Koren I., Dror T., Shehter E. & Altaratz O.
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science.
Shallow, sparse, non-precipitating convective clouds forming over the ocean are considered among the least organized cloud fields. The formation mechanism of these clouds is associated with random, local perturbations that create buoyant parcels. Their sparseness suggests no or very weak interactions between clouds. Here, we show that such clouds form within a well-organized, stable, dense mesh of convective cells that operate continuously, independent of the presence of visible clouds.
Gray P. C., Boss E., Bourdin G., Linkowski T., Pesant S., Sanchez S., Troublé R., Laxenaire R., Wincker P., Moll M., Guidi L., Schramm J., Lombard F., Mayeux E., Petit E., Vardi A., Trainic M., Koren I., Lang-Yona N. & Lehahn Y.
Nature Communications.
While a rich history of patchiness research has explored spatial structure in the ocean, there is no consensus over the controls on biological patchiness and how physical-ecological-biogeochemical processes and patchiness relate. The prevailing thought is that physics structures biology, but this has not been tested at basin scale with consistent in situ measurements. Here we use the slope of the relationship between variance vs spatial scale to quantify patchiness and ~650,000 nearly continuous (dx ~ 200 m) measurements - representing the Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern Oceans - and find that patchiness of biological parameters and physical parameters are uncorrelated. We show variance slope is an emergent property with unique patterns in biogeochemical properties distinct from physical tracers, yet correlated with other biological tracers. These results provide context for decades of observations with different interpretations, suggest the use of spatial tests of biogeochemical model parameterizations, and open the way for studies into processes regulating the observed patterns.
Arieli Y., Khain A., Gavze E., Altaratz O., Eytan E. & Koren I.
Journals of the Atmospheric Sciences.
p. 107-118
This study employs a high-resolution (10 m) System for Atmospheric Modeling (SAM) coupled with the spectral bin microphysical (SBM) scheme to thoroughly investigate the processes governing the evolution of aerosol properties within and outside a shallow cumulus cloud. The model encompasses the complete life cycle of cloud droplets, starting from their formation through their evolution until their complete evaporation or sedimentation to the ground. Additionally, the model tracks the aerosols' evolution both within the droplets and in the air. Aerosols are transported within the droplets, grow by droplet coalescence, and are released into the atmosphere after droplet evaporation (regeneration process). The aerosol concentration increases by droplet evaporation and decreases along with falling drops. So, the effects of clouds on the surrounding aerosols depend on the microphysical and dynamic processes, which in turn depend on the amount of background aerosols; here, we compare clean and polluted conditions. It is shown that the regeneration process is highly important and that shallow trade cumulus clouds significantly impact the vertical profile of aerosol concentration in the lower troposphere, as well as their size distribution, and can serve as a source of large cloud condensation nuclei. Furthermore, it is shown that both precipitating and nonprecipitating boundary layer clouds contribute to a substantial increase in aerosol concentration within the inversion layer due to intense evaporation.
Koren I., Kostinski A. & Wollner U.
Geophysical Research Letters.
The glory, a striking optical phenomenon seen from space in unpolarized satellite images can be mapped onto the cloud's droplet sizes with a characteristic scale of 10 (Formula presented.). Such a mapping allows us to infer the mean and variance of the cloud droplets' radius, an important property that has remained elusive and inaccessible to passive unpolarized satellite sensing. Here, we propose a simple and robust polarization-like differential approach to map the glory's spectral properties to the desired moments of the droplet size distribution. By taking the differences between two spectrally close channels, we reduce multiple scattering contributions and amplify the single-scattering signal, thus allowing for a simple and rapidly converging map from glory to droplet size distribution. Moreover, the droplet information reflects the upper part of the cloud, adding another sample to the traditional multiple scattering-based retrievals that reflect droplet properties deeper in the cloud.
Gutiérrez M. S., Chekroun M. D. & Koren I.
Science Advances.
Cloud microphysics studies include how tiny cloud droplets grow and become rain. This is crucial for understanding cloud properties like size, life span, and impact on climate through radiative effects. Small weak-updraft clouds near the haze-to-cloud transition are especially difficult to measure and understand. They are abundant but hard to capture by satellites. Köhlers theory explains initial droplet growth but struggles with large particle groups. Here, we present a stochastic, analytical framework building on Köhlers theory to account for (monodisperse) aerosols and cloud droplet interaction through competitive growth in a limited water vapor field. These interactions are modeled by sink terms, while fluctuations in supersaturation affecting droplet growth are modeled by nonlinear white noise terms. Our results identify hysteresis mechanisms in the droplet activation and deactivation processes. Our approach allows for multimodal clouds droplet size distributions supported by laboratory experiments, offering a different perspective on haze-to-cloud transition and small cloud formation.
Sharma S., Ojha P. K., Bangar V., Sarangi C., Koren I., Kumar K. & Mishra A. K.
Science of the Total Environment.
The cloud responses to global warming are captured in various global climate models with distinct inferences on changes in cloud vertical structure as function of surface warming. However, long term observational evidences are scarce to validate the model outputs. Here, we have studied the changes in radiosonde derived cloud macro-physical properties and their association with other atmospheric variables during the period 20002019 in response to warming climate over the Indian summer monsoon region. We have observed a statistically significant increase in the frequency of cloudy days (∼13 % decade−1), high-level clouds (HLCs ∼11 % decade−1) and simultaneous decrease in low-level clouds (LLCs ∼8 % decade−1) over the Indian region during the monsoon season. The multiple linear regression, principle component analyses and further correlation analyses suggest significant associations between cloud vertical structure variations and large-scale climate indicators, such as global warming and El Niño-Southern Oscillation. The vertical extension of the tropospheric column and the upward shift of clouds, attributed to global warming, explain the changes observed in both HLCs and LLCs. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of the dynamic interplay between global climate change and regional cloud dynamics, with implications for weather and climate modeling.
Khain A., Pinsky M., Eytan E., Koren I., Altaratz O., Arieli Y. & Gavze E.
Atmospheric Research.
This study summarizes and generalizes findings from recent studies, focusing on the connection between Cu dynamic properties, such as velocity field, entrainment/detrainment, and cloud microphysical properties, such as cloud dilution rate and droplet size distribution parameters. Special attention is paid to the mechanisms of cloud-surrounding interactions. In particular, we focus on numerical and analytical derivations from the results of 10-m-resolution Large Eddy Simulations (LES) with spectral bin microphysics and statistical analysis of the motion of passive tracers. We used wavelet filtration to separate the cloud's dynamic and microphysical fields into turbulent and convective ones. The main parameters of cloud turbulence and convective motions were evaluated. Turbulence was shown to form an interface zone of a few tens of meters between the cloud and the surrounding air. Convection-scale motions are responsible for dynamic and microphysical properties' formation in the cloud interior. The special role of the vortex ring (toroidal vortex, TV) arising in the upper part of developing clouds is stressed. This TV is responsible for dynamic and microphysical cloud structure formation. It determines the cloud's size, internal dynamics, and ascent velocity of the cloud top. It is demonstrated numerically and analytically that the TV-related cloud circulation leads to a mean adiabatic fraction of 0.40.5. The close relationship between this value and the shapes of the size distribution functions is demonstrated. The TV determines the width of the cloud core and disappears as soon as the core becomes diluted. Knowledge of the effects TV has on cloud microphysics and dynamics allows us to propose parameterization of the main dynamic and microphysical properties of small Cu using sounding data and aerosol concentrations. Significance statement: a) Turbulence forms a narrow interface zone along the cloud's edges and is not responsible for the dilution of the cloud body. b) The entrainment and detrainment in growing Cu are closely related to a convective-scale ring vortex (toroidal vortex, TV). The air circulation related to the TV is the main reason of cloud body dilution leading to the decrease in the adiabatic fraction. c) The mechanisms of entrainment related to the TV resolve \u201ccloud top-liquid water paradox\u201d and explain formation of relatively high cloud top under strong average cloud dilution. d) One of the main deficiencies of most convective parameterizations is the assumptions of cloud horizontal homogeneity and the coincidence of the altitudes of maximum entrainment and maximum vertical velocity. Due to existence of the TV, the entrainment level is located below the level of maximum velocity. The altitude of the maximum entrainment ascends together with the ascent of TV. e) The TV controls microphysical properties like adiabatic fraction (AF). There is a high correlation of properties of droplet size distributions and the value of AF. f) Considerations are given for a physically based simple parameterization of small Cu, based on the connection between cloud dynamics and microphysics.
Stier P., van den Heever S. C., Christensen M. W., Gryspeerdt E., Dagan G., Saleeby S. M., Bollasina M., Donner L., Emanuel K., Ekman A. M., Feingold G., Field P., Forster P., Haywood J., Kahn R., Koren I., Kummerow C., LEcuyer T., Lohmann U., Ming Y., Myhre G., Quaas J., Rosenfeld D., Samset B., Seifert A., Stephens G. & Tao W. K.
Nature Geoscience.
p. 719-732
Aerosols have been proposed to influence precipitation rates and spatial patterns from scales of individual clouds to the globe. However, large uncertainty remains regarding the underlying mechanisms and importance of multiple effects across spatial and temporal scales. Here we review the evidence and scientific consensus behind these effects, categorized into radiative effects via modification of radiative fluxes and the energy balance, and microphysical effects via modification of cloud droplets and ice crystals. Broad consensus and strong theoretical evidence exist that aerosol radiative effects (aerosolradiation interactions and aerosolcloud interactions) act as drivers of precipitation changes because global mean precipitation is constrained by energetics and surface evaporation. Likewise, aerosol radiative effects cause well-documented shifts of large-scale precipitation patterns, such as the intertropical convergence zone. The extent of aerosol effects on precipitation at smaller scales is less clear. Although there is broad consensus and strong evidence that aerosol perturbations microphysically increase cloud droplet numbers and decrease droplet sizes, thereby slowing precipitation droplet formation, the overall aerosol effect on precipitation across scales remains highly uncertain. Global cloud-resolving models provide opportunities to investigate mechanisms that are currently not well represented in global climate models and to robustly connect local effects with larger scales. This will increase our confidence in predicted impacts of climate change.
Sellegri K., Simó R., Wang B., Alpert P. A., Altieri K., Burrows S., Hopkins F. E., Koren I., McCoy I. L., Ovadnevaite J., Salter M. & Schmale J.
Aerosols and clouds are key components of the marine atmosphere, impacting the Earth's radiative budget with a net cooling effect over the industrial era that counterbalances greenhouse gas warming, yet with an uncertain amplitude. Here we report recent advances in our understanding of how open ocean aerosol sources are modulated by ocean biogeochemistry and how they, in turn, shape cloud coverage and properties. We organize these findings in successive steps from ocean biogeochemical processes to particle formation by nucleation and sea spray emissions, further particle growth by condensation of gases, the potential to act as cloud condensation nuclei or ice nucleating particles, and finally, their effects on cloud formation, optical properties, and life cycle. We discuss how these processes may be impacted in a warming climate and the potential for ocean biogeochemistry-climate feedbacks through aerosols and clouds.
Eytan E., Arieli Y., Khain A., Altaratz O., Pinsky M., Gavze E. & Koren I.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.
Shallow convective clouds play a crucial role in Earth's energy budget, as they modulate the radiative transfer in the atmosphere and participate in the vertical transport of aerosols, energy, and humidity. The parameterizations representing these complex, vital players in weather and climate models are mostly based on a description of steady-state plumes and are a source of major uncertainty. Recently, several studies have shown that buoyant thermals are inherent in atmospheric convection and contain a toroidal (ring) vortex. This work studies those vortices in growing shallow cumulus (Cu) clouds using high-resolution (10 m) Large Eddy Simulations that resolve these vortices in much detail. Recent analysis of such data showed that small-scale turbulent diffusion is unable to explain the large diluted portion of the cloud. Here we advocate for the important role of the Cu toroidal vortex (TV) in cloud dilution and present the complex dynamics and structure of a Cu TV. Nevertheless, since the vortex dominates the cloud's dilution, simplicity emerges when considering the cloud's lateral mass flux profile. The cloud mixing is quantified using direct flux calculations and Eulerian tracers. In addition, Lagrangian tracers are used to identify the origin of the entrained air and its thermodynamic properties. It shows that most of the air entrained by the vortex is not recycled by the vortex, yet is significantly more humid than the environment. We suggest that the development of new models describing thermals, together with their toroidal vortices, might improve cloud parameterizations in weather and climate models.
Koren I., Dror T., Altaratz O. & Chekroun M. D.
Geophysical Research Letters.
Cloud organization impacts the radiative effects and precipitation patterns of the cloud field. Deviating from randomness, clouds exhibit either clustering or a regular grid structure, characterized by the spacing between clouds and the cloud size distribution. The two measures are coupled but do not fully define each other. Here, we present the deviation from randomness of the cloud- and void-chord length distributions as a measure for both factors. We introduce the LvL representation and an associated 2D score that allow for unambiguously quantifying departure from well-defined baseline randomness in cloud spacing and sizes. This approach demonstrates sensitivity and robustness in classifying cloud field organization types. Its delicate sensitivity unravels the temporal evolution of a single cloud field, providing novel insights into the underlying governing processes.
Arieli Y., Eytan E., Altaratz O., Khain A. & Koren I.
Geophysical Research Letters.
Understanding the nature of mixing between cloudy air and its surroundings is an important and yet, open question. In this research, we use high-resolution (10 m) bin-microphysics Large Eddy Simulation of a cumulus cloud, together with a Lagrangian passive tracer tracking method, to study mixing. We analyze the passive tracers as a function of their trajectories and the thermodynamic conditions they undergo inside and outside the cloud. Three main mixing regimes (core, periphery, and skin) are identified, each determining a subset of tracers with similar trajectories. These mixing regimes can be observed throughout the cloud's lifetime and they provide evidence for the presence of an undiluted core in shallow cumulus clouds. At the dissipation stage, a fourth regime is identified: cloud-top entrainment followed by downdrafts.
Lang-Yona N., Flores J. M., Nir-Zadock T. S., Nussbaum I., Koren I. & Vardi A.
The ISME Journal.
Ocean microbes are involved in global processes such as nutrient and carbon cycling. Recent studies indicated diverse modes of algal-bacterial interactions, including mutualism and pathogenicity, which have a substantial impact on ecology and oceanic carbon sequestration, and hence, on climate. However, the airborne dispersal and pathogenicity of bacteria in the marine ecosystem remained elusive. Here, we isolated an airborne algicidal bacterium, Roseovarius nubinhibens, emitted to the atmosphere as primary marine aerosol (referred also as sea spray aerosols) and collected above a coccolithophore bloom in the North Atlantic Ocean. The aerosolized bacteria retained infective properties and induced lysis of Gephyrocapsa huxleyi cultures.This suggests that the transport of marine bacteria through the atmosphere can effectively spread infection agents over vast oceanic regions, highlighting its significance in regulating the cell fate in algal blooms.
Schechner Y. Y., Shaul N., Holodovsky V., Aides A., Schilling K. & Koren I.
3D Image Acquisition and Display
: Technology, Perception and Applications
Novel tomographic principles yield 3D atmospheric fields using multi-view imagery. Turbulence strength is mapped by observing scintillation of bulbs. Extinction in clouds is mapped volumetrically from polarimetric cameras onboard a satellite formation.
Betzer I. K., Ronen R., Holodovsky V., Schechner Y. Y. & Koren I.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
Inverse problems in scientific imaging often seek physical characterization of heterogeneous scene materials. The scene is thus represented by physical quantities, such as the density and sizes of particles (microphysics) across a domain. Moreover, the forward image formation model is physical. An important case is that of clouds, where microphysics in three dimensions (3D) dictate the cloud dynamics, lifetime and albedo, with implications to Earth's energy balance, sustainable energy and rainfall. Current methods, however, recover very degenerate representations of microphysics. To enable 3D volumetric recovery of all the required microphysical parameters, we introduce the neural microphysics field (NeMF). It is based on a deep neural network, whose input is multi-view polarization images. NeMF is pre-trained through supervised learning. Training relies on polarized radiative transfer, and noise modeling in polarization-sensitive sensors. The results offer unprecedented recovery, including droplet effective variance. We test NeMF in rigorous simulations and demonstrate it using real-world polarization-image data.
Feingold G. & Koren I.
Fast Processes in Large-Scale Atmospheric Models
: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities
p. 313-326
We approach the problem of convection and clouds using a \u201ctop-down view\u201d that focuses on system-wide behavior and emergent phenomena.We distinguish this from the traditional \u201cbottom-up,\u201d or reductionist approach, in which the focus is on individual interacting processes, from which one attempts to advance understanding of the system as a whole. With its focus on the overall system behavior, the top-down methodology applies a different conceptual paradigm to the problem of complex systems and can be viewed as complementary to bottom-up reductionist thinking.We discuss the advantages of merging bottom-up and top-down approaches for maximum benefit: reductionism elucidates detailed physical processes and tests ideas about their interplay, while the broader view of atmospheric system behavior uncovers the outcome of interactions between local processes, revealing preferred states and bifurcation behaviors of the system, and responses to perturbations that might change the preferred states.
Dror T., Koren I., Liu H. & Altaratz O.
Physical Review Letters.
Shallow cloud fields exhibit different patterns, such as closed or open hexagonal cells and cloud streets. These patterns play a key role in determining the cloud fields' radiative effects, thereby affecting the climate. Here, we show that a large subset of shallow cloud fields forms organized, mesoscale-sized, regular patterns that persist for extended times. It emanates from the steady state of the underlying rigid configuration of convection cells. From a climate perspective, in a sea of cloud complexity, the convective steady-state provides an "island of simplicity."The convective steady state can be parametrized in climate models to better capture the feedback of such cloud fields in a warming climate.
Liu H., Koren I. & Altaratz O.
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science.
Obtaining the response of cloud top temperature (CTT) to global warming correctly is crucial for understanding the current and future energy budget of the climate system. For a given cloud fraction, colder CTT implies more longwave radiation being capped within the Earth-atmosphere system, consequently heating it. Current climate models predict an almost fixed CTT for upper-tropospheric clouds as the climate is expected to warm up during the 21st century, as explained by the fixed anvil temperature hypothesis. However, our analysis, based on the last 19 years of satellite observations (12.200211.2021), reveals a significant decreasing trend in upper-tropospheric CTT with almost no change in the corresponding cloud fraction. This cooling rate is several times larger than the observed surface warming rate. This finding suggests a missing heating component by upper-tropospheric clouds in current climate predictions.
Lombard F., Bourdin G., Pesant S., Agostini S., Baudena A., Boissin E., Cassar N., Clampitt M., Conan P., Da Silva O., Dimier C., Douville E., Elineau A., Fin J., Flores J. M., Ghiglione J. F., Hume B. C., Jalabert L., John S. G., Kelly R. L., Koren I., Lin Y., Marie D., McMinds R., Mériguet Z., Metzl N., Paz-García D. A., Pedrotti M. L., Poulain J., Pujo-Pay M., Ras J., Reverdin G., Romac S., Rouan A., Röttinger E., Vardi A., Voolstra C. R., Moulin C., Iwankow G., Banaigs B., Bowler C., de Vargas C., Forcioli D., Furla P., Galand P. E., Gilson E., Reynaud S., Sunagawa S., Sullivan M. B., Thomas O. P., Troublé R., Thurber R. V., Wincker P., Zoccola D., Allemand D., Planes S., Boss E. & Gorsky G.
Scientific data.
The Tara Pacific expedition (20162018) sampled coral ecosystems around 32 islands in the Pacific Ocean and the ocean surface waters at 249 locations, resulting in the collection of nearly 58 000 samples. The expedition was designed to systematically study warm-water coral reefs and included the collection of corals, fish, plankton, and seawater samples for advanced biogeochemical, molecular, and imaging analysis. Here we provide a complete description of the sampling methodology, and we explain how to explore and access the different datasets generated by the expedition. Environmental context data were obtained from taxonomic registries, gazetteers, almanacs, climatologies, operational biogeochemical models, and satellite observations. The quality of the different environmental measures has been validated not only by various quality control steps, but also through a global analysis allowing the comparison with known environmental large-scale structures. Such publicly released datasets open the perspective to address a wide range of scientific questions.
Sena E. T., Koren I., Altaratz O. & Kostinski A. B.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 16111-16122
Record-breaking statistics are combined here with a geographic mode of exploration to introduce a record-breaking map. We examine time series of sea surface temperature (SST) values and show that high SST records have been broken far more frequently than the expected rate for a trend-free random variable (TFRV) over the vast majority of oceans (83 % of the grid cells). This, together with the asymmetry between high and low records and their deviation from a TFRV, indicates SST warming over most oceans, obtained using a distribution-independent, robust, and simple-to-use method. The spatial patterns of this warming are coherent and reveal islands of cooling, such as the \u201ccold blob\u201d in the North Atlantic and a surprising elliptical area in the Southern Ocean, near the Ross Sea gyre, not previously reported. The method was also applied to evaluate a global climate model (GCM), which reproduced the observed records during the study period. The distribution of records from the GCM pre-industrial (PI) control run samples was similar to the one from a TFRV, suggesting that the contribution of a suitably constrained internal variability to the observed record-breaking trends is negligible. Future forecasts show striking SST trends, with even more frequent high records and less frequent low records.
Koren I., Kostinski A., Wollner U. & Dubrovin D.
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science.
Glory is a beautiful optical phenomenon observed in an atmosphere as concentric colored rings reflected by clouds or fog around an antisolar point. Here we report that true color glories, although faint, are discernible in raw unpolarized satellite images by a naked eye on a daily basis, thus constituting a large and untapped reservoir of cloud data for which a simple diffraction-like approximation links cloud droplet diameter and variance to the glorys structure.
Chekroun M. D., Koren I., Liu H. & Liu H.
Science advances.
Nonlinear time delay systems produce inherently delay-induced periodic oscillations, which are, however, too idealistic compared to observations. We exhibit a unified stochastic framework to systematically rectify such oscillations into oscillatory patterns with enriched temporal variabilities through generic, nonlinear responses to stochastic perturbations. Two paradigms of noise-driven chaos in high dimension are identified, fundamentally different from chaos triggered by parameter-space noise. Noteworthy is a low-dimensional stretch-and-fold mechanism, leading to stochastic strange attractors exhibiting horseshoe-like structures mirroring turbulent transport of passive tracers. The other is high-dimensional , with noise acting along the critical eigendirection and transmitted to \u201cdeeper\u201d stable modes through nonlinearity, leading to stochastic attractors exhibiting swarm-like behaviors with power-law and scale break properties. The theory is applied to cloud delay models to parameterize missing physics such as intermittent rain and Lagrangian turbulent effects. The stochastically rectified model reproduces with fidelity complex temporal variabilities of open-cell oscillations exhibited by high-end cloud simulations.A stochastic framework is exhibited to produce systematically a broadband response from periodic solutions of time-delay systems.
