(2024) Weather and Climate Dynamics. 5, 3, p. 1079-1101 Abstract
Cyclones are responsible for much of the weather damage in the Mediterranean region, and while their association with individual weather hazards is well understood, their association with multivariate compound hazards remains to be quantified. Since hazard compounding is associated with enhanced risk, this study aims to establish a cyclone-relative climatology of three different multivariate hazards in Mediterranean cyclones, namely, the co-occurrences of rain and wind, rain and waves, and particulate matter and warm spells. The hazards are composited separately for nine cyclone classes associated with nine large-scale environments using a recent potential-vorticity-(PV-)based cyclone classification. This cluster-based compositing of multivariate hazards outlines the role of the large-scale environment in the occurrence of impactful cyclones. The composites are computed relative to cyclone centers and at the time of maximum intensity, when the association with compound hazards is strongest for most of the nine cyclone classes, to illustrate the spatial footprint of the multivariate hazards associated with the cyclones. Finally, datasets of cold fronts, warm conveyor belts and dry intrusions are composited alongside the hazards to provide information on the contribution of smaller-scale features to the occurrence of multivariate hazards. We find that few different large-scale configurations are associated with each specific compound event type. Compound rain and wind events are mostly associated with frontal cyclones and cyclones induced by anticyclonic Rossby wave breaking. These events are most frequent in the winter half of the year. Compound rain and wave events also occur primarily during winter but are associated with cyclonic Rossby wave breaking. Particulate matter and heat compound events are associated with heat lows, daughter cyclones and anticyclonic Rossby wave breaking in the warm season and over north Africa. The probability of compounding associated with a cyclone class does not depend monotonically on the probabilities of the individual contributing hazards but also depends on their temporal and spatial correspondence. Finally, we find that warm conveyor belts and cold fronts frequently co-occur with rain and wind and rain and wave events. The association of compound hazards with warm conveyor belts and cold fronts is similar to previous results from the Atlantic basin but substantially modulated by the local topography and landsea distribution. Particulate matter and warm spells are not strongly associated with these dynamical features. These results, which systematically associate various large-scale environments and dynamical features to different compound event types, have implications for forecasting and climate risk predictions.
(2024) Geophysical Research Letters. 51, 15, e2024GL109. Abstract
The model representation of dry intrusions (DIs) and the marine boundary layer (MBL) is analyzed in the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Integrated Forecasting System (IFS). For this purpose, a DI classification at the Azores is combined with observation, short-term background forecast and analysis data from the IFS data assimilation system. The background exhibits a cold bias in the descending DI, which is possibly related to a cold bias in the MBL below through vertical mixing. At the surface, simulated wind speeds are underestimated and directions are veered compared to the observations. The errors are reduced in the analysis except for near-surface wind and humidity biases. We hypothesize that these biases are connected through underestimated surface latent heat fluxes. Such persistent biases potentially influence local weather and midlatitude weather evolution as cyclones are supplied with moisture from the cold sector influenced by DIs.
(2024) Weather and Climate Dynamics. 5, 3, p. 1043-1060 Abstract
Mediterranean cyclones are the primary driver of many types of surface weather extremes in the Mediterranean region, the association with extreme rainfall being the most established. The large-scale characteristics of a Mediterranean cyclone, the properties of the associated airflows and temperature fronts, the interaction with the Mediterranean Sea and with the topography around the basin, and the season of occurrence all contribute to determining its surface impacts. Here, we take these factors into account to interpret the statistical links between Mediterranean cyclones and compound extremes of two types, namely co-occurring rainwind and wavewind extremes. Compound extremes are attributed to a cyclone if they fall within a specially defined Mediterranean cyclone impact area. Our results show that the majority of Mediterranean rainwind and wavewind extremes occur in the neighbourhood of a Mediterranean cyclone, with local peaks exceeding 80%. The fraction of compounds happening within a cyclone's impact area is highest when considering transition seasons and for rainwind events compared with wavewind events. Winter cyclones, matching with the peak occurrence of large and distinctively baroclinic cyclones, are associated with the highest compound frequency. A novel deconstruction of cyclones' impact areas based on the presence of objectively identified airstreams and fronts reveals a high incidence of both types of compound extremes below warm conveyor belt ascent regions and of wavewind extremes below regions of dry intrusion outflow.
(2024) Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 129, 7, e2022JC019. Abstract
Deep convection occurs periodically in the Gulf of Lion, in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea, driven by the seasonal atmospheric change and Mistral winds. To determine the variability and drivers of both forcings, multiple 1 year ocean simulations were run, spanning from 1993 to 2013. Two sets of simulations were performed: a control and seasonal set, the first forced by unfiltered atmospheric forcing and the other by filtered forcing. The filtered forcing was bandpass filtered, retaining the seasonal and intraday aspects but removing the high frequency phenomena. Comparing the two sets allows for distinguishing the effects of the high frequency component of the Mistral on the ocean response. During the preconditioning phase, the seasonal forcing was found to be the main destratifying process, removing on average 46% of the stratification needed for deep convection to occur, versus the 28% removed by the Mistral. Despite this, each forcing triggered deep convection in roughly half of the deep-convection events. Sensible and latent heat fluxes were found to be the main drivers of the seasonal forcing during deep-convection years, removing 0.17 and 0.43 m
−2 of stratification, respectively. They were themselves driven by increased wind speeds, believed to be the low frequency signal of the Mistral, as more Mistral events occur during deep-convection winters (34% vs. 29% of the preconditioning period days). An evolving seasonal forcing in a changing climate may have significant effects on the future deep convection cycle of the western Mediterranean Sea. -
(2024) Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 150, 760, p. 1791-1808 Abstract
The mistral is a northerly gap-wind regime blowing through the Rhone Valley in Southern France. It is held responsible for the sea-surface cooling necessary to produce deep convection in the Gulf of Lion through turbulent ocean heat loss. The mistral is tightly connected to lee-cyclogenesis in the Gulf of Genoa, where topography forces substantial downward motion. Dry intrusions (DIs) are airstreams forming the descending branch of extratropical cyclones. Known to induce cold and dry surface anomalies, DIs are potential contributors to enhanced surface evaporation during mistral. In this study, a climatological database (ERA-INTERIM, 19812016) of mistralDI co-occurrence is constructed, allowing quantification of the impact of DIs on the mistral evaporative hot spot for the first time. We find that, on average, mistralDI evaporation rates are doubled, compared to mistral without DIs. Moreover, cluster-composite analysis reveals amplifications exceeding 300% between dynamically similar mistral events, with response to DIs. Daily latent heat-flux anomalies in the Gulf of Lion are decomposed into contributions from the various parameters to analyse the mistral evaporation response to DIs. MistralDI events are shown to produce extreme evaporation rates through increased mistral wind speeds. The results highlight the downward momentum flux delivered by DIs to the mistral at the Gulf of Lion as the primary driver of the evaporation amplification mechanism. We further explore the variability between different mistralDI events and conclude that extreme mistralDI evaporation events are linked to descending air trajectories entering the Gulf of Lion at an early stage of their lifetimes. These DIs charge the mistral with maximum vertical momentum fluxes, which act to intensify surface winds and hence evaporation rates.
(2024) Weather and Climate Dynamics. 5, 1, p. 133-162 Abstract
Mediterranean cyclones (MCs) govern extreme weather events across the Euro-African Basin, affecting the lives of hundreds of millions. Despite many studies addressing MCs in the last few decades, their correct simulation and prediction remain a significant challenge to the present day, which may be attributed to the large variability among MCs. Past classifications of MCs are primarily based on geographical and/or seasonal separations; however, here we focus on cyclone genesis and deepening mechanisms. A variety of processes combine to govern MC genesis and evolution, including adiabatic and diabatic processes, topographic influences, landsea contrasts, and local temperature anomalies. As each process bears a distinct signature on the potential vorticity (PV) field, a PV approach is used to distinguish among different \u201ctypes\u201d of MCs. Here, a combined cyclone-tracking algorithm is used to detect 3190 Mediterranean cyclone tracks in ECMWF ERA5 from 19792020. Cyclone-centered, upper-level isentropic PV structures in the peak time of each cyclone track are classified using a self-organizing map (SOM). The SOM analysis reveals nine classes of Mediterranean cyclones, with distinct Rossby-wave-breaking patterns, discernible in corresponding PV structures. Although classified by upper-level PV structures, each class shows different contributions of lower-tropospheric PV and flow structures down to the surface. Unique cyclone life cycle characteristics, associated hazards (precipitation, winds, and temperature anomalies), and long-term trends, as well as synoptic, thermal, dynamical, seasonal, and geographical features of each cyclone class, indicate dominant processes in their evolution. Among others, the classification reveals the importance of topographically induced Rossby wave breaking to the generation of the most extreme Mediterranean cyclones. These results enhance our understanding of MC predictability by linking the large-scale Rossby wave formations and life cycles to coherent classes of under-predicted cyclone aspects.
