In recent years, the photovoltaic community has shown a growing interest in lead-free halides perovskites (HaPs), i.e., ABX3 where B a Pb, A = monovalent cation and X = halide, as candidates to solve some of the issues inherent to their lead-based cousins. The gold HaP family (A2Au2X6, with mono- and tri-valent Au) is one such example and has been getting increasing attention from theoretical and experimental points of view. In particular, because of the mixed valence character of the gold species, the compounds are double perovskites, A2AuIAuIIIX6. We report a simple synthesis route to obtain inorganic gold HaP (Cs2AuIAuIIIX6, with X = I, Br, Cl) powders at low temperatures, and present thermodynamic constants associated with these materials. We confirm the structure of the compounds by XRD and Raman spectroscopy in accordance with the mixed valence character of the Au species. Additional chemical analyses using XPS and SEM/EDX confirm the stoichiometry of the compounds, though surface iodine deficiency was observed for Cs2AuIAuIIIX6. These results further elucidate the potential of these materials for optoelectronic applications. We report the photoluminescence (PL) spectra for this family of materials to demonstrate their potential photo-activity, with bandgaps in the range of 1.4 eV to 1 eV. Hence, our results open the door to dedicated studies of gold halide perovskites towards possible future integration of these materials in optoelectronics, such as photovoltaic (PV) applications.
Proteins are attractive as functional components in molecular junctions. However, controlling the electronic charge transport via proteins, held between two electrodes, requires information on their frontier orbital energy level alignment relative to the electrodes Fermi level (EF), which normally requires studies of UV Photoemission Spectroscopy (UPS) with HeI excitation. Such excitation is problematic for proteins, which can denature under standard measuring conditions. Here high-sensitivity soft UV photoemission spectroscopy (HS-UPS) combined with Constant Final State Yield Spectroscopy (CFS-YS) is used to get this information for electrode/protein contacts. Monolayers of the redox protein Azurin, (Az) and its Apo-form on Au substrates, have HOMO onset energies, obtained from CFS-YS, differ by ≈0.2 eV, showing the crucial role of the Cu redox centre in the electron transport process. It is found that combined HS-UPS/CFS-YS measurements agree with the Photoelectron Yield Spectroscopy (PYS), showing potential of the HS-UPS + CFS-YS as a powerful tool to characterize and map the energetics of a protein-electrode interfaces, which will aid optimizing design of devices with targeted electronic properties, as well as for novel applications.
Self-healing materials can become game changers for developing sustainable (opto)electronics. APbX3 halide (=X-) perovskites, HaPs, have shown a remarkable ability to self-heal damage. While we demonstrated self-healing in pure HaP compounds, in single crystals, and in polycrystalline thin films (as used in most devices), HaP compositions with multiple A+ (and X-) constituents are preferred for solar cells. We now show self-healing in mixed A+ HaPs. Specifically, if at least 15 atom % of the methylammonium (MA+) A cation is substituted for by guanidinium (Gua+) or acetamidinium (AA+), then the self-healing rate after damage is enhanced. In contrast, replacing MA+ with dimethylammonium (DMA+), comparable in size to Gua+ or AA+, does not alter this rate. Based on the times for self-healing, we infer that the rate-determining step involves short-range diffusion of A+ and/or Pb2+ cations and that the self-healing rate correlates with the strain in the material, the A+ cation dipole moment, and H-bonding between A+ and I-. These insights may offer clues for developing a detailed self-healing mechanism and understanding the kinetics to guide the design of self-healing materials. Fast recovery kinetics are important from the device perspective, as they allow complete recovery in devices during operation or when switched off (LEDs)/in the dark (photovoltaics).
