highlight major open questions. [First paragraph]
(2000) Materials Science & Engineering C-Biomimetic And Supramolecular Systems. 11, 1, p. 1-8 Abstract
The materials formed by organisms are often the products of hundreds of millions of years of fine-tuning by evolution. They thus incorporate some neat solutions to complex structural problems. Here, we examine four different mineralized biological materials that all appear to fulfill a multipurpose function. They are the crossed lamellar structure of mollusk shells, the skeleton of sea urchins, the lamellar bone type of vertebrates, and the biogenic silica deposited by a wide variety of organisms. They all have very different structures and compositions, but are all structurally designed to reduce the extent of mechanical anisotropy. The strategies for reducing anisotropy are manifold, including features that to date have not been incorporated into synthetic materials.
(2000) High Pressure Research. 18, 1-6, p. 153-157 Abstract
Raman spectroscopy was used to compare the structural effects on single-walled carbon nanotubes of pressures due to the cohesive energy of liquid media with the effects of an externally applied macroscopic pressure. Results were very similar, showing that the interpretation of the cohesive energy density as an internal pressure is physically realistic.
(1999) Composites Part A-Applied Science And Manufacturing. 30, 12, p. 1387-1400 Abstract
The level of fiber-matrix interfacial adhesion in composites is traditionally evaluated by means of a stress-based parameter. Recently, it was suggested that an interfacial energy parameter might constitute a valid alternative. From an overview of the literature regarding the single-fiber composite fragmentation test, it appears that energy-based approaches have already been proposed in the past, but were either not successful, or not fully developed. Our recent energy balance scheme, proposed for the analysis of the initial interface debonding which occurs at fiber breaks during a fragmentation test, is presented and expanded here. The effects of thermal residual stress in the fiber, and of friction in the debonded area, are now incorporated in the energy balance model. We use a different shear-lag parameter proposed by Nayfeh, rather than the commonly used Cox parameter. New, extensive single-fiber fragmentation data regarding the interface crack initiation regime is presented, using sized and unsized E-glass fibers embedded in UV-curable or epoxy polymers. Some data for unsized carbon in epoxy is also presented. Fiber fragmentation is forced to take place entirely in the linear elastic region of the stress-strain curve, by means of pre-stressed single, fibers. The importance of this procedure, is discussed. Future work will focus on the interface crack propagation regime.
(1999) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 103, 47, p. 10388-10392 Abstract
High hydrostatic pressures were applied to single-wall carbon nanotubes by means of a diamond anvil cell (DAC), and micro-Raman spectroscopy was simultaneously used to monitor the pressure-induced shift of various nanotube bands. The data confirm recent results independently obtained from internal pressure experiments with various liquids, where the peak shifts were considered to arise from compressive forces imposed by the liquids on the nanotubes. It is also shown that the nanotube peak at 1580 cm-1 (the G band) shifts linearly with pressure up to 20 000 atm and deviates from linearity at higher pressure. This deviation is found to be coincident with a drop in Raman intensity for the disorder-induced peak at 2610 cm-1 (the overtone of the D* band), possibly corresponding to the occurrence of reversible flattening of the nanotubes. The independent results presented here confirm the potential of nanotubes as molecular sensors.
(1999) Journal Of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics. 37, 17, p. 2534-2538 Abstract
The objective of this paper is to introduce an experimental technique which produces g-transcrystallinity of significant thickness and to confirm its characterization by X-ray diffraction.
(1999) Journal of Biomechanics. 32, 7, p. 647-654 Abstract
The flexural modulus and work-to-fracture properties of circumferential lamellar bone from baboon tibia are presented, based on experiments with miniature cantilever bending specimens. Data is provided for specimens in three orthogonal directions that show marked anisotropy. The advantages of such miniature specimens (about 150 μm in diameter and 2 mm long) include the possibility of sampling very small volumes within a heterogeneous structure such as osteonal bone, or studying biological materials that are not available in large enough volumes for conventional mechanical analysis.
(1999) Journal of Structural Biology. 126, 3, p. 241-255 Abstract
The term 'bone' refers to a family of materials that have complex hierarchically organized structures. These structures are primarily adapted to the variety of mechanical functions that bone fulfills. Here we review the structure-mechanical relations of one bone structural type, lamellar bone. This is the most abundant type in many mammals, including humans. A lamellar unit is composed of five sublayers. Each sublayer is an array of aligned mineralized collagen fibrils. The orientations of these arrays differ in each sublayer with respect to both collagen fibril axes and crystal layers, such that a complex rotated plywood-like structure is formed. Specific functions for lamellar bone, as opposed to the other bone types, could not be identified. It is therefore proposed that the lamellar structure is multifunctional-the 'concrete' of the bone family of materials. Experimentally measured mechanical properties of lamellar bone demonstrate a clear-cut anisotropy with respect to the axis direction of long bones. A comparison of the elastic and ultimate properties of parallel arrays of lamellar units formed in primary bone with cylindrically shaped osteonal structures in secondary formed bone shows that most of the intrinsic mechanical properties are built into the lamellar structure. The major advantages of osteonal bone are its fracture properties. Mathematical modeling of the elastic properties based on the lamellar structure and using a rule-of-mixtures approach can closely simulate the measured mechanical properties, providing greater insight into the structure-mechanical relations of lamellar bone.
(1999) Composites Science and Technology. 59, 6, p. 975-977 Abstract
We report the first observation of the formation of damage doublets in adjacent carbon nanotubes embedded in a polymer matrix. Such damage clusters are comparable to those arising in fiber-reinforced composite materials as a result of the redistribution of stress from a failed fiber to its unfailed adjacent neighbors. This observation may help shed light on fracture nucleation and growth in nanotube-based composites.
(1999) Applied Physics Letters. 74, 20, p. 2966-2968 Abstract
A scanning force microscope was fitted with an elongated, blade-like tip, with which nanoindentations were performed in the transcrystalline isotactic polypropylene phase grown from the surface of high-modulus carbon fibers. The anisotropic Young's modulus was evaluated by measuring the force-penetration curve of the indentation and the tip topography, as a function of the indentation depth. The modulus is 1.6-3 times higher when the longer axis of the indenting tip is perpendicular to the transcrystalline growth direction than when it is parallel to that direction. We discuss possible options for the lamellar arrangement in a transcrystalline isotactic polypropylene layer and, based on the present experimental data, propose a most likely model.
(1999) Composites Science and Technology. 59, 7, p. 1063-1071 Abstract
In the process of fracture of fiber-reinforced composites, the stress concentrations caused by the redistribution of stress from a failed fiber to its intact adjacent neighboring fibers play a substantial role, as they determine the overall failure pattern of the composites. In the present article we propose a new model for the stress concentration factors (SCFs) in two-dimensional unidirectional composites. This model is based on an earlier shear-lag scheme which is here modified in several respects: a new shear-lag constant β(N) (proposed by Nayfeh) is included (which replaces the classical shear-lag constant of Cox, β(C)), and the effects of fiber/matrix debonding and fiber/matrix interfacial friction are incorporated. We find that the proposed model is in good agreement with recently published Raman spectroscopy results. When the fibers are in close contact, the SCF is found to possess a maximum value of 1.33, identical with the classical result of Hedgepeth and Van Dyke. However, unlike the scheme of Hedgepeth and Van Dyke, the SCF decreases with increasing interfiber distance, similar to more recent models, but in closer agreement than these models with the micro-Raman spectroscopy data.
Hardness and Young's Modulus of Transcrystalline Polypropylene by Vickers and Knoop Microindentation(1999) Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics. 37, 6, p. 523-530 Abstract
A study of the anisotropic microhardness and Young's modulus of transcrystalline isotactic polypropylene grown from the surface of high modulus carbon fibers is described. Static microindentation experiments were performed with Knoop and Vickers tips. The Young's moduli of the transcrystalline region were estimated from Knoop microindentation data by using a method recently developed in our laboratory. Data for the different lamellar directions were generated using the Knoop tip, which is sensitive to material anisotropy. We found that the hardness and Young's modulus of the transcrystalline layer are higher by up to 30% when the longer diagonal of the probing Knoop tip is perpendicular to the transcrystalline growth direction, compared to when the diagonal is parallel to that direction.
(1999) Advanced Materials. 11, 11, p. 931-934 Abstract
Compressive deformation was induced in single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) embedded into a polymer matrix by cooling a specimen to 81 K. The Raman D*-band frequency shift was found to depend on the laser excitation wavelength. Overall, the observations were interpreted in terms of a possible correlation between elastic properties and geometry of carbon nanotubes.
(1999) Composites Part A-Applied Science And Manufacturing. 30, 1, p. 59-66 Abstract
Some aspects of the fragmentation phenomenon in materials are briefly reviewed, and its various interpretations are discussed. In particular, we show that fragmentation may occur under a variety of conditions and at a wide range of scales. Depending on the fragmentation configuration and type, several types of physical properties of the material may be measured or inferred. We describe some of the implications of the recent observation of the tensile and compressive fragmentation of thin-walled carbon nanotubes in a polymeric matrix.
(1998) Journal of Materials Research. 13, 9, p. 2418-2422 Abstract
Micro-Raman spectroscopy is used to monitor the cooling-induced compressive deformation of carbon nanotubes embedded in an epoxy matrix. Young's modulus of single- and multiwall nanotubes may then be derived from a concentric cylinder model for thermal stresses, using the D*-band shift for each tube type. The resulting values of the elastic moduli are in very good agreement with predicted theoretical values, and with the published experimental data set of Treacy et al., Nature (London) 381, 678 (1996).
(1998) Composites Part A-Applied Science And Manufacturing. 29, 8, p. 989-991 Abstract
Single-fiber composite experiments designed to assess the stress transfer ability of the interface between a commercial epoxy resin and optical fibers have been conducted. Unconventional fragmentation patterns were observed, which demonstrate the presence of dynamic energy release processes. Such dynamic contributions, which are not easily seen (if at all) in fragmentation tests with thinner fibers (such as carbon, glass, and kevlar), may have to be accounted for in the theoretical modeling of the test.
