
The Weizmann Institute of Science manages and operates over 500 housing units for Faculty Members, Visiting Scientists, International Postdoctoral Fellows, International Students and Visiting Students, subject to availability. The housing units are located both on campus and in the streets adjacent to the campus. Below you will find detailed information dependent upon your status.
Are you already in Israel?
Check out AFTER ARRIVAL - HOUSING information.

Visiting Scientists

Visiting Scientists are entitled to housing during their visit period.  We reserve apartments based on availability.  We will do our best to accommodate your needs, however, the earlier you make arrangements; the more likely it is that we will be able to accommodate you.  Our apartments are spacious and comfortable, self-catering, and fully furnished.  

Read more about Visiting Scientists' housing

Senior Interns, Research Assistants
and Lab Visitors

Senior Interns, Research Assistants, and Lab visitors are entitled to housing upon arrival for a maximum stay of 12 months. We reserve housing based on availability.

Our apartments are spacious and comfortable, self-catering, and fully furnished.  

Read more 

Postdoctoral Fellows

International Postdoctoral Fellows are entitled to a maximum of 12 months in our housing. Demand is high and you should ask your department secretary to place a housing request at the earliest opportunity.

Apartments are allocated based on availability and we operate a waiting list as needed. Couples receive priority when both partners are postdoctoral fellows at the Institute. 

Apartments are self-catering and furnished. We do not provide kitchen equipment or bedding supplies – however, we do offer both for sale, at cost price. 

Read more about Postdoctoral Fellows housing


Only full-time International Weizmann School of Science (WSoS) students (MSc and PhD), or visiting students are entitled to reside in student housing. When the Weizmann School of Science accepts an International student, a housing request is automatically placed. The housing team will tentatively reserve housing, then our team will contact you after your formal acceptance to provide visa and health insurance instructions and to confirm your arrival plans. 

Read more about Student housing

Conference Guests

Conference guests will be advised by the conference organizers of housing options available to them.

Campus Guesthouse

There is a guesthouse located on campus for short term guests without children (max. stay period is 1 month). Only Weizmann Institute employees may make reservations at the guesthouse, so please coordinate with your department secretary at the Institute.

Read more about the Hermann Mayer Campus Guesthouse – Maison De France

Off Campus Housing

Our team will be glad to assist our international guests and employees to search for and rent an off-campus apartment in Rehovot.  We have an up-to-date list of apartments submitted by landlords, and other tenants looking for roommates.  We can assist with scheduling appointments to see apartments if there are language issues, provide advice on what to look for, contract negotiations and more.  There is no charge for this service and it is important to note that this is not legal advice.

Read more about Off-Campus Housing

More Information you may need


Our office will provide you with all of the necessary paperwork and instructions to facilitate you receiving the appropriate visa required in the smoothest way possible. All visitors to Israel must hold a passport that is valid for at least 6 months from the date they are due to depart Israel.​​​​​
Read more about Visas

Derech Yavne

Located just outside the main campus in three buildings, offering a mix of fully furnished shared apartments (4 roommates by gender), apartments for couples and studios for singles. No children may be accommodated in these buildings. Laundry facilities are available in buildings 50 and 81.

Read more about Derech Yavne