

  1. Calinsky R. & Levy Y. (2024) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 128, 36, p. 8687-8700  Abstract
  2. Calinsky R. & Levy Y. (2024) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 15, p. 9419-9430  Abstract
  3. Kozell A., Solomonov A., Gaidarov R. et_al. (2024) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121, 34, e231551012.  Abstract
  4. Eilon-Ashkenazy M., Cohen-Dvashi H., Borni S., Shaked R., Calinsky R., Levy Y. & Diskin R. (2024) Nature Communications. 15, 7175.  Abstract
  5. Rogoulenko E. & Levy Y. (2024) Nucleic Acids Research. 52, 12, p. 6763-6776  Abstract
  6. Calinsky R. & Levy Y. (2024) Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation.  Abstract
  7. Chappleboim M., Naveh-Tassa S., Carmi M., Levy Y. & Barkai N. (2024) Nucleic Acids Research. 52, 10, p. 5720-5731  Abstract
  8. Pangeni S., Biswas G., Kaushik V. et_al. (2024) Journal of Molecular Biology. 436, 6, 168491.  Abstract


  1. Hazra M. K., Gilron Y. & Levy Y. (2023) Journal of Molecular Biology. 435, 17, 168196.  Abstract
  2. Hazra M. K. & Levy Y. (2023) The journal of physical chemistry letters. 14, 38, p. 8460-8469  Abstract
  3. Aerssens D., Miret-Casals L., Gomez D., Sousa-Neves D., Levy Y., De Vleesschouwer M., Manicardi A. & Madder A. (2023) Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 21, 27, p. 5648-5657  Abstract
  4. Wang X., Bigman L. S., Greenblatt H. M., Yu B., Levy Y. & Iwahara J. (2023) Nucleic Acids Research. 51, 10, p. 4701-4712  Abstract
  5. Bigman L. S. & Levy Y. (2023) Annual Review of Biophysics. 52, p. 463-486  Abstract
  6. Bigman L. S. & Levy Y. (2023) Biomolecules (Basel, Switzerland). 13, 2, 363.  Abstract


  1. Guo C., Gavrilov Y., Gupta S., Bendikov T., Levy Y., Vilan A., Pecht I., Sheves M. & Cahen D. (2022) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 24, 47, p. 28878-28885  Abstract
  2. Eliaz D., Paul S., Benyamin D. et_al. (2022) Nature Communications. 13, 1, 7856.  Abstract
  3. Lüking M., Elf J. & Levy Y. (2022) The journal of physical chemistry. B. 126, 48, p. 9971-9984  Abstract
  4. Seal M., Weil-Ktorza O., Despotovic D., Tawfik D., Levy K., Metanis N., Longo L. & Goldfarb D. (2022) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 144, 31, p. 14150-14160  Abstract
  5. Bigman L. S., Iwahara J. & Levy Y. (2022) Journal of Molecular Biology. 434, 14, 167660.  Abstract
  6. Hazra M. K. & Levy Y. (2022) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS. 119, 26, e212045611.  Abstract


  1. Wang X., Greenblatt H. M., Bigman L. S., Yu B., Pletka C. C., Levy Y. & Iwahara J. (2021) Journal of Molecular Biology. 433, 18, 167122.  Abstract
  2. Kamagata K., Iwaki N., Hazra M. K. et_al. (2021) Scientific Reports. 11, 19323.  Abstract
  3. Bigman L. S. & Levy Y. (2021) Journal of Molecular Biology. 433, 13, 166988.  Abstract
  4. Bigman L. S., Greenblatt H. M. & Levy Y. (2021) Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 125, 12, p. 3119-3131  Abstract
  5. Hazra M. K. & Levy Y. (2021) Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 125, 9, p. 2202-2211  Abstract


