(2025) PLoS ONE. 20, 2, e0316193. Abstract
Organic crystals, and in particular guanine crystals, are widely used by multicellular organisms for manipulating light and producing structural colors. Many single celled eukaryotic organisms also produce organic crystals, and guanine is the most abundant type produced. Their functions are thought to be related to the fact that guanine is nitrogen rich. Here we studied a freshwater unicellular eukaryotic alga, Phacotus lenticularis, and found that when the growth medium is depleted in phosphorus, the alga stops reproducing and produces intracellular birefringent particles inside vesicles. Cryo-SEM showed that these particles are faceted and are located within membranes inside the cell. Using Raman spectroscopy, we showed that these particles are β-guanine crystals. 3D tomograms produced using cryosoft-X-ray-microscopy quantitatively documented the increase in cell volume and distribution of guanine crystals within the cells with increasing time of phosphorous deprivation. The tomograms also showed additional morphological changes in other cellular organelles, namely starch granules, chloroplasts, nuclear DNA and membranes. The combined observations all indicate that under phosphorous depletion, the algal cells undergo a massive stress response. As guanine crystal formation is part of this response, we conclude that guanine crystals are formed in response to stress, and this is not related to nitrogen availability. Upon addition of phosphate to the P-depleted media, the algal cells, with their guanine crystals, resume reproduction. From this we conclude that the guanine crystals somehow contribute to the recovery from stress.
(2024) Advanced Materials. 36, 38, 2408060. Abstract
Organic crystals are widely used by animals to manipulate light for producing structural colors and for improving vision. To date only seven crystal types are known to be used, and among them β-guanine crystals are by far the most widespread. The fact that almost all these crystals have unusually high refractive indices (RIs) is consistent with their light manipulation function. Here, the physical, structural, and optical principles of how light interacts with the polarizable free-electron-rich environment of these quasiaromatic molecules are addressed. How the organization of these molecules into crystalline arrays introduces optical anisotropy and finally how organisms control crystal morphology and superstructural organization to optimize functions in light reflection and scattering are also discussed. Many open questions remain in this fascinating field, some of which arise out of this in-depth analysis of the interaction of light with crystal arrays. More types of organic crystals will probably be discovered, as well as other organisms that use these crystals to manipulate light. The insights gained from biological systems can also be harnessed for improving synthetic light-manipulating materials.
(2024) Advanced Materials. 36, 28, 2308832. Abstract
Spherical particles with diameters within the wavelength of visible light, known as spherulites, manipulate light uniquely due to their spatial organization and their structural birefringence. Most of the known crystalline spherulites are branched, and composed of metals, alloys, and semi-crystalline polymers. Recently, a different spherulite architecture is discovered in the vision systems of decapod crustaceans - core-shell spherulites composed of highly birefringent ((Formula presented.)) organic single-crystal platelets, with exceptional optical properties. These metastructures, which efficiently scatter light even in dense aqueous environments, have no synthetic equivalence and serve as a natural proof-of-concept as well as synthetic inspiration for thin scattering media. Here, the synthesis of core-shell spherulites composed of guanine crystal platelets (((Formula presented.)) is presented in a two-step emulsification process in which a water/oil/water emulsion and induced pH changes are used to promote interfacial crystallization. Carboxylic acids neutralize the dissolved guanine salts to form spherulites composed of single, radially stacked, β-guanine platelets, which are oriented tangentially to the spherulite surface. Using Mie theory calculations and forward scattering measurements from single spherulites, it is found that due to the single-crystal properties and orientation, the synthetic spherulites possess a high tangential refractive index, similarly to biogenic particles.
(2023) BioRxiv. Abstract[All authors]
Atherosclerosis is a pathology affecting the arteries, characterized by the buildup of plaques in the blood vessel walls. Atherosclerosis is the main cause of cardiovascular diseases, which constitute the leading cause of death in the world. Cholesterol crystals are the main components of the plaques, which actively participate in plaque growth and rupture and do not dissolve in aqueous environments. Employing novel cryo-scanning electron microscopy techniques, we examined human atherosclerotic plaques at high resolution, in 3D, and in close to native conditions. We show that cholesterol crystal clearance occurs in advanced human plaques through the activity of cells. We suggest that this occurs by enzymatic esterification of cholesterol to cholesteryl ester, which aggregates into intra- and extra-cellular pools. This discovery provides further understanding of the disease process in atherosclerosis, and may inspire new therapeutic approaches.
(2023) Acta Biomaterialia. Abstract
Phacotus lenticularis is a freshwater unicellular green alga that forms lens-shaped calcitic shells around the cell. We documented P. lenticularis biomineralization pathways in live daughter cells while still within the reproductive complex, using scanning confocal microscopy and after vitrification using cryo-scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM). We show that some or all of the calcium ions required for mineral formation enter the cell through endocytosis, as inferred from the uptake of calcein fluorescent dye. Ions first concentrate inside intracellular vesicles to form small crystals that were detected by birefringence, reflectance, and cryo-SEM of cells in near-native, hydrated state. The crystals later exit the cell and build up the lens-shaped shell. The small crystals first cover the outer lorica surface and later fuse to form a thin continuous shell. This is most likely followed by a second shell maturation phase in which the shell undergoes thickening and crystal reorganization. Crystal assembly within the confined protected volume of the reproduction complex allows controlled shell formation outside the daughter cell. Only two other unicellular marine calcifiers, coccolithophores and miliolid foraminifera, are known to perform intracellular crystal formation. Statement of significance: Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) deposition in aquatic environments is a major component of the global carbon cycle, which determines the CO2 content of the atmosphere. In freshwater ecosystems, the green alga Phacotus lenticularis is considered the main contributor of autochthonous calcite precipitation and the only algal species known to form its shell through a controlled process. The chemical and ecological effects of P. lenticularis are intensively investigated, but our understanding of its shell formation is limited. We used advanced confocal laser scanning microscopy and cryo-scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM) to provide new insights into mineral formation and trafficking in the calcifying P. lenticularis cells.
(2023) Helvetica Chimica Acta. 106, 3, e202200173. Abstract
We review in this short perspective the history of cholesterol crystals and crystal structures. We address in particular the helical crystals that form in vitro and in pathology from environments rich in bile acids or from phospholipid membranes. We review the known mechanisms leading to crystals with chiral morphology, from screw-dislocation mediated growth to mechanisms involving asymmetric mechanical strain. We propose a mechanism for cholesterol helical crystal development based on the monoclinic cholesterol monohydrate crystal structure. We suggest that curvature arises in few layers thick crystals due to the tension induced between the hydrophobic layer and the ice-like H-bonded lattice of the water molecules with the cholesterol hydroxy groups. Helicity would ensue through a combination of the curvature and the fast growth of a thin ribbon in one crystal direction.
(2023) Acta Biomaterialia. 155, p. 482-490 Abstract
During spicule formation in sea urchin larvae, calcium ions translocate within the primary mesenchymal cells (PMCs) from endocytosed seawater vacuoles to various organelles and vesicles where they accumulate, and subsequently precipitate. During this process, calcium ions are concentrated by more than three orders of magnitude, while other abundant ions (Na, Mg) must be removed. To obtain information about the overall ion composition in the vesicles, we used quantitative cryo-SEM-EDS and cryo-STEM-EDS analyzes. For cryo-STEM-EDS, thin (500 nm) frozen hydrated lamellae of PMCs were fabricated using cryo-focused ion beam-SEM. The lamellae were then loaded into a cryo-TEM, imaged and the ion composition of electron dense bodies was measured. Analyzes performed on 18 Ca-rich particles/particle clusters from 6 cells contained Ca, Na, Mg, S and P in different ratios. Surprisingly, all the Ca-rich particles contained P in amounts up to almost 1:1 of Ca. These cryo-STEM-EDS results were qualitatively confirmed by cryo-SEM-EDS analyzes of 310 vesicles, performed on high pressure frozen and cryo-planed samples. We discuss the advantages and limitations of the two techniques, and their potential applicability, especially to study ion transport pathways and ion trafficking in cells involved in mineralization.
(2022) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119, 34, Abstract[All authors]
We employed in a correlative manner an unconventional combination of methods, comprising cathodoluminescence, cryoscanning electron microscopy (SEM), and cryofocused ion beam (FIB)-SEM, to examine the volumes of thousands of cubed micrometers from rabbit atherosclerotic tissues, maintained in close-to-native conditions, with a resolution of tens of nanometers. Data from three different intralesional regions, at the medialesion interface, in the core, and toward the lumen, were analyzed following segmentation and volume or surface representation. The medialesion interface region is rich in cells and lipid droplets, whereas the core region is markedly richer in crystals and has lower cell density. In the three regions, thin crystals appear to be associated with intracellular or extracellular lipid droplets and multilamellar bodies. Large crystals are independently positioned in the tissue, not associated with specific cellular components. This extensive evidence strongly supports the idea that the lipid droplet surfaces and the outer membranes of multilamellar bodies play a role in cholesterol crystal nucleation and growth and that crystal formation occurs, in part, inside cells. The correlative combination of methods that allowed the direct examination of cholesterol crystals and lipid deposits in the atherosclerotic lesions may be similarly used for high-resolution examination of other tissues containing pathological or physiological cholesterol deposits.
(2022) Journal of Structural Biology. 214, 1, p. 107834-107834 107834. Abstract
Biogenic purine crystals function in vision as mirrors, multilayer reflectors and light scatterers. We investigated a light sensory organ in a primarily wingless insect, the jumping bristletail Lepismachilis rozsypali (Archaeognatha), an ancestral group. The visual system of this animal comprises two compound eyes, two lateral ocelli, and a median ocellus, which is located on the front of the head, pointing downwards to the ground surface. We determined that the median ocellus contains crystals of xanthine, and we obtained insights into their function. To date, xanthine biocrystals have only been found in the Archaeognatha. We performed a structural analysis, using reflection light microscopy, cryo-FIB-SEM, microCT and cryo-SEM. The xanthine crystals cover the bottom of a bowl-shaped volume in the median ocellus, in analogy to a tapetum, and reflect photons to light-sensitive receptors that are spread in the volume without apparent order or preferential orientation. We infer that the median ocellus operates as an irregular multifocal reflector, which is not capable of forming images. A possible function of this organ is to improve photon capture, and by so doing assess distances from the ground surface when jumping by determining changes in the intensity and contrast of the incident light.
(2022) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 144, 12, p. 5304-5314 Abstract
We revisit the important issues of polymorphism, structure, and nucleation of cholesterol·H2O using first-principles calculations based on dispersion-augmented density functional theory. For the lesser known monoclinic polymorph, we obtain a fully extended H-bonded network in a structure akin to that of hexagonal ice. We show that the energy of the monoclinic and triclinic polymorphs is similar, strongly suggesting that kinetic and environmental effects play a significant role in determining polymorph nucleation. Furthermore, we find evidence in support of various O-H···O bonding motifs in both polymorphs that may result in hydroxyl disorder. We have been able to explain, via computation, why a single cholesterol bilayer in hydrated membranes always crystallizes in the monoclinic polymorph. We rationalize what we believe is a single-crystal to single-crystal transformation of the monoclinic form on increased interlayer growth beyond that of a single cholesterol bilayer, interleaved by a water bilayer. We show that the ice-like structure is also relevant to the related cholestanol·2H2O and stigmasterol·H2O crystals. The structure of stigmasterol hydrate both as a trilayer film at the air-water interface and as a macroscopic crystal further assists us in understanding the polymorphic and thermal behavior of cholesterol·H2O. Finally, we posit a possible role for one of the sterol esters in the crystallization of cholesterol·H2O in pathological environments, based on a composite of a crystalline bilayer of cholesteryl palmitate bound epitaxially as a nucleating agent to the monoclinic cholesterol·H2O form.
