In 2015, all the countries of the world, including Israel, adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with the purpose of implementing them by 2030. These goals in this policy paper are designed to ensure a better life for future generations while eradicating poverty, protecting the planet and insuring that no one is left behind. In order to address these challenges via science educational research, we have identified the challenges in which scientific content is essential for their understanding and designing future solutions.
We have developed and studied two programs
The “Speak to me in number program” addresses global issues, based on a dialogue between mathematical and science-based data. In this way, it introduces 9th graders to some of the sustainable development goals that face the world.
The program “Chemistry Climate and the numbers in between” designed to address the need for learning materials and curricula that could effectively facilitate learning about climate change by utilizing the skills needed to access information online. The program was developed with an emphasis on changing the discourse on climate issues and environment through a dialogue that is data-driven and based on chemical knowledge, particularly for high- school students studying chemistry. The program comprises three units, each focusing on a specific topic: electric cars, solar panels, and natural gas. Each unit begins with a dilemma related to the central topic, and students are asked to respond based on their previous knowledge. Throughout the unit, students are exposed to digital data and chemical explanations of the phenomena. In addition, the curriculum explicitly emphasizes acquiring several critical skills, including argumentation and digital literacy. During the unit, students are asked to revise and enhance their arguments, drawing upon the insights that they have developed (Rap et al., submitted). Each unit is digital and integrated into a Learning Management System that incorporates materials and content as well as various applications.
We study, teacher acceptance of the programs and their influence on the development of 21th Century skill such as critical thinking and argumentation of the students.