Lang-Yona N., Flores J. M., Haviv R., Alberti A., Poulain J., Belser C., Trainic M., Gat D., Ruscheweyh H., Wincker P., Sunagawa S., Rudich Y., Koren I. & Vardi A.
Communications Earth and Environment.
The diversity of microbes and their transmission between ocean and atmosphere are poorly understood despite the implications for microbial global dispersion and biogeochemical processes. Here, we survey the genetic diversity of airborne and surface ocean bacterial communities sampled during springtime transects across the northwest Pacific and subtropical north Atlantic as part of the Tara Pacific Expedition. We find that microbial community composition is more variable in the atmosphere than in the surface ocean. Bacterial communities were more similar between the two surface oceans than between the ocean and the overlying atmosphere. Likewise, Pacific and Atlantic atmospheric microbial communities were more similar to each other than to those in the ocean beneath. Atmospheric community composition over the Atlantic was dominated by terrestrial and specifically, dust-associated bacteria, whereas over the Pacific there was a higher prevalence and differential abundance of marine bacteria. Our findings highlight regional differences in long-range microbial exchange and dispersal between land, ocean, and atmosphere.
Dror-Schwartz T., Silverman V., Altaratz O., Chekroun M. D. & Koren I.
Geophysical Research Letters.
One of the major sources of uncertainty in climate prediction results from the limitations in representing shallow cumulus (Cu) in models. Recently, a class of continental shallow convective Cu was shown to share distinct morphological properties and to emerge globally mostly over forests and vegetated areas, thus named greenCu. Using machine-learning supervised classification, we identify greenCu fields over three regions, from the tropics to mid- and higher-latitudes, and establish a novel satellite-based data set called greenCuDb, consisting of 1° × 1° sized, high-resolution MODIS images. Using greenCuDb in conjunction with ERA5 reanalysis data, we create greenCu composites for different regions and reveal that greenCu are driven by similar large-scale meteorological conditions, regardless of their geographical locations throughout the world's continents. These conditions include distinct profiles of temperature, humidity and large-scale vertical velocity. The boundary layer is anomalously warm and moderately humid, and is accompanied by a strong large-scale subsidence in the free troposphere.
Ben Ami Y., Altaratz O., Koren I. & Yair Y.
Environmental Research Communications.
In this work, we analyze time series of lightning strokes as detected by an LF/VLF network, over the Eastern Mediterranean during winter storms. The strokes' raw data is examined without pre-grouping it into flashes. A distance-versus-time differential space (termed dRvsdT) is introduced, examining the intervals between successive strokes. While it loses information on the strokes' exact time and location, it clusters common properties of the time and space intervals. The clusters on the dRvsdT space point on strokes within a flash (
Pinsky M., Eytan E., Koren I. & Khain A.
Journal Of The Atmospheric Sciences.
p. 793-813
The dynamic structure of a small trade wind cumulus (Cu) is analyzed using a novel approach. Cu developing in a shear-free environment is simulated by 10-m-resolution LES model with spectral bin microphysics. The aim is to clarify the dynamical nature of cloud updraft zone (CUZ) including entrainment and mixing in growing Cu. The validity of concept stating that a cloud at developing state can be represented by a parcel or a jet is tested. To investigate dynamical entrainment in CUZ performed by motions with scales larger than the turbulence scales, the modeled fields of air velocity were filtered by wavelet filter that separated convective motions from turbulent ones. Two types of objects in developing cloud were investigated: small volume ascending at maximal velocity (point parcel) and CUZ. It was found that the point parcel representing the upper part of cloud core is adiabatic. The motion of the air in this parcel ascending from cloud base determines cloud-top height. The top-hat (i.e., averaged) values of updraft velocity and adiabatic fraction in CUZ are substantially lower than those in the point parcel. Evaluation of the terms in the dynamical equation typically used in 1D cloud parcel models show that this equation can be applied for calculation of vertical velocities at the developing stage of small Cu, at least up to the heights of the inversion layer. Dynamically, the CUZ of developing cloud resembles the starting plume with the tail of nonstationary jet. Both the top-hat vertical velocity and buoyancy acceleration linearly increase with the height, at least up to the inversion layer. An important finding is that lateral entrainment of convective (nonturbulent) nature has a little effect on the top-hat CUZ velocity and cannot explain the vertical changes of conservative variables qt and θl. In contrast, entrained air lifting inside CUZ substantially decreases top-hat liquid water content and its adiabatic fraction. Possible reasons of these effects are discussed. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: (i) The study improves the understanding of the effects of lateral entrainment and mixing. (ii) The study shows the dominating role of the convective-scale motions in cloud microphysics and dynamics. (iii) The comparison of results of 10-m-resolution large-eddy simulations with a simple cloud model allows evaluating validity of current schemes of convective parameterization.
Eytan E., Khain A., Pinsky M., Altaratz O., Shpund J. & Koren I.
Journal Of The Atmospheric Sciences.
p. 409-428
Shallow convective clouds are important players in Earths energy budget and hydrological cycle, and are abundant in the tropical and subtropical belts. They greatly contribute to the uncertainty in climate predictions due to their unresolved, complex processes that include coupling between the dynamics and microphysics. Analysis of cloud structure can be simplified by considering cloud motions as a combination of moist adiabatic motions like adiabatic updrafts and turbulent motions leading to deviation from adiabaticity. In this work, we study the sizes and occurrence of adiabatic regions in shallow cumulus clouds during their growth and mature stages, and use the adiabatic fraction (AF) as a continuous metric to describe cloud processes and properties from the core to the edge. To do so, we simulate isolated trade wind cumulus clouds of different sizes using the System of Atmospheric Modeling (SAM) model in high resolution (10 m) with the Hebrew University spectral bin microphysics (SBM). The fine features in the clouds dynamics and microphysics, including small near-adiabatic volumes and a thin transition zone at the edge of the cloud (∼2040 m in width), are captured. The AF is shown to be an efficient measure for analyzing cloud properties and key processes determining the droplet-size distribution formation and shape during the cloud evolution. Physical processes governing the properties of droplet size distributions at different cloud regions (e.g., core, edge) are analyzed in relation to AF.
Tzabari M., Holodovsky V., Shubi O., Eytan E., Koren I. & Schechner Y. Y.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
We introduce a comprehensive method for space-borne 3D volumetric scattering-tomography of cloud micro-physics, developed for the CloudCT mission. The retrieved micro-physical properties are the liquid-water-content and effective droplet radius within a cloud. We include a model for a perspective polarization imager, and an assumption of 3D variation of the r e . Elements of our work include computed tomography initialization by a parametric horizontally-uniform micro-physical model. This results in smaller errors than the prior art. The mean absolute errors of the retrieved liquid-water-content and effective-radius are reduced from 62% and 28% to 40% and 9%, respectively. The parameters of this initialization are determined by a grid search of a cost function. Furthermore, we add viewpoints in the cloudbow region, to better sample the polarized scattering phase function. The suggested advances are evaluated by retrieval of a set of clouds generated by large-eddy simulations.
Altaratz O., Koren I., Agassi E., Hirsch E., Levi Y. & Stav N.
Geophysical Research Letters.
SubLCL clouds are defined here as clouds that form below the estimated lifting condensation level (LCL), on days that are predicted to be cloud-free. On more than 50% of those days we observed clouds. Measurements of thermodynamic and sky conditions are used here together with numerical simulations to study subLCL clouds formation. It was previously demonstrated that humidified parcels in mid-boundary layer (BL) are likely to be the driving mechanism. We found the height of the LCL above the BL top and the RH near the BL top to be good predictors of the appearance of these clouds. In addition, the average change in RH in the rising parcels that form them was found to have a specific constant value (4.4 (Formula presented.) 0.2[%] per 100 m of elevation). This value enables the prediction of subLCL clouds formation on days that rising parcels can reach saturation while moving up in the BL.
Flores J. M., Bourdin G., Kostinski A. B., Altaratz O., Dagan G., Lombard F., Haëntjens N., Boss E., Sullivan M. B., Gorsky G., Lang Yona N., Trainic M., Romac S., Voolstra C. . R., Rudich Y., Vardi A. & Koren I.
Nature Communications.
Sea spray aerosol (SSA) formation have a major role in the climate system, but measurements at a global-scale of this micro-scale process are highly challenging. We measured high-resolution temporal patterns of SSA number concentration over the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and the Pacific Ocean covering over 42,000 km. We discovered a ubiquitous 24-hour rhythm to the SSA number concentration, with concentrations increasing after sunrise, remaining higher during the day, and returning to predawn values after sunset. The presence of dominating continental aerosol transport can mask the SSA cycle. We did not find significant links between the diel cycle of SSA number concentration and diel variations of surface winds, atmospheric physical properties, radiation, pollution, nor oceanic physical properties. However, the daily mean sea surface temperature positively correlated with the magnitude of the day-to-nighttime increase in SSA concentration. Parallel diel patterns in particle sizes were also detected in near-surface waters attributed to variations in the size of particles smaller than ~1 µm. These variations may point to microbial day-tonight modulation of bubble-bursting dynamics as a possible cause of the SSA cycle.
Correia A. L., Sena E. T., Silva Dias M. A. F. & Koren I.
Communications Earth and Environment.
Glaciation in clouds is a fundamental phenomenon in determining Earths radiation fluxes, sensible and latent heat budgets in the atmosphere, the water cycle, cloud development and lifetime. Nevertheless, the main mechanisms that govern the temperature of glaciation in clouds have not been fully identified. Here we present an analysis of 15 years (2000-2014) of satellite, sunphotometer, and reanalysis datasets over the Amazon. We find that the temperature of glaciation in convective clouds is controlled by preconditioning dynamics, natural and anthropic aerosols, and radiation. In a moist atmospheric column, prone to deep convection, increasing the amount of aerosols leads to a delay in the onset of glaciation, reducing the glaciation temperature. For a dry column, radiative extinction by biomass burning smoke leads to atmospheric stabilization and an increase in the glaciation temperature. Our results offer observational benchmarks that can help a more precise description of glaciation in convective cloud models.
Jangid M., Mishra A. K., Koren I., Sarangi C., Kumar K., Singh S. & Tripathi S.
Environmental Research Letters.
Aerosols play a significant role in regional scale pollution that alters the cloud formation process, radiation budget, and climate. Here, using long-term (20032019) observations from multi-satellite and ground-based remote sensors, we show robust aerosol-induced instantaneous daytime lower tropospheric cooling during the pre-monsoon season over the Indian core monsoon region (ICMR). Quantitatively, an average cooling of -0.82 °C ± 0.11 °C to -1.84 °C ± 0.25 °C is observed in the lower troposphere. The observed cooling is associated with both aerosol-radiation and aerosol-cloud-radiation interaction processes. The elevated dust and polluted-dust layers cause extinction of the incoming solar radiation, thereby decreasing the lower tropospheric temperature. The aerosol-cloud interactions also contribute to enhancement of cloud fraction which further contributes to the lower tropospheric cooling. The observed cooling results in a stable lower tropospheric structure during polluted conditions, which can also feedback to cloud systems. Our findings suggest that aerosol induced lower tropospheric cooling can strongly affect the cloud distribution and circulation dynamics over the ICMR, a region of immense hydroclimatic importance.
Eytan E., Koren I., Altaratz O., Pinsky M. & Khain A.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 16203-16217
The process of mixing in warm convective clouds and its effects on microphysics are crucial for an accurate description of cloud fields, weather, and climate. Still, they remain open questions in the field of cloud physics. Adiabatic regions in the cloud could be considered non-mixed areas and therefore serve as an important reference to mixing. For this reason, the adiabatic fraction (AF) is an important parameter that estimates the mixing level in the cloud in a simple way. Here, we test different methods of AF calculations using high-resolution (10 m) simulations of isolated warm cumulus clouds. The calculated AFs are compared with a normalized concentration of a passive tracer, which is a measure of dilution by mixing. This comparison enables the examination of how well the AF parameter can determine mixing effects and the estimation of the accuracy of different approaches used to calculate it. Comparison of three different methods to derive AF, with the passive tracer, shows that one method is much more robust than the others. Moreover, this method's equation structure also allows for the isolation of different assumptions that are often practiced when calculating AF such as vertical profiles, cloud-base height, and the linearity of AF with height. The use of a detailed spectral bin microphysics scheme allows an accurate description of the supersaturation field and demonstrates that the accuracy of the saturation adjustment assumption depends on aerosol concentration, leading to an underestimation of AF in pristine environments.
Dror T., Chekroun M., Altaratz O. & Koren I.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 12261-12272
A subset of continental shallow convective cumulus (Cu) cloud fields has been shown to have distinct spatial properties and to form mostly over forests and vegetated areas, thus referred to as "green Cu". Green Cu fields are known to form organized mesoscale patterns, yet the underlying mechanisms, as well as the time variability of these patterns, are still lacking understanding. Here, we characterize the organization of green Cu in space and time, by using data-driven organization metrics and by applying an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis to a high-resolution GOES-16 dataset. We extract, quantify, and reveal modes of organization present in a green Cu field, during the course of a day. The EOF decomposition is able to show the field's key organization features such as cloud streets, and it also delineates the less visible ones, as the propagation of gravity waves (GWs) and the emergence of a highly organized grid on a spatial scale of hundreds of kilometers, over a time period that scales with the field's lifetime. Using cloud fields that were reconstructed from different subgroups of modes, we quantify the cloud street's wavelength and aspect ratio, as well as the GW-dominant period.
Pinsky M., Eytan E., Koren I., Altaratz O. & Khain A.
Journal Of The Atmospheric Sciences.
p. 2307-2321
Atmospheric motions in clouds and cloud surroundings have a wide range of scales, from several kilometers to centimeters. These motions have different impacts on cloud dynamics and microphysics. Larger-scale motions (hereafter referred to as convective motions) are responsible for mass transport over distances comparable with cloud scale, while motions of smaller scales (hereafter referred to as turbulent motions) are stochastic and responsible for mixing and cloud dilution. This distinction substantially simplifies the analysis of dynamic and microphysical processes in clouds. The present research is Part I of the study aimed at describing the method for separating the motion scale into a convective component and a turbulent component. An idealized flow is constructed, which is a sum of an initially prescribed field of the convective velocity with updrafts in the cloud core and downdrafts outside the core, and a stochastic turbulent velocity field obeying the turbulent properties, including the 25/3 law and the 2/3 structure function law. A wavelet method is developed allowing separation of the velocity field into the convective and turbulent components, with parameter values being in a good agreement with those prescribed initially. The efficiency of the method is demonstrated by an example of a vertical velocity field of a cumulus cloud simulated using the System for Atmospheric Modeling (SAM) with bin microphysics and resolution of 10 m. It is shown that vertical velocity in clouds indeed can be represented as a sum of convective velocity (forming zone of cloud updrafts and subsiding shell) and a stochastic velocity obeying laws of homogeneous and isotropic turbulence.
Pinsky M., Eytan E., Koren I., Altaratz O. & Khain A.
Journal Of The Atmospheric Sciences.
p. 2307-2321
Atmospheric motions in clouds and cloud surroundings have a wide range of scales, from several kilometers to centimeters. These motions have different impacts on cloud dynamics and microphysics. Larger-scale motions (hereafter referred to as convective motions) are responsible for mass transport over distances comparable with cloud scale, while motions of smaller scales (hereafter referred to as turbulent motions) are stochastic and responsible for mixing and cloud dilution. This distinction substantially simplifies the analysis of dynamic and microphysical processes in clouds. The present research is Part I of the study aimed at describing the method for separating the motion scale into a convective component and a turbulent component. An idealized flow is constructed, which is a sum of an initially prescribed field of the convective velocity with updrafts in the cloud core and downdrafts outside the core, and a stochastic turbulent velocity field obeying the turbulent properties, including the −5/3 law and the 2/3 structure function law. A wavelet method is developed allowing separation of the velocity field into the convective and turbulent components, with parameter values being in a good agreement with those prescribed initially. The efficiency of the method is demonstrated by an example of a vertical velocity field of a cumulus cloud simulated using the System for Atmospheric Modeling (SAM) with bin microphysics and resolution of 10 m. It is shown that vertical velocity in clouds indeed can be represented as a sum of convective velocity (forming zone of cloud updrafts and subsiding shell) and a stochastic velocity obeying laws of homogeneous and isotropic turbulence.
Dror-Schwartz T., Koren I., Altaratz O. & Heiblum R. H.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
p. 4570-4578
Warm convective clouds play a significant role in the earth's energy and water budgets. However, they still pose a challenge in climate research as their feedback to predicted thermodynamic changes is highly uncertain and considered critical to the overall climate system's response. The focus of this study is continental, organized shallow convective clouds that, although they are spread globally and form in a variety of environments, seem to have common properties. One of these properties seems to be their preferred formation over vegetated areas, thus referred hereafter as green Cu. In this article, we present new observations of emerging universality and explore them using a method that combines fine- and coarse-resolution remote-sensing data sets. First, we use Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) true-color images to visually classify cloud fields into different classes and identify green Cu fields. We show that the level and type of organization and the properties of these fields (e.g., cloud size distribution and cloud fraction) are similar throughout the world, regardless of their location. Second, we match the corresponding MODIS level-3 cloud properties to the identified cloud classes, and based on this data sets statistics, we develop a detection method for green Cu along ten years of measurements (2003-2012). We examine the geographical distribution and seasonality of this class and show that these fields are highly abundant over many continental areas and indeed mostly in the vicinity of vegetated regions.
Liu H., Koren I., Altaratz O., Heiblum R. H., Khain P., Ouyang X. & Guo J.
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science.
Open cloud cells can be described in ideal form as connected clouds that surround spots of isolated clear skies in their centers. This cloud pattern is typically associated with marine stratocumulus (MSc) that form in the oceanic boundary layer. However, it can form in deeper convective clouds as well. Here, we focus on deep-open-cells (with tops reaching up to ~57 km) that form in the post-frontal regions of winter Mediterranean cyclones, and examine their properties and evolution. Using a Lagrangian analysis of satellite data, we show that deep-open-cells have a larger equivalent diameter (~58 ± 18 km) and oscillate with a longer periodicity (~3.5 ± 1 h) compared to shallow MSc. A numerical simulation of one Cyprus low event reveals that precipitation-generated convergence and divergence dynamic patterns are the main driver of the open cells organization and oscillations. Thus, our findings generalize the mechanism attributed to the behavior of shallow marine cells to deeper convective systems.
The early months of 2020 showed record-breaking levels of aerosol optical depth (AOD) over the Southern Hemisphere (SH). Apart from the tropics, monthly AOD values over most of the SH exceeded the average by more than three standard deviations. This anomalous AOD is attributed to a combination of the intensity and location of the Australian bushfires. The fires took place south enough, where the tropopause altitude is relatively low, within the mid-latitude cyclone belt. This location allowed for deep convection over and downwind of the fires, which transported the smoke to the stratosphere, where its lifetime is an order of magnitude longer than it would have been in the lower atmosphere. The lower bound of the stratospheric smoke mass in January 2020 was ~2.1 ± 1 teragrams, which lead to cooling by more than 1.0 ± 0.6 watts per square meter over cloud-free oceanic areas.
Tzabari M., Holodovsky V., Shubi O., Eytan E., Altaratz O., Koren I., Aumann A., Schilling K. & Schechner Y. Y.
Polarization Science and Remote Sensing X
Snik F., Shaw J. A. & Kupinski M. K.(eds.).
The CloudCT project is a mission that aims to demonstrate 3D volumetric scattering tomography of clouds. A formation of ten nanosatellites will simultaneously image cloud fields from multiple directions, at ≈20m nadir ground resolution. Based on this data, scattering tomography will seek the 3D volumetric distribution of cloud properties. We quantitatively compare visible polarized imagers to other imagers considered for the mission. We investigated specifically visible light and short-wave infra-red imagers. Each possibility was considered using Large Eddy Simulation clouds. Major consideration criteria are tomographic quality in the face of sensor and photon noise, calibration errors and stray light. We check the sensitivity to unknown stray light and uncertainty in gain calibration.
Dror T., Michel Flores J., Altaratz O., Dagan G., Levin Z., Vardi A. & Koren I.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 15297-15306
Aerosol size distribution has major effects on warm cloud processes. Here, we use newly acquired marine aerosol size distributions (MSDs), measured in situ over the open ocean during the Tara Pacific expedition (2016-2018), to examine how the total aerosol concentration (Ntot) and the shape of the MSDs change warm clouds' properties. For this, we used a toy model with detailed bin microphysics initialized using three different atmospheric profiles, supporting the formation of shallow to intermediate and deeper warm clouds. The changes in the MSDs affected the clouds' total mass and surface precipitation. In general, the clouds showed higher sensitivity to changes in Ntot than to changes in the MSD's shape, except for the case where the MSD contained giant and ultragiant cloud condensation nuclei (GCCN, UGCCN). For increased Ntot (for the deep and intermediate profiles), most of the MSDs drove an expected non-monotonic trend of mass and precipitation (the shallow clouds showed only the decreasing part of the curves with mass and precipitation monotonically decreasing). The addition of GCCN and UGCCN drastically changed the non-monotonic trend, such that surface rain saturated and the mass monotonically increased with Ntot. GCCN and UGCCN changed the interplay between the microphysical processes by triggering an early initiation of collision-coalescence. The early fallout of drizzle in those cases enhanced the evaporation below the cloud base. Testing the sensitivity of rain yield to GCCN and UGCCN revealed an enhancement of surface rain upon the addition of larger particles to the MSD, up to a certain particle size, when the addition of larger particles resulted in rain suppression. This finding suggests a physical lower bound can be defined for the size ranges of GCCN and UGCCN.
Trainic M., Flores J. M., Pinkas I., Pedrotti M. L., Lombard F., Bourdin G., Gorsky G., Boss E., Rudich Y., Vardi A. & Koren I.
Communications Earth & Environment.
Anthropogenic pollution from marine microplastic particles is a growing concern, both as a source of toxic compounds, and because they can transport pathogens and other pollutants. Airborne microplastic particles were previously observed over terrestrial and coastal locations, but not in the remote ocean. Here, we collected ambient aerosol samples in the North Atlantic Ocean, including the remote marine atmosphere, during the Tara Pacific expedition in May-June 2016, and chemically characterized them using micro-Raman spectroscopy. We detected a range of airborne microplastics, including polystyrene, polyethylene, polypropylene, and poly-silicone compounds. Polyethylene and polypropylene were also found in seawater, suggesting local production of airborne microplastic particles. Terminal velocity estimations and back trajectory analysis support this conclusion. For technical reasons, only particles larger than 5µm, at the upper end of a typical marine atmospheric size distribution, were analyzed, suggesting that our analyses underestimate the presence of airborne microplastic particles in the remote marine atmosphere.
