This is a somewhat random collection of online talk slides, movies and web essays that can provide some idea on my recent and not so recent work.
- Ripples in spacetime: The quest for gravitational waves [Hebrew University Outreach Lectures, Jerusalem, 2011: movie (in Hebrew)]
- The dynamics of stars very close to the Galactic black hole [Dynamics from the Galactic Center to the Milky Way Halo, Harvard 2010: movie]
- The Galactic Centre as a laboratory for EMRI dynamics [astro-GR@AEI workshop, Potsdam 2006: movie]
- The Black hole in the center of the Galaxy [Hebrew University Outreach Lectures, Jerusalem, 2006: movie (in Hebrew)]
- The Massive Black Hole in the Center of the Galaxy [PhysicaPlus, 2005: web essay]
- Stars & Singularities [DPG summer school mini-course, 2001: web slides]