(2022) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 62, 3-4, e202100072. Abstract
Several nanotubular structures from chalcogenide-based misfit layer compounds (MLC) were reported in recent years. MLCs consist of a stacking of two alternating and dissimilar (2D) atomic layers, e. g. one with rocksalt structure (MX) and the other- TX2 with hexagonal layer structure. The layers are held together by weak van der Waals forces, i. e. they can be exfoliated with scotch-tape. Furthermore, in analogy to intercalation compounds, partial charge transfer between the layers with dissimilar work function results also in polar forces between the MX and TX2 layers. The mismatch between the alternating (asymmetric) layers and the seaming of the dangling bonds at the edges drives them to form tubular (and also scroll-like) structures. New structural characterization whereby the nanotubes were bisected into lamella via focused ion beam and examined by TEM, are reported.
(2020) Applied Physics Reviews. 7, 4, 041401. Abstract
For nanoparticles with sub-10 nm diameter, the electronic bandgap becomes size dependent due to quantum confinement; this, in turn, affects their electro-optical properties. Thereby, MoS2 and WS2 monolayers acquire luminescent capability, due to the confinement-induced indirect-to-direct bandgap transition. Rolling up of individual layers results in single wall inorganic nanotubes (SWINTs). Up to the present study, their luminescence properties were expected to be auspicious but were limited to theoretical investigations only, due to the scarcity of SWINTs and the difficulties in handling them. By optimizing the conditions in the plasma reactor, relatively high yields of WS2 SWINTs 3-7 nm in diameter were obtained in this work, compared to previous reports. A correlative approach, transmission electron microscopy coupled with a scanning electron microscope, was adapted to overcome handling obstacles and for testing individual nanotubes by low-temperature cathodoluminescence. Clear cathodoluminescence spectra were obtained from WS2-SWINTs and compared with those of WS2 multiwall nanotubes and the corresponding bulk material. Uniquely, the optical properties of INTs acquired from cathodoluminescence were governed by the opposite impact from quantum size effect and strain in the bent triple S-W-S layers. The experimental findings were confirmed by the Density Functional and Time-Dependent Density Functional theoretical modeling of monolayer and bilayer nanotubes of different chiralities and diameters. This study provides experimental evidence of the quantum confinement effect in WS2 SWINTs akin to WS2 monolayer. The ability to tune the electronic structure with morphology or number of layers may be exploited toward photoelectrochemical water splitting with WS2 catalysts, devising field effect transistors, photodetectors, and so on.
(2020) ACS Nano. 14, 5, p. 5445-5458 Abstract
We present the analysis of a family of nanotubes (NTs) based on the quaternary misfit layered compound (MLC) YxLa1-xS-TaS2. The NTs were successfully synthesized within the whole range of possible compositions via the chemical vapor transport technique. In-depth analysis of the NTs using electron microscopy and spectroscopy proves the in-phase (partial) substitution of La by Y in the (La,Y)S subsystem and reveals structural changes compared to the previously reported LaS-TaS2 MLC-NTs. The observed structure can be linked to the slightly different lattice parameters of LaS and YS. Raman spectroscopy and infrared transmission measurements reveal the tunability of the plasmonic and vibrational properties. Density-functional theory calculations showed that the YxLa1-xS-TaS2 MLCs are stable in all compositions. Moreover, the calculations indicated that substitution of La by Sc atoms is electronically not favorable, which explains our failed attempt to synthesize these MLC and NTs thereof.
(2020) Journal of Materials Science. 55, 2, p. 535-544 Abstract
Nanodiamonds (NDs) were synthesized under atmospheric conditions by heating a precursor powder mixture consisting of naphthalene and a microwave (MW) absorbing material inside an ordinary MW oven for 10 min. Pyrolysis of naphthalene led to the formation of onion-like carbon particles which then converted to NDs after prolonged MW irradiation. Different carbon-based materials like graphite, carbon black, graphene, and carbon nanotubes were used as microwave radiation absorbers that assisted in the dissociation of naphthalene and formation of NDs. ND particles were formed in both isolated as well as aggregated forms. Size of the particles ranged from 2 to 700 nm. Scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis were used to characterize the NDs present in the MW-synthesized product. The proposed MW-based ND synthesis technique is simple, fast, inexpensive, energy efficient and could be suitable for industrial scale production.
(2019) ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2, 8, p. 6043-6050 Abstract[All authors]
Core-shell nanoparticles provide a unique morphology to exploit electronic interactions between dissimilar materials, conferring upon them new or improved functionalities. MoS2 is a layered transition-metal disulfide that has been studied extensively for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) but still suffers from low electrocatalytic activity due to its poor electronic conductivity. To understand the fundamental aspects of the MoS2-Au hybrids with regard to their electrocatalytic activity, a single to a few layers of MoS2 were deposited over Au nanoparticles via a versatile procedure that allows for complete encapsulation of Au nanoparticles of arbitrary geometries. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy of the Au@MoS2 nanoparticles provides direct evidence for the core-shell morphology and also reveals the presence of morphological defects and irregularities in the MoS2 shell that are known to be more active for HER than the pristine MoS2 basal plane. Electrochemical measurements show a significant improvement in the HER activity of AugMoS(2) nanoparticles relative to freestanding MoS2 or Au-decorated MoS2. The best electrochemical performance was demonstrated by the Au nanostars-the largest Au core employed here-encapsulated in a MoS2 shell. Density-functional theory calculations show that charge transfer occurs from the Au to the MoS2 layers, producing a more conductive catalyst layer and a better electrode for electrochemical HER The strategies to further improve the catalytic properties of such hybrid nanoparticles are discussed.
(2018) Advanced Materials. 30, 51, 1805179. Abstract
Due to their distinctive electronic, optical, and chemical properties, metal nanoplates represent important building blocks for creating functional superstructures. Here, a general deposition method for synthesizing Ag nanoplate architectures, which is compatible with a wide substrate range (flexible, curved, or recessed; consisting of carbon, silicon, metals, oxides, or polymers) is reported. By adjusting the reaction conditions, nucleation can be triggered in the bulk solution, on seeds and by electrodeposition, allowing the production of nanoplate suspensions as well as direct surface modification with open-porous nanoplate films. The latter are fully percolated, possess a large, easily accessible surface, a defined nanostructure with {111} basal planes, and expose defect-rich, particularly reactive edges in high density, making them compelling platforms for heterogeneous catalysis, and electro- and flow chemistry. This potential is showcased by exploring the catalytic performance of the nanoplates in the reduction of carbon dioxide, 4-nitrophenol, and hydrogen peroxide, devising two types of microreactors, and by tuning the nanoplate functionality with derivatization reactions.
(2018) Chemistry of Materials. 30, 24, p. 8829-8842 Abstract
Misfit layered compounds (MLC) with the composition (LaS)(1.15)TaS2 (for simplicity denoted as LaS-TaS2) and LaS-NbS2 were prepared and studied in the past. Nanotubes of LaS-TaS2 could be easily synthesized, while tubular structure of the LaS-NbS2 were found to be rather rare in the product. To understand this riddle, quaternary alloys of LaS-NbxTa(1-x)S2 with ascending Nb concentration were prepared herein in the form of nanotubes (and platelets). Not surprisingly, the concentration of these quaternary nanotubes shrank (and the relative density of platelets increased) with increasing Nb content in the precursor. The structure and chemical composition of such nanotubes was elucidated by electron microscopy. Conceivably, the TaS2 in the MLC compounds LnS-TaS2 (Ln = lanthanide atom) crystallizes in the 2H polytype. High resolution transmission electron microscopy showed however that, invariably, MLC nanotubes prepared from 80 at% Nb content in the precursor belonged to the 1T polytype. Raman spectroscopy of individual tubes revealed that up to 60 at% Nb, they obey the standard model of MLC, while higher Nb lead to large deviations, which are discussed in brief. The analysis indicated also that such nanotubes do not exhibit the pattern assigned to charge density wave transition so typical for binary 1T-TaS2. The prospect for revealing interesting quasi-1D behavior of such quaternary nanotubes is also briefly discussed.
[All authors] -
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanotubes from Misfit (LnS)(1+y)TaS2 (Ln=Pr, Sm, Gd, Yb) Compounds(2018) Chemistry-A European Journal. 24, 44, p. 11354-11363 Abstract
The synthesis and characterization of nanotubes from misfit layered compounds (MLCs) of the type (LnS)(1+y)TaS2 (denoted here as LnS-TaS2; Ln=Pr, Sm, Gd, and Yb), not reported before, are described (the bulk compound YbS-LaS2 was not previously documented). Transmission electron microscopy and selected area electron diffraction showed that the interlayer spacing along the c axis decreased with an increase in the atomic number of the lanthanide atom, which suggested tighter interaction between the LnS layer and TaS2 for the late lanthanides. The Raman spectra of the tubules were studied and compared to those of the bulk MLC compounds. Similar to the bulk MLCs, the Raman spectra could be divided into the low-frequency modes (110-150cm(-1)) of the LnS lattice and the high-frequency modes (250-400cm(-1)) of the TaS2 lattice. The Raman spectra indicated that the vibrational lattice modes of the strained layers in the tubes were stiffer than those in the bulk compounds. Furthermore, the modes of the late lanthanides were higher in energy than those of the earlier lanthanides, which suggested larger charge transfer between the LnS and TaS2 layers for the late lanthanides. Polarized Raman measurements showed the expected binodal intensity profile (antenna effect). The intensity ratio of the Raman signal showed that the E-2g mode of TaS2 was more sensitive to the light-polarization effect than its A(1g) mode. These nanotubes are expected to reveal interesting low-temperature quasi-1D transport behavior.
(2018) ACS Omega. 3, 6, p. 6533-6539 Abstract
In this paper, we demonstrate the formation of hybrid nanostructures consisting of two distinctive components mainly in a one-to-one ratio. Thermolysis of inorganic nanotubes (INT) and closed-cage, inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles decorated with a dense coating of metallic nanoparticles (M = Au, Ag, Pd) results in migration of relatively small NPs or surface-enhanced diffusion of atoms or clusters, generating larger particles (ripening). AuNP growth on the surface of INTs has been captured in real time using in situ electron microscopy measurements. Reaction of the AuNP-decorated INTs with an alkylthiol results in a chemically induced NP fusion process at room temperature. The NPs do not dissociate from the surfaces of the INTs and IFs, but for proximate IFs we observed fusion between AuNPs originating from different IFs.
(2018) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 122, 23, p. 12413-12420 Abstract
The surface-guided growth of horizontal nanowires (NWs) allows assembly and alignment of the NWs on the substrate during the synthesis, thus eliminating the need for additional processes after growth. One of the major advantages of guided growth over postgrowth assembly is the control on the NWs direction, crystallographic orientation, and position. In this study, we use the guided growth approach to synthesize high-quality, single-crystal, aligned horizontal ZnS NWs on flat and faceted sapphire surfaces, and show how the crystal planes of the different substrates affects the crystal structure and orientation of the NWs. We also show initial results of the effect of Cu doping on their photoluminescence. Such high-quality aligned ZnS NWs can potentially be assembled as key components in phosphorescent displays and markers due to their unique optical properties. The ZnS NWs have either wurtzite or zinc-blende structure depending on the substrate orientations and contain intrinsic point defects such as sulfur vacancies, which are common in this material. The crystallographic orientations are consistent with those of guided NWs from other semiconductor materials, demonstrating the generality of the guided growth phenomenon. The successfully grown ZnS NWs and the Cu doping are the first step toward the fabrication of optoelectronic devices based on ZnS nanostructures.
(2018) Advanced Materials. 30, 20, 1800413. Abstract
1D core-shell heterojunction nanostructures have great potential for high-performance, compact optoelectronic devices owing to their high interface area to volume ratio, yet their bottom-up assembly toward scalable fabrication remains a challenge. Here the site-controlled growth of aligned CdS-CdSe core-shell nanowalls is reported by a combination of surface-guided vaporliquid-solid horizontal growth and selective-area vapor-solid epitaxial growth, and their integration into photodetectors at wafer-scale without postgrowth transfer, alignment, or selective shell-etching steps. The photocurrent response of these nanowalls is reduced to 200 ns with a gain of up to 3.8 x 10(3) and a photoresponsivity of 1.2 x 10(3) A W-1, the fastest response at such a high gain ever reported for photodetectors based on compound semiconductor nanostructures. The simultaneous achievement of sub-microsecond response and high-gain photocurrent is attributed to the virtues of both the epitaxial CdS-CdSe heterojunction and the enhanced charge-separation efficiency of the core-shell nanowall geometry. Surface-guided nanostructures are promising templates for wafer-scale fabrication of self-aligned core-shell nanostructures toward scalable fabrication of high-performance compact photodetectors from the bottom-up.
(2018) Particle and Particle Systems Characterization. 35, 3, 1700165. Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like closed-cage nanoparticles of MoS2 and WS2 (IF-MoS2; IF-WS2), are synthesized in substantial amounts and their properties are widely studied. Their superior tribological properties led to large scale commercial applications as solid lubricants in numerous products and technologies. Doping of these nanoparticles can be used to tune their physical properties. In the current work, niobium (Nb) doping of the nanoparticles is accomplished to an unprecedented low level (
[All authors] -
(2018) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 122, 12, p. 6748-6759 Abstract
We report here a unique and efficient methodology for the surface functionalization of closed-cage inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles and inorganic nanotubes (INTs) composed of two-dimensional nanomaterials of transition-metal chalcogenides (MS
2; M = W or Mo). The first step is the physical coverage of these robust inorganic materials with monodispersed and dense monolayers of gold, silver, and palladium nanoparticles. The structural continuity at the interface between the IF/INT and the metallic nanoparticles is investigated. Lattice matching between these nanocrystalline materials and strong chemical affinity lead to efficient binding of the metallic nanoparticles onto the outer sulfide layer of the MS
2-based structures. It is shown that this functionalization results in narrowing of the IF/INT optical band gap, increased work function, and improved surface-enhanced Raman scattering. In the second step, functionalization of the surface-bound nanoparticles is carried out by a ligand-exchange reaction. This ligand exchange involving the tetraoctylammonium bromide capping layer and an alkyl thiol enhances the solubility (∼10×) of the otherwise nearly insoluble materials in organic solvents. The scope of this method is further demonstrated by introducing a ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complex on the surface of the surface-bound AuNPs to generate fluorescent multicomponent materials.[All authors] -
(2018) Electrochimica Acta. 264, p. 233-243 Abstract
Metal nanoplatelets (NPLs) display an important class of nanomaterials, whose morphological diversity is limited due to the uniform mechanisms governing their growth. Here, we introduce a new electroless plating (EP) strategy based on a metal complex surfactant, which is capable of producing a variety of previously undescribed silver NPL architectures. Our NPL formation can be understood as a unique example of space-filling dendritic growth. Likewise to conventional colloidal syntheses, in-plane growth is promoted by stacking faults, while out-of-plane growth on {111} is efficiently suppressed. Remarkably, the passivation extends to the nanostructure edges, limiting in-plane growth to random, localized nucleation events, which constantly change direction within a privileged set of six vectors. Out-of-plane growth proceeds discontinuously, by the formation of separate NPL layers with the same morphology. The nucleation probabilities change throughout the reaction, causing the deposit morphology to transition from individual nanobelts (NBs) over NPLs to porous dendrite-like sheets, under retention of the internal nanostructure. The synthesis is facile, scalable, tunable and applicable to various substrate materials, and thus represents a powerful tool for the direct modification of surfaces with anisotropic nanostructures. (c) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
(2018) Langmuir. 34, 7, p. 2464-2470 Abstract
We report here a new methodology for the formation of freestanding nanotubes composed of individual gold nanoparticles (NPs) cross-linked by coordination complexes or porphyrin molecules using WS
2 nanotubes (INT-WS
2) as a template. Our method consists of three steps: (i) coverage of these robust inorganic materials with monodispersed and dense monolayers of gold NPs, (ii) formation of a molecular AuNP network by exposing these decorated tubes to solutions containing a ruthenium polypyridyl complex or meso-tetra(4-pyridyl)porphyrin, and (iii) removal of the INT-WS
2 template with a hydrogen peroxide solution. Nanoindentation of the template-free AuNP tubes with atomic force microscopy indicates a radial elastic modulus of 4 GPa. The template-free molecular AuNP tubes are characterized using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and micro-Raman spectroscopy. The methodology provides a convenient and scalable strategy for the realization of molecular AuNP tubes with a defined length and diameter, depending on the dimensions of the template. -
(2018) Nano Letters. 18, 1, p. 424-433 Abstract
All-inorganic lead halide perovskite nanowires have been the focus of increasing interest since they exhibit improved stability compared to their hybrid organic inorganic counterparts, while retaining their interesting optical and optoelectronic properties. Arrays of surface-guided nanowires with controlled orientations and morphology are promising as building blocks for various applications and for systematic research. We report the horizontal and aligned growth of CsPbBr3 nanowires with a uniform crystallographic orientation on flat and faceted sapphire surfaces to form arrays with 6-fold and 2-fold symmetries, respectively, along specific directions of the sapphire substrate. We observed waveguiding behavior and diameter-dependent photoluminescence emission well beyond the quantum confinement regime. The arrays were easily integrated into multiple devices, displaying p-type behavior and photoconductivity. Photodetectors based on those nanowires exhibit the fastest rise and decay times for any CsPbBr3-based photodetectors reported so far. One-dimensional arrays of halide perovskite nanowires are a promising platform for investigating the intriguing properties and potential applications of these unique materials.
(2017) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139, 44, p. 15958-15967 Abstract
Tri-gate transistors offer better performance than planar transistors by exerting additional gate control over a channel from two lateral sides of semiconductor nanowalls (or ``fins''). Here we report the bottom-up assembly of aligned CdS nanowalls by a simultaneous combination of horizontal catalytic vapor-liquid-solid growth and vertical facet-selective noncatalytic vapor-solid growth and their parallel integration into tri-gate transistors and photodetectors at wafer scale (cm(2)) without postgrowth transfer or alignment steps. These tri-gate transistors act as enhancement-mode transistors with an on/off current ratio on the order of 10(8), 4 orders of magnitude higher than the best results ever reported for planar enhancement-mode CdS transistors. The response time of the photodetector is reduced to the submicrosecond level, 1 order of magnitude shorter than the best results ever reported for photodetectors made of bottom-up semiconductor nanostructures. Guided semiconductor nanowalls open new opportunities for high-performance 3D nanodevices assembled from the bottom up.
Tunable porous nanoallotropes prepared by post-assembly etching of binary nanoparticle superlattices(2017) Science. 358, 6362, p. 514-+ Abstract[All authors]
Self-assembly of inorganic nanoparticles has been used to prepare hundreds of different colloidal crystals, but almost invariably with the restriction that the particles must be densely packed. Here, we show that non-close-packed nanoparticle arrays can be fabricated through the selective removal of one of two components comprising binary nanoparticle superlattices. First, a variety of binary nanoparticle superlattices were prepared at the liquid-air interface, including several arrangements that were previously unknown. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed the particular role of the liquid in templating the formation of superlattices not achievable through self-assembly in bulk solution. Second, upon stabilization, all of these binary superlattices could be transformed into distinct "nanoallotropes"-nanoporous materials having the same chemical composition but differing in their nanoscale architectures.
(2017) Sensors And Actuators A-Physical. 264, p. 333-340 Abstract
In this study, we explored the feasibility of employing Gd-doped ceria (GDC) thin films (12 μm) as functional, mechanically reliable material for microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Self-supported structures, based on microscopic-scale GDC membranes, bridges, and cantilevers, were fabricated using Si-compatible processes and materials. With voltages of different amplitudes and frequencies and a variety of metal electrodes, we monitored structural stability and device response. The membrane-based structures displayed much higher stability under voltage and better mechanical robustness than those based on bridges or cantilevers. At low frequencies (a few Hz), the use of Ti contacts resulted in observable displacement of the membranes in the presence of moderately low voltage (≤10 V/1.6 μm), while Al, Cr, and Ni contacts did not provide such functionality. Although for all contact metals tested, formation of a blocking layer at room temperature is evident, for the case of Ti, the barrier height is much lower. In view of the fact that the crystallographic space group of weakly doped GDC is Fm-3 m, the electromechanical response of the microfabricated GDC membranes is most likely electrostrictive, but a strict proof is not yet available. At high frequencies (>100 kHz), the membranes produce lateral displacement as large as several microns due to Joule heating, i.e., a thermo-electromechanical response.