(1998) Physical review letters. 81, 8, p. 1638-1641 Abstract
Experimental observations of various deformation and fracture modes under compression of single multiwalled carbon nanotubes, obtained as a result of embedment within a polymeric film, are reported. Based on a combination of experimental measurements and the theory of elastic stability, the compressive strengths of thin- and thick-walled nanotubes are found to be about 2 orders of magnitude higher than the compressive strength of any known fiber.
(1998) Journal of Materials Science. 33, 6, p. 1497-1509 Abstract
The complex hierarchical structure of lamellar bone makes understanding structure mechanical function relations, very difficult. We approach the problem by first using the relatively simple structure of parallel-fibred bone to construct a mathematical model for calculating Young's moduli in three-dimensions. Parallel-fibred bone is composed essentially of arrays of mineralized collagen fibrils, which are also the basic structural motif of the individual lamellae of lamellar bone. Parallel-fibred bone structure has orthotropic symmetry. As the sizes and shapes of crystals in bone are not well known, the model is also used to compare the cases of platelet-, ribbon- and sheet-reinforced composites. The far more complicated rotated plywood structure of lamellar bone results in the loss of the orthotropic symmetry of individual lamellae. The mathematical model used circumvents this problem by sub-dividing the lamellar unit into a thin lamella, thick lamella, transition zone between them, and the recently observed "back-flip" lamella. Each of these is regarded as having orthotropic symmetry. After the calculation of their Young's moduli they are rotated in space in accordance with the rotated plywood model, and then the segments are combined to present the overall modulus values in three-dimensions. The calculated trends compare well with the trends in microhardness values measured for circumferential lamellar bone. Microhardness values are, as yet, the only measurements available for direct comparison. Although the model is not directly applicable to osteonal bone, which is composed of many hollow cylinders of lamellar bone, the range of calculated modulus values and the trends observed for off-axis calculations, compare well with measured values.
(1998) Applied Physics Letters. 73, 24, p. 3527-3529 Abstract
Well-aligned bundles of single-wall carbon nanotubes under tensile stresses were observed to fracture in real-time by transmission electron microscopy. The expansion of elliptical holes in the polymer matrix results in a tensile force in bridging nanotubes. The polymer matrix at both ends of the bundles deforms extensively under the tension force, and fracture of the nanotubes occurs in tension within the polymer hole region rather than in shear within the gripping polymer region at the ends of the bundles. This provides evidence of significant polymer-nanotube wetting and interfacial adhesion.
(1998) Polymer. 39, 11, p. 2387-2390 Abstract
The Young's modulus to hardness ratio of small-scale polymer specimens is measured by means of a Knoop indentation procedure. The technique assumes that the extent of elastic recovery of a Knoop indent is linearly related to the modulus to hardness ratio. A semiempirical linear relationship is proposed for the elastic recovery of the small diagonal of a Knoop indenter as a function of the modulus to hardness ratio for polymer materials, provided that indenting loads of at least 4 N are used. The major benefit of the procedure is that measurements of Knoop microhardness and indentation recovery enable the evaluation of Young's modulus of small-scale polymer specimens.
(1998) Applied Physics Letters. 72, 2, p. 188-190 Abstract
We report the observation of single nanotube fragmentation, under tensile stresses, using nanotube-containing thin polymeric films. Similar fragmentation tests with single fibers instead of nanotubes are routinely performed to study the fiber-matrix stress transfer ability in fiber composite materials, and thus the efficiency and quality of composite interfaces. The multiwall nanotube-matrix stress transfer efficiency is estimated to be at least one order of magnitude larger than in conventional fiber-based composites.
(1998) Composites Part A-Applied Science And Manufacturing. 29, 3, p. 331-335 Abstract
An experimental exercise is performed using a microcomposite specimen that comprises two identical single fibers within a thin polymeric film. The fibers are embedded parallel to each other, at a distance sufficiently large for fiber-fiber interactions or perturbations to be negligible. One of the fibers is pre-loaded at its ends prior to (and during) matrix polymerization, whereas the other fiber experiences only typical thermal residual stresses due to specimen preparation. A continuously monitored tensile fragmentation test is performed, and the results are briefly discussed. The liber fragmentation patterns observed in both fibers, as well as the calculated interface energies from both fibers, are found to differ significantly. These observations give rise to fundamental questions and possible solutions regarding the meaning, interpretation, power and accuracy of the fragmentation test.
(1998) Acta Polymerica. 49, 10-11, p. 588-593 Abstract
The directional Young's modulus of transcrystalline isotactic polypropylene grown from the surface of high modulus carbon fibers has been measured by two types of Knoop microindentation experiments. First, static indentation tests were performed and a new data reduction procedure was used to translate the Knoop hardness data into modulus values. The technique assumes that the extent of elastic recovery of a Knoop indent is linearly related to the modulus-to-hardness ratio. The Knoop tip is sensitive to material anisotropy, which allows us to generate data for the different lamellar directions. The hardness and Young's modulus of the transcrystalline layer are found to be higher by up to 30% when the longer diagonal of the probing Knoop tip is perpendicular to the transcrystalline growth direction. Second, continuous indentation tests are performed and a different data reduction technique is used, which leads to similar results. The microindentation approach used here is found to be particularly advantageous for the assessment of Young's modulus of small-scale polymeric regions or when only small polymeric specimens are available.
(1998) Annual Review of Materials Science. 28, 1, p. 271-298 Abstract
The term bone refers to a family of materials, all of which are built up of mineralized collagen fibrils. They have highly complex structures, described in terms of up to 7 hierarchical levels of organization. These materials have evolved to fulfill a variety of mechanical functions, for which the structures are presumably fine-tuned. Matching structure to function is a challenge. Here we review the structure-mechanical relations at each of the hierarchical levels of organization, highlighting wherever possible both underlying strategies and gaps in our knowledge. The insights gained from the study of these fascinating materials are not only important biologically, but may well provide novel ideas that can be applied to the design of synthetic materials.
(1997) Composites Science and Technology. 57, 2, p. 173-184 Abstract
Unidirectional plane-parallel (UPP) platelet-or ribbon-reinforced composites have three orthogonal planes of symmetry. Their elastic behavior is characteristic of three-dimensional (3D) orthotropic materials, i.e. they possess nine independent elastic constants. Unlike the situation in unidirectional fiber composites, in which extreme behavior is observed along two orthogonal directions, the elastic constants (such as Young's modulus) along three orthogonal directions can differ significantly. An approach is proposed for the calculation of the Young's moduli of such 3D composite materials. The specific cases of unidirectional platelet- and ribbon-reinforced composites are presented as examples of particular relevance to advanced composite structures of present-day interest. While fiber-reinforced composites show lower specific strength and stiffness properties in directions perpendicular to the oriented fiber direction, UPP composites reinforced with platelets or ribbons offer superior stiffness properties in the plane of the lamina.
Micromechanics and energetics of the single-fiber composite fragmentation phenomenon(1997) Revue des Composites et des Materiaux Avances. 7, p. 107-117 Abstract
(1997) Polymer. 38, 22, p. 5699-5702 Abstract
The effect of mechanical deformation, produced either by an externally applied strain or by an indentation imprint, on the local spectral response of a polymer was studied by micro-FTi.r. spectroscopy. Two types of specimens were used, a urethane-acrylate polymer film, and a SiC/urethane-acrylate model composite, respectively. The width R of the interfacial zone beyond which the fiber has no influence on the matrix, a parameter that plays a key role in micromechanical models of stress transfer in composites, was measured by micro-FTi.r. for the first time.
(1997) Composites Science and Technology. 57, 9-10, p. 1289-1302 Abstract
A theoretical model for built-in residual thermal stresses in three concentric, transversely isotropic, cylinders is presented. The scheme is an extension of earlier work by Nairn, who considered the case where only the central cylinder possesses such particular form of orthotropy, the two other (external) cylinders being isotropic. The generalization proposed here enables study of the thermal stresses in fiber-reinforced composite materials containing transversely isotropic interphases and matrices. In particular, the longitudinal thermal stress present in the fiber prior to a single-fiber fragmentation experiment is found to be compressive in nature, and in some cases is high enough to induce extensive fiber fragmentation. The number of such pre-existing breaks varies strongly as a function of the Weibull shape parameter of the fiber compressive strength distribution, and of the fiber volume fraction. Alternatively, the fiber Weibull shape parameter in compression may be predicted from fitting procedures, using experimental results that include the number of fiber breaks versus either the thermal decrement or the fiber volume fraction. General implications for high-fiber-content composites are discussed. The effect of interface thickness on the residual thermal stresses is discussed for the particular case of transcrystalline interphases, with assumed morphologies for α and β isotactic polypropylene.
(1996) Bone. 18, 5, p. 417-428 Abstract
Understanding the mechanical function of bone material in relation to its structure is a fascinating but very complicated problem to resolve. Part of the complexity arises from the hierarchical structural organization of bone. Microhardness measurements, initially on relatively simply structured parallel-fibered bone, show a marked anisotropy in three orthogonal directions. This may, in part, be due to the highly anisotropic structure of the basic building block of bone, the mineralized collagen fibril. Microhardness measurements made face-on to the layers of crystals and collagen triple helical molecules, show much lower values than those made edge-on to these layers. Microhardness measurements of the much more complex 'rotated-plywood' structure of lamellar bone, reveal the well-known general tendency toward anisotropy in relation to the long axis of the bone. A detailed examination of microhardness-microstructure relations of lamellar bone, however, shows that only in certain orientations can microhardness values be related directly to a specific attribute of the lamellar structure. Clearly, the gradual tilting and rotating of the mineralized collagen fibrils that form this structure produce a material that tends toward having isotropic microhardness properties, even though its basic building block is highly anisotropic. This may be an important structural attribute that allows lamellar bone to withstand a variety of mechanical challenges.
(1996) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 53, 9, p. 5055-5058 Abstract
A theoretical model for built-in thermal residual stresses in three concentric, transversely isotropic, cylinders is presented. Marked differences between Nairnșs earlier isotropic result ] and the current extension are demonstrated by means of examples.