The (opto)electronic behavior of semiconductors depends on their (quasi-)free electronic carrier densities. These are regulated by semiconductor doping, i.e., controlled \u201celectronic contamination\u201d. For metal halide perovskites (HaPs), the functional materials in several device types, which already challenge some of the understanding of semiconductor properties, this study shows that doping type, density and properties derived from these, are to a first approximation controlled via their surfaces. This effect, relevant to all semiconductors, and already found for some, is very evident for lead (Pb)-HaPs because of their intrinsically low electrically active bulk and surface defect densities. Volume carrier densities for most polycrystalline Pb-HaP films (
The remarkable ability of natural proteins to conduct electricity in the dry state over long distances remains largely inexplicable despite intensive research. In some cases, a (weakly) exponential length-attenuation, as in off-resonant tunneling transport, extends to thicknesses even beyond 10 nm. This report deals with such charge transport characteristics observed in self-assembled multilayers of the protein bacteriorhodopsin (bR). ≈7.5 to 15.5 nm thick bR layers are prepared on conductive titanium nitride (TiN) substrates using aminohexylphosphonic acid and poly-diallyl-dimethylammonium electrostatic linkers. Using conical eutectic gallium-indium top contacts, an intriguing, mono-exponential conductance attenuation as a function of the bR layer thickness with a small attenuation coefficient β ≈ 0.8 nm−1 is measured at zero bias. Variable-temperature measurements using evaporated Ti/Au top contacts yield effective energy barriers of ≈100 meV from fitting the data to tunneling, hopping, and carrier cascade transport models. The observed temperature-dependence is assigned to the protein-electrode interfaces. The transport length and temperature dependence of the current densities are consistent with tunneling through the proteinprotein, and protein-electrode interfaces, respectively. Importantly, the results call for new theoretical approaches to find the microscopic mechanism behind the remarkably efficient, long-range electron transport within bR.
The fundamental question of \u201cwhat is the transport path of electrons through proteins?\u201d initially introduced while studying long-range electron transfer between localized redox centers in proteins in vivo is also highly relevant to the transport properties of solid-state, dry metalproteinmetal junctions. Here, we report conductance measurements of such junctions, Au-(Azurin monolayer ensemble)-Bismuth (Bi) ones, with well-defined nanopore geometry and ~103 proteins/pore. Our results can be understood as follows. (1) Transport is via two interacting conducting channels, characterized by different spatial and time scales. The slow and spatially localized channel is associated with the Cu center of Azurin and the fast delocalized one with the proteins polypeptide matrix. Transport via the slow channel is by a sequential (noncoherent) process and in the second one by direct, off-resonant tunneling. (2) The two channels are capacitively coupled. Thus, with a change in charge occupation of the weakly coupled (metal center) channel, the broad energy level manifold, responsible for off-resonance tunneling, shifts, relative to the electrodes Fermi levels. In this process, the off-resonance (fast) channel dominates transport, and the slow (redox) channel, while contributing only negligibly directly, significantly affects transport by intramolecular gating.
We report continuous wave laser-assisted evaporation (CLE), a thin film deposition technique that yields phase-pure and stoichiometric thin films of halide perovskites (HaPs) from stoichiometric HaP targets. We use methylammonium lead bromide (MAPbBr3) to demonstrate the ability to grow with CLE well-oriented and smooth thin films on various substrates. Further, we show the broader applicability of CLE by preparing films of several other 3D HaP compounds, viz., methylammonium lead iodide, formamidinium lead bromide, and a 2D one, butylammonium lead iodide. CLE is a single-source, solvent-free, room-temperature process that needs only roughing pump vacuum; it allows the deposition of hybrid organic-inorganic compound films without needing post-thermal treatment or an additional organic precursor source to yield the intended product. The resulting films are polycrystalline and highly oriented. All these features, and the fact that one stoichiometric source serves as the target, make for an attractive, potentially scalable dry deposition approach.
The term defect tolerance (DT) is used often to rationalize the exceptional optoelectronic properties of halide perovskites (HaPs) and their devices. Even though DT lacked direct experimental evidence, it became a "fact" in the field. DT in semiconductors implies that structural defects do not translate to electrical and optical effects (e.g., due to charge trapping), associated with such defects. We present pioneering direct experimental evidence for DT in Pb-HaPs by comparing the structural quality of 2-dimensional (2D), 2D-3D, and 3D Pb-iodide HaP crystals with their optoelectronic characteristics using high-sensitivity methods. Importantly, we get information from the materials' bulk because we sample at least a few hundred nanometers, up to several micrometers, from the sample's surface, which allows for assessing intrinsic bulk (and not only surface-) properties of HaPs. The results point to DT in 3D, 2D-3D, and 2D Pb-HaPs. Overall, our data provide an experimental basis to rationalize DT in Pb-HaPs. These experiments and findings will help the search for and design of materials with real DT.
