Method Specification
Nano-mechanics is a field devoted to the characterization of nanomaterials or bulk material mechanical properties and behavior at the nanoscale. Measurements of the mechanical properties and the assessment of materials’ deformation mechanisms at the nanoscale have presented new challenges for the mechanics research community. For instance, in order to explore the intrinsic properties of nanomaterials and correlate them with the crystal structure, the nature of the chemical bonds and the atomic interactions, it is crucial to study them at single particle scale.
Progress in the characterization of individual nano-objects has been made possible due to the miniaturization of material testing systems together with the ability to measure load and displacement at the nanoscale. The ability to study dynamic processes of materials under applied force can be achieved by conducting in situ experiments within electron microscopes.
We have several systems from Kleindiek Nanotechnik for nanomanipulation and force measurements (the systems can be installed on the Zeiss Supra 55):
- MM3A nanomanipulator, its combined stepper motor and piezo motor enable accurate movements from macro to nano scale.
- STFMA spring table and force measurement analysis software has three spring tables with the following force constants: 10, 100 and 1000 N/m
- FMS force measurement systems is based on piezoresistive tip that can sense forces in the nN range.
Figure 1 presents a scheme of a tensile force applied on a fiber measured by the FMS system.
Staff Contacts
Dr. Ifat Kaplan-Ashiri
Staff Scientist -
Dr. Xiaomeng Sui
Staff Scientist