  1. Pal A., Greenblatt H. M. & Levy Y. (2020) Biochemistry. 59, 51, p. 4822-4832  Abstract
  2. Javitt G., Khmelnitsky L., Albert L. et_al. (2020) Cell. 183, 3, p. 717-729.e16  Abstract
  3. Greenblatt H. M., Rozenberg H., Daitchman D. & Levy Y. (2020) Nature Communications. 11, 1, 5000.  Abstract
  4. Hazra M. K. & Levy Y. (2020) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 22, 34, p. 19368-19375  Abstract
  5. Friedman R. & Levy Y. (2020) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 7, p. 654-654  Abstract
  6. Bigman L. S. & Levy Y. (2020) Biophysical Journal. 118, 12, p. 3008-3018  Abstract
  7. Bigman L. S. & Levy Y. (2020) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 7, p. 705-712  Abstract
  8. Pal A. & Levy Y. (2020) PLoS Computational Biology. 16, 5, 1007867.  Abstract
  9. Bigman L. S. & Levy Y. (2020) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 117, 16, p. 8876-8883  Abstract
  10. Bigman L. S. & Levy Y. (2020) Current Opinion in Structural Biology. 60, p. 50-56  Abstract
  11. Mishra G., Bigman L. S. & Levy Y. (2020) Nucleic Acids Research. 48, 4, p. 1701-1714  Abstract


  1. Colizzi F., Perez-Gonzalez C., Fritzen R., Levy Y., White M. F., Penedo J. C. & Bussi G. (2019) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116, 45, p. 22471-22477  Abstract
  2. Leven I. & Levy Y. (2019) Nucleic Acids Research. 47, 11, p. 5530-5538  Abstract
  3. Shulman A., Katz M., Cohen-Dvashi H., Greenblatt H. M., Levy Y. & Diskin R. (2019) Journal of Molecular Biology. 431, 11, p. 2095-2111  Abstract
  4. Pal A. & Levy Y. (2019) PLoS Computational Biology. 15, 4, 1006768.  Abstract
  5. Gomez D., Gavrilov Y. & Levy Y. (2019) Biophysical Journal. 116, 7, p. 1228-1238  Abstract
  6. Banerjee A., Levy Y. & Mitra P. (2019) Journal of Proteome Research. 18, 3, p. 1402-1410  Abstract
  7. Geraldine R. Levy; Koning Shen; Yulian Gavrilov; Pieter E. S. Smith; Yaakov Levy; Rebecca Chan; Judith Frydman; Lucio Frydman (2019) ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 10, 1, p. 472-481  Abstract


  1. Gavrilov Y., Dagan S., Reich Z., Scherf T. & Levy Y. (2018) Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 122, 48, p. 10855-10860  Abstract
  2. Bigman L. S. & Levy Y. (2018) Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 122, 49, p. 11450-11459  Abstract
  3. Bigman L. S. & Levy Y. (2018) Chemical Physics. 514, p. 95-105  Abstract
  4. Szekely O., Armony G., Olsen G. L., Bigman L. S., Levy Y., Fass D. & Frydman L. (2018) Biochemistry. 57, 32, p. 4776-4787  Abstract
  5. Daitchman D., Greenblatt H. M. & Levy Y. (2018) Nucleic Acids Research. 46, 12, p. 5935-5949  Abstract


  1. Mukherjee G., Pal A. & Levy Y. (2017) Molecular BioSystems. 13, 12, p. 2697-2703  Abstract
  2. Krepel D. & Levy Y. (2017) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 19, 45, p. 30562-30569  Abstract
  3. Levy Y. (2017) Biochemistry. 56, 38, p. 5040-5048  Abstract
  4. Chuartzman S. G., Nevo R., Waichman S., Shental D., Piehler J., Levy Y., Reich Z. & Kapon R. (2017) PLoS ONE. 12, 4, e0175413.  Abstract
  5. Gavrilov Y., Leuchter J. D. & Levy Y. (2017) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 19, 12, p. 8243-8257  Abstract


  1. Krepel D. & Levy Y. (2016) JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL. 49, 49, 494003.  Abstract
  2. Armony G., Jacob E., Moran T., Levin Y., Mehlman T., Levy Y. & Fass D. (2016) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113, 47, p. 13384-13389  Abstract
  3. Krepel D., Gomez D., Klumpp S. & Levy Y. (2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 120, 43, p. 11113-11122  Abstract
  4. Bhattacherjee A., Krepel D. & Levy Y. (2016) Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Computational Molecular Science. 6, 5, p. 515-531  Abstract
  5. Eckshtain-Levi M., Capua E., Refaely-Abramson S. et_al. (2016) Nature Communications. 7, 10744.  Abstract


