Prof. Alexander Rudensky
Keeping Order in the Immune System and Beyond
Keeping Order in the Immune System and Beyond
Keeping Order in the Immune System and Beyond
Exploration of Microbial Diversity for Genome Editing and Beyond
Host genetic factors that affect HIV acquisition and vaccine efficacy
Phase separation in biochemistry and disease
Wolf Prize Laureate 2019
Rockefeller University
New York, USA
Boston Children's Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Columbia University
Medical Center
Dept. of Microbiology and Immunobiology
Harvard Medical School
Dept. of Paediatrics
University of Oxford, UK
Mayo Clinic, Minnesota
Boston Children's Hospital
Harvard University
MRC Center for Reproductive Health
The University of Edinburgh
National Institutes of Health
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Professor of Chemical and Systems Biology and of Biochemistry
Stanford School of Medicine
Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, UCSF
MIT, Cambridge
Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Yale University
Microbial Pathogenesis Department, Yale School of Medicine
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
NYU Langone School of Medicine at Smilow Research Center
Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Pharmacology, New York
Professor of Biology and Geobiology
California Institute of Technology
Depts. of Biology and Geological and Planetary Sciences
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Professor of Biochemistry, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City
Prof. Stuart Schreiber, Dept. of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Harvard University
"Chemistry towards novel mechanism-of-action (nMoA) compounds in therapeutics discovery"
Prof. Ronald Kahn, Harvard Medical School, USA
"New Mechanisms of Adipose Tissue Communication and Regulation of Metabolism"
Depts. of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, UCSF, San Francisco
Director, Venetian Institute of Molecular Medicine,
Chair of Biochemistry, Dept. of Biology,
University of Padua, Italy
Research Director, Helmholtz Diabetes Center
Director, Institute for Diabetes and Obesity
Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany
Director, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Associate Director, Washington National Primate Research Center
Department of Microbiology,
University of Washington, USA
Director Research of the Princess Maxima Center for Pediatric Oncology
Hubrecht Institue, The Netherlands
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Director, Center for the Genetics of Host Defense
Dallas, Texas, USA
Departments of Applied Physics and Bioengineering
Stanford University adn Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Stanford, USA
Winner of Wolf Prize in Medicine - 2015
National Jewish Health, Denver, Colorado
Prof. Jeffrey Ravetch, Rockefeller University, New York
The Ohio State University, USA
Co-Director of the EMBL/Heidelberg University
Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit
Heidelberg, Germany
Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine
New York University School of Medicine\Howard Hughes Medical Int.
Department of Molecular Ecology
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology
Janelia Farm Research Campus Howard Hughes Medical Institute