Clouds play a key role in Earth's radiation budget, covering more than 50% of the planet. However, the binary delineation of cloudy and clear sky is not clearly defined due to the presence of a transitionary zone, known as the cloud twilight zone, consisting of liquid droplets and humidified to dry aerosols. The twilight zone is an inherent component of cloud fields, yet its influence on longwave-infrared radiation remains unknown. Here we analyse spectral data from global satellite observations of shallow cloud fields over the ocean to estimate a lower bound on the twilight zone's effect on longwave radiation. We find that the average longwave radiative effect of the twilight zone is similar to 0.75 W m(-2), which is equivalent to the radiative forcing from increasing atmospheric CO2 by 75 ppm. We also find that the twilight zone in the longwave occupies over 60% of the apparent clear sky within the analysed low-level cloud fields. As low-level clouds are relatively warm, the overall longwave radiative contribution from the twilight zone is likely to be higher. We suggest that the twilight zone needs to be accounted for to accurately quantify cloud radiative effects and close the global energy budget.
Chekroun M. D., Koren I. & Liu H.
By means of Galerkin-Koornwinder (GK) approximations, an efficient reduction approach to the Stuart-Landau (SL) normal form and center manifold is presented for a broad class of nonlinear systems of delay differential equations that covers the cases of discrete as well as distributed delays. The focus is on the Hopf bifurcation as a consequence of the critical equilibrium's destabilization resulting from an eigenpair crossing the imaginary axis. The nature of the resulting Hopf bifurcation (super- or subcritical) is then characterized by the inspection of a Lyapunov coefficient easy to determine based on the model's coefficients and delay parameters. We believe that our approach, which does not rely too much on functional analysis considerations but more on analytic calculations, is suitable to concrete situations arising in physics applications. Thus, using this GK approach to the Lyapunov coefficient and the SL normal form, the occurrence of Hopf bifurcations in the cloud-rain delay models of Koren and Feingold (KF) on one hand and Koren, Tziperman, and Feingold on the other are analyzed. Noteworthy is the existence of the KF model of large regions of the parameter space for which subcritical and supercritical Hopf bifurcations coexist. These regions are determined, in particular, by the intensity of the KF model's nonlinear effects. "Islands" of supercritical Hopf bifurcations are shown to exist within a subcritical Hopf bifurcation "sea"; these islands being bordered by double-Hopf bifurcations occurring when the linearized dynamics at the critical equilibrium exhibit two pairs of purely imaginary eigenvalues.
Gorsky G., Flores J. M., Koren I., Trainic M. & Vardi A.
Frontiers in Marine Science.
Interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere occur at the air-sea interface through the transfer of momentum, heat, gases and particulate matter, and through the impact of the upper-ocean biology on the composition and radiative properties of this boundary layer. The Tara Pacific expedition, launched in May 2016 aboard the schooner Tara, was a 29-month exploration with the dual goals to study the ecology of reef ecosystems along ecological gradients in the Pacific Ocean and to assess inter-island and open ocean surface plankton and neuston community structures. In addition, key atmospheric properties were measured to study links between the two boundary layer properties. A major challenge for the open ocean sampling was the lack of ship-time available for work at "stations". The time constraint led us to develop new underway sampling approaches to optimize physical, chemical, optical, and genomic methods to capture the entire community structure of the surface layers, from viruses to metazoans in their oceanographic and atmospheric physicochemical context. An international scientific consortium was put together to analyze the samples, generate data, and develop datasets in coherence with the existing Tara Oceans database. Beyond adapting the extensive Tara Oceans sampling protocols for high-resolution underway sampling, the key novelties compared to Tara Oceans' global assessment of plankton include the measurement of (i) surface plankton and neuston biogeography and functional diversity; (ii) bioactive trace metals distribution at the ocean surface and metal-dependent ecosystem structures; (iii) marine aerosols, including biological entities; (iv) geography, nature and colonization of microplastic; and (v) high-resolution underway assessment of net community production via equilibrator inlet mass spectrometry. We are committed to share the data collected during this expedition, making it an important resource important resource to address a variety of scientific questions.
Flores J. M., Koren I., Lang-Yona N., Trainic M. & Vardi A.
PLoS Biology.
Coral reefs are the most diverse habitats in the marine realm. Their productivity, structural complexity, and biodiversity critically depend on ecosystem services provided by corals that are threatened because of climate change effects-in particular, ocean warming and acidification. The coral holobiont is composed of the coral animal host, endosymbiotic dinoflagellates, associated viruses, bacteria, and other microeukaryotes. In particular, the mandatory photosymbiosis with microalgae of the family Symbiodiniaceae and its consequences on the evolution, physiology, and stress resilience of the coral holobiont have yet to be fully elucidated. The functioning of the holobiont as a whole is largely unknown, although bacteria and viruses are presumed to play roles in metabolic interactions, immunity, and stress tolerance. In the context of climate change and anthropogenic threats on coral reef ecosystems, the Tara Pacific project aims to provide a baseline of the "-omics" complexity of the coral holobiont and its ecosystem across the Pacific Ocean and for various oceanographically distinct defined areas. Inspired by the previous Tara Oceans expeditions, the Tara Pacific expedition (2016-2018) has applied a pan-ecosystemic approach on coral reefs throughout the Pacific Ocean, drawing an east-west transect from Panama to Papua New Guinea and a south-north transect from Australia to Japan, sampling corals throughout 32 island systems with local replicates. Tara Pacific has developed and applied state-of-the-art technologies in very-high-throughput genetic sequencing and molecular analysis to reveal the entire microbial and chemical diversity as well as functional traits associated with coral holobionts, together with various measures on environmental forcing. This ambitious project aims at revealing a massive amount of novel biodiversity, shedding light on the complex links between genomes, transcriptomes, metabolomes, organisms, and ecosystem functions in coral reefs and providing a reference of the biological state of modern coral reefs in the Anthropocene.
Liu H., Guo J., Koren I., Altaratz O., Dagan G., Wang Y., Jiang J. H., Zhai P. & Yung Y. L.
Scientific Reports.
7809 (2019.
Aerosol effects on convective clouds and associated precipitation constitute an important open-ended question in climate research. Previous studies have linked an increase in aerosol concentration to a delay in the onset of rain, invigorated clouds and stronger rain rates. Here, using observational data, we show that the aerosol effect on convective clouds shifts from invigoration to suppression with increasing aerosol optical depth. We explain this shift in trend (using a cloud model) as the result of a competition between two types of microphysical processes: cloud-core-based invigorating processes vs. peripheral suppressive processes. We show that the aerosol optical depth value that marks the shift between invigoration and suppression depends on the environmental thermodynamic conditions. These findings can aid in better parameterizing aerosol effects in climate models for the prediction of climate trends.
Khain P., Heiblum R., Blahak U., Levi Y., Muskatel H., Vadislavsky E., Altaratz O., Koren I., Dagan G., Shpund J. & Khain A.
Journal Of The Atmospheric Sciences.
p. 533-560
Shallow convection is a subgrid process in cloud-resolving models for which their grid box is larger than the size of small cumulus clouds (Cu). At the same time such Cu substantially affect radiation properties and thermodynamic parameters of the low atmosphere. The main microphysical parameters used for calculation of radiative properties of Cu in cloud-resolving models are liquid water content (LWC), effective droplet radius, and cloud fraction (CF). In this study, these parameters of fields of small, warm Cu are calculated using large-eddy simulations (LESs) performed using the System for Atmospheric Modeling (SAM) with spectral bin microphysics. Despite the complexity of microphysical processes, several fundamental properties of Cu were found. First, despite the high variability of LWC and droplet concentration within clouds and between different clouds, the volume mean and effective radii per specific level vary only slightly. Second, the values of effective radius are close to those forming during adiabatic ascent of air parcels from cloud base. These findings allow for characterization of a cloud field by specific vertical profiles of effective radius and of mean liquid water content, which can be calculated using the theoretical profile of adiabatic liquid water content and the droplet concentration at cloud base. Using the results of these LESs, a simple parameterization of cloud-field-averaged vertical profiles of effective radius and of liquid water content is proposed for different aerosol and thermodynamic conditions. These profiles can be used for calculation of radiation properties of Cu fields in large-scale models. The role of adiabatic processes in the formation of microstructure of Cu is discussed.
Dagan G., Koren I., Altaratz O. & Lehahn Y.
p. 192-202
Clouds control much of the Earth's energy and water budgets. Aerosols, suspended in the atmosphere, interact with clouds and affect their properties. Recent studies have suggested that the aerosol effect on warm convective cloud systems evolve in time and eventually approach a steady state for which the overall effects of aerosols can be considered negligible. Using numerical simulations, it was estimated that the time needed for such cloud fields to approach this state is >24 hr. These results suggest that the typical cloud field lifetime is an important parameter in determining the total aerosol effect. Here, analyzing satellite observations and reanalysis data (with the aid of numerical simulations), we show that the characteristic timescale of warm convective cloud fields is less than 12 hr. Such a timescale implies that these clouds should be regarded as transient-state phenomena and therefore can be highly susceptible to changes in aerosol properties.
Neukermans G., Harmel T., Gali M., Rudorff N., Chowdhary J., Dubovik O., Hostetler C., Hu Y., Jamet C., Knobelspiesse K., Lehahn Y., Litvinov P., Sayer A. M., Ward B., Boss E., Koren I. & Miller L. A.
Earth observing systems have proven to be a unique source of long-term synoptic information on numerous physical, chemical and biological parameters on a global scale. Merging this information for integrated studies that peruse key questions about the ocean-atmosphere interface is, however, very challenging. Such studies require interdisciplinary frameworks and novel insights into ways to address the problem. We present here a perspective review on how current and emerging remote sensing technologies could help address two scientific questions within the Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) science plan: (1) to what extent doesupper-ocean biology affect the composition and radiative properties of the marine boundary layer; and (2) to what extent does upper-ocean turbulence drive fluxes of mass and energy at the air-sea interface. We provide a thorough review of how these questions have been addressed and discuss novel potential avenues using multiplatform space-borne missions, from visible to microwave, active and passive sensors.
Dagan G., Koren I., Kostinski A. & Altaratz O.
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.
p. 2287-2299
Physical insights into processes governing temporal organization and evolution of cloud fields are of great importance for climate research. Here using large eddy simulations with a bin microphysics scheme, we show that warm convective cloud fields exhibit oscillations with two distinct periods (similar to 10 and similar to 90 min, for the case studied here). The shorter period dominates the nonprecipitating phase, and the longer period is related to the precipitating phase. We show that rain processes affect the domain's thermodynamics, hence forcing the field into a low-frequency recharge-discharge cycle of developing cloudiness followed by precipitation-driven depletion. The end result of precipitation is stabilization of the lower atmosphere by warming of the cloudy layer (due to latent heat release) and cooling of the subcloud layer (by rain evaporation, creating cold pools). As the thermodynamic instability weakens, so does the cloudiness, and the rain ceases. During the nonprecipitating phase of the cycle, surface fluxes destabilize the boundary layer until the next precipitation cycle. Under conditions that do not allow development of precipitation (e.g., high aerosol loading), high-frequency oscillations dominate the cloud field. Clouds penetrating the stable inversion layer trigger gravity waves with a typical period of similar to 10 min. In return, the gravity waves modulate the clouds in the field by modifying the vertical velocity, temperature, and humidity fields. Subsequently, as the polluted nonprecipitating simulations evolve, the thermodynamic instability increases and the cloudy layer deepens until precipitation forms, shifting the oscillations from high to low frequency. The organization of cold pools and the spatial scale related to these oscillations are explored.Large eddy simulations with bin microphysics are used to study spatial and temporal organization in shallow convective cloud fields. It is shown that warm convective cloud fields exhibit oscillations with two distinct periods of similar to 10 and similar to 90min. The low frequency is driven by recharge-discharge cycles of thermodynamic instability, while the high frequency is driven by gravity waves.
Trainic M., Koren I., Sharoni S., Frada M., Segev L., Rudich Y. & Vardi A.
p. 327-335
Sea spray aerosols (SSA), have a profound effect on the climate; however, the contribution of oceanic microbial activity to SSA is not fully established. We assessed aerosolization of the calcite units (coccoliths) that compose the exoskeleton of the cosmopolitan bloom-forming coccolithophore, Emiliania huxleyi. Airborne coccolith emission occurs in steady-state conditions and increases by an order of magnitude during E. huxleyi infection by E. huxleyi virus (EhV). Airborne to seawater coccolith ratio is 1:108, providing estimation of airborne concentrations from seawater concentrations. The coccoliths' unique aerodynamic structure yields a characteristic settling velocity of ∼0.01 cm s-1, ∼25 times slower than average sea salt particles, resulting in coccolith fraction enrichment in the air. The calculated enrichment was established experimentally, indicating that coccoliths may be key contributors to coarse mode SSA surface area, comparable with sea salt aerosols. This study suggests a coupling between key oceanic microbial interactions and fundamental atmospheric processes like SSA formation.
Dror T., Lehahn Y., Altaratz O. & Koren I.
Geophysical Research Letters.
p. 8637-8646
An understanding of sea spray aerosol (SSA) production is needed to better assess its influence on climate. Using satellite data, we investigated the production of the coarse mode of aerosol optical depth (AOD
c), a proxy for SSA, over the pristine South Pacific Gyre. The analysis was done on three time scales: daily, seasonal, and interannual. Scale-dependent links were shown between the AOD
c and wind speed (W). AOD
c and W were positively correlated on both daily and interannual time scales but were significantly anticorrelated on the seasonal time scale. Seasonality of the AOD
c − W link suggests contribution of other environmental factors. The main variable that could statistically explain trends in AOD
c on the seasonal time scale was chlorophyll a concentration, which showed a clear negative correlation with AOD
c. The AOD
c yield per W unit was clearly reduced when chlorophyll a concentration was high, suggesting a secondary, but important influence of marine biological activity on SSA production.
Dagan G., Koren I., Altaratz O. & Feingold G.
Environmental Research Letters.
Cloud feedbacks could influence significantly the overall response of the climate system to global warming. Here we study the response of warm convective clouds to a uniform temperature change under constant relative humidity (RH) conditions. We show that an increase in temperature drives competing effects at the cloud scale: a reduction in the thermal buoyancy term and an increase in the humidity buoyancy term. Both effects are driven by the increased contrast in the water vapor content between the cloud and its environment, under warming with constant RH. The increase in the moisture content contrast between the cloud and its environment enhances the evaporation at the cloud margins, increases the entrainment, and acts to cool the cloud. Hence, there is a reduction in the thermal buoyancy term, despite the fact that theoretically this term should increase.
Dagan G., Koren I. & Altaratz O.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 6761-6769
Better representation of cloud-aerosol interactions is crucial for an improved understanding of natural and anthropogenic effects on climate. Recent studies have shown that the overall aerosol effect on warm convective clouds is non-monotonic. Here, we reduce the system's dimensions to its center of gravity (COG), enabling distillation and simplification of the overall trend and its temporal evolution. Within the COG framework, we show that the aerosol effects are nicely reflected by the interplay of the system's characteristic vertical velocities, namely the updraft (w) and the effective terminal velocity (η). The system's vertical velocities can be regarded as a sensitive measure for the evolution of the overall trends with time. Using a bin-microphysics cloud-scale model, we analyze and follow the trends of the aerosol effect on the magnitude and timing of w and η, and therefore the overall vertical COG velocity. Large eddy simulation (LES) model runs are used to upscale the analyzed trends to the cloud-field scale and study how the aerosol effects on the temporal evolution of the field's thermodynamic properties are reflected by the interplay between the two velocities. Our results suggest that aerosol effects on air vertical motion and droplet mobility imply an effect on the way in which water is distributed along the atmospheric column. Moreover, the interplay between w and η predicts the overall trend of the field's thermodynamic instability. These factors have an important effect on the local energy balance.
Sheyn U., Rosenwasser S., Lehahn Y., Barak-Gavish N., Rotkopf R., Bidle K. D., Koren I., Schatz D. & Vardi A.
ISME Journal.
p. 704-713
The cosmopolitan coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi is a unicellular eukaryotic alga that forms vast blooms in the oceans impacting large biogeochemical cycles. These blooms are often terminated due to infection by the large dsDNA virus, E. huxleyi virus (EhV). It was recently established that EhV-induced modulation of E. huxleyi metabolism is a key factor for optimal viral infection cycle. Despite the huge ecological importance of this host-virus interaction, the ability to assess its spatial and temporal dynamics and its possible impact on nutrient fluxes is limited by current approaches that focus on quantification of viral abundance and biodiversity. Here, we applied a host and virus gene expression analysis as a sensitive tool to quantify the dynamics of this interaction during a natural E. huxleyi bloom in the North Atlantic. We used viral gene expression profiling as an index for the level of active infection and showed that the latter correlated with water column depth. Intriguingly, this suggests a possible sinking mechanism for removing infected cells as aggregates from the E. huxleyi population in the surface layer into deeper waters. Viral infection was also highly correlated with induction of host metabolic genes involved in host life cycle, sphingolipid, and antioxidant metabolism, providing evidence for modulation of host metabolism under natural conditions. The ability to track and quantify defined phases of infection by monitoring co-expression of viral and host genes, coupled with advance omics approaches, will enable a deeper understanding of the impact that viruses have on the environment.
Lehahn Y., d'Ovidio F. & Koren I.
Carlson CA. & Giovannoni SJ.(eds.).
1 ed.
Vol. 10.
p. 99-119
(trueAnnual Review of Marine Science).
The well-lit upper layer of the open ocean is a dynamical environment that hosts approximately half of global primary production. In the remote parts of this environment, distant from the coast and from the seabed, there is no obvious spatially fixed reference frame for describing the dynamics of the microscopic drifting organisms responsible for this immense production of organic matter-the phytoplankton. Thus, a natural perspective for studying phytoplankton dynamics is to follow the trajectories of water parcels in which the organisms are embedded. With the advent of satellite oceanography, this Lagrangian perspective has provided valuable information on different aspects of phytoplankton dynamics, including bloom initiation and termination, spatial distribution patterns, biodiversity, export of carbon to the deep ocean, and, more recently, bottom-up mechanisms that affect the distribution and behavior of higher-trophic-level organisms. Upcoming submesoscale-resolving satellite observations and swarms of autonomous platforms open the way to the integration of vertical dynamics into the Lagrangian view of phytoplankton dynamics.
Altaratz O., Kucienska B., Kostinski A., Raga G. B. & Koren I.
Environmental Research Letters.
A global scale study of the association between aerosol loading and lightning production was conducted, using a full year's data for 2012 (as well as seasonal data) of the cloud-to-ground lightning record from the world wide lightning location network and aerosol optical depth measured by MODIS. 70% of all grid squares examined and 94% of the statistically significant ones had higher flash densities under polluted conditions than the clean ones. This trend is evident for large continental regions in North, Central and South America, Europe, southern Africa and north-east Australia. A detailed examination of the link to the meteorology was performed for four continental regions: the Amazon, North America, southern Africa and the Maritime Continent. The findings showed a similar trend under different meteorological conditions (defined by subsets of specified CAPE values and pressure velocity at 400 hPa). The results of this study suggest a route to association between aerosol loading and lightning-production rates in thunderclouds.
Derimian Y., Choel M., Rudich Y., Deboudt K., Dubovik O., Laskin A., Legrand M., Damiri B., Koren I., Unga F., Moreau M., Andreae M. O. & Karnieli A.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 11331-11353
Chemical composition, microphysical, and optical properties of atmospheric aerosol deep inland in the Negev Desert of Israel are found to be influenced by daily occurrences of sea breeze flow from the Mediterranean Sea. Abrupt increases in aerosol volume concentration and shifts of size distributions towards larger sizes, which are associated with increase in wind speed and atmospheric water content, were systematically recorded during the summertime at a distance of at least 80 km from the coast. Chemical imaging of aerosol samples showed an increased contribution of highly hygroscopic particles during the intrusion of the sea breeze. Besides a significant fraction of marine aerosols, the amount of internally mixed marine and mineral dust particles was also increased during the sea breeze period. The number fraction of marine and internally mixed particles during the sea breeze reached up to 88 % in the PM12.5 and up to 62 % in the PM2.510 size range. Additionally, numerous particles with residuals of liquid coating were observed by SEM/EDX analysis. Ca-rich dust particles that had reacted with anthropogenic nitrates were evidenced by Raman microspectroscopy. The resulting hygroscopic particles can deliquesce at very low relative humidity. Our observations suggest that aerosol hygroscopic growth in the Negev Desert is induced by the daily sea breeze arrival. The varying aerosol microphysical and optical characteristics perturb the solar and thermal infrared radiations. The changes in aerosol properties induced by the sea breeze, relative to the background situation, doubled the shortwave radiative cooling at the surface (from −10 to −20.5 W m−2) and increased by almost 3 times the warming of the atmosphere (from 5 to 14 W m−2), as evaluated for a case study. Given the important value of observed liquid coating of particles, we also examined the possible influence of the particle homogeneity assumption on the retrieval of aerosol microphysical characteristics. The tests suggest that sensitivity to the coating appears if backward scattering and polarimetric measurements are available for the inversion algorithm. This may have an important implication for retrievals of aerosol microphysical properties in remote sensing applications.
Koren I. & Feingold G.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
p. E7851-E7851
Correction for \u201cAerosolcloudprecipitation system as a predator-prey problem,\u201d by Ilan Koren and Graham Feingold, which was first published July 8, 2011; 10.1073/pnas.1101777108 (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 108:1222712232).The authors note that on page 12229, right column, second full paragraph, line 13, \u201cc2 ≃ 3·10−1 m−1\u201d should instead appear as \u201cc2 ≃ 3·104 m−1.\u201d
Chen Q., Koren I., Altaratz O., Heiblum R. H., Dagan G. & Pinto L.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 9585-9598
Understanding aerosol effects on deep convective clouds and the derived effects on the radiation budget and rain patterns can largely contribute to estimations of climate uncertainties. The challenge is difficult in part because key microphysical processes in the mixed and cold phases are still not well understood. For deep convective clouds with a warm base, understanding aerosol effects on the warm processes is extremely important as they set the initial and boundary conditions for the cold processes. Therefore, the focus of this study is the warm phase, which can be better resolved. The main question is: "How do aerosol-derived changes in the warm phase affect the properties of deep convective cloud systems?" To explore this question, we used a weather research and forecasting (WRF) model with spectral bin microphysics to simulate a deep convective cloud system over the Marshall Islands during the Kwajalein Experiment (KWAJEX). The model results were validated against observations, showing similarities in the vertical profile of radar reflectivity and the surface rain rate. Simulations with larger aerosol loading resulted in a larger total cloud mass, a larger cloud fraction in the upper levels, and a larger frequency of strong updrafts and rain rates. Enlarged mass both below and above the zero temperature level (ZTL) contributed to the increase in cloud total mass (water and ice) in the polluted runs. Increased condensation efficiency of cloud droplets governed the gain in mass below the ZTL, while both enhanced condensational and depositional growth led to increased mass above it. The enhanced mass loading above the ZTL acted to reduce the cloud buoyancy, while the thermal buoyancy (driven by the enhanced latent heat release) increased in the polluted runs. The overall effect showed an increased upward transport (across the ZTL) of liquid water driven by both larger updrafts and larger droplet mobility.These aerosol effects were reflected in the larger ratio between the masses located above and below the ZTL in the polluted runs. When comparing the net mass flux crossing the ZTL in the clean and polluted runs, the difference was small. However, when comparing the upward and downward fluxes separately, the increase in aerosol concentration was seen to dramatically increase the fluxes in both directions, indicating the aerosol amplification effect of the convection and the affected cloud system properties, such as cloud fraction and rain rate.
