• Radiocarbon chronology of Iron Age Jerusalem reveals calibration offsets and architectural developments

    Authors: Regev J., Gadot Y., Uziel J., Chalaf O., Shalev Y., Roth H., Shalom N., Szanton N., Bocher E., Pearson C. L., Brown D. M., Mintz E., Regev L. & Boaretto E. (2024), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121, 19, e232102412
  • The mosaic tesserae in the industrial Byzantine wine press, Yavne, Israel: A natural unusually hard chalk or a chemically transformed chalk?

    Authors: Weiner S., Seligman J., Nadav-Ziv L., Haddad E., Asscher Y., Ovechkina M., Regev L., Mintz E. & Boaretto E. (2024), Journal of Archaeological Science. 161, 105906
  • Intra-site variability Analysis, characterization, and cultural affiliation of the Upper Paleolithic sequence of Manot Cave (western Galilee, Israel)

    Authors: Shemer M., Barzilai O., Boaretto E., Hershkovitz I., Lavi R., Edeltin L. & Marder O. (2024), Archaeological Research in Asia. 37, 100501
  • A Late Pleistocene Eastern Mediterranean palaeoclimate record based on stable carbon isotopes (Δ13C) of archaeological charcoal: New data from the Epipalaeolithic sequence of Ein Qashish South, Israel

    Authors: Belli C., Weinstein-Evron M., Caracuta V., Nadel D., Yeshurun R., Regev L., Boaretto E. & Yaroshevich A. (2024), Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 57, 104597
  • A self-made tube cracker coupled to an EA-IRMS-AGE3 system

    Authors: Regev L., Mintz E., Goffer L. & Boaretto E. (2024), Radiocarbon.
  • FIB-SEM Study of Archaeological Human Petrous Bones: 3D Structures and Diagenesis

    Authors: Ibrahim J., Mintz E., Regev L., Regev D., Gronau I., Weiner S. & Boaretto E. (2024), Minerals. 14, 7, 729
  • A label-free quantification method for assessing sex from modern and ancient bovine tooth enamel

    Authors: Kotli P., Morgenstern D., Bocquentin F., Khalaily H., Horwitz L. K. & Boaretto E. (2024), Scientific Reports. 14, 18195
  • The Early Upper paleolithic deposit of Mughr el-Hamamah (Jordan): Archaeobotanical taphonomy and site formation processes

    Authors: Alonso-Eguiluz M., Toffolo M. B., White C. E., Asouti E., Boaretto E., Nilsson Stutz L., Stutz A. & María Albert R. (2024), Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 55, 104471
  • Standing at the crossroads En Ḥaẓeva in the Early Iron Age IIA

    Authors: Ben-Ami D., Regev J. & Boaretto E. (2024), Levant.
  • Innovative Technological Practices and their Role in the Emergence of Initial Upper Paleolithic Technologies: A View from Boker Tachtit

    Authors: Goder-Goldberger M., Barzilai O. & Boaretto E. (2023), Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology. 6, 11

    Authors: Raj H., Regev L. & Boaretto E. (2023), Radiocarbon. 65, 3, p. 681-691, PII S00338
  • Three dimensional structures of the inner and outer pig petrous bone using FIB-SEM: Implications for development and ancient DNA preservation

    Authors: Ibrahim J., Rechav K., Boaretto E. & Weiner S. (2023), Journal of Structural Biology. 215, 3, 107998
  • Living in an ecotone: Late Middle Palaeolithic occupations in the lower Besor Basin, north-western Negev Desert, Israel

    Authors: Goder-Goldberger M., Gilead I., Boaretto E., Edeltin L., Horwitz L. K., Jacoby-Glass Y., Lavi R., Neumann F. H., Porat N., Toffolo M. B., Van Aardt A. C., Zilberman T. & Crouvi O. (2023), Antiquity. p. 1-8
  • Sub-annual bomb radiocarbon records from trees in northern Israel

    Authors: Raj H., Ehrlich Y., Regev L., Mintz E. & Boaretto E. (2023), Scientific Reports. 13, 18851
  • Crystallinity assessment of anthropogenic calcites using Raman micro-spectroscopy

    Authors: Toffolo M. B., Pinkas I., Gallo A. Á. & Boaretto E. (2023), Scientific Reports. 13, 1, 12971
  • Absolute radiocarbon chronology of the archaeological site of Lio Piccolo (Cavallino-Treporti): a multidisciplinary approach to a submerged Roman context

    Authors: Chiorrini E., Beltrame C., Costa E., Mintz E., Regev J., Regev L. & Boaretto E. (2023), Rivista di Archeologia. 47, p. 107-117
  • Palaeoenvironments and chronology of the Damvlei Later Stone Age site, Free State, South Africa

    Authors: Toffolo M. B., Tribolo C., Horwitz L. K., Rossouw L., Britt Bousman C., Richard M., Boaretto E. & Miller C. E. (2023), South African Archaeological Bulletin. 78, 219, p. 57-74
  • Distal tephra reveal new MIS 5e Kos eruptions: Implications for the chronology and volcanic evolution histories in the Eastern Mediterranean region

    Authors: Zhang S., Blockley S., Armitage S. J., Satow C., Manning C., Barzilai O., Boaretto E., White D. & Timms R. (2023), Quaternary Science Reviews. 307, 108054
  • Micro-contextual characterization of pyrogenic aragonite diagenesis in archaeological ash: implications for radiocarbon dating of calcium carbonate in combustion features

    Authors: Toffolo M. B., Regev L., Mintz E., Dubernet S., Berna F., Chadwick J. R., Maeir A. M. & Boaretto E. (2023), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 15, 11, 177
  • The utilization and extinction of Juniper trees from the Negev desert (Israel) - Data from a late 6th5th millennia site of Har Harif

    Authors: Vardi J., Yegorov D., Degen-Eisenberg D., Boaretto E., Langgut D., Avni Y. & Caracuta V. (2023), Journal of Arid Environments. 210, 104906
  • Early Upper Paleolithic cultural variability in the Southern Levant: New evidence from Nahal Rahaf 2 Rockshelter, Judean Desert, Israel

    Authors: Shemer M., Boaretto E., Greenbaum N., Mayer D. E. B., Tejero J., Langgut D., Gnezdilov D. L., Barzilai O., Marder O. & Marom N. (2023), Journal of Human Evolution. 178, 103342
  • Archaeobotany of el-Wad Terrace, Mount Carmel (Israel): insights into plant exploitation along the Natufian sequence

