
Midrasha on Groups | Fall 2024–25

Welcome to the Midrasha on Groups course's webpage at the Weizmann Institute of Science. 

Morning Session: Mondays 11:15–13:00, Goldsmith 208
Afternoon Session: Mondays 14:15–16:00, Ziskind 1
Starting date: November 4, 2024


Learning Seminar 

Fall 2024–25 | TBA

In the fall of 2024–25, our Midrasha reading seminar aimes to learn some topics on a topic that will be chosen soon. On Monday, September 30, 2024, at 11:15, in Goldsmith 208, we'll have a special meeting to present the optional topics for this semester and vote for the preferred one. 

Students who are interested in giving talks are welcome to contact the organizers.

Topics and Speakers
The topics and speakers of each week are here.


Spring 2024 | On Expanders, Ramanujan Graphs, Property Testing, Stability, and Group Approximation

In the spring of 2024, the Midrasha learning seminar focused on various topics ranging from expanders and Ramanujan graphs to property testing, locally testable codes, stability, group approximation, and soficity. Above all, he will focus on the connection between them. The primary speaker was Alex Lubotzky.

Topics and Speakers
The topics and speakers of each week are here.


Fall 2023–24 | The Spectrum of Hyperbolic Surfaces

In the fall of 2023–24, our Midrasha reading seminar aimed to learn some topics on the spectrum of hyperbolic surfaces.

Students who are interested in giving talks are welcome to contact the organizers.

Main References
[Ber] Bergeron, The spectrum of hyperbolic surfaces. Translated from the 2011 French original by Brumley. Universitext. Springer, 2016.

Topics and Speakers
The topics and speakers of each week are here.

Spring 2023 | Hyperbolic Geometry

In the spring of 2023, our Midrasha reading seminar aimed to learn some topics in hyperbolic geometry.

Main References
[BP] Benedetti and Petronio. Lectures on hyperbolic geometry. Universitext. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992

Topics and Speakers
The topics and speakers of each week are here.

Special Meeting on October 2, 2023
On October 2, we had a special event with a special talk by Uri Bader on optional topics for next semester's morning session. We chose our winning topic for next semester: the spectrum of hyperbolic surfaces.

Fall 2022–23 | Harmonic Analysis

In the fall of 2022–23, our Midrasha reading seminar aimed to learn some topics in harmonic analysis.

Main References
[Fol] Folland. A course in abstract harmonic analysis. Second edition. Textbooks in Mathematics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2016

Topics and Speakers
The topics and speakers of each week are here.

Special Meeting on February 27, 2023
On February 27, we had a special event with the last talks in harmonic analysis, followed by a special talk by Uri Bader on potential topics for next semester's morning session. We chose our winning topic for next semester: hyperbolic geometry.

Research Seminar

Fall 2024–25

November 4, 2024 Petr Naryshkin (Alfréd Rényi Inst. of Mathematics)
November 11, 2024  
November 18, 2024  
November 25, 2024  
December 2, 2024  
December 9, 2024  
December 16, 2024  
December 23, 2024  
December 30, 2024  
January 6, 2025  
January 13, 2025  
January 20, 2025  
January 27, 2025  


















Spring 2024

April 8, 2024 Barak Weiss (TAU)
April 15, 2024 Arielle Leitner (Afeka)
April 22, 2024 Passover
April 29, 2024 Passover
May 6, 2024 Elon Lindenstrauss (HUJI)
May 13, 2024 Yom HaZikaron
May 20, 2024 Omri Solan (HUJI)
May 26–28, 2024 Walkshop
June 3, 2024 Zachary Munro (Technion)
June 10, 2024 Alon Dogon (Weizmann)
June 17, 2024 Gal Yehuda (Yale)
June 24, 2024 Yuval Grofine (Weizman)
July 1, 2024 Dan Rockmore (Dartmouth College)
July 8, 2024 Gil Goffer (UCSD)




















Fall 2023–24

December 11, 2023 Nir Lazarovich (Technion)
December 18, 2023 Alex Furman (U of Illinois at Chicago)
December 25, 2023

Action Now! 
(at the Wolfson Auditorium)

11:00–11:50      Doron Puder (TAU)
12:00–12:50     Dani Wise (McGill)
12:50–14:30     Lunch
14:30–15:20     Yotam Hendel (KU Leuven)
15:30–16:20     George Shabat (Russian
State University for the Humanities)

January 1, 2024 Corentin Le Bars (Weizmann)
January 8, 2024 Chen Meiri (Technion)
January 15, 2024 Shmuel Weinberger (U of Chicago)
January 22, 2024 Alex Lubotzky (Weizmann)
January 29, 2024 Mark Shusterman (Weizmann)
February 5, 2024 Devora Zalaznik (HUJI)
February 12, 2024 Aranka Hrušková (BGU)
February 19, 2024 Orr Shalit (Technion)
February 26, 2024 Yuval Yifrach (Technion)





















Spring 2023

April 17, 2023 11:15       Igor Spiridonov (Weizmann & National
Research University Higher School of Economics)
14:15      Uri Bader (Weizmann)
April 23 – 24, 2023 Faculty Trip
April 30 – May 2, 2023 Walkshop
May 8, 2023 Andrei Alpeev (Weizmann)
May 15,2023 Biao Ma (Technion) 
May 22, 2023 11:15        Leonardo Lerer (Weizmann)
14:15       Tom Meyerovich (BGU)
May 29, 2023 Itamar Vigdorovich (Weizmann)
June 5, 2023 Bharat Rangarjan (HUJI)
June 12, 2023 Special Midrasha Meeting
10:00–11:00    Amir Behar (HUJI)
11:15–13:00     Michael Glasner - LS (Weizmann)
13:00–14:00    Lunch 
14:00–15:00    Bharat Rangarjan (HUJI)
15:15–16:15      Arghya Mondal (Krea)
16:30–17:30     Michael Farber (Queen Mary)
June 19, 2023 Elyasheev Leibtag (Weizmann)
June 26, 2023 Benjamin Bachner (Weizmann)
July 3, 2023 Yair Hartman (BGU)
July 10, 2023 Noam Kolodner (TAU)
July 17, 2023 Izhar Oppenheim (BGU)



























Fall 2022–23

November 7, 2022 No Midrasha (Action Now!)
November 14, 2022 Alon Dogon (Weizmann)
November 21, 2022 Or Landesberg (Yale)
November 28, 2022 No Midrasha
December 5, 2022 Ilan Hirshberg (BGU) 
December 12, 2022 Josh Frisch (École Normale Supérieure)
December 19, 2022 Carlos De La Cruz Mengual (Weizmann)
December 26, 2022 Tobias Hartnick (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
January 2, 2023 11:15    Nikolay Bogachev (Weizmann
& Institute for Information Transmission Problems) 
14:15    Daniel Wise (McGill)
January 9, 2023 Arie Levit (TAU)
January 16, 2023 Orr Shalit (Technion)
January 23, 2023 Ido Grayevsky (BGU)
January 30, 2023 11:15    Michael Glasner (Weizmann)  
14:15     Alex Furman (University of Illinois at Chicago)
February 6, 2023 No Midrasha