Nityanand Bolshette, Hanna Bueno-Levy and Gad Asher.
Protocol for monitoring intrapulmonary vasodilation in mice using contrast-enhanced echocardiography.
Vaishnavi Dandavate, Nityanand Bolshette, Rachel Van Drunen, Gal Manella, Hanna Bueno-Levy, Mirie Zerbib, Ippei Kawano, Marina Golik, Yaarit Adamovich and Gad Asher.
Hepatic BMAL1 and HIF1a regulate a time-dependent hypoxic response and prevent Hepatopulmonary like Syndrome.
Nityanand Bolshette, Saar Ezagouri, Vaishnavi Dandavate, Iuliia Karavaeva, Marina Golik, Hu Wang, Peter J. Espenshade, Timothy F. Osborne, Xianlin Han and Gad Asher.
Carbon dioxide regulates cholesterol levels through SREBP2.
PLOS Biology, 2023 November 15, 21(11).
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PLOS Biology, 2023 November 22. -
Nityanand Bolshette, Hussam Ibrahim, Hans Reinke and Gad Asher.
Circadian regulation of liver function: from molecular mechanisms to disease pathophysiology.
Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 2023 November, 20(11): p695-707.
Gad Asher and Bokai Zhu.
Beyond circadian rhythms: Emerging roles of ultradian rhythms in control of liver functions.
Gal Manella, Nityanand Bolshette, Marina Golik and Gad Asher.
Input integration by the circadian clock exhibits non-additivity and fold-change detection.
Gal Manella, Saar Ezagouri, Benoit Champigneulle, Jonathan Gaucher, Monique Mendelson, Emeline Lemarie, Emeric Stauffer, Aurélien Pichon, Connor A. Howe, Stéphane Doutreleau, Marina Golik, Samuel Verges and Gad Asher.
The human blood transcriptome exhibits time-of-day dependent response to hypoxia – lessons from the highest city in the world.
Yaarit Adamovich, Vaishnavi Dandavate, and Gad Asher.
Circadian Clocks’ interactions with Oxygen Sensing and Signaling.
Rona Aviram, Vaishnavi Dandavate, Gal Manella, Marina Golik, and Gad Asher.
Ultradian rhythms of AKT phosphorylation and gene expression emerge in the absence of the circadian clock components Per1 and Per2.
Gal Manella, Dan Aizik, Rona Aviram, Marina Golik, and Gad Asher.
Circa-SCOPE: high-throughput, live single-cell imaging method for analysis of circadian clock resetting.
Rona Aviram, Yaarit Adamovich, and Gad Asher.
Circadian Organelles: Rhythms at All Scales.
Yaarit Adamovich, Vaishnavi Dandavate, Saar Ezagouri, Gal Manella, Ziv Zwighaft, Jonathan Sobel, Yael Kuperman, Marina Golik, Asher Auerbach, Maxim Itkin, Sergey Malitsky, and Gad Asher.
Clock proteins and training modify exercise capacity in a day-time dependent manner.
Gal Manella, Elizabeth Sabath, Rona Aviram, Vaishnavi Dandavate, Saar Ezagouri, Marina Golik, Yaarit Adamovich, and Gad Asher.
The liver clock coordinates rhythmicity of peripheral tissues in response to feeding.
Rona Aviram, Gal Manella, and Gad Asher.
The liver by day and by night.
Yaarit Adamovich, Saar Ezagouri, Vaishnavi Dandavate, and Gad Asher.
Monitoring daytime differences in moderate intensity exercise capacity using treadmill test and muscle dissection.
Rona Aviram, Chunyan Wang, Xianlin Han, and Gad Asher.
A Lipidomics View of Circadian Biology.
Gal Manella, Rona Aviram, Nityanand Bolshette, Sapir Muvkadi, Marina Golik, David F. Smith, and Gad Asher.
Hypoxia induces a time- and tissue-specifc response that elicits intertissue circadian clock misaligment.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2020 January 7, 117(1), p 779-786.
Saar Ezagouri, Ziv Zwighaft, Jonathan Sobel, Sébastien Baillieul, Stéphane Doutreleau, Benjamin Ladeuix, Marina Golik, Samuel Verges, and Gad Asher.
Physiological and molecular dissection of daily variance in exercise capacity.
Cell Metabolism, 2019 July 2, 30(1), p 79-91.
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Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 2019 August 15(8), p440-441. -
Yaarit Adamovich, Benjamin Ladeuix, Jonathan Sobel, Gal Manella, Adi Neufeld-Cohen, Mohammad H. Assadi, Marina Golik, Yael Kuperman, Ariel Tarasiuk, Maarten P. Koeners, and Gad Asher.