    Authors: Belli C., Caracuta V., Nadel D., Boaretto E., Yeshurun R. & Weinstein-Evron M. (2023), Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 32, 5, p. 453-474
  • Ancient DNA from a lost Negev Highlands desert grape reveals a Late Antiquity wine lineage

    Authors: Cohen P., Bacilieri R., Ramos-Madrigal J., Privman E., Boaretto E., Weber A., Fuks D., Weiss E., Erickson-Gini T., Bucking S., Tepper Y., Cvikel D., Schmidt J., Gilbert M. T. P., Wales N., Bar-Oz G. & Meiri M. (2023), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120, 17, e221356312
  • Exploring the Later Stone Age at a micro-scale: New high-resolution excavations at Wonderwerk Cave

    Authors: Rhodes S. E., Goldberg P., Ecker M., Horwitz L. K., Boaretto E. & Chazan M. (2022), Quaternary International. 614, p. 126-145
  • Investigating the effect of diagenesis on ESR dating of Middle Stone Age tooth samples from the open-air site of Lovedale, Free State, South Africa

    Authors: Richard M., Pons-Branchu E., Carmieli R., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Alvaro Gallo A., Ricci G., Caneve L., Wroth K., Dapoigny A., Tribolo C., Boaretto E. & Toffolo M. (2022), Quaternary Geochronology. 69, 101269
  • When did Goliath collapse? Dating the recent events of a major submarine slide complex, Southeastern Mediterranean margin

    Authors: Elad M., Gadol O., Makovsky Y., Almogi-Labin A., Boaretto E. & Bookman R. (2022), Sedimentary Geology. 433, 106123
  • Olive pits as a high-resolution proxy archive of climate: Delta 13C in modern and archaeological olive pits reflecting environmental conditions

    Authors: Ehrlich Y., Raj H., Mintz E., Regev L. & Boaretto E. (2022), Quaternary Science Reviews. 294, 107738
  • The petrous bone contains high concentrations of osteocytes: One possible reason why ancient DNA is better preserved in this bone

    Authors: Ibrahim J., Brumfeld V., Addadi Y., Rubin S., Weiner S. & Boaretto E. (2022), PLoS ONE. 17, 10, e0269348
  • Alone in a cave: Examination of a 5200 BCE skeleton from the Judean Desert, Israel

    Authors: Nagar Y., Milevski I., Hamer H., Amichai O., Klein E., Boaretto E., Fadida A. & May H. (2022), Bioarchaeology of the Near East. 16, p. 29-49
  • Chronology of IBA shaft tomb in the southern levant: Integral part of the IBA culture from beginning to end

    Authors: Lev R., Govrin Y., Horowitz Z., Mintz E., Regev L. & Boaretto E. (2022), Radiocarbon. 64, 5, p. 969-987
  • Relict olive trees at runoff agriculture remains in Wadi Zetan, Negev Desert, Israel

    Authors: Tepper Y., Porat N., Langgut D., Barazani O., Kumar Bajpai P., Dag A., Ehrlich Y., Boaretto E. & Bar-Oz G. (2022), Journal of archaeological science, reports. 41, 103302
  • Expansion of eastern Mediterranean Middle Paleolithic into the desert region in early marine isotopic stage 5

    Authors: Barzilai O., Oron M., Porat N., White D., Timms R., Blockley S., Zular A., Avni Y., Faershtein G., Weiner S. & Boaretto E. (2022), Scientific Reports. 12, 1, 4466
  • The Iron Age Cemetery of Tel Erani, between the Mediterranean Coastal Plain and the Shephelah

    Authors: Milevski I., Yegorov D., Talis S., Nagar Y., Boaretto E., Horwitz L. K. & Smith P. (2022), Israel Exploration Journal. 72, 2, p. 140-168
  • radiocarbon dating oF the iron age levelS

    Authors: Gilboa A., Sharon I. & Boaretto E. (2022), Megiddo V. p. 1117-1127
  • The Destruction of Late Bronze Age Hazor

    Authors: Bechar S., Ben-Tor A., Wachtel I., Ben-Tor D., Boaretto E. & Stockhammer P. W. (2021), Ägypten und Levante. 31, p. 45-74
  • The Marine Isotope Stage 3 landscape around Manot Cave (Israel) and the food habits of anatomically modern humans: New insights from the anthracological record and stable carbon isotope analysis of wild almond (Amygdalus sp.)

    Authors: Caracuta V., Alex B., Regev L., Regev J., Mintz E., Barzilai O., Hershkovitz I. & Boaretto E. (2021), Journal of Human Evolution. 160, 102868
  • Discovery of annual growth in a modern olive branch based on carbon isotopes and implications for the Bronze Age volcanic eruption of Santorini

    Authors: Ehrlich Y., Regev L. & Boaretto E. (2021), Scientific Reports. 11, 1, p. 1-11
  • Middle bronze age Jerusalem: recalculating its character and chronology

    Authors: Regev J., Gadot Y., Roth H., Uziel J., Chalaf O., Ben-Ami D., Mintz E., Regev L. & Boaretto E. (2021), Radiocarbon. 63, 3, p. 1-31
  • Tracking the history of grapevine cultivation in Georgia by combining geometric morphometrics and ancient DNA

    Authors: Bouby L., Wales N., Jalabadze M., Rusishvili N., Bonhomme V., Ramos-Madrigal J., Evin A., Ivorra S., Lacombe T., Pagnoux C., Boaretto E., Gilbert M. T. P., Bacilieri R., Lordkipanidze D. & Maghradze D. (2021), Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 30, 1, p. 63-76
  • Early production of table olives at a mid-7th millennium BP submerged site off the Carmel coast (Israel)

    Authors: Galili E., Langgut D., Terral J. F., Barazani O., Dag A., Kolska Horwitz L., Ogloblin Ramirez I., Rosen B., Weinstein-Evron M., Chaim S., Kremer E., Lev-Yadun S., Boaretto E., Ben-Barak-Zelas Z. & Fishman A. (2021), Scientific Reports. 11, 1, p. 2218, 2218
  • The absolute chronology of Boker Tachtit (Israel) and implications for the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in the Levant

    Authors: Boaretto E., Hernandez M., Goder-Goldberger M., Aldeias V., Regev L., Caracuta V., McPherron S. P., Hublin J., Weiner S. & Barzilai O. (2021), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS. 118, 25, e201465711
  • A Late Pleistocene high-resolution paleoclimate reconstruction: insights from the archaeobotanical assemblage and the carbon isotope analysis of wild almond (Amygdalus sp.) from Raqefet Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel

    Authors: Belli C., Caracuta V., Weinstein-Evron M., Yeshurun R., Boaretto E. & Nadel D. (2021), Quaternary Science Reviews. 268, 107138

    Authors: Yan X., Tepper Y., Bar-Oz G. & Boaretto E. (2021), Radiocarbon. 63, 6, p. 1715-1735
  • A radiocarbon sequence for the late bronze to iron age transition at Ashkelon: Timing early philistine pottery

    Authors: Asscher Y., Martin M. A. S., Master D. & Boaretto E. (2021), Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. 386, 1, p. 77-93

    Authors: Lev R., Bechar S. & Boaretto E. (2021), Radiocarbon. 63, 5, p. 1453-1469
  • New Archaeological Study of the Armenian \u201cBirds Mosaic\u201d Chapel in Jerusalem

  • The value of climate responses of individual trees to detect areas of climate-change refugia, a tree-ring study in the Brazilian seasonally dry tropical forests

    Authors: Godoy-Veiga M., Cintra B. B. L., Stríkis N. M., Cruz F. W., Grohmann C. H., Santos M. S., Regev L., Boaretto E., Ceccantini G. & Locosselli G. M. (2021), Forest Ecology and Management. 488, 118971
  • Radiocarbon dating of the iron age stratigraphic sequence

    Authors: Boaretto E., Sharon I. & Gilboa A. (2021), Tel Beth-Shemesh: A Border Community in Judah. p. 680-687
  • Absolute chronology of Black Wheel Made Ware in the southern Levant and its synchronization with the northern Levant

    Authors: Lev R., Bechar S., Covello-Paran K. & Boaretto E. (2021), Levant. 53, 2, p. 151-163
  • The early Pre-Pottery Neolithic B site at Nesher-Ramla Quarry, Israel

    Authors: Ullman M., Brailovsky L., Schechter H. C., Weissbrod L., Zuckerman-Cooper R., Toffolo M. B., Caracuta V., Boaretto E., Weiner S., Abramov J., Bar-Yosef Mayer D. E., Avrutis V. W., Kol-Ya'kov S. & Frumkin A. (2021), Quaternary International. 624, 30, p. 148-167
  • Abandonment practices through the microscope lens: Microarchaeological data from Middle Bronze Age Erimi, Cyprus

    Authors: Amadio M., Boaretto E. & Bombardieri L. (2021), Levant (London). 52, 3, p. 301-320
  • Naḥal 'Aqev

  • Site formation processes at Manot Cave, Israel: Interplay between strata accumulation in the occupation area and the talus

    Authors: Berna F., Boaretto E., Wiebe M. C., Goder-Goldberger M., Abulafia T., Lavi R., Barzilai O., Marder O. & Weiner S. (2020), Journal of Human Evolution. 102883
  • Radiocarbon chronology of the EB I-II and II-III transitions at Tel Bet Yerah, and its implications for the nature of social change in the southern Levant

    Authors: Regev J., Paz S., Greenberg R. & Boaretto E. (2020), Levant. 51, 1, p. 54-75
  • Tree rings reveal the adverse effect of water pumping on protected riparian Platanus orientalis tree growth

    Authors: Bachar A., Markus-Shi J., Regev L., Boaretto E. & Klein T. (2020), Forest Ecology and Management. 458, 117784
  • Precipitation variability differently affects radial growth, xylem traits and ring porosity of three Mediterranean oak species at xeric and mesic sites

    Authors: Castagneri D., Carrer M., Regev L. & Boaretto E. (2020), Science of the Total Environment. 699, 134285
  • The State-of-the-Art of Dating Techniques Applied to Ancient Mortars and Binders: A Review

    Authors: Urbanová P., Boaretto E. & Artioli G. (2020), Radiocarbon. 62, 3, p. 503-525
  • Radiocarbon dating of the plaster of Siloam Pool in the City of David: Elisabetta Boaretto

    Authors: Boaretto E. & בוארטו א. (2020), ʻAtiqot. English series. December 2020, 101, p. 79-81
  • High temperature pyrotechnology: A macro- and microarchaeology study of a late Byzantine-beginning of Early Islamic period (7th century CE) pottery kiln from Tel Qatra/Gedera, Israel

    Authors: Weiner S., Nagorsky A., Taxel I., Asscher Y., Albert R. M., Regev L., Yan X., Natalio F. & Boaretto E. (2020), Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 31, 102263
  • Structural Characterization and Thermal Decomposition of Lime Binders Allow Accurate Radiocarbon Age Determinations of Aerial Lime Plaster

    Authors: Toffolo M. B., Regev L., Mintz E., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Berna F., Dubernet S., Yan X., Regev J. & Boaretto E. (2020), Radiocarbon. 62, 3, p. 633-655
  • Radiocarbon dating

    Authors: Toffolo M. B. & Boaretto E. (2020), The Early Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Site at Nesher-Ramla Quarry (NRQN), Israel. p. 33-36

    Authors: Lev R., Shalev O., Regev J., Paz Y. & Boaretto E. (2020), Radiocarbon. 62, 6, p. 1637-1649
  • Radiocarbon dates from Cave T1

    Authors: Boaretto E. (2020), Tell es-Safi/Gath II.
  • An Iron IIA Iron and Bronze Workshop in the Lower City of Tell es-Safi/Gath

    Authors: Workman V., Maeir A. M., Dagan A., Regev J., Boaretto E. & Eliyahu-Behar A. (2020), Tel Aviv. 47, 2, p. 208-236
  • Radiocarbon dating and microarchaeology untangle the history of Jerusalem's Temple Mount: A view from Wilson's Arch

    Authors: Regev J., Uziel J., Lieberman T., Solomon A., Gadot Y., Ben-Ami D., Regev L. & Boaretto E. (2020), PLoS ONE. 15, 6, 0233307
  • The radiocarbon samples from the acropolis of Tel Yarmuth

  • The Early Upper Palaeolithic in the south Judean Desert, Israel: Preliminary excavation results from Nahal Rahaf 2 rockshelter

    Authors: Barzilai O., Aladjem E., Shemer M., Zituni R., Greenbaum N., Boaretto E. & Marom N. (2020), Antiquity. 94, 377, p. 1-8
  • The Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in the southern Levant: New insights from the late Middle Paleolithic site of Far'ah II, Israel

    Authors: Goder-Goldberger M., Crouvi O., Caracuta V., Horwitz L. K., Neumann F. H., Porat N., Scott L., Shavit R., Jacoby-Glass Y., Zilberman T. & Boaretto E. (2020), Quaternary Science Reviews. 237, 106304
  • An Early Iron Age assemblage of faience beads