(1996) Journal of Adhesion. 58, 3-4, p. 299-313 Abstract
Functionalized isotactic polypropylenes have been synthetized in order to be used as coupling agents on glass fibers associated with a polypropylene matrix. This new way of interface toughening requires a grafting of such polymeric chains on the glass surface and a crystallization of these grafted chains at the same time in the same crystals as the polypropylene matrix (co-crystallization). Using a Ziegler-Natta polymerization., copolymers based on propene and two different types of dienes have been prepared. Such a synthesis allows one to change the functionality and the position of double bonds used to introduce the silane functions. A Speier hydrosilylation was used for this purpose with two kinds of silanes. Silane-functionalized oligopropenes were also prepared in order to compare the effect of the position of the silane functions on the glass/polypropylene adhesion : side chain or chain end positions. The characterization of these functionalized polypropylenes is described. Their ability to be grafted on a glass surface was checked by means of wetting measurements after extractions according to the hydrophobic nature of the polypropylene and the hydrophilic character of the glass. The co-crystallization of the pure and functionalized polypropylenes was demonstrated on blends. Two silane functionalized-PP were selected to study the glass fiber/PP adhesion by means of the microdroplet test.
(1996) Advanced Composites Letters. 5, 5, p. 131-135 Abstract
A shear-lag analysis based on energy is used to predict the amount of debonding that occurs when a fiber fragment breaks into two fragments. The shear-lag analysis reproduces all features of more sophisticated analyses. A drawback of the shear-lag analysis, however, is that it depends on an unknown parameter which can be expressed in terms of an effective fiber volume fraction. If the effective fiber volume fraction can be determined (by experiments or by advanced stress analyses), the shear-lag model can be used to interpret debonding experiments.
(1996) Journal of Materials Science. 31, 5, p. 1165-1173 Abstract
In the study of fracture processes in composite materials, the interactions between broken and intact fibres are of critical importance. Indeed, the redistribution of stress from a failed fibre to its unfailed adjacent neighbours, and the stress concentration induced in these, determine the extent to which a break in one fibre will cause more breaks in neighbouring fibres. The overall failure pattern is a direct function of the stress concentration factors. In this paper we use laser micro-Raman spectroscopy to study the extent of stress transfer and redistribution caused by fibre fracture in two-dimensional Kevlar 149 based microcomposites. The strain along the fibres was mapped at different levels of load, and specimens with different inter-fibre distances were used to study the fibre content effect. The experimental stress concentration factors were compared with values predicted from various theoretical models. The stress concentration factors generally agreed with those literature models that include interfibre distance and matrix effects. The overall failure pattern was found not to be a direct function of the stress concentration factors in this system, as fracture propagates from fibre to fibre even at large interfibre distances, and is apparently accompanied by relatively low values of the stress concentration factors. The 'critical cluster size', beyond which final fracture of the composite occurs in a catastrophic manner, was found to be larger than five adjacent fibre breaks in the present system, for all interfibre distances studied.
(1996) Composites Part A-Applied Science And Manufacturing. 27, 11, p. 1067-1074 Abstract
A study of the thermomechanical stability of the fibre-matrix interphase in carbon/epoxy composites has been carried out. The thermodynamic work of adhesion has been evaluated at room temperature by wetting measursments. The interfacial shear stress transfer level 〈τ〉 for sized and desized carbon fibre has been measured as a function of temperature by means of a single-fibre fragmentation test. As the test temperature increased 〈τ〉 values were found to decrease, with values being higher for the desized carbon fibre. The dependence of interfacial shear stress transfer on bulk matrix mechanical properties (modulus and shear strength) has also been discussed. Dynamic mechanical measurements performed on single-bundle composites confirmed the better thermomechanical stability of the desized fibre interphase.
(1996) Composites Part A-Applied Science And Manufacturing. 27, 9 PART A, p. 769-773 Abstract
In the present work it is suggested that the degree of fibre-matrix bonding can be quantified by means of an energy for the nucleation of an interfacial debond, rather than by using a stress-based interfacial parameter. The energy necessary to initiate/nucleate an interfacial crack from its associated transverse fibre break during a single-fibre fragmentation test is calculated. The interface energy for the initiation of debonding is shown to be a function of the fibre and matrix geometrical and material characteristics, and of the initial debonding length. The novelty of the present work lies in the in-depth examination of the relative roles of the physical parameters that appear in the proposed theoretical model.
(1996) Journal of Materials Science. 31, 9, p. 2385-2392 Abstract
The residual stresses in both thermosetting and thermoplastic single-fibre composites have been experimentally evaluated by means of an original technique based on the continuous monitoring of the fragmentation test performed at various temperatures. The difference between the strain at the break of a single fibre in air and one embedded in a polymeric matrix has been measured as a function of temperature. By considering the compressive fibre modulus this strain difference has been converted into fibre compressive stresses related to the matrix thermal shrinkage after curing of the samples. In fact, as the test temperature increased, the thermal compressive stresses decreased until a zero value was obtained, corresponding to a so called "stress free temperature", equal to the curing temperature for amorphous thermosetting matrix composites or equal to the matrix melting temperature for semicrystalline-thermoplastic matrix composites. The experimental results have been compared with data obtained from a theoretical model and a good agreement was found especially if the temperature dependence of the matrix Young's modulus and matrix thermal expansion coefficient are accounted for in the computation.
(1996) Journal of Adhesion. 58, 1-2, p. 25-42 Abstract
The effects of fiber volume fraction and transcrystallinity in single fiber composites, on the phenomenon of compressive fiber fragmentation due to residual thermal stresses, are studied. A concentric cylinder model is used, jointly with experimental data, to predict the Weibull shape parameter of the compressive strength distribution of pitch-based high and medium modulus (HM and MM) carbon fibers, with isotactic polypropylene as the semi-crystalline embedding matrix. A severe effect of the fiber content on the thermal residual stress in the fiber and. thus, on the fiber break density, is predicted and experimentally confirmed. The effect of the presence of isothermally grown polypropylene transcrystalline interlayers (using pitch-based HM carbon fibers as a substrate) on the compressive stresses induced upon subsequent quenching is investigated, both experimentally and theoretically. Cooling rate results are also presented. The thermoelastic constants of the interlayer are predicted to have a severe effect on the residual stresses generated in the fiber, the interphase, and the matrix. There is therefore, a definite need for direct experimental measurements of these constants.
(1996) Proceedings Of The Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences. 452, 1945, p. 235-252 Abstract
A continuous fragmentation test, using thermal stresses, has been developed to determine the compressive strengths and Weibull parameters required to characterize the strength-length dependence of carbon fibres from a single test procedure. The onset of thermal stress in the fibre is determined in sit u and for amorphous systems is commensurate with the glass transition temperature of the microcomposite matrix. It is shown that the compressive strengths are considerably lower than the associated tensile strengths for all the fibres tested and that an electrochemical oxidation surface treatment and a polytetrafluoroethylene coating do not significantly affect the compressive strengths or compressive Weibull shape parameters with respect to the unmodified fibres. The mechanisms of stress transfer have been investigated and a compressive stress profile has been proposed that can determine the interfacial shear strength from fundamental scientific principles. The temperature dependence of the interfacial shear strength is investigated for carbon-fibre-polycarbonate microcomposites and the values obtained are concordant with a system that has weak interfacial bonding.
Interfacial Debonding in Single Fiber Composites: Preliminary Data from a Novel Approach(1995) Journal of the Adhesion Society of Japan. 31, 4, p. 122-126 Abstract
In order to study the fracture mechanics of the interface of composite materials, a limited number of theoretical models have been introduced to predict the energy absorbed by a propagating interfacial crack.The models have rarely been applied to experimental data due to the difficulty of measuring the crack growing during composite failure. With the use of single fibre models tests and a new UV cured urethaneacrylate/quartzcomposite it is now possible to measure the debond growth with applied strain in single fibre specimens. Additionally, in order to study the influence of neighbouring fibres on the debonding process, for the ultimate translation of this data to full composite, tests may be carried out using two or more parallel neighbouring fibres. Preliminary experimental data along these lines are reported here.
(1995) Journal of Adhesion. 53, 1-2, p. 1-14 Abstract
By coating glass fibers with the appropriate nucleating agent, transcrystallinity can be generated in polypropylene/glass composities. Transcrystallinity can consist either of the alpha (monoclinic) or beta (hexagonal) crystal structure. Through the use of directional solidification, the transcrystalline morphology can be duplicated in polypropylene films on a level large enough for mechanical and morphological study. Permanganic etching and subsequent electron microscopy reveals that lamellar orientation in alpha transcrystallinity differs significantly from the beta form. Alpha transcrystallinity consists of lamellae which are edge-on relative to the polypropylene film thickness, while beta transcrystallinity consists of lamellae which are primarily flat-on. This difference in morphology results in significant variations in mechanical properties and damage mechanisms.
(1995) Journal of Adhesion. 52, 1-4, p. 131-148 Abstract
Existing models for built-in residual stresses in composite materials are reviewed and discussed. In particular, the thermal longitudinal stress present in the fiber prior to a single-fiber fragmentation experiment is studied using various model composite data. It is found that this stress is typically compressive in nature and that, quantitatively, it depends on the fiber content, the degree of undercooling, and the thermoelastic constants of the fiber and the matrix. In the case of single-fiber composites (or microcomposites), the thermal longitudinal stress present in the fiber is high enough to either induce fiber sinewave buckling (such as in E-glass/epoxy), or extensive fiber fragmentation (such as in graphite HM/polypropylene) that may then be used to measure the dependence of compressive fiber strength upon length. This has to be accounted for in quantitative models that calculate interfacial adhesion parameters using single-fiber tests, such as the fragmentation test or the microbond test. Implications for high fiber content composites (or macrocomposites) are discussed.
(1995) Applied Composite Materials: An International Journal for the Science and Application of Composite Materials. 2, 2, p. 107-117 Abstract
We present new theoretical and experimental results which demonstrate that the degree of fiber-matrix bonding can be quantified by means of the interface energy for the initiation of debonding, rather than by using a stress-based interfacial parameter. A one-dimensional model for the energy necessary to initiate/nucleate an interfacial crack from its associated transverse fiber break during a single fiber fragmentation test is proposed. The interface energy for the initiation of debonding is shown to be a function of the fiber and matrix geometrical and material characteristics, and of the initial debonding length. The validity of the approach is demonstrated in the case of fragmentation of sized and unsized E-glass fibers embedded in an UV-cured polymeric matrix.
