Several tens of high-school students, preparing science projects in astronomy, have been using the observatory to obtain many nights of useful data. Some of the projects include:
- Measuring the diameter and rim height of craters on the moon, based on images taken in opposing lunar phases and thus different light conditions
- Measuring the rotation rate of Jupiter around its axis
- Tracking the spin period of an asteroid and obtaining its light curve
- Obtaining a light curve and calculating the period of a variable star
- Analyzing the signature of various gases in nebulae
The Weizmann Institute of Science Martin S. Kraar Observatory broadcast the total lunar eclipse on June 15th, 2011 live to a large audience which assembled in the Clore Science Garden.
It also broadcast live the transit of Venus across the disk of the Sun, on the morning of June 6th, 2012. This was the last such event until the year 2117. It was the webcast event with the highest number of concurrent viewers in all of the Weizmann Institute of Science’s history.