    Authors: Toffolo M. B., Klein E., Elbaum R., Aja A. J., Master D. M. & Boaretto E. (2020), Ashkelon 7: The Iron Age I.
  • Date, Materiality and Historical Significance of P.Köln Inv. 5941

    Authors: Boaretto E., Newman H. I., Breternitz S., Shevchuk I. & Rabin I. (2020), Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin. 6, 2, p. 173-186
  • Archaeobotanical proxies and archaeological interpretation: A comparative study of phytoliths, pollen and seeds in dung pellets and refuse deposits at Early Islamic Shivta, Negev, Israel

    Authors: Dunseth Z. C., Fuks D., Langgut D., Weiss E., Melamed Y., Butler D. H., Yan X., Boaretto E., Tepper Y., Bar-Oz G. & Shahack-Gross R. (2019), Quaternary Science Reviews. 211, p. 166-185
  • Charred micro-particles characterization in archaeological contexts: Identifying mixing between sediments with implications for stratigraphy

    Authors: Asscher Y. & Boaretto E. (2019), Journal of Archaeological Science. 107, p. 32-39
  • Climatic and environmental conditions in the Western Galilee, during Late Middle and Upper Paleolithic periods, based on speleothems from Manot Cave, Israel

    Authors: Yasur G., Ayalon A., Matthews A., Zilberman T., Marder O., Barzilai O., Boaretto E., Hershkovitz I. & Bar-Matthews M. (2019), Journal of Human Evolution. 160, 102605
  • Progress for research of grape and wine culture in Georgia, the South Caucasus

    Authors: Maghradze D., Aslanishvili A., Mdinaradze I., Tkemaladze D., Mekhuzla L., Lordkipanidze D., Jalabadze M., Kvavadze E., Rusishvili N., McGovern P., This P., Bacilieri R., Failla O., Cola G., Mariani L., Toffolatti S. L., De Lorenzis G., Bianco P. A., Quaglino F., Wales N., Gilbert M. T., Bouby L., Kazeli T., Ujmajuridze L., Mamasakhlisashili L., Batiuk S., Graham A., Boaretto E., Cheishvili A. & Davitashvili L. (2019), BIO Web of Conferences. 12, 03003
  • Absolute time ranges in the plateau of the late bronze to iron age transition and the appearance of bichrome pottery in Canaan, Southern Levant

    Authors: Asscher Y. & Boaretto E. (2019), Radiocarbon. 61, 1, p. 13-37
  • The chronology of the late bronze (LB)-Iron Age (IA) Transition in the Southern Levant: A response to finkelstein's critique

    Authors: Boaretto E., Asscher Y., Hitchcock L. A., Lehmann G., Maeir A. M. & Weiner S. (2019), Radiocarbon. 61, 1, p. 1-11
  • Radiocarbon chronology of Middle and Upper Paleolithic sites in Serbia, Central Balkans

    Authors: Alex B., Mihailovic D., Milosevic S. & Boaretto E. (2019), Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 25, p. 266-279
  • FTIR-Based Crystallinity Assessment of AragoniteCalcite Mixtures in Archaeological Lime Binders Altered by Diagenesis

    Authors: Toffolo M. B., Regev L., Dubernet S., Lefrais Y. & Boaretto E. (2019), Minerals. 9, 2, 121
  • Ancient trash mounds unravel urban collapse a century before the end of Byzantine hegemony in the southern Levant

    Authors: Bar-Oz G., Weissbrod L., Erickson-Gini T., Tepper Y., Malkinson D., Benzaquen M., Langgut D., Dunseth Z. C., Butler D. H., Shahack-Gross R., Roskin J., Fuks D., Weiss E., Marom N., Ktalav I., Blevis R., Zohar I., Farhi Y., Filatova A., Gorin-Rosen Y., Yan X. & Boaretto E. (2019), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116, 17, p. 8239-8248
  • A New Jewelry Hoard from Eleventh-Century BCE Megiddo

    Authors: Arie E., Boaretto E., Martin M. A. S., Namdar D., Shamir O. & Naama-Yahalom-Mack (2019), Near Eastern Archaeology. 82, 2, p. 90-101
  • The Huqoq Excavation Project: 20142017 Interim Report

    Authors: Magness J., Kisilevitz S., Grey M., Mizzi D., Schindler D., Wells M., Britt K., Boustan R., O'Connell S., Hubbard E., George J., Ramsay J., Boaretto E. & Chazan M. (2018), Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. 380, 1, p. 61-131
  • Pigeon-raising and sustainable agriculture at the fringe of the desert: a view from the Byzantine village of Saadon, Negev, Israel

    Authors: Tepper Y., Weissbrod L., Fried T., Marom N., Ramsay J., Weinstein-Evron M., Aharonovich S., Liphschitz N., Farhi Y., Yan X., Boaretto E. & Bar-Oz G. (2018), Levant. p. 1-23
  • After 80 Years Deeper in the Natufian Layers of el-Wad Terrace, Mount Carmel, Israel

    Authors: Weinstein-Evron M., Yeshurun R., Ashkenazy H., Chasan R., Rosenberg D., Bachrach N., Boaretto E., Caracuta V. & Kaufman D. (2018), Mitekufat Haeven: Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society. 48, p. 5-61
  • Microflint in archaeological sediments from Boker Tachtit, Israel: A new method for quantifying concentrations of small flint fragments

    Authors: Stepka Z., Barzilai O., Weiner S. & Boaretto E. (2018), Journal of Archaeological Science. 91, p. 52-64
  • Middle to Late Epipaleolithic hunter-gatherer encampments at the Ashalim site, on a linear dune-like morphology, along dunefield margin water bodies

    Authors: Vardi J., Marder O., Bookman R., Friesem D. E., Groman-Yeroslavski I., Edeltin L., Porat N., Boaretto E. & Roskin J. (2018), Quaternary International. 464, p. 187-205
  • Radiocarbon analysis of modern olive wood raises doubts concerning a crucial piece of evidence in dating the Santorini eruption

    Authors: Ehrlich Y., Regev L. & Boaretto E. (2018), Scientific Reports. 8, 1, 11841
  • Microarchaeology of a grain silo: Insights into stratigraphy, chronology and food storage at Late Bronze Age Ashkelon, Israel

    Authors: Toffolo M. B., Martin M. A. S., Master D. M. & Boaretto E. (2018), Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 19, p. 177-188
  • Microarchaeology at Tell es-Safi/Gath, Area A

    Authors: Weiner S. & Boaretto E. (2018), Near Eastern Archaeology. 81, 1, p. 24-27
  • The dawn of dentistry in the late upper Paleolithic: An early case of pathological intervention at Riparo Fredian