(2022) MRS Bulletin. 47, 1, p. 18-28 Abstract
Abstract: Snails of the superfamily Cavolinioidea, known as pteropods, are very abundant in the surface waters of all the oceans. Their transparent and lightweight shells are composed of densely packed, well-aligned, continuously crystalline curved aragonite fibers. Previous studies of the shell microstructure using mainly scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and x-ray diffraction suggested that the aragonite fibers adopt a helical motif. We mainly used focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy to obtain three-dimensional information on the shell structure of Creseis acicula. We show that the basic structural motif in the central part of the shell (teleoconch) comprises aragonite fibers that are not helical, but are organized in nested S-shaped arcs arranged in planar arrays. This plane is oblique to the outer shell surface by approximately 20°. The planes stack in the third dimension with local displacements, to form a unique biological material. Impact statement: Of the seven basic materials used by mollusks to build their shells, the structure of one of these materials remains enigmatic, even though the snails that form this structure are by far the most abundant mollusks on earth. These so-called pteropods live in the surface waters of all the oceans and produce a significant amount of all the calcium carbonate formed in the open oceans. Since the first study of the pteropod shell structure in 1972, the basic structural motif of the arrays of highly elongated aragonite crystal fibers was inferred to be helical, although no one actually documented an entire helix. Here we resolved the 3D structure of the shell of one pteropod species using an instrument (FIB-SEM) that produces a high resolution 3D structure. We show that the basic repeating unit is a planar layer of nested S-shaped aragonite crystal fibers. Furthermore this planar layer is oblique to the shell outer surface. Besides resolving a fundamental basic question concerning mollusk shell structures, this unique organization of crystals raises fascinating questions about the mechanical properties of this most unusual curved space filling structure that will hopefully inspire materials scientists to produce superior synthetic materials.
(2022) Annual Review of Materials Research. 52, p. 57-78 Abstract
Cholesterol is an essential component of animal cell membranes because it influences and controls cell membrane fluidity. Cholesterol is also responsible for the most frequent lethal pathologies in developed countries because of its intimate association with atherosclerotic plaques, the rupture of which may cause heart attacks or strokes. The question is under which conditions cholesterol activity manifests itself, whether in physiology or in pathology. The answer is complex, and there is probably not one certain answer. This review article has its foundations in abundant published knowledge and evidence, but it cannot possibly be comprehensive, because the extent of cholesterol's involvement in chemistry, biology, biophysics, and medicine is so vast that we cannot embrace it all. We review cholesterol as a molecule and in its various crystalline polymorphs. We then examine cholesterol assembly pathways and, finally, cholesterol in biology and in pathology. We propose that cholesterol activity depends on its assembly states in cholesterol crystals or with other lipids in the form of more-or-less organized crystalline domains. In other words, we analyze cholesterol material properties because the assembly state of the cholesterol molecules profoundly affects the properties of the environment in which they reside.
(2021) Journal of Structural Biology. 213, 4, 107781. Abstract
The interphase region at the base of the growth plate includes blood vessels, cells and mineralized tissues. In this region, cartilage is mineralized and replaced with bone. Blood vessel extremities permeate this space providing nutrients, oxygen and signaling factors. All these different components form a complex intertwined 3D structure. Here we use cryo-FIB SEM to elaborate this 3D structure without removing the water. As it is challenging to image mineralized and unmineralized tissues in a hydrated state, we provide technical details of the parameters used. We obtained two FIB SEM image stacks that show that the blood vessels are in intimate contact not only with cells, but in some locations also with mineralized tissues. There are abundant red blood cells at the extremities of the vessels. We also documented large multinucleated cells in contact with mineralized cartilage and possibly also with bone. We observed membrane bound mineralized particles in these cells, as well as in blood serum, but not in the hypertrophic chondrocytes. We confirm that there is an open pathway from the blood vessel extremities to the mineralizing cartilage. Based on the sparsity of the mineralized particles, we conclude that mainly ions in solution are used for mineralizing cartilage and bone, but these are augmented by the supply of mineralized particles.
(2021) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 143, 50, p. 21100-21112 Abstract
Minerals are formed by organisms in all of the kingdoms of life. Mineral formation pathways all involve uptake of ions from the environment, transport of ions by cells, sometimes temporary storage, and ultimately deposition in or outside of the cells. Even though the details of how all this is achieved vary enormously, all pathways need to respect both the chemical limitations of ion manipulation, as well as the many "housekeeping"roles of ions in cell functioning. Here we provide a chemical perspective on the biological pathways of biomineralization. Our approach is to compare and contrast the ion pathways involving calcium, phosphate, and carbonate in three very different organisms: the enormously abundant unicellular marine coccolithophores, the well investigated sea urchin larval model for single crystal formation, and the complex pathways used by vertebrates to form their bones. The comparison highlights both common and unique processes. Significantly, phosphate is involved in regulating calcium carbonate deposition and carbonate is involved in regulating calcium phosphate deposition. One often overlooked commonality is that, from uptake to deposition, the solutions involved are usually supersaturated. This therefore requires not only avoiding mineral deposition where it is not needed but also exploiting this saturated state to produce unstable mineral precursors that can be conveniently stored, redissolved, and manipulated into diverse shapes and upon deposition transformed into more ordered and hence often functional final deposits.
(2021) Optics Express. 29, 13, p. 20863-20871 Abstract
Recent studies of optical reflectors as part of the vision apparatus in the eyes of decapod crustaceans revealed assemblies of nanoscale spherulites - spherical core-shell nanoparticles with radial birefringence. Simulations performed on the system highlighted the advantages of optical anisotropy in enhancing the functionality of these structures. So far, calculations of the nanoparticle optical properties have relied on refractive indices obtained using ab-initio calculations. Here we describe a direct measurement of the tangential refractive index of the spherulites, which corresponds to the in-plane refractive index of crystalline isoxanthopterin nanoplatelets. We utilize measurements of scattering spectra of individual spherulites and determine the refractive index by analyzing the spectral signatures of scattering resonances. Our measurements yield a median tangential refractive index of 1.88, which is in reasonable agreement with theoretical predictions. Furthermore, our results indicate that the optical properties of small spherulite assemblies are largely determined by the tangential index.
(2020) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 117, 49, p. 30957-30965 Abstract
Sea urchin larvae have an endoskeleton consisting of two calcitic spicules. The primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs) are the cells that are responsible for spicule formation. PMCs endocytose sea water from the larval internal body cavity into a network of vacuoles and vesicles, where calcium ions are concentrated until they precipitate in the form of amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC). The mineral is subsequently transferred to the syncytium, where the spicule forms. Using cryo-soft X-ray microscopy we imaged intracellular calcium-containing particles in the PMCs and acquired Ca-L2,3 X-ray absorption near-edge spectra of these Ca-rich particles. Using the prepeak/main peak (L2'/ L2) intensity ratio, which reflects the atomic order in the first Ca coordination shell, we determined the state of the calcium ions in each particle. The concentration of Ca in each of the particles was also determined by the integrated area in the main Ca absorption peak. We observed about 700 Ca-rich particles with order parameters, L2'/ L2, ranging from solution to hydrated and anhydrous ACC, and with concentrations ranging between 1 and 15 M. We conclude that in each cell the calcium ions exist in a continuum of states. This implies that most, but not all, water is expelled from the particles. This cellular process of calcium concentration may represent a widespread pathway in mineralizing organisms.
(2020) Faraday Discussions. 223, p. 278-294 Abstract[All authors]
Reflective assemblies of high refractive index organic crystals are used to produce striking optical phenomena in organisms based on light reflection and scattering. In aquatic animals, organic crystal-based reflectors are used both for image-formation and to increase photon capture. Here we report the characterization of a poorly-documented reflector in the eye of the shrimp L. vannamei lying 150 μm below the retina, which we term the proximal reflective layer (PR-layer). The PR-layer is made from a dense but disordered array of polycrystalline isoxanthopterin nanoparticles, similar to those recently reported in the tapetum of the same animal. Each spherical nanoparticle is composed of numerous isoxanthopterin single crystal plates arranged in concentric lamellae around an aqueous core. The highly reflective plate faces of the crystals are all aligned tangentially to the particle surface with the optical axes projecting radially outwards, forming a birefringent spherulite which efficiently scatters light. The nanoparticle assemblies form a broadband reflective sheath around the screening pigments of the eye, resulting in pronounced eye-shine when the animal is viewed from a dorsal-posterior direction, rendering the eye pigments inconspicuous. We assess possible functions of the PR-layer and conclude that it likely functions as a camouflage device to conceal the dark eye pigments in an otherwise largely transparent animal.
(2020) Small. 2001432. Abstract[All authors]
During breast cancer bone metastasis, tumor cells interact with bone microenvironment components including inorganic minerals. Bone mineralization is a dynamic process and varies spatiotemporally as a function of cancer-promoting conditions such as age and diet. The functional relationship between skeletal dissemination of tumor cells and bone mineralization, however, is unclear. Standard histological analysis of bone metastasis frequently relies on prior demineralization of bone, while methods that maintain mineral are often harsh and damage fluorophores commonly used to label tumor cells. Here, fluorescent silica nanoparticles (SNPs) are introduced as a robust and versatile labeling strategy to analyze tumor cells within mineralized bone. SNP uptake and labeling efficiency of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells is characterized with cryo-scanning electron microscopy and different tissue processing methods. Using a 3D in vitro model of marrow-containing, mineralized bone as well as an in vivo model of bone metastasis, SNPs are demonstrated to allow visualization of labeled tumor cells in mineralized bone using various imaging modalities including widefield, confocal, and light sheet microscopy. This work suggests that SNPs are valuable tools to analyze tumor cells within mineralized bone using a broad range of bone processing and imaging techniques with the potential to increase the understanding of bone metastasis.
(2020) Nature Nanotechnology. 15, 2, p. 138-144 Abstract[All authors]
The birefringence of isoxanthopterin crystalline spherulites enhances the reflectivity of a biological photonic crystal.Spectacular natural optical phenomena are produced by highly reflective assemblies of organic crystals. Here we show how the tapetum reflector in a shrimp eye is constructed from arrays of spherical isoxanthopterin nanoparticles and relate the particle properties to their optical function. The nanoparticles are composed of single-crystal isoxanthopterin nanoplates arranged in concentric lamellae around a hollow core. The spherulitic birefringence of the nanoparticles, which originates from the radial alignment of the plates, results in a significant enhancement of the back-scattering. This enables the organism to maximize the reflectivity of the ultrathin tapetum, which functions to increase the eye's sensitivity and preserve visual acuity. The particle size, core/shell ratio and packing are also controlled to optimize the intensity and spectral properties of the tapetum back-scattering. This system offers inspiration for the design of photonic crystals constructed from spherically symmetric birefringent particles for use in ultrathin reflectors and as non-iridescent pigments.
(2020) Acta Biomaterialia. 102, p. 427-439 Abstract
Little is known about shell formation of calcareous dinoflagellates, despite the fact that they are one of the major calcifying organisms of the phytoplankton. Here, calcitic cyst formation in two representative members of calcareous dinoflagellates is investigated using cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-SEM and cryo-FIB-SEM) in combination with micro-Raman and infrared spectroscopy. Only calcein-AM and not calcein enters these cells, indicating active uptake of calcium and other divalent cations. Multifunctional vacuoles containing crystalline inclusions are observed, and the crystals are identified as anhydrous guanine in the beta-form. The same vacuolar enclosures contain dense magnesium-, calcium-, and phosphorous-rich mineral bodies. These bodies are presumably secreted into the outer matrix where calcite forms. Calcite formation occurs via multiple independent nucleation events, and the different crystals grow with preferred orientation into a dense reticular network that forms the mature calcitic shell. We suggest a biomineralization pathway for calcareous dinoflagellates that includes (1) active uptake of calcium through the membranes, (2) deposition of Mg2+- and Ca2+-ions inside disordered MgCaP-rich mineral bodies, (3) secretion of these bodies to the inter-membrane space, and (4) Formation and growth of calcite into a dense reticulate network. This study provides new insights into calcium uptake, storage and transport in calcifying dinoflagellates.Statement of significanceLittle is known about the shell formation of calcareous dinoflagellates, despite the fact that they are one of the major calcifying organisms of the phytoplankton. We used state-of-the-art cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-SEM and cryo-FIB-SEM) in combination with micro-Raman spectroscopy to provide new insights into mineral formation in calcifying dinoflagellates.To date, intracellular crystalline calcite was assumed to be involved in calcite shell formation. Surprisingly, we identify these crystalline inclusions as anhydrous guanine suggesting that they are not involved in biomineralization. Instead, a key finding is that MgCaP-rich bodies are probably secreted into the outer matrix where the calcite shell is formed. We suggest that these bodies are an essential part of Ca-uptake, -storage and -transport and propose a new biomineralization model.