(1994) Journal of Adhesion. 46, 1-4, p. 91-102 Abstract
Model composites of Kevlar-49® and D-glass fiber/epoxy systems were analyzed using NMR imaging and FT-IR microscopy. The surfaces of both reinforcing agents were found to affect the curing process of the epoxy significantly. The NMR images reveal an accelerated rate of cure in the proximity of the fibers as compared with the bulk, indicating strong interactions between the fibers and the matrices. To characterize these interactions spectroscopically, FT-IR microscopy was performed on Kevlar-reinforced microcomposites. Transmission spectra and IR functional group images reveal a preferential segregation of the epoxy resin to the fiber surface. Thin films of epoxy resin deposited on single Kevlar filaments were also examined using FT-IR microscopy. Spectra and IR images from these samples suggest that the amine group of the Kevlar fiber is reacting with the epoxide ring of the resin to catalyze the curing process.
Functionalized polypropenes have been synthesized to be used as coupling agents at the glass fiber/polypropene interface. The cocrystallization of this coupling agent and the matrix is studied by DSC and WAXS and in an other hand by a Monte Carlo simulation. The required characteristics of the functionalized polypropene cocrystalliize with the PP matrix are discussed. In a second part, the ability of the selected polymers to be grafted on a glass substrate is studied. The influence of the introduction of such coupling agents at the interface is studied in microcomposites.
(1994) Journal of Biomechanics. 27, 7, p. 995 Abstract
Zioupos and Currey criticize our study in three different respects. The first point of contention arises from a misunderstanding of the text, which could probably have been more clearly written. We modelled lamellar bone that is folded into cylinders. This could be the midshaft region of the long bone of a small animal, mature Haversian bone, or that part of fibrolamellar (plexiform) bone that is cylindrical (the primary osteons). We did indeed compare our theoretical data to the experimental data of Bonfield and Grynpas (1977), who used bovine fibrolamellar bone. Zioupos and Currey are correct in pointing out that this is by no means all composed of cylindrical bone. We compromised in this way in order to compare our data to that of others, who also attempted to model the same set of experimental data. We clearly stated, however, that the true test must await more experimental measurements of the type performed by Bonfield and Grynpas (1977), but under conditions where the bone is carefully oriented in all three dimensions with respect to its structure (our study, p. 1318). [First paragraph]
(1994) Advanced Composites Letters. 3, 4, p. 133-138 Abstract
A model has been proposed that represents the compressive fragmentation phenomenon and can evaluate the interfacial shear strength without recourse to complicated stress transfer models. The temperature dependence of the interfacial shear strength is investigated for carbon fibre-polycarbonate microcomposites and the values obtained are applicable to a system that has weak interfacial bonding.
(1994) Journal of Applied Physics. 75, 3, p. 1442-1455 Abstract
The effect of particulate volume fraction vp and diameter d p on the composite Young's modulus Ec is studied both experimentally, using a silica bead/epoxy system, as well as with the help of computer simulations. The experimental and simulation results show that for a given particulate size, the overall Ec vs vp curve displays a concave upward shape and not a linear shape. This superlinear trend of the data implies that the average strain normalized to the applied strain λ=ε̄p/εc transferred to the particulates increases with volume fraction. The above finding is explained in terms of a mean-field picture, where a single particle interacts with an effective medium consisting of the remaining particles embedded in the matrix. As the modulus of the effective medium surrounding a reference particle increases with vp, the modulus mismatch between the reference particulate and the medium is consequently reduced. This leads to an overall increase in the normalized average strain λ transferred to each particulate as vp is increased. The experimental results using silica particulates with various sizes dp, as well as the simulation results, show that smaller particulates provide an increased composite modulus as compared to larger particulates, at constant vp. General equations are developed, which relate the composite modulus to the average particle stress or strain, given only information about the volume fraction and the Young's modulus of each of the phases present. Through the application of these relations, it is found that smaller particulates display a greater amount of normalized average strain λ transferred than larger particulates. The effect of particulate Young's modulus Ep in combination with particulate size on the resulting Ec is also studied using simulations only. It is found that for a low particulate to matrix modulus ratio Ep/Em, the particulate size has very little influence on Ec. Moreover, the shape of the Ec vs vp curve can be well approximated by a straight line up to large values of vp. On the other hand, as the ratio Ep/Em is increased, the superlinear trend of the composite modulus Ec vs vp data is more apparent. This results in a smaller range of the Ec vs v p curve, which can be approximated by a linear function. It is also found that the extent of this linear region also decreases with particle size.
(1994) Composites. 25, 1, p. 5-10 Abstract
An analysis has been conducted of debonding effects on the matrix failure process of unidirectional composites and layers in laminates with complicated structure. These materials have different residual microstresses resulting in a tendency for debonding. For modelling, a transverse layer of a composite is assumed to consist of cells, each simulating the fibre and its matrix sheath; the debonding strain of separate cells follows a normal probability distribution function. The proposed statistical model enables explanations of the unexpectedly low value of ultimate transverse tensile strain of unidirectional composites (less than 1%), even if matrix failure strain is greater than 50%, and the more significant influence of matrix flexibility on first cracking strain of complex structure laminates.
(1994) Composite Interfaces. 2, 5, p. 321-336 Abstract
The thermal residual stress induced in the fiber during specimen preparation, prior to a single-fiber fragmentation experiment, is studied using various theoretical schemes. It is found that the longitudinal component of this stress is compressive in nature, and that in some cases it is high enough to induce breaks in the fiber. The number of such pre-existing breaks may be calculated under certain conditions, one of them being that the Weibull shape parameter of the fiber compressive strength distribution be known. Experimental data produced with high-modulus graphite/polypropylene single-fiber composites are used to substantiate the arguments presented. Implications for high fiber content composites are discussed.
(1994) Composites. 25, 7, p. 613-616 Abstract
In recent years, the quality of the fibre/matrix bonding in polymer composites has been quantified by means of a single mechanical parameter, the interfacial shear strength, based on measurements made using micromechanical techniques. It has gradually appeared, however, that this parameter is both ambiguous in terms of its physical meaning and, at the same time, difficult to measure reliably in many cases. Moreover, different micromechanical techniques yield differing values of the interfacial shear strength. Finally, it has been suggested in a few studies that it may not be the critical factor governing fibre/matrix debonding. In this paper an energy balance approach is proposed, by which the degree of fibre/matrix bonding is now quantified by means of the interfacial energy, as a function of the fibre geometrical and mechanical characteristics, the stress transfer length and the debonding length. The validity of the approach is discussed in the case of the single-fibre composite test, in which progressive fragmentation of a single brittle fibre in a more ductile polymeric matrix takes place, using data for E-glass fibres embedded in epoxy, both in the dry state and in the presence of hot distilled water.
(1993) Advanced Composites Letters. 2, 5, p. 173-176 Abstract
A novel technique was recently introduced in our laboratories for the measurement of the compressive strength of single fibres, based on a modified configuration of the single fibre composite fragmentation test. In particular, the effect of the length of the embedded fibre on its compressive strength was assessed for the first time, based on Weibull statistics considerations. Moreover, during the sample manufacturing stage, a fibre can break in compression due to induced cooling stresses, rather than mechanical stresses, which can be determined from the fragmentation phenomenon. In this note, improved analyses of such compressive fragmentation effects are presented and discussed.
(1993) Composites Science and Technology. 47, 1, p. 43-50 Abstract
Microcomposites of single-pitch-based carbon fibre reinforced J-Polymer are employed to investigate the mechanical role of the fibre matrix transcrystalline interphase. The transcrystalline interphase in this semicrystalline thermoplastic system is varied by changing the crystallization kinetics, as determined by the thermal history. The kinetics of transcrystallization under isothermal conditions are presented as an example, and are used to form different transcrystalline interphase thickness. These affect the fibre fragmentation process that occurs while the specimens are cooled from the crystallization temperature to room temperature. This fragmentation process is attributed to residual thermal stresses, which can be calculated by assuming that it is controlled by Weibull statistics. Tensile loading of either longitudinal or transverse microcomposite specimens results in additional fragmentation, the extent of which is determined jointly by the thickness of the transcrystalline layer and by the yield strain of the matrix.
(1993) Composites Science and Technology. 48, 1-4, p. 205-214 Abstract
A round-robin programme has been undertaken to assess the compatibility in the micromechanical techniques used to evaluate the interfacial shear strength of the fibre/matrix bond in composite materials. The tests selected for evaluation were the single-fibre pull-out test, the microdebond test, the fragmentation test and the micro-indentation test. Twelve laboratories were invited to participate in this programme. Each laboratory was supplied with Caurtaulds XA fibre in the untreated condition and with a standard surface treatment, and a quantity of epoxy resin, hardener and catalyst, all from the same batch. Some laboratories were supplied with composite bars made with the same materials. A common cure cycle was chosen for sample preparation. Each laboratory conducted the tests to its own procedures. The results showed that the scatter within each laboratory was acceptable but the scatter between laboratories for a particular test was high. The results are discussed and possible explanations are presented for these observations. The indications are that the fundamental procedures used in each laboratory are sound. The results also suggest that there is great potential for achieving standard procedures and reducing the inter-laboratory scatter. A further round-robin programme is proposed to generate test protocols.
(1993) Composites Science and Technology. 48, 1-4, p. 181-184 Abstract
Transcrystalline microstructures are normally not observed at the interface between E-glass fibers and an isotactic polypropylene matrix, unless mechanical translation is applied to the fiber while it is in the supercooled polymer melt. We demonstrate here that transcrystallinity can form at the surface of E-glass fibers if appropriate nucleating agents are used to coat the fibers. These agents can nucleate either the α (monoclinic) or β (hexagonal) crystal forms of polypropylene. Single-fiber composite experiments were performed to assess the effect of transcrystallinity on matrix deformation. The preliminary results presented here reveal the occurrence of a previously unreported damage mechanism by which interlamellar fractures form preferentially at the interface well before any bulk matrix damage occurs. The density of this damage zone is higher in transcrystallinity of the β crystal form than of the α form, although it was found that in the α form the damage can propagate into the matrix. The occurrence of this damage mechanism suggests that toughness increases may potentially be obtained by careful design of the interfacial transcrystalline region in E-glass/polypropylene composites.
