

  1. Rousseau-Rizzi R., Raveh-Rubin S., Catto J. L., Portal A., Givon Y. & Martius O. (2024) Weather and Climate Dynamics. 5, 3, p. 1079-1101  Abstract
  2. Schaefler A., Krüger K., Oertel A., Quinting J. & Raveh-Rubin S. (2024) Geophysical Research Letters. 51, 15, e2024GL109.  Abstract
  3. Portal A., Raveh-Rubin S., Catto J. L., Givon Y. & Martius O. (2024) Weather and Climate Dynamics. 5, 3, p. 1043-1060  Abstract
  4. Keller, Jr D., Givon Y., Pennel R., Raveh-Rubin S. & Drobinski P. (2024) Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 129, 7, e2022JC019.  Abstract
  5. Givon Y., Keller, Jr D., Pennel R., Drobinski P. & Raveh-Rubin S. (2024) Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 150, 760, p. 1791-1808  Abstract
  6. Givon Y., Hess O., Flaounas E., Catto J. L., Sprenger M. & Raveh-Rubin S. (2024) Weather and Climate Dynamics. 5, 1, p. 133-162  Abstract


  1. Ghate V. P., Surleta T., Magaritz-Ronen L., Raveh-Rubin S., Gallo F., Carlton A. G. & Azevedo E. B. (2023) Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 128, 22, e2023JD038.  Abstract
  2. Klaider N. & Raveh-Rubin S. (2023) Geophysical Research Letters. 50, 20, e2023GL104.  Abstract
  3. Fluck E. & Raveh-Rubin S. (2023) Atmospheric Research. 292, 106844.  Abstract
  4. Nissenbaum D., Sarafian R., Rudich Y. & Raveh-Rubin S. (2023) Atmospheric Environment. 309, 119902.  Abstract
  5. Magaritz-Ronen L. & Raveh-Rubin S. (2023) npj Climate and Atmospheric Science. 6, 1, 110.  Abstract
  6. Levy E. J., Vonhof H. B., Bar-Matthews M. et al. (2023) Nature Communications. 14, 1, 5180.  Abstract [All authors]
  7. Hochman A., Plotnik T., Marra F., Shehter E., Raveh-Rubin S. & Magaritz-Ronen L. (2023) Weather and Climate Extremes. 40, 100564.  Abstract
  8. Fluck E. & Raveh-Rubin S. (2023) Atmospheric research [e-journal]. 286, 106663.  Abstract
  9. Sarafian R., Nissenbaum D., Raveh-Rubin S., Agrawal V. & Rudich Y. (2023) npj Climate and Atmospheric Science. 6, 23.  Abstract
  10. Hatzaki M., Flaounas E., Davolio S. et al. (2023) Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 104, 2, p. E480-E487  Abstract [All authors]
  11. Rai D. & Raveh-Rubin S. (2023) npj Climate and Atmospheric Science. 6, 1, 43.  Abstract


  1. Ziv B., Shimer R., Harpaz T., Drori R., Alpert P., Raveh-Rubin S. & Saaroni H. (2022) Journal of climatology : a journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 42, 16, p. 10062-10082  Abstract
  2. Berkovic S. & Raveh-Rubin S. (2022) Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 148, 746, p. 2384-2409  Abstract
  3. Keller, Jr D., Givon Y., Pennel R., Raveh-Rubin S. & Drobinski P. (2022) Ocean Science. 18, 2, p. 483-510  Abstract
  4. Hochman A., Marra F., Messori G., Pinto J. G., Raveh-Rubin S., Yosef Y. & Zittis G. (2022) Earth system dynamics : ESD.. 13, 2, p. 749-777  Abstract
  5. Knopf D. A., Charnawskas J. C., Wang P. et al. (2022) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 22, 8, p. 5377-5398  Abstract [All authors]
  6. Flaounas E., Davolio S., Raveh-Rubin S. et al. (2022) Weather and Climate Dynamics. 3, 1, p. 173-208  Abstract [All authors]