(2020) Bone. 130, 115086. Abstract
Endochondral ossification in the growth plate of long bones involves cartilage mineralization, bone formation and the budding vasculature. Many of these processes take place in a complex and dynamic zone, the provisional ossification zone, of the growth plate. Here we investigate aspects of mineralization in 2D and 3D in the provisional ossification zone at different length scales using samples preserved under cryogenic or fully hydrated conditions. We use confocal light microscopy, cryo-SEM and micro-CT in the phase contrast mode. We show in 9 week old BALB/c mice the presence of vesicles containing mineral particles in the blood serum, as well as mineral particles without membranes integrated with the blood vessel walls. We also observe labeled mineral particles within cells associated with bone formation, but not in the hypertrophic cartilage cells that are involved with cartilage mineralization. High resolution micro-CT images of fresh hydrated tibiae, show that there are open continuous pathways between the blood vessel extremities and the hypertrophic chondrocyte zone. As the blood vessel extremities, the mineralizing cartilage and the forming bone are all closely associated within this narrow zone, we raise the possibility that in addition to ion transport, mineral necessary for both cartilage and bone formation is also transported through the vasculature.
(2019) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 141, 50, p. 19736-19745 Abstract[All authors]
The eyes of many fish contain a reflecting layer of organic crystals partially surrounding the photoreceptors of the retina, which are commonly believed to be composed of guanine. Here we study an unusual fish eye from Stizostedion lucioperca that contains two layers of organic crystals. The crystals in the outer layer are thin plates, whereas the crystals in the inner tapetum layer are block-shaped. We show that the outer layer indeed contains guanine crystals. Analyses of solutions of crystals from the inner layer indicated that the block-shaped crystals are composed of xanthopterin. A model of the structure of the block-shaped crystals was produced using symmetry arguments based on electron diffraction data followed by dispersion-augmented DFT calculations. The resulting crystal structure of xanthopterin included, however, a problematic repulsive interaction between C=O and N of two adjacent molecules. Knowing that dissolved 7,8-dihydroxanthopterin can oxidize to xanthopterin, we replaced xanthopterin with 7,8-dihydroxanthopterin in the model. An excellent fit was obtained with the powder X-ray diffraction pattern of the biogenic crystals. We then analyzed the biogenic block-shaped crystals in their solid state, using MALDI-TOF and Raman spectroscopy. All three methods unequivocally prove that the block-shaped crystals in the eye of S. lucioperca are crystals of 7,8-dihydroxanthopterin. On the basis of the eye anatomy, we deduce that the guanine crystals form a reflective layer producing the silvery color present on part of the eye surface, whereas the block-shaped crystals backscatter light into the retina in order to increase the light sensitivity of the eye.
(2019) Journal of Structural Biology. 207, 1, p. 12-20 Abstract
Guanine crystals are used by certain animals, including vertebrates, to produce structural colors or to enhance vision, because of their distinctive reflective properties. Here we use cryo-SEM, cryo-FIB SEM and Raman spectroscopic imaging to characterize crystalline inclusions in a single celled photosynthesizing marine dinoflagellate species. We demonstrate spectroscopically that these inclusions are blocky crystals of anhydrous guanine in the beta-polymorph. Two-dimensional cryo-SEM and three-dimensional cryo-FIB-SEM serial block face imaging show that the deposits of anhydrous guanine crystals are closely associated with the chloroplasts. We suggest that the crystalline deposits scatter light either to enhance light exploitation by the chloroplasts, or possibly for protection from UV radiation. This is consistent with the crystal locations within the cell, their shapes and their sizes. As the dinoflagellates are extremely abundant in the oceans and are a major group of photosynthesizing marine organisms, the presence of guanine crystals in this marine organism may have broad significance.
(2019) Chemistry of Materials. 31, 12, p. 4479-4489 Abstract[All authors]
Until recently it was thought that the only optical function of pteridines in biology was to act as light-absorbing pigments, but a recent report by some of us revealed that crystalline isoxanthopterin is a reflector in the eyes of decapod crustaceans. Here, we report the formation of crystalline isoxanthopterin synthetically from the polar dimethyl sulfoxide solvent, with X-ray diffraction analysis revealing a crystal structure different from that of biogenic isoxanthopterin. The structure of the new polymorph was determined in two independent ways. In one approach, it was generated and optimized using first-principles calculations, followed by comparison of simulation and experiment for high-resolution powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and electron diffraction. In the other approach, the structure was obtained definitively from PXRD data using a direct-space genetic algorithm for structure solution followed by Rietveld refinement. The synthetic structure is different from its biogenic counterpart, especially in having a nonplanar criss-cross H-bonded arrangement. We also rationalized the morphology of the crystals and the effect of the DMSO thereon, via a comparison between observed and theoretical growth morphologies. In addition, we calculated the optical properties of the synthetic structure and found its two dominant refractive indices to be somewhat lower than those of its biogenic counterpart, but still as high as those of reflecting guanine crystals. Synthetic isoxanthopterin therefore emerges as a promising candidate for incorporation in artificial optical systems.
(2019) Crystal Growth and Design. 19, 5, p. 2564-2573 Abstract
Shelled pteropods are holoplanktonic mollusks that build lightweight shells containing aragonite crystals. The complex shell architecture is composed of well-aligned, curved aragonitic fibers. Each curved fiber is continuously crystalline. We used in vivo micro-Raman spectroscopy to study the mineral composition of shells of living Creseis acicula pteropods at the larval (veliger) and adult stages. The spectra obtained from the growing edge have weak and broad peaks indicative of a highly disordered nascent aragonite phase. The disordered precursor phase is detected in the newly formed regions both at the shell edge, and during thickening in the internal part of the shell. As the shell grows and thickens throughout the life of the animal, the mineral matures from a disordered transient precursor phase to crystalline aragonite. We conclude that the shell of C. acicula is formed via a disordered nascent form of aragonite, which, being isotropic, facilitates the formation of the convoluted morphology in the continuously crystalline fibers of aragonite.
(2019) Journal of Structural Biology. 206, 2, p. 139-148 Abstract
The pathway of ion supply from the source to the site of bone deposition in vertebrates is thought to involve transport through the vasculature, followed by ion concentration in osteoblasts. The cells deposit a precursor mineral phase in vesicles, which are then exocytosed into the extracellular matrix. We observed that the entire skeleton of zebrafish larvae, is labelled within minutes after injection of calcein or FITC-dextran into the blood. This raised the possibility that there is an additional pathway of solute transport that can account for the rapid labelling. We used cryo-FIB-SEM serial block face imaging to reconstruct at high resolution the 3D ultrastructure of the caudal tail of the zebrafish larva. This reconstruction clearly shows that there is a continuous intercellular pathway from the artery to the forming bone, and from the forming bone to the vein. Fluorescence light microscopy shows that calcein and FITC-dextran form a reticulate network pattern in this tissue, which we attribute to the dye being present in the intercellular space. We conclude that this intercellular continuous space may be a supply route for ions, mineral and other solute or particulate material to the fast forming bone.
(2019) Acta Biomaterialia. 88, p. 111-119 Abstract
We investigate the structures and mechanical properties of leaf midribs of Ficus microcarpa and Prunus dulcis, which deposit calcium oxalate crystals, and of Olea europaea midribs which contain no mineral deposits, but do contain lignified fibers. The midrib mechanical performance contributes to the leafs ability to maintain a flat conformation for light harvesting and to efficiently reconfigure to reduce wind drag. We use a novel approach involving 3D visualization of the vein structure during mechanical load. This involves the use of customized mechanical loading devices that fit inside a microCT chamber. We show that the elastic, compression and torsional moduli of the midribs of leaves from the 3 species examined vary significantly. We also observed different modes of fracture and buckling of the leaves during compression. We assess the contributions of the calcium oxalate crystals to the mechanical and fracture properties. In F. microcarpa midrib linear arrays of calcium oxalate crystals contribute to resisting the bending, in contrast to P. dulcis leaves, where the calcium oxalate crystals do not resist bending. In both F. microcarpa and P. dulcis isolated calcium oxalate crystals enable high torsional compliance. The integrated microCT- mechanical testing approach could be used to investigate the structure-mechanics relationships in other complex biological samples.Statement of significanceLeaves need to maintain a flat conformation for light harvesting, but they also need to efficiently reconfigure to reduce wind drag. The leaf central vein (midrib) is a key structural component for leaf mechanicss. 3D visualization of the vein structure under mechanical loads showed that veins can be stiffened by reinforcement units composed of calcium oxalates crystals and lignin. The stiffening units can influence the bending and fracture properties of the midribs, and can contribute to determine if buckling will occur during folding. Mineral stiffening elements could be a widespread strategy to reinforce leaf veins and other biological structures. This structural-mechanical approach could be used to study other complex biological samples. (C) 2019 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
(2019) ChemPlusChem. 84, 4, p. 317-317 Abstract
Invited for this month's cover are the group of Prof. Lia Addadi at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel and collaborators at the Università Degli Studi di Milano, Italy, and the ALBA Synchrotron Light Source, Spain. The front cover shows how cholesterol crystals form in macrophage cells and in lipid bilayers of different compositions. Cholesterol monohydrate stable triclinic crystals form in vitro as rhomb-shaped plates, whereas the monoclinic crystals fold into tubular or helical shapes. Read the full text of the article at 10.1002/cplu.201800632.
(2019) ChemPlusChem. 84, 4, p. 338-344 Abstract
Cholesterol crystallization from mixtures of unesterified cholesterol with phospholipids and cholesterol esters is believed to be a key event in atherosclerosis progression. Not much is understood, however, about the influence of the lipid environment on cholesterol crystallization. Here we study cholesterol monohydrate crystal formation from mixed bilayers with palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine (POPC), dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and sphingomyelin. We show that disordered phospholipids and sphingomyelin stabilize the formation of crystal plates of the triclinic cholesterol monohydrate polymorph, whereas saturated glycerolipids stabilize helical and tubular crystals of the metastable monoclinic polymorph. We followed the subsequent transformation of these helical crystals into the stable triclinic plates. Discovering the relations between membrane lipid composition and cholesterol crystal polymorphism may provide important clues to the understanding of cholesterol crystal formation in atherosclerosis.
(2018) Advanced Materials. 30, 41, 1800006. Abstract
Vision mechanisms in animals, especially those living in water, are diverse. Many eyes have reflective elements that consist of multilayers of nanometer-sized crystalline plates, composed of organic molecules. The crystal multilayer assemblies owe their enhanced reflectivity to the high refractive indices of the crystals in preferred crystallographic directions. The high refractive indices are due to the molecular arrangements in their crystal structures. Herein, data regarding these difficult-to-characterize crystals are reviewed. This is followed by a discussion on the function of these crystalline assemblies, especially in visual systems whose anatomy has been well characterized under close to in vivo conditions. Three test cases are presented, and then the relations between the reflecting crystalline components and their functions, including the relations between molecular structure, crystal structure, and reflecting properties are discussed. Some of the underlying mechanisms are also discussed, and finally open questions in the field are identified.