(1993) Composites Science and Technology. 46, 4, p. 353-362 Abstract
In the study of fracture processes in composite materials, the interactions between broken and intact fibers are of critical importance. Indeed, the redistribution of stress from a failed fiber to its unfailed adjacent neighbors, and the stress concentration induced in these, determine the extent to which a break in one fiber will cause more breaks in neighboring fibers. The overall failure pattern is a direct function of the stress concentration factors (SCFs). In this paper, we propose a new model for the SCFs in two-dimensional unidirectional composites containing broken fibers. A closed-form expression is derived for the SCF profiles as a function of material and geometrical parameters. The model differs significantly from earlier schemes, as the local effect of a fiber break on nearest neighbors is much milder than previously calculated, both as a function of the inter-fiber distance and of the number of adjacent broken fibers. Comparison with experimental results for silicon-carbide/epoxy composites demonstrates the validity of the proposed scheme. Since the overall fracture pattern in fiber composites is a direct function of the SCFs, the model may help shed light on fracture nucleation and growth in composites.
(1993) Journal of Materials Science. 28, 8, p. 2238-2244 Abstract
The work presented in the present paper focuses on the interface in Kevlar 49-epoxy composites. Experimental results for the interfacial shear strength obtained using the microbond test by means of different loading configurations (parallel plate loading, parallel conical plate loading, circular loading), are presented and compared. Contrasting with recent finite-element predictions proposed in the literature, the interfacial shear strength is found to be altogether insensitive to the type of microbond loading configuration. A comparison of the results obtained using two micromechanical tests (microbond and fragmentation) is performed. The interfacial shear strength results obtained by means of the fragmentation test are found to be higher by a factor of about 50% than those obtained by means of the microbond test. A possible explanation for this difference is proposed and discussed, and the value of the "true" interfacial shear strength is conjectured to fall between the values measured by these two tests. The effect of fibre surface chemistry modification (surface desizing) is probed by surface-sensitive techniques (XPS-ESCA and contact angle measurements from droplets) and by micromechanical testing techniques. Surface-sensitive techniques and micromechanical testing provide compatible information for the Kevlar-epoxy system studied here, and the knowledge of the chemical characteristics of the fibre surface can therefore be used as a means of predicting the interfacial shear strength.
(1993) Advanced Composites Letters. 2, 2, p. 47-50 Abstract
Experimental data are presented for the fiber/matrix interfacial adhesion in unsized and sized E-glass/epoxy microcomposites. A comparison of the results obtained by the microbond and the single-fiber composite tests is presented and discussed. The adequacy of specific micromechanical adhesion tests for a given fiber/matrix system is discussed. It is conjectured that the \u201ctrue\u201d value of the adhesion strength falls in-between the results from the microbond and the single-fiber composite tests.
(1993) Composite Interfaces. 1, 3, p. 225-242 Abstract
This study deals with the effect of a transcrystalline LLDPE (linear low-density polyethylene) layer grown on Spectra 1000 UHMWPE (ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene) fibres. Chemical similarity between the fibre and the surrounding melt does not promote transcrystallinity as no transcrystalline microstructure appears from the surface of as-received Spectra 1000 UHMWPE fibres. However, oxygen plasma treatment of the UHMWPE fibres yields a degree of surface roughness that appears to promote easy nucleation and growth of LLDPE transcrystallinity. The kinetics of transcrystalline growth were investigated quantitatively. The growth rate increased by a factor of about 12 for a 10°C increase in supercooling, and at 105°C the maximum observed thickness of the transcrystalline layer was about one fibre diameter. The induction time was found to decrease as the crystallization isotherm increased. We discuss the possibility of using surface energy parameters to define a better criterion for the nucleation of transcrystallinity from the UHMWPE fibre substrate. Preliminary data were generated for the interfacial mechanical shear strength by means of the microbond test. It is conjectured that the combined effects of a thermal treatment and the presence/absence of a transcrystalline layer might produce significant changes in the interfacial shear strength, as illustrated here by a 43% increase observed with specimens subjected to different thermal treatments.
(1993) Advanced Composites Letters. 2, 5, p. 169-172 Abstract
An energy balance approach is proposed for the single fibre composite (or fragmentation) test, by which the degree of fibre-matrix bonding is quantified by means of the interfacial energy, rather than the interfacial shear strength, as a function of the fibre geometrical and mechanical characteristics, the stress transfer length, and the debonding length. The validity of the approach is discussed using E-glass fibres embedded in epoxy, both in the dry state and in the presence of hot distilled water.
(1993) Composites Science and Technology. 48, 1-4, p. 1-1 Abstract
The theme of microphenomena which was adopted for the conference implies that to understand microphenomena is to get into the very heart of the science of composite materials. The conference emphasised the microscopic scale of the study of composites by focusing on microphenomena and on microcomposites. Every engineering application of these unique materials induces in them a sequence of microprocesses that jointly determine their global behaviour. Only by thorough understanding of each of those microprocesses and of their mutual interactions could the appropriate engineering and design decisions be made. The best tool for investigating microprocesses is perhaps the study of microcomposites, which could be regarded as a 'test tube' by which fundamental scientific issues could be examined and compared with theories developed for ideal 'textbook' composites.
(1993) Composites Science and Technology. 48, 1-4, p. 35-46 Abstract
The single-filament-composite (SFC) fragmentation test can be utilized to provide quantitative information on the fiber strength distribution and the fiber/matrix interface shear stress, which are important properties that control the performance of fiber composites. An accurate interpretation of the fragmentation data, however, is difficult owing to the stochastic nature of the fragmentation process, as well as the complex interplay between the fiber flaw strength variation and the stress transfer zones about every broken flaw. In this work we have developed a computer simulation approach that models the fragmentation process by explicitly incorporating considerations regarding the strength and spatial distributions of the flaws. The effect of stress variation along the fiber length is accounted for by incorporating specific fiber-loading models. From the simulation it is demonstrated that the fragmentation data may be used to produce a rough sketch of the underlying flaw strength spectrum. An examination of the fragment size statistics suggests that appropriate analysis of the SFC data may be utilized to detect the occurrence of matrix/fiber interface yielding or debonding. An alternative methodology for mapping out the flaw strength distribution by means of a multiple-long-fiber failure test is also presented for comparison purposes.
(1992) Journal of Biomechanics. 25, 11, p. 1311-1320 Abstract
A recent study of bone structure shows that the plate-shaped carbonate apatite crystals in individual lamellae are arranged in layers across the lamellae, and that the orientation of these layers are different in alternate lamellae. Based on these findings, a new micromechanical model for the Young's modulus of bone is proposed, which accounts for the anisotropy and geometrical characteristics of the material. The model incorporates the platelet-like geometry of the basic reinforcing unit, the presence of alternating thin and thick lamellae, and the orientations of the crystal platelets in the lamellae. The thin and thick lamellae are modeled as orthotropic composite layers made up of thin rectangular apatite platelets within a collagen matrix, and classical orthotropic elasticity theory is used to calculate the Young's modulus of the lamellae. Bone is viewed as an assembly of such orthotropic lamellae bent into cylindrical structures, and having a constant, alternating angle between successive lamellae. The micromechanical model employs a modified rule-of-mixtures to account for the two types of lamellae. The model provides a curve similar to the published experimental data on the angular dependence of Young's modulus, including a local maximum at an angle between 0 and 90°. A rigorous testing of the model awaits additional experimental data.
(1992) Journal of Materials Research. 7, 11, p. 3120-3131 Abstract
A discrete model of springs with bond-bending forces is proposed to simulate the fracture process in a composite of short stiff fibers in a softer matrix. Both components are assumed to be linear elastic up to failure. We find that the critical fiber length of a single fiber composite increases roughly linearly with the ratio of the fiber elastic modulus to matrix modulus. The finite size of the lattice in the direction perpendicular to the fiber orientation considerably alters the behavior of the critical length for large values of the modulus ratio. The simulations of the fracture process reveal different fracture behavior as a function of the fiber content and length. We calculate the Young's modulus, fracture stress, and the strain at maximum stress as a function of the fiber volume fraction and aspect ratio. The results are compared with the predictions of other theoretical studies and experiments.
(1992) International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 12, 4, p. 251-256 Abstract
A micromechanical study of the behaviour of poly(p-phenylene benzobisthiazole) (pbt)/epoxy interfaces is performed using two testing procedures, the droplet micropull-out test, and a version of the fragmentation test in which the stress and strain are continuously monitored by optical microscopy and video recording. Since very few interfacial strength data are currently available for pbt/epoxy composites, it is the purpose of our study to generate such data for this system. The fragmentation phenomenon in pbt/epoxy is found to be complex and more difficult to interpret than in brittle fibre composite systems, due to the fibrillation failure mode of the pbt fibre. The interfacial shear strength value based on the fragmentation test is 17.3 MPa, approximately twice the value measured with the droplet micropull-out test.
(1992) Journal of Materials Science. 27, 15, p. 4175-4180 Abstract
Carbon/J-polymer single fibre composite samples were tested under tensile conditions with the fibre direction perpendicular to the tensile loading axis. The Poisson ratio effect induced a compression strain field in the fibre, resulting in a fragmentation phenomenon similar to that observed in a fibre subjected to tensile loading. This observation introduces a novel technique for the measurement of the compressive strength of single fibres, calculated either from the stress at first break, or from the Weibull scale parameter obtained from the fragmentation data produced at various stress levels. The special sample loading configuration used here also provides the first measurement of the effect of the length of the fibre on its compressive strength value.
(1992) Polymer Engineering and Science. 32, 4, p. 298-304 Abstract
The fiber straightening pretension applied during the sample preparation of single fiber composites is suggested here to significantly affect the number of fragments as well as the value of the KellyTyson interface shear strength obtained from single filament composite tests. This implies that fragmentation tests performed under seemingly identical conditions, but in which the fiber pretension is not accurately controlled during sample preparation, might yield widely differing experimental results. We present and discuss a new set of experimental results dealing with fiber pretension effects in carbon/epoxy single fiber composites.