Dagan G., Koren I., Altaratz O. & Heiblum R. H.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 7435-7444
Large eddy simulations (LESs) with bin microphysics are used here to study cloud fields' sensitivity to changes in aerosol loading and the time evolution of this response. Similarly to the known response of a single cloud, we show that the mean field properties change in a non-monotonic trend, with an optimum aerosol concentration for which the field reaches its maximal water mass or rain yield. This trend is a result of competition between processes that encourage cloud development versus those that suppress it. However, another layer of complexity is added when considering clouds' impact on the field's thermodynamic properties and how this is dependent on aerosol loading. Under polluted conditions, rain is suppressed and the non-precipitating clouds act to increase atmospheric instability. This results in warming of the lower part of the cloudy layer (in which there is net condensation) and cooling of the upper part (net evaporation). Evaporation at the upper part of the cloudy layer in the polluted simulations raises humidity at these levels and thus amplifies the development of the next generation of clouds (preconditioning effect). On the other hand, under clean conditions, the precipitating clouds drive net warming of the cloudy layer and net cooling of the sub-cloud layer due to rain evaporation. These two effects act to stabilize the atmospheric boundary layer with time (consumption of the instability). The evolution of the field's thermodynamic properties affects the cloud properties in return, as shown by the migration of the optimal aerosol concentration toward higher values.
Sarangi C., Tripathi S. N., Kanawade V. P., Koren I. & Pai D. S.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 5185-5204
Monsoonal rainfall is the primary source of surface water in India. Using 12 years of in situ and satellite observations, we examined the association of aerosol loading with cloud fraction, cloud top pressure, cloud top temperature, and daily surface rainfall over the Indian summer monsoon region (ISMR). Our results showed positive correlations between aerosol loading and cloud properties as well as rainfall. A decrease in outgoing longwave radiation and an increase in reflected shortwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere with an increase in aerosol loading further indicates a possible seminal role of aerosols in the deepening of cloud systems. Significant perturbation in liquid-and ice-phase microphysics was also evident over the ISMR. For the polluted cases, delay in the onset of collision-coalescence processes and an enhancement in the condensation efficiency allows for more condensate mass to be lifted up to the mixed colder phases. This results in the higher mass concentration of larger-sized ice-phase hydrometeors and, therefore, implies that the delayed rain processes eventually lead to more surface rainfall. A numerical simulation of a typical rainfall event case over the ISMR using a spectral bin microphysical scheme coupled with the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF-SBM) model was also performed. Simulated microphysics also illustrated that the initial suppression of warm rain coupled with an increase in updraft velocity under high aerosol loading leads to enhanced super-cooled liquid droplets above freezing level and ice-phase hydrometeors, resulting in increased accumulated surface rainfall. Thus, both observational and numerical analysis suggest that high aerosol loading may induce cloud invigoration, thereby increasing surface rainfall over the ISMR. While the meteorological variability influences the strength of the observed positive association, our results suggest that the persistent aerosol-associated deepening of cloud systems and an intensification of surface rain amounts was applicable to all the meteorological sub-regimes over the ISMR. Hence, we believe that these results provide a step forward in our ability to address aerosol-cloud-rainfall associations based on satellite observations over the ISMR.
Lehahn Y., Koren I., Sharoni S., d'Ovidio F., Vardi A. & Boss E.
Nature Communications.
Spatial characteristics of phytoplankton blooms often reflect the horizontal transport properties of the oceanic turbulent flow in which they are embedded. Classically, bloom response to horizontal stirring is regarded in terms of generation of patchiness following large-scale bloom initiation. Here, using satellite observations from the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre and a simple ecosystem model, we show that the opposite scenario of turbulence dispersing and diluting fine-scale (similar to 1-100 km) nutrient-enriched water patches has the critical effect of regulating the dynamics of nutrients-phytoplankton-zooplankton ecosystems and enhancing accumulation of photosynthetic biomass in low-nutrient oceanic environments. A key factor in determining ecological and biogeochemical consequences of turbulent stirring is the horizontal dilution rate, which depends on the effective eddy diffusivity and surface area of the enriched patches. Implementation of the notion of horizontal dilution rate explains quantitatively plankton response to turbulence and improves our ability to represent ecological and biogeochemical processes in oligotrophic oceans.
Hirsch E., Koren I., Altaratz O., Levin Z. & Agassi E.
Environmental Research Letters.
A ground-based field campaign was conducted during the summer of 2011, 10 km east of the Israeli coast, aimed at studying small, warm convective clouds. During the campaign, clouds were detected on days that were predicted to be cloud-free by standard forecasting methods. Moreover, the clouds' bases were often much lower than the estimated lifting condensation level. Detailed air parcel model simulations revealed that such small non-buoyant clouds can form only if the convective motion is driven by perturbations in the relative humidity in the middle of the boundary layer, rather than by temperature perturbations near the surface. Furthermore, cloud base height exhibited weak sensitivity to the initial elevation of the parcel, suggesting that it serves as an accumulation point for many relative-humidity-perturbed thermodynamic trajectories. Such a mechanism is likely to be common under atmospheric conditions of a hot and humid boundary layer capped by a strong inversion layer.
Koren I., Tziperman E. & Feingold G.
Marine stratocumulus cloud decks are regarded as the reflectors of the climate system, returning back to space a significant part of the income solar radiation, thus cooling the atmosphere. Such clouds can exist in two stable modes, open and closed cells, for a wide range of environmental conditions. This emergent behavior of the system, and its sensitivity to aerosol and environmental properties, is captured by a set of nonlinear equations. Here, using linear stability analysis, we express the transition from steady to a limit-cycle state analytically, showing how it depends on the model parameters. We show that the control of the droplet concentration (N), the environmental carrying-capacity (H0), and the cloud recovery parameter (τ) can be linked by a single nondimensional parameter (μ=√N/(ατH0)), suggesting that for deeper clouds the transition from open (oscillating) to closed (stable fixed point) cells will occur for higher droplet concentration (i.e., higher aerosol loading). The analytical calculations of the possible states, and how they are affected by changes in aerosol and the environmental variables, provide an enhanced understanding of the complex interactions of clouds and rain.
Sixteen years of Tropical Rain Measuring Mission (TRMM) reflectivity profile data are collected for oceanic, continental, and island tropical regions within the boreal winter intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). When sorted by the rain top height (RTH), a consistent behavior emerges where the average reflectivity profiles originating at different RTHs form non-overlapping manifolds in the height-reflectivity space, excluding the brightband regions for stratiform type profiles. Based on reflectivity slope (dBZ km-1) profile characteristics and physical considerations, the profiles are divided into three classes: 1) cold profiles, which originate above the -20°C isotherm height and display convergence to a single reflectivity slope profile independent of RTH; 2) warm profiles, which originate below the 0°C isotherm height and display strong reflectivity slope dependence on RTH, with slope values per RTH linearly decreasing with decreased height; and 3) mixed profiles, which originate at the layer located in between the lowest cold rain and highest warm rain profiles and show a gradual transition from cold profile to warm profile reflectivity slope behavior. Stratiform type profiles show similarity for all regions. It is shown that the typical tropical stratiform cold rain profile can be simply parameterized given the temperature profile. Convective type profiles present larger interregional differences. Their deviation from the typical stratiform cold rain profile is used as a measure for convective intensity, where continental and island regions show larger deviations compared to oceanic ones.
Dagan G., Koren I., Altaratz O. & Heiblum R. H.
Scientific Reports.
Convective cloud formation and evolution strongly depend on environmental temperature and humidity profiles. The forming clouds change the profiles that created them by redistributing heat and moisture. Here we show that the evolution of the field's thermodynamic properties depends heavily on the concentration of aerosol, liquid or solid particles suspended in the atmosphere. Under polluted conditions, rain formation is suppressed and the non-precipitating clouds act to warm the lower part of the cloudy layer (where there is net condensation) and cool and moisten the upper part of the cloudy layer (where there is net evaporation), thereby destabilizing the layer. Under clean conditions, precipitation causes net warming of the cloudy layer and net cooling of the sub-cloud layer (driven by rain evaporation), which together act to stabilize the atmosphere with time. Previous studies have examined different aspects of the effects of clouds on their environment. Here, we offer a complete analysis of the cloudy atmosphere, spanning the aerosol effect from instability-consumption to enhancement, below, inside and above warm clouds, showing the temporal evolution of the effects. We propose a direct measure for the magnitude and sign of the aerosol effect on thermodynamic instability.
Heiblum R. H., Altaratz O., Koren I., Feingold G., Kostinski A. B., Khain A. P., Ovchinnikov M., Fredj E., Dagan G., Pinto L., Yaish R. & Chen Q.
Journal of Geophysical Research.
p. 6336-6355
We study the evolution ofwarmconvective cloud fields using large eddy simulations of continental and trade cumulus. Individual clouds are tracked a posteriori from formation to dissipation using a 3-D cloud-tracking algorithm, and results are presented in the phase space of center of gravity altitude versus cloud liquidwatermass (CvMspace). The CvMspace is shown to contain rich information on cloud field characteristics, cloud morphology, and common cloud development pathways, together facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the cloud field. In this part we show how themeteorological (thermodynamic) conditions that determine the cloud properties are projected on the CvMphase space and how changes in the initial conditions affect the clouds trajectories in this space. This part sets the stage for a detailed microphysical analysis that will be shown in part II.
Heiblum R. H., Altaratz O., Koren I., Feingold G., Kostinski A. B., Khain A. P., Ovchinnikov M., Fredj E., Dagan G., Pinto L., Yaish R. & Chen Q.
Journal of Geophysical Research.
p. 6356-6373
In Part I of this work a 3-D cloud tracking algorithm and phase space of center of gravity altitude versus cloud liquid water mass (CvM space) were introduced and described in detail. We showed how new physical insight can be gained by following cloud trajectories in the CvM space. Here this approach is used to investigate aerosol effects on cloud fields of warm cumuli. We show a clear effect of the aerosol loading on the shape and size of CvM clusters. We also find fundamental differences in the CvM space between simulations using bin versus bulk microphysical schemes, with the bin scheme precipitation expressing much higher sensitivity to changes in aerosol concentrations. Using the bin microphysical scheme, we find that the increase in cloud center of gravity altitude with increase in aerosol concentrations occurs for a wide range of cloud sizes. This is attributed to reduced sedimentation, increased buoyancy and vertical velocities, and increased environmental instability, all of which are tightly coupled to inhibition of precipitation processes and subsequent feedbacks of clouds on their environment. Many of the physical processes shown here are consistent with processes typically associated with cloud invigoration.
Mishra A. K., Rudich Y. & Koren I.
Geophysical Research Letters.
p. 2259-2266
Accurate knowledge of aerosol variability on a relatively high spatiotemporal scale is needed for better assessment of aerosol radiative effects and aerosol-climate interactions. We investigated the spatial boundaries of the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) observations over the Mediterranean basin using a statistical approach. We used 13 years (2002-2014) of aerosol optical depth (AOD) measurements from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and 15 AERONET sites around the Mediterranean basin. The gridded correlation maps show moderate to high correlations (R > 0.5) around each AERONET site up to ~200-500 km radius depending on location. Such analyses provide information on the spatial domain in which the AERONET measurements can be reliably used per site. The statistical model provides a better daytime AOD product on finer temporal resolution with higher spatial coverage as compared to using AERONET/MODIS observations separately. The findings from this study can be useful for the assimilation-based model forecasting of aerosol properties.
Gufan A., Lehahn Y., Fredj E., Price C., Kurchin R. & Koren I.
International Journal of Remote Sensing.
p. 1055-1068
Marine stratocumulus (MSC) are shallow marine boundary layer clouds that have a significant cooling contribution to the Earths radiative balance. The amplitude of this cooling effect strongly depends on the properties of closed and open cells comprising MSC cloud fields. Systematic study of the underlying processes associated with cloud cell properties requires accurate and reliable cell characterization. Here we propose a method for cell segmentation of MSC clouds as observed from geostationary satellite images. The method, which is based on watershed transformation, is found to be highly efficient in segmentation of both open and closed MSC scenes. Application of the suggested methodology over a Lagrangian framework that track the clouds as they are advected by the wind and comparison of the results between pairs of consecutive images indicate that the resulted segmentation is robust and consistent. The methodology developed in this work opens the way to systematic investigation of spatiotemporal changes in MSC cloud field properties, which will improve our understanding of MSC clouds and their role in regulating Earths radiative budget.
Tubul Y., Koren I. & Altaratz O.
Earth System Dynamics.
p. 781-788
A well-defined surface wind divergence (SWD) belt with distinct cloud properties forms over the equatorial Atlantic during the boreal summer months. This belt separates the deep convective clouds of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) from the shallow marine stratocumulus cloud decks forming over the cold-water subtropical region of the southern branch of the Hadley cell in the Atlantic. Using the QuikSCAT-SeaWinds and Aqua-MODIS instruments, we examined the large-scale spatiotemporal variability in the SWD belt during a 6-year period (2003-2008) and the related links to cloud properties over the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic SWD belt was found to be most pronounced from May to August, between the Equator and 2°N latitude. A positive correlation and a strong link were observed between formation of the SWD belt and a sharp sea-surface temperature gradient on the northern border of the cold tongue, supporting Wallace's vertical-mixing mechanism. The dominant cloud type over this region was shallow cumulus. Cloud properties were shown to be strongly linked to the formation and strength of the SWD zone. The findings will help to understand the link between ocean-atmosphere dynamics and cloud properties over this region, and suggest that the SWD zone be considered a unique cloud belt of the southern branch of the Atlantic Hadley cell.
Ben Ami Y., Altaratz O., Yair Y. & Koren I.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences.
p. 2449-2459
Thunderstorm activity takes place in the eastern Mediterranean mainly through the boreal fall and winter seasons during synoptic systems of Red Sea Trough (RST), Red Sea Trough that closed a low over the sea (RST-CL), and Cyprus Low (during fall - FCL and winter - WCL). In this work we used the Israeli Lightning Location System ground strokes data set, between October 2004 and December 2010, for studying the properties of lightning strokes and their link to the thermodynamic conditions in each synoptic system. It is shown that lightning activity dominates over sea during WCL and FCL systems (with maximum values of 1.5 in WCL, and 2.2 km-2 day-1 in FCL) and have a dominant component over land during the RST and RST-CL days. The stronger instability (high Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) values of 762 ± 457 J kg-1) during RST-CL days together with the higher altitude of the clouds' mixed-phase region (3.6 ± 0.3 km), result in a slightly higher density of ground strokes during this system but a lower fraction of positive ground strokes (3 ± 0.5 %). In general the fraction of positive strokes was found to be inversely correlated with the sea surface temperature: it increases from 1.2 % in early fall to 17.7 % in late winter, during FCL and WCL days. This change could be linked to the variation in the charge center's vertical location during those months. The diurnal cycle in the lightning activity was examined for each synoptic system. During WCL conditions, no preferred times were found through the day, as it relates to the random passage timing of the frontal systems over the study region. During the fall systems (FCL and RST-CL) there is a peak in lightning activity during the morning hours, probably related to the enhanced convection driven by the convergence between the eastern land breeze and the western synoptic winds. The distributions of peak currents in FCL and WCL systems also change from fall to winter and include more strong negative and positive strokes toward the end of the winter.
Koren I., Altaratz O. & Dagan G.
Environmental Research Letters.
104011 .
Cloud droplet mobility is referred to here as a measure of the droplets' ability to move with ambient air. We claim that an important part of the aerosol effect on convective clouds is driven by changes in droplet mobility. We show that the mass-weighted average droplet terminal velocity, defined here as the 'effective terminal velocity' (η) and its spread (ση) serve as direct measures of this effect. Moreover, we develop analytical estimations for η and to show that changes in the relative dispersion of η (ϵη = ση/η) can serve as a sensitive predictor of the onset of droplet-collection processes.
Mishra A. K., Koren I. & Rudich Y.
This study presents a theoretical investigation of the effect of the aerosol vertical distribution on the aerosol radiative effect (ARE). Four aerosol composition models (dust, polluted dust, pollution and pure scattering aerosols) with varying aerosol vertical profiles are incorporated into a radiative transfer model. The simulations show interesting spectral dependence of the ARE on the aerosol layer height. ARE increases with the aerosol layer height in the ultraviolet (UV: 0.25-0.42 mu m) and thermal-infrared (TH-IR: 4.0-20.0 mu m) regions, whereas it decreases in the visible-near infrared (VIS-NIR: 0.42-4.0 mu m) region. Changes in the ARE with aerosol layer height are associated with different dominant processes for each spectral region. The combination of molecular (Rayleigh) scattering and aerosol absorption is the key process in the UV region, whereas aerosol (Mie) scattering and atmospheric gaseous absorption are key players in the VIS-NIR region. The longwave emission fluxes are controlled by the environmental temperature at the aerosol layer level. ARE shows maximum sensitivity to the aerosol layer height in the TH-IR region, followed by the UV and VIS-NIR regions. These changes are significant even in relatively low aerosol loading cases (aerosol optical depth similar to 0.2-0.3). Dust aerosols are the most sensitive to altitude followed by polluted dust and pollution in all three different wavelength regions. Differences in the sensitivity of the aerosol type are explained by the relative strength of their spectral absorption/scattering properties. The role of surface reflectivity on the overall altitude dependency is shown to be important in the VIS-NIR and UV regions, whereas it is insensitive in the TH-IR region. Our results indicate that the vertical distribution of water vapor with respect to the aerosol layer is an important factor in the ARE estimations. Therefore, improved estimations of the water vapor profiles are needed for the further reduction in uncertainties associated with the ARE estimation.
Feingold G., Koren I., Yamaguchi T. & Kazil J.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 7351-7367
The two-way transition between closed and open cellular convection is addressed in an idealized cloud-resolving modeling framework. A series of cloud-resolving simulations shows that the transition between closed and open cellular states is asymmetrical and characterized by a rapid ("runaway") transition from the closed- to the open-cell state but slower recovery to the closed-cell state. Given that precipitation initiates the closed-open cell transition and that the recovery requires a suppression of the precipitation, we apply an ad hoc time-varying drop concentration to initiate and suppress precipitation. We show that the asymmetry in the two-way transition occurs even for very rapid drop concentration replenishment. The primary barrier to recovery is the loss in turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) associated with the loss in cloud water (and associated radiative cooling) and the vertical stratification of the boundary layer during the open-cell period. In transitioning from the open to the closed state, the system faces the task of replenishing cloud water fast enough to counter precipitation losses, such that it can generate radiative cooling and TKE. It is hampered by a stable layer below cloud base that has to be overcome before water vapor can be transported more efficiently into the cloud layer. Recovery to the closed-cell state is slower when radiative cooling is inefficient such as in the presence of free tropospheric clouds or after sunrise, when it is hampered by the absorption of shortwave radiation. Tests suggest that recovery to the closed-cell state is faster when the drizzle is smaller in amount and of shorter duration, i.e., when the precipitation causes less boundary layer stratification. Cloud-resolving model results on recovery rates are supported by simulations with a simple predator-prey dynamical system analogue. It is suggested that the observed closing of open cells by ship effluent likely occurs when aerosol intrusions are large, when contact comes prior to the heaviest drizzle in the early morning hours, and when the free troposphere is cloud free.
Fuzzi S., Baltensperger U., Carslaw K., Decesari S., van Der Gon H. D., Facchini M., Fowler D., Koren I., Langford B., Lohmann U., Nemitz E., Pandis S., Riipinen I., Rudich Y., Schaap M., Slowik J., Spracklen D., Vignati E., Wild M., Williams M. & Gilardoni S.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 8217-8299
The literature on atmospheric particulate matter (PM), or atmospheric aerosol, has increased enormously over the last 2 decades and amounts now to some 1500-2000 papers per year in the refereed literature. This is in part due to the enormous advances in measurement technologies, which have allowed for an increasingly accurate understanding of the chemical composition and of the physical properties of atmospheric particles and of their processes in the atmosphere. The growing scientific interest in atmospheric aerosol particles is due to their high importance for environmental policy. In fact, particulate matter constitutes one of the most challenging problems both for air quality and for climate change policies. In this context, this paper reviews the most recent results within the atmospheric aerosol sciences and the policy needs, which have driven much of the increase in monitoring and mechanistic research over the last 2 decades. The synthesis reveals many new processes and developments in the science underpinning climate-aerosol interactions and effects of PM on human health and the environment. However, while airborne particulate matter is responsible for globally important influences on premature human mortality, we still do not know the relative importance of the different chemical components of PM for these effects. Likewise, the magnitude of the overall effects of PM on climate remains highly uncertain. Despite the uncertainty there are many things that could be done to mitigate local and global problems of atmospheric PM. Recent analyses have shown that reducing black carbon (BC) emissions, using known control measures, would reduce global warming and delay the time when anthropogenic effects on global temperature would exceed 2°C. Likewise, cost-effective control measures on ammonia, an important agricultural precursor gas for secondary inorganic aerosols (SIA), would reduce regional eutrophication and PM concentrations in large areas of Europe, China and the USA. Thus, there is much that could be done to reduce the effects of atmospheric PM on the climate and the health of the environment and the human population. A prioritized list of actions to mitigate the full range of effects of PM is currently undeliverable due to shortcomings in the knowledge of aerosol science; among the shortcomings, the roles of PM in global climate and the relative roles of different PM precursor sources and their response to climate and land use change over the remaining decades of this century are prominent. In any case, the evidence from this paper strongly advocates for an integrated approach to air quality and climate policies.
Dagan G., Koren I. & Altaratz O.
Geophysical Research Letters.
p. 4590-4598
Warm rain production as the end result of all clouds' processes is highly affected by aerosol loading and properties. Here an axisymmetric bin microphysics cloud model is used to study the aerosol's effects on the competition and synergy between processes in a single convective cloud, to provide a baseline for studies of aerosol effects on cloud fields. A new measure that considers the timing of processes is suggested for evaluating the optimal conditions for maximum rain yield. These conditions are linked to an optimal aerosol concentration (Nrain-op), which drives similar time intervals to maximum collected mass and to maximum vertical development. Nrain-op is a function of cloud size and thermodynamic conditions. Giant cloud condensation nuclei (GCCN) impact was shown before to precede the initiation of collision-coalescence and to increase the amount of rain from polluted clouds. Here we show that the GCCN effect is important only under aerosol conditions above Nrain-op.