(2018) Acta Biomaterialia. 77, p. 342-351 Abstract
Quantifying ion concentrations and mapping their intracellular distributions at high resolution can provide much insight into the formation of biomaterials. The key to achieving this goal is cryo-fixation, where the biological materials, tissues and associated solutions are rapidly frozen and preserved in a vitreous state. We developed a correlative cryo-Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)/Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) protocol that provides quantitative elemental analysis correlated with spatial imaging of cryo-immobilized specimens. We report the accuracy and sensitivity of the cryo-EDS method, as well as insights we derive on biomineralization pathways in a foraminifer. Foraminifera are marine protozoans that produce Mg-containing calcitic shells and are major calcifying organisms in the oceans. We use the cryo-SEM/EDS correlative method to characterize unusual Mg and Ca-rich particles in the cytoplasm of a benthic foraminifer. The Mg/Ca ratio of these particles is consistently lower than that of seawater, the source solution for these ions. We infer that these particles are involved in Ca ion supply to the shell. We document the internal structure of the MgCa particles, which in some cases include a separate Si rich core phase. This approach to mapping ion distribution in cryo-preserved specimens may have broad applications to other mineralized biomaterials.Statement of significanceIons are an integral part of life, and some ions play fundamental roles in cell metabolism. Determining the concentrations of ions in cells and between cells, as well as their distributions at high resolution can provide valuable insights into ion uptake, storage, functions and the formation of biomaterials. Here we present a new cryo-SEM/EDS protocol that allows the mapping of different ion distributions in solutions and biological samples that have been cryo-preserved. We demonstrate the value of this novel approach by characterizing a novel biogenic mineral phase rich in Mg found in foraminifera, single celled marine organisms. This method has wide applicability in biology, and especially in understanding the formation and function of mineral-containing hard tissues. (C) 2018 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective Cells use various mechanisms to maintain cellular cholesterol homeostasis including efflux of cholesterol from the cellular plasma membrane to cholesterol acceptors such as HDLs (high-density lipoproteins). Little is known about the transfer of cholesterol from cells into the extracellular matrix. Using a unique monoclonal antibody that detects ordered cholesterol arrays (ie, cholesterol micro[or nano]-domains), we previously identified that particles containing these cholesterol domains accumulate in the extracellular matrix during cholesterol enrichment of human monocyte-derived macrophages and are found in atherosclerotic lesions. In this study, we further investigate these deposited particles containing cholesterol microdomains and discover their unexpected morphology.Approach and Results Although appearing spherical at the resolution of the conventional fluorescence microscope, super-resolution immunofluorescence and atomic force microscopy of in situ cholesterol microdomains, and immunoelectron microscopy of isolated cholesterol microdomains revealed that the microdomains are not vesicles or 3-dimensional crystals but rather appear as branching irregularly shaped deposits of varying size. These cholesterol microdomain-containing deposits are shed from the plasma membrane into the extracellular matrix.Conclusions To date, research on cellular excretion of excess cholesterol has demonstrated cellular cholesterol efflux in the form of membranous vesicles and discoidal HDL particles released into the fluid-phase medium. Shedding of plasma membrane cholesterol microdomains provides an additional mechanism for cells such as macrophages to maintain plasma membrane cholesterol homeostasis. Furthermore, recognition that macrophages shed cholesterol microdomains into the extracellular matrix is important to our understanding of extracellular buildup of cholesterol in atherosclerosis.
[All authors] -
(2018) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Biological Sciences. 115, 30, p. 7662-7669 Abstract[All authors]
The formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the blood vessel walls is the result of LDL particle uptake, and consequently of cholesterol accumulation in macrophage cells. Excess cholesterol accumulation eventually results in cholesterol crystal deposition, the hallmark of mature atheromas. We followed the formation of cholesterol crystals in J774A.1 macrophage cells with time, during accumulation of LDL particles, using a previously developed correlative cryosoft X-ray tomography (cryo-SXT) and stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) technique. We show, in the initial accumulation stages, formation of small quadrilateral crystal plates associated with the cell plasma membrane, which may subsequently assemble into large aggregates. These plates match crystals of the commonly observed cholesterol monohydrate triclinic structure. Large rod-like cholesterol crystals form at a later stage in intracellular locations. Using cryotransmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) and cryoelectron diffraction (cryo-ED), we show that the structure of the large elongated rods corresponds to that of monoclinic cholesterol monohydrate, a recently determined polymorph of the triclinic crystal structure. These monoclinic crystals form with an unusual hollow cylinder or helical architecture, which is preserved in the mature rodlike crystals. The rod-like morphology is akin to that observed in crystals isolated from atheromas. We suggest that the crystals in the atherosclerotic plaques preserve in their morphology the memory of the structure in which they were formed. The identification of the polymorph structure, besides explaining the different crystal morphologies, may serve to elucidate mechanisms of cholesterol segregation and precipitation in atherosclerotic plaques.
(2018) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 115, 10, p. 2299-2304 Abstract[All authors]
The eyes of some aquatic animals form images through reflective optics. Shrimp, lobsters, crayfish, and prawns possess reflecting superposition compound eyes, composed of thousands of square-faceted eye units (ommatidia). Mirrors in the upper part of the eye (the distal mirror) reflect light collected from many ommatidia onto the photosensitive elements of the retina, the rhabdoms. A second reflector, the tapetum, underlying the retina, back-scatters dispersed light onto the rhabdoms. Using microCT and cryo-SEM imaging accompanied by in situ micro-X-ray diffraction and micro-Raman spectroscopy, we investigated the hierarchical organization and materials properties of the reflective systems at high resolution and under close-to-physiological conditions. We show that the distal mirror consists of three or four layers of plate-like nanocrystals. The tapetum is a diffuse reflector composed of hollow nanoparticles constructed from concentric lamellae of crystals. Isoxanthopterin, a pteridine analog of guanine, forms both the reflectors in the distal mirror and in the tapetum. The crystal structure of isoxanthopterin was determined from crystal-structure prediction calculations and verified by comparison with experimental X-ray diffraction. The extended hydrogen-bonded layers of the molecules result in an extremely high calculated refractive index in the H-bonded plane, n = 1.96, which makes isoxanthopterin crystals an ideal reflecting material. The crystal structure of isoxanthopterin, together with a detailed knowledge of the reflector superstructures, provide a rationalization of the reflective optics of the crustacean eye.
(2018) Plant Physiology. 176, 2, p. 1751-1763 Abstract
Ficus trees are adapted to diverse environments and have some of the highest rates of photosynthesis among trees. Ficus leaves can deposit one or more of the three major mineral types found in leaves: amorphous calcium carbonate cystoliths, calcium oxalates, and silica phytoliths. In order to better understand the functions of these minerals and the control that the leaf exerts over mineral deposition, we investigated leaves from 10 Ficus species from vastly different environments (Rehovot, Israel; Bologna, Italy; Issa Valley, Tanzania; and Ngogo, Uganda). We identified the mineral locations in the soft tissues, the relative distributions of the minerals, and mineral volume contents using microcomputed tomography. Each Ficus species is characterized by a unique 3D mineral distribution that is preserved in different environments. The mineral distribution patterns are generally different on the adaxial and abaxial sides of the leaf. All species examined have abundant calcium oxalate deposits around the veins. We used micromodulated fluorimetry to examine the effect of cystoliths on photosynthetic efficiency in two species having cystoliths abaxially and adaxially (Ficus microcarpa) or only abaxially (Ficus carica). In F. microcarpa, both adaxial and abaxial cystoliths efficiently contributed to light redistribution inside the leaf and, hence, increased photosynthetic efficiency, whereas in F. carica, the abaxial cystoliths did not increase photosynthetic efficiency.
(2017) PLoS ONE. 12, 12, p. e0177731-e0177731 0177731. Abstract
Although bone is one of the most studied living materials, many questions about the manner in which bones form remain unresolved, including fine details of the skeletal structure during development. In this study, we monitored skeleton development of zebrafish larvae, using calcein fluorescence, high-resolution micro-CT 3D images and FIB-SEM in the block surface serial imaging mode. We compared calcein staining of the skeletons of the wild type and nacre mutants, which are transparent zebrafish, with micro-CT for the first 30 days post fertilization embryos, and identified significant differences. We quantified the bone volumes and mineral contents of bones, including otoliths,during development, and showed that such developmental differences, including otolith development, could be helpful in identifying phenotypes. In addition, high-resolution imaging revealed the presence of mineralized aggregates in the notochord, before the formation of the first bone in the axial skeleton. These structures might play a role in the storage of the mineral. Our results highlight the potential of these high-resolution 3D approaches to characterize the zebrafish skeleton, which in turn could prove invaluable information for better understanding the development and the characterization of skeletal phenotypes.
(2017) Science. 358, 6367, p. 1172-1175 Abstract[All authors]
Scallops possess a visual system comprising up to 200 eyes, each containing a concave mirror rather than a lens to focus light. The hierarchical organization of the multilayered mirror is controlled for image formation, from the component guanine crystals at the nanoscale to the complex three-dimensional morphology at the millimeter level. The layered structure of the mirror is tuned to reflect the wavelengths of light penetrating the scallop's habitat and is tiled with a mosaic of square guanine crystals, which reduces optical aberrations. The mirror forms images on a double-layered retina used for separately imaging the peripheral and central fields of view. The tiled, off-axis mirror of the scallop eye bears a striking resemblance to the segmented mirrors of reflecting telescopes.
(2017) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 56, 32, p. 9420-9424 Abstract
Guanine crystals are widely used in nature as components of multilayer reflectors. Guanine-based reflective systems found in the copepod cuticle and in the mirror of the scallop eye are unique in that the multilayered reflectors are tiled to form a contiguous packed array. In the copepod cuticle, hexagonal crystals are closely packed to produce brilliant colors. In the scallop eye, square crystals are tiled to obtain an image-forming reflecting mirror. The tiles are about 1 mm in size and 70 nm thick. According to analysis of their electron diffraction patterns, the hexagon and square tiles are not single crystals. Rather, each tile type is a composite of what appears to be three crystalline domains differently oriented and stacked onto one another, achieved through a twice-repeated twinning about their and crystal axes, respectively. By these means, the monoclinic guanine crystal mimics higher symmetry hexagonal and tetragonal structures to achieve unique morphologies.
(2017) ChemPlusChem. 82, 6, p. 914-923 Abstract
Fish-scale iridophore cells deposit guanine crystals and assemble them into multilayer reflectors to produce silvery reflectance. The crystal orientation controls the reflective properties of the fish scales, but little is known about the degree of orientation of the guanine crystals and whether this orientation is pre-determined at the level of an individual cell. Koi fish-scaleattached iridophores, iridophores on regenerated scales, and cultured iridophores were examined by using light microscopy and synchrotron micro-X-ray diffraction. More than 95% of the thin {100} guanine crystal plates in the iridophores of the mature and regenerated scales are oriented parallel to the scale surface and perpendicular to the direction of the incoming light. More than 70% of the crystals in cultured iridophore cells are also in this orientation. The crystals are elongated and within each cell on the mature scale and in the cultured cells the long morphological axes are well aligned with the long axis of the iridophore. In contrast to the cultured iridophores, in the mature scale the iridophore cells are co-aligned with each other. Cultured iridophores are flexible and motile, and azimuthal crystal orientations vary as the cells move. We conclude that iridophore cells function as independent units and that the control over crystal orientation is pre-determined at the individual cell level in the direction that is essential for function, namely, exposing the large reflecting crystal surface to light.