(2017) ACS Nano. 11, 6, p. 6155-6166 Abstract
The organization of nanowires on surfaces remains a major obstacle toward their large-scale integration into functional devices. Surface-material interactions have been used, with different materials and substrates, to guide horizontal nanowires during their growth into well-organized assemblies, but the only guided nanowire heterostructures reported so far are axial and not radial. Here, we demonstrate the guided growth of horizontal core-shell nanowires, specifically of ZnSe@ZnTe, with control over their crystal phase and crystallographic orientations. We exploit the directional control of the guided growth for the parallel production of multiple radial p-n heterojunctions and probe their optoelectronic properties. The devices exhibit a rectifying behavior with photovoltaic characteristics upon illumination. Guided nanowire heterostructures enable the bottom-up assembly of complex semiconductor structures with controlled electronic and optoelectronic properties.
(2017) ACS Omega. 2, 6, p. 2649-2656 Abstract
The study of inorganic nanometer-scale materials with hollow closed-cage structures, such as inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanostructures and inorganic nanotubes (INTs), is a rapidly growing field. Numerous kinds of IF nanostructures and INTs were synthesized for a variety of applications, particularly for lubrication, functional coatings, and reinforcement of polymer matrices. To date, such nanostructures have been synthesized mostly by heating a transition metal or oxide thereof in the presence of precursor gases, which are however toxic and hazardous. In this context, one frontier of research in this field is the development of new avenues for the green synthesis of IF structures and INTs, directly from the bulk of layered compounds. In the present work, we demonstrate a simple roomerature and environmentally friendly approach for the synthesis of IF nanostructures and INTs via ultrashort-pulse laser ablation of a mixture of transition-metal dichalcogenides in bulk form mixed with Pb/PbO, in ambient air. The method can be considered as a synergy of photothermally and photochemically induced chemical transformations. The ultrafast-laser-induced excitation of the material, complemented with the formation of extended hot annealing regions in the presence of the metal catalyst, facilitates the formation of different nanostructures. Being fast, easy, and material-independent, our method offers new opportunities for the synthesis of IF nanostructures and INTs from different bulk metal chalcogenide compounds. On the basis of the capabilities of laser technology as well, this method could advantageously be further developed into a versatile tool for the simultaneous growth and patterning of such nanostructures in preselected positions for a variety of applications.
(2017) Journal of Materials Science. 52, 11, p. 6376-6387 Abstract
Owing to their unique properties such as mechanical, optical, magnetic, nanomaterials attracted a great interest over the last two decades. Inorganic nanotubes, e.g. WS2, make an important class of nanomaterials with numerous potential applications. In the current work, a new synthetic strategy is developed to decorate the surface of WS2 nanotubes with FeWO4 nanoparticles. The FeWO4 nanoparticles were produced by first depositing amorphous iron oxide film onto the WS2 nanotubes' surface and, subsequently, high-temperature annealing (600 C-degrees). Careful analysis by electron microscopy; X-ray diffraction and other techniques were carried out. Based on these analyses, the growth mechanism of the hybrid nanostructures was elucidated. Magnetic measurements were employed to shed light on the magnetic behavior of the hybrid nanostructures. The orientation and position of the WS2 nanotubes decorated with the FeWO4 nanoparticles could be partially affected by applying a magnetic field using non-viscous solvents, like ethanol.
(2017) Nanotechnology. 28, 24, 24LT03. Abstract
Nanoparticles, and more specifically gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), have attracted much scientific and technological interest in the last few decades. Their popularity is attributed to their unique optical, catalytic, electrical and magnetic properties when compared with the bulk. However, one of the main problems with AuNPs is their long-term stability. Two-dimensional materials like MoS2 (WS2) are semiconductors that exhibit a combination of properties which make them suitable for electronic, optical and (photo)catalytic devices. Few-layer MoS2 (WS2) nanoparticles (NPs), and in particular single-layer ones, show intriguing optical and electrical properties which are very different from those of the bulk compounds. Here we demonstrate the synthesis of AuNPs sheathed by a single layer of MoS2 (WS2), i.e. a core-shell nanostructure (AuNP@1L-MoS2). The hybrid NPs exhibit optical properties that are different from those of either constituent and are amenable for modulation via their chemistry, offering a myriad of applications.
(2017) Nano. 12, 3, 1750030. Abstract
New types of core-shell nanoparticles are reported: Pb@GaS fullerene-like and nanotubular structures, achieved via the continuously high reactor temperatures and ultra-hot strong-gradient annealing environments created by highly concentrated sunlight. Structural and chemical characterizations suggest a formation mechanism where vaporized Pb condenses into nanoparticles that are stabilized as they become covered by molten GaS, the ensuing crystallization of which creates the outer layers. Hollow-core GaS fullerene-like nanoparticles and nanotubes were also observed among the products, demonstrating that a single solar procedure can generate a variety of core-shell and hollow nanostructures. The proposed formation mechanisms can account for their relative abundance and the characterization data.
(2017) Nano Letters. 17, 2, p. 842-850 Abstract
The growth of horizontal nanowires (NWs) guided by epitaxial and graphoepitaxial relations with the substrate is becoming increasingly attractive owing to the possibility of controlling their position, direction, and crystallographic orientation. In guided NWs, as opposed to the extensively characterized vertically grown NWs, there is an increasing need for understanding the relation between structure and properties, specifically the role of the epitaxial relation with the substrate. Furthermore, the uniformity of crystallographic orientation along guided NWs and over the substrate has yet to be checked. Here we perform highly sensitive second harmonic generation (SHG) polarimetry of polar and nonpolar guided ZnO NWs grown on R-plane and M-plane sapphire. We optically map large areas on the substrate in a nondestructive way and find that the crystallographic orientations of the guided NWs are highly selective and specific for each growth direction with respect to the substrate lattice. In addition, we perform SHG polarimetry along individual NWs and find that the crystallographic orientation is preserved along the NW in both polar and nonpolar NWs. While polar NWs show highly uniform SHG along their axis, nonpolar NWs show a significant change in the local nonlinear susceptibility along a few micrometers, reflected in a reduction of 40% in the ratio of the SHG along different crystal axes. We suggest that these differences may be related to strain accumulation along the nonpolar wires. We find SHG polarimetry to be a powerful tool to study both selectivity and uniformity of crystallographic orientations of guided NWs with different epitaxial relations.
(2017) Nature Geoscience. 10, 2, p. 135-139 Abstract
Iron formations deposited in marine settings during the Precambrian represent large sinks of iron and silica, and have been used to reconstruct environmental conditions at the time of their formation. However, the observed mineralogy in iron formations, which consists of iron oxides, silicates, carbonates and sulfides, is generally thought to have arisen from diagenesis of one or more mineral precursors. Ferric iron hydroxides and ferrous carbonates and silicates have been identified as prime candidates. Here we investigate the potential role of green rust, a ferrous-ferric hydroxy salt, in the genesis of iron formations. Our laboratory experiments show that green rust readily forms in early seawater-analogue solutions, as predicted by thermodynamic calculations, and that it ages into minerals observed in iron formations. Dynamic models of the iron cycle further indicate that green rust would have precipitated near the iron redoxcline, and it is expected that when the green rust sank it transformed into stable phases within the water column and sediments. We suggest, therefore, that the precipitation and transformation of green rust was a key process in the iron cycle, and that the interaction of green rust with various elements should be included in any consideration of Precambrian biogeochemical cycles.
(2017) ACS Nano. 11, 1, p. 213-220 Abstract
One-dimensional semiconductor nanostructures, such as nanowires (NWs), have attracted tremendous attention due to their unique properties and potential applications in nanoelectronics, nano-optoelectronics, and sensors. One of the challenges toward their integration into practical devices is their large-scale controlled assembly. Here, we report the guided growth of horizontal CdSe nanowires on five different planes of sapphire. The growth direction and crystallographic orientation are controlled by the epitaxial relationship with the substrate as well as by a graphoepitaxial effect of surface nanosteps and grooves. CdSe is a promising direct-bandgap II-VI semiconductor active in the visible range, with potential applications in optoelectronics. The guided CdSe nanowires were found to have a wurtzite single-crystal structure. Field-effect transistors and photodetectors were fabricated to examine the nanowire electronic and optoelectronic properties, respectively. The latter exhibited the fastest rise and fall times ever reported for CdSe nanostructures as well as a relatively high gain, both features being essential for optoelectronic applications.
(2016) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 120, 30, p. 17087-17100 Abstract
A major challenge toward large-scale integration of nanowires is the control over their alignment and position. A possible solution to this challenge is the guided growth process, which enables the synthesis of well-aligned horizontal nanowires that grow according to specific epitaxial or graphoepitaxial relations with the substrate. However, the guided growth of horizontal nanowires was demonstrated for a limited number of materials, most of which exhibit unintentional n-type behavior. Here we demonstrate the vapor-liquid-solid growth of guided horizontal ZnTe nanowires and nanowalls displaying p-type behavior on four different planes of sapphire. The growth directions of the nanowires are determined by epitaxial relations between the nanowires and the substrate or by a graphoepitaxial effect that guides their growth along nanogrooves or nanosteps along the surface. We characterized the crystallographic orientations and elemental composition of the nanowires using transmission electron microscopy and photoluminescence. The optoelectronic and electronic properties of the nanowires were studied by fabricating photodetectors and top-gate thin film transistors. These measurements showed that the guided ZnTe nanowires are p-type semiconductors and are photoconductive in the visible range. The guided growth of horizontal p-type nanowires opens up the possibility of parallel nanowire integration into functional systems with a variety of potential applications not available by other means.
(2016) Chemical Communications. 52, 52, p. 8079-8082 Abstract
We report here how the crystallinity of AuNPs and the choice of binding sites of molecular cross-linkers control their aggregation. The combination of different binding moieties (N-oxides, ArF-I) and the reactivity of the particles' facets allow control over the organization and crystallinity of the AuNP assemblies.
(2016) Nano Letters. 16, 4, p. 2152-2158 Abstract[All authors]
Carbon nanotubes are promising building blocks for various nanoelectronic components. A highly desirable geometry for such applications is a coil. However, coiled nanotube structures reported so far were inherently defective or had no free ends accessible for contacting. Here we demonstrate the spontaneous self-coiling of single-wall carbon nanotubes into defect-free coils of up to more than 70 turns with identical diameter and chirality, and free ends. We characterize the structure, formation mechanism, and electrical properties of these coils by different microscopies, molecular dynamics simulations, Raman spectroscopy, and electrical and magnetic measurements. The coils are highly conductive, as expected for defect-free carbon nanotubes, but adjacent nanotube segments in the coil are more highly coupled than in regular bundles of single-wall carbon nanotubes, owing to their perfect crystal momentum matching, which enables tunneling between the turns. Although this behavior does not yet enable the performance of these nanotube coils as inductive devices, it does point a clear path for their realization. Hence, this study represents a major step toward the production of many different nanotube coil devices, including inductors, electromagnets, transformers, and dynamos.
(2015) Chemistry, an Asian journal. 10, 10, p. 2234-2239 Abstract
Palladium nanoparticles were deposited on multiwall WS2 nanotubes. The composite nanoparticles were characterized by a variety of techniques. The Pd nanoparticles were deposited uniformly on the surface of WS2 nanotubes. An epitaxial relationship between the (111) plane of Pd and the (013) plane of WS2 was mostly observed. The composite nanoparticles were found to perform efficiently as catalysts for cross-coupling (Heck and Suzuki) reactions. The role of the nanotubes support in the catalytic process is briefly discussed.
(2015) ACS Nano. 9, 8, p. 7831-7839 Abstract
We report the synthesis and supporting density-functional-theory computations for a closed-cage, misfit layered-compound superstructure from PbS-SnS2, generated by highly concentrated sunlight from a precursor mixture of Pb, SnS2, and graphite. The unique reactor conditions created in our solar furnace are found to be particularly conducive to the formation of these nanomaterials. Detailed structural and chemical characterization revealed a spontaneous inside-out formation mechanism, with a broad range of nonhollow fullerene-like structures starting at a diameter of ∼20 nm and a wall thickness of ∼5 layers. The computations also reveal a counterintuitive charge transfer pathway from the SnS2 layers to the PbS layers, which indicates that, in contrast to binary-layered compounds where it is principally van der Waals forces that hold the layers together, polar forces appear to be as important in stabilizing superstructures of misfit layered compounds. (Figure Presented).
(2015) Small. 11, 32, p. 3942-3953 Abstract
Galvanic replacement reactions (GRRs) on nanoparticles (NPs) are typically performed between two metals, i.e., a solid metal NP and a replacing salt solution of a more noble metal. The solution pH in GRRs is commonly considered an irrelevant parameter. Yet, the solution pH plays a major role in GRRs involving metal oxide NPs. Here, Cu2O nanocrystals (NCs) are studied as galvanic replacement (GR) precursors, undergoing replacement by gold and palladium, with the resulting nanostructures showing a strong dependence on the pH of the replacing metal salt solution. GRRs are reported for the first time on supported (chemically deposited) oxide NCs and the results are compared with those obtained with corresponding colloidal systems. Control of the pH enables production of different nanostructures, from metal-decorated Cu2O NCs to uniformly coated Cu2O-in-metal (Cu2O@Me) core-shell nanoarchitectures. Improved metal nucleation efficiencies at low pHs are attributed to changes in the Cu2O surface charge resulting from protonation of the oxide surface. GR followed by etching of the Cu2O cores provides metal nanocages that collapse upon drying; the latter is prevented using a sol-gel silica overlayer stabilizing the metal nanocages. Metal-replaced Cu2O NCs and their corresponding stabilized nanostructures may be useful as photocatalysts, electrocatalysts, and nanosensors.
(2015) Advanced Materials. 27, 27, p. 3999-4005 Abstract
Perfectly aligned horizontal ZnSe nanowires are obtained by guided growth, and easily integrated into high-performance blue-UV photodetectors. Their crystal phase and crystallographic orientation are controlled by the epitaxial relations with six different sapphire planes. Guided growth paves the way for the large-scale integration of nanowires into optoelectronic devices.
(2015) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137, 1, p. 226-231 Abstract
Despite the tremendous progress made in the design of supramolecular and inorganic materials, it still remains a great challenge to obtain uniform structures with tailored size and shape. Metal-organic frameworks and infinite coordination polymers are examples of rapidly emerging materials with useful properties, yet limited morphological control. In this paper, we report the solvothermal synthesis of diverse metal-organic (sub)-microstructures with a high degree of uniformity. The porous and thermally robust monodisperse crystalline solids consist of tetrahedral polypyridyl ligands and nickel or copper ions. Our bottom-up approach demonstrates the direct assembly of these materials without the addition of any surfactants or modulators. Reaction parameters in combination with molecular structure encoding are the keys to size-shape control and structural uniformity of our metal-organic materials.
(2015) Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 4, 1, p. 89-93 Abstract
Nanotubular structures from a new family of misfit compounds LnS-TaS2 with (Ln = La, Ce, Nd, Ho, Er) and LaSe-TaSe2 (some of them not known hitherto) are reported. Stress relaxation originating from the lattice mismatch between the alternating LnS(Se) and TaS2(Se) layers, combined with seaming of the dangling bonds in the rim, leads to the formation of a variety of nanotubular structures. Their structures are studied via scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED). Tubules exhibiting a single folding vector for the LnS(Se) as well as TaS2(Se) layers were often found. The small values of the c-axis periodicities are indicative of a strong interaction between the two constituent layers which was also supported by Raman spectroscopy and theoretical calculations.
(2014) Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 5, 21, p. 3724-3736 Abstract
Nanotubes that are formed from layered materials have emerged to be exciting one-dimensional materials in the last two decades due to their remarkable structures and properties. Misfit layered compounds (MLC) can be produced from alternating assemblies of two different molecular slabs with different periodicities with the general formula [(MX)1+x]m[TX2]n (or more simply MS-TS2), where M is Sn, Pb, Bi, Sb, rare earths, T is Sn, Nb, Ta, Ti, V, Cr, and so on, and X is S, Se. The presence of misfit stresses between adjacent layers in MLC provides a driving force for curling of the layers that acts in addition to the elimination of dangling bonds. The combination of these two independent forces leads to the synthesis of misfit layered nanotubes, which are newcomers to the broad field of one-dimensional nanostructures and nanotubes. The synthesis, characterization, and microscopic details of misfit layered nanotubes are discussed, and directions for future research are presented. (Figure Presented).
(2014) Nano Letters. 14, 11, p. 6132-6137 Abstract
Owing to their mechanically tunable electronic properties, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been widely studied as potential components for nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS); however, the mechanical properties of multiwall CNTs are often limited by the weak shear interactions between the graphitic layers. Boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) exhibit a strong interlayer mechanical coupling, but their high electrical resistance limits their use as electromechanical transducers. Can the outstanding mechanical properties of BNNTs be combined with the electromechanical properties of CNTs in one hybrid structure? Here, we report the first experimental study of boron carbonitride nanotube (BCNNT) mechanics and electromechanics. We found that the hybrid BCNNTs are up to five times torsionally stiffer and stronger than CNTs, thereby retaining to a large extent the ultrahigh torsional stiffness of BNNTs. At the same time, we show that the electrical response of BCNNTs to torsion is 1 to 2 orders of magnitude higher than that of CNTs. These results demonstrate that BCNNTs could be especially attractive building blocks for NEMS.
(2014) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 53, 27, p. 6920-6924 Abstract
The synthesis of nanotubes from layered compounds has generated substantial scientific interest. "Misfit" layered compounds (MLCs) of the general formula [(MX)1+x]m[TX2]n, where M can include Pb, Sb, rare earths; T=Cr, Nb, and X=S, Se can form layered structures, even though each sub-system alone is not necessarily a layered or a stable compound. A simple chemical method is used to synthesize these complex nanotubes from lanthanide-based misfit compounds. Quaternary nanotubular structures formed by partial substitution of the lanthanide atom in nanotubes by other elements are also confirmed. The driving force and mechanism of formation of these nanotubes is investigated by systematic temperature and time-dependent studies. A stress-inducement mechanism is proposed to explain the formation of the nanotubes. The resulting materials may find applications in fields that include thermoelectrics, light emitters, and catalysis and address fundamental physical issues in low dimensions. When two systems meet: Interactions between two systems comprising different in-plane periodicities can result in misfit layered compounds even if each subsystem alone is not a layered or stable compound. A combination of two independent stimuli, namely the incommensurability of the misfit lattice (often leading to folding and scrolling) and the reactivity of the layer rim atoms, provides a new strategy to synthesize misfit nanotubes.
(2014) Chemistry of Materials. 26, 12, p. 3757-3770 Abstract
Tubular structures of the MS-TaS2 with (M = Pb, Sn, Sb, Bi) misfit layered compounds are reported. The lattice mismatch between the alternating MS and TaS2 layers leads to a variety of chiral tubular structures. Such tubular structures are studied via scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and selected area electron diffraction (SAED). For the PbS-TaS2 and SnS-TaS 2 tubules, relative in-plane orientations as well as folding vectors of the two subsystems can be determined. However, almost ring-like SAED patterns are obtained for SbS-TaS2 nanotubes precluding exact determination of the relative in plane orientation. Also, very complex diffraction patterns were obtained for BiS-TaS2 nanotubes.
(2014) Inorganics. 2, 2, p. 177-190 Abstract
The synthesis of inorganic nanotubes (INT) from layered compounds of a small size (
(2014) ACS Nano. 8, 3, p. 2838-2847 Abstract
The guided growth of horizontal nanowires has so far been demonstrated on a limited number of substrates. In most cases, the nanowires are covalently bonded to the substrate where they grow and cannot be transferred to other substrates. Here we demonstrate the guided growth of well-aligned horizontal GaN nanowires on quartz and their subsequent transfer to silicon wafers by selective etching of the quartz while maintaining their alignment. The guided growth was observed on different planes of quartz with varying degrees of alignment. We characterized the crystallographic orientations of the nanowires and proposed a new mechanism of "dynamic graphoepitaxy" for their guided growth on quartz. The transfer of the guided nanowires enabled the fabrication of back-gated field-effect transistors from aligned nanowire arrays on oxidized silicon wafers and the production of crossbar arrays. The guided growth of transferrable nanowires opens up the possibility of massively parallel integration of nanowires into functional systems on virtually any desired substrate.
