Jerusalem, Israel, November 17-21, 1996
Abstracts Index
- Role of tryptophan 135 in the combing site
of Erythrina corallodendron lectin
R. Adar, J. Angstrom, E. Moreno, H. Streicher and N.Sharon
- The crystal structure of Bacillus subtilis ferrochelatase -
the terminal enzyme in heme biosynthesis
Salam Al-Karadaghi, Mats Hansson, Bodil Jonsson,
Stanislav Nikonov and Lars Hederstdet
- Detection of changes in pairwise interactions during allosteric
transitions: coupling between local and global conformational changes in
Amir Aharoni and Amnon Horovitz
- Towards phenotypic engineering
M. Armas, M. Strauch and J. Lagunez-Otero
- Dialog between sequence homology and 3D
crystal structure defines interaction of functional
domains in a multi-enzyme complex
Edward A. Bayer, Linda J.W. Shimon, Felix Frolow, Ely Morag,
Raphael Lamed, Jose Tormo, Sima Yaron and Yuval Shoham
- Protein domain structure by means the distribution of non-covalent
interactions in globule
I.N. Berezovsky and V.G. Tumanyan
- A physical clssification of protein folds
Henrik Bohr and Per-Anker Lindgaard
- Determination by MAD phasing of the 2.2Å X-ray structure of
b-cryptogein, a fungal elicitor secreted by Phytophthora cryptogea
G. Boissy, E. de La Fortelle, R. Kahn, J.-C. Huet, G. Bricogne,
J.-C. Pernollet and S. Brunie
- Structure of H. sapiens N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfate sulfatase
Charles S. Bond, Peter R. Clements, Charles A. Collyer, John J. Hopwood and J. Mitchell Guss
- Classification and characterization of structure motifs composed of
one alpha-helix and two consecutive hydrogen-bonded beta-strands
Nathalie S. Boutonnet, Andrey V. Kajava and Marianne J. Rooman
- Comparing sequence comparison
Steven E. Brenner, Tim J. P. Hubbard, Alexey G. Murzin, Cyrus Chothia
- The structure and function of the Replication Terminator Protein from
Bacillus subtilis,
a protein responsible for mediating termination of chromosomal DNA replication
Dirksen E. Bussiere, Deepak Bastia, Stephen White
- Procedure to calculate molecular envelope from a partial model
Rene Coulombe and Miroslaw Cygler
- Solution structure of the immunodominant region of protein G of bovine
respiratory syncytial virus
Jurgen F. Doreleijers , Johannes P.M. Langedijk , Karl Herd , Rolf Boelens , Johan
A.C. Rullmann , Wim M. Schaaper , Jan T. van Oirschot and Robert Kaptein
- Solution structure of photoactive yellow protein
P. Dux, G. Rubinstenn, R. Boelens, F.A. Mulder, K. Herd,
W.D. Hoff, A. Kroon, K. J. Hellingwerf, R. Kaptein
- The 3-D structure of the hexagonal form of the Erythrina corallodendron
lectin: the unusual quaternary structure is the genuine dimer
Sharona Elgavish and Boaz Shaanan
- NMR characterization of the native and
molten globule states of apomyoglobin
David Eliezer and Peter E. Wright
- Three dimensional structure of HIPIP II isolated from
Ectothiorhodospira halophila at 1.7 Å resolution from
a twinned monoclinic crystal
C. Fraz�o, I. Bento, L. Sieker, F. Capozzi, C. Luchinat,
Z. Dauter, K. Wilson, G. M. Sheldrick and M. A. Carrondo
- The crystal structure of holo-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
dehydrogenase from Sacchromyces cerevisia (baker's yeast) at 2.1 Å resolution
Rotem Gilboa, Alan J. Bauer and Gil Shoham
- Database-derived potentials for evaluating
protein stability changes upon single site mutations
Dimitri Gilis and Marianne Rooman
- Crystal structure of
T. thermophilus phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase complexed with tRNAPhe
Goldgur, Y., Mosyak L., Reshetnikova, L., Khodyreva, S., Ankilova, V.,
Lavrik, O. and Safro, M.