Sharoni S., Trainic M., Schatz D., Lehahn Y., Flores M. J., Bidle K. D., Ben-Dor S., Rudich Y., Koren I. & Vardi A.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
p. 6643-6647
Marine viruses constitute a major ecological and evolutionary driving force in the marine ecosystems. However, their dispersal mechanisms remain underexplored. Here we follow the dynamics of Emiliania huxleyi viruses (EhV) that infect the ubiquitous, bloom-forming phytoplankton E. huxleyi and show that EhV are emitted to the atmosphere as primary marine aerosols. Using a laboratory-based setup, we showed that the dynamic of EhV aerial emission is strongly coupled to the host-virus dynamic in the culture media. In addition, we recovered EhV DNA from atmospheric samples collected over an E. huxleyi bloom in the North Atlantic, providing evidence for aerosolization of marine viruses in their natural environment. Decay rate analysis in the laboratory revealed that aerosolized viruses can remain infective under meteorological conditions prevailing during E. huxleyi blooms in the ocean, allowing potential dispersal and infectivity over hundreds of kilometers. Based on the combined laboratory and in situ findings, we propose that atmospheric transport of EhV is an effective transmission mechanism for spreading viral infection over large areas in the ocean. This transmission mechanism may also have an important ecological impact on the large-scale host-virus "arms race" during bloom succession and consequently the turnover of carbon in the ocean.
Mishra A. K., Lehahn Y., Rudich Y. & Koren I.
Atmospheric Environment.
p. 97-104
The Amazon basin is a hot spot of anthropogenically-driven biomass burning, accounting for approximately 15% of total global fire emissions. It is essential to accurately measure these fires for robust regional and global modeling of key environmental processes. Here we have explored the link between spatio-temporal variability patterns in the Amazon basin's fires and the resulting smoke loading using 11 years (2002-2012) of data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) observations. Focusing on the peak burning season (July-October), our analysis shows strong inter-annual correlation between aerosol optical depth (AOD) and two MODIS fire products: fire radiative power (FRP) and fire pixel counts (FC). Among these two fire products, the FC better indicates the amount of smoke in the basin, as represented in remotely sensed AOD data. This fire product is significantly correlated both with regional AOD retrievals from MODIS and with point AOD measurements from the AERONET stations, pointing to spatial homogenization of the smoke over the basin on a seasonal time scale. However, MODIS AODs are found better than AERONET AODs observation for linking between smoke and fire. Furthermore, MODIS AOD measurements are strongly correlated with number of fires ~10-20 to the east, most likely due to westward advection of smoke by the wind. These results can be rationalized by the regional topography and the wind regimes. Our analysis can improve data assimilation of satellite and ground-based observations into regional and global model studies, thus improving the assessment of the environmental and climatic impacts of frequency and distribution variability of the Amazon basin's fires. We also provide the optimal spatial and temporal scales for ground-based observations, which could be used for such applications.
Hirsch E., Koren I., Altaratz O. & Agassi E.
Environmental Research Letters.
A ground-based field campaign was conducted over the summer of 2011 in Israel to measure the properties of small warm clouds. The horizontal size distribution for cloud sizes of 503000 m is presented, with a special focus on the properties of the smallest clouds (liquid water path
Dagan G., Koren I. & Altaratz O.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 2749-2760
How do changes in the amount and properties of aerosol affect warm clouds? Recent studies suggest that they have opposing effects. Some suggest that an increase in aerosol loading leads to enhanced evaporation and therefore smaller clouds, whereas other studies suggest clouds' invigoration. In this study, using an axisymmetric bin-microphysics cloud model, we propose a theoretical scheme that analyzes the evolution of key processes in warm clouds, under different aerosol loading and environmental conditions, to explain this contradiction. Such an analysis of the key processes reveals a robust reversal in the trend of the clouds' response to an increase in aerosol loading. When aerosol conditions are shifted from superpristine to slightly polluted, the clouds formed are deeper and have larger water mass. Such a trend continues up to an optimal concentration (Nop) that allows the cloud to achieve a maximal water mass. Hence, for any concentration below Nop the cloud formed contains less mass and therefore can be considered as aerosol-limited, whereas for concentrations greater thanNop cloud periphery processes, such as enhanced entrainment and evaporation, take over leading to cloud suppression. We show that Nop is a function of the thermodynamic conditions (temperature and humidity profiles). Thus, profiles that favor deeper clouds would dictate larger values of Nop, whereas for profiles of shallow convective clouds, Nop corresponds to the pristine range of the aerosol loading. Such a view of a trend reversal, marked by the optimal concentration, Nop, helps one to bridge the gap between the contradictory results of numerical models and observations. Satellite studies are biased in favor of larger clouds that are characterized by larger Nop values and therefore invigoration is observed. On the other hand, modeling studies of cloud fields are biased in favor of small, mostly trade-like convective clouds, which are characterized by low Nop values (in the pristine range) and, therefore, cloud suppression is mostly reported as a response to an increase in aerosol loading.
Tas E., Teller A., Altaratz O., Axisa D., Bruintjes R., Levin Z. & Koren I.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 2009-2017
Flight data measured in warm convective clouds near Istanbul in June 2008 were used to investigate the relative dispersion of cloud droplet size distribution. The relative dispersion (ε), defined as the ratio between the standard deviation (σ) of the cloud droplet size distribution and cloud droplet average radius (〈r〉), is a key factor in regional and global models. The relationship between ε and the clouds' microphysical and thermodynamic characteristics is examined. The results show that ε is constrained with average values in the range of ∼0.25-0.35. ε is shown not to be correlated with cloud droplet concentration or liquid water content (LWC). However, ε variance is shown to be sensitive to droplet concentration and LWC, suggesting smaller variability of ε in the clouds' most adiabatic regions. A criterion for use of in situ airborne measurement data for calculations of statistical moments (used in bulk microphysical schemes), based on the evaluation of ε, is suggested.
van Creveld S. G., Rosenwasser S., Schatz D., Koren I. & Vardi A.
ISME Journal.
p. 385-395
Diatoms are ubiquitous marine photosynthetic eukaryotes that are responsible for about 20% of global photosynthesis. Nevertheless, little is known about the redox-based mechanisms that mediate diatom sensing and acclimation to environmental stress. Here we used a redox-sensitive green fluorescent protein sensor targeted to various subcellular organelles in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, to map the spatial and temporal oxidation patterns in response to environmental stresses. Specific organelle oxidation patterns were found in response to various stress conditions such as oxidative stress, nutrient limitation and exposure to diatom-derived infochemicals. We found a strong correlation between the mitochondrial glutathione (GSH) redox potential (E GSH) and subsequent induction of cell death in response to the diatom-derived unsaturated aldehyde 2E,4E/Z-decadienal (DD), and a volatile halocarbon (BrCN) that mediate trophic-level interactions in marine diatoms. Induction of cell death in response to DD was mediated by oxidation of mitochondrial E GSH and was reversible by application of GSH only within a narrow time frame. We found that cell fate can be accurately predicted by a distinct life-death threshold of mitochondrial E GSH (-335 mV). We propose that compartmentalized redox-based signaling can integrate the input of diverse environmental cues and will determine cell fate decisions as part of algal acclimation to stress conditions.
Snider G., Weagle C. L., Martin R. V., van Donkelaar D. A., Conrad K., Cunningham D., Gordon C., Zwicker M., Akoshile C., Artaxo P., Anh N. X., Brook J., Dong J., Garland R. M., Greenwald R., Griffith D., He K., Holben B. N., Kahn R., Koren I., Lagrosas N., Lestari P., Ma Z., Martins J. V., Quel E. J., Rudich Y., Salam A., Tripathi S. N., Yu C., Zhang Q., Zhang Y., Brauer M., Cohen A., Gibson M. D. & Liu Y.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques.
p. 505-521
Ground-based observations have insufficient spatial coverage to assess long-term human exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) at the global scale. Satellite remote sensing offers a promising approach to provide information on both short-and long-term exposure to PM2.5 at local-to-global scales, but there are limitations and outstanding questions about the accuracy and precision with which ground-level aerosol mass concentrations can be inferred from satellite remote sensing alone. A key source of uncertainty is the global distribution of the relationship between annual average PM2.5 and discontinuous satellite observations of columnar aerosol optical depth (AOD). We have initiated a global network of ground-level monitoring stations designed to evaluate and enhance satellite remote sensing estimates for application in health-effects research and risk assessment. This Surface PARTiculate mAtter Network (SPARTAN) includes a global federation of ground-level monitors of hourly PM2.5 situated primarily in highly populated regions and collocated with existing ground-based sun photometers that measure AOD. The instruments, a three-wavelength nephelometer and impaction filter sampler for both PM2.5 and PM10, are highly autonomous. Hourly PM2.5 concentrations are inferred from the combination of weighed filters and nephelometer data. Data from existing networks were used to develop and evaluate network sampling characteristics. SPARTAN filters are analyzed for mass, black carbon, water-soluble ions, and metals. These measurements provide, in a variety of regions around the world, the key data required to evaluate and enhance satellite-based PM2.5 estimates used for assessing the health effects of aerosols. Mean PM2.5 concentrations across sites vary by more than 1 order of magnitude. Our initial measurements indicate that the ratio of AOD to ground-level PM2.5 is driven temporally and spatially by the vertical profile in aerosol scattering. Spatially this ratio is also strongly influenced by the mass scattering efficiency.
Frada M. J., Schatz D., Farstey V., Ossolinski J. E., Sabanay H., Ben-Dor S., Koren I. & Vardi A.
Current Biology.
p. 2592-2597
Summary Marine viruses are recognized as a major driving force regulating phytoplankton community composition and nutrient cycling in the oceans [1, 2]. Yet, little is known about mechanisms that influence viral dispersal in aquatic systems, other than physical processes, and that lead to the rapid demise of large-scale algal blooms in the oceans [3, 4]. Here, we show that copepods, abundant migrating crustaceans that graze on phytoplankton [5, 6], as well as other zooplankton can accumulate and mediate the transmission of viruses infecting Emiliania huxleyi, a bloom-forming coccolithophore that plays an important role in the carbon cycle [7, 8]. We detected by PCR that >80% of copepods collected during a North Atlantic E. huxleyi bloom carried E. huxleyi virus (EhV) DNA. We demonstrated by isolating a new infectious EhV strain from a copepod microbiome that these viruses are infectious. We further showed that EhVs can accumulate in high titers within zooplankton guts during feeding or can be adsorbed to their surface. Subsequently, EhV can be dispersed by detachment or via viral-dense fecal pellets over a period of 1 day postfeeding on EhV-infected algal cells, readily infecting new host populations. Intriguingly, the passage through zooplankton guts prolonged EhV's half-life of infectivity by 35%, relative to free virions in seawater, potentially enhancing viral transmission. We propose that zooplankton, swimming through topographically adjacent phytoplankton micropatches and migrating daily over large areas across physically separated water masses [9-11], can serve as viral vectors, boosting host-virus contact rates and potentially accelerating the demise of large-scale phytoplankton blooms.
Lehahn Y., Koren I., Schatz D., Frada M., Sheyn U., Boss E., Efrati S., Rudich Y., Trainic M., Sharoni S., Laber C., DiTullio G. R., Coolen M. J. L., Martins A. M., Van Mooy M. B. A. S., Bidle K. D. & Vardi A.
Current Biology.
p. 2041-2046
Phytoplankton blooms are ephemeral events of exceptionally high primary productivity that regulate the flux of carbon across marine food webs [1-3]. Quantification of bloom turnover [4] is limited by a fundamental difficulty to decouple between physical and biological processes as observed by ocean color satellite data. This limitation hinders the quantification of bloom demise and its regulation by biological processes [5, 6], which has important consequences on the efficiency of the biological pump of carbon to the deep ocean [7-9]. Here, we address this challenge and quantify algal blooms turnover using a combination of satellite and in situ data, which allows identification of a relatively stable oceanic patch that is subject to little mixing with its surroundings. Using a newly developed multisatellite Lagrangian diagnostic, we decouple the contributions of physical and biological processes, allowing quantification of a complete life cycle of a mesoscale (w10-100 km) bloom of coccolithophores in the North Atlantic, from exponential growth to its rapid demise. We estimate the amount of organic carbon produced during the bloom to be in the order of 24,000 tons, of which two-thirds were turned over within 1 week. Complimentary in situ measurements of the same patch area revealed high levels of specific viruses infecting coccolithophore cells, therefore pointing at the importance of viral infection as a possible mortality agent. Application of the newly developed satellite-based approaches opens the way for large-scale quantification of the impact of diverse environmental stresses on the fate of phytoplankton blooms and derived carbon in the ocean.
Hirsch E., Koren I., Levin Z., Altaratz O. & Agassi E.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 9001-9012
A recent field campaign was conducted to measure the properties of thin, warm convective clouds forming under conditions of weak updrafts. During the campaign, short-lived clouds (on the order of minutes) with droplets' effective radius of 1-2 mum and low liquid water path (∼ 500 mg m2) were measured. These low values are puzzling, since in most studies an effective radius of 4 Î1/4m is reported to serve as the lower bound for clouds. A theoretical cloud model designed to resolve the droplet-activation process suggested conditions that favor the formation of such clouds. Here we show that these clouds, which mark the transition from haze to cloud, are highly sensitive to the magnitude of the initial perturbation that initiated them. We define these clouds as "transition-zone clouds". The existence of such clouds poses a key challenge for the analysis of atmospheric observations and models, since they "further smooth" the transition from dry aerosol through haze pockets to cumulus clouds.
Wollner U., Koren I., Altaratz O. & Remer L.
Environmental Research Letters.
Cirrus clouds are known to play a key role in the climate system, but their overall effect on Earth's radiation budget is not yet fully quantified. The uncertainties are, in part, due to ambiguities in cirrus extent or coverage. Here we show that despite careful filtering of cloudy pixels, cirrus clouds have a clear statistical signature. This signature can be estimated by the proximity to detectable cirrus clouds. Such a residual signature can affect retrievals that rely on a cloud-free atmosphere, such as aerosol optical depth (AOD) or sea surface temperature. Analyzing MODIS raw-data and products, we show a clear increase in the reflectance when approaching detectable cirrus clouds. We estimated a mean increase in AOD of 0.03 ± 0.01 and a decrease in the Angstrom-exponent of -0.22 ± 0.20 in the first kilometer around detectable cirrus. The effect decays tenfold at a typical distance of 5.5 ± 1.8 km. Such trends confirm the contribution of large particles that are likely to be ice crystals to the so-called cloud-free atmosphere near detectable cirrus clouds.
Lee S. S., Feingold G., McComiskey A., Yamaguchi T., Koren I., Vanderlei Martins J. & Yu H.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.
p. 9948-9964
This study examines the effect of spatial gradients in biomass burning (BB) aerosol on mesoscale circulations and clouds in the Amazon through high-resolution numerical modeling over areas of 30 km to 60 km. Inhomogeneous horizontal distribution of BB aerosol results in differential surface heat fluxes and radiative heating of the air, which generates circulation patterns that strongly influence cloud formation. The influence on air circulation and cumulus cloud formation depends on the BB aerosol loading, its vertical location, and the width of the plume. Plumes that reside at higher altitudes (~1.5 km altitude) produce monotonic responses to aerosol loading whereas the response to plumes close to the surface changes nonmonotonically with plume width and aerosol loading. Sensitivity tests highlight the importance of interactive calculations of surface latent and heat fluxes with a coupled land surface model. In the case of the plume residing at higher altitude, failure to use interactive fluxes results in a reversal of the circulation whereas for the plume residing nearer the surface, the interactive surface model weakens the circulation. The influence of the BB aerosol on heating patterns, circulations, surface fluxes, and resultant cloud amount prevails over the BB aerosol-cloud microphysical influences.
Mishra A. K., Klingmueller K., Fredj E., Lelieveld J., Rudich Y. & Koren I.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 7213-7231
The effects of absorbing aerosols on the atmospheric radiation budget and dynamics over the eastern Mediterranean region are studied using satellites and ground-based observations, and radiative transfer model calculations, under summer conditions. Climatology of aerosol optical depth (AOD), single scattering albedo (SSA) and size parameters were analyzed using multi-year (1999-2012) observations from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) and AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET). Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP)-derived aerosol vertical distributions and their classifications are used to calculate the AOD of four dominant aerosol types: dust, polluted dust, polluted continental, and marine aerosol over the region. The seasonal mean (June-August 2010) AODs are 0.22 ± 0.02, 0.11 ± 0.04, 0.10 ± 0.04 and 0.06 ± 0.01 for polluted dust, polluted continental, dust and marine aerosol, respectively. Changes in the atmospheric temperature profile as a function of absorbing aerosol loading were derived for the same period using observations from the AIRS satellite. We inferred heating rates in the aerosol layer of ∼1.7 ± 0.8 K dayg-1 between 925 and 850 hPa, which is attributed to aerosol absorption of incoming solar radiation. Radiative transfer model (RTM) calculations show significant atmospheric warming for dominant absorbing aerosol over the region. A maximum atmospheric forcing of +16.7 ± 7.9 Wm-2 is calculated in the case of polluted dust, followed by dust (+9.4 ± 4.9 Wm-2) and polluted continental (+6.4 ± 4.5 Wm-2). RTM-derived heating rate profiles for dominant absorbing aerosol show warming of 0.1-0.9 K day-1 in the aerosol layer (< 3.0 km altitudes), which primarily depend on AODs of the different aerosol types. Diabatic heating due to absorbing aerosol stabilizes the lower atmosphere, which could significantly reduce the atmospheric ventilation. These conditions can enhance the "pollution pool" over the eastern Mediterranean.
Heiblum R., Koren I. & Feingold G.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 6063-6074
During the dry season the Amazon forest is frequently covered by shallow cumulus clouds fields, referred to here as forest cumulus (FCu). These clouds are shown to be sensitive to land cover and exhibit a high level of spatial organization. In this study we use satellite data to perform a morphological classification and examine the link between FCu cloud field occurrence and the enhanced vegetation index (EVI), which is commonly used as a measure for forest density and productivity. Although weaker than first-order effects of meteorology, a clear positive linear relation between EVI (i.e., surface properties) and FCu field occurrence is seen over forest land cover, implying a strong coupling between forest surface fluxes and the cloud organization above. Over non-forest land cover the relationship between EVI and FCu occurrence is nonlinear, showing a reduction of FCu for high EVI values. We find that forest to non-forest transition zones display a superposition of the two different land cover dependencies.
Altaratz O., Koren I., Remer L. A. & Hirsch E.
Atmospheric Research.
p. 38-60
The cloud invigoration effect refers here to the link between an increase in aerosol loading and deepening of convective clouds. The effect can be reflected also in a larger cloud fraction and an increase in the condensate mass that is distributed higher in the atmospheric column. Identifying the invigoration effect by aerosols requires attributing certain changes in cloud dynamics to changes in cloud microphysics. More than 10. years of extensive research using data collected in field experiments, analysis of satellite measurements and the employment of state-of-the-art numerical models have been used in an attempt to study this elusive phenomenon. Despite these intensive efforts, the validity of the invigoration effect and the possibility of climate responses to this effect are still considered to be open questions. In this review observational evidence and modeling results for cloud invigoration are discussed. Studies that indicate convective cloud invigoration effects, as well as studies that suggest no or even opposite effects are summarized. A coherent physical mechanism that describes a chain of processes that takes place under the proper conditions in the core of a convective cloud provides explanation for the "ideal" case of invigoration reported by observations and numerical modeling, while the competition between core-based vs. margin-based processes explains the cases that deviate from the "ideal". Because convective clouds play a key role in the Earth's radiation balance, in the water cycle and atmospheric circulations, invigoration implies possible consequences at scales ranging from a single cloud up to the global.
Do aerosols affect lightning?: A global study of a relation between aerosol optical depth and cloud to ground lightning
Kucienska B., Raga G. B., Koren I. & Altaratz O.
The effects of aerosol particles on precipitation have been studied for several decades and it was shown that aerosols can either increase or decrease precipitation, depending on local thermodynamical, dynamical and microphysical conditions. The effect of aerosol particles on the electrification of storms and lightning production is less known; however, since precipitation and lightning in deep convective clouds are generated by the same physical processes, it can be expected that aerosol particles would also influence lightning. Recent local analyses of several regions of the earth indicate that the aerosol optical depth (AOD) is positively correlated with lightning density. Here, we explore this relationship globally for the four seasons of the year 2012. We use AOD data derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on the Aqua satellite. Cloud to ground lightning events (those with the strongest peak currents) were recorded by the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN); the flashes were summed between 12:00 and 18:00 local time. The relation between lightning and AOD was studied separately for several ranges of the convective available potential energy (CAPE) and the vertical velocity in pressure coordinates (?). The CAPE and ? values were provided by NCEP Climate Forecast System. We show that over most of the continents the increase in AOD is related to an increase in lightning density for all the seasons. There are some large regions of the planet (Amazonian forest, southern Africa, Mexico, USA, northern Australia, Europe) where this correlation is evident. For these regions up to 500% more lightning flashes were registered on moderately polluted days compared to clean days. Also some coastal oceanic regions exhibit high correlations between both variables. The data over the oceanic regions located far away from the coastlines are scarce and no clear relationship between AOD and lightning is observed. A possible reason for the observed correlation between AOD and lightning densities could be meteorological conditions that can influence both variables in a similar way (such as instability conditions). However, the analysis of the correlation between lightning and AOD for different CAPE and ? ranges indicates that, independently of instability conditions, there are more lightning flashes registered on polluted days than on clean days. These results point toward a positive influence of aerosol loading on lightning production for moderately polluted atmosphere.
Koren I., Dagan G. & Altaratz O.
p. 1143-1146
Among all cloud-aerosol interactions, the invigoration effect is the most elusive. Most of the studies that do suggest this effect link it to deep convective clouds with a warm base and cold top. Here, we provide evidence from observations and numerical modeling of a dramatic aerosol effect on warm clouds.We propose that convective-cloud invigoration by aerosols can be viewed as an extension of the concept of aerosol-limited clouds, where cloud development is limited by the availability of cloud-condensation nuclei. A transition from pristine to slightly polluted atmosphere yields estimated negative forcing of ~ 15 watts per square meter (cooling), suggesting that a substantial part of this anthropogenic forcing over the oceans occurred at the beginning of the industrial era, when the marine atmosphere experienced such transformation.
Adler G., Koop T., Haspel C., Taraniuk I., Moise T., Koren I., Heiblum R. H. & Rudich Y.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
p. 20414-20419
The cycling of atmospheric aerosols through clouds can change their chemical and physical properties and thus modify how aerosols affect cloud microphysics and, subsequently, precipitation and climate. Current knowledge about aerosol processing by clouds is rather limited to chemical reactions within water droplets in warm low-altitude clouds. However, in cold high-altitude cirrus clouds and anvils of high convective clouds in the tropics and midlatitudes, humidified aerosols freeze to form ice, which upon exposure to subsaturation conditions with respect to ice can sublimate, leaving behind residual modified aerosols. This freezedrying process can occur in various types of clouds. Here we simulate an atmospheric freeze-drying cycle of aerosols in laboratory experiments using proxies for atmospheric aerosols. We find that aerosols that contain organic material that undergo such a process can form highly porous aerosol particles with a larger diameter and a lower density than the initial homogeneous aerosol. We attribute this morphology change to phase separation upon freezing followed by a glass transition of the organic material that can preserve a porous structure after ice sublimation. A porous structure may explain the previously observed enhancement in ice nucleation efficiency of glassy organic particles. We find that highly porous aerosol particles scatter solar light less efficiently than nonporous aerosol particles. Using a combination of satellite and radiosonde data, we show that highly porous aerosol formation can readily occur in highly convective clouds, which are widespread in the tropics and midlatitudes. These observations may have implications for subsequent cloud formation cycles and aerosol albedo near cloud edges.