  1. Gavrilov Y., Dagan S. & Levy Y. (2015) Proteins. 83, 12, p. 2137-2146  Abstract
  2. Gavrilov Y., Levy Y. & Hagai T. (2015) Protein Science. 24, 10, p. 1580-1592  Abstract
  3. Varadi M., Zsolyomi F., Guharoy M., Tompa P. & Levy Y. K. (2015) PLoS ONE. 10, 10, e139731.  Abstract
  4. Sokolovski M., Bhattacherjee A., Kessler N., Levy Y. & Horovitz A. (2015) Biophysical Journal. 109, 6, p. 1157-1162  Abstract
  5. Zandarashvili L., Esadze A., Vuzman D., Kemme C. A., Levy Y. & Iwahara J. (2015) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112, 37, p. E5142-E5149  Abstract
  6. Gavrilov Y., Shental-Bechor D., Greenblatt H. M. & Levy Y. (2015) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 6, 18, p. 3572-3577  Abstract
  7. Sepunaru L., Refaely-Abramson S., Lovrincic R. et_al. (2015) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137, 30, p. 9617-9626  Abstract
  8. Mishra G. & Levy Y. (2015) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112, 16, p. 5033-5038  Abstract
  9. Marcovitz A., Naftaly A. & Levy Y. (2015) Journal of Chemical Physics. 142, 8, 085102.  Abstract
  10. Levy Y. (2015) Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics. 33 , Suppl 1, p. 9  Abstract


  1. Lawrence P. B., Gavrilov Y., Matthews S. S. et_al. (2014) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 136, 50, p. 17547-17560  Abstract
  2. Bhattacherjee A. & Levy Y. (2014) Nucleic Acids Research. 42, 20, p. 12404-12414  Abstract
  3. Bhattacherjee A. & Levy Y. (2014) Nucleic Acids Research. 42, 20, p. 12415-12424  Abstract
  4. Levy Y. & Skolnick J. (2014) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 54, 9-Aug, p. 1039-1041  Abstract
  5. Vuzman D. & Levy Y. (2014) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 54, 8-9, p. 1374-1381  Abstract


  1. Marcovitz A. & Levy Y. (2013) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 117, 42, p. 13005-13014  Abstract
  2. Khazanov N., Marcovitz A. & Levy Y. (2013) Biochemistry. 52, 32, p. 5335-5344  Abstract
  3. Dagan S., Hagai T., Gavrilov Y., Kapon R., Levy Y. & Reich Z. (2013) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110, 26, p. 10628-10633  Abstract
  4. Marcovitz A. & Levy Y. (2013) Biophysical Journal. 104, 9, p. 2042-2050  Abstract
  5. Iwahara J. & Levy Y. (2013) Transcription. 4, 2, p. 58-61  Abstract


  1. Arviv O. & Levy Y. (2012) Proteins-Structure Function And Bioinformatics. 80, 12, p. 2780-2798  Abstract
  2. DANA VUZMAN; YONIT HOFFMAN; YAAKOV LEVY (2012) Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. 17, p. 188-199  Abstract
  3. Berko D., Tabachnick-Cherny S., Shental-Bechor D. et_al. (2012) Molecular Cell. 48, 4, p. 601-611  Abstract
  4. Shental-Bechor D., Smith M. T. J., MacKenzie D. et_al. (2012) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109, 44, p. 17839-17844  Abstract
  5. Hagai T., Azia A., Trizac E. & Levy Y. (2012) Biophysical Journal. 103, 7, p. 1555-1565  Abstract
  6. Hagai T., Toth-Petroczy A., Azia A. & Levy Y. (2012) Molecular BioSystems. 8, 7, p. 1865-1877  Abstract
  7. Zandarashvili L., Vuzman D., Esadze A., Takayama Y., Sahu D., Levy Y. & Iwahara J. (2012) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109, 26, p. E1724-E1732  Abstract
  8. Vuzman D., Hoffman Y. & Levy Y. (2012) Biocomputing 2012. p. 188-199  Abstract
  9. Vuzman D. & Levy Y. (2012) Molecular BioSystems. 8, 1, p. 47-57  Abstract
  10. Marcovitz A. & Levy Y. (2012) Innovations in Biomolecular Modeling and Simulations. Schlick T.(eds.). Vol. 2. p. 236-262  Abstract