(2023) Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 128, 22, e2023JD038. Abstract
Seven years of data collected at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement's Eastern North Atlantic (ENA) site are analyzed to understand the controls of Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) concentrations in the region. Day-night differences in the aerosol data as segregated by wind direction demonstrate the aerosol observations to be impacted by local emissions when the wind direction (wdir) is between 90° and 310° (measured clockwise from the North where air is coming from). Data collected during marine conditions (wdir 310°) show the CCN concentrations to be higher in the summer months as compared to the winter months. CCN budget analysis revealed advection and precipitation scavenging being primarily responsible for modulating the CCN concentrations at the site on monthly timescales, with rain rates driving the precipitation scavenging term. High (greater than 75th percentile) and low (lower than 25th percentile) CCN events were identified for each month to characterize the sub-monthly variability of CCN concentrations. Low CCN events had thicker clouds, stronger rain rates, and lower reanalysis reported free-tropospheric aerosol pseudo number concentration at the ENA site as compared to the high CCN events. Analysis of satellite data of air-parcels 48 hr prior to their arrival at the ENA site demonstrated the air parcels during low CCN events to encounter higher cloudiness, stronger rain rates, and higher cloud top heights as compared to the high CCN events. The results presented herein provide key constraints for model evaluation studies and climatological studies conducted at the ENA site.
(2023) Geophysical Research Letters. 50, 20, e2023GL104. Abstract
Cold temperature extremes, causing damage to industry, agriculture and human health, are often associated with midlatitude cyclones. Here, we quantify the relation between cyclones and cold extremes by highlighting two cyclone-associated dynamical features that may, differently, induce cold extremes. Namely, slantwise-descending dry intrusions (DIs) advect cold air equatorward into the cyclone's cold sector, and upper-tropospheric troughs, diagnosed as cyclonic potential vorticity (PV) anomalies, induce cold anomalies directly below. By objectively-identified DI outflows and cyclonic PV anomalies for 1979-2019 in ERA5 reanalysis, their climatological association with the 5% lowest 2-m temperature is globally quantified. We find that in midlatitudes upper PV anomalies dominate cold extremes, while DIs dominate extremes in the subtropics and even the tropics. The rare overlap between the two features can potentially act as a strong predictor for cold extremes, accompanying ~30% of extremes at 30° latitude with local hotspots of 80%-100%.
(2023) Atmospheric Research. 292, 106844. Abstract
Understanding the underlying processes causing large-scale dust storms and their transport in North Africa is essential for their accurate prediction. Different atmospheric mechanisms have been identified to govern the emission of dust and its transport, ranging in scale and season, from Rossby wave breaking to local, low-level cold and dry jets. Connecting these features in a Lagrangian sense is a coherent airflow from the midlatitude upper troposphere to the surface where dust concentrations peak. Such dry intrusions (DIs) are linked to reduced static stability and strong, dry winds and indeed have been recently shown to play a central role in four of the largest dust storm in the region. Yet, the climatological link between DIs and dust storms over a long time period has not been studied yet. The aim of this paper is to identify objectively dust events that co-occur with DIs, and understand their spatio-temporal characteristics and underlying dynamical drivers. Combining Lagrangian-based DI identification in ERA-Interim and dust optical depth data in CAMS reanalyses, 325 events during 20032018 are identified. The events occur mostly in late winter and spring, when they are also larger in size and last longer, compared to summer events. When occurring with DIs, dust optical depth is generally higher, compared to events that are not accompanied by DIs. We focus on March events, and find coherent large-scale precursors and atmospheric conditions of dust-DI events: a northward jet shift over the North Atlantic with anticyclonic Rossby wave breaking occurs on average 45\u202fdays prior to the events. The lower troposphere responds with dry and cold conditions in northwest Africa, coinciding with the outflow of the DI airstream that is initially guided by the upper trough. Finally, elevated near-surface dust concentrations prevail on the leading edge of the DI in tropical west Africa, and in northeast Africa, where dust is exported to the Mediterranean in association with a Mediterranean cyclone.
(2023) Atmospheric Environment. 309, 119902. Abstract
Dust events can be hazardous to society and human health and can cost hundreds of millions of dollars each. Inhalable suspended particulate matter with a diameter of under 10 μm (PM10) is of particular concern since it can cause an array of adverse health effects following short- and long-term exposure. Understanding recurring episodes of dust events will enable accurate and timely forecasts, helping mitigate their impacts and allow for better societal protection. Previous expert-based studies highlighted several dust sources and transport pathways into the Eastern Mediterranean region and further identified several weather systems that sustain these transport routes. But since supervised methods, i.e., manual classifications, may have disadvantages, it is often preferred to use unsupervised methods, or systematic classifications. Here, a novel climatological understanding of the link between weather systems and dust transport is achieved by systematically classifying dust events. Using ground PM10 measurements in Israel to objectively identify a climatological set of extreme dust events between 2003 and 2020, we combine atmospheric data from ERA5 and CAMS reanalysis data sets and apply a new, unsupervised, and unbiased method to classify dust events in the Eastern Mediterranean. Six coherent types emerge, corresponding to events governed by shallow and deep Mediterranean cyclones, Mediterranean dipoles, Sharav thermal lows, Arabian anticyclones, and local factors, respectively. Having different seasonality, these classes are insightful in mapping the meteorological conditions and weather systems governing dust emission and transport towards the Eastern Mediterranean. In this context, slantwise-descending dry intrusions are shown to be a key precursor dynamical feature common to the buildup of elevated dust concentrations in three of the clusters of the highest PM10 concentrations.
(2023) npj Climate and Atmospheric Science. 6, 1, 110. Abstract
Extreme cold fronts are closely associated with the spread of large wildfires in Australia. The strength of a front is determined by the drop in temperature across it, which will in turn be determined by the warm and cold temperature anomalies on either side of the front. Here, we examine the Black Saturday and Ash Wednesday fires in southeast Australia through a Lagrangian decomposition framework, exploring the origin of the potential temperature anomalies that formed these extreme cold fronts. We identify the contributions of three processes: an initial anomaly at the origin, adiabatic transport of climatologically different air, and diabatic heating along the air-parcel trajectory. We find that on both sides of the cold front descending trajectories contribute to the extreme anomalies. In the warm sector, positive anomalies arrive with descending trajectories from the Indian Ocean. In the cold sector, negative anomalies are dominated by strongly descending dry intrusions forming as part of the cyclonic system. The dry intrusions advect colder air, overcompensating for its adiabatic warming during its descent. Identification of the precursors and the mechanisms contributing to extreme cold fronts associated with large wildfires can improve the forecast of such events and help evaluate them in future climate projections.
(2023) Nature Communications. 14, 1, 5180. Abstract[All authors]
There is limited understanding of temperature and atmospheric circulation changes that accompany an Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) slowdown beyond the North Atlantic realm. A Peqiin Cave (Israel) speleothem dated to the last interglacial period (LIG), 129116 thousand years ago (ka), together with a large modern rainfall monitoring dataset, serve as the base for investigating past AMOC slowdown effects on the Eastern Mediterranean. Here, we reconstruct LIG temperatures and rainfall source using organic proxies (TEX86) and fluid inclusion water d-excess. The TEX86 data show a stepwise cooling from 19.8±0.2° (ca. 128126 ka) to 16.5±0.6°C (ca. 124123 ka), while d-excess values decrease abruptly (ca. 126 ka). The d-excess shift suggests that rainfall was derived from more zonal Mediterranean air flow during the weakened AMOC interval. Decreasing rainfall d-excess trends over the last 25 years raise the question whether similar atmospheric circulation changes are also occurring today.
(2023) Weather and Climate Extremes. 40, 100564. Abstract
Extreme precipitation events inflict detrimental socio-economic impacts in the Eastern Mediterranean. These are mainly associated with Mediterranean cyclones or the Wet Red Sea Trough (WRST). The region's weather forecasters consider the second challenging to forecast, even just a few days in advance. Here, we study the dynamic and thermodynamic factors influencing the intrinsic predictability of WRST events. With this aim, we combine insights from traditional atmospheric analysis techniques, Lagrangian air-parcel backward trajectories, and dynamical systems theory. The latter describes atmospheric states via their local dimension (d) and inverse persistence (θ), which inform us of the intrinsic predictability of the atmosphere in phase space. We compare WRST events of low (upper decile of d and θ) with high (lower decile of d and θ) predictability. We argue that low-predictability events display a significantly different atmospheric pattern. Moreover, the low-predictability events show significantly higher daily precipitation rates, more extensive spatial spread, and greater precipitation variability among events than more predictable ones. On average, low predictability events are initiated by two distinct moisture sources with different water vapor content. We conclude that the dynamical systems framework may become a valuable tool to improve the forecast of extreme precipitation events associated with the WRST by providing a priori information on their intrinsic predictability. We foresee successfully implementing such a framework for other extreme weather events and regions.