Feingold G. & Koren I.
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics.
p. 1011-1021
We simulate the aerosol-cloud-precipitation system as a collection of cloud elements, each coupled through physically based interactions with adjacent clouds. The equations describing the individual clouds follow from the predator-prey model of Koren and Feingold (2011) with the addition of coupling terms that derive from the flow of air between the components resulting from surface divergence or convergence of flows associated with the life cycle of an individual cell. It is shown that some degree of coupling might stabilize clouds that would ordinarily become unstable. Varying the degree of coupling strength has significant influence on the system. For weak coupling, the clouds behave as independent oscillators with little influence on one another. As the local coupling strength increases, a point is reached at which the system becomes highly synchronized, similar to the Sakaguchi et al. (1987) model. Individual cloud oscillators in close proximity to one another can be both in-phase or out-of-phase depending on the choice of the time constant for the delay in communication between components. For the case considered, further increases in coupling strength result in reduced order and eventually unstable growth. Finally it is demonstrated that the set of coupled oscillators mimics qualitatively the spatial structure and synchronized behaviour of both closed and open-cellular cloud fields observed in satellite imagery, and produced by numerically intensive large eddy simulation.
Altaratz O., Bar-Or R. Z., Wollner U. & Koren I.
Environmental Research Letters.
The hygroscopic growth of aerosols is controlled by the relative humidity (RH) and changes the aerosols' physical and hence optical properties. Observational studies of aerosol-cloud interactions evaluate the aerosol concentration using optical parameters, such as the aerosol optical depth (AOD), which can be affected by aerosol humidification. In this study we evaluate the RH background and variance values, in the lower cloudy atmosphere, an additional source of variance in AOD values beside the natural changes in aerosol concentration. In addition, we estimate the bias in RH and AOD, related to cloud thickness. This provides the much needed range of RH-related biases in studies of aerosol-cloud interaction. Twelve years of radiosonde measurements (June-August) in thirteen globally distributed stations are analyzed. The estimated non-biased AOD variance due to day-to-day changes in RH is found to be around 20% and the biases linked to cloud development around 10%. Such an effect is important and should be considered in direct and indirect aerosol effect estimations but it is inadequate to account for most of the AOD trend found in observational studies of aerosol-cloud interactions.
Koren I. & Feingold G.
Scientific Reports.
Shallow marine clouds appear in two formations-open cells that are weakly reflective and closed cells that are more reflective and hence more effective at cooling the climate system. Lagrangian satellite data analysis reveals that open cells oscillate, forming and disappearing with a periodicity of ∼3 hours. In contrast, closed cells maintain rigid structures for periods of more than 10 hours, suggesting that self-organisation breaks the link between the lifetime and the scale of a convective entity. These dynamical states are linked to two theoretical solutions of population dynamics.
Bar-Or R. Z., Koren I., Altaratz O. & Fredj E.
Atmospheric Research.
p. 280-294
The remotely sensed aerosol retrievals in the transition zone between clouds and clear sky ("the twilight zone") are affected by aerosol humidification, undetectable clouds, and complex cloud radiative 3D effects. Recent studies that have estimated this total effect, found a strong exponential dependence of the aerosol retrievals on the distance from the nearest cloud, up to 30. km. In this study, we estimate the net effect of aerosol humidification on the aerosol optical depth (AOD) and aerosol fine-mode fraction (FMF). For this purpose, a new parameterization of the relative humidity (RH) as a function of the distance from the nearest cloud is presented, and calculated for shallow warm Cumulus cloud fields, based on large eddy simulation results. The results show an exponential increase in the relative humidity near clouds, from its background values (far from clouds), with an e-fold exponential distance scale of 90-300. m from the cloud edge. This finding suggests that at least for warm Cumulus cloud fields, the variations of the mean RH values are negligible at distances larger than ~. 0.5. km from clouds, when taking into account humidification effects and therefore, the total effect of the twilight zone on aerosol retrievals is not dominated by aerosol humidification at distances of 0.5-30. km from clouds.Closer examination of the aerosol humidification effect on aerosol retrievals near clouds is then presented, using a radiative transfer model (SHDOM). We estimate the sensitivity of humidified aerosol retrievals to the physical aerosol properties. We show that the humidified aerosol optical depth (AOD) is constantly increasing near clouds, for all aerosol types and size distributions, due to aerosol hygroscopic growth. On the contrary, the humidified aerosol fine-mode fraction (FMF) is found to be sensitive to the aerosol physical properties, showing variant shapes near clouds.
Tas E., Koren I. & Altaratz O.
Geophysical Research Letters.
Relative dispersion (ε), defined as the ratio between cloud droplet size distribution width (σ) and cloud droplet average radius (r), is a key factor used to parameterize various cloud processes in global circulation models (GCMs) and bulk microphysical scheme models (BSMs). Recent studies indicate that the impact of aerosol loading (N) and atmospheric thermodynamic conditions on are far from fully understood. Currently, a fixed value per hydrometeor type is used in most BSMs and GCMs, which imposes significant limitations on our ability to model and predict cloud processes and their impact on the environment, on regional to global scales. In this study, we use a detailed bin microphysics single cloud model to investigate the combined impact of atmospheric thermodynamic conditions and N on , in warm cumulus clouds. As initial conditions, we used different lapse-rates combined with 8 scenarios of aerosol loading, representing very clean (N = 25 cm-3) to heavily polluted (N = 1600 cm-3) conditions. Moreover, the results are analyzed per cloud evolutionary stage according to the dominance of microphysical processes. The use of this method indicated a different pattern of ε at each stage. Specifically, during the mature stage fitting of ε to rv is relatively resilient to changes in the environmental conditions. Such findings suggest a new view of the effect of aerosols on clouds, via changes in the cloud evolution patterns and a new approach to parameterization of ε based on rv, which can significantly improve the prediction of cloud processes by GCMs and BSMs.
Heiblum R. H., Koren I. & Altaratz O.
Geophysical Research Letters.
Much of the recent focus regarding aerosol effects on convective clouds and rain patterns has been on the possible invigoration of convective clouds by aerosols. Here we approach the issue using new methods, as rain vertical profiles' center of gravity (RCOG) and spread (RS) from TRMM are combined with aerosol optical depth (AOD) measurements from MODIS to examine this effect in various marine regions worldwide. Careful attention is also given to the meteorological, spatial and temporal variance in each region, as we try to extract and isolate the regional aerosol effect out of the dominant dynamic forcing. We show that for the majority of cases, high AOD values are correlated with higher RCOG and larger RS, indicating significant invigoration of the rain vertical distribution by aerosols.
Davidi A., Kostinski A. B., Koren I. & Lehahn Y.
Geophysical Research Letters.
Aerosols absorb solar radiation thus changing the atmospheric temperature profile but the overall magnitude of this effect is not known. To that end, Saharan dust emissions over the Atlantic Ocean provide an opportunity to examine aerosol-related heating via satellite imaging. A major difficulty, however, is disentangling a straightforward heating signal caused by the absorbing dust from a meteorological signal, which originates from correlation between dust concentration and air temperature. To tackle the problem, we combine temperature (T) soundings, from the atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS), with aerosol optical depth (τ) measurements, from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS), and data assimilation results from the global data assimilation system (GDAS). We introduce the quantity β(P) ∂T P/∂τ, the subscript indicating temperature at a given pressure, and study the observed (AIRS) vs. modeled (GDAS) vertical profiles of β(P). Using the vertical as well as horizontal patterns of β(P) and Δ(P) βobs.-βmodl., we avoid instrumental and geographic artifacts and extract a remarkably robust radiative heating signal of about 2-4K within the dust layer. The extracted signal peaks over the mid-Atlantic Ocean, as a result of competing trends: "memory" of the dust source in the east, and mixing with transparent aerosol in the west.
Koren I., Altaratz O., Remer L. A., Feingold G., Martins J. V. & Heiblum R. H.
Nature Geoscience.
p. 118-122
Atmospheric aerosols affect cloud properties, and thereby the radiation balance of the planet and the water cycle. However, the influence of aerosols on clouds, and in particular on precipitation, is far from understood 1, and seems to depend on factors such as location, season 2 and the spatiotemporal scale of the analysis. Here, we examine the relationship between aerosol abundance and rain rate-a key factor in climate and hydrological processes-using rain data from a satellite-based instrument sensitive to stronger rain rates (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission 3, TRMM), aerosol and cloud property data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer onboard the Aqua satellite 4,5 and meteorological information from the Global Data Assimilation System 6. We show that for a range of conditions, increases in aerosol abundance are associated with the local intensification of rain rates detected by the TRMM. The relationship is apparent over both the ocean and land, and in the tropics, subtropics and mid-latitudes. Further work is needed to determine how aerosols influence weaker rain rates, not picked up in the analysis. We also find that increases in aerosol levels are associated with a rise in cloud-top height. We suggest that the invigoration of clouds and the intensification of rain rates is a preferred response to an increase in aerosol concentration.
Flores J. M., Bar-Or R. Z., Bluvshtein N., Abo-Riziq A., Kostinski A. B., Borrmann S., Koren I. & Rudich Y.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 5511-5521
One of the major uncertainties in the understanding of Earth's climate system is the interaction between solar radiation and aerosols in the atmosphere. Aerosols exposed to high humidity will change their chemical, physical, and optical properties due to their increased water content. To model hydrated aerosols, atmospheric chemistry and climate models often use the volume weighted mixing rule to predict the complex refractive index (RI) of aerosols when they interact with high relative humidity, and, in general, assume homogeneous mixing. This study explores the validity of these assumptions. A humidified cavity ring down aerosol spectrometer (CRD-AS) and a tandem hygroscopic DMA (differential mobility analyzer) are used to measure the extinction coefficient and hygroscopic growth factors of humidified aerosols, respectively. The measurements are performed at 80% and 90%RH at wavelengths of 532 nm and 355 nm using size-selected aerosols with different degrees of absorption; from purely scattering to highly absorbing particles. The ratio of the humidified to the dry extinction coefficients (fRH ext(%RH, Dry)) is measured and compared to theoretical calculations based on Mie theory. Using the measured hygroscopic growth factors and assuming homogeneous mixing, the expected RIs using the volume weighted mixing rule are compared to the RIs derived from the extinction measurements. We found a weak linear dependence or no dependence of fRH(%RH, Dry) with size for hydrated absorbing aerosols in contrast to the non-monotonically decreasing behavior with size for purely scattering aerosols. No discernible difference could be made between the two wavelengths used. Less than 7% differences were found between the real parts of the complex refractive indices derived and those calculated using the volume weighted mixing rule, and the imaginary parts had up to a 20% difference. However, for substances with growth factor less than 1.15 the volume weighted mixing rule assumption needs to be taken with caution as the imaginary part of the complex RI can be underestimated.
Hirsch E., Agassi E. & Koren I.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques.
p. 851-871
Clouds play a critical role in the Earth's radiative budget as they modulate the atmosphere by reflecting shortwave solar radiation and absorbing long wave IR radiation emitted by the Earth's surface. Although extensively studied for decades, cloud modelling in global circulation models is far from adequate, mostly due to insufficient spatial resolution of the circulation models. In addition, measurements of cloud properties still need improvement, since the vast majority of remote sensing techniques are focused in relatively large, thick clouds. In this study, we utilize ground based hyperspectral measurements and analysis to explore very thin water clouds. These clouds are characterized by liquid water path (LWP) that spans from as high as similar to 50g m(-2) and down to 65 mg m(-2) with a minimum of about 0.01 visible optical depth. The retrieval methodology relies on three elements: a detailed radiative transfer calculations in the longwave IR regime, signal enhancement by subtraction of a clear sky reference, and spectral matching method which exploits fine spectral differences between water droplets of different radii. A detailed description of the theoretical basis for the retrieval technique is provided along with a comprehensive discussion regarding its limitations. The proposed methodology was validated in a controlled experiment where artificial clouds were sprayed and their effective radii were both measured and retrieved simultaneously. This methodology can be used in several ways: (1) the frequency and optical properties of very thin water clouds can be studied more precisely in order to evaluate their total radiative forcing on the Earth's radiation budget. (2) The unique optical properties of the inter-region between clouds (clouds' 'twilight zone') can be studied in order to more rigorously understanding of the governing physical processes which dominate this region. (3) Since the optical thickness of a developed cloud gradually decreases toward
Ben-Ami Y., Koren I., Altaratz O., Kostinski A. & Lehahn Y.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 2253-2262
The differences in North African dust emission regions and transport routes, between the boreal winter and summer, are thoroughly documented. Here we re-examine the spatial and temporal characteristics of dust transport over the tropical and subtropical North Atlantic Ocean, using 10 yr of satellite data, in order to better characterize the different dust transport periods. We see a robust annual triplet: a discernible rhythm of "transatlantic dust weather". The proposed annual partition is composed of two heavy loading periods, associated here with a northern-route period and southern-route period, and one light-loading period, accompanied by unusually low average optical depth of dust. The two dusty periods are quite different in character: their duration, transport routes, characteristic aerosol loading and frequency of pronounced dust episodes. The southern-route period lasts ∼4 months. It is characterized by a relatively steady southern positioning, low frequency of dust events, low background values and high variance in dust loading. The northern-route period lasts ∼6.5 months and is associated with a steady drift northward of ∼0.1 latitude day-1, reaching ∼1500 km north of the southern-route. The northern period is characterized by higher frequency of dust events, higher (and variable) background and smaller variance in dust loading. It is less episodic than the southern period. Transitions between the periods are brief. Separation between the southern and northern periods is marked by northward latitudinal shift in dust transport and by moderate reduction in the overall dust loading. The second transition, between the northern and southern periods, commences with an abrupt reduction in dust loading and rapid shift southward of ∼0.2 latitude day-1, and ∼1300 km in total. Based on cross-correlation analyses, we attribute the observed rhythm to the contrast between the northwestern and southern Saharan dust source spatial distributions. Despite the vast difference in areas, the Bodélé Depression, located in Chad, appears to modulate transatlantic dust patterns about half the time.
Koren I. & Feingold G.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
p. 12227-12232
We show that the aerosol-cloud-precipitation system exhibits characteristics of the predator-prey problem in the field of population dynamics. Both a detailed large eddy simulation of the dynamics and microphysics of a precipitating shallow boundary layer cloud system and a simpler model built upon basic physical principles, reproduce predator-prey behavior with rain acting as the predator and cloud as the prey. The aerosol is shown to modulate the predator-prey response. Steady-state solution to the proposed model shows the known existence of bistability in cloudiness. Three regimes are identified in the time-dependent solutions: (i) the weakly precipitating regime where cloud and rain coexist in a quasi steady state; (ii) the moderately drizzling regime where limit-cycle behavior in the cloud and rain fields is produced; and (iii) the heavily precipitating clouds where collapse of the boundary layer is predicted. The manifestation of predatorprey behavior in the aerosol-cloud-precipitation system is a further example of the self-organizing properties of the system and suggests that exploiting principles of population dynamics may help reduce complex aerosol-cloud-rain interactions to a more tractable problem.
Chudnovsky A., Kostinski A. B., Herrmann L., Koren I., Nutesku G. & Ben-Dor E.
Remote Sensing of Environment.
p. 1013-1024
We study hyperspectral images of the Bodele Depression in Northern Chad, acquired by the Hyperion sensor onboard EO-1 spacecraft. Relative abundances of four major mineral components are obtained on a pixel-by-pixel basis and we report on the comparison of images of a dust storm with the same areas on a calm day. Minerals lifted and suspended particles downwind of a dust source are thus identified. Linear Spectral Unmixing (LSU) decomposition results for the calm condition match those of our field study. LSU calm vs. stormy comparison, based on absorbance features, highlight the spectral contrast. Despite low contrast above bright areas, morphological dissimilarity is evident via the wave and tongue-like features, aligned with the prevailing northeasterly winds. We analyze the longest part of shortwave infra-red (2080-2380 nm) wavelengths where the atmosphere is transparent, optical properties are stable, and absorption features of hydroxyl-bearing minerals, sulfates, and carbonates are pronounced. The results of our spectral analyses reveal that clay minerals may be used as tracers for atmospheric dust monitoring even above bright areas. Such clay minerals include kaolinite, illite-moscovite, and Fe-rich nontronite. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hirsch E., Agassi E. & Koren I.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques.
p. 117-130
The height of a cloud in the atmospheric column is a key parameter in its characterization. Several remote sensing techniques (passive and active, either ground-based or on space-borne platforms) and in-situ measurements are routinely used in order to estimate top and base heights of clouds. In this article we present a novel method that combines thermal imaging from the ground and sounded wind profile in order to derive the cloud base height. This method is independent of cloud types, making it efficient for both low boundary layer and high clouds. In addition, using thermal imaging ensures extraction of clouds' features during daytime as well as at nighttime. The proposed technique was validated by comparison to active sounding by ceilometers (which is a standard ground based method), to lifted condensation level (LCL) calculations, and to MODIS products obtained from space. As all passive remote sensing techniques, the proposed method extracts only the height of the lowest cloud layer, thus upper cloud layers are not detected. Nevertheless, the information derived from this method can be complementary to space-borne cloud top measurements when deep-convective clouds are present. Unlike techniques such as LCL, this method is not limited to boundary layer clouds, and can extract the cloud base height at any level, as long as sufficient thermal contrast exists between the radiative temperatures of the cloud and its surrounding air parcel. Another advantage of the proposed method is its simplicity and modest power needs, making it particularly suitable for field measurements and deployment at remote locations. Our method can be further simplified for use with visible CCD or CMOS camera (although nighttime clouds will not be observed).
Heiblum R. H., Koren I. & Altaratz O.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 13201-13217
The interaction between breezes and synoptic gradient winds, and surface friction increase in transition from sea to land can create persistent convergence zones nearby coastlines. The low level convergence of moist air promotes the dynamical and microphysical processes responsible for the formation of clouds and precipitation. Our work focuses on the winter seasons of 1998-2011 in the Eastern Mediterranean. During the winter the Mediterranean sea is usually warmer than the adjacent land, resulting in frequent occurrence of land breeze that opposes the common synoptic winds. Using rain-rate vertical profiles from the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) satellite, we examined the spatial and temporal distribution of average hydrometeor mass in clouds as a function of the distance from coastlines. Results show that coastlines in the Eastern Mediterranean are indeed favored areas for precipitation formation. The intra-seasonal and diurnal changes in the distribution of hydrometeor mass indicate that the land breeze may likely be the main responsible mechanism behind our results.
Martins J. V., Marshak A., Remer L. A., Rosenfeld D., Kaufman Y. J., Fernandez-Borda R., Koren I., Correia A. L., Zubko V. & Artaxo P.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 9485-9501
Cloud-aerosol interaction is a key issue in the climate system, affecting the water cycle, the weather, and the total energy balance including the spatial and temporal distribution of latent heat release. Information on the vertical distribution of cloud droplet microphysics and thermodynamic phase as a function of temperature or height, can be correlated with details of the aerosol field to provide insight on how these particles are affecting cloud properties and their consequences to cloud lifetime, precipitation, water cycle, and general energy balance. Unfortunately, today's experimental methods still lack the observational tools that can characterize the true evolution of the cloud microphysical, spatial and temporal structure in the cloud droplet scale, and then link these characteristics to environmental factors and properties of the cloud condensation nuclei. Here we propose and demonstrate a new experimental approach (the cloud scanner instrument) that provides the microphysical information missed in current experiments and remote sensing options. Cloud scanner measurements can be performed from aircraft, ground, or satellite by scanning the side of the clouds from the base to the top, providing us with the unique opportunity of obtaining snapshots of the cloud droplet microphysical and thermodynamic states as a function of height and brightness temperature in clouds at several development stages. The brightness temperature profile of the cloud side can be directly associated with the thermodynamic phase of the droplets to provide information on the glaciation temperature as a function of different ambient conditions, aerosol concentration, and type. An aircraft prototype of the cloud scanner was built and flew in a field campaign in Brazil. The CLAIM-3D (3-Dimensional Cloud Aerosol Interaction Mission) satellite concept proposed here combines several techniques to simultaneously measure the vertical profile of cloud microphysics, thermodynamic phase, brightness temperature, and aerosol amount and type in the neighborhood of the clouds. The wide wavelength range, and the use of multi-angle polarization measurements proposed for this mission allow us to estimate the availability and characteristics of aerosol particles acting as cloud condensation nuclei, and their effects on the cloud microphysical structure. These results can provide unprecedented details on the response of cloud droplet microphysics to natural and anthropogenic aerosols in the size scale where the interaction really happens.
Bar-Or R. Z., Altaratz O. & Koren I.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 191-200
The recently recognized continuous transition zone between detectable clouds and cloud-free atmosphere ("the twilight zone") is affected by undetectable clouds and humidified aerosol. In this study, we suggest to distinguish cloud fields (including the detectable clouds and the surrounding twilight zone) from cloud-free areas, which are not affected by clouds. For this classification, a robust and simple-to-implement cloud field masking algorithm which uses only the spatial distribution of clouds, is presented in detail. A global analysis, estimating Earth's cloud field coverage (50° Sĝ\u20ac"50° N) for 28 July 2008, using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data, finds that while the declared cloud fraction is 51%, the global cloud field coverage reaches 88%. The results reveal the low likelihood for finding a cloud-free pixel and suggest that this likelihood may decrease as the pixel size becomes larger. A global latitudinal analysis of cloud fields finds that unlike oceans, which are more uniformly covered by cloud fields, land areas located under the subsidence zones of the Hadley cell (the desert belts), contain proper areas for investigating cloud-free atmosphere as there is 40ĝ\u20ac"80% probability to detect clear sky over them. Usually these golden-pixels, with higher likelihood to be free of clouds, are over deserts. Independent global statistical analysis, using MODIS aerosol and cloud products, reveals a sharp exponential decay of the global mean aerosol optical depth (AOD) as a function of the distance from the nearest detectable cloud, both above ocean and land. Similar statistical analysis finds an exponential growth of mean aerosol fine-mode fraction (FMF) over oceans when the distance from the nearest cloud increases. A 30 km scale break clearly appears in several analyses here, suggesting this is a typical natural scale of cloud fields. This work shows different microphysical and optical properties of cloud fields, urging to separately investigate cloud fields and cloud-free atmosphere in future climate research.
Altaratz O., Koren I., Yair Y. & Price C.
Geophysical Research Letters.
