News and upcoming events

EASI-ORC is published


EASI-ORC is published

Congratulations Shahar and Liav!

"EASI-ORC: A pipeline for the efficient analysis and segmentation of smFISH images for organelle-RNA colocalization measurements in yeast" is an image analysis method developed by Shahar with Liav's help. It is now published in Communications Biology journal.


Anand passed his MSc exam


Anand passed his MSc exam

Congratulations to Anand for passing his MSc exam. Anand did excelent work in developing an in vitro and in vivo model that will allow us to further study mRNA transfer between cells, and utilize it for therapeutics.

Good luck, Anand, in your future research. 

Raman's paper on ribosome heterogeneity is up


Raman's paper on ribosome heterogeneity is up.

Raman analyzed yeast strain lacking ribosomal protein paralogs and found paralog specificity under various conditions. Paralog usage by the yeast cells is likely determined by the 3'UTR of the paralog's mRNA/

The paper is now up in bioRxiv

The 3’-untranslated regions of yeast ribosomal protein mRNAs determine paralog incorporation into ribosomes and recruit factors necessary for specialized functions

Congratulations to Raman for getting his PhD


Congratulations to Raman for getting his PhD.

This morning, Raman defended his thesis, which was approved. 

You may now call him Dr. Raman Singh.

Raman presenting his research on speiclized ribosomes.


Goodbye Alisa!


Goodbye Alisa!

Alisa Kinzel  joined our lab as a M.Sc. student over a year ago and worked on mRNA multiplexing. Now that her thesis is submitted, its time to say goodbye, and good luck with your future research!

Welcome Dheerendra


Welcome Dheerendra!

Dheerendra Pratap Mall did his PhD at the lab of Dr. Debabrata Biswas at CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology and Jadavpur University, West Bengal, India. He studied transcription regulation in mammalian cells. 

Dheerendra is joining our lab as a postdoc. 

Good luck!

Good luck to Rohini and her new lab!


Good luck to Rohini and her new lab!

Ex-postdoc Rohini Nair left the lab today, to open her own lab at Gujarat Biotechnology University in Gandhinagar, India.

Best of luck with your future research!

Rohini's going away party

Congratulations to Rohini for been awarded a Ramanujan Fellowship!


Congratulations to Rohini for been awarded a Ramanujan Fellowship!

Ramanujan Fellowship is meant for brilliant Indian scientists and engineers from outside India to take up scientific research positions in India, those Indian scientists/engineers who want to return to India from abroad. The fellowship is scientist -specific and very selective.

RaPID protocol is published at Bio-Protocol


An updated RaPID protocol is published at Bio-Protocol.

"An Aptamer-based mRNA Affinity Purification Procedure (RaPID) for the Identification of Associated RNAs (RaPID-seq) and Proteins (RaPID-MS) in Yeast" Bio-protocol 12(1): e4274

Congratulations to Rohini for this publication.

Global analysis of mRNA transfer on bioRxiv


Global analysis of mRNA transfer on bioRxiv

Sandipan's paper of a transcriptome-wide analysis on mRNA transfer is now uploaded to bioRxiv.

Congrats Sandi & Daniella


Welcome Shahar


Welcome Shahar!

Shahar Garin did his M.Sc at the Technion at the lab of Yoav Arava, and is now joining our lab as a Ph.D. student.

Good luck!


Goodbye Daniella & Welcome Alisa


Goodbye Daniella & Welcome Alisa

After a frutiful M.Sc. on a difficult project (mRNA transfer), Daniella is leaving the lab. Thank you Daniella for all the hard work and good luck in your future work.

Alisa Kinzel is joining our lab as a new M.Sc. student. She will work with Emese on mRNA multiplexing. Welcome and good luck!

Welcome Liav and congratulation to Daniella


Welcome Liav and congratulation to Daniella upon approving her M.Sc. thesis!

Liav joins our lab as a new Ph.D. student to work on mRNA localization and mRNP assembly in yeast.

Daniella's thesis on analysis of the mechanism of mRNA transfer through nanotubes was approved.