    Authors: Oxilia G., Fiorillo F., Boschin F., Boaretto E., Apicella S. A., Matteucci C., Panetta D., Pistocchi R., Guerrini F., Margherita C., Andretta M., Sorrentino R., Boschian G., Arrighi S., Dori I., Mancuso G., Crezzini J., Riga A., Serrangeli M. C., Vazzana A., Salvadori P. A., Vandini M., Tozzi C., Moroni A., Feeney R. N., Willman J. C., Moggi-Cecchi J. & Benazzi S. (2017), American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 163, 3, p. 446-461
  • Dating archaeological sites in an arid environment: A multi-method case study in the Negev Highlands, Israel

    Authors: Dunseth Z. C., Junge A., Lomax J., Boaretto E., Finkelstein I., Fuchs M. & Shahack-Gross R. (2017), Journal of Arid Environments. 144, p. 156-169
  • Farming legumes in the pre-pottery Neolithic: New discoveries from the site of Ahihud (Israel)

    Authors: Caracuta V., Vardi J., Paz Y. & Boaretto E. (2017), PLoS ONE. 12, 5, 0177859
  • Accurate radiocarbon dating of archaeological ash using pyrogenic aragonite

    Authors: Toffolo M. B., Regev L., Mintz E., Poduska K. M., Shahack-Gross R., Berthold C., Miller C. E. & Boaretto E. (2017), Radiocarbon. 59, 1, p. 231-249
  • Radiocarbon Dating of an Olive Tree Cross-Section: New Insights on Growth Patterns and Implications for Age Estimation of Olive Trees

    Authors: Ehrlich Y., Regev L., Kerem Z. & Boaretto E. (2017), Frontiers in Plant Science. 8, 1918
  • Radiocarbon Assessment of Early Bronze Arad: The 20 Year Lifespan of Stratum II

    Authors: Regev J., Regev L., Mintz E. & Boaretto E. (2017), Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University. 44, 2, p. 165-177
  • Dating Reassembled Collagen from Fossil Bones

    Authors: Goldenberg L., Regev L., Mintz E. & Boaretto E. (2017), Radiocarbon. 59, Special Issue 5, p. 1487-1496
  • Heating of flint artifacts from the site of Boker Tachtit (Israel) was not detected using FTIR peak broadening

    Authors: Goder-Goldberger M., Weiner S., Barzilai O. & Boaretto E. (2017), Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 12, p. 173-182
  • High Resolution AMS Dates from Shubayqa 1, northeast Jordan Reveal Complex Origins of Late Epipalaeolithic Natufian in the Levant

    Authors: Richter T., Arranz-Otaegui A., Yeomans L. & Boaretto E. (2017), Scientific Reports. 7, 1, 17025
  • The formation of fire residues associated with hunter-gatherers in humid tropical environments: A geo-ethnoarchaeological perspective

    Authors: Friesem D. E., Lavi N., Madella M., Boaretto E., Ajithparsad P. & French C. (2017), Quaternary Science Reviews. 171, p. 85-99
  • Radiocarbon dating of human burials from Raqefet Cave and contemporaneous Natufian traditions at Mount Carmel

    Authors: Barzilai O., Rebollo N., Nadel D., Bocquentin F., Yeshurun R., Lengyel G., Bermatov-Paz G. & Boaretto E. (2017), Antiquity. 91, 359, p. 1137-1154
  • Letter to the editor: Reply to Hardy & Buckley: Earliest evidence of bitumen from Homo sp. teeth is from El Sidro'n

    Authors: Oxilia G., Fiorillo F., Boschin F., Boaretto E., Apicella S. A., Matteucci C., Panetta D., Pistocchi R., Guerrini F., Margherita C., Andretta M., Sorrentino R., Boschian G., Arrighi S., Dori I., Mancuso G., Crezzini J., Riga A., Serrangeli M. C., Vazzana A., Salvadori P. A., Vandini M., Tozzi C., Moroni A., Feeney R. N., Willman J. C., Moggi-Cecchi J. & Benazzi S. (2017),
  • Mortar Dating Methodology: Assessing Recurrent Issues and Needs for Further Research

    Authors: Hayen R., Van Strydonck M., Fontaine L., Boudin M., Lindroos A., Heinemeier J., Ringbom A., Michalska D., Hajdas I., Hueglin S., Marzaioli F., Terrasi F., Passariello I., Capano M., Maspero F., Panzeri L., Galli A., Artioli G., Addis A., Secco M., Boaretto E., Moreau C., Guibert P., Urbanova P., Czernik J., Goslar T. & Caroselli M. (2017), Radiocarbon. 59, 6, p. 1859-1871
  • Early epipaleolithic engraved objects from Ein Qashish South Jezreel Valley, Israel

    Authors: Yaroshevich A., Bar-Yosef O., Boaretto E., Greenbaum N., Porat N. & Roskin Y. (2017), Suyanggae and Her Neighbours in Haifa, Israel. p. 52
  • A 10,400-year-old sunken lime kiln from the Early Pre-Pottery Neolithic B at the Nesher-Ramla quarry (el-Khirbe), Israel

    Authors: Toffolo M. B., Ullman M., Caracuta V., Weiner S. & Boaretto E. (2017), Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 14, p. 353-364
  • DNA analysis of a 30,000-year-old Urocitellus glacialis from northeastern Siberia reveals phylogenetic relationships between ancient and present-day arctic ground squirrels

    Authors: Faerman M., Bar-Gal G. K., Boaretto E., Boeskorov G. G., Dokuchaev N. E., Ermakov O. A., Golenishchev F. N., Gubin S. V., Mintz E., Simonov E., Surin V. L., Titov S. V., Zanina O. G. & Formozov N. A. (2017), Scientific Reports. 7, 42639
  • Absolute Dating of the Gihon Spring Fortifications, Jerusalem

    Authors: Regev J., Uziel J., Szanton N. & Boaretto E. (2017), Radiocarbon. 59, 4, p. 1171-1193

    Authors: Regev L., Steier P., Shachar Y., Mintz E., Wild E. M., Kutschera W. & Boaretto E. (2017), Radiocarbon. 59, 3, p. 775-784
  • Early Neolithic wine of Georgia in the South Caucasus

    Authors: McGovern P., Jalabadze M., Batiuk S., Callahan M. P., Smith K. E., Hall G. R., Kvavadze E., Maghradze D., Rusishvili N., Bouby L., Failla O., Cola G., Mariani L., Boaretto E., Bacilieri R., This P., Wales N. & Lordkipanidze D. (2017), Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Physical Sciences. 114, 48, p. E10309-E10318
  • Assessing the feasibility of electrophoretic separation of CaCO3 polymorphs for archaeological applications