(2014) Accounts of Chemical Research. 47, 2, p. 406-416 Abstract
Carbon fullerenes and nanotubes revolutionized understandingof the reactivity of nanoscale compounds. Subsequently, our group and others discovered analogous inorganic compounds with hollow, closed nanostructures. Such inorganic nanostructures offer many applications, particularly in the energy and electronics industries.One way to create inorganic nanostructures is via misfit layer-ed compounds (MLC), which are stacks of alternating two-dimensional molecular slabs, typically held together via weak van der Waals forces. They contain "misfits" in their a-b plane structures that can make them unstable, leading to collapse of the slabs into tubular nanostructures. For example, metal chalcogenide MLCs of the general formula (MX)1+y/ TX2 (M = Sn, Pb, Bi, Sb, and other rare earths; T = Sn, Ti, V, Cr, Nb, Ta, etc.; X = S or Se) consist of a superstructure of alternating layers where the MX unit belongs to a (distorted NaCl) orthorhombic symmetry group (O), the TX2 layer possesses trigonal (T) or octahedral symmetry, and the two layers are held together via both van der Waals and polar forces. A misfit in the a axis or both a and b axes of the two sublattices may lead to the formation of nanostructures as the lattices relax via scrolling. Previous research has also shown that the abundance of atoms with dangling bonds in the rims makes nanoparticles of compounds with layered structure unstable in the planar form, and they tend to fold into hollow closed structures such as nanotubes.This Account shows that combining these two triggers, misfits and dangling bond annihilation in the slab rims, leads to new kinds of nanotubes from MLCs. In particular, we report the structure of two new types of nanotubes from misfits, namely, the SnS/SnS2 and PbS/NbS2 series. To decipher the complex structures of these nanotubes, we use a range of methods: high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), selected area electron diffraction (SAED) analyses, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Cs-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) in the high-angle annular dark-field mode (HAADF). In both new types, the lattice mismatch between the two alternating sublayers dictates the relative layer-stacking order and leads to a variety of chiral tubular structures. In particular, the incommensuration (a type of misfit) of the SnS2/SnS system in both the (in plane) a and b directions leads to a variety of relative in-plane orientation and stacking orders along the common c-axis. Thus the SnS/SnS2 nanotubes form superstructures with the sequence O-T and O-T-T, and mixtures thereof. We also report nanotubes of the misfit layered compound (PbS)1.14NbS2, and of NbS 2 intercalated with Pb atoms, with the chemical formula PbNbS 2. Thus, the possibility to use two kinds of folding mechanisms jointly offers a new apparatus for the synthesis of unique 1-D nanostructures of great complexity and a potentially large diversity of physicochemical properties.
(2014) Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118, 4, p. 2161-2169 Abstract[All authors]
A new technique of gold nanoparticle (AuNP) growth on the sidewalls of WS2 inorganic nanotubes (INT-WS2) and the surface of MoS2 fullerene-like nanoparticles (IF-MoS2) is developed to produce metal-semiconductor nanocomposites. The coverage density and mean size of the nanoparticles are dependent on the HAuCl4/MS2 (M = W, Mo) molar ratio. AuNPs formation mechanism seems to involve spatially divided reactions of AuCl4- reduction and WS 2/MoS2 oxidation taking place on the surface defects of the disulfide nanostructures rather than directly at the AuNP-INT/IF interface. A strong epitaxial matching between the lattices of the gold nanoparticles and the INT-WS2 or IF-MoS2 seems to suppress plasmon resonance in the nanocomposites with small (
(2013) Nano Letters. 13, 11, p. 5190-5196 Abstract
Molecular beam epitaxy growth of merging InAs nanowire intersections, that is, a first step toward the realization of a network of such nanowires, is reported. While InAs nanowires play already a leading role in the search for Majorana fermions, a network of these nanowires is expected to promote their exchange and allow for further development of this field. The structural properties of merged InAs nanowire intersections have been investigated using scanning and transmission electron microscope imaging. At the heart of the intersection, a sharp change of the crystal structure from wurtzite to perfect zinc blende is observed. The performed low-temperature conductance measurements demonstrate that the intersection does not impose an obstacle to current transport.
(2013) Nanoscale. 5, 4, p. 1499-1502 Abstract
Mo2C nanoparticles encapsulated within MoS2 inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles and nanotubes were produced by carbothermal reaction at 1200-1300 °C inside a vertical induction furnace. The particles were analyzed using various electron microscopy techniques and complementary methods.
(2013) Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 20, 1, p. 432-444 Abstract
Metals and alloys of low melting points (
(2012) Nano Letters. 12, 12, p. 6347-6352 Abstract
We report the experimental and theoretical study of boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) torsional mechanics. We show that BNNTs exhibit a much stronger mechanical interlayer coupling than carbon nanotubes (CNTs). This feature makes BNNTs up to 1 order of magnitude stiffer and stronger than CNTs. We attribute this interlayer locking to the faceted nature of BNNTs, arising from the polarity of the B-N bond. This property makes BNNTs superior candidates to replace CNTs in nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), fibers, and nanocomposites.
(2012) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 134, 39, p. 16379-16386 Abstract
A new procedure for the synthesis of MoS 2 nanotubes is reported, and additionally demonstrated for MoSe 2, WS 2, and WSe 2. Highly concentrated sunlight creates continuous high temperatures, strong temperature gradients, and extended hot annealing regions, which, together with a metallic (Pb) catalyst, are conducive to the formation of different inorganic nanotubes. Structural characterization (including atomic resolution images) reveals a three-step reaction mechanism. In the first step, MoS 2 platelets react with water-air residues, decompose by intense solar irradiation, and are converted to molybdenum oxide. Subsequently, the hot annealing environment leads to the growth of Pb-stabilized MoO 3-x nanowhiskers. Shortly afterward, the surface of the MoO 3-x starts to react with the sulfur vapor supplied by the decomposition of nearby MoS 2 platelets and becomes enveloped by MoS 2 layers. Finally, the molybdenum oxide core is gradually transformed into MoS 2 nanotubes. These findings augur well for similar syntheses of as yet unattained nanotubes from other metal chalcogenides.
(2012) Chemistry of Materials. 24, 15, p. 3004-3015 Abstract
Tubular structures of the SnS 2/SnS misfit compound, which are currently prepared in large amounts, are reported. The lattice mismatch between the two alternating sublayers of SnS 2 and SnS leads to a variety of chiral tubular structures. Such tubular structures are studied via high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED). The diversity of the structures manifests itself through different stacking orders of SnS 2 and SnS layers along their common c-axis and their relative in-plane orientation. Folding vectors and chiral angles of both subsystems can be determined.
(2012) Materials Research Bulletin. 47, 7, p. 1653-1660 Abstract
WS 2 nanostructures hold structural characteristics which suggest they will be suitable for heterogeneous catalysis in the hydrodesulfurization (HDS) process. In this work, WS 2 nanotubes (INT-WS 2) were coated with cobalt nanoparticles using electroless plating method. Prior to cobalt deposition, the nanotubes surface was activated using palladium seeding process. The deposited cobalt nanoparticles had hcp crystal structure and formed non-uniform layer on the nanotubes surface. The catalytic reactivity of the produced cobalt coated nanotubes toward thiophene decomposition was characterized by an atmospheric flow reactor. The coated nanotubes revealed good catalytic reactivity toward thiophene mineralization. Further, the adsorption kinetics of thiophene on coated INT-WS 2 was studied by thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS). The cobalt coated system was found to be more catalytically active than the pristine INT-WS 2 system. This result is promising since further optimization of the nanofabrication process of the catalyst should increase the conversion rates even further.
(2012) ACS Nano. 6, 7, p. 6433-6445 Abstract
The large-scale integration of nanowires into practical devices is hindered by the limited ability to controllably assemble these nanoscale objects on surfaces. Following our first report on the guided growth of millimeter-long horizontal nanowires with controlled orientations, here we demonstrate the generality of the guided growth approach by extending it from GaN nanowires to ZnO nanowires. We describe the guided growth of horizontally aligned ZnO nanowires with controlled crystallographic orientations on eight different planes of sapphire, including both flat and faceted surfaces. The growth directions, crystallographic orientation, and faceting of the nanowires are constant for each surface plane and are determined by their epitaxial relation with the substrate, as well as by a graphoepitaxial effect that guides their growth along surface steps and grooves. These horizontal ZnO nanowires exhibit optical and electronic properties comparable to those of vertically grown nanowires, indicating a low concentration of defects. While the guided growth of ZnO nanowires described here resembles the guided growth of GaN nanowires in its general aspects, it also displays notable differences and qualitatively new phenomena, such as the controlled growth of nanowires with vicinal orientations, longitudinal grain boundaries, and thickness-dependent orientations. This article proves the generality of the guided growth phenomenon, which enables us to create highly controlled nanowire structures and arrays with potential applications not available by other means.
(2012) Nano Letters. 12, 6, p. 2948-2952 Abstract
Photon antibunching is ubiquitously observed in light emitted from quantum systems but is usually associated only with the lowest excited state of the emitter. Here, we devise a fluorophore that upon photoexcitation emits in either one of two distinct colors but exhibits strong antibunching between the two. This work demonstrates the possibility of creating room-temperature quantum emitters with higher complexity than effective two level systems via colloidal synthesis.
(2012) Small. 8, 5, p. 654-660 Abstract
Well-defined metallic nanobowls can be prepared by extending the concept of a protecting group to colloidal synthesis. Magnetic nanoparticles are employed as "protecting groups" during the galvanic replacement of silver with gold. The replacement reaction is accompanied by spontantous dissociation of the protecting groups, leaving behind metallic nanobowls.
Chemical compositional non-uniformity and its effects on CIGS solar cell performance at the nm-scale(2012) Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 98, p. 78-82 Abstract
Compositional uniformity of Cu(In,Ga)Se 2 (CIGS) solar cells was studied, using thin cross sections of complete cells prepared by focused ion beam (FIB) and examined in the transmission electron microscope (TEM). This methodology revealed the compositional variations at the nm-scale. The Ga and In compositions vary not only between neighboring grains, but also inside individual single crystal grains along their growth direction, which explains the electrical non-uniformity seen in electron beam-induced current (EBIC) measurements. The improved compositional uniformity with increase in sample preparation temperature correlates with higher solar cell efficiency.
(2011) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 50, 51, p. 12316-12320 Abstract
Roll 'em up, move 'em out: The growth of SnS 2 and SnS 2/SnS nanotubes and nanoscrolls with ordered superstructures is promoted by the relaxation of stress between adjacent SnS 2 and SnS layers. Partial decomposition of the SnS 2 precursor to more sulfur-deficient SnS was manifested in the exfoliation of layers and scrolling. The presence of the two main structures (see picture) was confirmed by HRTEM and Raman spectroscopy.
(2011) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108, 50, p. 19901-19906 Abstract
Inorganic nanoparticles of layered [two-dimensional (2D)] compounds with hollow polyhedral structure, known as fullerenelike nanoparticles (IF), were found to have excellent lubricating properties. This behavior can be explained by superposition of three main mechanisms: rolling, sliding, and exfoliation-material transfer (third body). In order to elucidate the tribological mechanism of individual nanoparticles in different regimes, in situ axial nanocompression and shearing forces were applied to individual nanoparticles using a high resolution scanning electron microscope. Gold nanoparticles deposited onto the IF nanoparticles surface served as markers, delineating the motion of individual IF nanoparticle. It can be concluded from these experiments that rolling is an important lubrication mechanism for IF-WS 2 in the relatively low range of normal stress (0.96±0.38 GPa). Sliding is shown to be relevant under slightly higher normal stress, where the spacing between the two mating surfaces does not permit free rolling of the nanoparticles. Exfoliation of the IF nanoparticles becomes the dominant mechanism at the high end of normal stress; above 1.2 GPa and (slow) shear; i.e., boundary lubrication conditions. It is argued that the modus operandi of the nanoparticles depends on their degree of crystallinity (defects); sizes; shape, and their mechanical characteristics. This study suggests that the rolling mechanism, which leads to low friction and wear, could be attained by improving the sphericity of the IF nanoparticle, the dispersion (deagglomeration) of the nanoparticles, and the smoothness of the mating surfaces.
(2011) Crystal Growth & Design. 11, 9, p. 3858-3865 Abstract
Gold-assisted vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth of InAs nanowires was optimized and used for growth of highly mismatched InAs/GaAs core-shell heterostructure nanowires having the wurtzite structure. The motivation is 2-fold, providing means for surface passivation of InAs nanowires (NWs) for electronic devices and ballistic transport applications on one hand and for studying the structural properties of a highly mismatched system in a core-shell, cylindrical configuration on the other hand. The misfit between the InAs core and the mostly relaxed GaAs shell was deduced from the average spacing between the edge dislocations, the periodicity of the Moiré fringes resulting from the overlap between the InAs and GaAs lattices and the splitting in the electron diffraction images. Both line and loop edge dislocations are formed in the strain relaxation process. The experimental radial and axial misfits were found to be approximately 6 ± 1% and 4 ± 0.5%, respectively.
(2011) Science. 333, 6045, p. 1003-1007 Abstract
The large-scale assembly of nanowires with controlled orientation on surfaces remains one challenge preventing their integration into practical devices. We report the vapor-liquid-solid growth of aligned, millimeter-long, horizontal GaN nanowires with controlled crystallographic orientations on different planes of sapphire. The growth directions, crystallographic orientation, and faceting of the nanowires vary with each surface orientation, as determined by their epitaxial relationship with the substrate, as well as by a graphoepitaxial effect that guides their growth along surface steps and grooves. Despite their interaction with the surface, these horizontally grown nanowires display few structural defects, exhibiting optical and electronic properties comparable to those of vertically grown nanowires. This paves the way to highly controlled nanowire structures with potential applications not available by other means.
(2011) IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 17, 4, p. 922-934 Abstract
Tailoring of GaAs and InAs nanowires (NWs) to be suited for measurements of ballistic transport is discussed in this paper. Methods used to avoid imperfections most harmful for the transport properties are described. We consider the imperfections, which frequently occur in III-V NWs: occasional stacking faults, unintentional impurities (like gold atoms originating from the catalyst in the vapor-liquid-solid growth method) and imperfections associated with the NW side facets. Foremost important is obtaining GaAs and InAs NWs, in which either a pure wurtzite or pure zinc-blende structure is enforced, i.e., overcoming the inherent tendency of the two structures to intermix in III-V NWs. Next follows elimination, or at least minimization of the number of incorporated impurities. In InAs NWs, this has been achieved by using low-growth temperature combined with a low-growth rate. Finally, embedding the NWs in an in situ grown shell has provided a robust way for passivation of the surface states and keeping the electrons away from any impurities adhered to the surface.
(2011) Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 120, 1, p. 70-78 Abstract
Thermoplastic nanocomposites, based on high-density polyethylene, polyamide 6, polyamide 66, poly(butylene terephthalate), or polycarbonate and containing multiwalled carbon nanotubes (CNTs), were compounded with either neat CNTs or commercial CNT master batches and injection-molded for the evaluation of their electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties. The nanocomposites reached a percolation threshold within CNT concentrations of 2-5 wt %; however, the mechanical properties of the host polymers were affected. For some nanocomposites, better properties were achieved with neat CNTs, whereas for others, master batches were better. Then, polycarbonate and poly(butylene terephthalate), both with a CNT concentration of 3 wt %, were injection-molded with a screening design of experiments (DOE) to evaluate the effects of the processing parameters on the properties of the nanocomposites. Although only a 10-run screening DOE was performed, such effects were clearly observed. The volume resistivity was significantly dependent on the working temperature and varied up to 4 orders of magnitude. Other properties were also dependent on the processing parameters, albeit in a less pronounced fashion. Transmission electron microscopy indicated that conductive samples formed a percolation network, whereas nonconductive samples did not. In conclusion, injection-molding parameters have a significant impact on the properties of polymer/CNT nanocomposites, and these parameters should be optimized to yield the best results. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 120: 70-78, 2011
(2011) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 50, 14, p. 3224-3226 Abstract
Ball or tube: Flexible and amorphous nanotubes were generated with a palladium salt and a multidentate ligand having a tetrahedral structure (right). In contrast, regardless of the number of metal coordination sites, ligands with a two-dimensional geometry lead to the formation of spheres and their aggregates (left).
(2011) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 50, 8, p. 1810-1814 Abstract[All authors]
Seamless transition: New hybrid fullerene-like nanostructures of MoS 2 are comprised of a nanoscale octahedral core with a smooth transition to quasi-spherical outer shells. The particles were generated by ultra-high irradiance solar ablation and their structures confirmed by modeling studies.
(2011) Langmuir. 27, 4, p. 1298-1307 Abstract
Aversatile scheme for the preparation of nanoparticle (NP) multilayers is presented. The method is based on the step-by-step assembly of NPs and bishydroxamate disulfide ligand molecules by means of metal-organic coordination using easily synthesized tetraoctylammonium bromide (TOAB)-stabilized gold NPs. The assembly of NP multilayers was carried out via a Zr(IV)-coordinated sandwich arrangement of the hydroxamate ligands on Au and glass surfaces. The latter were precoated with electrolessly deposited Au clusters to enable binding of the first NP layer. The new method avoids the need to perform elaborate colloid reactions to prepare the NP building blocks. Au NP monolayer and multilayer films prepared in this manner were characterized by UV-vis spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM), showing a regular growth of NP layers. The use of coordination chemistry as the binding motif between repeat layers allows for the convenient assembly of hybrid nanostructures comprising molecular and NP components. This was demonstrated by the construction of Au NP multilayers with controlled spacing from the surface or between two NP layers. Drying the samples during or after the construction process induces NP aggregation and changes in the film morphology and optical properties.
(2011) AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1399. p. 327-328 (truePhysics Of Semiconductors: 30Th International Conference On The Physics Of Semiconductors). Abstract
The crystalline perfection of wurtzite InAs nanowires grown by the Vapor-Liquid-Solid Molecular Beam Epitaxy technique in combination with careful fabrication of nanowire-based FET devices allowed us to observe a variety of phenomena associated with mesoscopic coherent transport. When the single nanowire channel is nearly pinched-off the Coulomb blockade conductance oscillations exhibit well-pronounced Kondo effect approaching the conductance unitary limit. At some gate voltages the breaking of odd-even parity of the Kondo effect related to the formation of the triplet ground state is observed. At higher gate voltages when the channel is open we observe the Fabry-Perot type conductance oscillations. The length of the Fabry-Perot electron resonator deduced from the period of the oscillations is in agreement with the physical length of the nanowire device.
(2011) Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures. 19, 1-2, p. 18-26 Abstract
The growth mechanism of WS2 nanotubes is briefly discussed. Two distinct growth mechanisms can be delineated, leading to somewhat different products: 1) thick (50-150 nm) and very long (20-50 microns and above) nanotubes consisting of many (> 20) layers, and 2) slender (20-25 nm) nanotubes with 5-10 layers. The synthesis of large amounts of pure WS2 nanotubes belonging to the first category in the large-scale fluidized-bed reactor is described. Characterization of the nanotubes, which grow catalyst-free by a number of analytical techniques, is reported. The nanotubes reveal highly crystalline order, suggesting very good mechanical behavior and numerous applications, especially in the field of nanocomposites.
(2010) Nano Letters. 10, 11, p. 4475-4482 Abstract
Au free GaAs nanowires with zinc blende structure, free of twin planes and with remarkable aspect ratios, have been grown on (111) Si substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. Nanowires with diameters down to 20 nm are obtained using a thin native oxide layer on the Si substrates. We discuss how the structural phase distribution along the wire length is controlled by the effective V/III ratio and temperature at the growth interface and explain how to obtain a pure twin plane free zinc blende structure.
(2010) Crystal Growth & Design. 10, 10, p. 4442-4448 Abstract
Low concentrations (0.1-1% of the Zn concentration) of Sb ions in an alkaline ZnO chemical bath deposition solution were found to lead to pronounced changes in the ZnO film morphology. The tapered nanorods obtained in the absence of Sb become flat-topped and more closely packed when Sb is present, and the nanorod diameter changes, the direction of these changes depending on other bath parameters. An initial compact layer that was comprised of very small nanocrystals is formed. Sb was found to be present in the films, mostly in the compact initial layer. We postulate that initial Sb-rich nuclei promote ZnO nucleation but retard subsequent ZnO crystal growth. As the Sb concentration (relative to the Zn) in the bath drops, ZnO nanorods can then grow, but with altered morphology because of preferential adsorption of the low levels of Sb in solution on (002) ZnO crystal faces. These films were found to be very suitable for solid state semiconductor-sensitized solar cells. Such cells normally require a separate deposition of a blocking compact layer before the nanoporous layer. The initial in situ compact layer in our films is very efficient for this purpose, giving much more reproducible performance.
