The Erasmus+ mobility programme provides travel grants for students, faculty members, academic & administrative staff interested in visiting European higher education institutions to study, teach, or train. It encourages familiarisation with the target institutions and critical people in these institutions to promote international cooperation, improving the capabilities and modernization of teaching systems. The mobility programmes offer scholarships for travel costs and a monthly allowance ("Mobility Grants").
The Weizmann Institute has signed agreements with EU partner institutions, which are listed below. If you wish to establish a partnership with an EU institution, please contact us.
The Erasmus+ Programme promotes equal opportunities and inclusion for all participants regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, religion and belief, disability and chronic illness, and ethnic and social background.
Complete list of partner agreements and links below to their websites:
Programme Details
Travel Costs
Monthly Stipend
Daily Grant
MSc / PhD Students
Between €300 - €500
Between €650 - €850
2–12 months for studies and/or traineeships
Some institutions allow a combination of short-term physical mobility and a virtual component.
Between €300 - €500
Between €120 - €160
Teaching or training stays of 7 days to 3 months
Academic Staff
Between €300 - €500
Enquire if relevant
Between €120 - €160 (up to 1 month)
Teaching or training stays of 7 days to 3 months
Administrative Staff
Between €300 - €500
Between €120 - €160
Up to 7 days
Exact details vary per partner agreement.
How to apply
The Weizmann Institute students can study/train abroad from 2 to 12 months. PhD and recent-graduate* students are eligible for short-term mobilities of 5-30 days.
Send the following to erasmus@weizmann.ac.il in English, stating where you wish to visit, from when and until when:
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Academic Transcripts
3. A Letter of Motivation. In your letter, discuss why you chose the institution where you wish to study, highlighting how its curriculum aligns with your current and future academic pursuits as outlined in your application, including language study, multiculturalism, and other specified courses.
4. The PI's written recommendation
The relevant FGS Board of Studies will evaluate all applications and inform you of its decision.
* Recent graduates may participate in mobility for traineeship. They must be nominated during their last year of study and must carry out and complete their traineeship abroad within one year of obtaining their graduation.
Academic Staff / Postdoc
The Weizmann Institute academic staff, including Staff Scientists and Postdocs, can train abroad from 1 week to 2 months.
Email Yaara Biess, the Erasmus coordinator at the IO, and state where you wish to visit from when until when.
Attach a Letter of Invitation from the Host at the Partner University
Staff Scientists and Postdocs must attach the supervisor's approval and recommendation letter.
The Academic Staff applications will be reviewed and approved by the Academic Affairs Office, and the Board of Postdoctoral Training will review Postdoctoral applications.
Administrative Staff
The Weizmann Institute administrative staff, including Research Associates, can train abroad from 1 week to 2 months. Some partners offered organized staff weeks for particular job functions (One week = five working days +2 days of travel).
Search for a suitable week-long program offered by one of our partners on the list below at http://staffmobility.eu/staff-week-search or,
Contact a colleague from a partner University and propose cooperation.
Receive initial approval from the host university and plan your mobility program.
Email the IO with the relevant details of your mobility plan to be reviewed and approved.
Once approved by the IO, complete the WIS HR Internal request form and upload the following:
1. Recommendation letter from your supervisor.
2. Your CV (in English)
3. Letter of motivation and description of the mobility plan, including estimation of expenses reimbursed by the Erasmus+ funds.
Applications must be COMPLETED at least four weeks before planned mobility (please check the relevant date with Yaara Biess, the Erasmus coordinator at the IO).
An HR committee evaluates all applications and will inform you about their decision.