(2023) Atmospheric research [e-journal]. 286, 106663. Abstract
Large dust storms in the Saharan desert and the subsequent transport of airborne dust over large distances are a major meteorological hazard. Several mechanisms associated to dust emission, occurring on a range of scales, have been previously documented, notably involving Rossby wave breaking and a low-level jet. However, the mechanistic link between the different features and actual dust concentrations has not been coherently established. Here, using a Lagrangian approach, and the conceptual view of extratropical cyclone airstreams, the role of the dry intrusion airstream for translating the influence of the upper-tropospheric Rossby wave perturbation to near-surface flow conductive for the highest dust concentrations is examined. To this end, four large-scale dust storms that were accompanied by dry intrusions in west Africa are studied. Data from the Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (validated against AERONET station data) are combined with atmospheric data from reanalysis and objectively-identified Lagrangian trajectories of dry intrusions. Common, coherent structures highlighting the role of dry intrusions link the upper-tropospheric Rossby wave breaks with the lower-tropospheric dry and cold jets. These conditions favor dust uplift and transport along an arc-shaped cold front trailing from a Mediterranean cyclone. Consequently, the southwest side of the front is characterized by the highest near-surface dust concentrations ahead of the dry intrusion outflow, where the Intertropical Discontinuity shifts equatorward by 3 to 7°. The northeast part of the front is, however, accompanied by southerly, warm conveyor belt-like flow transporting the dust northward to the Mediterranean, Middle East and/or Europe at mid and upper-tropospheric levels. While case-to-case variations exists, the central role of dry intrusions in all cases calls for systematic investigation of its occurrence as a predictive tool for large dust transport events.
(2023) npj Climate and Atmospheric Science. 6, 23. Abstract
Events of high dust loading are extreme meteorological phenomena with important climate and health implications. Therefore, early forecasting is critical for mitigating their adverse effects. Dust modeling is a long-standing challenge due to the multiscale nature of the governing meteorological dynamics and the complex coupling between atmospheric particles and the underlying atmospheric flow patterns. While physics-based numerical modeling is commonly being used, we propose a meteorological-based deep multi-task learning approach for forecasting dust events. Our approach consists of forecasting the local PM10 (primary task) measured in situ, and simultaneously to predict the satellite-based regional PM10 (auxiliary task); thus, leveraging valuable information from a correlated task. We use 18 years of regional meteorological data to train a neural forecast model for dust events in Israel. Twenty-four hours before the dust event, the model can detect 76% of the events with even higher predictability of winter and spring events. Further analysis shows that local dynamics drive most misclassified events, meaning that the coherent driving meteorology in the region holds a predictive skill. Further, we use machine-learning interpretability methods to reveal the meteorological patterns the model has learned, thus highlighting the important features that govern dust events in the Middle East, being primarily lower-tropospheric winds, and Aerosol Optical Depth.
(2023) Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 104, 2, p. E480-E487 Abstract[All authors]
Scientists and stakeholders came to discuss together the most recent research results in understanding processes and impacts of Mediterranean cyclones and train the new generation of scientists.
(2023) npj Climate and Atmospheric Science. 6, 1, 43. Abstract
The Indian summer monsoon affects the lives of over 1/6 of the worlds population. Precipitation extremes during summer monsoons have dire socioeconomic impacts. Yet, the mechanisms leading to these extremes are poorly understood, making their accurate forecasts and reliable future projections a longstanding challenge. Using a Lagrangian-based method, we show that precipitation extremes link to dry air intrusions from the southern midlatitudes upper troposphere, crossing the equator, and reaching the Arabian Sea. By triggering intense ocean evaporation, these dry intrusions are associated with modulated moisture transport patterns toward India and enhanced precipitation by >17% on average, often embedding local extremes. A notable example is the excessive rain that caused the devastating Kerala flood of 2018. However, depending on the wind pattern, these dry intrusions may, in some cases, decrease rainfall over land. The emerging connection of rainfall variability with midlatitude weather systems opens opportunities for improving the forecast of precipitation extremes and understanding their future projections.
(2022) Journal of climatology : a journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 42, 16, p. 10062-10082 Abstract
The Red-Sea Trough (RST) extends toward the Levant from the south, and is mostly associated with dry conditions. This study analyzed the rarer type, rain-producing RSTs, referred to as 'wet RSTs' (WRST), using data from 1958-2019. A WRST archive was established, based on rain data from a study region covering the arid part of Israel, the region where this system is most active. The study also aimed to find an atmospheric proxy for rainfall, to replace precipitation estimates obtained from climate models.
A WRST day was defined as a day when the RST was identified and rainfall of ≥0.1mm was observed by at least two of the 39 rain stations used. The annual occurrence of WRSTs is 16.4days, ~16% of all RSTs, peaking in the winter. The relative contribution of WRSTs to the annual rainfall ranges from 16% in the northern part of the study region to 50% in the south. The tropical air intrusion was quantified through trajectory analysis and the results revealed that in most WRST days, 72%, the fraction of air originating from the tropics was less than 10%, and only in 3.7% of the days did it exceed 50%. Attempts to extract an atmospheric proxy which identifies a WRST did not yield significant separation between dry and wet RSTs, because of significant differences among several WRST types. Therefore, identification of future changes in WRSTs will still require the use of rainfall data offered by climate models. We automatically classified the WRST days into four types. Two types are associated with 850hPa negative temperature anomalies, and the other two with higher-than-normal temperatures, resembling tropical-like RSTs, which are known as active RSTs, and tropical plumes. A predictive equation was extracted to quantify the tropical air intrusion and replace the use of trajectory analysis in future studies.
(2022) Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 148, 746, p. 2384-2409 Abstract
Persistent dry winter events over the Eastern Mediterranean (EM) disrupt the rainy (winter) season precipitation patterns and dramatically reduce water availability in the region. Here we objectively identify persistent dry, warm winter events over Israel, and apply a Lagrangian approach to three case studies, aiming to understand the relation between the synoptic setting, precursor Rossby waves, and how the dry, warm conditions emerge. Self-organizing map classification of atmospheric profile data over Israel shows that the most persistent (at least 5days) dry and warm winter events are induced by a stagnant upper tropospheric ridge over the EM, pronounced trough or cutoff low over the western/central Mediterranean and blocking over the North Atlantic. The leading mechanisms of the warm and dry conditions are: adiabatic heating during slantwise subsidence, heating by sensible heat fluxes from the surface, and advection of warm and dry continental air. The relative contributions of the mechanisms and geographical locations of the back trajectories vary greatly both within and among the events. In addition, the Atlantic blocking and EM ridge are supported by upstream diabatic heating in warm conveyor belts of North Atlantic cyclones and Mediterranean cyclones, respectively. A quantitative classification of the back trajectories above the Atlantic and the Mediterranean has shown transitions from adiabatic to diabatic contributions and vice versa along these paths. The sequential relation between Atlantic ridge (or block), trough over Europe and ridge over EM and/or west Russia places local persistent warm and dry extremes into a large-scale context and thus provides new opportunities for understanding their predictability at weather and climate scales.
(2022) Ocean Science. 18, 2, p. 483-510 Abstract
Deep convection in the Gulf of Lion is believed to be primarily driven by the mistral winds. However, our findings show that the seasonal atmospheric change provides roughly two-thirds of the buoyancy loss required for deep convection to occur for the year 2012 to 2013, with the mistral supplying the final third. Two NEMOMED12 ocean simulations of the Mediterranean Sea were run from 1 August 2012 to 31 July 2013, forced with two sets of atmospheric-forcing data from a RegIPSL coupled run within the Med-CORDEX framework. One set of atmospheric-forcing data was left unmodified, while the other was filtered to remove the signal of the mistral. The control simulation featured deep convection, while the seasonal simulation did not. A simple model was derived by relating the anomaly scale forcing (the difference between the control and seasonal runs) and the seasonal scale forcing to the ocean response through the stratification index. This simple model revealed that the mistral's effect on buoyancy loss depends more on its strength rather than its frequency or duration. The simple model also revealed that the seasonal cycle of the stratification index is equal to the net surface heat flux over the course of the year, with the stratification maximum and minimum occurring roughly at the fall and spring equinoxes.