(2010) Nanotechnology. 21, 36, 365705. Abstract
Inorganic layered materials can form hollow multilayered polyhedral nanoparticles. The size of these multi-wall quasi-spherical structures varies from 4 to 300 nm. These materials exhibit excellent tribological and wear-resisting properties. Measuring and evaluating the stiffness of individual nanoparticle is a non-trivial problem. The current paper presents an in situ technique for stiffness measurements of individual WS2 nanoparticles which are 80 nm or larger using a high resolution scanning electron microscope (HRSEM). Conducting the experiments in the HRSEM allows elucidation of the compression failure strength and the elastic behavior of such nanoparticles under uniaxial compression.
(2010) Nano Letters. 10, 9, p. 3439-3445 Abstract
We report on observation of coherent electron transport in suspended high-quality InAs nanowire-based devices. The InAs nanowires were grown by low-temperature gold-assisted vapor-liquid-solid molecular-beam-epitaxy. The high quality of the nanowires was achieved by removing the typically found stacking faults and reducing possibility of Au incorporation. Minimizing substrate-induced scattering in the device was achieved by suspending the nanowires over predefined grooves. Coherent transport involving more than a single one-dimensional mode transport was observed in the experiment and manifested by Fabry-Pérot conductance oscillations. The length of the Fabry-Pérot interferometer, deduced from the period of the conductance oscillations, was found to be close to the physical length of the device. The high oscillations visibility imply nearly ballistic electron transport through the nanowire.
(2010) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132, 32, p. 11214-11222 Abstract[All authors]
Nanoparticles of materials with layered structure are able to spontaneously form closed-cage nanostructures such as nested fullerene-like nanoparticles and nanotubes. This propensity has been demonstrated in a large number of compounds such as WS2, NiCl2, and others. Layered metal oxides possess a higher ionic character and consequently are stiffer and cannot be evenly folded. Vanadium pentoxide (V2O5), a layered metal oxide, has received much attention due to its attractive qualities in numerous applications such as catalysis and electronic and optical devices and as an electrode material for lithium rechargeable batteries. The synthesis by pulsed laser ablation (PLA) of V2O5 hollow nanoparticles, which are closely (nearly) associated with inorganic fullerene-like (NIF-V 2O5) nanoparticles, but not quite as perfect, is reported in the present work. The relation between the PLA conditions and the NIF-V 2O5 morphology is elucidated. A new mechanism leading to hollow nanostructure via crystallization of lower density amorphous nanoparticles is proposed. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used extensively in conjunction with structural modeling of the NIF-V 2O5 in order to study the complex 3-D structure of the NIF-V2O5 nanoparticles. This structure was shown to be composed of facets with their low-energy surfaces pointing outward and seamed by defective domains. These understandings are used to formulate a formation mechanism and may improve the function of V2O5 in its many uses through additional morphological control. Furthermore, this study outlines which properties are required from layered compounds to fold into perfectly closed-cage IF nanoparticles.
(2010) Advanced Functional Materials. 20, 15, p. 2459-2468 Abstract
New materials and techniques pertaining to the synthesis of inorganic nanotubes have been ever increasing since the initiation of the field in 1992. Recently, WS2 nanotubes, which are produced now in large amounts, were filled with molten lead iodide salt by a capillary wetting process, resulting in PbI2@WS2 core-shell nanotubes. This work features progress in the synthesis of new core-shell nanotubes, including Bil3@WS 2 nanotubes produced in a similar same manner. In addition, two new techniques for obtaining core-shell nanotubes are presented. The first is via electron-beam irradiation, i.e., in situ synthesis within a transmission electron microscope. This synthesis results in SbI3 nanotubes, observed either in a hollow core Of WS2 ones (Sbl3@WS 2 nanotubes), or atop of them (WS2@Sbl3 nanotubes). The second technique involves a gaseous phase reaction, where the layered product employs WS2 nanotubes as nucleation sites. In this case, the MoS2 layers most often cover the WS2 nanotube, resulting in WS2@MoS2 core-shell nanotubes. Notably, superstructures of the form MoS2@WS2 are occasionally obtained. Using a semi-empirical model, it is shown that the Pbl2 nanotubes become stable within the core of MoS2 nanotubes only above a critical core diameter of the host (>12 nm); below this diameter the PbI2 crystallizes as nanowires. These model calculations are in agreement with the current experimental observations, providing further support to the growth mechanism of such core-shell nanotubes.
(2010) Nano Research. 3, 3, p. 170-173 Abstract
WS2 nanotubes have been filled and intercalated by molten phase caesium iodide. The presence of caesium iodide inside the WS2 nanotubes has been determined using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) coupled with electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Noticeably, a Moiré pattern was observed due to the interference between encapsulated CsI and WS2 layers. The intercalation of CsI into the host concentric WS2 lattices resulted in an increase in the interplanar spacing.
(2010) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 49, 7, p. 1218-1221 Abstract
"Figure Presented" Stolen identity: The molecular geometries of a series of cross-linkers that bear between one and four pyridyl moieties are expressed in the optical properties of AuNP assemblies (see picture). TEM analysis indicates that the molecular-level structural differences of the cross-linkers are also transferred at the submicrometer level in the formation of the AuNP assemblies.
(2010) INEC 2010 - 2010 3rd International Nanoelectronics Conference, Proceedings. p. 103-104 Abstract
The objective of this work was to achieve control over MBE growth of GaAs core-shell nanowires using the gold assisted VLS method, thereby facilitating formation of either pure Wurtzite (WZ) or pure Zinc Blende (ZB) wires. Growth of WZ type wires relies on initial nucleation of a thin (≤10nm) GaAs wire which, based upon theoretical calculations, is expected to be free of SF. Preferential nucleation of pure ZB type wires required a respective reduction of the supersaturation, so as to simulate the conditions, which dominate the growth of epitaxy/bulk material. A shell composed of AlAs layer and a capping GaAs layer was applied in situ to both types of wires in order to form confined structures for optical and electronic applications.
(2010) Materials. 3, 8, p. 4428-4445 Abstract
Numerous examples of closed-cage nanostructures, such as nested fullerene-like nanoparticles and nanotubes, formed by the folding of materials with layered structure are known. These compounds include WS2, NiCl2, CdCl2, Cs2O, and recently V2O5. Layered materials, whose chemical bonds are highly ionic in character, possess relatively stiff layers, which cannot be evenly folded. Thus, stress-relief generally results in faceted nanostructures seamed by edge-defects. V2O5, is a metal oxide compound with a layered structure. The study of the seams in nearly perfect inorganic "fullerene-like" hollow V2O5 nanoparticles (NIFV2O5) synthesized by pulsed laser ablation (PLA), is discussed in the present work. The relation between the formation mechanism and the seams between facets is examined. The formation mechanism of the NIF-V2O5 is discussed in comparison to fullerene-like structures of other layered materials, like IF structures of MoS2, CdCl2, and Cs2O. The criteria for the perfect seaming of such hollow closed structures are highlighted.
(2009) Nano Research. 2, 5, p. 416-424 Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like WS2 and MoS2 nanoparticles have been synthesized using exclusively solid precursors, by reaction of the corresponding metal oxide nanopowder, sulfur and a hydrogen-releasing agent (NaBH4 or LiAlH4), achieved either by conventional furnace heating up to a 900 °C or by photothermal ablation at far higher temperatures driven by highly concentrated white light. In contrast to the established syntheses that require toxic and hazardous gases, working solely with solid precursors permits relatively safer reactor conditions conducive to industrial scale-up.
(2009) Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. 22, 4, p. 343-346 Abstract
Magnetic susceptibility measurements of WO3 crystals hydrogen doped on the surface suggest 2D local non-percolated superconductivity with an onset temperature of 120 K. Observed zero field cooled vs. field cooled magnetization response is characteristic of type II superconductivity. The diamagnetic response at the critical temperature is field dependent, and is suppressed by a magnetic field of similar to 1700 Oe.
(2009) Nano Letters. 9, 4, p. 1506-1510 Abstract
The growth of wurtzite GaAs and InAs nanowires with diameters of a few tens of nanometers with negligible intermixing of zinc blende stacking is reported. The suppression of the number of stacking faults was obtained by a procedure within the vapor-liquid-solid growth, which exploits the theoretical result that nanowires of small diameter (∼10 nm) adopt purely wurtzite structure and are observed to thicken (via lateral growth) once the axial growth exceeds a certain length.
(2009) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 48, 7, p. 1230-1233 Abstract
Multiwall WS2 nanotube templates were used as hosts to prepare core-shell Pbl2@WS2 nanotubes by a capillarywetting method. Conformal growth of Pbl2 layers on the inner wall of the relatively wide WS2 nanotubes (i.d. ca.10 nm) leads to nanotubular structures which were not previously observed in narrow carbon nanotube templates. Image simulation after structural modeling (see picture) showed good agreement with the experimental HRTEM image.
[All authors] -
(2009) Physics of Semiconductors - 29th International Conference, ICPS 29. p. 349-350 Abstract
The growth of thin GaAs and InAs nanowires (NWs) was studied both theoretically and experimentally. InAs and GaAs NWs grown by the Vapor Liquid Solid (VLS) method were studied by a high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM). The wurtzite (wz) structure is dominant in such wires with occasional stacking faults (SFs) resulting from the intermixing of zinc-blended (zb) stacking. Growth direction is 〈0001〉 and 〈111〉 for the wz and the zb type sections of the NW, respectively. Nevertheless, we find that for NWs thinner than ca 100 Å, the wz/zb SFs do not appear. Using ab initio methods, we studied the stability of the structure of the NWs; in particular the competition between wz and zb phases. We have found that for the diameters of up to 50 Å the most stable NWs adopt the wz 〈0001〉 structure. For NWs with the diameter larger than 100 Å the free energies of wz and zb become nearly equal, which explains the occasional occurrence of SFs observed in as grown NWs.
(2009) Journal of Materials Chemistry. 19, 25, p. 4368-4374 Abstract
Further understanding of the growth mechanism and the detailed structure of fullerene-like MoS2 (IF-MoS2) nanoparticles was achieved by using a new kind of reactor. The annealed nanoparticles consist of >30 closed layers and their average diameter is 50-80 nm although a small (
(2009) Nano Letters. 9, 1, p. 215-219 Abstract
Stacking-faults-free zinc blende GaAs nanowires have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy using the vapor-liquid-solid gold assisted growth method. Two different approaches were used to obtain continuous low supersaturation in the vicinity of the growing wires. A double distribution of gold droplets on the (111)B surface in the first case, and a highly terraced (311)B growth surface in the second case both avoided the commonly observed transition to wurtzite structure.
(2008) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 47, 51, p. 9908-9912 Abstract
(Figure presented) Head over EELS: Reaction of O2 with a hexa-iron(II)-substituted polyoxometalate in water yields a polyoxometalate with "end-on" hydroperoxo groups, {FeIII-O2H}, at the terminal positions. The hydroperoxo moiety, stabilized by hydrogen bonding with water, is unusual for its long O-O bond and nearly linear Fe-O-O bond angle. Electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) is used to determine the oxidation state of iron.
(2008) Chemistry-An Asian Journal. 3, 8-9, p. 1568-1574 Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like (IF) Mo1-xRexS2 and W1-xRexS2 nanoparticles have been synthesized by a gasphase reaction involving the respective metal halides with H2S. The IF-Mo(W)1-xRexS2 nanoparticles, contain - ing up to 5% Re, were characterized by a variety of experimental techniques. Analyses of the X-ray powder diffraction and different electron microscopy techniques show that the Re is doped in the MoS2 host lattice. Interestingly, Re-dop ed MoS2 nanotubes are present as well, although in small quantities (∼5%). XPS results confirm the nanoparticles to be more n-type arising from the effect of Re doping. Additionally, density-functional tight-binding (DFTB) calculations support the observed n-type behavior.
(2008) Chemistry of Materials. 20, 12, p. 4099-4105 Abstract
WS2 inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles were subjected to intercalation with potassium, sodium, and rubidium atoms in heated sealed ampules. The product of the intercalation process was not pure and was composed of both intercalated and nonintercalated phases. X-ray diffraction measurements under inert conditions of the intercalated powders showed that the interlayer expansion was correlated with the alkali metal radius. Small increase of the a-axis was observed as well and was explained on the grounds of the WS2 band structure. The XPS analysis of the rubidium intercalated material showed a rise in the Fermi energy as a result of the intercalation, endowing the originally p-type nanoparticles an n-type character.
(2008) Surface and Interface Analysis. 40, 5, p. 939-943 Abstract
The microstructure and composition of the interfacial layer between chemically deposited PbSe and GaAs substrates were studied using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and energy-filtered TEM. The thickness of the interfacial layer varied significantly from direct contact of the film with the substrate to 5 nm in the thickest regions. The results established the presence of a discontinuous, amorphous intermediate layer of Ga(2)O(3) at the PbSe/GaAs interface. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
(2008) Chemistry of Materials. 20, 8, p. 2779-2792 Abstract
This study focuses on the formation mechanism of the bicontinuous cubic Ia3̄d mesoporous material KIT-6, both on the molecular and on the mesoscopic levels. KIT-6 is synthesized with Pluronic P123 (PEO 20PPO70PEO20), low acid concentration, and n-butanol at 40°C. Through in situ EPR measurements on a series of spin-labeled Pluronic molecules introduced at minute quantities into the reaction mixture, changes in the hydrophobicity and the mobility of the polymer chains during the reaction were observed. In addition, to learn more on the functionality of the butanol in this synthesis, freeze-quench electron spin-echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) measurements on reaction mixtures in D2O and in butanol-d10 were preformed. The above experiments gave information on variations in the butanol location and content in the micellar structures during the formation of KIT-6. The evolution of the solution nanostructures was determined by cryo-TEM. Five main stages were resolved: the first two occurred during the first 140 min of the reaction, where condensation of the silica oligomers takes place at the micellar/water interface; this induces depletion of water and butanol molecules from the core - corona interface and reduces the mobility of the ends of the Pluronic chains located at the corona - water interface. This in turn leads to a transition from spheroidal micelles to threadlike micelles and to their aggregation toward the end of the second stage. During the third stage, precipitation (140-160 min), reorganization in the micellar structure, and a change in the relative sizes of core and corona take place. The fourth stage, that ends around 6 h, involves the formation of a hexagonal phase, through accelerated condensation of silica oligomers in the corona, accompanied by extensive depletion of water and butanol molecules. The presence of butanol in the micelle corona is essential in the last stage, 6-24 h, where the cubic phase is formed. We show that the addition of butanol to the reaction mixture of SBA-15 after the formation of the hexagonal phase leads to the formation of the cubic phase.
(2008) Nanotechnology. 19, 9, 095601. Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles and nanotubes of WS2 were synthesized by a gas phase reaction starting from WCln (n = 4, 5, 6) and H2S. The effect of the various metal chloride precursors on the formation of the products was investigated during the course of the study. Various parameters have been studied to understand the growth and formation of the IF-WS2 nanoparticles and nanotubes. The parameters that have been studied include flow rates of the various carrier gases, heating of the precursor metal chlorides and the temperature at which the reactions were carried out. The best set of conditions wherein maximum yields of the high quality pure-phase IF-WS2 nanoparticles and nanotubes are obtained have been identified. A detailed growth mechanism has been outlined to understand the course of formation of the various products of WS2.
(2008) Radiocarbon. 50, 2, p. 289-307 Abstract
Chemical and structural similarities between poorly preserved charcoal and its contaminants, as well as low radiocarbon concentrations in old samples, complicate 14C age determinations. Here, we characterize 4 fossil charcoal samples from the late Middle Paleolithic and early Upper Paleolithic strata of Kebara Cave, Israel, with respect to the structural and chemical changes that occur when they are subjected to the acid-base-acid (ABA) treatment. Differential thermal analysis and TEM show that acid treatment disrupts the structure, whereas alkali treatment results in the reformation of molecular aggregates. The major changes are ascribed to the formation of salt bridges at high pH and the disruption of the graphite-like crystallites at low pH. Weight losses during the treatments are consistently greater for older samples, implying that they are less well preserved. Based on the changes observed in vitro due to pH fluctuations, various methods for removing contamination, as well as a mechanism for preferential preservation of charcoal in nature, are proposed.
(2007) Advanced Functional Materials. 17, 16, p. 3332-3338 Abstract
Geoinspired synthetic chrysotile nanotubes both stoichiometric and 0.67 wt % Fe doped were characterized by transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. Bending tests of the synthetic chrysotile nanotubes were performed using the atomic force microscope. The nanotubes were found to exhibit elastic behaviour at small deformations (below ca. 20 nm). Young's modulus values of (159±125) GPa and (279±260) GPa were obtained from the force-deflection curves using the bending equation for a clamped beam under a concentrated load, for the stoichiometric and the Fe doped chrysotile nanotubes, respectively. The structural modifications induced by Fe doping altered the mechanical properties, with an apparent dependence of the latter on the number of constituting walls of the nanotubes.
(2007) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 129, 41, p. 12549-12562 Abstract
IF-MO1-xNbxS2 nanoparticles have been synthesized by a vapor-phase reaction involving the respective metal halides with H2S. The IF-MO1-xNbxS2 nanoparticles, containing up to 25% Nb, were characterized by a variety of experimental techniques. Analysis of the powder X-ray powder diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and different electron microscopy techniques shows that the majority of the Nb atoms are organized as nanosheets of NbS2 within the MoS2 host lattice. Most of the remaining Nb atoms (3%) are interspersed individually and randomly in the MoS2 host lattice. Very few Nb atoms, if any, are intercalated between the MoS2 layers. A sub-nanometer film of niobium oxide seems to encoat the majority of the nanoparticles. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in the chemically resolved electrical measurement mode (CREM) and scanning probe microscopy measurements of individual nanoparticles show that the mixed IF nanoparticles are metallic independent of the substitution pattern of the Nb atoms in the lattice of MoS2 (whereas unsubstituted IF-MoS2 nanoparticles are semiconducting). Furthermore the IF-MO1-xNbxS2 nanoparticles are found to exhibit interesting single electron tunneling effects at low temperatures.
(2007) The Lock-and-Key Principle, The State of the Art--100 Years On. Vol. 1. p. 173-246 Abstract
This chapter contains sections titled:IntroductionGeneration and Amplification of Chirality in the Solid StateSelfAggregation of Amphiphilic Molecules at AirSolution InterfacesMolecular Recognition During Crystal NucleationChiral Amplification in The System GlycineSoluble CYAmino AcidsConclusion and Outlook
(2007) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 46, 4, p. 623-627 Abstract
(Figure Presented) Opening the window: Hollow multilayer nano-octahedra (see TEM image and structure) often appear in the laser-ablation products of layered transition-metal chalcogenides. Calculations on MoS2 nanoparticles demonstrate that nanooctahedra exist in a window of stability between nanoplatelets and spherical fullerene-like nanoparticles.
(2007) Chemistry-A European Journal. 13, 8, p. 2306-2310 Abstract
Charcoal produced in natural fires is widespread, but surprisingly little is known about its structure and stability. TEM and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) were used to characterize the organized graphitelike microcrystallites and amorphous nonorganized phases of modern charcoal that had been produced in natural fires. In addition, a semiordered structure was identified in two modern charcoal samples. Fossilized charcoal contains fewer graphite-like microcrystallites than modern samples. EELS spectra confirmed that the dominant structure in fossilized charcoal is amorphous carbon. EELS measurements also revealed that only the nonorganized phase contains oxygen, which indicates that the degradation of the fossilized charcoal structure occurs mainly through oxidation processes. The few graphite-like microcrystallites found in fossilized charcoal were composed of onion-like structures that are probably less prone to oxidation owing to their rounded structures.
(2007) Tribology International. 40, 1, p. 117-124 Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like (IF) solid lubricant nanoparticles and nanotubes with extremely useful mechanical and tribological characteristics have been realized, offering a plethora of new applications for these nanomaterials. The IF nanoparticles were found to be in the aggregated state. It is expected that the size of the aggregates and their distribution determine the penetration and entrapping of IF nanopowder into the interface. The main goal of the present work is to elucidate the effect of the mixing time of IF-WS2 nanomaterial in the oil on the size of the IF aggregates and their influence on the friction and wear. The fraction of small aggregates increases and that of the large aggregates decreases with longer mixing time. Consequently, the spread of the tribological results diminishes with the lengthening of the mixing time. The reproducibility of the friction results for the pairs lubricated with oil +IF nanoparticles is determined by distribution of the IF aggregates in the lubricant and the size of the solid lubricant aggregates.
