About Uselectron-microscopy

About Us

The Electron Microscopy Unit provides campus-wide services and in-depth practical training in sample preparation, advanced light microscopy, and electron microscopy at the beginning and advanced levels. Our facilities hold basic and cutting-edge instrumentation for biological and materials science microscopy. The staff members provide expert service for research projects and support scientists from the various fields to carry out their own research using the unit's outstanding equipment. Part of our mission is to give access to and to train on a variety of transmission electron microscopes (TEM), scanning electron microscopes (SEM), dual-beam focused ion beam/SEM, micro-CT (x-ray computed tomography), a super resolution microscope (STORM/PALM), and advanced light microscopes. Our strength is to bring together multidisciplinary expertise to benefit the characterization capabilities and challenge what is possible in materials and life sciences with electron microscopy today.

Featured Instrumentation

Talos Arctica (Thermo fisher Scientific)

Electron Microscopy

Titan Krios G3i (Thermo Fisher Scientific)

Electron Microscopy

Quattro S- environmental SEM (Thermo Fisher Scientific)

Electron Microscopy

Gemini SEM 500 (Zeiss)

Electron Microscopy