2025 research activities
The immune system was originally recognized for its role in defense of the organism against pathogens, including bacteria and viruses. However, we have come to realize that the system not only reacts to exogenous pathogen attacks, but also to internal challenges posed by tissue remodeling, aging, metabolic unbalance and cancer. Moreover, immune cells are also critically involved in normal developmental processes and the maintenance of adult homeostasis in light of innocuous and beneficial environmental challenges such as the microbiome.
Research in the Department of Immunology addresses the challenge to understand contributions of immune cells to physiology and pathophysiology, with the aim to deepen our knowledge and develop new strategies for therapeutic intervention. Accordingly, our research spans a wide range from studying basic mechanisms of development, inter-cellular communication, cell trafficking and effector functions of immune cells to the definition of their specific roles in aging, autoimmune disorders, allergies and cancer.
Department members investigate cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying immune disorders, such as aging, immunodeficiencies, innate immunopathologies, autoimmunity, as well as infectious diseases. Using pre-clinical mouse models and patient samples, we develop novel therapeutic strategies including check-point blockade, immunotherapies and improved vaccination protocols. We develop and employ state-of-the-art approaches ranging from intra-vital imaging and conditional gene manipulation, to advanced bulk and single cell genomics and proteomics to uncover physiological and pathological roles of the immune system.
For more details on our exciting research projects and specific groups in the Immunology Department, please see our web page https://www.weizmann.ac.il/immunology/
ScientistsShow details
Dr. Jakub Abramson
Understanding how breakdown of this process results in autoimmunity.Deciphering the molecular and cellular mechanisms that control the establishment of central immune tolerance.
Prof. Ronen Alon
Integrin and chemokine signals for leukocyte diapedesis, differentiation and killingCollaboration with: Ziv Shulman (WIS) Steffen Jung (WIS)Leukocyte-type specific roles of ICAMs and VCAM-1 in respiratory infectionsCollaboration with: Natalio Garbi (Bonn)Role of DC ICAMs in lymphocyte priming and differentiationCollaboration with: Moshe Biton (WIS)Dendritic cell and macrophage signals in anti-tumor immunityThe role of lung macrophages in lung cancer and cancer metastasis to lungsCollaboration with: Steffen JungBreast cancer killing in primary tumors and inside the lung vasculature by neutrophilsThe role of antigens on lung metastatic lesions in the recruitment and killing capacity of circulating CTLs and TILsThe functions of thymus epithelial ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 in thymocyte selectionCollaboration with: Kristin Hogquist (U. of Minnesota, MN) Jakob Abramson (WIS)
Prof. Ido Amit
Genomics and Systems Biology of the Immune System.Decoding the mammalian transcriptional Regulatory Code in health and disease.
Prof. Ruth Arnon
Pathological mechanism in the CNS of various multiple sclerosis animal models.Collaboration with: R. AharoniNeuroprotection, neurogenesis and remyelination consequences of Glatiramer Acetate treatment in EAE.Collaboration with: R. Aharoni; M. SelaMechanism of action of Copolymer 1 (Copaxone®), a therapeutic vaccine against multiple sclerosis.Collaboration with: M. Sela; R. AharoniInvolvement of peptides in animal models of Alzheimer disease and its ameliorationCollaboration with: R. Maron
Prof. Gideon Berke
Immunopathology in AIDS: Killing of HIV-infected CD4 T cells induced by Autologous CD8 T cells is Modulated by Nef expressionCollaboration with: Hassin D. and Sevilya Z.; Assuta Ashdod Medical Center.
Prof. Irun R. Cohen
Development and clinical applications of an antigen microarray device and informatics analyses aimed at diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring and management of autoimmune and other inflammatory diseases – the ImmunArray Ltd iCHIP (Israel and USA); now in clinical use.Treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis and other autoimmune conditions using DNA plasmids encoding human HSP90 or HSP70 – Alma Bio Therapeutics (France).Treatment of ALS using a synthetic peptide that inhibits apoptosis and fosters cell growth – Immunity Pharma Ltd. (Israel); entering clinical trials.