  1. Tomlin J., Jankowski K. A., Veghte D. P. et al. (2021) ACP. 21, 24, p. 18123-18146  Abstract [All authors]
  2. MagaritzRonen L. & RavehRubin S. (2021) Geophysical Research Letters. 48, 23, e2021GL095.  Abstract
  3. Givon Y., Jr D. K., Silverman V., Pennel R., Drobinski P. & Raveh-Rubin S. (2021) Weather and Climate Dynamics. 2, 3, p. 609-630  Abstract
  4. Berkovic S., Mendelsohn O. Y., Ilotoviz E. & Raveh-Rubin S. (2021) International Journal of Climatology. 41, 5, p. 3317-3338  Abstract
  5. Silverman V., Nahum S. & RavehRubin S. (2021) Meteorological Applications. 28, 2, e1986.  Abstract
  6. Ilotoviz E., Ghate V. P. & Raveh-Rubin S. (2021) Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 126, 4, 2020JD0338.  Abstract


  1. Kalkstein A. J., Rudich Y., Raveh-Rubin S., Kloog I. & Novack V. (2020) Atmosphere. 11, 10, 1020.  Abstract
  2. Zaarur S., Stein M., Adam O., Mingram J., Liu J., Wu J., Raveh-Rubin S. & Erel Y. (2020) Quaternary Science Reviews. 239, 106279.  Abstract
  3. Gabay M., Raveh-Rubin S., Peleg M., Fredj E. & Tas E. (2020) Environmental Research Letters. 15, 6, 064026.  Abstract
  4. Zheng G., Sedlacek A. J., Aiken A. C., Feng Y., Watson T. B., Raveh-Rubin S., Uin J., Lewis E. R. & Wang J. (2020) Environment international. 139, p. 105680 105680.  Abstract


  1. Reicher N., Budke C., Eickhoff L., Raveh-Rubin S., Kaplan-Ashiri I., Koop T. & Rudich Y. (2019) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 19, 17, p. 11143-11158  Abstract
  2. Catto J. L. & Raveh-Rubin S. (2019) Climate Dynamics. 53, 3-4, p. 1873-1892  Abstract
  3. Raveh-Rubin S. & Catto J. L. (2019) Climate Dynamics. 53, 3-4, p. 1893-1909  Abstract
  4. Li Q., Gabay M., Rubin Y. et al. (2019) Science of the Total Environment. 658, p. 1316-1333  Abstract [All authors]


  1. Beusch L., Raveh-Rubin S., Sprenger M. & Papritz L. (2018) Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 27, 1, p. 67-80  Abstract


  1. Raveh-Rubin S. & Flaounas E. (2017) Atmospheric Science Letters. 18, 5, p. 215-221  Abstract
  2. Raveh-Rubin S. (2017) Journal of Climate. 30, 17, p. 6661-6682  Abstract


  1. Raveh-Rubin S. & Wernli H. (2016) Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 142, 701, p. 3097-3114  Abstract


  1. Raveh-Rubin S., Edery Y., Dror I. & Berkowitz B. (2015) Water Resources Research. 51, 9, p. 7702-7722  Abstract
  2. Raveh-Rubin S. & Wernli H. (2015) Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 141, 691, p. 2404-2417  Abstract
  3. Flaounas E., Raveh-Rubin S., Wernli H., Drobinski P. & Bastin S. (2015) Climate Dynamics. 44, 9-10, p. 2411-2427  Abstract


  1. Rubin S., Dror I. & Berkowitz B. (2012) Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 132, p. 28-36  Abstract


  1. Kuntz B. W., Rubin S., Berkowitz B. & Singha K. (2011) Vadose Zone Journal. 10, 3, p. 843-857  Abstract
  2. Bijeljic B., Rubin S., Scher H. & Berkowitz B. (2011) Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 120-121, C, p. 213-221  Abstract


  1. Paldor N., Rubin S. & Mariano A. J. (2008) Journal of Physical Oceanography. 38, 9, p. 2118-2119  Abstract


  1. Rubin S., Paldor N. & Ziv B. (2007) Geophysical Research Letters. 34, 23, L23814.  Abstract
  2. Rubin S., Ziv B. & Paldor N. (2007) Monthly Weather Review. 135, 12, p. 4135-4148  Abstract
  3. Paldor N., Rubin S. & Mariano A. J. (2007) Journal of Physical Oceanography. 37, 1, p. 115-128  Abstract