Advanced Schools

Giant Interactions in Rydberg Systems

September 15 – 22, 2022

The school will focus on the physics of Rydberg systems and adjacent fields. In particular, systems governed by long-range interactions, such as Rydberg atoms, magnetic atoms, dipolar molecules, and artificial atoms. We will deal with ultracold atoms, quantum optics and quantum computation, Rydberg excitations in the solid state, and more.


Ofer Firstenberg, Weizmann Institute of Science

Sebastian Hofferberth, University of Bonn

hour glass

The 2021 European School of High-Energy Physics

May/June 2022

The European School for High Energy Physics,  form the most prestige edition of schools for experimentalists in the particle/nuclear physics.

The European School is targeted particularly at students in experimental HEP who are in the final years of work towards their PhDs. 


Zvi Citron, Ben Gurion University
Eilam Gross, Weizmann Institute of Science 
Yonit Hochberg, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Eric Kuflic, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Gilad Perez, Weizmann Institute of Science
Yoram Rozen, Technion



2021 ESHEP

ICFO-Weizmann School on the Frontiers of Light: New Approaches to Atom-Light Interactions

July 5 – 8, 2021

Efficient and coherent interfaces between atoms and light hold the promise to unlock diverse applications in quantum technologies and novel opportunities to explore exotic quantum phenomena. Despite spectacular progress, many of the goals that researchers want to achieve remain elusive. This school will expose young researchers to some of the recent exciting approaches aimed at creating a powerful new generation of atom-light interfaces and the resulting possibilities. The new platforms to be covered include ordered atomic arrays, ensembles of Rydberg atoms, atomic interfaces with nano- and micro-photonic structures, and superconducting circuit QED-based systems.


Darrick Chang & Robert Sewell, (ICFO)

Ofer Firstenberg & Ephraim Shahmoon (Weizmann Institute of Science)

Hybrid School Firstenberg

Electron hydrodynamics

January 6 – 10, 2019

The school is dedicated to the recent rapid advancements in the field of electron hydrodynamics. It will cover the broad range of theoretical approaches that are being developed to understand the flows of strongly interacting electrons, as well as recent experimental breakthroughs in measuring these flows via transport and imaging in broad range of materials.  We shall have school lectures in the mornings and afternoons, lighter evening events, a special weekend, and ample time for interaction and discussions among the participants


Haim Beidenkopf, Weizmann Institute of Science

Erez Berg, Weizmann Institute of Science

Shahal Ilani, Weizmann Institute of Science

Electronic hydrodynamics

Advanced SRITP and GiRyd School:
Giant interactions in Rydberg Systems

September 20 – 27, 2018

The school will cover current research on strong interactions in Rydberg systems, both theory and experiments.

Particular focus will be given to recent advancements in Rydberg quantum optics.


Ofer Firstenberg, Weizmann Institute of Science
Sebastian Hofferberth, Syddansk University and GiRyd

Rydberg figure