(1992) Science and Engineering of Composite Materials. 2, 2, p. 99-118 Abstract
This work deals with the elastic and ultimate properties of Industrial grade poly(methyl methacrylate) reinforced with short para-aramid and high strength carbon fibers of varying length to diameter ratio. The fiber content by weight lies in the range 0 to 9 percent. A three-point bend testing technique, corrected for the effect of shear, Is used for the evaluation of the various mechanical parameters. Unnotched samples are used for the measurement of flexural modulus and notched samples are used for the measurement of the fracture parameters. Linear elastic and nonlinear elastic fracture mechanics methods are applied for the evaluation of fracture resistance to crack propagation. For both families of fibers, Increasing the length to diameter ratio causes an Increase In the fracture toughness of the fiber/PMMA composite systems, up to a plateau value. It is also found that the flexural modulus and strength are quite insensitive to the fiber length to diameter ratio, and both the modulus and strength decrease with Increasing fiber content. From a practical viewpoint, the mechanical data obtained In this study Indicate that the optimal fiber length to diameter ratio for use In PMMA Is 300-400 for both Kevlar and carbon fibers. A scheme for the strength of random fiber reinforced composites Is used to quantify the effect of fiber aspect ratio. As in our previous studies It is claimed that the major factor to be accounted for to explain the experimental results is the weak lnterfaclal bond between the fiber and the matrix.
(1991) Polymer Composites. 12, 6, p. 436-446 Abstract
A continuously monitored singlefilament composite (CMSFC) test was conducted to measure the stress at which successive fiber breaks occur in the single fiber fragmentation process. This exercise was performed with a limited number of samples of various types. The purpose was to explore the possibility of using this test as a simple alternative means of (i) measuring the size effect in single fibers, (ii) calculating the Weibull shape and scale parameters for fiber strength, (iii) calculating the fiber/matrix interfacial shear strength from the extrapolated value of fiber strength using the loading history of a single fragmentation test, rather than from the value of fiber strength extrapolated from extensive testing of single fibers at various gage lengths, as is usually done. These are aspects of the SFC test that have largely been ignored so far. The results presented here confirm the possibility of using the CMSFC test for such purposes, with a certain degree of approximation, as discussed. Additional information supplied by this test as well as a possible effect of fiber pretensioning on fragmentation results (including the value of the interfacial shear strength) are also briefly discussed.
(1991) Polymer Composites. 12, 4, p. 233-236 Abstract
This paper demonstrates the usefulness of careful experimental work with model composite materials, such as thin polymeric films in which single fibers are accurately positioned, in at least two respects: to assess the validity of a theory for a given physical property, and to accurately probe the effects of various parameters on the behavior of composites. Working with such model composites has obvious advantages, such as the full control of experimental parameters, the possibility of introducing perturbative effects in a controlled way, and the possibility of verifying theoretical models in the range of low fiber content. Indeed, macroscopic composite materials contain various types of defects and perturbative effects, such as fiber misalignment or slack, fiberpoor regions, voids, etc., which bias any quantitative assessment of mechanical and physical properties, and preclude the accurate verification of theoretical schemes. One difficulty in working with microcomposite models, also recalled here, is the need for an appropriate \u201cscalingup\u201d procedure to the level of macroscopic composites.
(1991) Applied Physics Letters. 58, 10, p. 1033-1035 Abstract
A new approach is proposed for assessing the stress concentration factors in two-dimensional undirectional composite materials containing broken fibers. A closed-form expression is derived for the stress concentration factor profiles as a function of materials and geometrical parameters. The model differs significantly from earlier schemes as the local effect of a fiber break on nearest neighbors is much milder than previously assumed, both as a function of the interfiber distance (or fiber content) and of the number of adjacent broken fibers. Comparison with experimental results for SiC/epoxy composites demonstrates the validity of the proposed scheme. The model may help shed light on the (multifilament) fragmentation process [H. D. Wagner and A. Eitan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 1965 (1990)] and on fracture nucleation and growth in composites.
(1991) Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 10, 1, p. 84-90 Abstract
Fracture modes at low and very high strain rate impact experiments were studied using model unidirectional composites. The model microcomposites consist of a set of single fibers embedded in an epoxy film such that the interfiber distance, number of fibers, interface and resin properties can be controlled.The impact tests at ultra high strain rate were performed using short pulsed laser induced shock waves. To avoid laser ablation of the thin samples, the shock wave was delivered through a thin aluminum foil.Dynamic experiments were compared with mechanical quasi-static failure tests.
Characterization of statistical failure in fiber composite monolayers by video microphotography(1991) Journal of Applied Polymer Science: Applied Polymer Symposium. 47, p. 111-125 Abstract
The investigation of fiber-matrix interface properties by means of single- or multifilament fragmentation tests, as well as the study of basic failure modes in unidirectional fiber-reinforced composites, are currently among the most intensively researched topics in composite micromechanics. Recently, microcomposite monolayers containing tapelike arrays of carefully positioned single fibers of various types within an epoxy resin have been prepared in our laboratory. These were tested for strength using a custom-designed minitensile testing apparatus fitted to the stage of a stereozoom microscope, and the damage nucleation and growth process was followed by video microphotographic means. First results on the elastic properties and mechanical damage behavior of several types of microcomposite monolayers, including hybrids, have been obtained, and the effects of fiber type and fiber content were examined. Here we present recent experimental and theoretical developments, focusing on the experimental verification (using microcomposite samples) of Schapery's model for the thermal expansion of composites, on a theoretical model for the distribution of fragment lengths as well as on the usefulness of continuous monitoring of the fragmentation phenomenon, and on a new result for the interactions between broken and intact fibers in unidirectional composites.
(1991) Journal of Applied Physics. 70, 1, p. 495 Abstract
A brief reply to the Comment is provided. Both the procedure I suggested and the tables presented by Carroll [Textile Res. J. 47, 56 (1977)] allow easy and fast estimation of contact angles.
(1990) Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of London Series A-Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences. 428, 1875, p. 493-510 Abstract
(1990) Wear. 135, 2, p. 207-216 Abstract
This paper deals with the wear behaviour of continuous-fibre-reinforced plastics under oscillatory sliding against aluminium counterparts. Firstly, the influence of the loading parameters such as amplitude, frequency, nominal contact pressure and environmental temperature on the fretting wear of a carbon-fibre/epoxy-resin (CF/EP) laminate was studied. The amplitude, the frequency and the contact pressure were found to have a critical influence on the fretting wear rate of the CF/EP. Furthermore, at constant testing conditions the effects of material parameters (fibre orientation relative to the sliding direction, fibre and matrix material) were investigated. The incorporation of Aramid fibres affected the wear resistance of the polymers only little, while carbon and glass fibres resulted in an increase in the wear rates. Epoxy resin composites were slightly superior to polyetheretherketone composites.
(1990) Applied Physics Letters. 56, 20, p. 1965-1967 Abstract
The fiber fragmentation phenomenon in the singlefilament composite test is currently among the most intensively researched aspects of composite micromechanics. By this method the interfacial shear strength, a physical parameter which reflects the quality of the fiber/matrix bonding, is calculated. In most studies various statistical models for the distribution of fragment lengths have been assumed without any justification other than a good fit to experimental data. Here we argue that if the flaws are assumed to be distributed along the fiber length according to a spatial Poisson process, then far from the saturation point the resulting fragment lengths must exactly follow a shifted exponential distribution. At the saturation limit, the distribution of fragment lengths is still approximately exponential. This is confirmed by singlefilament composite experiments with high strength carbon fibers embedded in epoxy. Cumulative distributions of interdefect spacings at various levels of stress (or strain) are made available by means of an experimental technique described here. It is shown that the resulting data may be used to unfold the average strength versus length dependence in the single fiber, and to calculate the relevant Weibull shape parameter.
(1990) Journal of Applied Physics. 67, 3, p. 1352-1355 Abstract
The characterization of the physicochemical nature of interfaces is a key problem in the field of advanced fibrous composites. The macroscopic regime contact angle, which reflects the energetics of wetting at the solid-liquid interface, is difficult to measure by usual methods in the case of very thin cylindrical fibers, but it may be calculated from the shape of a liquid droplet spread onto a cylindrical monofilament using a method developed by Yamaki and Katayama [J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 19, 2897 (1975)], and B. J. Carroll [J. Coll. Interf. Sci. 57, 488 (1976)]. Unfortunately, measurements of the contact angle based on this method are, so far, unable to provide an accuracy of better than about 5°. In the present article two simple extensions of the method of Yamaki and Katayama and Carroll, are presented, from which highly accurate values of the contact angle may be obtained. This is demonstrated experimentally from the spreading of glycerol droplets on carbon fibers and epoxy droplets on aramid fibers.
(1989) Journal of Materials Science. 24, 11, p. 3956-3975 Abstract
The quasi-static deformation and fracture modes of several types of fibrous composite materials are studied from a fundamental viewpoint using a new experimental approach. Microcomposite monolayers, consisting of single fibres accurately positioned into a thin poly-meric matrix, were manufactured using a specially developed technique, and tested for strength by means of a custom-made miniature tensile testing machine. The materials used were E-glass, and Kevlar 29, Kevlar 49 and Kevlar 149 para-aramid fibres, and a room-temperature curing epoxy resin. The tensile testing machine was fitted to the stage of a polarized light stereozoom microscope and the fracture process was recorded both via a standard 35 mm camera and a colour video camera. The fibre content of the first generation of micro-composite monolayers used in this work was low (
(1989) Composites. 20, 6, p. 537-544 Abstract
This work presents preliminary investigations of the fatigue behaviour of hybrid composite materials in flexure by three methods; examination of the hybrid effects of SN data as a function of the fibre types and structure of the material; study of the rate-dependent flexural behaviour and its correlation with the fatigue life; and by incremental loading tests to simulate fatigue. Aramid fibre/carbon fibre hybrids with aramid skin and carbon core exhibited a positive hybrid effect on flexural strength. Their properties were superior to those with carbon fibre skin and aramid fibre core. A possible explanation for the positive effect in the ACA hybrids may lie in the strain rate dependence of these materials. The reasons for the high strain rate dependence are discussed.
