Instituto de Qummica, Universidad Nacional Autsnoma de Mixico, Mixico, D.F., 04510, Mexico
Proteins and their interactions in the cell are the basis for the interpretation of DNA into a phenotypic trait. In order to aid in understanding this process, the relevant knowledge may be structured in computational formulation. We are currently developing a knowledge-based expert system (EUGENIA) to study the relationship between protein structure, expression and phenotypic manifestations. It is to be an infrastructure for predicting phenotypes from protein function and expression. The system consists of three main components focused on (a) protein structure, (b) protein interaction and (c) DNA modifying systems such as triplex forming oligonucleotides. The decision to include the latter originates from the idea that it is possible to modulate gene expression in vivo with the small nucleic acid chains.
Though the emphasis of the model is on applications to gene therapeutics it is also a potential tool for a general molecular biologist. We are currently including the rules for aminoacid substitution, the modelling of genetic regulatory cycles and oligonucleotide design subroutines.
Abbreviations: ODN - Oligodeoxynucleotide, NAP - Nucleic Acid Pharmaceutical