- Bonding in Solids I
- Bonding in Solids II
- Reciprocal Lattice
- Diffraction
- Defects in Crystalline Solids
- Diffusion I
- Diffusion II
- Mechanical Properties
- Dielectric Properties
- Optical Properties I
- Optical Properties II
- Electrons in metals, Classical theory, success and limitations
- Basics of Thermodynamics of Surfaces
- The Nature of Colors
- Basics of phase diagrams
5. Diffusion I
6. Diffusion II
9. Dielectric and Optical Properties
11. Surfaces
Additional Content:
- Basics of tensors
- Tentative lecture schedule
Old Exams:
Recommended Literature:
- J. I. Gersten, F. W. Smith The physics and chemistry of materials
- W. D. Callister Fundamentals of materials science and engineering
- A. F. Wells, Structural Inorganic Chemistry
- A. R. West Solid State chemistry
- Recommended tool for solving exercises:
- Mathcad or Matlab (any version) or and above