(2022) Earth system dynamics : ESD.. 13, 2, p. 749-777 Abstract
Gaining a holistic understanding of extreme weather, from its physical drivers to its impacts on society and ecosystems, is key to supporting future risk reduction and preparedness measures. Here, we provide an overview of the state of the art, knowledge gaps and key open questions in the study of extreme weather events over the vulnerable eastern Mediterranean. This region is situated in a transition zone between subtropical and mid-latitude climates. The large-scale atmospheric circulation and its interaction with regional synoptic systems (i.e., Cyprus Lows, Red Sea Troughs, Persian Troughs, "Sharav"Lows) and high-pressure systems mainly govern extreme weather. Complex orographic features further play an important role in the generation of extreme weather. Most extreme weather events, including heavy precipitation, cold spells, floods and windstorms, are associated with Cyprus Lows or active Red Sea Troughs, whereas heat waves are related with either Persian Troughs and sub-tropical high-pressure systems in summer or the Sharav Low during springtime. In future decades, heat waves and droughts are projected to significantly increase in both frequency and intensity. Changes in heavy precipitation may vary in sign and magnitude depending on the scale, severity and region of interest. There are still relatively large uncertainties concerning the physical understanding and the projected changes of cold spells, windstorms and compound extremes, as these types of events received comparatively little attention in the literature. We further identify knowledge gaps that relate to the societal impacts of extreme weather. These gaps mainly relate to the effects extreme weather may have on mortality, morbidity and infrastructure in the eastern Mediterranean. Research is currently limited in this context, and we recommend strengthening the database of analyzed case studies. We trust that this can only be suitably accomplished by inter-disciplinary and international regional collaboration (in spite of political unrest).
(2022) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 22, 8, p. 5377-5398 Abstract[All authors]
Formation of atmospheric ice plays a crucial role in the microphysical evolution of mixed-phase and cirrus clouds and thus climate. How aerosol particles impact ice crystal formation by acting as ice-nucleating particles (INPs) is a subject of intense research activities. To improve understanding of atmospheric INPs, we examined daytime and nighttime particles collected during the Aerosol and Cloud Experiments in the Eastern North Atlantic (ACE-ENA) field campaign conducted in summer 2017. Collected particles, representative of a remote marine environment, were investigated for their propensity to serve as INPs in the immersion freezing (IMF) and deposition ice nucleation (DIN) modes. The particle population was characterized by chemical imaging techniques such as computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (CCSEM/EDX) and scanning transmission X-ray microscopy with near-edge X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy (STXM/NEXAFS). Four major particle-type classes were identified where internally mixed inorganicorganic particles make up the majority of the analyzed particles. Following ice nucleation experiments, individual INPs were identified and characterized by SEM/EDX. The identified INP types belong to the major particle-type classes consisting of fresh sea salt with organics or processed sea salt containing dust and sulfur with organics. Ice nucleation experiments show IMF events at temperatures as low as 231 K , including the subsaturated regime. DIN events were observed at lower temperatures of 210 to 231 K . IMF and DIN observations were analyzed with regard to activated INP fraction, ice-nucleation active site (INAS) densities, and a water activity-based immersion freezing model (ABIFM) yielding heterogeneous ice nucleation rate coefficients. Observed IMF and DIN events of ice formation and corresponding derived freezing rates demonstrate that the marine boundary layer aerosol particles can serve as INPs under typical mixed-phase and cirrus cloud conditions. The derived IMF and DIN parameterizations allow for implementation in cloud and climate models to evaluate predictive effects of atmospheric ice crystal formation.
(2022) Weather and Climate Dynamics. 3, 1, p. 173-208 Abstract[All authors]
A large number of intense cyclones occur every year in the Mediterranean basin, one of the climate change hotspots. Producing a broad range of severe socio-economic and environmental impacts in such a densely populated region, Mediterranean cyclones call for coordinated and interdisciplinary research efforts. This article aims at supporting these efforts by reviewing the status of knowledge in the broad field of Mediterranean cyclones. First, we focus on the climatology of Mediterranean cyclone tracks, their relationship to large-scale atmospheric circulation and their future trends. Second, we discuss the dynamics and atmospheric processes that govern the genesis and development of Mediterranean cyclones. Then, we present the different subtypes of Mediterranean cyclones, devoting special attention to medicanes, i.e. cyclones with tropical characteristics and subjects of numerous recent studies. In a subsequent section, we review the state of the art in forecasting cyclones and relevant high-impact weather, and we discuss in detail the challenges and recent efforts to increase their forecast skill. Finally, we discuss the main impacts produced by cyclones, namely heavy precipitation, windstorms, dust transport, storm surges and sea wave extremes. In the last section of this review article, we thoroughly outline the future directions of research that would advance the broader field of Mediterranean cyclones.
(2021) ACP. 21, 24, p. 18123-18146 Abstract[All authors]
Long-range transport of continental emissions has a far-reaching influence over remote regions, resulting in substantial change in the size, morphology, and composition of the local aerosol population and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) budget. Here, we investigate the physicochemical properties of atmospheric particles collected on board a research aircraft flown over the Azores during the winter 2018 Aerosol and Cloud Experiment in the Eastern North Atlantic (ACE-ENA) campaign. Particles were collected within the marine boundary layer (MBL) and free troposphere (FT) after long-range atmospheric transport episodes facilitated by dry intrusion (DI) events. Chemical and physical properties of individual particles were investigated using complementary capabilities of computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy and X-ray spectromicroscopy to probe particle external and internal mixing state characteristics. Furthermore, real-time measurements of aerosol size distribution, cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentration, and back-trajectory calculations were utilized to help bring into context the findings from offline spectromicroscopy analysis. While carbonaceous particles were found to be the dominant particle type in the region, changes in the percent contribution of organics across the particle population (i.e., external mixing) shifted from 68% to 43% in the MBL and from 92% to 46% in FT samples during DI events. This change in carbonaceous contribution is counterbalanced by the increase in inorganics from 32% to 57% in the MBL and 8% to 55% in FT. The quantification of the organic volume fraction (OVF) of individual particles derived from X-ray spectromicroscopy, which relates to the multi-component internal composition of individual particles, showed a factor of 2.06±0.16 and 1.11±0.04 increase in the MBL and FT, respectively, among DI samples. We show that supplying particle OVF into the κ-Köhler equation can be used as a good approximation of field-measured in situ CCN concentrations. We also report changes in the κ values in the MBL from κMBL, non-DI=0.48 to κMBL, DI=0.41, while changes in the FT result in κFT, non-DI=0.36 to κFT, DI=0.33, which is consistent with enhancements in OVF followed by the DI episodes. Our observations suggest that entrainment of particles from long-range continental sources alters the mixing state population and CCN properties of aerosol in the region. The work presented here provides field observation data that can inform atmospheric models that simulate sources and particle composition in the eastern North Atlantic.
(2021) Geophysical Research Letters. 48, 23, e2021GL095. Abstract
Following the 2020 wildfires in Australia, an extremely large amount of smoke entered the stratosphere and was dispersed throughout the southern hemisphere stratosphere. However, the pathway and entry point of the smoke into the stratosphere and the underlying mechanism remained unclear. Here, Lagrangian trajectory analysis is used to examine the flow downstream of the fires in the south Pacific, where the smoke was detected. We find that tropical cyclone Sarai merged with an extratropical cyclone to form a troposphere-wide cyclonic system, with a deep potential vorticity cutoff above it. The smoke first traveled in the isentropic layer between 340 and 350 °K. Having reached the cyclone, the smoke circulated and entered the stratosphere through a dip in the tropopause height within the cutoff. The cyclone described in this case study is not uncommon in these regions, possibly underlining the importance of this mechanism for troposphere-to-stratosphere exchange.
(2021) Weather and Climate Dynamics. 2, 3, p. 609-630 Abstract
The mistral is a northerly low-level jet blowing through the Rhône valley in southern France and down to the Gulf of Lion. It is co-located with the cold sector of a low-level lee cyclone in the Gulf of Genoa, behind an upper-level trough north of the Alps. The mistral wind has long been associated with extreme weather events in the Mediterranean, and while extensive research focused on the lower-tropospheric mistral and lee cyclogenesis, the different upper-tropospheric large- and synoptic-scale settings involved in producing the mistral wind are not generally known. Here, the isentropic potential vorticity (PV) structures governing the occurrence of the mistral wind are classified using a self-organizing map (SOM) clustering algorithm. Based upon a 36-year (19812016) mistral database and daily ERA-Interim isentropic PV data, 16 distinct mistral-associated PV structures emerge. Each classified flow pattern corresponds to a different type or stage of the Rossby wave life cycle, from broad troughs to thin PV streamers to distinguished cutoffs. Each of these PV patterns exhibits a distinct surface impact in terms of the surface cyclone, surface turbulent heat fluxes, wind, temperature and precipitation. A clear seasonal separation between the clusters is evident, and transitions between the clusters correspond to different Rossby-wave-breaking processes. This analysis provides a new perspective on the variability of the mistral and of the Genoa lee cyclogenesis in general, linking the upper-level PV structures to their surface impact over Europe, the Mediterranean and north Africa.