    Authors: Xu C., Walsh C., Boaretto E. & Poduska K. M. (2017), Analytical Methods. 9, 3, p. 427-433
  • A new method for extracting the insoluble occluded carbon in archaeological and modern phytoliths: Detection of 14C depleted carbon fraction and implications for radiocarbon dating

    Authors: Asscher Y., Weiner S. & Boaretto E. (2017), Journal of Archaeological Science. 78, p. 57-65
  • Radiocarbon chronology of Manot Cave, Israel and Upper Paleolithic dispersals

    Authors: Alex B., Barzilai O., Hershkovitz I., Marder O., Berna F., Caracuta V., Abulafia T., Davis L., Goder-Goldberger M., Lavi R., Mintz E., Regev L., Mayer D. B., Tejero J., Yeshurun R., Ayalon A., Bar-Matthews M., Yasur G., Frumkin A., Latimer B., Hans M. G. & Boaretto E. (2017), Science Advances. 3, 11, 1701450
  • Xylem anatomical traits reveal different strategies of two Mediterranean oaks to cope with drought and warming

    Authors: Castagneri D., Regev L., Boaretto E. & Carrer M. (2017), Environmental and Experimental Botany. 133, p. 128-138
  • Late Middle Paleolithic of Southern Poland: Radiocarbon dates from Ciemna and Oblazowa Caves

    Authors: Alex B., Valde-Nowak P., Regev L. & Boaretto E. (2017), Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 11, p. 370-380
  • Palaeo-environmental archive of groundwater-surface water interaction zone, the Kebara wetlands, Carmel coast, Israel

    Authors: Sivan D., Greenbaum N., Cohen-Seffer R., Sisma-Ventura G., Almogi-Labin A., Porat N., Melamed Y., Boaretto E. & Avnaim-Katav S. (2016), Quaternary International. 396, p. 138-149
  • Nahal Ein Gev II, a late natufian community at the sea of galilee

    Authors: Grosman L., Munro N. D., Abadi I., Boaretto E., Shaham D., Belfer-Cohen A. & Bar-Yosef O. (2016), PLoS ONE. 11, 1, e0146647
  • Assessing Local and Long-Range Structural Disorder in Aggregate-Free Lime Binders

    Authors: Xu B., Toffolo M. B., Boaretto E. & Poduska K. M. (2016), Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 55, 30, p. 8334-8340
  • Shubayqa 6: A new Late Natufian and Pre-Pottery Neolithic A settlement in north-east Jordan

    Authors: Richter T., Arranz-Otaegui A., Boaretto E., Bocaege E., Estrup E., Martinez-Gallardo C., Pantos G. A., Pedersen P., Sæhle I. & Yeomans L. (2016), Antiquity. 90, 354, p. e2
  • Charred wood remains in the natufian sequence of el-Wad terrace (Israel): New insights into the climatic, environmental and cultural changes at the end of the Pleistocene

    Authors: Caracuta V., Weinstein-Evron M., Yeshurun R., Kaufman D., Tsatskin A. & Boaretto E. (2016), Quaternary Science Reviews. 131, p. 20-32
  • New radiocarbon dates for the kura-araxes occupation at Aradetis Orgora, Georgia

    Authors: Passerini A., Regev L., Rova E. & Boaretto E. (2016), Radiocarbon. 58, 3, p. 649-677
  • A unique assemblage of engraved plaquettes from Ein Qashish South, Jezreel Valley, Israel: Figurative and non-figurative symbols of late pleistocene hunters-gatherers in the levant

    Authors: Yaroshevich A., Bar-Yosef O., Boaretto E., Caracuta V., Greenbaum N., Porat N., Roskin J. & Alon U. (2016), PLoS ONE. 11, 8, e0160687
  • The Middle Palaeolithic sequence of Ciemna Cave. Some aspects of the site formation process

    Authors: Valde-Nowak P., Alex B., Boaretto E., Ginter B., Sobczyk K., Stefański D. & Zając M. (2016), Quartar. 63, p. 33-46
  • 14,000-year-old seeds indicate the Levantine origin of the lost progenitor of faba bean

    Authors: Caracuta V., Weinstein-Evron M., Kaufman D., Yeshurun R., Silvent J. & Boaretto E. (2016), Scientific Reports. 6, 37399
  • Radiocarbon dating shows an early appearance of Philistine material culture in Tell es-Safi/Gath, Philistia

    Authors: Asscher Y., Cabanes D., Hitchcock L., Maeir A., Weiner S. & Boaretto E. (2015), Radiocarbon. 57, 5, p. 825-850
  • Absolute dating of the late bronze to iron age transition and the appearance of philistine culture in Qubur el-Walaydah, southern Levant

    Authors: Asscher Y., Lehmann G., Rosen S. A., Weiner S. & Boaretto E. (2015), Radiocarbon. 57, 1, p. 77-97
  • The Natufian Site of Nahal Sekher VI: The 2009 Excavation Season

    Authors: Barzilai O., Agha N., Boaretto E., Ashkenazy H., Birkenfeld M., Porat N., Spivak P. & Roskin J. (2015), Mitekufat Haeven: Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society. 45, p. 97-130
  • Dead sea levels during the bronze and iron ages

    Authors: Kagan E. J., Langgut D., Boaretto E., Neumann F. H. & Stein M. (2015), Radiocarbon. 57, 2, p. 237-252
  • The onset of faba bean farming in the Southern Levant

    Authors: Caracuta V., Barzilai O., Khalaily H., Milevski I., Paz Y., Vardi J., Regev L. & Boaretto E. (2015), Scientific Reports. 5, 14370
  • One Philistine's trash is an archaeologist's treasure: Feasting at iron age I, Tell es-Safi/Gath

    Authors: Hitchcock L. A., Horwitz L. K., Boaretto E. & Maeir A. M. (2015), Near Eastern Archaeology. 78, 1, p. 12-25
  • Jordan River Dureijat - A New Epipaleolithic Site in the Upper Jordan Valley

    Authors: Marder O., Biton R., Boaretto E., Feibel C. S., Melamed Y., Mienis H. K., Rabinovich R., Zohar I. & Sharon G. (2015), Mitekufat Haeven: Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society. 45, p. 5-30
  • Levantine cranium from Manot Cave (Israel) foreshadows the first European modern humans