- Structural studies of the actin binding domain of fimbrin
S. Goldsmith, N. Pokola, A. Fedorov, P. Matsudaira, S. Almo
- The three dimensional structure of the thermostable,
calcium activated, aminopeptidase from Streptomyces griseus
Harry M. Greenblatt, Orna Almog, Bruno Maras, Ania Spungin-Bialik,
Galia Papir, Donatella Barra, Shmaryahu Blumberg and Gil Shoham
- Understanding sequence relationships in enzymes families through comparison
of active-site structures
Miriam S. Hasson
- NMR structural studies of displayed peptides
R. Jelinek, A.P. Valente, J.J. Gessel, S.J. Opella, T. Terry, P. Malek, R. N. Perham
- Monoclonal Antibodies that Specifically Recognize Crystals of
Dinitrobenzene and Cholesterol
Naama Kessler, Daniele Perl-Treves and Lia Addadi
- Crystallographic and modeling studies of a covalent
complex between papain and an oxirane-based inhibitor
Maciej Kozak, Elzbieta Kozian, Zbigniew Grzonka and Mariusz Jaskolski
- Position specific sequence characteristics of alpha helices in globular
Sandeep Kumar and Manju Bansal
- Short and medium length loops in globular proteins.
A common classification
Jean-Marc Kwasigroch, Jean-Paul Mornon and Jacques Chomilier
- Symbiosys of crystallography and chemical synthesis
in exploring the structural basis of HIV-1 protease catalysis
and inhibition
Maria Miller, J.K.M. Rao, M. Baca, and S.B.H. Kent
- Geometric analysis of side-chain - base interactions
Lena Nekludova and Carl O. Pabo
- Protein structure refinement using
NMR chemical shift restraining molecular dynamics simulation
Kyunglae Park and Wifred F. van Gunsteren
- Pi-turns in proteins and peptides: classification
based on protein crystal structure data bank analysis
K.R. Rajashankar and S. Ramakumar
- Laue diffraction studies on
Mia Raves, Raimond Ravelli, Jan Kroon, Michel Roth,
Dominique Bourgeois, Ling Peng, Maurice Goeldner,
Zhong Ren, Israel Silman and Joel L. Sussman
- Intelligent computational aids for crystal growth
John M. Rosenberg, Patricia A. Wilkosz, Devika Subramanian,
Daniel Hennessy and Bruce Buchanan
- Crystal structure of enolpyruvyltransferase, the target of the
antibiotic fosfomycin
S. Sack, S. Eschenburg, A. Perrakis, F. Krekel,
N. Amrhein, E. Mandelkow, and E. Schoenbrunn
- From the structure and organization of synthetic fragments to functional
structures of membrane proteins: the pore forming domains of B.
thuringiensis delta-endotoxins
Yechiel Shai and Ehud Gazit
- Computational tools for analysis of
structural data in the PDB
Vladimir Sobolev and Meir Edelman
- The topology of nucleic acids with overhangs
Muttaiya Sundaralingam and Baocheng Pan
- The protein fold recognition based on the
statistical hypothesis testing
Shamil Sunyaev, Eugene Kuznetsov and Vladimir Tumanyan
- Automated solvent identification and refinement with ASIR working in
conjugation with CCP4, X-PLOR and TNT: a case study with the determination
of two types of 2.0 Å crystal structures of recombinant mouse
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 9
Harry Tong
- Distance signatures in protein structures. Distance signatures in protein structures
Priya Viswanathan and S.Krishnaswamy
- Crystallization and properties of a complex between chaperonin GroEL and
a molten globule-like folding intermediate of the bacteriophage HK97
capsid protein
Patricia A. Wilkosz, Yuan-hua Ding, Robert Duda,
Roger Hendrix and John M. Rosenberg
- The equine infectious anemia virus transactivator protein is a DNA binding
Dieter Willbold, Armin U. Metzger, Karl Christian Gallert, Norbert Dank,
Peter Bayer, Rina Rosin-Arbesfeld, Abraham Yaniv, Arnona Gazit,
Roger Goody, Gerhard Krauss and Paul Roesch
- Structural classification and interaction
modes of DNA-binding proteins of the HTH type
Rene Wintjens and Marianne Rooman
- The three-dimensional structure of
human ceruloplasmin at 3.0 Å resolution
V.Zaitsev, I.Zaitseva, G.Card, B.Bax, A.Ralph and P.Lindley
- Comparison of the X-ray structures of fumarase and delta-crystallin
I.Zaitseva, V.Zaitsev, L.Duke, P.Lindley, S.McSweeny,
K.Gladilin, J.Keruchenko and I.Keruchenko
- Construction of protein sequences families
Jean-Christophe Aude and Jean-Paul Comet
- Non-local, interchanges of pairs of neighboring
amino-acids in spatially conserved motifs
Einat Azarya-Sprinzak, Dalit Naor, Haim J. Wolfson and
Ruth Nussinov
- The bank of patterns PROF_PAT 1.0: construction
procedure and computer programs
Bachinsky A.G., Yarigin A.A. and Kulichkov V.A.