  1. Marcovitz A. & Levy Y. (2011) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108, 44, p. 17957-17962  Abstract
  2. Shental-Bechor D. & Levy Y. (2011) Journal of Chemical Physics. 135, 14, 141104.  Abstract
  3. Hagai T., Azia A., Toth-Petroczy A. & Levy Y. (2011) Journal of Molecular Biology. 412, 3, p. 319-324  Abstract
  4. Khazanov N. & Levy Y. (2011) Journal of Molecular Biology. 408, 2, p. 335-355  Abstract
  5. Fridkin G., Maina T., Nock B. A. et_al. (2011) Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 19, 2, p. 798-806  Abstract


  1. Vuzman D. & Levy Y. (2010) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107, 49, p. 21004-21009  Abstract
  2. Price J. L., Shental-Bechor D., Dhar A., Turner M. J., Powers E. T., Gruebele M., Levy Y. & Kelly J. W. (2010) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132, 43, p. 15359-15367  Abstract
  3. Vuzman D., Polonsky M. & Levy Y. (2010) Biophysical Journal. 99, 4, p. 1202-1211  Abstract
  4. Grossman M., Tworowski D., Dym O., Lee M., Levy Y., Murphy G. & Sagi I. (2010) Biochemistry. 49, 29, p. 6184-6192  Abstract
  5. Trizac E., Levy Y. & Wolynes P. G. (2010) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107, 7, p. 2746-2750  Abstract
  6. Hagai T. & Levy Y. (2010) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107, 5, p. 2001-2006  Abstract
  7. Vuzman D., Azia A. & Levy Y. (2010) Journal of Molecular Biology. 396, 3, p. 674-684  Abstract
  8. Shental-Bechor D., Arviv O., Hagai T. & Levy Y. (2010) Annual Reports In Computational Chemistry. C ed. Vol. 6. p. 263-277  Abstract


  1. Rahat O., Alon U., Levy Y. & Schreiber G. (2009) Bioinformatics. 25, 22, p. 2921-2928  Abstract
  2. Shental-Bechor D. & Levy Y. (2009) Current Opinion in Structural Biology. 19, 5, p. 524-533  Abstract
  3. Toth-Petroczy A., Simon I., Fuxreiter M. & Levy Y. (2009) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 131, 42, p. 15084-15085  Abstract
  4. Azia A. & Levy Y. (2009) Journal of Molecular Biology. 393, 2, p. 527-542  Abstract
  5. Wang W., Xu W., Levy Y., Trizac E. & Wolynes P. G. (2009) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106, 14, p. 5517-5522  Abstract
  6. Marcovitz A. & Levy Y. (2009) Biophysical Journal. 96, 10, p. 4212-4220  Abstract
  7. Ben David D. M., Noivirt-Brik O., Paz A., Prilusky J., Sussman J. & Levy Y. (2009) Proteins-Structure Function And Bioinformatics. 77, SUPPL. 9, p. 50-65  Abstract
  8. Givaty O. & Levy Y. (2009) Journal of Molecular Biology. 385, 4, p. 1087-1097  Abstract
  9. Cho S. S., Levy Y. & Wolynes P. G. (2009) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106, 2, p. 434-439  Abstract


  1. Mor A., Haran G. & Levy Y. (2008) HFSP Journal. 2, 6, p. 405-415  Abstract
  2. Hagai T. & Levy Y. (2008) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 130, 43, p. 14253-14262  Abstract
  3. Mor A., Ziv G. & Levy Y. (2008) Journal of Computational Chemistry. 29, 12, p. 1992-1998  Abstract
  4. Shental-Bechor D. & Levy Y. (2008) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105, 24, p. 8256-8261  Abstract
  5. Broglia R. A., Levy Y. & Tiana G. (2008) Current Opinion in Structural Biology. 18, 1, p. 60-66  Abstract


  1. Schug A., Whitford P. C., Levy Y. & Onuchic J. N. (2007) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104, 45, p. 17674-17679  Abstract
  2. Whitford P. C., Miyashita O., Levy Y. & Onuchic J. N. (2007) Journal of Molecular Biology. 366, 5, p. 1661-1671  Abstract
  3. Levy Y. & Onuchic J. N. (2007) FRONTIERS OF COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE. Kawamura H., Sasai M. & Kaneda Y.(eds.). p. 37-+  Abstract
  4. Levy Y., Onuchic J. N. & Wolynes P. G. (2007) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 129, 4, p. 738-739  Abstract