Photosystem I (PSI) is a photosynthetic protein which evolved to efficiently transfer electrons through the thylakoid membrane. This remarkable process attracted the attention of the biomolecular electronics community, which aims to study and understand the underlying electronic transport through these proteins by contacting ensembles of PSI with solid-state metallic contacts. This paper extends published work of immobilizing monolayers of PSI with a specific orientation, by using organophosphonate self-assembled molecules with hydrophilic heads on ultra-flat titanium nitride. Electrical measurements carried out with eutectic GaIn top contacts showed current rectification ratios of up to 200. The previously proposed rectification mechanism, relying on the protein's internal electric dipole, was inquired by measuring shifts in the work function. Our straightforward bottom-up fabrication method may allow for further experimental studies on PSI molecules, such as embedding them in solid-state, transparent top contact schemes for optoelectronic measurements.
Recovery from damage in materials helps extend their useful lifetime and of devices that contain them. Given that the photodamages in HaP materials and based devices are shown to recover, the question arises if this also applies to mechanical damages, especially those that can occur at the nanometer scale, relevant also in view of efforts to develop flexible HaP-based devices. Here, this question is addressed by poking HaP single crystal surfaces with an atomic force microscope (AFM) tip under both ultra-high vacuum (UHV) and variably controlled ambient water vapor pressure conditions. Sequential in situ AFM scanning allowed real-time imaging of the morphological changes at the damaged sites. Using methylammonium (MA) and cesium (Cs) variants for A-site cations in lead bromide perovskites, the experiments show that nanomechanical damages on methylammonium lead bromide (MAPbBr3) crystals heal an order of magnitude faster than Cs-based ones in UHV. However, surprisingly, under ≥40% RH conditions, cesium lead bromide (CsPbBr3) shows MAPbBr3-like fast healing kinetics. Direct evidence for ion solvation on CsPbBr3 is presented, leading to the formation of a surface hydration layer. The results imply that moisture improves the ionic mobility of degradation components and leads to water-assisted improved healing, i.e., repair of nanomechanical damages in the HaPs.
Self-healing (SH) of (opto)electronic material damage can have a huge impact on resource sustainability. The rising interest in halide perovskite (HaP) compounds over the past decade is due to their excellent semiconducting properties for crystals and films, even if made by low-temperature solution-based processing. Direct proof of self-healing in Pb-based HaPs is demonstrated through photoluminescence recovery from photodamage, fracture healing and their use as high-energy radiation and particle detectors. Here, the question of how to find additional semiconducting materials exhibiting SH, in particular lead-free ones is addressed. Applying a data-mining approach to identify semiconductors with favorable mechanical and thermal properties, for which Pb HaPs are clear outliers, it is found that the Cs2AuIAuIIIX6, (X = I, Br, Cl) family, which is synthesized and tested for SH. This is the first demonstration of self-healing of Pb-free inorganic HaP thin films, by photoluminescence recovery.
A key conundrum of biomolecular electronics is efficient electron transport (ETp) through solid-state junctions up to 10 nm, often without temperature activation. Such behavior challenges known charge transport mechanisms, especially via nonconjugated molecules such as proteins. Single-step, coherent quantum-mechanical tunneling proposed for ETp across small protein, 2-3 nm wide junctions, but it is problematic for larger proteins. Here we exploit the ability of bacteriorhodopsin (bR), a well-studied, 4-5 nm long membrane protein, to assemble into well-defined single and multiple bilayers, from ∼9 to 60 nm thick, to investigate ETp limits as a function of junction width. To ensure sufficient signal/noise, we use large area (∼10-3 cm2) Au-protein-Si junctions. Photoemission spectra indicate a wide energy separation between electrode Fermi and the nearest protein-energy levels, as expected for a polymer of mostly saturated components. Junction currents decreased exponentially with increasing junction width, with uniquely low length-decay constants (0.05-0.5 nm-1). Remarkably, even for the widest junctions, currents are nearly temperature-independent, completely so below 160 K. While, among other things, the lack of temperature-dependence excludes, hopping as a plausible mechanism, coherent quantum-mechanical tunneling over 60 nm is physically implausible. The results may be understood if ETp is limited by injection into one of the contacts, followed by more efficient charge propagation across the protein. Still, the electrostatics of the protein films further limit the number of charge carriers injected into the protein film. How electron transport across dozens of nanometers of protein layers is more efficient than injection defines a riddle, requiring further study.