- The bank of patterns PROF_PAT 1.0:
computer programs for rapid search for patterns in amino
acid sequences
Bachinsky A.G., Yarigin A.A., Gusev V.D., Nemitikova L.A. and Kulichkov V.A.
- Protein carboxyl termini are biased
I.N. Berezovsky, G.T. Kilosanidze, V.G. Tumanyan and L.L. Kisselev
- Proline dependent oligomerization with arm exchange
M. Bergdoll, C. Cagnon, M.H. Remy, J.M. Masson and P. Dumas
- Cleavage site analysis in picornaviral polyproteins: Discovering
cellular targets by neural networks
Nikolaj Blom, Jan Hansen, Dieter Blaas and Soren Brunak
- Structure based sequence alignment of endonucleases
Taru Deva and S.Krishnaswamy
- Predicting the redox state of cysteins in
proteins from multiple sequence
Andras Fiser, Istvan Simon and Geoffrey J. Barton
- Specie-invariant correlation in nucleotide
content for different reading frame positions
G.K. Frank and V.Ju. Makeev
- Interactive Multiple Protein Sequences Alignment with ProMSED, an
application for Windows 3.11/95
Anatoly Frolov and Alexey Eroshkin
- Distribution of bending propensity in genomic DNA
Andrei Gabrielian and Sandor Pongor
- Understanding sequence relationships in enzymes families through comparison
of active-site structures
Miriam S. Hasson
- A Monte Carlo method to simulate the protein folding process
D. Hoffmann, F. Sartori and E.W. Knapp
- Extraction of periodic nucleosome DNA pattern by resonance analysis
I. Ioshikhes, A. Bolshoy & E.N. Trifonov
- Studying structure-activity and phenotype-genotype relationships in
protein families. Methods, algorithms and applications
Vladimir A. Ivanisenko, Irina S. Pika, Sergey I. Pinin, Tatiana I.
Fomina, Alexey M. Eroshkin
- Searching protein sites with functionally important amino acid
changes in the sets of natural and mutant proteins
Vladimir A. Ivanisenko and Alexey M. Eroshkin
- Classification, fourier- and wavelet-transform of E.coli
promoter and terminator sequences
G.I. Kutuzova, R.V. Polozov, V.Ju. Makeev, G.K. Frank,
N.G. Esipova and V.G. Tumanyan
- What evolution tells us about the location
and composition of functional surfaces in proteins
Olivier Lichtarge
- The third nucleotide of Gly-coding triplets remembers the gene
tetraplication event
Makeev V.Ju., Tumanyan V.G. and Esipova N.G.
- JavaCINEMA - A novel colour interactive editor for multiple alignments
Parry-Smith, D.J., Payne, A.W.R., Michie, A.D. and Attwood, T.K.