  1. Mingfeng Yang; Boyan Yordanov; Yaakov Levy; Rafael Bruschweiler; Shuanghong Huo (2006) Biochemistry. 45, 39, p. 11992-12002  Abstract
  2. B Robert Simler; Yaakov Levy; Jose N Onuchic; C Robert Matthews (2006) Journal of Molecular Biology. 363, 1, p. 262-278  Abstract
  3. Levy Y., Last I. & Jortner J. (2006) Molecular Physics. 104, 8, p. 1227-1237  Abstract
  4. Joshua Jortner; Isidore Last; Yaakov Levy (2006) International Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 249-250, p. 184-190  Abstract
  5. Yaakov Levy; Jose N. Onuchic (2006) Accounts of Chemical Research. 39, 2, p. 135-142  Abstract
  6. Levy Y. & Onuchic J. N. (2006) Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure. 35, p. 389-415  Abstract
  7. Cho S. S., Levy Y. & Wolynes P. G. (2006) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103, 3, p. 586-591  Abstract


  1. Last I., Levy Y. & Jortner J. (2005) Journal of Chemical Physics. 123, 15, 154301.  Abstract
  2. Samuel S. Cho; Yaakov Levy; Jose N. Onuchic; Peter G. Wolynes (2005) Physical Biology. 2, 2, p. S44-S55  Abstract
  3. Levy Y., Cho S., Onuchic J. & Wolynes P. (2005) Journal of Molecular Biology. 346, 4, p. 1121-1145  Abstract
  4. Levy Y., Cho S., Shen T., Onuchic J. & Wolynes P. (2005) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Physical Sciences. 102, 7, p. 2373-2378  Abstract


  1. Yaakov Levy; Garegin A. Papoian; Jose N. Onuchic; Peter G. Wolynes (2004) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 44, p. 281-297  Abstract
  2. Sichun Yang; Samuel S. Cho; Yaakov Levy; Margaret S. Cheung; Herbert Levine; Peter G. Wolynes; Jose N. Onuchic (2004) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101, 38, p. 13786-13791  Abstract
  3. Levy Y., Caflisch A., Onuchic J. & Wolynes P. (2004) Journal of Molecular Biology. 340, 1, p. 67-79  Abstract
  4. Levy Y. & Onuchic J. (2004) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Physical Sciences. 101, 10, p. 3325-3326  Abstract
  5. Levy Y., Wolynes P. & Onuchic J. (2004) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Physical Sciences. 101, 2, p. 511-516  Abstract


  1. Levy Y. & Caflisch A. (2003) Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 107, 13, p. 3068-3079  Abstract
  2. Florin Despa; Ariel Fernandez; R. Stephen Berry; Yaakov Levy; Joshua Jortner (2003) The Journal of chemical physics. 118, 12, p. 5673-5682  Abstract


  1. Last I., Levy Y. & Jortner J. (2002) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 99, 14, p. 9107-9112  Abstract
  2. Levy Y. & Becker O. M. (2002) Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics. 47, 4, p. 458-468  Abstract
  3. Levy Y., Jortner J. & Berry R. (2002) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 4, 20, p. 5052-5058  Abstract


  1. Levy Y., Jortner J. & Becker O. (2001) Journal of Chemical Physics. 115, 22, p. 10533-10547  Abstract
  2. Yaakov Levy; Eilat Hanan; Beka Solomon; Oren M. Becker (2001) Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics. 45, 4, p. 382-396  Abstract
  3. Levy Y., Jortner J. & Becker O. (2001) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Physical Sciences. 98, 5, p. 2188-2193  Abstract
  4. The Transitional Isoform of Wild-Type and Mutant Prion Proteins:: Insights from Energy Landscape Analysis
    Levy Y. & Becker O. M. (2001) Conformational Diseases - A Compendium. Taraboulos A.., Solomon B.. & Katchalski-Katzir E.(eds.).  Abstract
  5. Levy Y. & Becker O. (2001) Journal of Chemical Physics. 114, 2, p. 993-1009  Abstract


  1. Becker O., Levy Y. & Ravitz O. (2000) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 104, 9, p. 2123-2135  Abstract


  1. Levy Y. & Becker O. (1998) Physical Review Letters. 81, 5, p. 1126-1129  Abstract