(2021) International Journal of Climatology. 41, 5, p. 3317-3338 Abstract
The boundary layer (BL) profile over the coastal plain of Israel, Eastern Mediterranean (EM), varies considerably during winter. Although in the context of air pollution, the characteristics of the BL height (BLH) was intensively investigated, a quantitative classification of the BL profile regimes has not been performed. Here, we seek to reveal the dominant, recurring regimes of the BL profiles, their quantitative characteristics and links to regional synoptic-scale patterns. An objective unsupervised classification of winter BL radiosonde profiles is performed for the first time by multi-parameter self-organizing map (SOM) analysis. The analysis uses high-resolution, 12:00-UTC data of wind, temperature, humidity and pressure measurements during December to February 2007-2018, and yields 30 distinct profile regimes. Composite analysis using ERA5 reanalysis suggests strong association between the profile regimes and synoptic weather systems and highlights four groups: (a) Deep winter cyclones with strong westerly wind and precipitation; (b) Strong surface anticyclones and Red Sea troughs (RST) with a mid-tropospheric ridge, moderate dry easterly wind and extreme temperatures. (c) Moderate pressure gradients under shallow cyclones, anticyclone to the west and RST to the east of Israel. (d) Active RSTs, accompanied by upper-tropospheric trough/cutoff low and heavy precipitation. For the first time, general objective classification observes the active RST without requiring specific criteria. Consistent with previous knowledge, the new classification exhibits distinct categories of thermal stability, BLH and turbulence. Importantly, we show that the automatic objective classification of profile data from a single station can be a sensitive discriminator of winter synoptic regimes in the EM, and therefore explains the variability of the BL profile. It facilitates the study of the interaction between the BL and the free troposphere and may improve the prediction of air pollution or future BL profile regimes based on long time series from historical data or climate models.
(2021) Meteorological Applications. 28, 2, e1986. Abstract
Midlatitude cyclones are complex weather systems that are tightly related to surface weather impacts. Coherent air streams are known to be associated with such systems, in particular dry intrusions (DIs) in which dry air masses descend slantwise from the vicinity of the tropopause equatorward towards the surface. Often, DIs are associated with severe surface winds, heavy precipitation and frontogenesis. Currently, DIs can only be identified in hindsight by costly Lagrangian calculations using high resolution wind field data. Here, we use a novel method aiming to simplify the detection procedure of DI origins to allow their future identification in climate datasets, previously inaccessible for such diagnostic studies. A novel adaptation of a segmentationoriented neural network model is hereby presented as a successful tool to identify DI origins based solely on three ERAInterim reanalysis geopotential height fields, representing the state of the atmosphere. The model prediction skill is tested by calculating both the gridpoint and DI object based Matthews correlation coefficient. We find the model highly skilful in both reconstructing accurately the climatological distribution and predicting the vast majority of the individual DI origin objects. The skill decreases for relatively small objects and for objects occurring at locations where such cases are relatively less frequent. This indicates that geopotential height variability is related to the dynamic mechanisms involved in DI initiations. The results serve as a proof of concept for predicting DIs and other coherent air mass trajectories even when high resolution wind field data are not available, such as for model output for future climate projections.
(2021) Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 126, 4, 2020JD0338. Abstract
Dry intrusions (DIs) are synoptic-scale slantwise descending airstreams from the midlatitude upper troposphere toward the boundary layer at lower latitudes. Typically occurring behind cold fronts, such intrusions of dry air often reach the boundary layer and cause its deepening, thereby affecting boundary-layer clouds. Although subsidence is generally an inherent feature of the subtropical marine boundary layer (MBL), it is unclear how the MBL reacts to the transient, dynamically distinct DI. In this study, reanalysis data were combined with observations from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Eastern North Atlantic (ENA) site (39.1°N,28.0°W) to characterize the impact of DIs on MBL characteristics and clouds. Specifically, an objective criterion is applied to the observations made during the winter months of 20162018 to identify the DI days from those before and following DIs, and reference periods without DIs. The analyses suggest substantial deepening of the well-mixed boundary layer accompanied by changes in the cloud, precipitation and thermodynamic properties during the DI events. During the DI, the lower troposphere cooled and dried substantially thereby inducing strong surface sensible and latent heat fluxes. All while a strong inversion builds up at the elevated MBL top affecting cloud occurrence. The results show DIs to affect the boundary layer and cloud structure at the ENA site ∼21% of the time in winter months, with the response of the cloud fields to the DI-fronts substantially different than that to the non-DI fronts. Hence, the DI events should be considered while studying boundary layer and cloud processes in the region.
(2020) Atmosphere. 11, 10, 1020. Abstract
The Negev Desert in Israel is susceptible to frequent atmospheric events of high dust loading which have been linked with negative human health outcomes, including cardiovascular and respiratory distress. Previous research suggests that the highest levels of dust over the region occur during an atmospheric pattern with a cyclone situated over the eastern Mediterranean. This Cyprus Low can bring unsettled weather and strong westerly winds over the Negev. However, while the overall pattern associated with dust events in the Negev Desert is generally well-understood, it remains unclear why days with seemingly similar weather patterns result in different levels of atmospheric dust. Thus, the goal of this study is to better differentiate the atmospheric patterns during dust events over the Negev. Using PM10 data collected in Beer Sheva, Israel, from 2000 to 2015 in concert with 72-h HYSPLIT back trajectories at three different height levels (surface, 200 m, 500 m), we examine the source region, trajectory groups using a K-Means clustering procedure, and overall synoptic pattern during dust events. Further, we use sea-level pressure data across the region to determine how cyclone strength and location impact dust events in Beer Sheva. We find that the highest levels of atmospheric dust in the Negev are associated with the Cyprus Low pattern, and air traversing Libya seems to play an especially important role, likely due to the countrys arid surface cover. Cyclone strength is also a critical factor, as lower sea-level pressure results in more severe dust events. A better understanding of the atmospheric features associated with dust events over the Negev Desert will hopefully aid in forecasting these occurrences across the region.
(2020) Quaternary Science Reviews. 239, 106279. Abstract
The paleo-synoptic conditions that prevailed during the past ∼80 kyr in northeastern China are inferred from the elemental and SrNd isotopic compositions of Lake Sihailongwan Maar sediments. The detrital fraction in the lake sediments is dominated by aeolian input of felsic-rock origin, with little contribution of local volcanic material. Based on the isotopic SrNd composition of the lake core-sediments, we postulate that the deserts of northern China are the main source of allochthonous particles to the lake throughout the past ∼80 kyr. Northwesterly winds associated with the East Asian winter monsoon and high latitude westerlies are the main carriers of dust from these deserts to the lake. The deserts of central China are an additional minor dust source. The episodic dust input from these deserts results from anomalous dry southwesterly winds. These could be related to either El Niño conditions, or to delays in the onset of the East Asian summer monsoon rains.
(2020) Environmental Research Letters. 15, 6, 064026. Abstract
Deposition of atmospheric mercury is of global concern, primarily due to health effects associated with efficient bioaccumulation of mercury in marine food webs. Although oxidation of gaseous elementary mercury (GEM), the major fraction of atmospheric mercury, is a critical stage in regulating atmospheric mercury deposition efficiency, this oxidation is currently not well-characterized, limiting modeling-based assessments of mercury in the environment. Based on a previous study, we hypothesized that the oxidation of GEM is predominantly controlled by multistep bromine- and chlorine-induced oxidation (MBCO) in the remote marine boundary layer (RMBL), and by photochemical smog oxidants, primarily ozone (O3) and hydroxyl radical (OH), in the polluted continental boundary layer (PCBL). To test this hypothesis, we used the following analyses: (i) application of a newly developed criterion to evaluate the gaseous oxidized mercury (GOM)O3 association based on previous studies in the RMBL and PCBL; (ii) measurement-based box simulations of GEM oxidation in the RMBL and at a PCBL site; and (iii) measurement-based analysis of photochemical oxidation vs. other processes which potentially influence GOM. Our model simulations indicated that the MBCO mechanism can reproduce GOM levels in the RMBL, but not in the PCBL. Our data analysis suggested the important role of photochemical smog oxidants in GEM oxidation in the PCBL, potentially masked by the effect of relative humidity and entrainment of free tropospheric air.
