Max Delbrueck Center of Molecular Medicine, Robert-Roessle-Str. 10, 13122 Berlin
The JUMNA (Junction Minimisation of Nucleic Acids) program [1], a helicoidal minimisation algorithm, has been shown to be a versatile tool for structural analysis of nucleic acids and nucleic acid-ligand complexes. Systematic studies on sequence-dependent DNA con- formations [2] have been extended to elements of RNA structures, such as hairpin and internal loops.
In this contribution we present the results for the asymmetric E-loop of the ribosomal 5S RNA with the sequence
67 75 79 5'-CCUGGUUAGUACC- 3'-GGACCAUA-AGGG- 108 97This loop is the target for interactions with a zinc finger domain of the transcription factor TFIIIA and of the ribosomal L5 protein. From mutation studies [3,4] it was con- cluded that a unique three-dimensional structure of the E-loop is important for the recognition process.
Our conformational search has led to several local minima structures which differ in the intra- and extrahelical positions of the bases. For the wild-type sequence of Xenopus laevis the lowest energy structure is in excellent agreement with results of NMR studies [5]. The most prominent features of this structure are the triple-paired bases G75/U76/A100 (involving the reversed Hoogsteen U76/A100 pair) and the unusual A77/G99 pair.
[1] Lavery, R., Zakrzewska, K. and Sklenar, H. (1995), Jumna (Junction minimisation of
nucleic acids), Comp. Phys. Comm. 91: 135-158
[2] Poncin, M., Hartmann, B. and Lavery, R. (1992), Conformational sub-states in B-DNA,
J. Mol. Biol. 226: 775-794
[3] Theunissen, O., Rudt, F., Guddat, U., Mentzel, H. and Pieler, T. (1992), RNA and DNA
Bindung Zinc Fingers in Xenopus TFIIIA, Cell 71: 679-690
[4] Rawlings, S. L., Matt, G. D. and Huber, P. W. (1996), Analysis of the Binding of
Xenopus Transcription Factor IIIA to Oocyte 5S rRNA and to the 5S rRNA Gene,
J. Mol. Biol. 271 (2): 869 - 877
[5] Wimberly, B., Varani, G. and Tinoco, I., Jr. (1993), The Conformation of Loop E of
Eukaryotic 5S Ribosomal RNA, Biochemistry 32: 1078-1087