The class of materials termed halide perovskites has experienced a meteoric rise in popularity due to their potential for photovoltaic and related applications, rivaling the well-established silicon devices within a few short years of development. These materials are characterized by several intriguing properties, among them their mechanical behavior. The study of their response to stress is essential for proper device development, while being of fundamental scientific interest in its own right. In this perspective, we highlight the key concerns surrounding this topic, critically analyzing the measurement techniques and considering the challenges in the current level of understanding.
Perovskite photovoltaics offer a highly efficient and low-cost solar energy harvesting technology. However, the presence of lead (Pb) cations in photovoltaic halide perovskite (HaPs) materials is concerning, and quantifying the environmental hazard of accidental Pb2+ leaching into the soil is crucial for assessing the sustainability of this technology. Pb2+ from inorganic salts was previously found to remain in the upper soil layers due to adsorption. However, Pb-HaPs contain additional organic and inorganic cations, and competitive cation adsorption may affect Pb2+ retention in soils. Therefore, we measured, analyzed by simulations and report the depths to which Pb2+ from HaPs penetrates into 3 types of agricultural soil. Most of the HaP-leached Pb2+ is found to be retained already in the first cm of the soil columns, and subsequent rain events do not induce Pb2+ penetration below the first few cm of soil surface. Surprisingly, organic co-cations from the dissolved HaP are found to enhance the Pb2+ adsorption capacity in clay-rich soil, compared to non-HaP-based Pb2+ sources. Our results imply that installation over soil types with improved Pb2+ adsorption, and removal of only the contaminated topsoil, are sufficient means to prevent ground water contamination by HaP-leached Pb2+.
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We characterized soil depth profiles of lead leached from photovoltaic perovskitesLead from damaged perovskite solar cells is unlikely to contaminate groundwaterOrganic co-cations in perovskites enhance the lead adsorption capacity of soilPerovskite-lead retained at topsoil is x100 less than the soil adsorption capacitySolar cell installation over soils with increased organic/clay content is preferred
Two-dimensional (2D) halide perovskites, HaPs, can provide chemical stability to three-dimensional (3D) HaP surfaces, protecting them from exposure to ambient species and from reacting with contacting layers. Both actions occur with 2D HaPs, with the general stoichiometry R2PbI4 (R: long or bulky organic amine) covering the 3D ones. Adding such covering films can also boost power conversion efficiencies of photovoltaic cells by passivating surface/interface trap states. For maximum benefit, we need conformal ultrathin and phase-pure (n = 1) 2D layers to enable efficient tunneling of photogenerated charge carriers through the 2D film barrier. Conformal coverage of ultrathin (
In terms of sustainable use, halide perovskite (HaP) semiconductors have a strong advantage over most other classes of materials for (opto)electronics, as they can self-heal (SH) from photodamage. While there is considerable literature on SH in devices, where it may not be clear exactly where damage and SH occur, there is much less on the HaP material itself. Here we perform \u201cfluorescence recovery after photobleaching\u201d (FRAP) measurements to study SH on polycrystalline thin films for which encapsulation is critical to achieving complete and fast self-healing. We compare SH in three photoactive APbI3 perovskite films by varying the A-site cation ranging from (relatively) small inorganic Cs through medium-sized MA to large FA (the last two are organic cations). While the A cation is often considered electronically relatively inactive, it significantly affects both SH kinetics and the threshold for photodamage. The SH kinetics are markedly faster for γ-CsPbI3 and α-FAPbI3 than for MAPbI3. Furthermore, γ-CsPbI3 exhibits an intricate interplay between photoinduced darkening and brightening. We suggest possible explanations for the observed differences in SH behavior. This studys results are essential for identifying absorber materials that can regain intrinsic, insolation-induced photodamage-linked efficiency loss during its rest cycles, thus enabling applications such as autonomously sustainable electronics.
