Zvi Vogel: photo

Prof. Zvi Vogel


Laboratory Research Topic:
Mechanisms of Drug Abuse

Chairman, Dept. of Neurobiology
Incumbent of the Ruth and Leonard Simon Chair for Cancer Research

Department of Neurobiology
Arison Building, Room 311
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot 76100, Israel
Tel.: (+972-8) 934-4539
Fax: (+972-8) 934-4131
E-mail: zvi.vogel@weizmann.ac.il


Motivated students interested in applying for an M.Sc., Ph.D. or postdoctoral
position in the laboratory, please contact Prof. Zvi Vogel.

Group members:

Zvi: photo Prof. Zvi Vogel - Chairman, Dept. of Neurobiology
(Send email to Zvi)
Igal: photo Ana Juknat - Scientist
(Send email to Ana)
Orna: photo Igor Goncharov - Post-Doctoral Fellow
(Send email to Igor)
Deby: photo Debora Steiner - Ph.D. Student
(Send email to Deby)
Ester: photo Ester Schallmach - Ph.D. Student
(Send email to Ester)
Elena: photo Elena Butovsky - Ph.D. Student
(Send email to Elena)
Rivka: photo Rivka Levy - Technician
(Send email to Rivka)
Daniella: photo Daniella Saya - Technician
(Send email to Daniella)

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