Camila left the lab


Camila left the lab

Sadly, Camila decided to leave Israel and return to Brazil, her home country. 

Camila contributed a lot to the study of SECReTE RNA cis-elements in yeast, and began to expand to human and coronavirus. 

Camila - we already miss you!

We wish you success in your future research.


New review paper on RNA transfer through tunneling nanotubes.


New review paper on RNA transfer through tunneling nanotubes.

In the paper, written by Gal & Sandi, we provide current knowledge on mRNA, miRNA & viral RNA transfer through TNTs between cells. we compare to plant plasmodesmata and discuss technical challenges. 

"RNA transfer through tunneling nanotubes". Biochem Soc Trans BST20200113.

Weolcome, Emese!


Welcome, Emese!

Emese Pataki is joining our lab as a postdoctoral researcher.



Rohini's & Dima's paper on mRNA multiplexing uploaded to bioRxiv


Rohini's & Dima's paper on mRNA multiplexing uploaded to bioRxiv

In the paper, "Multiplexed mRNA assembly into ribonucleoprotein particles plays an operon-like role in the control of yeast cell physiology", they suggest a model of an eukaryotic functional alternative to bacterial operons: in bacteria a single gene encodes several proteins that function in the same complex/pathway. In eukaryotes, mRNAs from separate genes assemble in the nucleus, and co-transported to a sub-cellular destination.   

A new bioRxiv paper from the lab on RNA elements in SARS-CoV-2


A new bioRxiv paper from the lab on RNA elements in SARS-CoV-2

We analyzed cis-RNA elements called SECReTE in SARS-CoV-2 and other single-strand RNA viruses. This is a bioinformatics paper only, now posted on bioRxiv.

The title reads: “Identification and enrichment of SECReTE cis-acting RNA elements in the Coronaviridae and other (+) single-strand RNA viruses”.

The work was done by Gal & Camila from the lab, with help from Tsviya - our departmental bioinformatician.


The lab won 3rd place at Purim contest with "My RNA" dance


The lab won 3rd place at Purim contest with "My RNA" dance

At the annual depratmental Purim costum contest, our lab won 3rd place with the song & dance "My RNA".


The Gerst lab will present at ILANIT (FISEB) 2020 meeting


The Gerst lab will present at ILANIT (FISEB) 2020 meeting

At the FISEB meeting in Eilat, 17-20/2/2020, Jeff will give a talk on Raman's work on specialized ribosomes (19/2, 2nd session: RNA localization & translation; Royal beach Hadar hall).  

Rohini, Camila & Gal will present E-posters. Come and say hello!

Gal is appointed as Assistant Staff Scientist


Gal is appointed as Assistant Staff Scientist

The appointment will begin on October 1st, 2019.

Gal's book chapter in Methods in Molecular Biology is published!


Gal's book chapter in Methods in Molecular Biology is published!

This chapter provides a protocol for detection of mRNA transfer between cells by single-molecule FISH. It also tells the story of our attempts to preserve tunneling nanotubes during the FISH protocol, and the surprising new knowldege we gained by failing to do so...

Gal wrote a "Behind the Paper" blog post at Springer, which you can read here.



Gal is co-organizing a session at ASCB-EMBO2019

Gal is co-organizing a Special Interest Subgroup session on Tunneling Nanotubes at the upcoming ASCB-EMBO 2019 meeting, December, 2019, Washington D.C. 

The session is co-organized with Dianne Cox (Albert Einstein College of Medicine); Karine Gousset (California State University Fresno); and Chiara Zurzolo (Pasteur Institute). 

Rohini and Camila are going to EMBO workshop on RNP network dynamics


Rohini and Camila  will be at EMBO workshop on RNP network dynamics.

Rohini and Camila are going to present their work at the EMBO workshop on RNP network dynamics 29/9/2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Recent Events


Hannah finishes her M.Sc. thesis - congratulations!

Dima’s and Boris’ paper on the role of COPI in mRNA localization to mitochondria and in mitochondrial function was accepted to Cell Reports

Gal’s paper on the use of the MS2 system was published online in RNA