The effect of anthropogenic aerosols on clouds has the potential to be a key component for climate change predictions, yet is one of the least understood. It is possible that high aerosol loading can change the convection intensity and hence the electrical activity of thunderstorm clouds. Focusing on the Amazon dry season, where thousands of man-made forest fires inject smoke into the atmosphere, we studied the aerosol effects on thunderclouds. We used the ground-based World-Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) lightning measurements together with Aqua-MODIS aerosol and cloud data to show evidence for the transition between two opposing effects of aerosols on clouds. The first is the microphysical effect which is manifested in an increase in convective intensity (and electrical activity), followed by the radiative effect that becomes dominant with the increase in aerosol loading leading to a decrease in convective intensity.
Lehahn Y., Koren I., Boss E., Ben-Ami Y. & Altaratz O.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 6711-6720
Six years (2003-2008) of satellite measurements of aerosol parameters from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and surface wind speeds from Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT), the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E), and the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I), are used to provide a comprehensive perspective on the link between surface wind speed and marine aerosol optical depth over tropical and subtropical oceanic regions. A systematic comparison between the satellite derived fields in these regions allows to: (i) separate the relative contribution of wind-induced marine aerosol to the aerosol optical depth; (ii) extract an empirical linear equation linking coarse marine aerosol optical depth and wind intensity; and (iii) identify a time scale for correlating marine aerosol optical depth and surface wind speed. The contribution of wind induced marine aerosol to aerosol optical depth is found to be dominated by the coarse mode elements. When wind intensity exceeds 4 m/s, coarse marine aerosol optical depth is linearly correlated with the surface wind speed, with a remarkably consistent slope of 0.009±0.002 s/m. A detailed time scale analysis shows that the linear correlation between the fields is well kept within a 12 h time frame, while sharply decreasing when the time lag between measurements is longer. The background aerosol optical depth, associated with aerosols that are not produced in-situ through wind driven processes, can be used for estimating the contributions of terrestrial and biogenic marine aerosol to over-ocean satellite retrievals of aerosol optical depth.
Koren I., Remer L. A., Altaratz O., Martins J. V. & Davidi A.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 5001-5010
The effect of aerosol on clouds poses one of the largest uncertainties in estimating the anthropogenic contribution to climate change. Small human-induced perturbations to cloud characteristics via aerosol pathways can create a change in the top-of-atmosphere radiative forcing of hundreds of Wm(-2). Here we focus on links between aerosol and deep convective clouds of the Atlantic and Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zones, noting that the aerosol environment in each region is entirely different. The tops of these vertically developed clouds consisting of mostly ice can reach high levels of the atmosphere, overshooting the lower stratosphere and reaching altitudes greater than 16 km. We show a link between aerosol, clouds and the free atmosphere wind profile that can change the magnitude and sign of the overall climate radiative forcing.We find that increased aerosol loading is associated with taller cloud towers and anvils. The taller clouds reach levels of enhanced wind speeds that act to spread and thin the anvil clouds, increasing areal coverage and decreasing cloud optical depth. The radiative effect of this transition is to create a positive radiative forcing (warming) at top-of-atmosphere.Furthermore we introduce the cloud optical depth (tau), cloud height (Z) forcing space and show that underestimation of radiative forcing is likely to occur in cases of non homogenous clouds. Specifically, the mean radiative forcing of towers and anvils in the same scene can be several times greater than simply calculating the forcing from the mean cloud optical depth in the scene.Limitations of the method are discussed, alternative sources of aerosol loading are tested and meteorological variance is restricted, but the trend of taller clouds, increased and thinner anvils associated with increased aerosol loading remains robust through all the different tests and perturbations.
Bar-Or R. Z., Koren I. & Altaratz O.
Environmental Research Letters.
The apparent cloud-free atmosphere in the vicinity of clouds ('the twilight zone') is often affected by undetectable weak signature clouds and humidified aerosols. It is suggested here to classify the atmosphere into two classes: cloud fields, and cloud-free (away from a cloud field), while detectable clouds are included in the cloud field class as a subset. Since the definition of cloud fields is ambiguous, a robust cloud field masking algorithm is presented here, based on the cloud spatial distribution. The cloud field boundaries are calculated then on the basis of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) cloud mask products and the total cloud field area is estimated for the Atlantic Ocean (50°S-50°N). The findings show that while the monthly averaged cloud fraction over the Atlantic Ocean during July is 53%, the cloud field fraction may reach 97%, suggesting that cloud field properties should be considered in climate studies. A comparison between aerosol optical depth values inside and outside cloud fields reveals differences in the retrieved radiative properties of aerosols depending on their location. The observed mean aerosol optical depth inside the cloud fields is more than 10% higher than outside it, indicating that such convenient cloud field masking may contribute to better estimations of aerosol direct and indirect forcing.
Ben-Ami Y., Koren I., Rudich Y., Artaxo P., Martin S. T. & Andreae M. O.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 7533-7544
Through long-range transport of dust, the North-African desert supplies essential minerals to the Amazon rain forest. Since North African dust reaches South America mostly during the Northern Hemisphere winter, the dust sources active during winter are the main contributors to the forest. Given that the Bodélé depression area in southwestern Chad is the main winter dust source, a close link is expected between the Bodélé emission patterns and volumes and the mineral supply flux to the Amazon. Until now, the particular link between the Bodélé and the Amazon forest was based on sparse satellite measurements and modeling studies. In this study, we combine a detailed analysis of space-borne and ground data with reanalysis model data and surface measurements taken in the central Amazon during the Amazonian Aerosol Characterization Experiment (AMAZE-08) in order to explore the validity and the nature of the proposed link between the Bodélé depression and the Amazon forest. This case study follows the dust events of 11-16 and 18-27 February 2008, from the emission in the Bodélé over West Africa (most likely with contribution from other dust sources in the region) the crossing of the Atlantic Ocean, to the observed effects above the Amazon canopy about 10 days after the emission. The dust was lifted by surface winds stronger than 14 m sg-1, usually starting early in the morning. The lofted dust, mixed with biomass burning aerosols over Nigeria, was transported over the Atlantic Ocean, and arrived over the South American continent. The top of the aerosol layer reached above 3 km, and the bottom merged with the boundary layer. The arrival of the dusty air parcel over the Amazon forest increased the average concentration of aerosol crustal elements by an order of magnitude.
Koren I., Feingold G. & Remer L. A.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 8855-8872
Associations between cloud properties and aerosol loading are frequently observed in products derived from satellite measurements. These observed trends between clouds and aerosol optical depth suggest aerosol modification of cloud dynamics, yet there are uncertainties involved in satellite retrievals that have the potential to lead to incorrect conclusions. Two of the most challenging problems are addressed here: the potential for retrieved aerosol optical depth to be cloud-contaminated, and as a result, artificially correlated with cloud parameters; and the potential for correlations between aerosol and cloud parameters to be erroneously considered to be causal. Here these issues are tackled directly by studying the effects of the aerosol on convective clouds in the tropical Atlantic Ocean using satellite remote sensing, a chemical transport model, and a reanalysis of meteorological fields. Results show that there is a robust positive correlation between cloud fraction or cloud top height and the aerosol optical depth, regardless of whether a stringent filtering of aerosol measurements in the vicinity of clouds is applied, or not. These same positive correlations emerge when replacing the observed aerosol field with that derived from a chemical transport model. Model-reanalysis data is used to address the causality question by providing meteorological context for the satellite observations. A correlation exercise between the full suite of meteorological fields derived from model reanalysis and satellite-derived cloud fields shows that observed cloud top height and cloud fraction correlate best with model pressure updraft velocity and relative humidity. Observed aerosol optical depth does correlate with meteorological parameters but usually different parameters from those that correlate with observed cloud fields. The result is a near-orthogonal influence of aerosol and meteorological fields on cloud top height and cloud fraction. The results strengthen the case that the aerosol does play a role in invigorating convective clouds.
Laj P., Klausen J., Bilde M., Plass-Duelmer C., Pappalardo G., Clerbaux C., Baltensperger U., Hjorth J., Simpson D., Reimann S., Coheur P. -., Richter A., De Maziere M., Rudich Y., McFiggans G., Torseth K., Wiedensohler A., Morin S., Schulz M., Allan J. D., Attie J., Barnes I., Birmili W., Cammas J. P., Dommen J., Dorn H. -., Fowler D., Fuzzi S., Glasius M., Granier C., Hermann M., Isaksen I. S. A., Kinne S., Koren I., Madonna F., Maione M., Massling A., Moehler O., Mona L., Monks P. S., Mueller D., Mueller T., Orphal J., Peuch V. -., Stratmann F., Tanre D., Tyndall G., Riziq A. A., Van Roozendael M., Villani P., Wehner B., Wex H. & Zardini A. A.
Atmospheric Environment.
p. 5351-5414
Scientific findings from the last decades have clearly highlighted the need for a more comprehensive approach to atmospheric change processes. In fact, observation of atmospheric composition variables has been an important activity of atmospheric research that has developed instrumental tools (advanced analytical techniques) and platforms (instrumented passenger aircrafts, ground-based in situ and remote sensing stations, earth observation satellite instruments) providing essential information on the composition of the atmosphere. The variability of the atmospheric system and the extreme complexity of the atmospheric cycles for short-lived gaseous and aerosol species have led to the development of complex models to interpret observations, test our theoretical understanding of atmospheric chemistry and predict future atmospheric composition. The validation of numerical models requires accurate information concerning the variability of atmospheric composition for targeted species via comparison with observations and measurements.In this paper, we provide an overview of recent advances in instrumentation and methodologies for measuring atmospheric composition changes from space, aircraft and the surface as well as recent improvements in laboratory techniques that permitted scientific advance in the field of atmospheric chemistry. Emphasis is given to the most promising and innovative technologies that will become operational in the near future to improve knowledge of atmospheric composition. Our current observation capacity, however, is not satisfactory to understand and predict future atmospheric composition changes, in relation to predicted climate warming. Based on the limitation of the current European observing system, we address the major gaps in a second part of the paper to explain why further developments in current observation strategies are still needed to strengthen and optimise an observing system not only capable of responding to the requirements of atmospheric services but also to newly open scientific questions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Chudnovsky A., Ben-Dor E., Kostinski A. B. & Koren I.
Geophysical Research Letters.
The Bodélé depression of northern Chad is considered one of the world's largest sources of atmospheric mineral dust. Mineral composition of such transported dust is essential to our understanding of climate forcing, mineralogy of dust sources, aerosol optical properties, and mineral deposition to Amazon forests. In this study we examine hyperspectral information acquired over the Bodélé by EO-1 Hyperion satellite during a dust storm event and during a calm clean day. We show that, for the suspended dust, the absorption signature can be decoupled from scattering, allowing detection of key minerals. Our results, based on the visible and shortwave infrared hyperspectral data, demonstrate that the Bodélé surface area is composed of iron-oxides, clays (kaosmectite) and sulfate groups (gypsum). Atmospheric dust spectra downwind of Bodélé reveal striking differences in absorption signatures across shortwave infrared from those of the underlying surface.
Koren I., Feingold G., Jiang H. & Altaratz O.
Geophysical Research Letters.
In a recent paper, we used observations to show that the inter-cloud "cloud-free regime" (or "twilight zone") is not free of clouds and comprises small fragments of clouds, hydrated aerosol, as well as incipient, hesitant, and decaying clouds. In this paper we characterize the properties of, and investigate the aerosol affect on, the twilight zone using high resolution large eddy simulations of clean and polluted shallow cumulus. We analyze the occurrence of these clouds with weak signature and show that cloud fields forming in polluted environments are characterized by a more rapid decrease in liquid water path with increasing distance from cloud than their cleaner counterparts, and that the intercloud zone contains significantly fewer low liquid water path pockets. This reduction in liquid water content in the area considered cloud-free in the polluted cases is countered by more aerosol uptake of water vapor.
Jiang H., Feingold G. & Koren I.
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres.
Large-eddy simulations of trade wind cumulus clouds are conducted for clean and polluted aerosol conditions and at a number of different grid sizes to explore (1) the microphysical and morphological responses of fields of cumulus to aerosol perturbations and (2) the robustness of these responses to resolution. Cloud size distributions are shown to be well approximated by a negative power law function indicating that as resolution increases, more and more small clouds are resolved. Cloud fraction in the highest-resolution simulations is 30% higher than in the coarse-resolution simulations. Polluted cloud populations contain higher numbers of smaller clouds than clean cloud populations. Their frequency of convection is higher and lifetimes are shorter. The polluted clouds also tend to have higher cloud-averaged liquid water contents. It is hypothesized that these responses are a result of a chain reaction set off by stronger evaporation at cloud edges in the case of polluted clouds. In all cases, the smallest clouds either dominate or contribute significantly to cloud fraction and cloud reflectance, in accord with recent satellite studies. The response of cloud fraction and liquid water path to aerosol changes is shown to be strongly dependent on the definition of what constitutes a 'cloud,'' suggesting that caution be exercised before parameterizing these responses.
Ben-Ami Y., Koren I. & Altaratz O.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 7867-7875
One of the most important factors that determine the transported dust effect on the atmosphere is its vertical distribution. In this study the vertical structure of North African dust and stratiform low clouds is analyzed over the Atlantic Ocean for the 2006-2007 boreal winter (December- February) and boreal summer of 2006 (June-August). By using the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO) backscatter measurements over the dust routes, we describe the differences in dust transport between the seasons. We show a bi-modal distribution of the average dust plumes height in both seasons (it is less clear in the winter). The higher plume top height is 5.1±0.4 km, near the African coast line in the summer and 3.7±0.4 km in the winter. The lower plume merges with the marine boundary layer, in both seasons. Our study suggests that a signifi-cant part of the dust is transported near and within the marine boundary layer and interacts with low stratiform clouds.
Davidi A., Koren I. & Remer L.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 8211-8221
Aerosols suspended in the atmosphere interact with solar radiation and clouds, thus change the radiation energy fluxes in the atmospheric column. In this paper we measure changes in the atmospheric temperature profile as a function of the smoke loading and the cloudiness, over the Amazon basin, during the dry seasons (August and September) of 2005ĝ\u20ac"2008. We show that as the aerosol optical depth (AOD) increases from 0.02 to a value of ∼0.6, there is a decrease of ∼4°C at 1000 hPa, and an increase of ∼1.5°C at 850 hPa. The warming of the aerosol layer at 850 hPa is likely due to aerosol absorption when the particles are exposed to direct illumination by the sun. The large values of cooling in the lower layers could be explained by a combination of aerosol extinction of the solar flux in the layers aloft together with an aerosol-induced increase of cloud cover which shade the lower atmosphere. We estimate that the increase in cloud fraction due to aerosol contributes about half of the observed cooling in the lower layers.
Koren I., Altaratz O., Feingold G., Levin Z. & Reisin T.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 155-161
As cloud resolving models become more detailed, with higher resolution outputs, it is often complicated to isolate the physical processes that control the cloud attributes. Moreover, due to the high dimensionality and complexity of the model output, the analysis and interpretation of the results can be very complicated. Here we suggest a novel approach to convective cloud analysis that yields more insight into the physical and temporal evolution of clouds, and is compact and efficient. The different (3-D) cloud attributes are weighted and projected onto a single point in space and in time, that has properties of, or similar to, the Center Of Gravity (COG). The location, magnitude and spread of this variable are followed in time. The implications of the COG approach are demonstrated for a study of aerosol effects on a warm convective cloud. We show that in addition to reducing dramatically the dimensionality of the output, such an approach often enhances the signal, adds more information, and makes the physical description of cloud evolution clearer, allowing unambiguous comparison of clouds evolving in different environmental conditions. This approach may also be useful for analysis of cloud data retrieved from surface or space-based cloud radars.
Todd M. C., Karam D. B., Cavazos C., Bouet C., Heinold B., Baldasano J. M., Cautenet G., Koren I., Perez C., Solmon F., Tegen I., Tulet P., Washington R. & Zakey A.
Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres.
Mineral dust aerosols play an important role in the climate system. Coupled climate-aerosol models are an important tool with which to quantify dust fluxes and the associated climate impact. Over the last decade or more, numerous models have been developed, both global and regional, but to date, there have been few attempts to compare the performance of these models. In this paper a comparison of five regional atmospheric models with dust modules is made, in terms of their simulation of meteorology, dust emission and transport. The intercomparison focuses on a 3-day dust event over the Bodélé depression in northern Chad, the world's single most important dust source. Simulations are compared to satellite data and in situ observations from the Bodélé Dust Experiment (BoDEx 2005). Overall, the models reproduce many of the key features of the meteorology and the large dust plumes that occur over the study domain. However, there is at least an order of magnitude range in model estimates of key quantities including dust concentration, dust burden, dust flux, and aerosol optical thickness. As such, there remains considerable uncertainty in model estimates of the dust cycle and its interaction with climate. This paper discusses the issues associated with partitioning various sources of model uncertainy.
Joseph J. H., Yaron O., Yaroslavich E., Israelevich P., Koren I., Yair Y., Devir A. & Kischa P.
Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres.
We have inferred the most probable height distribution in a set of eleven areas of desert dust aerosol plumes over the eastern tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean using multispectral outgoing reflected radiance data collected during the Mediterranean Israeli Dust Experiment (MEIDEX), conducted on board the STS-107 space shuttle mission, from 16 January to 1 February 2003. It is shown that one can remotely infer the average height distribution of desert aerosol plumes from space in a specified atmospheric volume, if one has available calibrated, simultaneous, and co located radiances in the UV, the visible, and the NIR.
Altaratz O., Koren I. & Reisin T.
Geophysical Research Letters.
The effects of aerosols on clouds are recognized as among the most important factors affecting climate change yet these effects are poorly understood due to the complexity of cloud processes and the strong influence of other environmental conditions. A numerical cloud model is used here to study the combined influence of aerosol concentration and upper level humidity conditions on moderate-sized, coastal, convective clouds. We show that these variables are strongly linked in their effects on clouds and suggest a microphysical variable space in which their influence can be distinguished.
Koren I., Vanderlei Martins J., Remer L. A. & Afargan H.
p. 946-949
The effect of anthropogenic aerosols on clouds is one of the most important and least understood aspects of human-induced climate change. Small changes in the amount of cloud coverage can produce a climate forcing equivalent in magnitude and opposite in sign to that caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gases, and changes in cloud height can shift the effect of clouds from cooling to warming. Focusing on the Amazon, we show a smooth transition between two opposing effects of aerosols on clouds: the microphysical and the radiative. We show how a feedback between the optical properties of aerosols and the cloud fraction can modify the aerosol forcing, changing the total radiative energy and redistributing it over the atmospheric column.
Koren I., Oreopoulos L., Feingold G., Remer L. A. & Altaratz O.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 3855-3864
The interplay between clouds and aerosols and their contribution to the radiation budget is one of the largest uncertainties of climate change. Most work to date has separated cloudy and cloud-free areas in order to evaluate the individual radiative forcing of aerosols, clouds, and aerosol effects on clouds. Here we examine the size distribution and the optical properties of small, sparse cumulus clouds and the associated optical properties of what is considered a cloud-free atmosphere within the cloud field. We show that any separation between clouds and cloud free atmosphere will incur errors in the calculated radiative forcing. The nature of small cumulus cloud size distributions suggests that at any resolution, a significant fraction of the clouds are missed, and their optical properties are relegated to the apparent cloud-free optical properties. At the same time, the cloudy portion incorporates significant contribution from non-cloudy pixels. We show that the largest contribution to the total cloud reflectance comes from the smallest clouds and that the spatial resolution changes the apparent energy flux of a broken cloudy scene. When changing the resolution from 30 m to 1 km (Landsat to MODIS) the average "cloud-free" reflectance at 1.65 μm increases from 0.0095 to 0.0115 (>20%), the cloud reflectance decreases from 0.13 to 0.066 (∼50%), and the cloud coverage doubles, resulting in an important impact on climate forcing estimations. The apparent aerosol forcing is on the order of 0.5 to 1 Wm-2 per cloud field.
Derimian Y., Karnieli A., Kaufman Y. J., Andreae M. O., Andreae T. W., Dubovik O., Maenhaut W. & Koren I.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 3623-3637
Iron is a major component of atmospheric aerosols, influencing the light absorption ability of mineral dust, and an important micronutrient that affects oceanic biogeochemistry. The regional distribution of the iron concentration in dust is important for climate studies; however, this is difficult to obtain since it requires in-situ aerosol sampling or simulation of complex natural processes. Simultaneous studies of aerosol chemical composition and radiometric measurements of aerosol optical properties, which were performed in the Negev desert of Israel continuously for about eight years, suggest a potential for deriving a relationship between chemical composition and light absorption properties, in particular the spectral single-scattering albedo. The two main data sets of the present study were obtained by a sun/sky radiometer and a stacked filter unit sampler that collects particles in coarse and fine size fractions. Analysis of chemical and optical data showed the presence of mixed dust and pollution aerosol in the study area, although their sources appear to be different. Spectral SSA showed an evident response to increased concentrations of iron, black carbon equivalent matter, and their mixing state. A relationship that relates the spectral SSA, the percentage of iron in total particulate mass, and the pollution components was derived. Results calculated, using this relationship, were compared with measurements from dust episodes in several locations around the globe. The comparison showed reasonable agreement between the calculated and the observed iron concentrations, and supported the validity of the suggested approach for the estimation of iron concentrations in mineral dust.
Altaratz O., Koren I., Reisin T., Kostinski A. B., Feingold G., Levin Z. & Yin Y.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 15-24
A numerical cloud model is used to study the influence of aerosol on the microphysics and dynamics of moderate-sized, coastal, convective clouds that develop under the same meteorological conditions. The results show that polluted convective clouds start their precipitation later and precipitate less than clean clouds but produce larger rain drops. The evaporation process is more significant at the margins of the polluted clouds (compared to the clean cloud) due to a higher drop surface area to volume ratio and it is mostly from small drops. It was found that the formation of larger raindrops in the polluted cloud is due to a more efficient collection process.
Remer L. A., Kleidman R. G., Levy R. C., Kaufman Y. J., Tanre D., Mattoo S., Martins J. V., Ichoku C., Koren I., Yu H. & Holben B. N.
Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres.
The recently released Collection 5 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aerosol products provide a consistent record of the Earth's aerosol system. Comparing with ground-based AERONET observations of aerosol optical depth (AOD) we find that Collection 5 MODIS aerosol products estimate AOD to within expected accuracy more than 60% of the time over ocean and more than 72% of the time over land. This is similar to previous results for ocean and better than the previous results for land. However, the new collection introduces a 0.015 offset between the Terra and Aqua global mean AOD over ocean, where none existed previously. Aqua conforms to previous values and expectations while Terra is higher than what had been expected. The cause of the offset is unknown, but changes to calibration are a possible explanation. Even though Terra's higher ocean AOD is unexpected and unexplained, we present climatological analyses of data from both sensors. We find that the multiannual global mean AOD at 550 nm over oceans is 0.13 for Aqua and 0.14 for Terra, and over land it is 0.19 in both Aqua and Terra. AOD in situations with 80% cloud fraction are twice the global mean values, although such situations occur only 2% of the time over ocean and less than 1% of the time over land. Aerosol particle size associated with these very cloudy situations does not show a drastic change over ocean, but does over land. Regionally, aerosol amounts vary from polluted areas such as east Asia and India, to the cleanest regions such as Australia and the northern continents. As AOD increases over maritime background conditions, fine mode aerosol dominates over dust over all oceans, except over the tropical Atlantic downwind of the Sahara and during some months over the Arabian Sea.
