
Marchak Ben Hamo D. I., Shvarts-Serebro I. & Blonder R. (2021) Journal of Chemical Education. 98, 9, p. 2809-2819  Abstract
Blonder R. (2021) International Journal of Physics & Chemistry Education. 13, 2, p. 25-32  Abstract
Lederman J. S., Lederman N. G., Bartels S. et al. (2021) International Journal of Science Education. 43, 7, p. 991-1016  Abstract [All authors]
Marchak D., Shvarts-Serebro I. & Blonder R. (2021) Journal of Chemical Education. 98, 4, p. 1321-1327  Abstract
Feldman-Maggor Y., Barhoom S., Blonder R. & Tuvi-Arad I. (2021) Education and Information Technologies. 26, 2, p. 1455-1470  Abstract
Blonder R. & Waldman R. (2021) Research Anthology on Facilitating New Educational Practices Through Communities of Learning. p. 820-843  Abstract
Blonder R. (2021) Long-term Research and Development in Science Education: What Have We Learned?. p. 29-43  Abstract