The finding that electronic conductance across ultrathin protein films between metallic electrodes remains nearly constant from room temperature to just a few degrees Kelvin has posed a challenge. We show that a model based on a generalized Landauer formula explains the nearly constant conductance and predicts an Arrhenius-like dependence for low temperatures. A critical aspect of the model is that the relevant activation energy for conductance is either the difference between the HOMO and HOMO1 or the LUMO+1 and LUMO energies instead of the HOMOLUMO gap of the proteins. Analysis of experimental data confirms the Arrhenius-like law and allows us to extract the activation energies. We then calculate the energy differences with advanced DFT methods for proteins used in the experiments. Our main result is that the experimental and theoretical activation energies for these three different proteins and three differently prepared solid-state junctions match nearly perfectly, implying the mechanisms validity.
We demonstrate that the direction of current rectification via one of natures most efficient light-harvesting systems, the photosystem 1 complex (PS1), can be controlled by its orientation on Au substrates. Molecular self-assembly of the PS1 complex using four different linkers with distinct functional head groups that interact by electrostatic and hydrogen bonds with different surface parts of the entire protein PS1 complex was used to tailor the PS1 orientation. We observe an orientation-dependent rectification in the currentvoltage characteristics for linker/PS1 molecule junctions. Results of an earlier study using a surface two-site PS1 mutant complex having its orientation set by covalent binding to the Au substrate supports our conclusion. Currentvoltagetemperature measurements on the linker/PS1 complex indicate off-resonant tunneling as the main electron transport mechanism. Our ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy results highlight the importance of the protein orientation for the energy level alignment and provide insight into the charge transport mechanism via the PS1 transport chain.
The development of vacuum-deposited perovskite materials and devices is partially slowed down by the minor research effort in this direction, due to the high cost of the required research tools. But there is also another factor, thermal co-deposition in high vacuum involves the simultaneous sublimation of several precursors with an overall deposition rate in the range of few Å s−1. This leads to a deposition time of hours with only a single set of process parameters per batch, hence to a long timeframe to optimize even a single perovskite composition. Here we report the combinatorial vacuum deposition of wide bandgap perovskites using 4 sources and a non-rotating sample holder. By using small pixel substrates, more than 100 solar cells can be produced with different perovskite absorbers in a single deposition run. The materials are characterized by spatially resolved methods, including optical, morphological, and structural techniques. By fine-tuning of the deposition rates, the gradient can be altered and the best-performing formulations in standard depositions with rotation can be reproduced. This is viewed as an approach that can serve as a basis to prototype other compositions, overcoming the current limitations of vacuum deposition as a research tool for perovskite films.
Efficient and stable electrocatalysts are critically needed for the development of practical overall seawater splitting. The nanocomposite of RuCoBO has been rationally engineered to be an electrocatalyst that fits these criteria. The study has shown that a calcinated RuCoBO-based nanocomposite (Ru2Co1BO-350) exhibits an extremely high catalytic activity for H2 and O2 production in alkaline seawater (overpotentials of 14 mV for H2 evolution and 219 mV for O2 evolution) as well as a record low cell voltage (1.466 V@10 mA cm-2) and long-term stability (230 h @50 mA cm-2 and @100 mA cm-2) for seawater splitting. The results show that surface reconstruction of Ru2Co1BO-350 occurs during hydrogen evolution reaction and oxygen evolution reaction, which leads to the high activity and stability of the catalyst. The reconstructed surface is highly resistant to Cl- corrosion. The investigation suggests that a new strategy exists for the design of high-performance Ru-based electrocatalysts that resist anodic corrosion during seawater splitting.
Coupling electromagnetic radiation with matter, e.g., by resonant light fields in external optical cavities, is highly promising for tailoring the optoelectronic properties of functional materials on the nanoscale. Here, we demonstrate that even internal fields induced by coherent lattice motions can be used to control the transient excitonic optical response in CsPbBr3 halide perovskite crystals. Upon resonant photoexcitation, two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy reveals an excitonic peak structure oscillating persistently with a 100-fs period for up to ~2ps which does not match the frequency of any phonon modes of the crystals. Only at later times, beyond 2ps, two low-frequency phonons of the lead-bromide lattice dominate the dynamics. We rationalize these findings by an unusual exciton-phonon coupling inducing off-resonant 100-fs Rabi oscillations between 1s and 2p excitons driven by the low-frequency phonons. As such, prevailing models for the electron-phonon coupling in halide perovskites are insufficient to explain these results. We propose the coupling of characteristic low-frequency phonon fields to intra-excitonic transitions in halide perovskites as the key to control the anharmonic response of these materials in order to establish new routes for enhancing their optoelectronic properties.