(1989) Journal of Macromolecular Science - Physics. 28, 3-4, p. 339-347 Abstract
The axial and radial dimensions of a fiber are known to be key factors with respect to the mechanical stress necessary to promote failure, this being known as the size effect. Usually different methods are used to quantify the two types of size effects: Linear elastic fracture mechanics (lefm) and related schemes provide the theoretical basis for the effect of diameter variability upon strength whereas statistical theor-ies, generally based upon the Weibull probability distribution combined with the weakest-link theorem, describe length ef-fects. Here we show that simple modifications of the classical Poisson/Weibull form yield a new failure probability function which provides a more adequate explanation for diameter effects on strength in polydiacetylene fibers, and also resolves in a satisfactory way a current problematic issue inherent to the Weibull/weakest-link model. A maximum likelihood estimation procedure is presented for the evaluation of the most appropriate parameters of the proposed failure probability function.
(1989) Biomaterials. 10, 2, p. 139-141 Abstract
First results are presented concerning the elastic and ultimate mechanical behaviour of p(MMA) bone cement reinforced with as-received and surface-modified Spectra 900 polyethylene fibres. Even though the surface chemistry and reactivity of the fibres was modified, the surface oxidation and surface grafting treatments of the polyethylene fibres apparently did not significantly affect the mechanical properties of the polyethylene-reinforced p(MMA) bone cement or improve the interfacial bonding. This may be attributed to the rather unfavourable area-to-volume ratio of PE fibres for such treatments, as well as to the necessarily low content of PE fibres in the bone cement which does not allow a clear differentiation between the various samples.
(1989) Philosophical Magazine Letters. 59, 2, p. 77-85 Abstract
A modified Poisson/Weibull probabilistic scheme is shown to yield accurate predictions for the mechanical strength of several types of ultra-high-strengthpolyethylene fibres. Strong diameter effects observed in such fibres are alsoconveniently modelled by the proposed scheme. This new approach is shown to beat least as satisfactory as previously proposed models for diameter effects based onlinear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM). Moreover, it provides a simple solution toa current problematic issue inherent to the Weibull/weakest-link model, namely theconflicting values generally obtained for the Weibull shape parameter as calculatedfrom Weibull plots and weakest link predictions respectively.
(1989) Application of Fracture Mechanics to Composite Materials. Friedrich K.(eds.). C ed. Vol. 6. p. 39-77 (trueComposite Materials Series). Abstract
Some recent developments in the study of fibre and composite material fracture are reviewed and analyzed using statistical and probabilistic concepts. Short-term strength and long-term lifetime are considered and an attempt is made to show how statistical kinetics may provide some physical basis for the molecular fracture of polymeric fibres. Transversal and longitudinal size effects in the mechanical strength of various types of highly oriented fibres typically used in composites are thoroughly discussed and a comparison of fracture mechanics and probabilistic approaches is performed. Some currently unsolved problems inherent to the Weibull distribution as a model for strength are discussed and, using maximum likelihood estimation techniques, conjectures are made regarding the relative roles of defects distributed over the fibre boundary and in the bulk. Theoretical and experimental results regarding the fracture of unidirectional fibrous composites are reviewed, and, in particular, the importance of the fibre bundle theory is emphasized. Problems for future research are suggested.
(1989) Integration of Fundamental Polymer Science and Technology. Kleintjens L. A. & Lemstra P. J.(eds.). Vol. 3. p. 250-256 Abstract
Recent results on the fracture behaviour of advanced fibers and model composite materials (microcomposites) are presented. The fiber data utilized are strength results for polydiacetylene whiskers and Kevlar 149 fibres. The probabilistic approach adopted for the effect of fibre diameter on strength is shown to be at least as appropriate as well-known empirical and LEFM-based schemes. A modified Poisson/Weibull scheme deals with a currently unsolved problem inherent to the classical Weibull distribution function, used as a Model for strength. Preliminary experimental results with model microcomposites (which consist of single fibers carefully placed within a matrix film using specially developed positioning techniques) are reviewed and, in particular, the usefulness of video/microphotographic techniques in the study of failure dynamics and fracture modes in composites is emphasized.
(1989) Journal Of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics. 27, 1, p. 115-149 Abstract
A study of size effects in the ultimate mechanical properties of crystalline and semicrystalline polymeric materials (fibers, single crystals) is conducted. The concept of size effect and its importance are discussed. A statistical/stochastic approach is adopted and is shown to yield analytical predictions which are at least as accurate as other modeling schemes (mainly based on fracture mechanics theory) previously proposed in the literature. Within this framework, we propose a possible scheme for simultaneous interpretation of both longitudinal (gauge length) and transversal (diameter) size effects, which provides some interesting information regarding the type of flaw population present in a given polymeric material. The statistical scheme used is based on the Poisson/Weibull model, and variants of it, since this model is relatively well established from both physical and experimental viewpoints. Some unsolved problems inherent to the Weibull/weakest link model for failure are discussed, and a new distribution function for the strength of solids is derived. This is illustrated through an analysis of available experimental data for ultrahighmolecularweight polyethylene, polypphenylene terephthalamide (Kevlar), polydiacetylene, and polyoxymethylene. A maximum likelihood approach is used for the first time for interpreting the effect of diameter variability on the mechanical strength of polymeric fibers. We propose a procedure by which the Weibull shape parameter is maximized over a continuous range of values of the size exponent. Finally, we conjecture on the relative roles of defect populations distributed over the boundary and in the bulk.
(1989) Developments in the Science and Technology of Composite Materials. Massiah A., Bunsell A. R. & Lamicq P.(eds.). p. 71-77 Abstract
Using polymeric fibre strength data from the literature and from our own laboratory tests, we show in the first part of the present paper that simple modifications of Poisson/Weibull concepts, resulting in a new failure probability function, can be used as a modeling scheme for the study of diameter effects on strength in a way at least as satisfactory as previously used LEFM-based schemes. In the second part of the paper a new experimental approach for the study of composite failure is presented. Specially prepared composite monolayer models were tested in simple tension under an optical microscope equipped with crossed polarizers and with a video camera. The potential usefulness of this approach for the characterisation of basic failure modes in fibre-reinforced composites, and as a probe of existing strength theories in such materials, is demonstrated.
(1989) Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. 23, 1, p. 63-80 Abstract
A study of the fracture behavior of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) bone cement reinforced with short ultrahighmolecularweight polyethylene (Spectra 900) fibers is presented. Linear elastic and nonlinear elastic fracture mechanics results indicate that a significant reinforcing effect is obtained at fiber contents as low as 1% by weight, but beyond that concentration a plateau value is reached and the fracture toughness becomes insensitive to fiber content. The flexural strength and modulus are apparently not improved by the incorporation of polyethylene fibers in the acrylic cement, probably because of the presence of voids, the poor mixing practice and the weakness of the fiber/ matrix interfacial bond. The present polyethylene/PMMA composite presents several advantages as compared to other composite cements, but overall the mechanical performance of this system resembles that of Kevlar 29/PMMA cement, with a few differences. Scanning electron microscopy reveals characteristic micromechanisms of energy absorption in Spectra 900/PMMA bone cement. A scheme for the strength of random fiberreinforced composites, which is a simple extension of the Kelly and Tyson model for the strength of unidirectional composites, is presented and discussed. Young's modulus and the fracture toughness results are discussed in the framework of existing theories. More fundamental modeling treatments are needed in terms of fracture micromechanisms to understand and optimize the various mechanical properties with respect to structural parameters and cement preparation technique.
(1988) Journal of Materials Science Letters. 7, 11, p. 1209-1212 Abstract
The mechanical properties of single Kevlar 149 aramid fibres have been measured and the results assessed using a modified Poisson-Weibull approach.
(1986) Journal of Materials Science. 21, 12, p. 4468-4474 Abstract
A comparative study of the fracture behaviour of Kevlar 29 reinforced bone and dental cements is undertaken using both linear elastic and non-linear elastic fracture mechanics approaches. Results from both approaches reflect improved fracture toughness at very low fibre contents. Flexural modulus is not apparently improved in either system, and flexural strength is only improved in the bone cement system probably because of poor interfacial bonding and the presence of voids in the dental cement. In all cases, however, bone cement is seen to be superior to dental cement. This is interpreted in terms of smaller voids and better fibre distribution due to the lower viscosity of the bone cement material. When compared to carbon-polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) cements, Kevlar 29 reinforced systems appear to be superior. More work is underway to optimize the properties of these systems with regard to structural parameters.
(1986) Computes Rendus - Academie des Sciences, Serie II: Mecanique, Physique, Chimie, Astronomie. 303, 14, p. 1283-1288 Abstract
Heterophase or composite materials possessing a fibrillar structure arise frequently in nature as well as in a wealth of today's man-made objects and structures. The degree of adhesion between the fibrous component and the support matrix is known to be an important factor regarding the mechanical response of the material. Well-bonded highly fibrous heterophase materials possess improved elastic properties, as compared to the matrix, which are modeled by various theoretical treatments. For less frequently used weakly bonded composite materials, the theories are inadequate. Here we present a simple, approximate theoretical scheme for the case of low fibre content ( ≦ 20 pc by volume) composites with a weak interface among the constituents. Such composites are sometimes utilized for the fixation of prostheses in joint surgery. The proposed theoretical scheme appears to be appropriate as confirmed by experimental data.
(1986) Journal of Materials Science. 21, 6, p. 1868-1878 Abstract
Experimental data are presented for the lifetime of single Kevlar 49 filaments under moderate to high stress levels at standard ambient conditions (21°C, 65% r.h.). Filaments were drawn from two spools, A and B, taken from the same production lot. Previously we found that filaments from spool A were 7% lower in mean strength but much less variable in diameter than filaments from spool B; however, the respective variabilities in failure stress were equivalent. The lifetime data were interpreted in light of a previously developed kinetic model embodying Weibull failure statistics and power law dependence of lifetime on stress level. As predicted, lifetime data at each stress level generally followed a two-parameter Weibull distribution with a shape parameter value near 0.2. Based on absolute stress levels, the filaments drawn from spool B had a Weibull scale parameter for lifetime about ten times greater than those from spool A; however, when the stress-levels were normalized by the respective Weibull scale parameters for short-term strength, these differences disappeared. With respect to power law dependence of lifetime on stress level, three distinct time domains emerged, each marked by a different power law exponent. Similar behaviour was observed earlier for preproduction Kevlar 49/epoxy strands, and the values for the power law exponents for the filaments agree closely with those for the strands.
