Method Specification
Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) is an imaging method that can be used both in TEM and SEM. In SEM extremely low accelerating voltages (2-30kV) can be used to image very thin sections. The technique requires a special detector (diode) that is mounted under the sample; thus, it can collect the transmitted electrons. The detector is designed to collect electrons emitted at various angles so it has the ability to detect in bright field, dark field and high angle dark field modes. The image of the different modes can be presented separately or as a combination of the desired modes. STEM detectors can be found on the Zeiss Gemini SEM 500 and on the Thermo Fisher Scientific Quatrro S ESEM. STEM imaging can be performed under the various vacuum modes; high vacuum and low vacuum (N2, H20). The STEM imaging can be combined with the other SEM detectors as well as with EDS and CL.
Staff Contacts
Dr. Ifat Kaplan-Ashiri
Staff Scientist -
Dr. Xiaomeng Sui
Staff Scientist