What are תוספת מחקר "א" ו-"ב" and how can I get these research supplements?
Researchers who are listed as PI or co-PIs on a research grant is entitled to a supplement to their salary. Note that Staff Scientists, per Weizmann regulations, may only be listed as co-PIs on the grant, and that not all grants permit more than one PI.
- Research Supplement A (תוספת מחקר א) is an addition to one’s salary paid from a research grant that allows for such, up to 50% of the scientist’s salary.
- Research Supplement B (תוספת מחקר ב) is an addition paid by the Weizmann Institute to a PI or co-PI on a grant that does not allow for a Research Supplement A. The supplement may not exceed 25% of the scientist’s salary and the amount, which is based on the value of the grant, is divided amongst all the PIs and co-PIs listed on the grant; two or more such grants allows the scientist to an addition 5% supplement.
- The total supplement allowed (A+B) shall not exceed 55% of the salary.
- It should be noted that with regards to ISF grants, assistant staff scientists can only be listed as team members while the three higher ranks can only be co-PIs (i.e., not budgeted as a team member).
The supplements, as of October 1, 2017, are:
Research Supplement A |
Research Supplement B |
budget allocation |
max supplement |
value of grant |
supplement |
< $6,360 |
none |
< $6,360 |
none |
$6,361-$50,880 |
30% of salary |
$6,361-$12,720 |
6% of salary |
$50,881-$79,500 |
40% of salary |
$12,721-$21,200 |
12% of salary |
> $79,501 |
50% of salary |
$21,201-$47,700 |
20% of salary |
> $47,701 |
25% of salary |
For full details, see the Scientists Union site (login required). The Research Grants Office (RGP) is available to answer any questions regarding grants.
The list of grants that that allow staff scientists to be a co-PI (thanks to the RGP Office) is available here.