Koren I. & Wang C.
Environmental Research Letters.
The effect of aerosol on clouds and precipitation poses one of the largest uncertainties in the estimation of the anthropogenic contribution to climate change. Often the local effect of aerosol on the radiation field both directly and indirectly by changing cloud properties can be more than an order of magnitude larger than the effect of greenhouse gases. Recent works also suggest that some of the local aerosol effects such as the heating of the atmosphere from aerosol absorption can have a large-scale impact. However, due to the inhomogeneous distribution and short lifetime of aerosols, the inherent complexity of cloud microphysics and dynamics, and the strong coupling of aerosol-related processes with meteorology, it is still challenging to estimate the overall effect that aerosols exert on the radiation field and climate. The climatic effect of aerosol-cloud interaction is not limited to the radiation field. By changing the cloud microphysical and radiative properties, aerosols may affect precipitation amount and patterns. Precipitation processes are located at the end of the 'food chain' of aerosol-cloud processes. Rain rates and patterns are the final result of many cloud processes and feedbacks, some of which are affected by aerosols. Changes in precipitation patterns could lead to serious hydrological consequences. For example if the same amount of rain precipitates in shorter time, e.g. heavier rain rates, the probability of floods increases, a larger portion of the water is drained by rapid surface run-off and the amount of water penetrating the subsurface and available as an underground reservoir of drinking water is reduced. Moreover, the subsurface water distribution depends heavily on topography and geomorphology. Therefore small changes in the timing or location of precipitation may dramatically alter the surface and subsurface water distribution and affect the water reservoir. In studying aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions, the largest challenge is determining how to separate the effect of meteorological processes from aerosol effects. Simple statistical correlations between observed or retrieved aerosol and cloud properties do not imply causality. With the help of sophisticated cloud numerical models where certain variables or processes can be controlled in sensitivity simulations, aerosol-precipitation casual relationships could be examined in specific conditions. However, it is not always clear whether such aerosol-precipitation relationships seen in the model could be applied to more general meteorological scenarios. Aerosol-cloud-precipitation interaction is a highly complex problem involving processes and feedbacks that span the size range from an aerosol particle (10-7m) to a cloud (103m), and all the way to synoptic scale systems (106m). These feedbacks determine whether a droplet, initiated at a size of few microns, could grow within the time scale of a cloud's lifetime to reach a raindrop size of a few mm, and whether this raindrop will fall all the way to the surface and be available as fresh water. These feedbacks include dynamic and thermodynamic processes of precipitating particles, which in conjunction with other processes determine the micro and macrophysical properties of the cloud and hence determine the cloud's effect on the regional radiation field and local climate. Thus, aerosol, cloud, precipitation and radiation interactions are inherently linked, and need to be addressed as a single problem when attempting to better understand human-induced changes in the climate system. Focus on Aerosol Precipitation Contents Drizzle rates versus cloud depths for marine stratocumuli A B Kostinski Characteristics of vertical velocity in marine stratocumulus: comparison of large eddy simulations with observations Huan Guo, Yangang Liu, Peter H Daum, Gunnar I Senum and Wei-Kuo Tao Dispersion bias, dispersion effect, and the aerosol-cloud conundrum Yangang Liu, Peter H Daum, Huan Guo and Yiran Peng The impact of smoke from forest fires on the spectral dispersion of cloud droplet size distributions in the Amazonian region J A Martins and M A F Silva Dias A conceptual model for the link between Central American biomass burning aerosols and severe weather over the south central United States Jun Wang, Susan C van den Heever and Jeffrey S Reid
Koren I., Remer L. A. & Longo K.
Geophysical Research Letters.
We use MODIS aerosol optical depth and AVHRR fire counts over the Amazon Basin to determine whether biomass burning is increasing or decreasing over continental scales in South America. We find a significant sustained increasing trend in both the seasonal mean optical depth and fire data that begins in the year 2000 and 1998, respectively, and continues through 2005. However, there is a sharp reversal of this trend in 2006 that causes the overall trend to become less significant. The sharp decrease of biomass burning in 2006 is linked to a tri-national policy shift first implemented in 2006. The results show how significantly human activity can affect the large scale environment.
Koren I., Remer L. A., Kaufman Y. J., Rudich Y. & Martins J. V.
Geophysical Research Letters.
Cloud and aerosols interact and form a complex system leading to high uncertainty in understanding climate change. To simplify this non-linear system it is customary to distinguish between "cloudy" and "cloud-free" areas and measure them separately. However, we find that clouds are surrounded by a "twilight zone" - a belt of forming and evaporating cloud fragments and hydrated aerosols extending tens of kilometers from the clouds into the so-called cloud-free zone. The gradual transition from cloudy to dry atmosphere is proportional to the aerosol loading, suggesting an additional aerosol effect on the composition and radiation fluxes of the atmosphere. Using AERONET data, we find that the measured aerosol optical depth is higher by 13% ± 2% in the visible and 22% ± 2% in the NIR in measurements taken near clouds relative to its value in the measurements taken before or after, and that 30%-60% of the free atmosphere is affected by this phenomenon.
Gobbi G. P., Kaufman Y. J., Koren I. & Eck T. F.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 453-458
Aerosol spectral measurements by sunphotometers can be characterized by three independent pieces of information: 1) the optical thickness (AOT), a measure of the column aerosol concentration, 2) the optical thickness average spectral dependence, given by the Angstrom exponent (α), and 3) the spectral curvature of α (δα). We propose a simple graphical method to visually convert (α, δα) to the contribution of fine aerosol to the AOT and the size of the fine aerosols. This information can be used to track mixtures of pollution aerosol with dust, to distinguish aerosol growth from cloud contamination and to observe aerosol humidification. The graphical method is applied to the analysis of yearly records at 8 sites in 3 continents, characterized by different levels of pollution, biomass burning and mineral dust concentrations. Results depict the dominance of fine mode aerosols in driving the AOT at polluted sites. In stable meteorological conditions, we see an increase in the size of the fine aerosol as the pollution stagnates and increases in optical thickness. Coexistence of coarse and fine particles is evidenced at the polluted sites downwind of arid regions.
Koren I., Kaufman Y. J., Washington R., Todd M. C., Rudich Y., Martins J. V. & Rosenfeld D.
Environmental Research Letters.
About 40 million tons of dust are transported annually from the Sahara to the Amazon basin. Saharan dust has been proposed to be the main mineral source that fertilizes the Amazon basin, generating a dependence of the health and productivity of the rain forest on dust supply from the Sahara. Here we show that about half of the annual dust supply to the Amazon basin is emitted from a single source: the Bodélé depression located northeast of Lake Chad, approximately 0.5% of the size of the Amazon or 0.2% of the Sahara. Placed in a narrow path between two mountain chains that direct and accelerate the surface winds over the depression, the Bodélé emits dust on 40% of the winter days, averaging more than 0.7 million tons of dust per day.
Kaufman Y. J. & Koren I.
p. 655-658
Pollution and smoke aerosols can increase or decrease the cloud cover. This duality in the effects of aerosols forms one of the largest uncertainties in climate research. Using solar measurements from Aerosol Robotic Network sites around the globe, we show an increase in cloud cover with an increase in the aerosol column concentration and an inverse dependence on the aerosol absorption of sunlight. The emerging rule appears to be independent of geographical location or aerosol type, thus increasing our confidence in the understanding of these aerosol effects on the clouds and climate. Preliminary estimates suggest an increase of 5% in cloud cover.
Lohmann U., Koren I. & Kaufman Y.
Geophysical Research Letters.
MODIS satellite data reveal that over the Atlantic Ocean (20°S-30°N) in June-August 2002 indirect aerosol effects cause a decrease in the cloud top effective radius of stratiform clouds of 2.9 μm and an increase in cloud fraction of 21%, when increasing the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) from the cleanest 5 percentile to an AOT of 0.2. Thus, indirect aerosol effects are responsible for 72% (-8.8 W m-2) of the -12.2 W m-2 decrease in the shortwave radiation at the top-of-the atmosphere (TOA). Global climate model simulations with and without indirect aerosol effects confirm a decrease in TOA shortwave cloud forcing of -9 W m-2 over the Atlantic from the cleanest to the highest AOT due to indirect aerosol effects. While MODIS shows an increase in cloud fraction due to aerosols, in the model aerosols cause primarily an increase in cloud water. Thus, unlike the analysis from MODIS, the increase in cloud fraction with increasing AOT is dominated by changes in dynamical regimes, not by aerosol indirect effects.
Washington R., Todd M., Lizcano G., Tegen I., Flamant C., Koren I., Ginoux P., Engelstaedter S., Bristow C., Zender C., Goudie A., Warren A. & Prospero J.
Geophysical Research Letters.
The Bodélé Depression, Chad is the planet's largest single source of dust. Deflation from the Bodélé could be seen as a simple coincidence of two key prerequisites: strong surface winds and a large source of suitable sediment. But here we hypothesise that long term links between topography, winds, deflation and dust ensure the maintenance of the dust source such that these two apparently coincidental key ingredients are connected by land-atmosphere processes with topography acting as the overall controlling agent. We use a variety of observational and numerical techniques, including a regional climate model, to show that: 1) contemporary deflation from the Bodélé is delineated by topography and a surface wind stress maximum; 2) the Tibesti and Ennedi mountains play a key role in the generation of the erosive winds in the form of the Bodélé Low Level Jet (LLJ); 3) enhanced deflation from a stronger Bodélé LLJ during drier phases, for example, the Last Glacial Maximum, was probably sufficient to create the shallow lake in which diatoms lived during wetter phases, such as the Holocene pluvial. Winds may therefore have helped to create the depression in which erodible diatom material accumulated. Instead of a simple coincidence of nature, dust from the world's largest source may result from the operation of long term processes on paleo timescales which have led to ideal conditions for dust generation in the world's largest dust source. Similar processes plausibly operate in other dust hotspots in topographic depressions.
Kaufman Y., Gobbi G. & Koren I.
Geophysical Research Letters.
Aerosols, humidity and clouds are often correlated. Therefore, rigorous cloud screening can systematically bias toward less cloudy and drier conditions, underestimating the average aerosol optical thickness (AOT). Here, using AERONET data we show that systematic rejection of variable atmospheric optical conditions can generate such bias in the average AOT. Therefore we recommend two approaches to deal with cloud contamination: (1) to introduce more powerful spectral variability cloud screening and (2) to retain most of the data despite cloud contamination, estimate average cloud contamination and to correct for it. Both methods are applied to aerosol with Ångström exponent > 0.3 and compared with the AERONET cloud screened level 1.5 data. The new methods do not apply for pure dust. Analysis for 10 AERONET stations with ∼4 years of data, shows almost no change for Rome (Italy), but up to a change in AOT of 0.12 or +30% in Beijing (PRC).
Derimian Y., Karnieli A., Kaufman Y., Andreae M., Andreae T., Dubovik O., Maenhaut W., Koren I. & Holben B.
Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres.
The complex spatial, temporal, and optical characteristics of atmospheric aerosols cause large uncertainties in the estimation of aerosol effects on climate. Analysis of long-term measurements from key regions can provide a better understanding of the role of atmospheric aerosols in the climate system. In the current study, observations of aerosol optical properties and mass concentrations were carried out during 1995-2003 in the Israeli Negev desert. The measurement site is relatively remote from local pollution sources; however, it lies at the crossroad between dust from the Sahara and the Arabian peninsula and pollution from Europe. The instruments employed were a Sun/sky photometer, a stacked filter unit sampler, and an integrating nephelometer. We analyzed the data for seasonal variability, general vertical aerosol structure, and radiative climate effect by dust and anthropogenic aerosol. The intra-annual variability of aerosol optical properties was found to be closely related to seasonally varying synoptic conditions. Two seasonal peaks of aerosol optical thickness were noted: The first maximum related to dust particle activity and the second to anthropogenic aerosol. Similar maximums were noted in aerosol light scattering at the surface; however, their relative importance is reversed and is related to differences in the vertical distribution of dust and anthropogenic aerosols. The calculated aerosol radiative effect shows cooling both at the top of the atmosphere and at the surface during the whole year. The radiative effect of the airborne dust is the dominating forcing component during most of the time in the study area.
Rosenfeld D., Kaufman Y. & Koren I.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.
p. 2503-2511
The dynamic structure of the weakly sheared atmospheric marine boundary layer (MBL) supports three distinct states of cloud cover, which are associated with the concentrations of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) aerosols in the MBL: (i) CCN rich MBL with closed Benard cellular convection that forms nearly full cloud cover; (ii) CCN depleted MBL with open cellular convection that forms
Kaufman Y. J., Remer L. A., Tanré D., Li R. R., Kleidman R., Mattoo S., Levy R. C., Eck T. F., Holben B. N., Ichoku C., Vanderlei Martins J. & Koren I.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
p. 2886-2895
Observations of the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instruments aboard Terra and Aqua satellites are being used extensively for applications to climate and air quality studies. Data quality is essential for these studies. Here we investigate the effects of unresolved clouds on the MODIS measurements of the AOT. The main cloud effect is from residual cirrus that increases the AOT by 0.015 ± 0.003 at 0.55 μm. In addition, lower level clouds can add contamination. We examine the effect of lower clouds using the difference between simultaneously measured MODIS and AERONET AOT. The difference is positively correlated with the cloud fraction. However, interpretation of this difference is sensitive to the definition of cloud contamination versus aerosol growth. If we consider this consistent difference between MODIS and AERONET to be entirely due to cloud contamination we get a total cloud contamination of 0.025 ± 0.005, though a more likely estimate is closer to 0.020 after accounting for aerosol growth. This reduces the difference between MODIS-observed global aerosol optical thickness over the oceans and model simulations by half, from 0.04 to 0.02. However it is insignificant for studies of aerosol cloud interaction. We also examined how representative are the MODIS data of the diurnal average aerosol. Comparison to monthly averaged sunphotometer data confirms that either the Terra or Aqua estimate of global AOT is a valid representation of the daily average. Though in the vicinity of aerosol sources such as fires, we do not expect this to be true.
Kaufman Y., Koren I., Remer L., Rosenfeld D. & Rudich Y.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
p. 11207-11212
Clouds developing in a polluted environment tend to have more numerous but smaller droplets. This property may lead to suppression of precipitation and longer cloud lifetime. Absorption of incoming solar radiation by aerosols, however, can reduce the cloud cover. The net aerosol effect on clouds is currently the largest uncertainty in evaluating climate forcing. Using large statistics of 1-km resolution MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) satellite data, we study the aerosol effect on shallow water clouds, separately in four regions of the Atlantic Ocean, for June through August 2002: marine aerosol (30°S-20°S), smoke (20°S-5°N), mineral dust (5°N-25°N), and pollution aerosols (30°N-60°N). All four aerosol types affect the cloud droplet size. We also find that the coverage of shallow clouds increases in all of the cases by 0.2-0.4 from clean to polluted, smoky, or dusty conditions. Covariability analysis with meteorological parameters associates most of this change to aerosol, for each of the four regions and 3 months studied. In our opinion, there is low probability that the net aerosol effect can be explained by coincidental, unresolved, changes in meteorological conditions that also accumulate aerosol, or errors in the data, although further in situ measurements and model developments are needed to fully understand the processes. The radiative effect at the top of the atmosphere incurred by the aerosol effect on the shallow clouds and solar radiation is -11 ± 3 W/m2 for the 3 months studied; 2/3 of it is due to the aerosol-induced cloud changes, and 1/3 is due to aerosol direct radiative effect.
Koren I., Kaufman Y., Rosenfeld D., Remer L. & Rudich Y.
Geophysical Research Letters.
p. 1-4
Clouds and precipitation play crucial roles in the Earth's energy balance, global atmospheric circulation and the availability of fresh water. Aerosols may modify cloud properties and precipitation formation by modifying the concentration and size of cloud droplets, and consequently the strength of cloud convection, and height of glaciation levels thus affecting precipitation patterns. Here we evaluate the aerosol effect on clouds, using large statistics of daily satellite data over the North Atlantic Ocean. We found a strong correlation between the presence of aerosols and the structural properties of convective clouds. These correlations suggest systematic invigoration of convective clouds by pollution, desert dust and biomass burning aerosols. On average increase in the aerosol concentration from a baseline to the average values is associated with a 0.05 ∓ 0.01 increase in the cloud fraction and a 40 ∓ 5mb decrease in the cloud top pressure.
Brennan J. I., Kaufman Y. J., Koren I. & Li R. R.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
p. 911-915
The accuracy of the spaceborne Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) cloud mask was evaluated for possible contamination by areas of heavy aerosol that may be misclassified as clouds. Analysis for several aerosol types shows that the cloud mask and products can be safely used in the presence of aerosol up to optical thickness of 0.6. Here we define as cloudy all MODIS 1-km (at nadir) pixels that were used to derive the cloud effective radius and optical thickness of water and ice clouds. The findings make it possible to study aerosols-cloud interaction from the MODIS aerosol and cloud products.
Kaufman Y. J., Koren I., Remer L. A., Tanré D., Ginoux P. & Fan S.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.
p. 1-16
Meteorological observations, in situ data, and satellite images of dust episodes were used already in the 1970s to estimate that 100 Tg of dust are transported from Africa over the Atlantic Ocean every year between June and August and are deposited in the Atlantic Ocean and the Americas. Desert dust is a main source of nutrients to oceanic biota and the Amazon forest, but it deteriorates air quality, as shown for Florida. Dust affects the Earth radiation budget, thus participating in climate change and feedback mechanisms. There is an urgent need for new tools for quantitative evaluation of the dust distribution, transport, and deposition. The Terra spacecraft, launched at the dawn of the last millennium, provides the first systematic well-calibrated multispectral measurements from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument for daily global analysis of aerosol. MODIS data are used here to distinguish dust from smoke and maritime aerosols and to evaluate the African dust column concentration, transport, and deposition. We found that 240 ± 80 Tg of dust are transported annually from Africa to the Atlantic Ocean, 140 ± 40 Tg are deposited in the Atlantic Ocean, 50 Tg fertilize the Amazon Basin (four times as previous estimates, thus explaining a paradox regarding the source of nutrition to the Amazon forest), 50 Tg reach the Caribbean, and 20 Tg return to Africa and Europe. The results are compared favorably with dust transport models for maximum particle diameter between 6 and 12 μm. This study is a first example of quantitative use of MODIS aerosol for a geophysical research.
Koren I. & Kaufman Y. J.
Geophysical Research Letters.
p. L06122 1-4
Wind speed and direction, during Saharan dust episodes are calculated by estimating the movement of the dust plume between the morning observations from Terra and the afternoon observations from Aqua by the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The difference in the position of the dust front (easily identified both near the dust sources and over the ocean) between the Terra and Aqua observations is used to derive the actual wind field of the dust layer. The analysis is used to estimate the near-surface wind properties needed for dust mobilization in the Bodele depression. Comparison with NCEP reanalysis winds shows that NCEP underestimated by factor 2 the actual speed of the dust front progression near the sources and produced an azimuthal spread, three times wider than the measured one. Over the seashore, with more numerous meteorological observations, the NCEP wind field did match very well the dust measurements.
Koren I., Kaufman Y. J., Remer L. A. & Martins J. V.
p. 1342-1345
Urban air pollution and smoke from fires have been modeled to reduce cloud formation by absorbing sunlight, thereby cooling the surface and heating the atmosphere. Satellite data over the Amazon region during the biomass burning season showed that scattered cumulus cloud cover was reduced from 38% in clean conditions to 0% for heavy smoke (optical depth of 1.3). This response to the smoke radiative effect reverses the regional smoke instantaneous forcing of climate from -28 watts per square meter in cloud-free conditions to +8 watts per square meter once the reduction of cloud cover is accounted for.
Koren I. & Joseph J.
p. 70-72
A new approach to cluster analysis is proposed, namely Morphological Component Analysis (MCA), to enhance discrimination of features in multi-channel satellite images. The characterization of clusters, in this method, is morphological, unlike some of the classical cluster approaches in which the clusters are defined by their centers. By using the shape and orientation of the clusters, it is possible to define an affine transformation of the cluster space into a new one in which the selected clusters are orthogonal or better separated. Such an operation can be considered as supervised Independent Component Analysis - ICA [1].
Koren I., Joseph J. H. & Israelevich P.
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing.
p. 792-796
The common source area of long and narrow dust plumes that emanate frequently from an area southeast of Benghazi in Libya is identified by computerized image analysis. Four examples are shown in SeaWiFS data at that location. Similar plumes are found in many locations over the globe. The direction of propagation of plumes from the source depends on the synoptic situation. Plumes travel both northwards, reaching the Mediterranean Sea, and southwards, to the interior of the Sahara. Such plumes may ultimately assemble into massive dust palls that frequently travel long distances out of North Africa.
Koren I., Ganor E. & Joseph J.
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres.
p. 18047-18054
Mathematical image analysis techniques are implemented in a novel manner to analyze aerosol particles in scanning electron microscope (SEM) data. By evaluating and removing the variable background in a digital SEM image using dynamic thresholding and then calculating the area and perimeter of each particle, one can study the relationship between particle area and particle shape. It is possible to distinguish in this manner between at least two different particle populations, separated by their fractal dimension, in a set of samples collected during 1 day in a heavy dust storm in Israel.
Koren I. & Joseph J.
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres.
p. 29369-29377
A modeling algorithm for the brightness histogram of stratocumulus, cumulus, and fair-weather-cumulus clouds (in short, "convective clouds") is proposed. The algorithm is based on the similarity between the beta probability density function, and the convective cloud brightness histogram. On assuming that the image brightness histogram's right wing (the high values in the solar spectral range) is free of background contribution, the cloud histogram may be extracted. The algorithm gives new information on the number of cloudy pixels in an image, using die same data as used for conventional cloud analysis methods. This information improves the estimation of cloud fraction of the image and aids in the selection of thresholds for cloud-background separation. It provides a new perspective on the data that will be helpful when using conventional methods for cloud detection and classification.
Loewenthal D., Buchen P., Kagansky A. & Koren I.
p. 567-571
This work describes a simple stacking procedure based on summing the traces of a common shot or common seismic section without the usual normal moveout (NMO) relative time shifts. We refer to this procedure as zero moveout (ZMO) stacking. A simple horizontal summation with no shift in time results in a stacked trace that is the one-dimensional seismogram for horizontally layered media. We explore the practical implementation of ZMO stacks for source estimation or wavelet extraction in deconvolution and/or identification of source-reflector signatures necessary for performing inversion.