Visiting Scientists

Visiting Scientists are entitled to housing during their visit period.  We offer fully furnished, spacious and comfortable self-catering apartments.    

More Information you may need

Before arrival

Here you will find all of the information you need to get organised prior to your arrival in Israel including visas, health insurance, housing and registering your children for childcare or school.

Read more about Before arrival

Postdoctoral Fellows

Our apartments are spacious and comfortable, self-catering, and fully furnished. You will receive confirmation of your address and telephone number at least 7 days prior to your arrival.

Read more about Postdoctoral Fellows


Are you already in Israel?
Check out AFTER ARRIVAL - HOUSING information.

More Information you may need

Life in Israel

Praesent ut diam et elit convallis tempor. Duis libero erat, faucibus nec volutpat nec, vehicula nec velit. Pellentesque aliquet lorem ut sollicitudin auctor. Donec non blandit orci, eget rhoncus quam. Nunc viverra porta sollicitudin. Vestibulum quam purus, ultricies in neque vel, sagittis hendrerit purus.
Read more about Life in Israel


Our office will provide you with all of the necessary paperwork and instructions to facilitate you receiving the appropriate visa required in the smoothest way possible. All visitors to Israel must hold a passport that is valid for at least 6 months from the date they are due to depart Israel.​​​​​
Read more about Visas

Health Insurance

More Information you may need


The Weizmann Institute of Science manages and operates over 500 housing units for Faculty Members, Visiting Scientists, International Postdoctoral Fellows, International Students and Visiting Students, subject to availability. The housing units are located both on campus and in the streets adjacent to the campus.
Read more about Housing


Our office will provide you with all of the necessary paperwork and instructions to facilitate you receiving the appropriate visa required in the smoothest way possible. All visitors to Israel must hold a passport that is valid for at least 6 months from the date they are due to depart Israel.​​​​​
Read more about Visas

Here you will find all of the information you need to get organised prior to your arrival in Israel including visas, health insurance, housing and registering your children for childcare or school.


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