(2017) Advanced Science. 4, 5, 1600416. Abstract
Calcium oxalate and silica minerals are common components of a variety of plant leaves. These minerals are found at different locations within the leaf, and there is little conclusive evidence about the functions they perform. Here tools are used from the fields of biology, optics, and imaging to investigate the distributions of calcium oxalate, silica minerals, and chloroplasts in okra leaves, in relation to their functions. A correlative approach is developed to simultaneously visualize calcium oxalates, silica minerals, chloroplasts, and leaf soft tissue in 3D without affecting the minerals or the organic components. This method shows that in okra leaves silica and calcium oxalates, together with chloroplasts, form a complex system with a highly regulated relative distribution. This distribution points to a significant role of oxalate and silica minerals to synergistically optimize the light regime in the leaf. The authors also show directly that the light scattered by the calcium oxalate crystals is utilized for photosynthesis, and that the ultraviolet component of light passing through silica bodies, is absorbed. This study thus demonstrates that calcium oxalates increase the illumination level into the underlying tissue by scattering the incoming light, and silica reduces the amount of UV radiation entering the tissue.
(2017) Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 14, 127, 20160958. Abstract
Bone homeostasis is continuously regulated by the coordinated action of bone-resorbing osteoclasts and bone-forming osteoblasts. Imbalance between these two cell populations leads to pathological bone diseases such as osteoporosis and osteopetrosis. Osteoclast functionality relies on the formation of sealing zone (SZ) rings that define the resorption lacuna. It is commonly assumed that the structure and dynamic properties of the SZ depend on the physical and chemical properties of the substrate. Considering the unique complex structure of native bone, elucidation of the relevant parameters affecting SZ formation and stability is challenging. In this study, we examined in detail the dynamic response of the SZ to the microtopography of devitalized bone surfaces, taken from the same area in cattle femur. We show that there is a significant enrichment in large and stable SZs (diameter larger than 14 mm; lifespan of hours) in cells cultured on rough bone surfaces, compared with small and fast turning over SZ rings (diameter below 7 mm; lifespan approx. 7 min) formed on smooth bone surfaces. Based on these results, we propose that the surface roughness of the physiologically relevant substrate of osteoclasts, namely bone, affects primarily the local stability of growing SZs.
(2017) Advanced Functional Materials. 27, 6, 1603514. Abstract
Guanine crystals are widely used in nature to manipulate light. The first part of this feature article explores how organisms are able to construct an extraordinary array of optical "devices" including diffuse scatterers, broad-band and narrowband reflectors, tunable photonic crystals, and image-forming mirrors by varying the size, morphology, and arrangement of guanine crystals. The second part presents an overview of some of the properties of crystalline guanine to explain why this material is ideally suited for such optical applications. The high reflectivity of many natural optical systems ultimately derives from the fact that guanine crystals have an extremely high refractive index-a product of its anisotropic crystal structure comprised of densely stacked H-bonded layers. In order to optimize their reflectivity, many organisms exert exquisite control over the crystal morphology, forming plate-like single crystals in which the high refractive index face is preferentially expressed. Guanine-based optics are used in a wide range of biological functions such as in camouflage, display, and vision, and exhibit a degree of versatility, tunability, and complexity that is difficult to incorporate into artificial devices using conventional engineering approaches. These biological systems could inspire the next generation of advanced optical materials.
(2017) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 57, 1-2, p. 7-8 Abstract
The Rosarium philosophorum, published in Frankfurt in 1550, is an anonymous text of alchemy. The text constantly shifts between physical alchemy, statements about experiments with substance, and the realm of soul alchemy, the task of the inner transmutation of forces within mans soul. In that it sought to unite these two alchemical realms, the Rosarium sets a style in which the physical process became a mirror for soul development, and the inner content of soul experiencesbecame projected upon outer processes in the laboratory or the natural world. [second paragraph]
(2017) Advanced Materials Interfaces. 4, 1, 1600076. Abstract
A liquidliquid phase boundary is experimentally determined in calcium carbonate solutions obtained by rapid mixing. Nanoparticles of amorphous calcium carbonate form at concentration higher than this boundary and their size diverges close to the boundary, which is interpreted as a spinodal line. At lower concentrations, the solution is metastable against the nucleation of crystalline calcium carbonate phases.
Objective - We examined the function of ABCA1 (ATP-binding cassette transporter A1) in ApoA-I (apolipoprotein A-I) mobilization of cholesterol microdomains deposited into the extracellular matrix by cholesterol-enriched macrophages. We have also determined whether an ApoA-I mimetic peptide without and with complexing to sphingomyelin can mobilize macrophage-deposited cholesterol microdomains. Approach and Results - Extracellular cholesterol microdomains deposited by cholesterol-enriched macrophages were detected with a monoclonal antibody, 58B1. ApoA-I and an ApoA-I mimetic peptide 5A mobilized cholesterol microdomains deposited by ABCA1 +/+ macrophages but not by ABCA1 -/- macrophages. In contrast, ApoA-I mimetic peptide 5A complexed with sphingomyelin could mobilize cholesterol microdomains deposited by ABCA1 -/- macrophages. Conclusions - Our findings show that a unique pool of extracellular cholesterol microdomains deposited by macrophages can be mobilized by both ApoA-I and an ApoA-I mimetic peptide but that mobilization depends on macrophage ABCA1. It is known that ABCA1 complexes ApoA-I and ApoA-I mimetic peptide with phospholipid, a cholesterol-solubilizing agent, explaining the requirement for ABCA1 in extracellular cholesterol microdomain mobilization. Importantly, ApoA-I mimetic peptide already complexed with phospholipid can mobilize macrophage-deposited extracellular cholesterol microdomains even in the absence of ABCA1.
(2016) Journal of Structural Biology. 196, 3, p. 487-495 Abstract
Many important biological questions can be addressed by studying in 3D large volumes of intact, cryo fixed hydrated tissues (⩾10,000 μm3) at high resolution (520 nm). This can be achieved using serial FIB milling and block face surface imaging under cryo conditions. Here we demonstrate the unique potential of the cryo-FIB-SEM approach using two extensively studied model systems; sea urchin embryos and the tail fin of zebrafish larvae. We focus in particular on the environment of mineral deposition sites. The cellular organelles, including mitochondria, Golgi, ER, nuclei and nuclear pores are made visible by the image contrast created by differences in surface potential of different biochemical components. Auto segmentation and/or volume rendering of the image stacks and 3D reconstruction of the skeleton and the cellular environment, provides a detailed view of the relative distribution in space of the tissue/cellular components, and thus of their interactions. Simultaneous acquisition of secondary and back-scattered electron images adds additional information. For example, a serial view of the zebrafish tail reveals the presence of electron dense mineral particles inside mitochondrial networks extending more than 20 μm in depth in the block. Large volume imaging using cryo FIB SEM, as demonstrated here, can contribute significantly to the understanding of the structures and functions of diverse biological tissues.
(2016) Journal of Structural Biology. 196, 2, p. 155-163 Abstract
Foraminifera are marine protozoans that are widespread in oceans throughout the world. Understanding biomineralization pathways in foraminifera is particularly important because their calcitic shells are major components of global calcium carbonate production. We introduce here a novel correlative approach combining cryo-SEM, cryo-fluorescence imaging and cryo-EDS. This approach is applied to the study of ion transport processes in the benthic foraminifer genus Amphistegina. We confirm the presence of large sea water vacuoles previously identified in intact and partially decalcified Amphistegina lobifera specimens. We observed relatively small vesicles that were labelled strongly with calcein, and also identified magnesium (Mg)-rich mineral particles in the cytoplasm, as well as in the large sea water vacuoles. The combination of cryo-microscopy with elemental microanalysis and fluorescence imaging reveals new aspects of the biomineralization pathway in foraminifera which are, to date, unique in the world of biomineralization. This approach is equally applicable to the study of biomineralization pathways in other organisms.
(2016) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 138, 45, p. 14931-14940 Abstract
We have developed a high resolution correlative method involving cryo-soft X-ray tomography (cryo-SXT) and stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM), which provides information in three dimensions on large cellular volumes at 70 nm resolution. Cryo-SXT morphologically identified and localized aggregations of carbon-rich materials. STORM identified specific markers on the desired epitopes, enabling colocalization between the identified objects, in this case cholesterol crystals, and the cellular environment. The samples were studied under ambient and cryogenic conditions without dehydration or heavy metal staining. The early events of cholesterol crystal development were investigated in relation to atherosclerosis, using as model macrophage cell cultures enriched with LDL particles. Atherosclerotic plaques build up in arteries in a slow process involving cholesterol crystal accumulation. Cholesterol crystal deposition is a crucial stage in the pathological cascade. Our results show that cholesterol crystals can be identified and imaged at a very early stage on the cell plasma membrane and in intracellular locations. This technique can in principle be applied to other biological samples where specific molecular identification is required in conjunction with high resolution 3D-imaging.
(2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113, 45, p. 12637-12642 Abstract
We investigated the manner in which the sea urchin larva takes up calcium from its body cavity into the primary mesenchymal cells (PMCs) that are responsible for spicule formation. We used the membrane-impermeable fluorescent dye calcein and alexa-dextran, with or without a calcium channel inhibitor, and imaged the larvae in vivo with selective-plane illumination microscopy. Both fluorescent molecules are taken up from the body cavity into the PMCs and ectoderm cells, where the two labels are predominantly colocalized in particles, whereas the calcium-binding calcein label is mainly excluded from the endoderm and is concentrated in the spicules. The presence of vesicles and vacuoles inside the PMCs that have openings through the plasma membrane directly to the body cavity was documented using high-resolution cryo-focused ion beam-SEM serial imaging. Some of the vesicles and vacuoles are interconnected to form large networks. We suggest that these vacuolar networks are involved in direct sea water uptake.We conclude that the calcium pathway from the body cavity into cells involves nonspecific endocytosis of sea water with its calcium.
(2016) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 138, 43, p. 14481-14487 Abstract
Both in vivo and ex vivo observations support the hypothesis that bone mineral formation proceeds via disordered precursor phases. The characteristics of the precursor phases are not well defined, but octacalcium phosphate-like, amorphous calcium phosphate-like, and HPO42--enriched phases were detected. Here we use in vivo Raman spectroscopy and high-resolution wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) to characterize and map at 2 μm resolution the mineral phases in the rapidly forming tail fin bones of living zebrafish larvae and zebrafish larvae immediately after sacrifice, respectively. Raman spectroscopy shows the presence of an acidic disordered calcium phosphate phase with additional characteristic features of HPO42- at the bone-cell interface. The complexity in the position and shape of the ν1 PO4 peak viewed by in vivo Raman spectroscopy emphasizes the heterogeneity of the mineral during bone formation. WAXD detects an additional isolated peak, appearing alone or together with the characteristic diffraction pattern of carbonated hydroxyapatite. This unidentified phase is located at the interface between the mature bone and the surrounding tissue, similar to the location at which the disordered phase was observed by Raman spectroscopy. The variable peak positions and profiles support the notion that this is an unstable disordered precursor phase, which conceivably crystallized during the X-ray diffraction measurement. Interestingly, this precursor phase is co-aligned with the c-axes of the mature bone crystals and thus is in intimate relation with the surrounding collagen matrix. We conclude that a major disordered precursor mineral phase containing HPO42- is part of the deposition pathway of the rapidly forming tail fin bones of the zebrafish.
(2016) Crystal Growth & Design. 16, 9, p. 4975-4980 Abstract
Anhydrous guanine crystals are among the most widespread organic crystals used by organisms to produce structural colors. The main advantage of guanine is its exceptionally high refractive index in the reflecting direction (∼1.8). For the same reason, guanine is a promising candidate material for a variety of different optical applications. Crystallization of guanine is challenging and usually involves using polar aprotic organic solvents such as dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Here, we show that the crystallization of guanine from aqueous solutions is possible under conditions that provide control over crystal polymorphism and size. Using this approach we were able produce large crystals of the elusive guanine monohydrate phase. We were also able to rationalize the formation of the different phases obtained as a function of which tautomer of guanine is stable in solutions of varying pH.