- Regulatory proteins: a new approach in the
transcription machinery
Ernesto P�rez-Rueda, Jay D. Gralla, and Julio Collado-Vides
- Application of evolutionary algorithms
to protein folding prediction
A. Piccolboni and G. Mauri
- Function from Sequence -
Identifying Similarities between Conserved Protein Regions
Shmuel Pietrokovski
- Multiple Sequence Analysis of Olfactory Receptor Genes: Sequence,
Structure and Function Relationships
Yitzhak Pilpel, Daniel Segré, Doron Lancet, Yehudit Weissinger and Gustavo Glusman
- Computer analysis of nucleotide sequences from the family of
interspersed repetitive elements MER1. Another
oligonucleotide primer for the PCR assay of human DNA
A.A.Ptitsyn, E.I.Jantsen, M.L.Filipenko, O.A. Baturina,
A.I.Muravlev, N.P.Mertvetsov
- Object-oriented data handler for sequence analysis software
A.A. Ptitsyn and D.A. Grigorovich
- AutoGene: A computer system for nucleotide sequence analysis
A.A. Ptitsyn, D. A. Grigorovich, I. B. Rogozin and N. A. Kolchanov
- Synonymous codon usage in relation to amino acid
secondary structure preferences
Sunita S and S.Krishnaswamy
- Introns and reading frames: correlation between
splicing sites and their codon positions
Masaru Tomita, Nobuyoshi Shimizu and Doug Brutlag
- Use of bioinformatics for analysis of an outer membrane protein (HMP-1)
isolated from Bacterodes fragilis, the anaerobe most commonly involved
in clinical infections
Hannah M. Wexler
- Artificial neural networks (ANN) for sequence and structure analysis
of proteins
P.Wrede, G.Schneider, U.Hahn and J. Schuchhardt
- Working towards a comprehensive biological sequence comparison
and analysis environment
David P. Yee, Frank Zucker, Tim Hunkapiller,
Emir Pasalic, Justin Laird, Eric Hackborn, Johnny Helmich, Tom
Stidham, Elizabeth Kutter and Judith Bayard Cushing
- Use of cupredoxin core structure to define related structures
Elinor T. Adman and Michael E.P. Murphy
- Homology model of salmonella typhi OmpC and analysis of its
antigenic loops
A. Arockiasamy and S. Krishnaswamy
- Conformation Space Mapping - A Novel Method
for Structure Based Drug
Oren Becker
- Prediction of transmembrane alpha-helices using
a hydropathy scale derived from first principles
Nir Ben-Tal & Barry Honig
- Analysis and prediction of hydrogen bonding
in protein-DNA complexes using parallel processors
Graham Campbell, Yuefan Deng, James Glimm, Yuan Wang, and Qiqing Yu,
Moises Eisenberg and Arthur Grollman
- Prediction of long-range interactions in
proteins using neural network
Zsuzsanna Dosztanyi, Andras Fiser and Istvan Simon
- Dynamic contributions to the DNA binding entropy of the Eco RI and EcoRV
restriction endonucleases
Yong Duan, Patricia Wilkosz and John M. Rosenberg
- Assessment of protein fold predictions
from sequence information: predicted alpha/beta-doubly wound fold of the
von Willebrand factor type domain is similar to its crystal structure
Yvonne J. K. Edwards and Stephen J. Perkins
- A gap penalty scheme for increased selectivity in profile searching
Terry Farrah
- Electrostatic properties of cholinesterase models and their functional
Clifford E. Felder, Israel Silman and Joel L. Sussman
- Advances in fold recognition: directional profiles and sequence-derived predictions
Daniel Fischer, Robert Weiss, Danny W. Rice and David Eisenberg
- The UCLA-DOE fold recognition and genome analysis server
Daniel Fischer, Danny Rice and David Eisenberg
- Computer simulation of titration behaviour
in proteins
Cynthia Gibas and Shankar Subramaniam
- Building of a potential of mean force limited to
the side-chain interactions statistically significant
S. Hazout and M.H. Mucchielli-Giorgi
- RIFLE - Rapid Identification by Fragment Length Evaluation
Henning Hermjakob
- Simultaneous and coupled energy optimization of homologous proteins:
A new tool for structure prediction
Chen Keasar, Ron Elber and Jeffrey Skolnick
- Homology modelling of envelop glycoprotein of Japanese encephalitis
Urmila Kulkarni-Kale and A.S. Kolaskar
- Exploring the limits of secondary structure prediction
Jonathan M. Levin
- De novo design of proteins containing alpha-beta-beta motif
Dawei Lin and Luhua Lai
- Conformational analysis of nucleic acid structures:
the asymmetric E-loop of 5S RNA
Alexandra Maier, Wolfgang Schulz and Heinz Sklenar
- Playing with interfaces: a model
A.E. Miele, B. Vallone, P. Vecchini, E. Chiancone and M.Brunori
- Protein fold recognition and dynamics in
the space of contact maps
Leonid Mirny and Eytan Domany
- Prediction method of the protein side-chain
contacts using a potential of mean force
function of residue burial and residue
location in secondary structure
M.H. Mucchielli-Giorgi, P. Tuffery and S. Hazout
- The arrangement of helices in a membrane - a Monte Carlo simulation
Annekathrin Mueller and Heinz Sklenar
- Use of mean-force potentials for tertiary structure prediction:
successful prediction of coiled coil structures
Sean I. O'Donoghue and Michael Nilges
- A model for hybrids interferons
Pereira, H,M; Kroon, E.G.; Carvalho, A, F; Jacchieri. S.G; Santoro,M.M.;
Ferreira, P.C.P
- A new method to analyze molecular dynamic simulations: an application to the
evolution of barnase's hydrophobic cores during unfolding
Luisa Pugliese, Martine Prevost and Shoshana Wodak
- Molecular modelling and site diected
mutagenesis of the active site of endothelin
converting enzyme
C.E. Sansom, V.M. Hoang and A.J. Turner
- Structure, dynamics and electrostatics of L-asparaginase
dimers: implications for reaction mechanism
C.E. Sansom and Mariusz Jaskolski
- An ab initio approach to predict an active site : a case study of
asparagine synthetase
Sangeeta Sawant, Sheldon M. Schuster, A.S. Kolaskar
- Electrostatic forces in the
association of proteins
Gideon Schreiber Christian Frish Alan R. Fersht
- A new approach to modeling G-protein coupled receptors: a 3D model of GnRH
Shacham S, Naor Z. and Becker O.M.
