
The European Union created the programme Erasmus+ (2021-2027) to encourage the exchange of students between EU countries and countries around the world. The Erasmus+ programme includes a program entitled "International Credit Mobility" which funds short term student and staff mobility between European and Partner Countries.


Erasmus+ logo

WHAT IS ERASMUS+?                                             

The Erasmus+ mobility programme provides travel grants for students, faculty members, academic & administrative staff interested in visiting European higher education institutions to study, teach, or train. It encourages familiarisation with the target institutions and critical people in these institutions to promote international cooperation, improving the capabilities and modernization of teaching systems. The mobility programmes offer scholarships for travel costs and a monthly allowance ("Mobility Grants").

The Weizmann Institute has signed agreements with EU partner institutions as below, and if you want to establish a partnership with an EU Institution – please contact us.

The Erasmus+ Programme promotes equal opportunities and inclusion for all participants regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, religion and belief, disability and chronic illness, and ethnic and social background.  


Full list of partner agreements: and links below to their websites:

Programme Details

  Travel Costs Monthly Stipend Daily Grant Timeframe Notes
MSc / PhD Students Between €300 - €500  Between €650 - €850   2–12 months for studies and/or traineeships Some institutions allow a combination of short-term physical mobility and a virtual component.
Postdoc Between €300 - €500    Between €120 - €160 Teaching or training stays of 7 days to 3 months   
Academic Staff Between €300 - €500  Enquire if relevant Between €120 - €160 (up to 1 month) Teaching or training stays of 7 days to 3 months   
Administrative Staff Between €300 - €500    Between €120 - €160 Up to 7 days  
Exact details vary per partner agreement

How to apply


  • Send the following to in English, stating where you wish to visit, from when and until when:

1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Academic Transcripts
3. A Letter of Motivation. In your letter, describe the reasons that you selected the institution at which you are interested in studying while commenting on the relationship between the curriculum offered at the foreign institution and your current and/or future academic studies and the courses that you specified in the application form, language study/multiculturalism, etc.

4. The PI's written recommendation

  • An internal WIS committee evaluates all applications and will inform you about its decision.

Academic Staff / Postdoc

  • Email Yaara Biess, the Erasmus coordinator at the IO, and state where you wish to visit, from when, and until when. 
  • Attach a Letter of Invitation from Host at Partner University
  • The application will be reviewed and approved by the Head of your department.  
  • Continue the process with the partner institute

Administrative Staff

The Weizmann's Institute administrative staff can spend a training period abroad between 1 week to 2 months. Some partners offered organized staff weeks for particular job functions (One week = five working ​days +2 days of travel).

  • Search for a suitable week-long program offered by one of our partners on the list below at or,
  • Get in touch with a colleague from a partner University, and propose cooperation.
  • Receive initial approval from the host university and plan with them your mobility program.
  • Agree on tentative dates for your mobility and receive approval from the host university.
  • Complete the WIS HR Internal request form and upload the following:
    1. Recommendation letter from your manager
    2. Your CV (in English)
    3. Letter of Motivation and description of the mobility plan
  • Applications must be COMPLETED at least four weeks before planned mobility (please check the relevant date with Yaara Biess, the Erasmus coordinator at the IO).
  • An internal WIS committee evaluates all applications and will inform you about their decision.

More Information you may need

Family Life

If you are arriving with children, you will want to know what educational opportunities are available for them in Rehovot. Children normally attend the kindergarten or elementary school in their neighborhoods, while older children may travel by bus to their middle or high schools.

Read more about Family Life


It is your responsibility at all times to ensure that you hold an appropriate, valid visa while you are in Israel. In order to extend your visa, or to bring your spouse or children after your arrival, please contact us.
Read more about Visas