(2006) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 110, 50, p. 25399-25410 Abstract
MoS2 nanooctahedra are believed to be the smallest stable closed-cage structures of MoS2, i.e., the genuine inorganic fullerenes. Here a combination of experiments and density functional tight binding calculations with molecular dynamics annealing are used to elucidate the structures and electronic properties of octahedral MoS2 fullerenes. Through the use of these calculations MoS2 octahedra were found to be stable beyond nMO > 100 but with the loss of 12 sulfur atoms in the six corners. In contrast to bulk and nanotubular MoS2, which are semiconductors, the Fermi level of the nanooctahedra is situated within the band, thus making them metallic-like. A model is used for extending the calculations to much larger sizes. These model calculations show that, in agreement with experiment, the multiwall nanooctahedra are stable over a limited size range of 104-105 atoms, whereupon they are converted into multiwall MoS2 nanoparticles with a quasi-spherical shape. On the experimental side, targets of MoS2 and MoSe2 were laser-ablated and analyzed mostly through transmission electron microscopy. This analysis shows that, in qualitative agreement with the theoretical analysis, multilayer nanooctahedra of MoS2 with 1000-25 000 atoms (Mo + S) are stable. Furthermore, this and previous work show that beyond ∼105 atoms fullerene-like structures with quasi-spherical forms and 30-100 layers become stable. Laser-ablated WS2 samples yielded much less faceted and sometimes spherically symmetric nanocages.
(2006) Advanced Materials. 18, 22, p. 2993-2996 Abstract
A simple, inexpensive, and reproducible photothermal procedure for synthesizing IF-Cs2O nanoparticles with immensely concentrated sunlight was demonstrated. The solar-driven synthesis of IF-Cs2O was performed in evacuated quartz ampoules that contained 3R-Cs2-O crystallites under continuous irradiation with a concentrated solar power of 2.0-7.7 W, and periods ranging from 30 to 840 s. Samples were collected from the deposit that gathered on the quartz ampoule during the solar irradiation for TEM analysis. The interaction of the beam with the materials led to thermal motion, charging, desorption of trace quantities, or possible chemical changes. The results of the electron energy loss spectroscopy and imaging with a Gatan imaging filters proved that only cesium and oxygen were present in the nanoparticles.
[All authors] -
(2006) Materials Research Bulletin. 41, 11, p. 2137-2146 Abstract
It is well accepted by now that nanoparticles of inorganic layered compounds form closed-cage structures (IF). In particular closed-cage nanoparticles of metal dihalides, like NiCl2, CdCl2 and CdI2 were shown to produce such structures in the past. In the present report IF-NiBr2 polyhedra and quasi-spherical structures were obtained by the evaporation/recrystallization technique as well as by laser ablation. When the nanoclusters were formed in humid atmosphere, nickel perbromate hydrate [Ni(BrO4)2(H2O)6] polyhedra and short tubules were produced, as a result of a reaction with water. Nanooctahedra of NiBr2 were found occasionally in the irradiated soot. The reoccurrence of this structure in the IF family suggests that it is a generic one. Consistent with previous observations, this study showed that formation of the IF materials stabilized the material under the electron-beam irradiation. The growth mechanism of these nanostructures is briefly discussed.
(2006) Nano. 1, 2, p. 167-180 Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like ( IF) nanoparticles of MoS2 were synthesized using gas-phase reaction starting from MoCl5 and H2S. The IF-MoS2 nanoparticles are spherical and in some cases faceted with diameters in general ranging between 20 and 80 nm. The IF-MoS2 nanoparticles have large hollow cores, filled in some cases with amorphous material. Various parameters have been investigated to understand the growth and formation of the IF-MoS2 nanoparticles. The parameters that have been studied include flow rates of the various carrier gases, temperature at which the reaction was carried out, time of the reaction and heating of the precursor material. The best set of conditions wherein maximum yields of the IF-MoS2 nanoparticles are obtained have been identified. Additionally, annealing the as-obtained samples or heating them in a mixture of H-2 along with H2S improves the crystallinity and reduces the amorphous material filling in the core. Apart from the fullerene-like nanoparticles under certain experimental conditions nanotubes of MoS2 have also been obtained nonetheless in small yields.
(2006) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 6, 4, p. 1038-1043 Abstract
We show how simple mechanical agitation of precipitated CdSe quantum dot aggregates causes partially reversible color changes (clearly visible to the eye) in the absorption spectrum of the CdSe (about 4 nm size). The color changes, which are due to changes in size quantization, are not accompanied by change in quantum dot size. This phenomenon is explained by partial deaggregation of the precipitates, leading to reduced charge overlap between neighboring dots. Shaking was shown to result in a looser aggregate structure. It is suggested that CdSO 3 particles (an initial product of the CdSe formation reaction) act as weak bridges between CdSe quantum dots, mediating the interparticle interactions and allowing the deaggregation to occur on shaking.
(2006) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 128, 15, p. 4968-4969 Abstract
Micelle directed polyoxometalate nanoparticles were synthesized by depositing H3+xPVxMo12-xO40 (x = 0, 2) by precipitation on micelles prepared from cesium dodecyl sulfate. The cryo-TEM image showed particles of about ∼10 nm roughly consistent with the particle size computed from an idealized model. HRTEM coupled with EELS imaging to map the distribution of the elements also supported the formation of micelle directed polyoxometalate nanoparticles. In the aerobic oxidation of various sulfides to sulfoxides and sulfones, the clustered polyoxometalate assemblies supported on hydrophilic silica showed significantly higher catalytic activity versus that of nonclustered assemblies.
(2006) Chemistry-A European Journal. 12, 13, p. 3507-3514 Abstract
An organic-inorganic hybrid material. TPPhA-Ti, was constructed by non-hydrolytic condensation of a dendritic tetrakis-1,3,5,7-(4- phosphonatophenyl)adamantane precursor and titanium(iv) isopropoxide. One preparative pathway yielded insoluble materials with a Ti/P ratio of ∼1 which was confirmed by a combination of FT-IR, TGA, and EDS measurements. N 2 sorption experiments showed that TPPhA-Ti is a porous solid (micro pores ∼13 Å; mesopores ∼38 Å) with a high surface area, ∼550 m2g-1. The structure and morphology of the TPPhA-Ti as investigated by transmission and scanning electron microscopy showed a layered-type material. Additional X-ray diffraction data suggest a paracrystalline material; an optimization of possible molecular arrangements of TPPhA-Ti was simulated that was in agreement with the experimental data. A second preparative pathway yielded a Ti oxide-phosphonate with a Ti/P ratio of ∼3.4. Both TEM and SEM revealed that hollow nanospheres were formed with diameters of ∼180- 300 nm.
(2006) Nanotechnology. 17, 6, p. 1700-1705 Abstract
Bi2Se3 nanorods have been synthesized through a simple hydrothermal reduction approach. The nanorods formed were ≈10nm in diameter and 100-200nm in length. XRD characterization suggested that the product consisted of the hexagonal phase of pure Bi2Se3. EDX and XPS studies further confirmed the composition and purity of the product. A possible mechanism for the reaction is proposed, where Bi2Se 3 microsheets are presumed to be the intermediate for the formation of the nanorods. The effect of solvent on the morphology of the final product is discussed, where, in the presence of aprotic solvent DMF, nanoparticle formation is observed. A bandgap of 2.25eV is observed from the UV-visible absorption spectra.
(2006) Solar Hydrogen And Nanotechnology. 6340, p. U74-U79 Abstract[All authors]
We report the rapid high-yield generation of inorganic fullerene-like cesium oxide (IF-CS2O) nanoparticles, activated by highly concentrated sunlight. The solar process represents an alternative to the only reported method for synthesizing IF-CS2O nanostructures: laser ablation. IF-CS2O formed at solar irradiation >= 6W, confirmed by high resolution transmission electron microscopy. These closed-cage Cs2O nanostructures are stable under electron microscope conditions, and also when exposed temporarily to air - of significance for their use in a variety of photonic devices.
(2005) Small. 1, 11, p. 1100-1109 Abstract
Motivated by the discovery of the C60 molecule (buckminsterfullerene), the search for inorganic counterparts of this closed-cage nanostructure started in 1992 with the discovery of nested fullerene-like nanoparticles of WS2. Inorganic fullerene-like (IF) materials have since been found in numerous two-dimensional compounds and are available in a variety of shapes that offer major applications such as in lubricants and nanocomposites. Various synthetic methodologies have been employed to achieve the right conditions for the constricted or templated growth needed for the occurrence of this new phase. In this study, IF-TaS2 is produced from a volatile chloride precursor in the gas phase and in small yield by room temperature laser ablation both in argon and in liquid CS 2. For the gas-phase reaction, a high yield of IF nanoparticles was obtained between 400 and 600°C with a low concentration of the precursor gas. The average size and the yield of the IF-TaS2 nanoparticles decrease with temperature. Above 600°C, IF nanoparticles were found in low yields and at sizes below 20 nm. The stability of the IF nanoparticles produced by the gas-phase reaction is discussed in the light of two existing theoretical models. Laser ablation in argon leads to IF nanoparticles filled with clusters of TaS2. Agglomeration of the nanoparticles can be avoided by laser ablation in liquid CS2.
(2005) Current Nanoscience. 1, 3, p. 253-262 Abstract
TiS2 nanoparticles with nested fullerene-like structure (IF) 60-120 nm in size consisting of up to 100 concentric molecular layers and having quite a perfectly spherical shape were obtained by reacting TiCl4 and H2S using first a horizontal and subsequently a vertical reactor. The proposed growth mechanism of these nanoparticles, i.e. nucleation and growth, is radically different from the one proposed for the growth of the fullerene-like WS2 from the respective oxide nanoparticles. It was found that adding 1-2% IF-TiS2 improves the behavior of lubricating oil substantially. The improved performance of the additive was attributed to the nearly spherical shape of the nanoparticles which promotes rolling friction.
(2005) Chemical Physics Letters. 411, 1-3, p. 162-166 Abstract
Inorganic closed-cage nanoparticles of TiS2 were synthesized using gas-phase synthesis. The reported nanoparticles are perfectly spherical with diameters centered between 60 and 80 nm, consisting from up to 80-100 concentric layers. The nucleation and growth mechanism was proposed for the formation of these nanoparticles. Tribological experiments emphasized the important role played by the spherical shape of the nanoparticles in providing rolling friction with a reduced friction coefficient and wear.
(2005) Chemistry of Materials. 17, 14, p. 3743-3748 Abstract
Metal nanoparticle nanotubes (NPNTs) have been introduced by us as a new class of template-synthesized, nanoparticle-based nanotubes possessing unique features such as room-temperature preparation, highly corrugated wall structure, electrical conductivity, mechanical stability, and defined optical absorbance. The nanotubes are prepared by passing a citrate-stabilized metal (Au, Ag) colloid solution through the pores of an aminosilane-modified nanoporous alumina membrane. The nanoparticles (NPs) aggregate, forming multilayers on the pore walls, and undergo spontaneous room-temperature coalescence to afford solid, porous, multiwall metallic nanotubes. Self-sustained NPNTs are obtained by membrane dissolution. It is shown that the nanotubes are formed in two stages, i.e., NP accumulation and initial coalescence in the wet stage, and final solidification upon drying, both crucial to their formation. The NPNT synthetic scheme is extended here to the construction of composite NPNTs, i.e., formation of bimetallic Au-Pd NPNTs using a mixed colloid solution. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) of single-metal and composite NPNTs indicates actual coalescence and creation of metallic interfaces between individual NPs, with lattice continuation that extends into the NP bulk.
(2005) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 44, 27, p. 4169-4172 Abstract
(Figure Presented) Fullerene-like Cs2O nanoparticles were prepared by laser ablation of 3R-Cs2O powder in evacuated quartz ampoules. The Cs2O closed cages, such as the faceted nanoparticle shown in the picture, are remarkably stable as compared with the corresponding extremely unstable but technically important bulk compound, which makes them potentially useful in applications involving cesium oxide coatings, for example, photoemissive devices and catalytic converters.
(2005) Tribology Letters. 19, 2, p. 143-149 Abstract
Recently, the behavior of inorganic fullerene-like (IF) WS2 nanoparticles in the interface of steel-on-steel pair has been analyzed. It was shown that originally when the gap between the contact surfaces is smaller than the size of the IF nanoparticles, there is no effect of the nanoparticles on the friction force. During the test stiff IF nanoparticles can plough the surface of hard steel samples and penetrate into the interface under friction. Molecular sheets of WS2 from the delaminated IF nanoparticles, which reside in the valleys of the rough surfaces cover the contact spots and thus decrease the number of adhered spots at the transition to seizure. The goal of the present work was to study the behavior of IF nanoparticles in the interface of ceramic surfaces. The friction tests were performed using a ball-on-flat device. A silicon nitride ball was slid against an alumina flat with maximum contact pressure close to 2 GPa. SEM, TEM and AFM techniques have been used in order to assess the behavior of IF nanoparticles in the interface. The behavior of IF nanoparticles in the much harder ceramic interfaces was found to be appreciably different from the steel pair. The pristine IF nanoparticles are damaged in the inlet of the contact during the first few cycles and thin shells of broken nanoparticles gradually cover the middle range of the contact surface. Different modes of deformation and destruction of the IF nanoparticles are exhibited when going from the middle to edge area of the contact. While aggregates of the pristine nanoparticles are formed at the edge of the contact, thin shells of broken IF nanoparticles are observed in the middle area where contact pressure is maximum. Mechanical stability and damage of IF nanoparticles in the ceramic interface are discussed.
(2005) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127, 25, p. 9207-9215 Abstract
Gold nanoparticle (NP) mono- and multilayers were constructed on gold surfaces using coordination chemistry. Hydrophilic Au NPs (6.4 nm average core diameter), capped with a monolayer of 6-mercaptohexanol, were modified by partial substitution of bishydroxamic acid disulfide ligand molecules into their capping layer. A monolayer of the ligand-modified Au NIPS was assembled via coordination with Zr(4+) ions onto a semitransparent Au substrate (15 nm Au, evaporated on silanized glass and annealed) precoated with a self-assembled monolayer of the bishydroxamate disulfide ligand. Layer-by-layer construction of NP multilayers was achieved by alternate binding of Zr(4+) ions and ligand-modified NPs onto the first NP layer. Characterization by atomic force microscopy (AFM), ellipsometry, wettability, transmission UV-vis spectroscopy, and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy showed regular growth of INIP layers, with a similar NIP density in successive layers and gradually increased roughness. The use of coordination chemistry enables convenient step-by-step assembly of different ligand-possessing components to obtain elaborate structures. This is demonstrated by introducing nanometer-scale vertical spacing between a NP layer and the gold surface, using a coordination-based organic multilayer. Electrical characterization of the NP films was carried out using conductive AFM, emphasizing the barrier properties of the organic spacer multilayer. The results exhibit the potential of coordination self-assembly in achieving highly controlled composite nanostructures comprising molecules, NPs, and other ligand-derivatized components.
(2004) Langmuir. 20, 24, p. 10727-10733 Abstract
Coordination self-assembly of bishydroxamate-based metal-organic multilayers on gold employing a layer-by-layer (LbL) approach was investigated. It is shown that the solution chemistry of the participating metal ion has a marked influence on the composition and properties of the multilayers. Use of Ce4+ and particularly zirconium(IV) acetylacetonate (Zr(acac)(4)) solutions in the ion-binding step of multilayer construction leads to multilayers with a near-stoichiometric metal ion-to-ligand ratio, suggesting a structure close to that predicted by a simple coordination self-assembly scheme. On the other hand use of a ZrCl4 solution as the source of metal ions in the multilayer construction leads to a multilayer with greater thickness and a large excess of Zr(IV), evenly distributed between the organic layers. In the latter case, a ratio of ca. 1:2 between the excess Zr and oxygen, as well as long-term Zr4+ binding experiments showing deposition of ZrO2, suggest the formation of a zirconia-type nanophase between the bishydroxamate organic repeat units during multilayer self-assembly. Hence, while the multilayer prepared using Zr(acaC)(4) solution appears to represent a "true" coordination-based structure, the one prepared using ZrCl4 is best described as a composite organic-ceramic multilayer. Composite multilayers prepared in this way display different properties from those of the stoichiometric ones, such as improved dielectric behavior and higher stiffness. Even greater mechanical stability is obtained with multilayers constructed using alternate binding of ZrCl4 and Ce4+. The concept of LbL formation of coordination-based composite organic-ceramic structures may be useful in obtaining nanometer-scale structures with tunable properties.
(2004) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 108, 33, p. 12360-12367 Abstract
Cesium oxides are materials of great interest to the photodetection industry because of their relatively low work function (∼1 eV). Used mainly as coating films for photoemissive devices, they provide high wavelength thresholds and high photocurrents. However, they are unstable, air-sensitive, and hygroscopic, rendering them short-lived and limiting their applications. Although the technology of these devices is highly developed, their characterization on the micro- and nanoscale suffers from their poor chemical stability and poor crystallinity. In the present study, cesium oxides were synthesized from the elements and were characterized using a combination of chemical and structural analysis techniques. Because the reaction products were extremely sensitive to humidity, sample analysis without atmospheric exposure was essential, and techniques were developed for the transfer of the samples to the measurements systems. Extensive data obtained from X-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), selected-area electron diffraction (SAED), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Raman microscopy were obtained. Raman spectra with bands at 103, 742, and 1134 cm-1 strongly confirmed the presence of the oxide, peroxide, and Superoxide ions, respectively, as well as the absence of carbonate as an impurity. The A1g mode of Cs2O was detected as an anti-Stokes band at 103 cm-1. This study provides further insight into the reactivity of the various cesium oxides.
(2004) Journal of Materials Science. 39, 13, p. 4119-4129 Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like materials have been identified as being of potentially utmost importance for many industrial applications. MoS2 and WS2 hollow nanoparticles have been identified as strong candidates for tribological applications such as solid lubricants. The main goal of this work was to evaluate the mechanical properties of solid lubricant particles in ensemble under hydrostatic pressure. The behavior of nanopowders under compression has been described on the basis of constitutive models of continuum mechanics. The model will be applied to an isotropic compaction of copper (well-studied medium), fullerene-like (IF-WS2) nanoparticles and a natural powder of 2H-WS2 platelets. The morphology of individual nanoparticles and nanoparticle ensembles will be examined and discussed. Another aspect of this work was to study the applicability and limitations of the proposed constitutive model for the understanding of the tribological behavior of solid lubricant nanoparticles. Compression with the maximal pressure (500 MPa) showed that the shape of the IF nanoparticles is preserved. The dominant mechanism of damage was found to be the delamination or peeling-off of the external sheets of hollow nanoparticles. Strong destruction of 2H-WS2 platelets was observed under compression.
(2004) Chemistry of Materials. 16, 11, p. 2238-2243 Abstract
Inorganic fullerene-like structures (IF) of the layered hafnium sulfide, Hf2S, have been synthesized by the laser ablation of HfS3 in tert-butyl disulfide medium. Apart from the Hf2S IFs exhibiting quasi-spherical as well as faceted nested-shell geometries, quasi-spherical nanoparticles of HfS were observed by this means. Whereas Hf2S has anti-NbS2 structure with S layers sandwiched between two Hf layers, HfS has the nonlayered WC-type structure. The nanoparticles of HfS show excess sulfur in the core, and they do not possess closed-shell geometry. The mechanism of formation of these nanoparticles has also been discussed.