Dr. Rony Dahan
Antibody response in cancerAnti-tumor mechanisms of immune checkpoint antibodiesTherapeutic window of antibody-based immunotherapies
Prof. Lea Eisenbach
immunotherapy of cancerCollaboration with: yardena samuels, david bassan, adam solomon, esther tzehovaltumor antigens, engineered lymphocytes, lynch syndrome vaccinesCancer Stem Cells and immunotherapythe role of small interferon induced genes in tumorigenicity and apoptosiscryoimmunotherapytumor escape and toleranceT cell receptor evolution for immunotherapyCollaboration with: David BassanAntigen presentation by engineered MHC moleculesCollaboration with: Dr Gideon Gross
Prof. Zelig Eshhar
Redirecting effector T cells for adoptive cell treatment of cancer.Collaboration with: Dr. Anat Globerson Levin Immunology and Advanced CAR-T Therapy Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Tova Waks Department of Immunology and Regenerative Biology The Weizmann Institute of ScienceTreatment of Multiple Myeloma using Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells with Dual SpecificityCollaboration with: Dr. Anat Globerson Levin Immunology and Advanced CAR-T Therapy Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center Tova Waks Department of Immunology and Regenerative Biology The Weizmann Institute of ScienceLess is more: reducing the number of administered Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cells in a mouse model using a mathematically guided approach.
Prof. Sara Fuchs
The basis of D2 dopamine receptor diversity: Cloning, signal transduction, development, and correlation with disease.The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: Structure, function, and regulation of gene expression.Myasthenia gravis: Regulatory mechanisms, epitopes, and immunodulation.
Prof. Steffen Jung
Brain Macrophage contributions to CNS pathologies, including MS, Alzheimer and Parkinson disease and Multiple sclerosis (MS)Collaboration with: Marco Prinz, University of Freiburg, Germany Pablo Blinder, TAU, Israel Reuven Stein, TAU, Israel Susanne Wolf, MDC, Berlin Soyon Hong, UCL, London, UK Kia Movahedi, VIB, Brussels, BelgiumMicroglia contributions to brain pathologiesContributions of perivascular macrophages to brain pathologiesModules ensuring microglia quiescence and restoration of the microglia ground state following activation, with a particular focus on the IL-10 axisContributions of IL-23 producing monocytes to the generation of pathogenic T cells in the MS model EAEComparative analysis of HSC-derived engrafted brain macrophages and host microglia in health and diseasedevelopment of novel animal models that allow the functional dissection of parenchymal and perivascular brain macrophagesThe role CX3C chemokine axis in intercellular communication.Contributions of Dendritic cell, Macrophages and Monocytes Contributions to Gut Health and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).Studying Molecular Cues guiding Mononuclear Phagocyte DifferentiationDefinition of monocyte development in physiology and pathophysiology (IBD, obesity)Study of differentiation of monocytes into tissue macrophages in small and large intestine and bloodDefinition of functional conytributions of classical monocyte subsets including neutrophil - and DC- like cells.Studying Interactions of Macrophages with Sympathetic Nerve SystemCollaboration with: Avraham Yaron, Weizmann InstituteCompetitive Fungal commensalism as a therapeutic strategy to curb candidiasisCollaboration with: Neta Shlezinger, HU Bernhard Hube,Leibniz-HKI, Jena, Germany Petra Bacher, University of Kiel, Germany
Prof. Tsvee Lapidot
Metabolic regulation of Blood and Bone forming Stem Cells by Daily Light and Dark Cues (NE, TNF, Melatonin and PGE2).Regulation of Human and Murine Hematopoietic Stem Cell Migration and Development by Coagulation Cascades (both aPC/EPCR/Par1 anti inflammatory signals and Thrombin/PAR1 pro-inflammatory signals).Studying Molecular Cues guiding Human and murine Hematopoietic Stem Cells Homing and Bone Marrow (BM) recognition, retention and mobilization to the circulation.Metabolic regulation of BM Neutrophils activation and recruitment by Lactatae and GPR81 Signaling.Metabolic regulation of BM Neutrophils by Daily Light and Dark Cues.Energy sharing, Chemotherapy Resistance and Stress induced Mitochondira Transfer between Blood and Bone forming Stem Cells.AML AF9 Leukemic Stem Cells Metabolic interactions with BM Stromal Cells and Chemotherapy Resistance.Dynamic regulation of the Blood Bone Marrow Endothelial Barrier and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Niches.
