Tenure-track staff scientist position in magnetic resonance science

חזרה לדף הבית
שם המשרה פתיחת משרה פקולטה / אגף  
Tenure-track staff scientist position in magnetic resonance science 03/04/2024
המחלקה לפיסיקה כימית וביולוגית
תחום משרה:
ע.מחקר ומעבדה ומדעני סגל
תיאור המשרה:
  • The Magnetic Resonance Lab headed by Prof. Lucio Frydman at the Weizmann Institute of Science, is looking for a Staff Scientist in the field of magnetic resonance at large, with an emphasis in conducting pioneering research in the development of new hyperpolarized NMR and MRI methods.
  • This is a tenure-track position oriented entirely towards academic activities, with no teaching or service mandates; suitable candidates will be considered only if they have a proven ability to excel at scientific research.
  • The Frydman lab focuses on developing new technologies in solution and solid state NMR, in in vivo NMR and in NMR imaging, enabling new applications in materials, biophysics, biology and medicine.
  • The candidate’s projects will eventually deal with all these topics, but will begin with research at the interface of biomolecular and in vivo NMR and MRI–including the development of new forms of enhancing MR’s sensitivity that exploit either directly the hyperpolarization imparted on the spins, or pools of hyperpolarized / abundant spin reservoirs that can enhance the sensitivity of dilute analytes of interest via chemical exchanges.
  • Further information on the Lab’s activities can be found at https://www.weizmann.ac.il/chembiophys/Frydman_group/.
  • News about the group can also be found in Twitter (@lab_lucio) and LinkedIn.
  • The Institute is located in a small, affordable and friendly town at the feet of the Judean hills, and is one of Israel's premier scientific institutions. It is a research center whose official language is English. From its inception the Institute has shown an unequivocal commitment to all areas of magnetic resonance, and over the years it has made extensive investments in MR faculty, staff and infrastructure. Close to twelve research groups involved in all areas of magnetic resonance partake of collaborative developments in magnetic resonance, lending a uniquely vibrant atmosphere for professional development. The Institute in general and the Frydman Lab in particular, also possess a unique array of magnetic resonance infrastructures supported by a dedicated endowed center (https://centers.weizmann.ac.il/clore-hi-field-nmr/equipment). These include a 1 GHz machine equipped with three cryoprobes; new Prisma and Terra human 3T and 7T scanners with up to 128 receive and 16 transmit channels; a cryoprobe-equipped 15.2T animal MRI scanner; several 3.35 T DNP hyperpolarizers; an 800 MHz NMR with cryoprobe, solids and microimaging accessories; several 600 MHz instruments with solids/liquids/imaging facilities; 7 and 9.4 T animal MRI scanners, and numerous (dozens) of other NMR instruments placed in various magnetic resonance buildings.
השכלה וכישורים נדרשים:
  • Applicants to the Staff Scientist position must have a PhD in magnetic resonance as well as suitable postdoctoral experience, with a proven track record evidencing an ability to change existing paradigms, and moving forward the experimental state-of-the-art.
  • Skills that the candidate must evidence include:
  • * Proven ability to develop new NMR experiments, code new pulse sequences, and build the hardware needed to enhance NMR’s capabilities
  • * Skills in the development and coding of new simulation and data analysis pipelines
  • * Track record in collaborations and in the mentoring of students
  • * Capacity to oversee advanced NMR facilities and ensure their continued performance at state-of-the-art levels.
  • * Skills in the writing of grants and manuscripts
  • **Information about Weizmann’s Staff Scientist program can be found at https://www.weizmann.ac.il/Staff_Scientists/.
  • Candidates that fulfill some but not all of the above-mentioned requirements, will be considered at non-tenure-track entry levels including Senior Intern or Senior Postdoctoral Fellow positions. See https://www.weizmann.ac.il/acadaff/academic-positions for details on these programs.
  •  To Apply  - please email your CV including a cover letter, a full list of publications and two references to be contacted to lucio.frydman@weizmann.ac.il 
  • נא להגיש מועמדות באמצעות משלוח מייל בלבד ולא דרך כפתור הגשת המועמדות לעיל