(2016) Journal of Structural Biology. 195, 1, p. 82-92 Abstract
The uptake and transport of ions from the environment to the site of bone formation is only partially understood and, for the most part, based on disparate observations in different animals. Here we study different aspects of the biomineralization pathways in one system, the rapidly forming long bones of the chicken embryo. We mainly used cryo-fixation and cryo-electron imaging to preserve the often unstable mineral phases in the tissues. We show the presence of surprisingly large amounts of mineral particles located inside membrane-delineated vesicles in the bone forming tissue between the blood vessels and the forming bone surface. Some of these particles are also located inside mitochondrial networks. The surfaces of the forming bones in the extracellular space contain abundant aggregates of amorphous calcium phosphate particles, but these are not enveloped by vesicle membranes. In the bone resorbing region, osteoclasts also contain many particles in both mitochondrial networks and within vesicles. Some of these particles are present also between cells. These observations, together with the previously reported observation that CaP mineral particles inside membranes are present in blood vessels, leads us to the conclusion that important components of the bone mineralization pathways in rapidly forming chicken bone are dense phase mineral particles bound within membranes. It remains to be determined whether these mineral particles are transported to the site of bone formation in the solid state, fluid state or dissolve and re-precipitate.
(2016) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 8, 24, p. 14932-14943 Abstract
Bone remodeling relies on the coordinated functioning of osteoblasts, bone-forming cells, and osteoclasts, bone-resorbing cells. The effects of specific chemical and physical bone features on the osteoclast adhesive apparatus, the sealing zone ring, and their relation to resorption functionality are still not well-understood. We designed and implemented a correlative imaging method that enables monitoring of the same area of bone surface by time-lapse light microscopy, electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy before, during, and after exposure to osteoclasts. We show that sealing zone rings preferentially develop around surface protrusions, with lateral dimensions of several micrometers, and ∼1 μm height. Direct overlay of sealing zone rings onto resorption pits on the bone surface shows that the rings adapt to pit morphology. The correlative procedure presented here is noninvasive and performed under ambient conditions, without the need for sample labeling. It can potentially be applied to study various aspects of cell-matrix interactions.
(2016) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 56, 4, p. 227-241 Abstract
Many organisms build crystals with almost complete control over all aspects of crystal formation, from nucleation to growth, from composition to polymorphic structure, and from morphology to size. In biomineralization, the control is fundamentally always exerted at the level of nanometers, because the building blocks themselves are at the nanoscale. We have chosen to describe in some detail four biological systems that produce nanoscale crystals using different mineralization pathways, different levels of control, and have different functions. These four cases are: bone crystal composites; guanine nanocrystal reflectors; magnetotactic bacteria with single domain magnets; and coccoliths, whose functions have yet to be identified. This is followed by a discussion aimed at identifying possible specific and/or common underlying principles involved in nanocrystal formation in biology.
(2016) Advanced Functional Materials. 26, 9, p. 1393-1399 Abstract
Light-induced tunable photonic systems are rare in nature, and generally beyond the state-of-the-art in artificial systems. Sapphirinid male copepods produce some of the most spectacular colors in nature. The male coloration, used for communication purposes, is structural and is produced from ordered layers of guanine crystals separated by cytoplasm. It is generally accepted that the colors of the males are related to their location in the epipelagic zone. By combining correlative reflectance and cryoelectron microscopy image analyses, together with optical time lapse recording and transfer matrix modeling, it is shown that male sapphirinids have the remarkable ability to change their reflectance spectrum in response to changes in the light conditions. It is also shown that this color change is achieved by a change in the thickness of the cytoplasm layers that separate the guanine crystals. This change is reversible, and is both intensity and wavelength dependent. This capability provides the male with the ability to efficiently reflect light under certain conditions, while remaining transparent and hence camouflaged under other conditions. These copepods can thus provide inspiration for producing synthetic tunable photonic arrays.
(2016) Bone. 83, p. 65-72 Abstract[All authors]
During bone formation in embryos, large amounts of calcium and phosphate are taken up and transported to the site where solid mineral is first deposited. The initial mineral forms in vesicles inside osteoblasts and is deposited as a highly disordered calcium phosphate phase. The mineral is then translocated to the extracellular space where it penetrates the collagen matrix and crystallizes. To date little is known about the transport mechanisms of calcium and phosphate in the vascular system, especially when high transport rates are needed and the concentrations of these ions in the blood serum may exceed the solubility product of the mineral phase. Here we used a rapidly growing biological model, the chick embryo, to study the bone mineralization pathway taking advantage of the fact that large amounts of bone mineral constituents are transported. Cryo scanning electron microscopy together with cryo energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and focused-ion beam imaging in the serial surface view mode surprisingly reveal the presence of abundant vesicles containing small mineral particles in the lumen of the blood vessels. Morphologically similar vesicles are also found in the cells associated with bone formation. This observation directly implicates the vascular system in solid mineral distribution, as opposed to the transport of ions in solution. Mineral particle transport inside vesicles implies that far larger amounts of the bone mineral constituents can be transported through the vasculature, without the danger of ectopic precipitation. This introduces a new stage into the bone mineral formation pathway, with the first mineral being formed far from the bone itself.
(2015) Quaternary International. 390, p. 4-14 Abstract
Cephalaspidean gastropods are common marine mollusks with a unique digestive apparatus containing 3 hardened plates of millimeter size inside the muscular esophageal crop (gizzard). The gizzard plates are reported to either grind or crush shelled prey. The current study aims at better understanding the manner in which the gizzard plates of the cephalaspid Philine quadripartita function in the overall digestion process by relating their structural and mechanical properties. Philine quadripartita possesses 3 gizzard plates which have one of the common configurations of cephalaspidean gizzard plates: two paired plates that are mirror images of each other and one smaller unpaired plate. We used micro-CT to characterize the gizzard musculature, the food which is present at different stages of the digestion process and the working surface of the gizzard plates. We show that the gizzard plates are used to crush the shelled prey, and that the functional mode of the small unpaired plate is different from the larger plates. All 3 plates are composed of a mixture of amorphous calcium carbonate and amorphous calcium phosphate embedded in a chitinous matrix. The proportions of these two mineral phases vary systematically within the plate. The plates have a complex layered structure, whose elastic moduli and hardness also vary in a continuous systematic manner. We observed that the stiffest layer is below the working surface, unlike most teeth where the stiffest layer is at the surface. Rigorous analysis of the elasticity indices of the gizzard plates as compared with sea urchin teeth and synthetic calcite provided insights into the connection between the biological function and the mechanical properties of biological composites. Specifically, we show that materials used for grinding require harder surfaces to avoid excessive wear compared to materials for crushing, whereas both of these functions require high toughness.
(2015) Journal of Structural Biology. 192, 3, p. 358-365 Abstract
Sea urchin embryos sequester calcium from the sea water. This calcium is deposited in a concentrated form in granule bearing vesicles both in the epithelium and in mesenchymal cells. Here we use in vivo calcein labeling and confocal Raman spectroscopy, as well as cryo-FIB-SEM 3D structural reconstructions, to investigate the processes occurring in the internal cavity of the embryo, the blastocoel. We demonstrate that calcein stained granules are also present in the filopodial network within the blastocoel. Simultaneous fluorescence imaging and Raman spectroscopy show that these granules do contain a calcium mineral. By tracking the movements of these granules, we show that the granules in the epithelium and primary mesenchymal cells barely move, but those in the filopodial network move long distances. We could however not detect any unidirectional movement of the filopodial granules. We also show the presence of mineral containing multivesicular vesicles that also move in the filopodial network. We conclude that the filopodial network is an integral part of the mineral transport process, and possibly also for sequestering calcium and other ions. Although much of the sequestered calcium is deposited in the mineralized skeleton, a significant amount is used for other purposes, and this may be temporarily stored in these membrane-delineated intracellular deposits.
(2015) NATURE REVIEWS RHEUMATOLOGY. 11, 12, p. 725-730 Abstract
The mechanisms and sites of monosodium urate monohydrate (MSU) crystal deposition in gout have received little attention from the scientific community to date. Formalin fixation of tissues leads to the dissolution of MSU crystals, resulting in their absence from routinely processed pathological samples and hence neglect. However, modern imaging techniques - especially ultrasonography but also conventional CT and dual-energy CT - reveal that MSU crystals form at the cartilage surface as well as inside tendons and ligaments, often at insertion sites. Tophi comprise round white formations of different sizes surrounded by inflammatory tissue. Studies of fibres recovered from gouty synovial fluid indicate that these fibres are likely to be a primary site of crystal formation by templated nucleation, with crystals deposited parallel to the fibres forming transverse bands. In tophi, two areas can be distinguished: one where crystals are formed on cellular tissues and another consisting predominantly of crystals, where secondary nucleation seems to take place; this organization could explain how tophi can grow rapidly. From these observations based on a crystallographic approach, it seems that initial templated nucleation on structural fibres - probably collagen - followed at some sites by secondary nucleation could explain MSU crystal deposition in gout.
(2015) Chemistry of Materials. 27, 24, p. 8289-8297 Abstract
Living organisms display a spectrum of wondrous colors, which can be produced by pigmentation, structural coloration, or a combination of the two. A relatively well-studied system, which produces colors via an array of alternating anhydrous guanine crystals and cytoplasm, is responsible for the metallic luster of many fish. The structure of biogenic anhydrous guanine was so far believed to be the same as that of the synthetic one, a monoclinic polymorph (denoted as α). Here we re-examine the structure of biogenic guanine, using detailed experimental X-ray and electron diffraction data, exposing troublesome inconsistencies, namely, a "guanigma". To address this, we sought alternative candidate polymorphs using symmetry and packing considerations and then utilized first-principles calculations to determine whether the selected candidates could be energetically stable. We identified theoretically a different monoclinic polymorph (denoted as β), were able to synthesize it, and confirmed using X-ray diffraction that it is this polymorph that occurs in biogenic samples. However, the electron diffraction data were still not consistent with this polymorph but rather with a theoretically generated orthorhombic polymorph (denoted as γ). This apparent inconsistency was resolved by showing how the electron diffraction pattern could be affected by crystal structural faults composed of offset molecular layers.
(2015) Journal of Lipid Research. 56, 9, p. 1720-1726 Abstract
We previously reported that cholesterol-enriched macrophages excrete cholesterol into the extracellular matrix. A monoclonal antibody that detects cholesterol microdomains labels the deposited extracellular particles. Macrophage deposition of extracellular cholesterol depends, in part, on ABCG1, and this cholesterol can be mobilized by HDL components of the reverse cholesterol transport process. The objective of the current study was to determine whether ABCA1 also contributes to macrophage deposition of extracellular cholesterol. ABCA1 functioned in extracellular cholesterol deposition. The liver X receptor agonist, TO901317 (TO9), an ABCA1-inducing factor, restored cholesterol deposition that was absent in cholesterol-enriched ABCG1 -/- mouse macrophages. In addition, the ABCA1 inhibitor, probucol, blocked the increment in cholesterol deposited by TO9-treated wild-type macrophages, and completely inhibited deposition from TO9-treated ABCG1 -/-macrophages. Lastly, ABCA1 -/- macrophages deposited much less extracellular cholesterol than wild-type macrophages. These findings demonstrate a novel function of ABCA1 in contributing to macrophage export of cholesterol into the extracellular matrix.
(2015) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137, 26, p. 8408-8411 Abstract
Males of sapphirinid copepods use regularly alternating layers of hexagonal-shaped guanine crystals and cytoplasm to produce spectacular structural colors. In order to understand the mechanism by which the different colors are produced, we measured the reflectance of live individuals and then characterized the organization of the crystals and the cytoplasm layers in the same individuals using cryo-SEM. On the basis of these measurements, we calculated the expected reflectance spectra and found that they are strikingly similar to the measured ones. We show that variations in the cytoplasm layer thickness are mainly responsible for the different reflected colors and also that the copepod color strongly depends on the angular orientation relative to the incident light, which can account for its appearance and disappearance during spiral swimming in the natural habitat.