Prof. Edna Mozes
Specific immunomodulation of the auto immune diseases: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and Sjogren Syndrome by a synthetic, tolerogenic peptide.Elucidation of the mechanisms by which a tolerogenic peptide ameliorates autoimmune disease manifestations in animal model and in patients with SLE and Sjogren Syndrome.The role of various cell types and cytokines in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases.The status and role of T regulatory cells in autoimmune diseases.Development of a tolerogenic peptide as a novel specific drug for the treatment of SLE and Sjogren Syndrome.
Prof. Roald Nezlin
Immunoglobulin properties and functions. Immune complexes. Non-immunt complexes of immunolobulinsCollaboration with: NoDetection of Immune complexes with antigens.
Prof. Israel Pecht
Electron transfer mechanisms in proteins.Collaboration with: Prof. Ole Farver, U. of Copenhagen, Denmark. Prof. Scot Wherland, Washington state university, Pullman , USA.Antigen recognition and trans-membrane signaling by immuno-receptors.Collaboration with: Prof. J. Abramson, WIS.Regulation and inhibition of mediator secretion by Mast cell and basophils. Allergy, Immediate type hypersensitivity.Electron transpot via proteinsCollaboration with: Pro.Mudi Sheves, WIS. Prof. D.Cahen, WIS.Conductance via proteins. Models for bio-electronics
Prof. Yair Reisner
Immature dendritic cells: investigating a novel granule mediated killing mechanism and the therapeutic potential for the prevention of Graft versus Host Disease.Crossing allogeneic and xenogeneic barriers by growing organs in-vivo from embryonic tissues : potential curative approaches for diabetes, hemophilia and lung diseases.Hematopoietic size control: A novel role for coagulation cascade factors in regulating the interplay between dynamic bone structure and long term survival and mobilization of hematopoietic stem cells.Developing a protocol for the production of human central memory CD8 T cells, to induce tolerance in allogeneic stem cell transplantation.Investigating the use of activated CD8 T cells as novel cell therapy for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.Role and mechanism of tolerance induction by activated CD8 T cells: A novel cell therapy for chimerism induction, stem cell transplant engraftment and enhanced Graft versus Lymphoma / Leukemia effect.
Prof. Idit Shachar
Analyze the pathway regulateing the survival cascades in Chronic lymphocytic leukemiaCollaboration with: Dr Michal Haran, Kaplan Medical centerFollow the mechanisms controlling homing of immune cells in health and disease.Determine the mechanisms regulating peripheral B cell maturation and survival in health and disease.
Dr. Liran Shlush
Clonal dynamics of aging hematopoiesis in humansCollaboration with: Amos Tanay Omar abdel Wahab Jon Dick Mark Minden Hofer Thomas Elisa Laurenti Paaladinesh Thavendiranathan Hartmut Geiger Benny Geiger Dennis Kim Müller-Tidow, Carsten Yinon Ben NeriaUnderstanding the functional effects of preleukaemic mutations on human haematopoietic stem cellsMicrohomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ) DNA repair in pre-leukemic hematopoietic stem cellsPrevention of myeloid malignancies among carriers of spliceosome mutationsAge-related clonal hematopoiesis and its link to age-related changes in the bone marrow microenvironmentMulti-dimensional analysis and the human aging blood system