Oxygen and carbon dioxide rhythms are circadian clock controlled and differentially directed by behavioral signals.
Hans Reinke and Gad Asher.
Crosstalk between metabolism and circadian clocks.
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 2019 April 20(4), p. 227-241.
Saar Ezagouri and Gad Asher.
Circadian control of mitochondrial dynamics and functions.
Hans Reinke and Gad Asher.
Liver Size: Waning by Day, Waxing by Night.
Yaarit Adamovich, Benjamin Ladeuix, Marina Golik, Maarten P. Koeners and Gad Asher.
Rhytmic oxygen levels reset circadian clocks through HIF1a.
Cell Metabolism, 2017 January 10, 25(1), p 93-101.
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Nature, 2016 November 3,539.
Science Signaling, 2017 January 31, 464(10). -
Gal Manella and Gad Asher.
The circadian nature of mitochondrial biology.
Rona Aviram, Gal Manella, Namma Kopelman, Adi Neufeld-Cohen, Ziv Zwighaft, Meitar Elimelech, Yaarit Adamovich, Marina Golik, Chunyan Wang, Xianlin Han and Gad Asher.
Lipidomics analyses reveal temporal and spatial lipid organization and uncover daily oscillations in intracellular organelles.
Molecular Cell, 2016 May 19, 62(4), p 636-648.
Featured article in Molecular Cell - Meet the Author
Ziv Zwighaft, Hans Reinke and Gad Asher.
The Liver in the Eyes of a Chronobiologist.
Adi Neufeld-Cohen, Maria S. Robles, Rona Aviram, Gal Manella, Yaarit Adamovich, Benjamin Ladeuix, Dana Nir, Liat Rousso-Noori, Yael Kuperman, Marina Golik, Matthias Mann and Gad Asher.
Circadian control of oscillations in mitochondrial rate-limiting enzymes and nutrient utilization by PERIOD proteins.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2016 March 22, 113(12), p 1673-1682.
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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2016 March 22, 113(12), p 3127-3129. -
Gad Asher and Paolo Sassone-Corsi.
Time for Food: The Intimate Interplay between Nutrition, Metabolism, and the Circadian Clock.
Hans Reinke and Gad Asher.
Circadian clock control of liver metabolic functions.
Ziv Zwighaft, Rona Aviram, Moran Shalev, Liat Rousso-Noori, Judith Kraut-Cohen, Marina Golik, Alexander Brandis, Hans Reinke, Asaph Aharoni, Chaim Kahana and Gad Asher.
Circadian clock control by polyamine levels through a mechanism that declines with age.
Cell Metabolism, 2015 October 8, 22(5) p, 874-885.
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Cell Metabolism, 2015 October 8, 22(5) p, 757-758. -
Yaarit Adamovich, Rona Aviram and Gad Asher.
The emerging roles of lipids in circadian control.
Moran Shalev, Rona Aviram, Yaarit Adamovich, Judith Kraut-Cohen, Tal Shamia, Shifra Ben-Dor, Marina Golik and Gad Asher.
The PXDLS linear motif regulates circadian rhytmicity through protein-protein interactions.
Yaarit Adamovich, Liat Rousso-Noori, Ziv Zwighaft, Adi Neufeld-Cohen, Marina Golik, Judith Kraut-Cohen, Miao Wang, Xianlin Han and Gad Asher.
Circadian clocks and feeding time regulate the oscillations and levels of hepatic triglycerides.
Gad Asher* and Ueli Schibler.
Crosstalk between components of circadian and metabolic cycles in mammals.
Cell Metabolism, 2011 February 2, 13(2), p 125-137.
* Corresponding author -
Gad Asher*, Hans Reinke, Matthias Altmeyer, Maria Gutierrez-Arcelus, Michael O. Hottiger and Ueli Schibler.
Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 participates in the phase entrainment of circadian clocks to Feeding.
Cell, 2010 September 17, 142(6), p 943-953.
* Corresponding authorHighlight in:
Cell, 2010 September 17, 142(6) p 841-843.
Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol., 2010 November, 11(11) p 754-755. -
Gad Asher, David Gatfield, Markus Stratmann, Hans Reinke, Charna Dibner, Florian Kreppel, Raul Mostooslavsky, Frederick W. Alt and Ueli Schibler.
SIRT1 regulates circadian clock gene expression through PER2 deacetylation.
Cell, 2008 July 25, 134(2), p 317-328.
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Cell, 2008 July 25, 134(2), p 212-214.
Nature, 2008 July 31, (454), p 554. -
Gad Asher and Ueli Schibler.
A CLOCK – less clock.