
Often the challenges that you face require someone who can give you full personal attention. For such cases we have created a personal coaching option. You choose whom you want to consult in one-on-one meetings from a list of experienced coaches (some are also organizational consultants or clinical psychologists). This enables you to discreetly engage in a process of sharing and “thinking out loud” with an objective, and experienced qualified person. From previous researchers who used this option we heard that they also obtain practical tools that enhance their personal, organizational, and managerial skills.

You are entitled to use 12 hour-and-a-half institute-subsidized sessions (of course you don’t have to use all the meetings and can try different coaches to see what works for you). If you are interested please contact Gali Warshavsky who can also help advice regarding the consultant most suitable for your needs.

How to register

Keren Moskovich

Head of the Recruitment Human Resources Development Branch

Phone: +972-8-934-4595

List of coachers

Efrat Bnaya Talmi

Personal transformation coach and Management developer
MA in Communication & Journalism, The Hebrew University.
BA in Multi-disciplinary in Art Program, Tel Aviv University Diploma in Coaching, Emotion – School for Excellence in coaching
efratbi@012.net.il Phone: 054-2543367


Personal transformation coach and Management developer in Businesses and organizations. Rapid detection of key points that limit the client, “cracking” sources of limitations, thus enabling the client to manage them properly.

Orit Dankner

Organizational consultant
BA in psychology & education Postgraduate studies in business and managerial psychology
danknerorit@gmail.com Phone: 052-3237111


Leadership Development, Executive Coaching, Change Management Organizational and Development Consulting

Merav Klein-Asher

Senior organizational consultant and group facilitator
BA in Psychology & Anthropology, Tel-Aviv university.
MA in Social psychology, Tel Aviv University.
Group facilitation (2year prog.), Tel Aviv university Psychodrama – Kivunim institute
merav@klein-asher.com Phone: 0528692443


Management & Leadership Development through: Executive Coaching Facilitating Management Development programs Developing Management Teams

Ofer Levy

Senior organizational consultant and group facilitator
BA sociology, Psychology minor, Hebrew university of Jerusalem
MA Organizational Sociology, Hebrew university of Jerusalem
oferl@lotem.co.il Phone: 052-2200467


Extensive Expertise in Executive & management consulting, a personal senior managers consulting, Accompanying organizational changes, Strategic organizational consulting for leading business companies.

Tami Maor-Eylon

Psychologist and Organizational Consultant
MA in clinical and educational psychology Tel-Aviv University
tami.eylon@gmail.com Phone: 052-5748844


Personal consulting for managers

Anat Markovich Dori

Senior organizational consultant and group facilitator
M.A Organizational Sociology, Bar-Ilan University. B.A. Sociology and Anthropology, Bar-Ilan University.
The Program in Organizational Consultation & Development (POCD): Psychoanalytic-Systemic Approach; The Tavistock Ins.& Ofek Israel
Consultant's Training program for Organizational Development and Group Facilitator, IDF Department of Behavioral Sciences.
anat.mda@gmail.com Phone: 052-2243311


Organizational Development Consulting. Executive Coaching and leadership development. Formulating and Facilitating Executive Development Programs. Consultation and Guidance in the establishment and development of effective teamwork and Executives. A culture of coaching. Influence in interfaces and Matrix Organizations.

Meir Peres

Psychotherapy Trainer
BA in Psychology & Anthropology, Tel-Aviv university.
MA Adult Clinical Psychology ,Bar Ilan University. BA with Major in Psychology and Minor in Criminology Bar Ilan University
Psychotherapy training program at Tel Aviv University School of Medicine
Today, Began PhD program at the Hebrew University Psychology Department
meirperes@hotmail.com Phone: 052-8406891 ; 0775507609


Clinical Supervising Psychologist, Psychotherapy Trainer

Meital Salmor

Science communication trainer and strategist, Founder of SciComm Skills
BA English Linguistics, Bar Ilan University
meital@salmor.co.il Phone: 054-2638828


Presentation skills training in preparation for various scenarios and audiences (experts and non-experts): general public, funders, policy makers, ERC interviews, job interviews, fellowship interviews, job/chalk talks etc. Strategically tailoring your scientific message to each audience and setting. Includes PPT outline and structure, storytelling, body language and vocal training. Former WIS employee in Resource Development, lecturer at FGS: ‘science communication presentation skills’ course (1 credit for PhD’s)

Roni Sulimani

Senior organizational consultant, Lotem
MSc in Behavioral and Management Sciences from the Technion
MA in Psychology and Israeli Studies from Haifa University
BA in Psychology and Israeli Studies from Haifa University
idita@lotem.co.il Phone: 052-3671772


Business training, management team development, executive consulting, designing corporate learning and growth processes, Counseling for managers and organizations undergoing change processes or developmental milestones.

Idit Schuman Adatto

Senior organizational consultant, Lotem
MSc in Behavioral and Management Sciences from the Technion
BA in Psychology and Israeli Studies from Haifa University
idita@lotem.co.il Phone: 052-3671772


Business training, management team development, executive consulting, designing corporate learning and growth processes, Counseling for managers and organizations undergoing change processes or developmental milestones.

Prof. Dov Zipori

Currently, consultant professor
M.Sc. Microbiology and Biochemistry, Tel Aviv University and research for this degree at the Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS).
Ph.D. at the Department of Cell Biology, WIS.
Post-doctoral fellowship at the National Institutes of Health (TNO), the Netherlands. Professor and research group head at the Department of Molecular Cell Biology, WIS (1986-2014).
Professor and research group head at the Department of Molecular Cell Biology, WIS (1986-2014).
Coaching and master certificates from Yozmot college, Bar Ilan University and the Israeli coaching Buearu.
dov.zipori@weizmann.ac.il Phone: 054-6243546


Life coaching in the context of the academic world, self-management in the promotion track, self-management and the managing of others, balance between personal life and work demands, interpersonal relationships, coping with stress.