(2004) Neuromuscular Disorders. 14, 4, p. 246-252 Abstract
Macrophagic myofasciitis has been almost exclusively detected in adults only. We describe six children of Arab Moslem origin with this disorder. Three presented with hypotonia, developmental delay and seizures and were evaluated for a mitochondrial disorder. The other three children had hypotonia and predominantly motor delay. Five of the six families were consanguineous. A massive collection of macrophages was present in the fascia and adjacent epimysium in all biopsies. The macrophages were periodic-acid-Schiff positive and immunoreactive for CD68. One biopsy which was evaluated by electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis showed crystalline structures containing aluminum in macrophages. Two children with motor delay and hypotonia were treated with oral prednisone for 3 months with no clinical improvement. Genetic predisposition probably accounts for the variability in the prevalence of macrophagic myofasciitis in different populations. At least in childhood, there seems to be no connection between macrophagic myofasciitis as a pathological entity and the clinical symptoms and signs. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[All authors] -
(2004) Journal of Materials Chemistry. p. 617-624 Abstract
Metal dichalcogenide nanotubes and in particular those of WS2 were shown to exhibit some unique physical and chemical properties, which offer numerous applications for this kind of nanophase material. Using a fluidized bed reactor (FBR), WS2 nanotubes were obtained in substantial amounts recently, rendering a systematic study of their properties possible. The FBR synthesized nanotubes are multiwalled (5-7 layers); open-ended; long (
(2003) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 125, 34, p. 10470-10474 Abstract
Tin disulfide pellets were laser ablated in an inert gas atmosphere, and closed cage fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles were produced. The nanoparticles had various polyhedra and short tubular structures. Some of these forms contained a periodic pattern of fringes resulting in a superstructure. These patterns could be assigned to a superlattice created by periodic stacking of layered SnS2 and SnS. Such superlattices are reminiscent of misfit layer compounds, which are known to form tubular morphologies. This mechanism adds up to the established mechanism for IF formation, namely, the annihilation of reactive dangling bonds at the periphery of the nanoparticles. Additionally, it suggests that one of the driving forces to form tubules in misfit compounds is the annihilation of dangling bonds at the rim of the layered structure.
(2003) Journal of Molecular Structure. 656, 1-3, p. 27-35 Abstract
Co-crystallization of a tri-ammonium cation with short and somewhat flexible 'arms', [N,N,N-tris[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]-1,3,5-benzenetricarboxamide]3+, with a polyoxometalate trianion, PW12O403-, yielded an insoluble channeled or microporous structure. The polyoxometalate clusters are arranged in a layered and zig-zag fashion along the xy plane. Looking along the x-axis, channels of a dimension of ∼3.5 × ∼6.5 Å are observed. It was found that C-H⋯O bonds aided in determining the crystal packing by providing directionality to the anion-cation interaction. On the other hand the co-crystallization of a tetraammonium cation with an extended and rigid tetrahedral configuration, 1,3,5,7-tetrakis{4-[(E)-2(N-methylpyridinium-4-yl)vinyl]phenyl adamantane tetraiodide, with a polyoxometalate tetracation, SiW12O 404-, yielded a lamellar structure with alternating layers with spacing of 16.6 Å of the inorganic-organic hybrid material.
(2003) Journal of Materials Chemistry. 13, 7, p. 1631-1634 Abstract
It was shown previously that nanoparticles of layered comppunds form closed-cage and nanotubular structures. These nanostructures received the generic name of inorganic fullerene-like (IF) materials. In particular nanoparticles of metal dihalides, like NiCl2 and CdCl2, were shown to form such closed-cage structures in the past. In the present report faceted IF-CdI2 nanoparticles encapsulating a Cd core are reported. These nanoparticles were obtained using electron beam irradiation of the source powder of CdI2. The faceted nanoparticles exhibit one of two morphologies: hexagonal or elongated rectangular characters. The nanoparticles can be considered as core (Cd)-shell (CdI2) nanostructures. Consistent with previous observations, this study shows that the seamless structure of the IF materials can stabilize phases, which are otherwise unstable Under the electron-beam irradiation. The growth mechanism of these nanostructures is briefly discussed.
(2003) Solid State Sciences. 5, 6, p. 905-908 Abstract
Nanoparticles of various layered compounds were shown to form closed cage or nanotubular structures, which were designated as inorganic fullerene-like (IF) materials. In particular, closed cage structures and nanotubes were synthesized from NiCl2 and CdCl2 in the past. In the present work IF-CdI2 nanoparticles were synthesized by electron-beam irradiation of the source powder leading to evaporation and subsequent recrystallization into closed nanoparticles with a non-hollow core. This process created polyhedral nanoparticles with hexagonal or elongated rectangular characters. Consistent with previous observations, this study shows that the seamless structure of the IF materials can stabilize phases, which are otherwise unstable under the electron-beam irradiation.
(2003) Advanced Functional Materials. 13, 5, p. 412-417 Abstract
A new method of laser-induced lithography for direct writing of carbon on a glass surface is described, in which deposition occurs from a transparent precursor solution. At the glass-solution interface where the laser spot is focused, a micro-explosion process takes place, leading to the deposition of pure carbon on the glass surface. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis shows two distinct co-existing phases. The dominant one shows a mottled morphology with diffraction typical of cubic (sp3) diamond. The other region shows an ordered array of graphene sheets with diffraction pattern typical of sp2-bonded carbon. The sp3 crystallites range in size from 9 to 30 Å and are scattered randomly throughout the sample. A UV Raman spectrum shows a broad band at the location of the expected diamond peak, together with a peak corresponding to the graphite region. We conclude that the patterned carbon is composed of a mixture of nanocrystalline sp3 and sp2 carbon forms.
(2003) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 5, 8, p. 1644-1651 Abstract
Laser ablation has been extensively used for the synthesis of nanoparticles of various sorts, and in particular single wall carbon nanotubes and C60 molecules. NiCl2 nanotubes were recently also produced using this technique. While fullerene-like NiCl2 structures can be obtained through regular ablation, vapor phase enriched with CCl4 gas (reactive ablation) is necessary for the synthesis of the nanotubes. The experimental results indicate that the synthesis of such nanotubes is much more difficult than the synthesis of say MoS2 or WS2 nanotubes. Moreover, the NiCl2 nanotubes are of larger diameter and consist on the average of more layers than their MoS2 predecessors. First principle calculations show that single layer NiCl2 nanotubes of diameter smaller than 54 nm are unstable and lose their outer chlorine atoms. In contrast, MoS2 nanotubes with diameter of 2 nm and larger are found to be stable using the same kind of calculations. To gain better understanding of the differences between the materials, a review of the mechanical properties of layered metal dihalide and metal dichalcogenide compounds is undertaken. First principle calculations show that the Young's and bending moduli of NiCl2 are almost twice larger than those of MoS2. The large ionicity of NiCl2 entails much larger shear and stacking fault energies for this compound as compared to MoS2, which explains its smaller propensity to bend and fold. These observations are supported by analysis of the corresponding Raman modes. Furthermore, metal dihalide compounds are very hygroscopic making their handling, and especially their analysis more difficult. This analysis explains the greater difficulties to grow NiCl2 nanotubes or fullerene-like nanoparticles, as compared to their MoS2 analogues.
Use of functionalized WS2 nanotubes to produce new polystyrene/polymethylmethacrylate nanocomposites(2003) Polymer. 44, 7, p. 2109-2115 Abstract
Multiwall WS2 nanotubes of 40-50 nm diameter were functionalized with n-octadecyl phosphonic acid by sonication in toluene and blended with mixtures of polystyrene (PS) and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) to form new nanocomposite (NC) materials. The surface and domain structures were studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for various levels of loading of nanotubes up to 20 wt%. Phase-separated domain size and surface roughness of the nanocomposite films were found to be dramatically reduced relative to the pure homopolymer blend and good dispersal of the nanotubes in the blend matrix was attained.
[All authors] -
(2003) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 107, 10, p. 2174-2179 Abstract
Semiconductor nanocrystals can be epitaxially electrodeposited onto single-crystal substrates. The lateral size of the nanocrystals was previously shown to be controlled mainly by the lattice mismatch between the substrate and semiconductor. Here we show that, although the lateral dimensions of the nanocrystals are only slightly dependent on the current density and temperature of deposition, the vertical dimension is strongly dependent on these parameters. This allows control of the shape and aspect ratio of the nanocrystals, from spherical at high deposition current to taller crystals with a shape between columnar and square pyramidal with rounded tops at low currents. The shape of the taller crystals is explained by considering the reduced role of kinetic factors at low current density. Cross-sectional TEM is used to image the nanoparticle shape, while photoelectrochemical spectral measurements allow approximate band gap values to be estimated for the various nanocrystals.
(2003) Wear. 255, 7-12, p. 785-793 Abstract
Recently, it has been established that WS2 and MoS2 nanoparticles (inorganic fullerene-like, IF) mixed with oil, and impregnated into porous matrix of powdered materials appear to enhance the tribological properties of mating surfaces in definite loading range in comparison to typical metal dichalcogenide solid lubricants. The main results have been obtained under relatively low pressures. It is important to evaluate the tribological properties of IF when the concentrated contact is obtained. The effect of the IF in oil was studied using pin-on-disk tester in the regime of mixed lubrication. The interaction between the full film and the asperity contact fractions has been considered and the time evolution of the friction force was evaluated. The states of the mating surfaces and the nanoparticles before and after the friction test were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). It was established that the IF nanoparticles mixed with oil allow to decrease the fraction of straight asperity contact under mixed lubrication regime and thus improve their tribological properties. TEM analysis showed that the shape of the IF nanoparticles is preserved under low loads. It was found that some of the IF nanoparticles were damaged after the friction at the maximal load of 420 N. The IF nanopaticles appear to form a protective film allowing increased load capacity of the rubbed pairs. The role of the IF solid lubricants as a part of a third body is discussed in this work. The mechanism of friction and wear of the IF nanoparticles are discussed.
(2003) Surface & Coatings Technology. 163-164, p. 405-412 Abstract
Recently it has been established that WS2 and MoS2 nanoparticles (IF) mixed in oil, and impregnated into porous matrix of powdered materials appear to enhance the tribological properties in definite loading range in comparison to typical metal dichalcogenides particles. Modification of the contact surface by IF-WS2 nanoparticles from oil, grease and from pores of densified powdered samples is considered in this work. The role of the IF solid lubricants as a part of a third body is discussed also in this work. The effect of the IF in oil was studied using a pin-on-disk tester. The study of IF in greases and impregnated into the pores of densified matrices was performed using a ring-block tester. The state of the mating surfaces and the nanoparticles before and after the friction test has been studied by TEM, SEM and XPS. It was established that the IF nanoparticles form a protective film allowing an increase in the load capacity of rubbed pairs. The tribological behavior of lithium grease with IF was found to be appreciably better than that of a commercially available grease incorporating MoS2 platelets (2H). It is found that the IF nanoparticles lead to improved tribological behavior of greases with the IF nanoparticles under very high loads. Impregnation of the IF-WS2 into the pores of densified powdered materials provides a reduced friction coefficient and wear rate over a wide load range in comparison to 2H solid lubricant. The main advantages of the IF nanoparticles is ascribed to the release and furnishing of the nanoparticles from the open pores onto the metal surface and their confinement at the interface, which is not possible with dense flat surfaces. It is expected that the spherical shape of IF nanoparticles facilitate their sliding/rolling between the rubbed surfaces.
(2003) Physical review letters. 91, 14, Abstract
The magnetization of an ensemble of isolated lead grains of sizes ranging from 4 to 1000 nm is measured. A sharp disappearance of the Meissner effect with a lowering of the grain size is observed for the smaller grains. This is a direct observation by magnetization measurement of the occurrence of a critical particle size for superconductivity, which is consistent with Andersons criterion.
(2003) Wear. 255, 7-12, p. 794-800 Abstract
Friction and wear of powder materials impregnated with commercially available layered (platelets) WS2 (2H) and inorganic fullerene-like WS2 nanoparticles (IF) were studied. Bronze-graphite, iron-graphite and iron-nickel-graphite samples were used in this experiment. The linear wear of powder materials (in situ) was measured. It was shown that the IF nanoparticles impregnated into the pores improve the tribological properties of powder materials in comparison to a reference sample or the sample impregnated with 2H solid lubricant particles. The mechanisms of friction and wear of the IF nanoparticles have been considered. The tribological role of the wear particles and nanoparticles of solid lubricants has been analyzed in the framework of a third body lubrication model. The state of the IF nanoparticles before and after the wear test was studied. It was found that the shape of the IF nanoparticles is preserved during the friction tests under high loads. Thin wear debris surrounded by spherical IF nanoparticles appear to be formed and provide easily sheared lubrication film (low friction coefficient) during friction experiments of powder materials containing IF nanoparticles.
(2002) Applied Physics Letters. 81, 22, p. 4177-4179 Abstract
We show that substrate-free crystallized barium titanate (BaTiO3) films adopt a hexagonal structure, whereas substrate-supported films assume the commonly observed tetragonal phase. However, in contrast to the known hexagonal BaTiO3, the substrate-free crystallized films demonstrate a small but measurable pyroelectric effect, and do not exhibit phase transitions in the 25-423 K temperature range. Thus the substrate-free crystallized BaTiO3 represents a heretofore unreported crystallographic modification of BaTiO3. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.
(2002) Organic Letters. 4, 20, p. 3529-3532 Abstract
(matrix presented) Palladium 15-20 nm particles stabilized by a Keggin-type polyoxometalate were prepared by reduction of K5PPdW11O39 with H2. The nanoparticles were shown to be effective catalysts for Suzuki-, Heck-, and Stille-type carbon-carbon coupling and carbon-nitrogen coupling reactions of bromoarenes in aqueous media. Chloroarenes were also reactive in reaction media without solvent.
(2002) Advanced Functional Materials. 12, 10, p. 713-718 Abstract
Elliptically shaped (Pb1-xCdx)S nanoparticles (NPs) of average size 2.3 × 2.9 nm (minor axis × major axis) have been prepared via reaction of a solid [oligo(p-phenylene-ethynylene) dicarboxylate]Pb0.9Cd0.1 salt matrix, with gaseous H2S. A significantly long emission lifetime, with multi-exponential behavior, is detected in time-resolved photoluminescence measurements, substantially different from the decay patterns of pure PbS and CdS NPs within the same organic matrix. Evidence for the co-existence of Cd and Pb within the same particle is provided by light-induced X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
(2002) Journal of Applied Physics. 92, 8, p. 4784-4790 Abstract
Ion beam sputtering of chemical compounds is in general nonstoichiometric. The problem is especially severe for inorganic insulators because target charging and ionic emission render sputtering rates unstable. This study reports on the influence of target charging on ion beam sputtering of Al 2O 3 and LiNbO 3 films on Si and Al 2O 3/Si substrates. It was found that undesirable ionic emission could be minimized by eliminating target charging, controlled via electron to ion neutralization ratio of the incident beam. Experimental data suggest that the stoichiometric sputtering corresponds to zero target charging and thus can be used as an effective feedback parameter during deposition. When the target charging was minimal, high quality stoichiometric Al 2O 3 films were obtained without the need for oxygen supplied to the deposition chamber. The dependence of refractive index, residual stress, and specific resistance on neutralization ratio showed abrupt change in the vicinity of zero target charging. In a separate experiment, minimization of the target charging helped to maintain stoichiometry during ion beam sputtering of LiNbO 3, suggesting that this method is also beneficial for sputtering of ternary compounds.
(2002) Advanced Materials. 14, 15, p. 1075-1078 Abstract
Laser ablation is a powerful technique for producing nanoparticles such as C60. In comparison to high-temperature gas-phase or solid/gas-phase reactions, the laser ablation technique is found to be suitable for the growth of nano-crystals of a specific shape and size. This paper reports on the synthesis, by means of a modified laser ablation technique, of inorganic fullerene-like structures (IF) of NiCl2, in the form of polyhedral and nanotubes.
(2002) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 124, 17, p. 4747-4758 Abstract
Layered metal disulfides-MS2 (M = Mo, W) in the form of fullerene-like nanoparticles and in the form of platelets (crystallites of the 2H polytype) have been intercalated by exposure to alkali metal (potassium and sodium) vapor using a two-zone transport method. The composition of the intercalated systems was established using X-ray energy dispersive spectrometer and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The alkali metal concentration in the host lattice was found to depend on the kind of sample and the experimental conditions. Furthermore, an inhomogeneity of the intercalated samples was observed. The product consisted of both nonintercalated and intercalated phases. X-ray diffraction analysis and transmission electron microscopy of the samples, which were not exposed to the ambient atmosphere, showed that they suffered little change in their lattice parameters. On the other hand, after exposure to ambient atmosphere, substantial increase in the interplanar spacing (3-5 Å) was observed for the intercalated phases. Insertion of one to two water molecules per intercalated metal atom was suggested as a possible explanation for this large expansion along the c-axis. Deintercalation of the hydrated alkali atoms and restacking of the MS2 layers was observed in all the samples after prolonged exposure to the atmosphere. Electric field induced deintercalation of the alkali metal atoms from the host lattice was also observed by means of the XPS technique. Magnetic moment measurements for all the samples indicate a diamagnetic to paramagnetic transition after intercalation. Measurements of the transport properties reveal a semiconductor to metal transition for the heavily K intercalated 2H-MOS2. Other samples show several orders of magnitude decrease in resistivity and two- to five-fold decrease in activation energies upon intercalation. These modifications are believed to occur via charge transfer from the alkali metal to the conduction band of the host lattice. Recovery of the pristine compound properties (diamagnetism and semiconductivity) was observed as a result of deintercalation.
(2002) Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing. 74, 3, p. 367-369 Abstract
The synthesis of multigram portions of WS2 nanotubes and large foils consisting of aligned nanotubes was presented. Nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles of WS2 were observed by annealing very thin films of tungsten in a H2S atmosphere. It is found that a slow in-diffusion of the sulfur and out-diffusion of the oxygen leads to a conversion of the oxide core into a multilayer WS2 nanotube.
(2002) Chemistry-A European Journal. 8, 6, p. 1413-1423 Abstract
Composite materials of quantum particles (Q-particles) arranged in layers within crystalline powders of π-conjugated, rodlike dicarboxylic acids are reported. The synthesis of the composites, either as three-dimensional crystals or as thin films at the air-water interface, comprises a two-step process: 1) The preparation of the Cd salts 6(Cd), 8(Cd) or Pb salts 6(Pb), 8(Pb) of the oligo(p-phenyleneethynylene)dicarboxylic acids 6(H), 8(H), in which the metal ions are arranged in ribbons and are separated by the long axis of the organic molecules, as demonstrated by X-ray powder diffraction analysis of the solids and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction analysis of the films on water. 2) Topotactic solid/gas reaction of these salts with H2S to convert the metal ions into Q-particles of CdS or PbS embedded in the organic matrix that consists of the acids 6 (H) and 8 (H). These hybrid materials have been characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy.
(2002) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 4, 11, p. 2095-2098 Abstract
Inorganic nanotubes of WS2 have been investigated by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and scanning tunneling microscopy, providing support for the theoretical prediction of correlation of bandgap with diameter.
(2002) AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 633. p. 67-70 (trueStructural And Electronic Properties Of Molecular Nanostructures). Abstract
Layered metal disulfides - MoS2 and WS2 in the form of fullerene-like (IF) nanoparticles and in the form of platelets (crystallites of the 2H polytype) have been intercalated by exposure to alkali metal (potassium and sodium) vapor using a two-zone transport method. The composition of the intercalated systems was established using X-ray energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of the samples, which were not exposed to the ambient atmosphere, showed that they suffered little change in their lattice parameters. On the other hand, after exposure to ambient atmosphere, substantial increase in the interplanar spacing (3-5 Angstrom) was observed for the intercalated phases. Insertion of one to two water molecules per intercalated metal atom was suggested as a possible explanation for this large expansion along the c-axis. The modifications in magnetic and transport properties of the intercalated materials were investigated, and are believed to occur via charge transfer from the alkali metal to the conduction band of the host lattice. Restacking of the MS2 layers after prolonged exposure to the atmosphere and recovery of the pristine compound properties were observed as a result of deintercalation of the metal atoms.
(2002) Chemistry of Materials. 14, 2, p. 471-473 Abstract
WS2nanotubes were synthesized in large amounts by reaction of H2S with WO3 nanopowder using a fluidized-bed reactor. The nanotubes come often in a few centimeter long bundles or alternatively as a few centimeters large foil deposited on the quartz wall of the reactor. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the open-ended nanotubes are quite uniform in shape: Up to 0.5-mm long and 15-20 nm in diameter, and they are chiral.
(2002) Journal of Materials Chemistry. 12, 5, p. 1587-1591 Abstract
NbS2 nanoparticles with a closed cage structure (inorganic fullerene-like phase - IF) were synthesized by reaction between NbCl5 vapor and H2S gas in a reducing atmosphere at 400°C, and subsequent annealing under a H2S/H2 atmosphere at 550°C. Following the synthesis, the nanoparticles were found to have a large excess of Nb; they were agglomerated; highly dislocated and enfolded by amorphous material. After annealing, most of the amorphous material crystallized into closed NbS2 shells, and the nanoparticles appeared to be much more faceted. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the interlayer spacing (c/n) of the annealed particles had decreased. They were also agglomerated, being connected to neighboring nanoparticles through their outer NbS2 layers after annealing. In related experiments Nb2O3 nanofibers, which organize into a nanoflower superstructure, and also NbS2 nanofibers were synthesized under somewhat different growth conditions.
