(1) Freie Universität Berlin, Universitätsklinikum Benjamin Franklin, Institut für
Med/Tech. Physik und Lasermedizin, AG Molekulare Bioinformatik Krahmerstr.
6-10, D-12207 Berlin, Germany
(2) Universität Leipzig, Institut für Biochemie, Talstr. 33, D-04103
Leipzig Germany
Two differnt ANNs have been applied for the analysis of proteins: a) A supervised feedforward network for the identification of the cleavage site of signal peptides. The trained ANN was used as a fitness function for the simulated molecular evolution generating new sequences proven to be biologically avtive. b) Classification of local protein structural elements by a Kohonen network of 10X10 neurons. The network was trained to perform a topological mapping from the complex space of structural elements to the 2D plane.