Grants -- deadlines

Erasmus+ European Mobility Grant

Posted: 07.07.2024

On behalf of the International Office, we would like to introduce you to the Erasmus+ European Mobility Grant offered by the European Commission. Please see attached poster.

The purpose of this grant is to provide opportunities for Weizmann scientists (PIs, staff scientists, postdocs and students) to visit a lab in a partner university in Europe for up to 2 months to study, learn new techniques, conduct research and to further develop collaborative projects. The grant covers travel expenses and living costs. This is a special opportunity for staff scientists to visit another lab and extend one’s professional network. As such, we encourage all staff scientists to consider taking advantage of the opportunity.

The list of current Erasmus+ partners universities includes:

  • Charles University, Prague
  • Czech Technical University, Prague
  • Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn
  • Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen
  • Hellenic Mediterranean University, Athens
  • Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich
  • Ruprecht-Karls University, Heidelberg
  • University of Venice
  • Napoli Orientale University
  • University of Naples Fredrico II
  • Wroclaw Medical University
  • Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

It should be noted that this is a two-way grant. Thus, if you have colleagues at a partner university, you should encourage them to apply through their university for a grant to visit the Weizmann Institute.

Full details on the grant and how to apply are available on the Internation Office website (

Long-Term Travel Grants for Staff Scientists

Posted: 30.12.2021

From the Research Grants & Projects Office:

Please notice the new funding opportunity that will be available from now on for long-term travel grants for staff scientists at the institute.

Please find the link to the RGP webpage for the call: 

This funding grant comes from the belief that staff scientists - either in research groups or in the core facilities – are essential for the advancement of science and for the cutting-edge research done at the Weizmann Institute of Science. To maintain your expertise and leading role it is highly important that you have opportunities to visit international labs. This is important not only for your career development but also for your home labs/units and for the Weizmann Institute as a whole. 

This grant is created to enable you to travel abroad for more extensive periods of time (up to 3 months) to explore collaborations and acquire expertise in cutting edge technologies.

List of Grants which Allow Staff Scientists to be Included as a co-PI

Posted: 28.12.2021

Thanks to the Research Grants and Projects Office, we now have a list of grants that allow staff scientists to be included as a co-PI. This list is available here and on the "Can a Staff Scientist submit a grant proposal?" FAQ page.

Research Supplements A and B - תוספות מחקר א ו-ב

Posted: 16.01.2020

Researchers who are listed as PI or co-PIs on a research grant is entitled to a supplement to their salary. Note that Staff Scientists, per Weizmann regulations, may only be listed as co-PIs on the grant, and that not all grants permit more than one PI.

  • Research Supplement A (תוספת מחקר א) is an addition to one’s salary paid from a research grant that allows for such, up to 50% of the scientist’s salary.
  • Research Supplement B (תוספת מחקר ב) is an addition paid by the Weizmann Institute to a PI or co-PI on a grant that does not allow for a Research Supplement A. The supplement may not exceed 25% of the scientist’s salary and the amount, which is based on the value of the grant, is divided amongst all the PIs and co-PIs listed on the grant; two or more such grants allows the scientist to an addition 5% supplement.
  • The total supplement allowed (A+B) shall not exceed 55% of the salary.
  • It should be noted that with regards to ISF grants, assistant staff scientists can only be listed as team members while the three higher ranks can only be co-PIs (i.e., not budgeted as a team member).

The supplements, as of October 1, 2017, are:

Research Supplement A

Research Supplement B

budget allocation

max supplement

value of grant


< $6,360


< $6,360



30% of salary


6% of salary


40% of salary


12% of salary

> $79,501

50% of salary


20% of salary



> $47,701

25% of salary

For full details, see the Scientists Union site (login required). The Research Grants Office (RGP) is available to answer any questions regarding grants.

The following are grants that we are aware of that allow a co-PI:

  • ISF (but not the China/Israel or India/Israel programs)
  • BSF and BSF-NSF
  • MAFAT (Ministry of defense)
  • Ministry of Science and Technology
  • GIF
  • Kamin

Staff Scientists Internal Grant 2020

Posted: 03.10.2019

This Internal Grant provides funding for Staff Scientists in scientific support units (Life Sciences Core Facilities, Chemical Research Support, Physics Core Facilities, INCPM and Veterinary Resources) to carry out their own independent research projects. For more details, see the Research Grants and Projects Office site. The deadline for submission is April 15, 2020.

Staff Scientists Internal Grant Program application submission

Posted: 28.02.2016

Staff Scientists Internal Grant Program application submission
The final submission date to the RGP is 14 April 2016.
More details about the Grant Program.

Eligibility: Staff Scientists at all ranks working in scientific support units (Biological Services, Chemical Research Support, Physical Services and Veterinary Resources, INCPM).

Deadline for applications - Staff Scientists Internal Grant Program: 16 April

Posted: 15.03.2014

This internal grant program is aimed at enabling staff scientists in scientific resources units to carry out independent research projects that will improve research tools in the unit for which they are responsible. The application can include a request for purchasing small equipment and software as part of the research project.

More details about the Grant Program