(1986) Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 14, 3, p. 277-294 Abstract
A study of the fracture behaviour of Kevlar 29 reinforced dental cement is undertaken using both linear elastic and nonlinear elastic fracture mechanics techniques. Results from both approaches-of which the nonlinear elastic is believed to be more appropriate-indicate that a reinforcing effect is obtained for the fracture toughness even at very low fibre content. The flexural strength and modulus are apparently not improved, however, by the incorporation of Kevlar 29 fibres in the PMMA cement, probably because of the presence of voids, the poor fibre/matrix interfacial bonding and unsatisfying cement mixing practice. When compared to other PMMA composite cements, the present system appears to be probably more effective than carbon/PMMA, for example, in terms of fracture toughness. More experimental and analytical work is needed so as to optimize the mechanical properties with respect to structural parameters and cement preparation technique.
Recent progress on lifetime statistics for single Kevlar-49 filaments in creep-rupture(1985) p. 234-250 Abstract
Results are analyzed from experimental tests of the fatigue lifetimes of single Kevlar-49 fibers exposed to moderate-to-high stress levels in ambient conditions. Particular attention was devoted to discerning any relationship between short- and long-term life. The tests were run by measuring the 5 mm long filament diameters, then attaching weight loads to each filament. Various stress ratios were used, i.e., stress to filament diameter. The computer-monitored trials were run for 192 hr, or to failure. The data were analyzed using a distribution function for the failure time based on a power law breakdown rule. The lifetime behavior for the fibers followed a two-parameter Weibull distribution with a shape parameter less than 1. Although the lifetimes followed a power-law model, three distinct time domains emerged, following three different power-law exponents. Finally, a log-log dependence of strength on fiber length was derived, in agreement with other recent results. (M.S.K.)
(1984) Journal of Composite Materials. 18, 4, p. 312-338 Abstract
Variability in the failure load, tenacity, and linear density of single aramid filaments is studied experimentally. Data indicate that both the failure load and the tenacity of filaments, for a given gauge length and yarn cross section, can be fitted to a two parameter Weibull distribution; however the fit is better for tenacity than for failure load, and the Weibull shape parameter for the former is typically smaller. Within a yam cross section filaments vary significantly in linear density (and diameter), and this variability contributes a component to the variability in failure load, but not to the tenacity. Also, the mean tenacity and the variability in linear density and in failure load may differ greatly from spool to spool. The implications of the variability are discussed in light of the work of Bunsell. The effect of gauge length on the strength distribution of filaments is examined. Weibull statistics are used to separate out this effect. As previously shown for other brittle filaments, the Weibull shape parameter for aramid filaments depends on the gauge length; however values for the shape parameter calculated at a fixed gauge length are substantially lower than those obtained by a procedure based on varying the gauge length. This suggests short range correlations in flaw strengths along a filament.
(1984) Journal of Composite Materials. 18, 4, Abstract
An experimental study shows that both the failure and the tenacity of filaments, for a given gauge length and yarn cross-section, can be fitted to a two-parameter Weibull distribution.
Die Aussagefahigkeit Biometrischer Methoden Zur Beurteilung Physiotherapeutischer Ergebnisse Unter Besonderer Berucksichtigung Ihrer Reaktionsdynamischen Relevanz(1984) Zeitschrift fur Physiotherapie. 36, 2, p. 101-111 Abstract
ZUR REAKTIVEN DYNAMIK IMMUNOLOGISCHER PARAMETER BEI GESUNDEN UND PATIENTEN MIT RHEUMATOID-ARTHRITIS(1983) Zeitschrift für die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete. 38, 5, p. 157-160 Abstract
(1983) Zeitschrift fur Physiotherapie. 35, 2, p. 75-80 Abstract
With the help of daily measurements of the pulse rate and the temperature of the interior of the body during 26 days in patients with cervical-lumbar syndrome under a spa therapy is examined, whether there are relations between the height of the mean values of these function for the period mentioned and the dispersion of the daily changes of the measuring values. In these cases is shown that an increase of the daily changes for the pulse rate is coupled with a relatively higher mean value (positive correlation) and for the body temperature with a relatively lower mean value (negative correlation). In these cases the pulse rate shows a significant left oblique asymmetry, the body temperature a significant right oblique asymmetry of the basic distribution of the measuring values. According to this the size of the obliqueness is to be regarded as a reaction-critical criterion, which must not be ignored biometrically.
חומרים מרוכבים היברידיים: תיכון לאפקט היברידי חיובי(1982) Polymers and Plastic Materials. 12, p. 8-15 Abstract
(1982) Fibre Science and Technology. 16, 1, p. 61-65 Abstract
Several mechanical test methods suitable for the simultaneous determination of Young's and shear moduli are analysed. These test methods are characterised by a loading configuration which simultaneously induces flexure and shear deflections, and by a two-step procedure with two different loading span/specimen depth ratios.
(1982) Journal of Materials Science. 17, 5, p. 1359-1363 Abstract
The flexural modulus of graphite/glass-reinforced hybrids exhibits deviations from the rule-of-mixtures base-line. The deviation increases as the segregation of the glass and graphite layers increases, and it reaches a maximum when the two fibre types are arranged in 3 layers. When the stiffer fibres (graphite) are in the outer layers the deviation is positive but it is negative with the less stiff fibres (glass) on the outside. The extent of deviation is shown to be predictable by the analysis.
(1981) Journal of Testing and Evaluation. 9, 5, p. 303-307 Abstract
An experimental method is described to calculate both shear and Young's moduli of composite materials by three-point bending. The proposed procedure includes appropriate corrections for certain extraneous effects. The importance of the two basic ratios, e/G which is an indicator of the degree of anisotropy of the material, and L/d, the span-to-depth ratio, is underlined.
(1981) Composites. 12, 4, p. 257-259 Abstract
The method for simultaneous determination of Young's and shear moduli proposed recently is applied to unidirectional composites with a wide range of fibre volume fractions. Also, interlaminar and translaminar modes of loading are compared. The results obtained fit well the Halpin-Tsai theoretical predictions of both Young's and shear moduli. A limitation on the validity of the method is discussed in terms of suitable loading spans which produce significant flexure and shear contributions together.
(1979) Polymer. 20, 5, p. 653-658 Abstract
The results of a study on the time- and temperature-dependent behaviour of unidirectional glass fibre-reinforced epoxy are described and analysed. The fracture parameters examined are the fracture strength, the work of fracture and the apparent fracture toughness. It is shown that the fracture strength decreases with increasing temperature and decreasing loading rate; the work of fracture exhibits a sharp minimum in the vicinity of room temperature, and the fibre pull-out length increases by a factor of 4 at 76K as compared with the room temperature length; the fracture toughness is found to be independent of the crack length and only dependent on the fracture strength; thus its trend with loading rate and temperature follow those of the fracture strength.
(1978) Journal of Materials Science. 13, 7, p. 1419-1426 Abstract
A positive or negative hybrid effect in hybrid composites is defined as a positive or negative deviation of a certain mechanical property from the rule-of-mixtures behaviour. The question of hybrid effects is first examined with special hybrids which have been chosen so that the effect of the fibre-matrix interface is minimized. The hybrids examined consisted of two types of carbon fibres with different mechanical properties but similar surface treatments. The results of all the mechanical properties examined (modulus, strength, stress intensity factor, fracture energies) under quasi-static and fast testing conditions do not show any synergism. In view of these results a second hybrid system of E-glass fibre/AS carbon fibre-reinforced epoxy has been chosen. In this system both the mechanical properties of the fibres and the interface which they form with the resin are entirely different. None of the mechanical properties, excluding the fracture energies, show any signs of a hybrid effect. The fracture energy results, however, show the existence of a negative hybrid effect. A theory which sets upper and lower bounds for the hybrid effect is proposed, and the conditions for the occurrence of either a positive or a negative effect are discussed.
Hybrid effects in composites: Conditions for positive or negative effects versus rule-of-mixtures behaviour(1978) [No source information available]. Abstract
Ein einfaches Verfahren zur diagnostischen Prüfung des Richtungshörens.(1970) Deutsche Gesundheitswesen. 25, 19, p. 891-894 Abstract
Erfahrungen bei der klinischen Anwendung eines Imidazolinderivats in unterschiedlicher Applikation.(1970) Deutsche Gesundheitswesen. 25, 21, p. 971-975 Abstract
Biorheutische Variationen der regulativen Normen von Blutdruck, Pulsfrequenz und Körpergewicht.(1970) Zeitschrift fur Alternsforschung. 22, 4, p. 345-354 Abstract
Biometrische Analyse therapeutisch erreichter Blutdruckänderungen.(1967) Zeitschrift für die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete. 22, 15, p. Suppl:229-230 Abstract
Untersuchungen zum regulativen Normbereich des Körpergewichtes.(1967) Zeitschrift für die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete. 22, 9, p. 277-280 Abstract
Beeinflussung des intra- und extrazellulären Wasser- und Elektrolythaushaltes im akuten Nierenversagen mittels verschiedener therpeutischer Massinahmen (tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen)(1967) Zeitschrift für die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete. 22, 4, p. 105-111 Abstract
Auswirkungen der Anreiseentfernung auf die Kurpatienten.(1965) Zeitschrift fur Arztliche Fortbildung. 59, 6, p. 327-329 Abstract
Experiences with combined treatment of rheumatic diseases in health resorts.(1962) Zeitschrift für die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete. 17, p. 580-586 Abstract
The behavior of the systolic blood pressure during a cure at Bad Elster with special reference to the aging subject.(1962) Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen. 56, p. 480-486 Abstract
Research on the systolic blood pressure for the evaluation of incipient and successful cure reaction.(1962) Zeitschrift für die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete. 17, p. 193-197 Abstract
Evaluation of body weight changes described by measurements during sojourn at the spa at Bad Elster.(1961) Zeitschrift für die gesamte innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete. 16, p. 974-977 Abstract
The significance of simultaneous prescribing of glycosides with the balneological treatment of heart disease spa patients.(1961) Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen. 55, p. 1203-1211 Abstract
Should married couples be sent to a common remedial cure?(1961) Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen. 55, p. 623-625 Abstract