(2001) Advanced Materials. 13, 8, p. 580-584 Abstract
Hybrid organic/inorganic Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films were prepared by the synthetic solid/gas reaction. Addition to the thiocarboxylic acid to the LB film stabilized the ordered phase.
(2001) Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 162, 2, p. 300-314 Abstract
Recently, pure phases of hollow multi-walled WS2 nanotubes were prepared from a surface reaction with reduced tungsten oxide nanowhiskers. During the process, which starts with WO3-x nanoparticles and finishes with WS2 nanotubes, particular care has been devoted to the evolution of the tungsten oxide cores once the first encapsulating WS2 layer has been formed. The reduced tungsten oxide phases were previously studied by a combination of techniques, including high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. In the present study, Raman spectroscopy combined with the previous two techniques is used to give further detail concerning the structure of the reduced oxide phases. This study sheds some further light on the reduction process of the tungsten suboxide phases and the growth mechanism of oxide nanowhiskers and subsequently WS2 nanotubes from quasi-isotropic tungsten oxide nanoparticles.
(2001) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 41, 1, p. 7-14 Abstract
Nanoparticles of various layered compounds having a closed cage or nanotubular structure, designated also inorganic fullerene-like (IF) materials, have been reported in the past. In this work IF-CdCl2 nanoparticles were synthesized by two methods. In one technique, a high temperature evaporation and subsequent condensation of dried cadmium chloride powder was used. In the other method, electron beam irradiation of the source powder led to its recrystallization into closed nanoparticles with a nonhollow core. The two methods are shown to produce nanoparticles of different topologies. While mostly spherical nested structures are obtained from the high temperature process, polyhedra with hexagonal or elongated rectangular characters are obtained by the electron beam induced process. The analysis also shows that, while the source (dried) powder is orthorhombic cadmium chloride monohydrate, the crystallized IF cage consists of the anhydrous 3R polytype which is not stable as bulk material in ambient atmosphere. Consistent with previous observations, this study shows that the seamless structure of the IF materials can stabilize phases, which are otherwise unstable in ambient conditions.
(2000) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 104, 38, p. 8976-8981 Abstract
Recent progress in the synthesis of bulk quantities of long WS2 nanotubes has allowed them to be considered as potential candidates in various applications, specifically in nanotechnology. In order to evaluate their efficacy in such applications and to obtain a better insight into their growth mechanism, morphological studies were performed both by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Three types of WS2 nanotubes, a few microns in length, were found. The nanotubes denoted "thin" have a diameter up to 30 nm and are circular; those denoted "thick" have a larger diameter, up to 150 nm, and are often polygonal. A third kind of nanotube, bundled or fused, could be also discerned. Differences in the morphology of the nanotube caps were also observed: The majority of "thin" nanotubes exhibit a head close to hemispherical, while the "thick" ones have a peculiar 90° apex. It is argued that the two discernible morphologies are obtained through two distinct growth mechanisms, as discussed in the text.
(2000) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 104, 29, p. 6843-6850 Abstract
The absolute orientations of the amphiphilic molecules α-hydroxy ω-bromo alcohols BrCnH2n OH, n= 21, 22, and the alkyl hydroxy esters CmH2m+1COO(CH2)nOH, m = 14, 15, n = 10, in crystalline monolayer forms on water have been determined, the former by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD) and the latter by sum frequency generation (SFG). The assignment was made for the alkyl hydroxy esters by establishing the polar angle between the terminal CH3-C bond and the normal to the plane of the monolayer; for the bromo alcohols the assignment was made by a determination of the two-dimensional crystal structure via X-ray structure factor calculations. The SFG results are in agreement with reported GIXD and lattice energy analyses of the alkyl hydroxy esters m = 19, n = 9, 10. These studies have further revealed the absolute orientation of the alcohol C-OH bonds at the water surface, which in turn can be correlated with the ice-nucleating behavior of the monolayers on supercooled water drops in terms of the odd and even values of n.
[All authors] -
(2000) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 104, 7, p. 1399-1428 Abstract
The packing arrangements of Langmuir films on aqueous solution of simple amphiphiles, such as fatty acids, alcohols, amides, and amino acids, are now established to near atomic resolution by the method of grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD), complemented by various spectroscopic and lattice energy computational techniques. For simple aliphatic chainlike amphiphilic molecules, it is possible to correlate the extent of two-dimensional (2-D) crystallinity of the Langmuir film with molecular interactions, in terms of the nature and length of the hydrophobic chain, the type of hydrophilic headgroup, and the binding properties thereto of solute ions and molecules from the aqueous subphase. The monolayer packing arrangements of amphiphilic molecules can be engineered for the performance of photoinduced topochemical reactions, and characterized by GIXD. Racemic mixtures of amphiphiles can also be engineered, by taking advantage of intermolecular hydrogen bonding, to undergo a spontaneous separation of the left- and right-handed molecules into 2-D chiral crystals at the air-solution interface. The geometry of binding of molecules or ions from the aqueous subphase to the hydrophilic headgroups can be pinpointed by GIXD, in favorable systems. The ordered binding of solutes to the amphiphile monolayer can lead to induced nucleation of oriented organic and inorganic crystals at the solution interface. GIXD has shown that such an induction can occur via even a partial lattice match, or by structural complementarity, sometimes involving a molecular rearrangement of the amphiphiles. It is possible from monolayer-induced crystallization to glean information on the process of nucleation and on the critical size of the nuclei. A variety of different types of crystalline multilayers, composed of water-insoluble molecules such as bolaform amphiphiles, alkanes, heterosubstituted aromatics, can be formed at the air-solution interface. The number of layers formed and their polymorphic behavior can be controlled, albeit within limits, with the use of tailor-made additives. Their structures can be determined by GIXD, thus providing data on the initial stages of 3-D crystalization. Multilayers, comprising water-insoluble and water-soluble components, assembled in situ at the solution surface leading to thin film supramolecular architectures, have been engineered. These crystals have been found to be oriented vis-à-vis the solution surface and thus amenable to characterization by GIXD and other methods.
(2000) Solid State Sciences. 2, 6, p. 663-672 Abstract
MS2 (M = Mo, W) hollow onion-like nanoparticles were the first inorganic fullerene-like (IF) materials, found in 1992. Understanding of the IF-MS2 growth mechanism in 1996 enabled us to build a rather simple reactor, which produced about 0.4 g per batch, of an almost pure IF-WS2 powder. Soon after, it was found that the new powder showed better tribological properties compared with the regular MS2 (M = Mo, W) powder, which is a well-known solid lubricant. The present work shows a new synthetic approach, which allows for a scale-up of IF-WS2 production by more than two orders of magnitude. The falling-bed and, especially, fluidized-bed methods, which are presented here, pave the way for an almost ideal growth condition of the IF synthesis from an oxide precursor. As a result, the presently produced IF has a more uniform (spherical) shape and can grow to a larger size (up to 0.5 μm). It is expected that the relatively spherical IF-WS2 nanoparticles, which are produced by the falling (fluidized) bed reactor, will exhibit superior tribological properties, than reported before. (C) 2000 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.
Nanoparticles of CdCl2 with closed cage structures(2000) Electronic Properties Of Novel Materials-Molecular Nanostructures. 544, p. 441-447 Abstract
Nanoparticles of various layered compounds having a closed cage or nanotubular structure, designated also inorganic fullerene-like (IF) materials, have been reported in the past. In this work IF-CdCl2 nanoparticles were synthesized by electron beam irradiation of the source powder leading to its recrystallization into closed nanoparticles with a nonhollow core. This process created polyhedral nanoparicles with hexagonal or elongated rectangular characters. The analysis also shows that, while the source (dried) powder is orthorhombic cadmium chloride monohydrate, the crystallized IF cage consists of the anhydrous 3R polytype which is not stable as bulk material in ambient atmosphere. Consistent with previous observations, this study shows that the seamless structure of the IF materials can stabilize phases, which are otherwise unstable in ambient conditions.
(2000) Advanced Materials. 12, 4, p. 302-306 Abstract
CdS and Cd1-xMnxS nanoparticles arranged in patterns within acrylamide were prepared via the topotactic reaction of the corresponding metal thioalkanoates with gaseous ammonia. The organization of the particles was improved in some systems and induced in others in the presence of alkanoates that act as site-directing nucleating centers.
(1999) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 121, 41, p. 9589-9598 Abstract
A method is described for the preparation of hybrid organic/inorganic structures where the inorganic component comprises semiconductor nanoparticles aligned in periodic layers within three-dimensional (3-D) crystalline powders and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films. The preparation process comprises the organization of metal ions in the form of periodic arrays within 3-D crystals or the LB films, followed by a topotactic gas/solid reaction. The method is illustrated for the organization of CdS nanoparticles within alkanoic acids. The order of the nanoparticles is achieved by introducing site directing nucleation centers of Cd thioalkanoates within Cd alkanoates, in the form of solid solutions. The formed particles are attached to the organic matrix via -C(O)S-Cd-S- bonds. The structure of those supramolecular architectures has been characterized by a variety of complementary methods, including transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron diffraction (ED), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and other spectroscopic measurements.
(1999) Current Challenges On Large Supramolecular Assemblies. Vol. 519. p. 97-114 Abstract
Self-assembly of molecules into structured clusters is an important intermediate state en route to the growth of three-dimensional crystals or the formation of supramolecular architectures. We directed our efforts towards the preparation of functional clusters at the air-aqueous solution interface for several reasons: most important, thin crystalline films can be easily prepared at the water surface; furthermore, it is possible, at the air-liquid interface, to combine water-soluble and water-insoluble components to form multicomponent films; and thirdly, the flat nature of the water surface is ideal for performing surface X-ray diffraction measurements (GIXD) using synchrotron radiation for structure elucidation of the films, an analytical method that has emerged over the last decade. The thin-film clusters generated at the air-solution interface can be deposited on solid surfaces and then analyzed by other methods such as scanning force microscopy (SFM) and cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-TEM).
(1999) MRS Proceedings. 576, p. 159-164 Abstract
The preparation of lead sulfide and cadmium sulfide quantum size particles arranged in periodic layers within organic matrices is described. Superlattices of the particles have been generated in crystals or thin films of long chain amphiphilic acids by topotactic gas-solid reactions of the lead or cadmium salts, that pack in layer structures, with H2S gas. X-ray powder diffraction and transmission electron microscopy reveal that the crystalline order of the reactant has been partially retained in the organic-inorganic composite. This approach is demonstrated by examples of organic acids bearing an aromatic ring along the hydrocarbon chain, such as derivatives of phenyl propionic and benzoic acids.
(1998) Acta Polymerica. 49, 10-11, p. 626-635 Abstract
Structural studies on Langmuir films of C50H102, nylon-6,6 polymer and its oligomeric analog provide information on the crystallization behavior of these substances in thin layers. While a nylon-6,6 oligomer and C50H102 form stable crystalline monolayers with the chains aligned mainly normal to the water surface, nylon-6,6 polymer assembles into a fibrous multilayer film (see SFM micrograph).
[All authors] -
(1998) Acta Polymerica. 49, 10-11, p. 626-635 Abstract[All authors]
The structure of monolayers of the n-alkane C50H102 on water was studied. The orientational, conformational and packing properties of these molecules were explored on the water surface by reflection-absorption Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD) directly on the water surface, as well as by cryo-TEM on vitreous ice and scanning force microscopy (SFM) of the films transferred onto mica support.
(1998) Advanced Materials. 10, 2, p. 121-125 Abstract
Quantum dots of CdS and PbS can be generated in thin films and 3D crystalline powders by taking advantage of the packing arrangement of metal alpha,omega-alkanedicarboxylates (see previous communication). The Figure is a transmission electron micrograph of the CdS particles formed in the 3D crystalline powder of cadmium C-12 dicarboxylate.
(1997) Science. 278, 5346, p. 2100-2102 Abstract
Catalytically active Langmuir-Blodgett films of a rhodium complex were prepared and characterized to determine the possible effect of the molecular order of metal complexes on catalytic activity. The hydrogenation of carbon- oxygen double bonds was used as a model reaction. The complex in solution exhibited low catalytic activity, whereas it was highly active in the film. The catalytic activity was found to be highly dependent on the orientation of the complex within the film. The reactions were also highly selective with regard to the substrate. These observations and the observed rate dependence on temperature strongly implicate the molecular order of a metal complex as an important dimension in catalysis.
An insight into the ice nucleation process via design of crystalline ice nucleators of variable size(1997) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 101, 44, p. 8874-8877 Abstract
Monolayers of the long-chain alcohols on water promote nucleation of ice. In order to determine the minimum size of crystalline alcohol monolayer domains that induce ice nucleation, we reduced their size in two distinct ways. One approach encompassed embedding the pure hydrocarbon alcohol, CnH2n+1OH(n = 20, 31), into a matrix of an immiscible monolayer of perfluoro alcohol C10F21C2H4OH, which is inert as an ice nucleator. The second set of experiments involved the introduction of random defects into the monolayer crystalline domains of C29H59OH through the use of the fully miscible guest alcohol molecule, C31H63OH, as additive. By these methods we estimated that ∼450 water molecules are necessary to form a stable ice cluster at the onset of induced ice nucleation at a temperature just below 0°C.
(1996) Croatica Chemica Acta. 69, 2, p. 689-708 Abstract
A correlation is presented between the crystalline structure of monolayers and multilayers of α,ω-alkanediols HO-(CH2)n-OH (n = 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 30) at the air-water interface and their function as ice nucleators. Structural elucidation was carried out by the following methods: grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, scanning force microscopy, cryo-transmission electron microscopy and external reflection Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy.
(1996) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 36, 1, p. 97-110 Abstract
Structure, morphology, and mechanical properties of mono- and several-layer structures of amphiphiles or pure n-alkane crystallites generated by spontaneous self-assembly on aqueous subphase have been analyzed by scanning force microscopy (SFM). Pure-component and heterogeneous mixtures of molecules were allowed to spread and self-assemble without compression on an aqueous subphase. The self-assembled films were transferred to an atomically smooth mica substrate by drainage for measurement using SFM. Results were compared with a variety of techniques including cryo-transmission electron microscopy, grazing incidence X-ray diffraction. X-ray reflectivity, and reflectance/absorption infrared spectroscopy. Whereas the collaborative techniques provide spatially-averaged information, we find that the SFM accesses both individual crystallites and amorphous material, thus providing unique information on the morphology, number of layers, and complementary structural features.
(1995) Chemistry-A European Journal. 1, 5, p. 304-311 Abstract
A systematic analysis of grazing incidence synchrotron Xray diffraction data of uncompressed amphiphilic alcohols CnH2n+1 OH (n = 31, 30, 23, 20, 19, 18, 16, 14, 13) on a water subphase at 5°C is presented. Pronounced structural changes were observed on reduction of chain length from n = 31 to 13. The relative amount of two dimensional (2D) crystalline material formed fell drastically; shorter crystalline coherence lengths were also observed. For n3118 the molecules are arranged in a rectangular cell (a ≈ 5 Å, b increases from ca. 7.4 to ca. 8.2 Å) with plane symmetry p1 g1. For n 2 and in the atomic displacement parameter parallel to the water surface; it increases from 0.1 Å2 for n = 31 to 0.30 Å2 for n = 19. We explain the preference for chain tilt along the b axis, rather than a, in terms of hydrogen bonding to the water subphase. The various structural properties of the CnH2n+2OH (n = 3113) monolayer series, such as degree of crystallinity and coherence length, lattice dimensions, chain orientation, and molecular motion, may be correlated with the icenucleating efficiency of these alcohol monolayers as a function of n.
(1995) Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science. 51, 2, p. 115-148 Abstract
Tailor-made auxiliaries for the control of nucleation and growth of molecular crystals may be classified into two broad categories: inhibitors and promoters. Tailor-made inhibitors of crystal growth can be used for a variety of purposes, which include morphological engineering and etching, reduction of crystal symmetry, assignment of absolute structure of chiral molecules and polar crystals, elucidation of the effect of solvent on crystal growth, and crystallization of a desired polymorph. As for crystal growth promoters, monolayers of amphiphilic molecules on water have been used to induce the growth of a variety of three-dimensional crystals at the monolayer-solution interface by means of structural match, molecular complementarity or electrostatic interaction. A particular focus is made on the induced nucleation of ice by monolayers of water-insoluble aliphatic alcohols. The two-dimensional crystalline structures of such monolayers have been studied by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction. It has become possible to monitor, by this method, the growth, dissolution and structure of self-aggregated crystalline nonolayers, and indeed multilayers, affected by the interaction of solvent molecules in the aqueous. suphase with the amphiphilic headgroups, and by the use of tailor-made amphiphilic additives.
(1995) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 34, 6, p. 649-652 Abstract
Double layers are formed by α,ω-docosanediol (C22 diol) when it is spread on a water surface. The space group (a slightly relaxed form of P21/a) and the lattice parameters of the unit cell were determined by X-ray diffraction. Furthermore, multilayer formation was inhibited by addition of 10% of C24H49OH or 5% of HO(CH2)22OCH2Ph to the spreading solution. The coverage with the double layer was reduced to less than 15%; the rest was occupied by a monolayer.
(1995) Advanced Materials. 7, 1, p. 26-35 Abstract
The structure of selfassemblies of amphiphiles formed at the airaqueous solution interface can be determined by cryo transmission electron microscopy (CryoTEM). The method is based on fast vitrification of the thin layer of aqueous solution covered with amphiphilic monolayer by plunging the specimen into liquid ethane at its freezing point. During the process of fast cooling the aggregates maintain their twodimensional crystalline integrity and structure, as demonstrated by comparative studies involving grazing incidence Xray diffraction (GID) at the airsolution interface, and the CryoTEM measurements of the same amphiphilic systems on vitreous ice. Brightfield and darkfield images from the CryoTEM observations provide more detailed information than from epifluorescence and Brewster angle microscopy. Furthermore, the electron diffraction patterns have the additional advantage that they allow structural characterization of the crystallites almost at a molecular level, and furnish data on micro twinning and defects occurring between crystalline domains. CryoTEM has been applied to elucidate the structure of 2D and 3D selfaggregates of amphiphilic alcohols, acids and their cadmium salts, bolaamphiphiles and mixed monolayers. Epitaxial crystallization of hexagonal ice underneath the monolayer of long chain alcohol was also directly demonstrated by this method.
(1994) Advanced Materials. 6, 12, p. 956-959 Abstract
The spontaneous aggregation of the bolaamphiphile α,ωdocosanediol into embryonic threedimensional crystallites at the airwater interface can be inhibited by additives. A study with the aim of determining the necessary properties of such supplements is reported, which uses additives with molecular recognition properties and methods such as Xray reflectivity, cryotransmission electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy in order to detect structural changes at the nanometer level.
(1994) JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 98, 19, p. 4970-4972 Abstract
Spreading of the bolaamphiphile alpha,omega-docosanediol, HO(CH2)(22)OH, on water results in spontaneous aggregation into embryonic 3-D crystallites. These crystallites have been analyzed by cryo-transmission electron microscopy, scanning force microscopy, X-ray reflectivity, and external reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The molecules are aligned in an almost perpendicular fashion in a rectangular cell, and the crystallites are about five molecular layers thick.