(2020) Environment international. 139, p. 105680 105680. Abstract
Wildfire is a major source of biomass burning aerosols, which greatly impact Earth climate. Tree species in North America (NA) boreal forests can support high-intensity crown fires, resulting in elevated injection height and longer lifetime (on the order of months) of the wildfire aerosols. Given the long lifetime, the properties of aged NA wildfire aerosols are required to understand and quantify their effects on radiation and climate. Here we present comprehensive characterization of climatically relevant properties, including optical properties and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activities of aged NA wildfire aerosols, emitted from the record-breaking Canadian wildfires in August 2017. Despite the extreme injection height of ~12 km, some of the wildfire plumes descended into the marine boundary layer in the eastern North Atlantic over a period of ~2 weeks, owing to the dry intrusions behind mid-latitude cyclones. The aged wildfire aerosols have high single scattering albedos at 529 nm (ω529; 0.92-0.95) while low absorption Ångström exponents (Åabs) at 464 nm/648 nm (0.7-0.9). In comparison, Åabs of fresh/slightly aged ones are typically 1.4-3.5. This low Åabs indicates a nearly complete loss of brown carbon, likely due to bleaching and/or evaporation, during the long-range transport. The nearly complete loss suggests that on global average, direct radiative forcing of BrC may be minor. Combining Mie calculations and the measured aerosol hygroscopicity, volatility and size distributions, we show that the high ω529 and low Åabs values are best explained by an external mixture of non-absorbing organic particles and absorbing particles of large BC cores (>~110 nm diameter) with thick non-absorbing coatings. The accelerated descent of the wildfire plume also led to strong increase of CCN concentration at the supersaturation levels representative of marine low clouds. The hygroscopicity parameter, κCCN, of the aged wildfire aerosols varies from 0.2 to 0.4, substantially lower than that of background marine boundary layer aerosols. However, the high fraction of particles with large diameter (i.e., within accumulation size ranges, ~100-250 nm) compensates for the low values of κ, and as a result, the aged NA wildfire aerosols contribute more efficiently to CCN population. These results provide direct evidence that the long-range transported NA wildfires can strongly influence CCN concentration in remote marine boundary layer, therefore the radiative properties of marine low clouds. Given the expected increases of NA wildfire intensity and frequency and regular occurrence of dry intrusion following mid-latitude cyclones, the influence of NA wildfire aerosols on CCN and clouds in remote marine environment need to be further examined.
(2019) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 19, 17, p. 11143-11158 Abstract
The prediction of cloud ice formation in climate models remains a challenge, partly due to the complexity of ice-related processes. Mineral dust is a prominent aerosol in the troposphere and is an important contributor to ice nucleation in mixed-phase clouds, as dust can initiate ice heterogeneously at relatively low supercooling conditions. We characterized the ice nucleation properties of size-segregated mineral dust sampled during dust events in the eastern Mediterranean. The sampling site allowed us to compare the properties of airborne dust from several sources with diverse mineralogy that passed over different atmospheric paths. We focused on particles with six size classes determined by the Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor (MOUDI) cutoff sizes: 5.6, 3.2, 1.8, 1.0, 0.6 and 0.3 μm. Ice nucleation experiments were conducted in the Weizmann Supercooled Droplets Observation on a Microarray (WISDOM) setup, whereby the particles are immersed in nanoliter droplets using a microfluidics technique. We observed that the activity of airborne particles depended on their size class; supermicron and submicron particles had different activities, possibly due to different composition. The concentrations of ice-nucleating particles and the density of active sites (ns) increased with the particle size and particle concentration. The supermicron particles in different dust events showed similar activity, which may indicate that freezing was dominated by common mineralogical components. Combining recent data of airborne mineral dust, we show that current predictions, which are based on surface-sampled natural dust or standard mineral dust, overestimate the activity of airborne dust, especially for the submicron class. Therefore, we suggest including information on particle size in order to increase the accuracy of ice formation modeling and thus weather and climate predictions.
(2019) Climate Dynamics. 53, 3-4, p. 1873-1892 Abstract
Cold fronts are a primary feature of the day-to-day variability of weather in the midlatitudes, and feature in conceptual extratropical cyclone models alongside the dry intrusion airstream. Here the climatological frequency and spatial distribution of the co-occurrence of these two features are quantified, and the differences in cold front characteristics (intensity, size, and precipitation) when a dry intrusion is present or not are calculated. Fronts are objectively identified in the ECMWF ERA-Interim dataset for the winter seasons in each hemisphere and split into three sub-types: central fronts (within a cyclone area); trailing fronts (outwith the cyclone area but connected to a central front); and isolated fronts (not connected to a cyclone). These are then associated with dry intrusions identified using Lagrangian trajectory analysis. Trailing fronts are most likely to be associated with a DI in both hemispheres, and this occurs more frequently in the western parts of the major storm track regions. Isolated fronts are linked to DIs more frequently on the eastern ends of the storm tracks, and in the subtropics. All front types, when co-occurring with a DI, are stronger in terms of their temperature gradient, are much larger in area, and typically have higher average precipitation. Therefore, climatologically the link with DIs increases the impact of cold fronts. There are some differences in the statistics of the precipitation for trailing and isolated fronts that are further investigated in Part II of this study from the front-centred perspective.
(2019) Climate Dynamics. 53, 3-4, p. 1893-1909 Abstract
The conceptual picture of an extratropical cyclone typically includes a cold front and a dry intrusion (DI) behind it. By objectively identifying fronts and DIs in ECMWF ERA-Interim data for 19792014, Part I quantified the climatological relationship between cold fronts and DIs. Driven by the finding that front intensity and frontal precipitation are enhanced in the presence of DIs, here we employ a front-centred perspective to focus on the dynamical and thermodynamical environment of cold fronts with and without DIs in the Northern Hemisphere winter. Distinguishing between trailing fronts (that connect to a parent cyclone) and isolated fronts, examples of DIs behind each type illustrate the baroclinic environment of the trailing front, and the lack of strong temperature gradients across the isolated front. Composite analyses of North Atlantic and North Pacific fronts outline the major differences in the presence of DIs, compared to similar fronts but without DIs in their vicinity. The magnitude and spatial structure of the modification by DIs depends on the front intensity. Yet, generally with DIs, trailing fronts occur with stronger SLP dipole, deeper upper-tropospheric trough, stronger 10-m wind gusts, enhanced ocean sensible and latent heat fluxes in the cyclone cold sector and heavier precipitation. Isolated weak fronts exhibit similar behaviour, with different spatial structure. This study highlights the central role of DIs for shaping the variability of fronts and their associated environment and impact.
(2019) Science of the Total Environment. 658, p. 1316-1333 Abstract[All authors]
Dry deposition of ozone (O-3) to vegetation is an important removal pathway for tropospheric O-3, while O-3 uptake through plant stomata negatively affects vegetation and leads to climate change. Both processes are controlled by vegetation characteristics and ambient conditions via complex mechanisms. Recent studies have revealed that these processes can be fundamentally impacted by coastal effects, and by dry and warm conditions in ways that have nut been fully characterized, largely due to lack of measurements under such conditions. Hence, we hypothesized that measuring dry deposition of O-3 to vegetation along a sharp spatial climate gradient, and at different distances from the coast, can offer new insights into the characterization of these effects on O-3 deposition to vegetation and stomatal uptake, providing important information for afforestation management and for climate and air-quality model improvement. To address these hypotheses, several measurement campaigns were performed at different sites, including pine, oak, and mixed Mediterranean forests, at distances of 20-59 km from the Eastern Mediterranean coast, under semiarid, Mediterranean and humid Mediterranean climate conditions. The eddy covariance technique was used to quantify vertical O-3 flux (F-tot) and its partitioning to stomatal flux (F-st) and non-stomatal flux (F-ns). Whereas F-st tended to peak around noon under humid Mediterranean and Mediterranean conditions in summer, it was strongly limited by drought under semiarid conditions from spring to early winter, with minimum average F-st/F-tot, of 8-11% during the summer. F-ns in the area was predominantly controlled by relative humidity (RH), whereas increasing F-ns with RH for RH 70% indicated enhancement of F-ns by aerosols, via surface wetness stimulation. At night, efficient turbulence clue to sea and land breezes, together with increased RH, resulted in strong enhancement of F-tot Extreme dry surface events, some induced by dry intrusion from the upper troposphere, resulted in positive F-ns events. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
(2018) Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 27, 1, p. 67-80 Abstract
In this numerical modelling study, we investigate a Puelche foehn event (25-26 March 2014) in the southern Andes - a region with sparse observations. The synoptic environment as well as the mesoscale structure and the dynamics of the easterly wind are examined with European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) analyses and a simulation with the mesoscale non-hydrostatic limited-area weather prediction model COSMO with a grid spacing of 2.2 km. The large-scale synoptic situation leading to this Puelche event is characterized by a mid-tropospheric cutoff low above the mountain range, the formation of a coastal surface low, as well as high pressure extending over the southern Andes. Easterly winds extend throughout the entire troposphere, indicative of a deep foehn flow. In the free troposphere, the easterlies are geostrophically balanced and develop in association with increasing pressure to the south. In contrast, within the planetary boundary layer, the easterly winds occur predominantly due to an increasing cross-range large-scale pressure gradient with only a weak geostrophic component. Kinematic trajectories indicate that a significant part of the Puelche air mass originates from above an inversion on the upstream side of the Andes. Some air parcels, however, ascend on the upstream side to crest height as the boundary layer deepens during daytime and/or flow through gaps across the mountain range. Hence, this Puelche event shares characteristics of both a blocked and a non-blocked foehn type.