(2015) Bone. 75, p. 192-200 Abstract
A poorly understood aspect of bone biomineralization concerns the mechanisms whereby ions are sequestered from the environment, concentrated, and deposited in the extracellular matrix. In this study, we follow mineral deposition in the caudal fin of the zebrafish larva in vivo. Using fluorescence and cryo-SEM-microscopy, in combination with Raman and XRF spectroscopy, we detect the presence of intracellular mineral particles located between bones, and in close association with blood vessels. Calcium-rich particles are also located away from the mineralized bone, and these are also in close association with blood vessels. These observations challenge the view that mineral formation is restricted to osteoblast cells juxtaposed to bone, or to the extracellular matrix. Our results, derived from observations performed in living animals, contribute a new perspective to the comprehensive mechanism of bone formation in vertebrates, from the blood to the bone. More broadly, these findings may shed light on bone mineralization processes in other vertebrates, including humans.
(2015) Chemistry of Materials. 27, 12, p. 4237-4246 Abstract
Calcium carbonate is a common constituent of many natural materials, such as shells and skeletons of marine animals. While it is well-documented that additives (organic and inorganic) modulate the crystallization of amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC), the effects of the intrinsic physicochemical characteristics of ACC, such as particle size, shape, and water content on the transformation to crystalline polymorphs, are still poorly understood. Here, we investigate the effect of particle size by preparing ACC nanoparticles with an average size ranging from ∼66 to ∼196 nm using a high-resolution titration setup. Our results show that the particle size determined the polymorph selection in solution; an increasing proportion of vaterite to calcite was observed with decreasing particle size. The polymorph selection was ascribed to a higher apparent solubility of ACC with decreasing particle size, a parameter from which we could determine the surface energy of ACC to be ∼0.33 J/m2. Upon heating, particle size showed the opposite effect, as smaller particles favored a higher crystallization temperature from ACC into (only) calcite. When the particle size was large enough, crystallization occurred concomitantly with the removal of bulk water at lower temperatures, where the smallest particles transformed at ∼310°C, only after losing the final (surface) water. Our results highlight the importance of particle size as well as the crystallization conditions on the stability and transformation mechanisms of ACC.
The Mechanism of Color Change in the Neon Tetra Fish: A Light-Induced Tunable Photonic Crystal Array(2015) Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English). 54, 42, p. 12426-12430 Abstract
The fresh water fish neon tetra has the ability to change the structural color of its lateral stripe in response to a change in the light conditions, from blue-green in the light-adapted state to indigo in the dark-adapted state. The colors are produced by constructive interference of light reflected from stacks of intracellular guanine crystals, forming tunable photonic crystal arrays. We have used micro X-ray diffraction to track in time distinct diffraction spots corresponding to individual crystal arrays within a single cell during the color change. We demonstrate that reversible variations in crystal tilt within individual arrays are responsible for the light-induced color variations. These results settle a long-standing debate between the two proposed models, the "Venetian blinds" model and the "accordion" model. The insight gained from this biogenic light-induced photonic tunable system may provide inspiration for the design of artificial optical tunable systems.
(2015) CrystEngComm. 17, 13, p. 2606-2615 Abstract
Many organisms form crystals from transient amorphous precursor phases. In cases where the precursor phases were imaged, they were seen to consist of nanosphere particles. Interestingly, some mature biogenic crystals also have a nanosphere particle morphology, but some are characterized by crystallographic faces that are smooth at the nanometer level. There are also biogenic crystals that have both crystallographic faces and nanosphere particle morphology. This highlight presents a working hypothesis, stating that some biomineralization processes involve growth by nanosphere particle accretion, where amorphous nanoparticles are incorporated as such into growing crystals and their morphology is preserved upon crystallization. This process produces biogenic crystals with a nanosphere particle morphology. Other biomineralization processes proceed by ion-by-ion growth, and some cases of biological crystal growth involve both processes. We also identify several biomineralization processes which do not seem to fit this working hypothesis. It is our hope that this highlight will inspire studies that will shed more light on the underlying crystallization mechanisms in biology.
(2015) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137, 4, p. 1601-1607 Abstract
Atherosclerosis is the major precursor of cardiovascular disease. The formation of cholesterol crystals in atherosclerotic plaques is associated with the onset of acute pathology. The cholesterol crystals induce physical injury in the plaque core, promoting cell apoptosis and triggering an increased inflammatory response. Herein we address the question of how cholesterol crystal formation occurs in atherosclerosis. We demonstrate that three-dimensional (3D) cholesterol crystals can undergo directed nucleation from bilayer membranes containing two-dimensional (2D) cholesterol crystalline domains. We studied crystal formation on supported lipid bilayers loaded with exogenous cholesterol and labeled using a monoclonal antibody that specifically recognizes ordered cholesterol arrays. Our findings show that 3D crystals are formed exclusively on the bilayer regions where there are segregated 2D cholesterol crystalline domains and that they form on the domains. This study has potentially significant implications for our understanding of the crucial step in the mechanism by which atherosclerotic lesions form.
(2015) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137, 2, p. 990-998 Abstract
Organisms tune the metastability of amorphous calcium carbonates (ACC), often by incorporation of additives such as phosphate ions and water molecules, to serve diverse functions, such as modulating the availability of calcium reserves or constructing complex skeletal scaffolds. Although the effect of additive distribution on ACC was noted for several biogenic and synthetic systems, the molecular mechanisms by which additives govern ACC stability are not well understood. By precipitating ACC in the presence of different PO43- concentrations and regulating the initial water content, we identify conditions yielding either kinetically locked or spontaneously transforming coprecipitates. Solid state NMR, supported by FTIR, XRD, and electron microscopy, define the interactions of phosphate and water within the initial amorphous matrix, showing that initially the coprecipitates are homogeneous molecular dispersions of structural water and phosphate in ACC, and a small fraction of P-rich phases. Monitoring the transformations of the homogeneous phase shows that PO43- and waters are extracted first, and they phase separate, leading to solid-solid transformation of ACC to calcite; small part of ACC forms vaterite that subsequently converts to calcite. The simultaneous water-PO43- extraction is the key for the subsequent water-mediated accumulation and crystallization of hydroxyapatite (HAp) and carbonated hydroxyapatite. The thermodynamic driving force for the transformations is calcite crystallization, yet it is gated by specific combinations of water-phosphate levels in the initial amorphous coprecipitates. The molecular details of the spontaneously transforming ACC and of the stabilized ACC modulated by phosphate and water at ambient conditions, provide insight into biogenic and biomimetic pathways.
(2014) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 136, 49, p. 17236-17242 Abstract
Fish have evolved biogenic multilayer reflectors composed of stacks of intracellular anhydrous guanine crystals separated by cytoplasm, to produce the silvery luster of their skin and scales. Here we compare two different variants of the Japanese Koi fish; one of them with enhanced reflectivity. Our aim is to determine how biology modulates reflectivity, and from this to obtain a mechanistic understanding of the structure and properties governing the intensity of silver reflectance. We measured the reflectance of individual scales with a custom-made microscope, and then for each individual scale we characterized the structure of the guanine crystal/cytoplasm layers using high-resolution cryo-SEM. The measured reflectance and the structural-geometrical parameters were used to calculate the reflectance of each scale, and the results were compared to the experimental measurements. We show that enhanced reflectivity is obtained with the same basic guanine crystal/cytoplasm stacks, but the structural arrangement between the stack, inside the stacks, and relative to the scale surface is varied when reflectivity is enhanced. Finally, we propose a model that incorporates the basic building block parameters, the crystal orientation inside the tissue, and the resulting reflectance and explains the mechanistic basis for reflectance enhancement.
(2014) Advanced Functional Materials. 24, 34, p. 5420-5426 Abstract
Many biogenic minerals are composed of aggregated particles at the nanoscale. These minerals usually form through the transformation of amorphous precursors into single crystals inside a privileged space controlled by the organism. Here, in vitro experiments aimed at understanding the factors responsible for producing such single crystals with aggregated particle texture are presented. Crystallization is achieved by a two-step reaction in which amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) is first precipitated and then transformed into calcite in small volumes of water and in the presence of additives. The additives used are gel-forming molecules, phosphate ions, and the organic extract from sea urchin embryonic spicules - all are present in various biogenic crystals that grow via the transformation of ACC. Remarkably, this procedure yields faceted single-crystals of calcite that maintain the nanoparticle texture. The crystals grow predominantly by the accretion of ACC nanoparticles, which subsequently crystallize. Gels and phosphate ions stabilize ACC via a different mechanism than sea urchin spicule macromolecules. It is concluded that the unique nanoparticle texture of biogenic minerals results from formation pathways that may differ from one another, but given the appropriate precursor and micro-environment, share a common particle accretion mechanism.
(2014) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 118, 28, p. 8449-8457 Abstract[All authors]
X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy and spectromicroscopy have been extensively used to characterize biominerals. Using either Ca or C spectra, unique information has been obtained regarding amorphous biominerals and nanocrystal orientations. Building on these results, we demonstrate that recording XANES spectra of calcium carbonate at the oxygen K-edge enables polarization-dependent imaging contrast (PIC) mapping with unprecedented contrast, signal-to-noise ratio, and magnification. O and Ca spectra are presented for six calcium carbonate minerals: aragonite, calcite, vaterite, monohydrocalcite, and both hydrated and anhydrous amorphous calcium carbonate. The crystalline minerals reveal excellent agreement of the extent and direction of polarization dependences in simulated and experimental XANES spectra due to X-ray linear dichroism. This effect is particularly strong for aragonite, calcite, and vaterite. In natural biominerals, oxygen PIC-mapping generated high-magnification maps of unprecedented clarity from nacre and prismatic structures and their interface in Mytilus californianus shells. These maps revealed blocky aragonite crystals at the nacre-prismatic boundary and the narrowest calcite needle-prisms. In the tunic spicules of Herdmania momus, O PIC-mapping revealed the size and arrangement of some of the largest vaterite single crystals known. O spectroscopy therefore enables the simultaneous measurement of chemical and orientational information in CaCO3 biominerals and is thus a powerful means for analyzing these and other complex materials. As described here, PIC-mapping and spectroscopy at the O K-edge are methods for gathering valuable data that can be carried out using spectromicroscopy beamlines at most synchrotrons without the expense of additional equipment.
(2014) Chemistry of Materials. 26, 9, p. 2934-2942 Abstract
Brushite, CaHPO4·2H2O, is a crystalline hydrated acidic form of calcium phosphate that occurs in both physiological and pathological biomineralization processes. Additionally, it is biocompatible in humans. Several groups have investigated the experimental Fourier transform infrared vibrational spectrum of brushite. These investigations have led to a long-standing debate concerning the correct assignment for a few of the observed frequencies, particularly, the water stretching and libration modes. Here, we perform a comprehensive first principles theoretical investigation of the vibrational spectrum of brushite with calculations based on dispersion-corrected density functional theory. We obtain both the vibrational frequencies, using the frozen phonon approach, and their corresponding peak intensities, based on the Born effective charge tensor. This allows for an unambiguous assignment of all vibrations, including water vibration and libration modes.
(2014) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111, 1, p. 39-44 Abstract
Sea urchin larvae have an endoskeleton consisting of two calcitic spicules. We reconstructed various stages of the formation pathway of calcium carbonate from calcium ions in sea water to mineral deposition and integration into the forming spicules. Monitoring calcium uptake with the fluorescent dye calcein shows that calcium ions first penetrate the embryo and later are deposited intracellularly. Surprisingly, calcium carbonate deposits are distributed widely all over the embryo, including in the primary mesenchyme cells and in the surface epithelial cells. Using cryo- SEM, we show that the intracellular calcium carbonate deposits are contained in vesicles of diameter 0.5-1.5 μm. Using the newly developed airSEM, which allows direct correlation between fluorescence and energy dispersive spectroscopy, we confirmed the presence of solid calcium carbonate in the vesicles. This mineral phase appears as aggregates of 20-30-nm nanospheres, consistent with amorphous calcium carbonate. The aggregates finally are introduced into the spicule compartment, where they integrate into the growing spicule.