(1994) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 116, 4, p. 1179-1191 Abstract
The induced freezing of drops of supercooled water covered by uncompressed monolayers of the aliphatic alcohols CnH2n+1OH, n = 16-31 was investigated. The ice-nucleation temperatures were found to depend on the length of the hydrocarbon chain and the parity of the number of carbon atoms in the chain. A gradual increase of the freezing point from -14 °C leveling off to a plateau at -7.5 °C from n= 22 onward was observed for the even series. Alcohols with n odd raised the freezing temperature from -11 to-1 °Cforn= 17-31. Fatty acids (CnH2n+1+1COOH) or alcohols bearing a fluorocarbon chain or a steroidal backbone as the hydrophobic part induced nucleation of ice at much lower temperatures. Powder X-ray diffraction measurements showed that the monolayer C31H63OH induced formation of hexagonal ice with its (001) face parallel to the monolayer surface. Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GID) studies of uncompressed monolayers of CnH2n+1OH with n = 16, 20, 23, 30, 31 on water at 5 °C revealed two-dimensional (2D) crysalline self assembly and yielded their packing arrangements to near atomic resolution.1 The extent of 2D crystalline order (i.e. coherence length) and the amount of crystalline material were less for monolayers with n = 16 and 20 than for monolayers with n = 23, 30, 31 according to a GID analysis, the latter property being independently confirmed by FT-IR. The best lattice match to ice was for n = 30 and 31, the lattice match to ice being poorer for n = 20 and 16, in terms of area per molecule, correlating with their less efficient ice-nucleation behavior. The packing arrangements of the hydrocarbon chains of monolayers C30H63OH and C31H63OH are very similar, but for the orientation of their CH2OH moieties, which are different, resulting in different ice-nucleation behavior. Further evidence for the role played by the orientation of the C-OH group is the ice-nucleating properties of alcohols CH3(CH2)nCOX(CH2)mOH (X = O, NH). In these systems the freezing point was found to depend on the parity of m but not on n. The 2D crystal structures of two ester-alcohols n = 19, m = 9, 10 on water were determined by GID and lattice energy calculations.1Finally, mixtures of aliphatic alcohols with different chain lengths (by up to four CH2 groups) substantially reduced the ice-nucleation temperature, implying drastic reduction in the lateral order of the 2D nets of alcohol OH groups. On the other hand, up to 50% fluorocarbon alcohol in a mixture with hydrocarbon alcohol did not reduce the freezing temperature of ice, indicating phase separation of crystalline domains.
(1994) Hydrogen Bond Networks. Vol. 435. p. 395-402 Abstract
Two approaches are used to study suggested mechanisms for heterogeneous ice nucleation. In one, an epitaxial-like mechanism is studied by using Langmuir monolayers of aliphatic alcohols C n H2n+1OH (n=16 to 31) spread on supercooled water drops. The packing arrangement of several of these uncompressed monolayers on water, have been determined by grazing incidence x-ray diffraction (GID) and correlated with the structure of water molecules at the (001) face of hexagonal ice. The roles played by lattice match between the monolayers and ice, the coherence length of the amphiphile crystallites and the orientation of the hydroxyl groups at the interface in determining the nucleation efficiencies are specifically addressed. In another induced nucleation of ice by an electric field is studied using hydrophobic surfaces of chiral resolved and racemic α-amino acid crystals onto which water vapor has been condensed and nucleated into ice.
(1994) Computational Approaches In Supramolecular Chemistry. Vol. 426. p. 411-418 Abstract
Two approaches are used to study suggested mechanisms for heterogeneous ice nucleation. In one, an epitaxial-like mechanism is studied by using Langmuir monolayers of aliphatic alcohols C n H 2n +1OH (n=16 to 31) spread on supercooled water drops. The packing arrangement of several of these uncompressed.monolayers on water, have been determined by grazing incidence x-ray diffraction (GID) and correlated with the structure of water molecules at the (001) face of hexagonal ice. The roles played by lattice match between the monolayers and ice, the coherence length of the amphiphile crystallites and the orientation of the hydroxyl groups at the interface in determining the nucleation efficiencies are specifically addressed. In another induced nucleation of ice by an electric field is studied using hydrophobic surfaces of chiral resolved and racemic α-amino acid crystals onto which water vapor has been condensed and nucleated into ice.
(1994) JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 98, 15, p. 4087-4093 Abstract
The structure of an uncompressed monolayer of C31H63OH, which induces freezing of supercooled water drops at ∼-2°C, was studied by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction in the temperature range +6°C to freezing of the water subphase. As the water was cooled, the hydrocarbon chains underwent a change in tilt angle. The monolayer preserved its structure on the epitaxially-grown surface of hexagonal ice (after freezing) and, after the ice was melted, subsequent to the temperature being raised above 0°C. The coherence length of the observed ice crystallites parallel to the interface was about 25 Å, which is in agreement with the extent of match between the lattice of the monolayer and the ab lattice of ice. This yields some information on the critical size of the ice nucleus bound to the monolayer, just below 0°C.
(1992) Pure and Applied Chemistry. 64, 9, p. 1263-1270 Abstract
The structure and dynamics of embryonic aggregates at the air/water or air/solution interface en route to crystal nucleation have been probed by applying a variety of techniques including stereospecific photochemistry, Second Harmonic Generation (SHG), Grazing Incidence X-ray diffraction and oriented crystallization methodologies. This approach is illustrated by three different systems: oriented crystallization of 4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid Monohydrate (HBA) by 4-Alkoxybenzoic Acid, photochemistry of 4-Methoxy-E-cinnamic acid at the air/solution interface and the induced nucleation of ice by amphiphilic alcohols.
(1992) Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals. 211, p. 189-192 Abstract
(1991) Makromolekulare Chemie. Macromolecular Symposia. 46, 1, p. 125-132 Abstract
Monolayers of aliphatic long chain alcohols (CnH2n+1OH) were found to induce nucleation of ice at temperatures approaching O°C in contrast to watersoluble alcohols which are efficient antifreeze agents. The corresponding fatty acids and alcohols with bulky hydrophobic groups, induce ice nucleation at temperatures lower by as much as 12°C. The freezing point induced by the amphiphilic alcohols was found to be sensitive not only to area per molecule but also to chain length and parity, reaching higher temperatures for monolayers with n odd. Grazing incidence Xray diffraction studies performed on some of these alcohols at the air/water interface (at 5°C and at zero pressure), demonstrated the formation of crystalline twodimensional clusters with a distorted hexagonal cell whose dimensions resemble those of hexagonal ice. The catalysis of ice nucleation by these alcohol monolayers may be rationalized in terms of the structural match between the monolayer domains and the ab layer of hexagonal ice.
(1991) Materials for Nonlinear Optics. Vol. 455. p. 472-483 (trueACS Symposium Series). Abstract
Two novel methodologies for the design of solid materials with poar axes by a kinetic controlled process are described. In the first approach we demonstrate that amphiphilic molecules bearing two amide groups along the hydrocarbon chain invariably deposite to yield Z-type Langmuir-Blodgett films. Attachment of hyperpolarizable molecules to such hydrocarbon chains resulted in the formation of films displaying frequency doubling. In the second methodology, crystallographic information has been used for the design of polymeric crystallization inhibitors of a stable non-polar polymorph of PAN [N-(2-acetamido-4-nitro-phenyl)- pyrrolidene]. As predicted, addition of minute amounts of polymer 15 to a supersaturated solution of PAN results in the precipitation of the metastable polar form which displays second harmonic generation.
Ice nucleation by alcohols arranged in monolayers at the surface of water drops(1990) Science. 250, 4983, p. 973-975 Abstract
Monolayers of aliphatic long-chain alcohols induced nucleation of ice at temperatures approaching 0°C, in contrast with water-soluble alcohols, which are effective antifreeze agents. The corresponding fatty acids, or alcohols with bulky hydrophobic groups, induce freezing at temperatures as much as 12°C lower. The freezing point induced by the amphiphilic alcohols was sensitive not only to surface area per molecule but, for the aliphatic series (CnH2n + 1OH), to chain length and parity. The freezing point for chains with n odd reached an asymptotic temperature of 0°C for an upper value of n = 31; for n even the freezing point reached a plateau of-8°C for n in the upper range of 22 to 30. The higher freezing point induced by the aliphatic alcohols is due to formation of ordered clusters in the uncompressed state as detected by grazing incidence synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements. The diffraction data indicate a close lattice match with the ab layer of hexagonal ice.
(1990) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 112, 7, p. 2498-2506 Abstract[All authors]
A new series of amphiphilic molecules bearing two amide groups along the hydrocarbon chain form head-to-tail Z-type (polar) multilayers by the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique, in contrast with the common amphiphiles that tend to deposit in the head-to-head, tail-to-tail Y-type fashion. Molecules with one amide group along the chain form Y-type or Z-type structures, depending on the location of the amide along the chain. p-Nitroaniline or merocyanine groups could be aligned in a polar sense, by attaching them covalently to such amphiphiles, to yield multilayers displaying second-harmonic generation (SHG). These films were characterized by ellipsometric, X-ray diffraction, IR, UV, and SHG measurements. The Z-type deposition correlates with the observed low water contact angles of the films, indicating formation of porous structures in which water may penetrate. This behavior is rationalized in terms of the hydrophilic nature of the amide groups that retain water by hydrogen bonding. In keeping with this mechanism, it was anticipated that amphiphiles bearing other polar groups, such as hydroxyls along the hydrocarbon chain, also form Z-type LB films.
(1989) Chemical Physics Letters. 164, 5, p. 539-544 Abstract
Monolayers of two nitroaniline-terminated amphiphilic compounds that differ from each other only by a methylene group in the hydrocarbon chain are studied at the air-water interface by optical second harmonic generation and ellipsometry. The nitroanilino groups exhibit significantly different ordering in the two monolayers at any surface density. This is the first clear demonstration that a small difference in the hydrocarbon chain length could lead to a large difference in the orientational ordering of a terminal group in an amphiphilic monolayer.
(1989) Thin Solid Films. 178, 1-2, p. 203-209 Abstract
In recent studies we have reported that the insertion of one, or preferably, two amide groups in the hydrocarbon chain of amphiphilic molecules yields porous monolayers which deposit in a genuine Z-type mode. In this paper, we extend our studies to amphiphiles with an amide group and a polymerizable diacetylene function in the chain. Monolayers of monomers and polymers of 10,12-non-acosadiynoyl-S-lysine (1) and 10,12-nonacosadiynoyl-S-ornithine (2) were deposited in a Z-type mode. The differences in the photopolymerization of these films seem to depend on the odd or even location of the amide group along the chain with respect to the headgroup. These Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films were characterized by UV-visible and Fourier transform (FT) IR (reflection-absorption mode) spectroscopies and by low-angle X-ray diffraction measurements.
(1987) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 109, 13, p. 3883-3893 Abstract
The structures of the partially reacted crystals of the two complexes (5:2) deoxycholic acid (DCA)-acetophenone and (8:3) DCA-p-fluoroacetophenone were determined by low-temperature (-170 °C) X-ray diffraction. the structure analyses indicated that both independent guest acetophenone molecules G and G in DCA-acetophenone react and that in DCA-p-fluoroacetophenone the guest molecule G reacts whereas the other guest molecule G remains unreacted because of packing of G and G molecules along the channel. the observed guest photoconversion in DCA-acetophenone is 40%; the maximum value according to packing considerations is 50%. In DCA-p-fluoroacetophenone the observed guest photoconversion is 35%, very close to the maximum theoretical yield of 33% based on packing considerations. the analysis demonstrated that during the course of photoconversion there is minimal motion of the (guest) phenyl ring, pronounced rotation of the acetyl group about the exocyclic C-C bond, and displacement of unreacted and reacted molecules. Atom-atom potential energy calculations showed that in DCA-acetophenone a guest ketyl radical with a pyramidal geometry may rotate by a full 180° without inducing prohibitively short intermolecular contacts.
(1987) Tetrahedron. 43, 7, p. 1449-1475 Abstract
The two inclusion complexes of guest acetophenone and m, chloro-acetophenone with host deoxycholic acid (DCA) each yielded on UV irradiation a single diastereomeric photoaddition product at steroid atom C5, of configuration S at the generated stereogenic centre (DCAOHCH3C6H4). Comparison of the host-guest arrangement at the sites of reaction with the S configuration at the new chiral atom C of the photoproducts indicates a net rotation of 180° by the guest acetyl group prior to C-C bond formation since the guest molecules expose their Re faces to the C5-H5 steroid bonds1. To elucidate this rotation, photochemical and crystallographic studies were performed on four DCA complexes with engineered guest ketone arrangements. The guests were p-fluoroacetophenone and (p-substituted) propiophenones (XC6H4CO2C2H5, X=H, F, Cl). The crystal structures of two isolated photoproducts are also reported. The channels of DCA-fluoroacetophenone contain two independent guest molecules G' and G, respectively exposing their Re and Si faces to the steroid C5-H5 bond vectors at the potential sites of reaction. Only one diastereomeric photoproduct was obtained with addition at atom C5, with absolute configuration S at the generated stereogenic centre, akin to that of the DCA-acetophenone complexes. The reaction is interpreted in terms of a 180° rotation of the acetyl group of the G' molecule; the absence of the R diastereomer is explained by a preclusion of photoaddition of guest G to DCA because of guest packing along the channel. The guest arrangements in the two complexes DCA-propiophenone and DCA-p-fluoropropiophenone are almost isomorphous. There are two independent guest molecules G and Ḡ related by a pseudo centre of inversion. Each of the two guest molecules exposes its Re face to a steroid C5-H5 bond at a site of reaction. Thus photoaddition takes place with and without 180° rotation of the propionyl group since the two complexes each yield the two diastereomeric photoproducts at C5. DCA-p-chloropropiophenone yields only one diastereomeric photoproduct at C5, with absolute configuration R about the new stereogenic centre. The crystal structure analysis suggests three independent guest molecules G, G' ana Ḡ; G and G' are related by pseudo two fold screw symmetry along the channel axis; Ḡ is related to G and G' by pseudo centre of inversion; once again the guests G, G' and Ḡ appear to expose their Re faces to the C5-H5 bonds at the sites of reaction.
(1986) Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals. 134, 1, p. 323-335 Abstract
Oriented growth of crystals of α-glycine and sodium chloride under compressed Langmuir monolayers at air-water interfaces was achieved. For α-glycine, a variety of monolayers containing resolved glycyl head groups and different hydrophobic moieties were used, thus establishing the structural requirements necessary for oriented crystallization. For sodium chloride, monolayers of positive, negative and zwitterionic charge induced crystal nucleation from faces of the type {100}, {110} and {111}, the latter two faces not being naturally occurring.
(1986) Pure and Applied Chemistry. 58, 6, p. 947-954 Abstract
A new stereochemical approach for the controlled nucleation. growth and dissolution of organic crystals with well designed auxiliaries is described. The method is comprised of the use of appropriate stereospecific inhibitors of growth and dissolution of one or more preselected faces of the crystal. This approach has been successfully exploited for the engineering of organic crystals with desired morphologies, for the kinetic resolution of conglomerates by the process of crystallization, and for inducing etch-pits at preselected faces of crystals. A correlation has been established between crystal morphology and crystal purity. Oriented growth of organic and inorganic crystals at interfaces has been accomplished with the assistance of designed Langmuir and Langmuir Blodgett films. The approach has recently been extended to the study of solvent effects on the morphology of crystals in general, and of polar crystals in particular.
(1985) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 107, 13, p. 4058-4070 Abstract
The crystalline hostQuest channel inclusion complexes 5:2 (DCA) deoxycholic acid-acetophenone (C6H5C'Och3) and 3:1 DCA-m-chloroacetophenone (CLC6H4COCH3) each yield on UV irradiation a photoproduct via addition of guest to the steroid tertiary carbon atom C5 with the formation of a new chiral carbon center C'(OH)(CH3)(C6H5)(DCA) of S configuration. The crystal structures of the two host-guest complexes were determined by low-temperature (103 K) X-ray diffraction; a low-temperature (16 K) neutron study was made on DCA-C6H5COCD3. The inclusion compounds DCA-C6H5COCH3 and DCA-CLC6H4COCH3each contain two crystallographically independent guest molecules G and G' arranged along the channel axes such that both G and G' should form the same diastereomeric product at C5. A comparison of the stereochemistry of each of the two isolated photoproducts and the host-guest arrangements at the reaction sites in each corresponding complex indicates that photoaddition of the guest molecule to C5 takes place with a net rotation of 180° by the guest acetyl group.
(1985) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 107, 13, p. 4043-4058 Abstract
Deoxycholic acid (DCA) forms channel inclusion complexes with acetone (host-guest molar ratio 5:3), diethyl ketone (2:1), and ethyl methyl ketone (2:1). UV irradiation of these three complexes led to stereospecific photoaddition of the guests at sites [C5, C6eq, C6ax], C6eqand [C6eq, C5] of the host, respectively. Crystal structures of DCA-acetone and DCA-ethyl methyl ketone at temperatures of 103 K were determined and of DCA-diethyl ketone at 293 K. The host structures are isomorphous; they form hydrogen-bonded bilayers which are juxtaposed by hydrophobic contacts to form inclusion channels delineated by four walls. The occluded ketones are sandwiched between the wide walls of the channel comprising the steroid rings A and B. The regio-and stereospecificity of these reactions are explained on topochemical grounds. The 3:1 complex of DCA-methyl pentyl ketone is very similar to that of DCA-ethyl methyl ketone. Photoirradiation leads to cleavage of the ketone, yielding acetone which subsequently adds to DCA at site C5 and C6. A different channel motif was engineered in which cyclohexanone was sandwiched between rings D and the steroid side chains, leading to photoaddition to site C16 of ring D. The 1:1 complex of (APA) apocholic acid-acetone is light stable. The X-ray structure analysis indicates a similar host bilayer structure as DCA. The acetone molecules are stacked up the channel axis, unlike in DCA-acetone, and are arranged such that the ketone C'=0' bond tends to be parallel to the nearest C-H of the steroid wall. According to this analysis the maximal distances between the ketone C'=0' group and the potentially reactive steroid C-H bond are 3.5 A for OH and 4.2 A for C'. C. The angle between the planar guest ketone group and the potentially reactive C-H bond of the host steroid was found to vary over a wide range from about 50° to 90°.
Reactions in molecular inclusion complexes. 4. Biomimetic photohydroxylation of crystalline Deoxycholic-acid as catalyzed by occluded oxygen carrier(1982) Nouveau Journal De Chimie-New Journal Of Chemistry. 6, 2, p. 75-77 Abstract
(1980) Pure and Applied Chemistry. 52, 12, p. 2693-2704 Abstract
The crystalline inclusion complexes of deoxycholic acid 1 (DCA) and apocholic acid 2 ACA (choleic acids) are used as vehicles for the performance of biomimetic reactions between host steroid and included guest. The choleic acids generally appear in three different channel motifs, α, βand y, in orthorhombic crystals as determined by the size and shape of the guest molecule. Thus the nature of the channel wall can be controlled by the guest. U.V. irradiation of the complexes of DCA with linear aliphatic ketones, crystallized under argon, yields products of addition at sites C5 or C6, depending upon the relative orientation of the ketone to the steroid channel wall. On the other hand, cyclohexanone adds to site C16. The complex between DCA and prochiral acetophenone yields, on irradiation, the addition product at C5, with the formation of a new chiral centre. A comparison of the structure of DCA-acetophenone and the configuration about the new chiral centre indicates a net rotation of 180° by the acetyl group, upon reaction. To gain further insight into the reaction pathway the structure of the partially reacted crystal (these complexes do not disintegrate on reaction) was determined. It proved that during the course of conversion there was minimal motion of the phenyl ring, pronounced rotation of the acetyl group about the exocyclic C-C bond and, displacement of reacted and unreacted molecules. Furthermore the conformation of this photoproduct molecule about the new chiral centre in this partially reacted crystal differs radically from that in the crystal structure of the isolated photoproduct. Other systems which reveal similar photobehaviour are briefly described. Irradiation of several DCA complexes in the presence of molecular oxygen yields 5β hydroxy product of DCA. Possible routes for this reaction, with ketones as well as with other guests serving as oxygen carrier, are discussed.
(1979) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 18, 3-4, p. 385-389 Abstract
The deoxycholic acid (DCA)water (2:3) complex crystallises in space group P41212. The DCA molecules form hydrogenbonded layers which contain channels filled by chains of water molecules. These water molecules are linked by hydrogen bonds with each other and with the DCA molecules on the channel walls. The channel walls are thus hydrophilic unlike the hydrophobic channel walls found in the commonly observed orthorhombic P212121 inclusion complexes of DCA.
(1976) Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals. 32, 1, p. 127-129 Abstract
In recent years there has been increased interest in organic chemistry to mimic the enzymatic reactions of nature in order to increase the power of synthetic methods1. Molecular crystals are very convenient vehicles for the performance of such reactions, since in them as in an enzyme, the geometrical contacts between reacting centers of the rigid molecules are strictly defined by the packing of the crystal.
(1975) Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. 21, p. 864-865 Abstract
Solid-state thermolysis at 90°C or photolysis at ambient temperature of the molecular complex of deoxycholic acid with di-t-butyl diperoxycarbonate leads to a one-step regiospecific and stereospecific hydroxylation at position 5 of the acid.