    Authors: Hershkovitz I., Marder O., Ayalon A., Bar-Matthews M., Yasur G., Boaretto E., Caracuta V., Alex B., Frumkin A., Goder - Goldberger -. G. M., Gunz P., Holloway R. L., Latimer B., Lavi R., Matthews A., Slon V., Mayer D. B., Berna F., Bar-Oz G., Yeshurun R., May H., Hans M. G., Weber G. W. & Barzilai O. (2015), Nature. 520, 7546, p. 216-U178
  • PrefaceThe iron age in Israel: The exact and life sciences perspectives

    Authors: Finkelstein I., Weiner S. & Boaretto E. (2015), Radiocarbon. 57, 2, p. 197-206
  • Structural differences in archaeologically relevant calcite

    Authors: Toffolo M. B., Regev L. & Boaretto E. (2015), Analytical Methods. 7, 21, p. 9304-9309
  • Radiocarbon and the archaeological record: An integrative approach for building an absolute chronology for the late bronze and iron ages of Israel

    Authors: Boaretto E. (2015), Radiocarbon. 57, 2, p. 207-216
  • Eubar: A database of 14C measurements for the European bronze age. A Bayesian analysis of 14C-dated archaeological contexts from northern Italy and southern France

    Authors: Capuzzo G., Boaretto E. & Barceló J. A. (2014), Radiocarbon. 56, 2, p. 851-869
  • A Possible Case of Cherubism in a 17th-Century Korean Mummy

    Authors: Hershkovitz I., Spigelman M., Sarig R., Lim D., Lee I. S., Oh C. S., May H., Boaretto E., Kim Y., Lee S. D., Peled N., Kim M. J., Toledano T., Bar-Gal G. K. & Shin D. H. (2014), PLoS ONE. 9, 8, e102441
  • Back to Tel Tsaf: a preliminary report on the 2013 season of the renewed project

    Authors: Rosenberg D., Kilmscha F., Boaretto E., Graham P. J., Hill A. (., Weissbrod L., Ktalav I., Love S., Pinsky S. & Hubbard E. (2014), Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society. 44, p. 148-179
  • The taphonomy and preservation of wood and dung ashes found in archaeological cooking installations: Case studies from Iron Age Israel

    Authors: Gur-Arieh S., Shahack-Gross R., Maeir A. M., Lehmann G., Hitchcock L. A. & Boaretto E. (2014), Journal of Archaeological Science. 46, 1, p. 50-67
  • Nucleation of aragonite upon carbonation of calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide at ambient temperatures and pressures: A new indicator of fire-related human activities

    Authors: Toffolo M. B. & Boaretto E. (2014), Journal of Archaeological Science. 49, 1, p. 237-248
  • Dead Sea pollen record and history of human activity in the Judean Highlands (Israel) from the Intermediate Bronze into the Iron Ages (∼2500-500 BCE)

    Authors: Langgut D., Neumann F. H., Stein M., Wagner A., Kagan E. J., Boaretto E. & Finkelstein I. (2014), Palynology. 38, 2, p. 280-302
  • Absolute chronology of Megiddo, Israel, in the late bronze and iron ages: High-resolution radiocarbon dating

    Authors: Toffolo M., Arie E., Martin M., Boaretto E. & Finkelstein I. (2014), Radiocarbon. 56, 1, p. 221-244
  • The early bronze age remains at tell e fi/Gath: An interim report

    Authors: Shai I., Greenfield H. J., Regev J., Boaretto E., Eliyahu-Behar A. & Maeir A. M. (2014), TEL AVIV-JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY OF TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY. 41, 1, p. 20-49
  • Wiggle-matched 14C chronology of Early Bronze Megiddo and the synchronization of Egyptian and Levantine chronologies

    Authors: Regev J., Finkelstein I., Adams M. J. & Boaretto E. (2014), Agypten und Levante. 24, p. 241-264
  • New insights into Levantine copper trade: Analysis of ingots from the Bronze and Iron Ages in Israel

    Authors: Yahalom-Mack N., Galili E., Segal I., Eliyahu-Behar A., Boaretto E., Shilstein S. & Finkelstein I. (2014), Journal of Archaeological Science. 45, 1, p. 159-177
  • Using palaeo-environmental proxies to reconstruct natural and anthropogenic controls on sedimentation rates, Tell es-Safi/Gath, eastern Mediterranean

    Authors: Ackermann O., Greenbaum N., Ayalon A., Bar-Matthews M., Boaretto E., Bruins H. J., Cabanes D., Horwitz L. K., Neumann F. H., Porat N., Weiss E. & Maeir A. M. (2014), Anthropocene. 8, p. 70-82
  • Subsistence economy in the Negev Highlands: The Iron Age and the Byzantine/ Early Islamic period

    Authors: Shahack-Gross R., Boaretto E., Cabanes D., Katz O. & Finkelstein I. (2014), Levant. 46, 1, p. 98-117
  • Aspects Of Radiocarbon Determinations and the Dating of the Transition from the Chalcolithic Period to Early Bronze Age I in the Southern Levant

    Authors: Braun E., van den Brink E. C. M., Boaretto E., Regev J. & Bar S. (2013), Paléorient. 39, 1, p. 23-46
  • Towards an absolute chronology for the Aegean iron age: New radiocarbon dates from Lefkandi, Kalapodi and Corinth

    Authors: Toffolo M. B., Fantalkin A., Lemos I. S., Felsch R. C., Niemeier W. D., Sanders G. D., Finkelstein I. & Boaretto E. (2013), PLoS ONE. 8, 12, A31
  • Ancient DNA and population turnover in southern levantine pigs- Signature of the sea peoples migration?