(2017) Atmospheric Science Letters. 18, 5, p. 215-221 Abstract
Breaking of atmospheric Rossby waves has been previously shown to lead to intense Mediterranean cyclones, one of the most prominent environmental risks in the region. Wave breaking may be enhanced by warm conveyor belts (WCBs) associated with extratropical cyclones developing over the Atlantic Ocean. More precisely, WCBs supply the upper troposphere with air masses of low potential vorticity that, in turn, amplify ridges and thus favor Rossby wave breaking. This study identifies the mechanism that connects Atlantic cyclones and intense mature Mediterranean cyclones through ridge amplification by WCBs, and validates its climatological relevance. Using European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA-Interim reanalyses and a feature-based approach, we analyze the 200 most intense Mediterranean cyclones for the years 19892008 and show that their majority (181 cases) is indeed associated with this mechanism upstream. Results show that multiple Atlantic cyclones are associated with each case of intense Mediterranean cyclone downstream. Moreover, the associated Atlantic cyclones are particularly deeply intensifying compared with climatology.
(2017) Journal of Climate. 30, 17, p. 6661-6682 Abstract
Dry-air intrusions (DIs) are dry, deeply descending airstreams from the upper troposphere toward the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The significance of DIs spans a variety of aspects, including the interaction with convection, extratropical cyclones and fronts, the PBL, and extreme surface weather. Here, a Lagrangian definition for DI trajectories is used and applied to ECMWF interim reanalysis (ERA-Interim) data. Based on the criterion of a minimum descent of 400 hPa during 48 h, a first global Lagrangian climatology of DI trajectories is compiled for the years 1979-2014, allowing quantitative understanding of the occurrence and variability of DIs, as well as the dynamical and thermodynamical interactions that determine their impact. DIs occur mainly in winter. While traveling equatorward from 40°-50° latitude, DIs typically reach the lower troposphere (with maximum frequencies of ~10% in winter) in the storm-track regions, as well as over the Mediterranean Sea, Arabian Sea, and eastern North Pacific, off the western coast of South America, South Africa, and Australia, and across the Antarctic coast. The DI descent is nearly adiabatic, with a mean potential temperature decrease of 3 K in two days. Relative humidity drops strongly during the first descent day and increases in the second day, because of mixing into the moist PBL. Significant destabilization of the lower levels occurs beneath DIs, accompanied by increased 10-m wind gusts, intense surface heat and moisture fluxes, and elevated PBL heights. Interestingly, only 1.2% of all DIs are found to originate from the stratosphere.
(2016) Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 142, 701, p. 3097-3114 Abstract
Cyclones impacting the densely populated Mediterranean region have been a continuous research focus, mainly for investigating either the associated heavy precipitation or the damaging wind gusts. In this study we examine five Mediterranean cyclones with combined large-scale impact of strong 10 m gusts and heavy precipitation. The selected events occurred in (i) December 2003 in the northeastern Mediterranean; (ii) October 2007 in the central Mediterranean; (iii) January 2009, known as storm Klaus, in the western Mediterranean; (iv) December 2010 in the eastern Mediterranean; and (v) October 2011 in the central-northern Mediterranean. European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalyses and 7 km resolution regional model simulations (COSMO) are analysed for each event. A Lagrangian viewpoint is employed to focus on interacting mechanisms that contribute to the joint impact on different spatial and temporal scales. In all cases, widespread strong wind gusts occur in the southwestern parts of the cyclone, while the precipitation field has localized peaks, with variable distribution in the central, southern, eastern and northern parts of the cyclone. Convective precipitation, significant in the cases in 2007, 2010 and 2011, is limited to the southern areas. In all cases, non-convective precipitation is associated with ascent in a warm conveyor belt. Intense gusts are found within unstable air, below a low tropopause in a region with strong vertical wind shear, favouring downward momentum flux by turbulent mixing. Strongly descending dry intrusions are located coherently to the south and west of strong gusts. Much variability exists with regard to the emergence of convection, where strong winds and convective precipitation co-occur: In the 2007 case, the dry intrusion is central in producing shallow convection in the cold frontal region. In the 2010 and 2011 cases, convective activity at high topography and in coastal regions leads to co-location of both types of impact.
(2015) Water Resources Research. 51, 9, p. 7702-7722 Abstract
Nickel migration measured in laboratory-scale, natural soil column experiments is shown to display anomalous (non-Fickian) transport, nonequilibrium adsorption and desorption patterns, and precipitation/dissolution. Similar experiments using a conservative tracer also exhibit anomalous behavior. The occurrence of ion exchange of nickel, mainly with calcium (but also with other soil components), is measured in both batch and flow-through column experiments; adsorption and desorption isotherms demonstrate hysteresis. Strong retention of nickel during transport in soil columns leads to delayed initial breakthrough (∼40 pore volumes), slow increase in concentration, and extended concentration tailing at long times. We describe the mechanisms of transport and retention in terms of a continuous time random walk (CTRW) model, and use a particle tracking formulation to simulate nickel migration in the column. This approach allows us to capture the non-Fickian transport and the subtle local effects of adsorption/desorption and precipitation/dissolution. Consideration also of preferential pathways accounts for the evolution of the measured breakthrough curve and measured spatial concentration profiles. The model uses non-Fickian transport parameters estimated from the conservative tracer and, as a starting point, adsorption/desorption parameters based on batch experiments and a precipitation parameter based on Ksp values. The batch parameters are found to underestimate the actual amount of adsorption. We suggest that the sorption and precipitation/dissolution dynamics, and resulting breakthrough curves, are influenced strongly by preferential pathways; such pathways significantly alter the availability of sorption sites and ion availability for precipitation. Analysis of these results provides further understanding of the interaction and dynamics among transport, precipitation, and sorption mechanisms in natural soil.
(2015) Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 141, 691, p. 2404-2417 Abstract
A new method for identifying high impact large-scale wind and precipitation events in the extended Mediterranean region is outlined and applied to the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis dataset ERA-Interim for the years 1979-2012. The method highlights large-scale 10 m gust and precipitation events that classify as extreme if integrated over a spatial scale of 1000 km and a temporal scale of 3 days. The method detects successfully high impact events, and reveals clear seasonal differences among the subregions of the Mediterranean. Western Mediterranean precipitation extremes are more intense, and occur mainly in autumn, while eastern Mediterranean events occur in winter. Composite dynamical analyses of large-scale wind and precipitation extremes, and a combination of them, highlight coherent dynamical flow structures associated with the extremes in the different subregions of the Mediterranean. Precipitation events are preceded by an upper-level trough and strong jet on its western flank, followed by cyclogenesis (mainly in the western Mediterranean), and/or a merging of the polar with the subtropical jet over northeastern Africa (in the eastern Mediterranean). Strong surface wind extremes develop around cyclones that intensify south of a deep parent cyclone near the exit of a strong anticyclonically curved jet, propagate eastwards and create a cold and dry northerly wind anomaly at the surface. Furthermore, combined large-scale wind and precipitation extremes often occur simultaneously near cyclones, either North Atlantic cyclones, which project the wind and precipitation into the western Mediterranean, or Mediterranean cyclones. The latter produce wind extremes over a localized area, which often overlaps entirely with the region that receives extreme precipitation.
