First Workshop on String Theory and Gender, 06 July, 2015 - 07 July, 2015, , Valencia, Spain
Since the COST grant "The String Universe" has ended, this website will only be partially updated starting July 2017
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January 12 - January 17, 2014
The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
To Register to the workshop, click here
We would like to invite you to attend the workshop "BLACK HOLES AND QUANTUM INFORMATION". The workshop will focus on black hole physics, and, within this arena, on the usage of ideas from quantum information.
Understanding quantum aspects of black holes has been a driving problem in theoretical physics for the last 40 years, and has led to a deeper understanding of gravity. At the same time, some fundamental problems remain unanswered such as the fate of the infalling observer, information in the Hawking radiation and others. The workshop will cover recent progress in black hole physics, and in particular the usage of quantum information theory. The workshop follows the Jerusalem winter school on quantum information.
The workshop is part of the COST network MP1210 - "The String Theory Universe", with additional support from the Charlotte and Jacques Wolf Conference Center Fund, the Israeli I-Core program and the ERC.
Speakers The Jerusalem Winter School Attendance
Funding Mode of Application Organization
Registration - available staring October 10th until November 15
Scott Aaronson (MIT)
Arjun Bagchi (Pune)
Jose Barbon (Madrid)
Jacob Bekenstein (Jerusalem)
Iosif Bena (Saclay)
Ramy Brustein (Beer-Sheva)
Joan Camps (Cambridge)
Bartek Czech (Stanford)
Jan De Boer (Amsterdam)
Roberto Emparan (Barcelona)
Thomas Faulkner (IAS)
Michael Gary (Vienna)
Daniel Harlow (Princeton)
Veronika Hubeny (Durham)
Nissan Itzhaki (Tel-Aviv)
Barak Kol (Jerusalem)
Zohar Komargodski (Rehovot)
Gilad Lifschytz (Haifa)
Esperanza Lopez (Madrid)
Rob Myers (Perimeter)
Niels Obers (NBI)
Don Page (Alberta)
Kyriakos Papadodimas (Groningen)
Eric Perlmutter (Cambridge)
Andrea Puhm (USC)
Mukund Rangamani (Durham)
Simon Ross (Durham)
Joan Simon (Edinburgh)
Larus Thorlacius (Nordita)
Chiara Toldo (Utrecht)
Stefan Van Doren (Utrecht)
Bert Vercnocke (Amsterdam)
Erik Verlinde (Amsterdam)
I-Sheng Yang (Amsterdam)
To the full list of participants
The Jerusalem Winter School:
The workshop follows the 31st Jerusalem Winter school "Frontiers of Quantum Information Science", 30/12/2013-9/1/2014, . From a post-doc or student perspective, the two events together offer an excellent runway into current black hole research, and the application of quantum information theory into black holes.
We welcome registration to the workshop by all researchers active in black hole physics, quantum information and related area; at the same time, due to space limitations, we apologize in advance if we will not be able to accommodate all requests to attend the workshop. In addition, we are committed to accepting and providing funding for 25 early stage researchers - young faculty (up to the assistant professors), post-docs and advanced Ph.D. students. Post-docs and Ph.D. students are requested to provide a letter of recommendation from their supervisor (sent by the supervisor to
Early stage researchers - young faculty, post-docs and advanced Ph.D. students - will receive reimbursement as follows:
- Students and Post-docs: Full local housing expenses in shared apartment, or partial reimbursement (of 45$ per night) at a single hotel room (which costs 135$ per night); partial travel support of up to 300$ from Europe, and 600$ from the US and Asia.
Young faculty - Full reimbursement of housing (up to 135$); partial travel support of up to 300$ from Europe, and 600$ from the US and Asia.
Senior faculty: since funding for established researchers is unfortunately limited at this point, it cannot be guaranteed.
The final date for application is November 15. A first round of review and confirmations will take place at the second half of October, and final announcements right after the Nov. 15 deadline.
To register please go here.
Letters of recommendation for students and post-docs should be sent to .
If you have any further questions please feel free to contact
Local organizing committee: Ofer Aharony, Micha Berkooz, Zohar Komargodski, Eliezer Rabinovici.
International advisory committee: Ofer Aharony, Micha Berkooz, Anna Ceresole, Jan DeBoer, Roberto Emparan, Jerome Gauntlett, Zohar Komargodski, Yolanda Lozano, Rob Myers, Silvia Penati, Michela Petrini, Eliezer Rabinovici
Financial support for the workshop is provided by
- COST - MP1210 "The String Universe"
- The Charlotte and Jacques Wolf Conference Center fund
- The WIS-CSP Foundation
- ERC STG grant 335182
- I-Core program of the PBC & ISF
- The Albert Einstein Minerva center for theoretical physics