(2014) JIMD Reports. p. 71-77 Abstract
Farber disease is an inherited metabolic disorder caused by mutations in the acid ceramidase gene, which leads to ceramide accumulation in lysosomes. Farber disease patients display a wide variety of symptoms with most patients eventually displaying signs of nervous system dysfunction. We now present a novel tool that could potentially be used to distinguish between the milder and more severe forms of the disease, namely, an antibody that recognizes a mixed monolayer or bilayer of cholesterol:C16-ceramide, but does not recognize either ceramide or cholesterol by themselves. This antibody has previously been used to detect cholesterol:C16-ceramide domains in a variety of cultured cells. We demonstrate that levels of cholesterol:C16-ceramide domains are significantly elevated in fibroblasts from types 4 and 7 Farber disease patients, and that levels of the domains can be modulated by either reducing ceramide or cholesterol levels. Moreover, these domains are located in membranes of the endomembrane system, and also in two unexpected locations, namely, the mitochondria and the plasma membrane. This study suggests that the ceramide that accumulates in severe forms of Farber disease cells is sequestered to distinct membrane subdomains, which may explain some of the cellular pathology observed in this devastating lysosomal storage disease.
(2014) Journal of Lipid Research. 55, 1, p. 115-127 Abstract
Previous studies have demonstrated that the ATPbinding cassette transporters (ABC)A1 and ABCG1 function in many aspects of cholesterol effl ux from macrophages. In this current study, we continued our investigation of extracellular cholesterol microdomains that form during enrichment of macrophages with cholesterol. Human monocyte- derived macrophages and mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages, differentiated with macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) or granulocyte macrophage colonystimulation factor (GM-CSF), were incubated with acetylated LDL (AcLDL) to allow for cholesterol enrichment and processing. We utilized an anti-cholesterol microdomain monoclonal antibody to reveal pools of unesterifi ed cholesterol, which were found both in the extracellular matrix and associated with the cell surface, that we show function in reverse cholesterol transport. Coincubation of AcLDL with 50 - g/ml apoA-I eliminated all extracellular and cell surfaceassociated cholesterol microdomains, while coincubation with the same concentration of HDL only removed extracellular matrix-associated cholesterol microdomains. Only at an HDL concentration of 200 ?g/ml did HDL eliminate the cholesterol microdomains that were cell-surface associated. The deposition of cholesterol microdomains was inhibited by probucol, but it was increased by the liver X receptor (LXR) agonist TO901317, which upregulates ABCA1 and ABCG1. Extracellular cholesterol microdomains did not develop when ABCG1-defi cient mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages were enriched with cholesterol. Our fi ndings show that generation of extracellular cholesterol microdomains is mediated by ABCG1 and that reverse cholesterol transport occurs not only at the cell surface but also within the extracellular space.
(2014) PHYSICA SCRIPTA. 89, 9, 098003. Abstract
Organisms form many different types of minerals, with diverse shapes and sizes. These minerals fulfill a variety of functions. Inspired by the late H A Lowenstam, Steve Weiner and Lia Addadi have addressed many questions that relate to the mechanisms by which biological organisms produce these mineral phases and how their structures relate to their functions. Addadi and Weiner have explored the manner in which macromolecules extracted from mineralized tissues can interact with some crystal planes and not others, how these macromolecules can be occluded inside the forming crystals residing preferentially on specific crystal planes, and how they can induce one polymorph of calcium carbonate and not another to nucleate. Addadi and Weiner have also identified a novel strategy used by the sea urchin to form its smooth and convoluted mineralized skeletal elements. The strategy involves the initial production by cells of a highly disordered mineral precursor phase in vesicles, and then the export of this so-called amorphous phase to the site of skeletal formation, where it crystallizes. This strategy is now known to be used by many different invertebrate phyla, as well as by vertebrates to build bones and teeth. One of the major current research aims of the Weiner - Addadi group is to understand the biomineralization pathways whereby ions are extracted from the environment, are transported and deposited inside cells within vesicles, how these disordered phases are then transferred to the site of skeletal formation, and finally how the so-called amorphous phase crystallizes. Biology has clearly evolved unique strategies for forming crystalline minerals. Despite more than 300 years of research in this field, many challenging questions still remain unanswered.
(2013) Angewandte Chemie (International ed.). 52, 18, p. 4867-4870 Abstract
An ugly duckling grows into a swan: Many organisms grow their crystalline mineral phases through the secondary nucleation of nanospheres made of an amorphous precursor phase. Stable amorphous calcium carbonate biominerals were used to induce a similar transformation in vitro. The amorphous nanospheres underwent a solidphase transformation that resulted in highly ordered calcite crystals composed of aggregated particles.
(2013) Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. 39, 2, p. 292-294 Abstract
An 86-year-old patient developed a significant intraocular inflammatory reaction after having phacoemulsification. Topical therapy did not eliminate the inflammation, and tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) was injected into the anterior chamber. A white corneal plaque appeared in the previously clear cornea within days of the injection. The lesion was diagnosed as calcific band keratopathy and successfully treated with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid chelation. Electron microscopy and elemental analysis of a corneal scraping from the lesion established its composition to be mainly calcium and phosphate, validating the diagnosis. This is the seventh reported case of rapid formation of calcific band keratopathy after tPA injection. The pathogenesis of this rare complication involves multiple factors, including alkalinization of the intraocular pH, increased phosphate concentration, and endothelial dysfunction. Financial Disclosure: No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned.
(2013) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 52, 1, p. 388-391 Abstract
Starting from disorder: Anhydrous guanine crystals compose the photonic arrays responsible for the skin and scale iridescence found in Japanese Koi fish. These guanine crystals were found to form in intracellular vesicles (see picture) through an amorphous precursor phase. A combined cryo-SEM and synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction study showed the evolution of the crystals in great detail.
(2012) Zeitschrift Fur Kristallographie. 227, 11, p. 711-717 Abstract
Heinz A. Lowenstam's discovery in 1967, together with Ken Towe that the magnetite mineral in mature chiton teeth forms from a disordered transient precursor phase, ferrihydrite, remained an isolated curiosity for 30 years. During the last 15 years, many more examples were found in both invertebrates and vertebrates, where the mature crystalline mineral phase is formed through a transient amorphous precursor phase. Here we review this widespread phenomenon, and also describe the details of the transformation process in the formation of the calcitic spicules of the sea urchin larva.We identify many open questions.
(2012) Chemistry-A European Journal. 18, 33, p. 10262-10270 Abstract
Plant cystoliths are mineralized objects that are formed by specialized cells in the leaves of certain plants. The main mineral component of cystoliths by volume is amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) and the minor component is silica. We show that the silica stalk is formed first and is essential for ACC formation. Furthermore, the cystolith is shown to be composed of four distinct mineral phases with different chemical properties: an almost pure silica phase grades into a Mg-rich silica phase. This Mg-rich silica is overlaid by a relatively stable ACC phase. A bulky and less stable ACC phase encapsulates the first ACC phase. This architecture poses interesting questions about the role of Mg in the silica phase and suggests a strategy for ACC stabilization that takes advantage of a precise regulation of the mineral-growth microenvironment. The fantastic four: Cystoliths are mineralized objects that are mainly composed of amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC), which is found in the leaves of several plants. They have a unique composition and architecture of four distinct amorphous phases. A Mg-rich silica phase is essential for the formation of two distinct ACC phases. The inner ACC phase has inherently higher stability, presumably required by the sequential formation mechanism.
(2012) Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 9, 72, p. 1599-1608 Abstract
Bone degradation by osteoclasts depends on the formation of a sealing zone, composed of an interlinked network of podosomes, which delimits the degradation lacuna intowhich osteoclasts secrete acid and proteolytic enzymes. For resorption to occur, the sealing zonemust be coherent and stable for extended periods of time. Using titanium roughness gradients ranging from 1 to 4.5 μm Raas substrates for osteoclast adhesion, we show that microtopographic obstacles of a length scale well beyond the range of the 'footprint' of an individual podosome can slow down sealing-zone expansion. A clear inverse correlation was found between ring stability, structural integrity and sealing-zone translocation rate. Direct live-cell microscopy indicated that the expansion of the sealing zone is locally arrested by steep, three-dimensional 'ridge-like barriers', running parallel to its perimeter. It was, however, also evident that the sealing zone can bypass such obstacles, if pulled by neighbouring regions, extending through flanking, obstacle-free areas. We propose that sealing-zone dynamics, while being locally regulated by surface roughness, are globally integrated via the associated actin cytoskeleton. The effect of substrate roughness on osteoclast behaviour is significant in relation to osteoclast function under physiological and pathological conditions, and may constitute an important consideration in the design of advanced bone replacements.
(2012) Biophysical Journal. 103, 2, p. 255-264 Abstract
Grazing incidence x-ray diffraction measurements were performed on single hydrated bilayers and monolayers of Ceramide/Cholesterol/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl- sn-glycero-3-phosphocyholine at varying concentrations. There are substantial differences in the phase and structure behavior of the crystalline domains formed within the bilayers relative to the corresponding monolayers, due to interactions between the opposing lipid leaflets. Depending on the lipid composition, these interactions lead to phase separation and formation of cholesterol crystals. The cholesterol and ceramide/cholesterol mixed phases were further characterized at 37°C by immunolabeling with specific antibodies recognizing ordered molecular arrays of cholesterol. Previous studies have shown that cholesterol may nucleate in artificial membranes to form thick two-dimensional bilayer crystals. The study herein demonstrates further growth of cholesterol into three-dimensional crystals. We believe that these results may provide further insight into the formation of cholesterol crystals in early stages of atherosclerosis inflammation.
(2012) Advanced Materials. 24, 10, p. OP77-OP83 Abstract
Cystoliths are amorphous calcium carbonate bodies that form in the leaves of some plant families. Cystoliths are regularly distributed in the epidermis and protrude into the photosynthetic tissue, the mesophyll. The photosynthetic pigments generate a steep light gradient in the leaf. Under most illumination regimes the outer mesophyll is light saturated, thus the photosynthetic apparatus is kinetically unable to use the excess light for photochemistry. Here we use micro-scale modulated fluorometry to demonstrate that light scattered by the cystoliths is distributed from the photosynthetically inefficient upper tissue to the efficient, but light deprived, lower tissue. The results prove that the presence of light scatterers reduces the steep light gradient, thus enabling the leaf to use the incoming light flux more efficiently. MicroCT and electron microscopy confirm that the spatial distribution of the minerals is compatible with their optical function. During the study we encountered large calcium oxalate druses in the same anatomical location as the cystoliths. These druses proved to have similar light scattering functions as the cystoliths. This study shows that certain minerals in the leaves of different plants distribute the light flux more evenly inside the leaf. Leaf minerals function as internal light scatterers inside leaves. They transfer light from the saturated upper tissue into the light deprived lower tissue. This eases the steep light gradient inside the leaf and improves photosynthetic efficiency on the tissue scale.
(2012) Journal of Cell Science. 125, 7, p. 1666-1672 Abstract
Summary Podosomes, which are formed by different monocyte derivatives, are small adhesion structures whose coordinated dynamics and cytoskeletal reorganization drive their motile and invasive features. Using live-cell microscopy, we explored the temporal molecular steps of the de novo assembly and disassembly of podosomes in cultured osteoclasts. We demonstrate here that the earliest visible step in podosome assembly is the local accumulation of the plaque protein paxillin, along with cortactin, which stabilizes actin networks, followed by robust polymerization of actin filaments and their association with α-actinin. Only then is a local increase in integrin β3 levels apparent in the podosome ring domain. Thus, local actin polymerization in cortactin- and paxillin-rich locations nucleates podosome assembly before the local accumulation of β3 integrin. We further show that actin polymerization is also important for the recruitment and maintenance of plaque proteins in the mature podosome ring domain. Our model implies that core bundle dynamics play a central role in regulating podosome stability.