    Authors: Meiri M., Huchon D., Bar-Oz G., Boaretto E., Horwitz L. K., Maeir A. M., Sapir-Hen L., Larson G., Weiner S. & Finkelstein I. (2013), Scientific Reports. 3, 3035
  • Ramparts and walls: Building techniques of kites in the Negev Highland

    Authors: Nadel D., Bar-Oz G., Avner U., Malkinson D. & Boaretto E. (2013), Quaternary International. 297, p. 147-154
  • An ethnoarchaeological study of cooking installations in rural Uzbekistan: Development of a new method for identification of fuel sources

    Authors: Gur-Arieh S., Mintz E., Boaretto E. & Shahack-Gross R. (2013), Journal of Archaeological Science. 40, 12, p. 4331-4347
  • Fazael 2, One of the Latest Chalcolithic Sites in the Jordan Valley? Report of the 2007-2008 Excavation Seasons

    Authors: Bar-Oz G., Bar S., Boaretto E., Ben-Yosef D., Raban-Gerstel N. & Winter H. (2013), Mitekufat Haeven: Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society. 43, p. 148-185
  • An early Iron Age assemblage of faience beads from Ashkelon, Israel: Chemical composition and manufacturing process

    Authors: Toffolo M. B., Klein E., Elbaum R., Aja A. J., Master D. M. & Boaretto E. (2013), Journal of Archaeological Science. 40, 10, p. 3626-3635
  • Materials science challenges in radiocarbon dating: The case of archaeological plasters

    Authors: Boaretto E. & Poduska K. M. (2013), JOM. 65, 4, p. 481-488
  • Earliest floral grave lining from 13,700-11,700-y-old natufian burials at raqefet cave, mt. carmel, Israel

    Authors: Nadel D., Danin A., Power R. C., Rosen A. M., Bocquentin F., Tsatskin A., Rosenberg D., Yeshurun R., Weissbrod L., Rebollo N. R., Barzilai O. & Boaretto E. (2013), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110, 29, p. 11774-11778
  • Atomic disorder in Fossil TooThand bone mineral: An FTIR study using the grinding curve method

    Authors: Asscher Y., Regev L., Weiner S. & Boaretto E. (2012), ArcheoSciences. 35, 1, p. 135-141
  • Did Neandertals and anatomically modern humans coexist in northern Italy during the late MIS 3?

    Authors: Longo L., Boaretto E., Caramelli D., Giunti P., Lari M., Milani L., Mannino M. A., Sala B., Thun Hohenstein U. & Condemi S. (2012), Quaternary International. 259, p. 102-112
  • New 14C dates for the early natufian of el-wad terrace, mount carmel, Israel

    Authors: Weinstein-Evron M., Yeshurun R., Kaufman D., Eckmeier E. & Boaretto E. (2012), Radiocarbon. 54, 3-4, p. 813-822
  • Plaster characterization at the PPNB site of yiftahel (Israel) including the use of 14C: Implications for plaster production, preservation, and dating

    Authors: Poduska K. M., Regev L., Berna F., Mintz E., Milevski I., Khalaily H., Weiner S. & Boaretto E. (2012), Radiocarbon. 54, 3-4, p. 887-896
  • 14C dating of the early natufian at el-wad terrace, mount carmel, Israel: Methodology and materials characterization

    Authors: Eckmeier E., Yeshurun R., Weinstein-Evron M., Mintz E. & Boaretto E. (2012), Radiocarbon. 54, 3-4, p. 823-836
  • Iron and bronze production in Iron Age IIA Philistia: New evidence from Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel

    Authors: Eliyahu-Behar A., Yahalom-Mack N., Shilstein S., Zukerman A., Shafer-Elliott C., Maeir A. M., Boaretto E., Finkelstein I. & Weiner S. (2012), Journal of Archaeological Science. 39, 2, p. 255-267
  • Formation processes in Philistine hearths from Tell es-Safi/Gath (Israel): An experimental approach

    Authors: Gur-Arieh S., Boaretto E., Maeir A. & Shahack-Gross R. (2012), Journal of Field Archaeology. 37, 2, p. 121-131
  • Characterization of contexts for radiocarbon dating: Results from the early Iron Age at Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel

    Authors: Toffolo M., Maeir A. M., Chadwick J. R. & Boaretto E. (2012), Radiocarbon. 54, 3-4, p. 371-390
  • Chronology of the early Bronze Age in the southern Levant: New analysis for a high chronology

    Authors: Regev J., de Miroschedji P., Greenberg R., Braun E., Greenhut Z. & Boaretto E. (2012), Radiocarbon. 54, 3-4, p. 525-566
  • Er-Rujum (Sha'alabim East): An Intermediate Bronze Age (EB IV) site in the Ayyalon Valley

    Authors: Milevski I., Boaretto E., Cohen-Weinberger A., Kamaisky E. A., Khalaily H., Liphschitz N., Sade M. & Shalev S. (2012), Atiqot. 1 ed. p. 75-140
  • Early Bronze Age chronology: Radiocarbon dates and chronological models from Tel Yarmuth (Israel)

    Authors: Regev J., de Miroschedji P. & Boaretto E. (2012), Radiocarbon. 54, 3-4, p. 505-524
  • Radiocarbon concentrations of wood ash calcite: Potential for dating

    Authors: Regev L., Eckmeier E., Mintz E., Weiner S. & Boaretto E. (2011), Radiocarbon. 53, 1, p. 117-127
  • New radiocarbon dating of the transition from the Middle to the Upper Paleolithic in Kebara Cave, Israel

    Authors: Rebollo N. R., Weiner S., Brock F., Meignen L., Goldberg P., Belfer-Cohen A., Bar-Yosef O. & Boaretto E. (2011), Journal of Archaeological Science. 38, 9, p. 2424-2433
  • Decoupling local disorder and optical effects in infrared spectra: Differentiating between calcites with different origins

    Authors: Poduska K. M., Regev L., Boaretto E., Addadi L., Weiner S., Kronik L. & Curtarolo S. (2011), Advanced Materials. 23, 4, p. 550-554
  • Degradation of mud brick houses in an arid environment: A geoarchaeological model

    Authors: Friesem D., Boaretto E., Eliyahu-Behar A. & Shahack-Gross R. (2011), Journal of Archaeological Science. 38, 5, p. 1135-1147
  • Dzudzuana: An upper palaeolithic cave site in the caucasus foothills (Georgia)

    Authors: Bar-Yosef O., Belfer-Cohen A., Mesheviliani T., Jakeli N., Bar-Oz G., Boaretto E., Goldberg P., Kvavadze E. & Matskevich Z. (2011), Antiquity. 85, 328, p. 331-349
  • "... in their lives, and in their death...". A preliminary study of an iron age burial cave at Tell es{combining dot below}-S{combining dot below}āfī, Israel

    Authors: Faerman M., Smith P., Boaretto E., Uziel J. & Maeir A. M. (2011), Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina-Vereins. 127, 1, p. 29-48
  • Variations in atomic disorder in biogenic carbonate hydroxyapatite using the infrared spectrum grinding curve method

    Authors: Asscher Y., Weiner S. & Boaretto E. (2011), Advanced Functional Materials. 21, 17, p. 3308-3313
  • The application of biometry and LA-ICP-MS to provenance isolated bones: A study of hominin remains from Oumm Qatafa Cave, Judean Desert

    Authors: Horwitz L. K., Smith P., Faerman M., Boaretto E. & Segal I. (2011), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 3, 3, p. 245-262