- Structure and interactions of the membranal
protein C5aR
Naomi Siew and Amiram Goldblum
- A common binding pattern in the receptor complexes of some helical cytokines
D.K. Smith and H.R. Treutlein
- Using structural data for molecular docking
and ligand design
Vladimir Sobolev, Tedd Moallem and Marvin Edelman
- Low frequency motion in proteins:
comparison of normal mode and molecular dynamics
of the protein Streptomyces griseus protease A
Peter Stern, Pnina Dauber-Osguthorpe, David J. Osguthorpe and John Moult
- Virtual reality modeling for structural biology
Jürgen Sühnel
- Beyond intra-base-pair hydrogen bonds in DNA
structures: A comprehensive
Jürgen Sühnel and Klaus Lindauer
- How local minima become the global minima:
a simple lattice model study
Ron Unger
- A novel approach to the three dimensional modelling of polypeptide chains
using a doublet (amino acid pair) data base
M. A. Viswamitra and Ujjwal Kumar Das
- Directional profiles
Robert Weiss, Daniel Fischer, Danny W. Rice and David Eisenberg
- A common architecture of the ligand binding domain
of nuclear receptor
Jean-Marie Wurtz
- An introduction to mmCIF: conversion between PDB format and mmCIF
Frances C. Bernstein, Herbert J. Bernstein and Philip. E. Bourne
- Visualization, management and integration of GPCR related
informations : the Viseur program
F. Campagne, M. Cserzo, J.M. Bernassau and B. Maigret
- Sacch3D: Structural information for the S. cerevisiae genome
Stephen A. Chervitz, J. Michael Cherry, and David Botstein
- Real-time, Online Conferencing for Biologists
Gustavo Glusman and Jaime Prilusky
- Fast and easy-to-use PDB viewer for Mac and PC
N. Guex and MC Peitsch
- DRES db: a tool for systematic identification of human cDNAs homologous to
Drosophila genes through automated EST database screening
A.Guffanti, S.Banfi, G.Borsani and G.Simon
- PDBCONS: PDB Database converter and browsing program
Ramneek Gupta and S. Krishnaswamy
- TRRD and COMPEL: Databases on transcription regulation as
a tool for analysis of gene structure
A.E. Kel, O.V. Kel, A.G.Romaschenko, E.Wingender,
- IMGT, The Immungenetics database
Marie-Paule Lefranc, Julia Bodmer, Werner Mueller, Veronique Giudicelli,
Chantal Busin, Steven Marsh, Denis Chaume and Ansar Malik
- Protein Data Bank - reaching out to our users
N.O.Manning, E.E.Abola,
F.C.Bernstein, A.Bluestone, F.M.Cummings, B.R.Deroski, P.A.Esposito,
A.Forman, J.Jiang, P.A.Langdon, M.D.Libeson, D.Lin, J.E.McCarthy,
C.Metz, J.Prilusky, R.K.Shea, J.L.Sikora, B.R.Sylvain, D.Xue, and
- Databases for improved pattern recognition in protein sequences
S.Pietrokovski, S.Henikoff, J.Henikoff and T.K.Attwood
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