(2015) Climate Dynamics. 44, 9-10, p. 2411-2427 Abstract
This paper presents and analyzes the three-dimensional dynamical structure of intense Mediterranean cyclones. The analysis is based on a composite approach of the 200 most intense cyclones during the period 19892008 that have been identified and tracked using the output of a coupled oceanatmosphere regional simulation with 20 km horizontal grid spacing and 3-hourly output. It is shown that the most intense Mediterranean cyclones have a common baroclinic life cycle with a potential vorticity (PV) streamer associated with an upper-level cyclonic Rossby wave breaking, which precedes cyclogenesis in the region and triggers baroclinic instability. It is argued that this common baroclinic life cycle is due to the strongly horizontally sheared environment in the Mediterranean basin, on the poleward flank of the quasi-persistent subtropical jet. The composite life cycle of the cyclones is further analyzed considering the evolution of key atmospheric elements as potential temperature and PV, as well as the cyclones thermodynamic profiles and rainfall. It is shown that most intense Mediterranean cyclones are associated with warm conveyor belts and dry air intrusions, similar to those of other strong extratropical cyclones, but of rather small scale. Before cyclones reach their mature stage, the streamers role is crucial to advect moist and warm air towards the cyclones center. These dynamical characteristics, typical for very intense extratropical cyclones in the main storm track regions, are also valid for these Mediterranean cases that have features that are visually similar to tropical cyclones.
(2012) Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 132, p. 28-36 Abstract
We present experimental breakthrough curve (BTC) data and a modeling investigation of conservative and sorbing tracer transport in natural soils. By analyzing the data using the continuous time random walk (CTRW) model, we probe the traditional approach of using conservative tracer model parameters as a basis for quantifying the transport of sorbing solutes in the same domain when non-Fickian transport is present. Many known contaminants in groundwater are sorbed to the host solid porous medium, to varying extents, while being transported; this enhances the long tailing of BTCs which often already occurs because of the inherent non-Fickian nature of the transport. The CTRW framework has been shown to account very well for non-Fickian conservative (nonsorbing) transport. Here, we examine two BTC data sets in laboratory columns packed with natural soils; the first (previously analyzed by Mao and Ren (2004)) comprises transport of (conservative) bromide and (sorbing) atrazine tracers, while the second presents new data with bromide and tribromoneopentyl alcohol (TBNPA), a key flame retardant, as a sorbing solute. TBNPA has received little attention in the past, and is shown to be sorbed onto Bet Dagan soil in a nonlinear manner. We find that the transport behavior of bromide is non-Fickian in all cases, which is caused by the heterogeneity of the soil. Comparative model analysis of the non-Fickian BTCs of the conservative, and sorbing tracers and examination of the fitting parameters, exemplify the coupling between transport and adsorption/desorption processes. The difference in transport parameters used to match the conservative and sorbing data sets shows that conservative tracer parameters (average velocity and dispersion coefficient) are not valid for the transport of reactive tracers.
(2011) Vadose Zone Journal. 10, 3, p. 843-857 Abstract
We collected and analyzed Br breakthrough curve (BTC) data to identify the parameters controlling transport from a series of soil cores and a field-scale tracer test at the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (SH-CZO) in central Pennsylvania. The soil cores were retrieved from a continuous hole that extended through the soil profile to quantify also how solute transport behavior changes with depth and weathering. Additionally, we performed a fieldscale doublet tracer test to determine transport behavior in the weathered shale bedrock. Hydraulic conductivity and porosity were as low as 10 -15 m s -1 and 0.035, respectively, in the shale bedrock and upward of 10 -5 m s -1 and 0.45, respectively, in the shallow soils. Bromide BTCs demonstrated significant tailing in soil cores and field tracer experiments, which does not fit classical advection-dispersion processes. To quantify the behavior, numerical simulation of solute transport was performed with both a mobile-immobile (MIM) model and a continuous-time random walk (CTRW) approach. One-dimensional MIM modeling results yielded low mass transfer rates (
(2011) Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 120-121, C, p. 213-221 Abstract
Tracer tailing in breakthrough curves in porous media with two distinct porosities is analyzed in terms of the dynamic responses of experimental fixed bed columns filled either with solid or porous beads. The flow is fast in the column interstitial space between beads (for both solid and porous beads) but slow within the porous beads that act as controlled 'traps' constituting an immobile zone. The transport is quantified using a Continuous Time Random Walk (CTRW) framework, which accounts for domains with controlled structural and flow heterogeneity associated with two distinct spatial and time spectra. We first demonstrate that breakthrough curves for a column containing solid glass beads exhibit non-Fickian transport, quantifiable both in fitting and validation mode by a CTRW based on a power law transition time distribution. We then examine breakthrough curves in the porous bead case, obtaining fits with a two-scale CTRW model that accounts explicitly for the two time spectra. Because the porous beads are uniform, tracer trapping within them is described by a simple first-order approximation trap model, with relatively weak capture and relatively faster release rates. The extent of tailing apparent in the porous bead breakthrough curves, due to the traps, can be quantitatively distinguished from the contribution to tailing due to mobile zone non-Fickian transport. A parameter study of the two-scale CTRW adds further insight into the dynamics of the process, showing the interaction between the advective non-Fickian transport and the mass exchange to immobile regions.
(2007) Geophysical Research Letters. 34, 23, L23814. Abstract
Considerations of the temporal changes in angular momentum are employed to diagnose air trajectories over large scale distances calculated from the publicly available global data base of NCEP/NCAR. It is shown that outside the Tropics both the total angular momentum and its Lagrangian (material) time-derivative are dominated by the planetary term, regardless of the direction of the transport, whereas the contribution of the non-linear term is always negligible. In the Tropics the planetary term and the acceleration terms alternately dominated the angular momentum evolution. These Lagrangian results are reinforced by Eulerian calculations of instantaneous maps of the relative contributions of the various terms in the evolution equation of the angular momentum. The simple equation of angular momentum evolution (compared to the more complex zonal momentum equation) is accurately satisfied by NCEP/NCAR re-analyzed fields even over Africa, where the data for the reanalysis is scant. The only exceptions to the general dominance of the planetary term over the angular momentum evolution in the extra-Tropics are along trough-/ridge-lines (where the flow changes direction sharply) and at the entrance/exit regions of straight jets, where the flow accelerates/decelerates.
(2007) Monthly Weather Review. 135, 12, p. 4135-4148 Abstract
Tropical plumes (TPs) reflect tropical-extratropical interaction associated with the transport of moisture from the Tropics to extratropical latitudes. They are observed in satellite images as continuous narrow cloud bands ahead of upper-level subtropical troughs at times when the subtropical jet is highly perturbed. Rainstorms usually develop in the exit regions of TPs, so their presence over northern Africa has an impact on the precipitation regime in the southeastern Mediterranean. Based on satellite images and rainfall measurements from Israel, 10 TPs over eastern North Africa between 1988 and 2005 in which considerable rain was recorded were selected. Using the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data, the structure and evolution of these TPs were characterized and their regional canonical features were identified. A typical TP that occurred in March 1991 is described in detail. The main canonical characteristics are as follows: the TP development is preceded by an incubation period, expressed either as a stationary upper-level trough, persisting 2-6 days, or as two consecutive TP pulses; the preferred location for TP origin is 5°-15°N, 5°W-15°E; the TP is separated from the underlying dry Saharan PBL; the subtropical trough undergoes a phase locking with the lower tropical trough; the cloudiness in the TP-induced rainstorm is mostly stratified with continuous moderate rain, originating from midlevel moisture; and the TP tends to be followed by a midlatitude cyclogenesis over the eastern Mediterranean. This analysis proposes several explanations for the efficiency of the TPs in transporting moisture over a 2000-km distance.
(2007) Journal of Physical Oceanography. 37, 1, p. 115-128 Abstract
The present study provides a consistent and unified theory for the three types of linear waves of the stallow-water equations (SWE) in a zonal channel on the β plane: Kelvin, inertia-gravity (Poincaré), and planetary (Rossby). The new theory is formulated from the linearized SWE as an eigenvalue problem that is a variant of the classical Schrödinger equation. The results of the new theory show that Kelvin waves exist on the β plane with vanishing meridional velocity, as is the case on the f plane, without any change in the dispersion relation, while the meridional structure of their height amplitude is trivially modified from exponential on the f plane to a one-sided Gaussian on the β plane. Similarly, inertia-gravity waves are only slightly modified in the new theory in comparison with their characteristics on the f plane. For planetary waves (which exist only on the β plane) the new theory yields a similar dispersion relation to the classical theory only for large gravity wave phase speed, such as those encountered in a barotropic ocean or an equivalent barotropic atmosphere. In contrast, for low gravity wave phase speed, for example, those in an equivalent barotropic ocean where the relative density jump at the interface is 10-3, the phase speed of planetary waves in the new theory is 2 times those of the classical theory. The ratio between the phase speeds in the two theories increases with channel width. This faster phase propagation is consistent with recent observation of the westward propagation of crests and troughs of sea surface height made by the altimeter aboard the Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX)/Poseidon satellite. The new theory also admits inertial waves, that is, waves that oscillate at the local inertial frequency, as a genuine solution of the eigenvalue problem.