Prof. Truckin Africa
Prof. Dan Yakir's group
- Biosphere-atmosphere interactions
- Carbon, water, and energy exchange of semi-arid ecosystems
- Novel tracers and indicators of photosynthetic activities
- Climatic and hydrological implications of land use and land cover changes
- Stress and extreme events effects on ecosystem functioning
Prof. Oded Aharonson
- Past and present planetary climates
- Lunar formation, crustal magnetism
- Giant impact dynamics
- Exoplanets
- Planetary ice and other volatiles
- Surface evolution
Prof. Brian Berkowitz
- Modelling and measurements of anomalous chemical transport in heterogeneous porous media
- Flow, transport and chemical reactions in fractured geological formations
- Laboratory investigations of precipitation/dissolution and chemical reactivity in geological media
- Scaling behavior of fluid flow and chemical transport
- Reactive chemical transport in partially saturated and saturated media
- Multiphase flows in porous media
- Fate and transport of pharmaceutical compounds, nanomaterials, and technology-critical elements
- Oxidative and reductive catalytic methods to treat contaminated water and industrial effluents
Dr. Rei Chemke
- Climate dynamics
- Geophysical fluid dynamics
- Atmosphere and ocean physics
- Geostrophic turbulence
Prof. Itay Halevy
- Understanding the long-timescale co-evolution of the chemical composition and oxidation state of the oceans and atmosphere, biological activity, and climate
- Understanding the suite of processes, microscopic to global, microbial and abiotic, which control the chemical and isotopic composition of sedimentary rocks
- Using geochemical and isotopic signals preserved in the geologic record to understand important events in Earth history
Prof. Yohai Kaspi
- Giant planet atmospheres and interiors
- Planetary atmospheres and exoplanets
- Earth’s storm track and jet dynamics
- Climate dynamics and effects of climate change
- Planetary gravity science
Dr. Yael Kiro
- low-temperature geochemistry
- ocean chemistry
- paleoclimate (glacial-intergalcial time scales)
- coastal aquifers
- water-rock interaction
Prof. Ilan Koren
- Cloud physics
- Climate
- Ocean atmosphere interactions
- Nonlinear dynamics and pattern formation
- Radiation transfer and remote sensing
Prof. Shira Raveh-Rubin
Dr. Shira Raveh-Rubin's group
- Dynamical meteorology
- large-scale dynamics
- extratropical cyclones
- Mediterranean cyclones
- water cycle
- atmospheric transport
- extreme weather
- feature-based climatologies
Prof. Yinon Rudich
- Biological health effects of particulate matter
- Atmospheric microbiome and microbiology
- Optical properties of tropospheric aerosols
- Heterogeneous ice nucleation in clouds
- Sea-Atmosphere interactions
- Atmospheric chemistry and microphysics of organic and mineral dust aerosols
Prof. Aldo Shemesh
Low temperature isotope geochemistry
Siliceous paleoceanography
Climate reconstruction
Anthropogenic stress on marine systems
Mediterranean corals and vermetid reefs