The electron transport (ETp) efficiency of solid-state protein-mediated junctions is highly influenced by the presence of electron-rich organic cofactors or transition metal ions. Hence, we chose to investigate an interesting cofactor-free non-redox protein, streptavidin (STV), which has unmatched strong binding affinity for an organic small-molecule ligand, biotin, which lacks any electron-rich features. We describe for the first time meso-scale ETp via electrical junctions of STV monolayers and focus on the question of whether the rate of ETp across both native and thiolated STV monolayers is influenced by ligand binding, a process that we show to cause some structural conformation changes in the STV monolayers. Au nanowire-electrodeprotein monolayermicroelectrode junctions, fabricated by modifying an earlier procedure to improve the yields of usable junctions, were employed for ETp measurements. Our results on compactly integrated, dense, uniform, ∼3 nm thick STV monolayers indicate that, notwithstanding the slight structural changes in the STV monolayers upon biotin binding, there is no statistically significant conductance change between the free STV and that bound to biotin. The ETp temperature (T) dependence over the 80300 K range is very small but with an unusual, slightly negative (metallic-like) dependence toward room temperature. Such dependence can be accounted for by the reversible structural shrinkage of the STV at temperatures below 160 K.
A way of modulating the solid-state electron transport (ETp) properties of oligopeptide junctions is presented by charges and internal hydrogen bonding, which affect this process markedly. The ETp properties of a series of tyrosine (Tyr)-containing hexa-alanine peptides, self-assembled in monolayers and sandwiched between gold electrodes, are investigated in response to their protonation state. Inserting a Tyr residue into these peptides enhances the ETp carried
their junctions. Deprotonation of the Tyr-containing peptides causes a further increase of ETp efficiency that depends on this residue's position. Combined results of molecular dynamics simulations and spectroscopic experiments suggest that the increased conductance upon deprotonation is mainly a result of enhanced coupling between the charged C-terminus carboxylate group and the adjacent Au electrode. Moreover, intra-peptide hydrogen bonding of the Tyr hydroxyl to the C-terminus carboxylate reduces this coupling. Hence, the extent of such a conductance change depends on the Tyr-carboxylate distance in the peptide's sequence.
Halide perovskites (HaPs) are functional semiconductors that can be prepared in a simple, near-room-temperature process. With thin polycrystalline HaP films, excellent solar cells, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), and (also as single crystals) highenergy radiation detectors have been demonstrated. The very low single-crystal defect densities make HaP thin single crystals (TSCs), instead of polycrystalline HaP films an attractive option, to boost device performances and for fundamental research. However, growing TSCs is challenging primarily because of random multiple nucleations, which, in the often-used space-confined geometry, is favored at the substrate boundaries, where loss of organo-amines and solvents occurs. We show that fewer and better quality thin crystals nucleate and grow reproducibly away from the substrate edges in the substrate center, if we localize the heating (needed for inverse-temperature crystallization, the preferred crystal growth method) there. Using a further finding of ours that lowers the crystallization temperature, TSCs of methylammonium lead bromide (MAPbBr3), the HaP we focus on here, grow also directly on flexible substrates. 1H NMR measurements show how the observed lower crystallization temperature results from slow humidity-mediated chemical changes in the HaP precursor solution during its storage.
Most of the charge transport properties in halide perovskite (HaP) absorbers are measured by transient measurements with pulsed excitations; however, most solar cells in real life function in steady-state conditions. In contrast to working devices that include selective contacts, steady-state measurements need as high as possible photoconductivity (sigma ph), which is typically restricted to the absorber alone. In this paper, we enabled steady-state charge transport measurement using atomic layer deposition (ALD) to grow a conformal, ultra-thin (similar to 4 nm) ZnO electron transport layer that is laterally insulating due to its thickness. Due to the highly alkaline behavior of the ZnO surfaces, it readily reacts with halide Perovskites. ALD process was used to form an Aluminum oxynitride (AlON) thin (similar to 2 nm) layer that passivates the ZnO-HaP interface. We show that the presence of the AlON layer prevents HaP degradation caused by the interaction with the ZnO layer, improves the HaP sigma ph, and doubles the HaP carrier diffusion lengths.
We present a multi-head spray pyrolysis system and its application in high-throughput combinatorial synthesis for research of solid Li-ion conductors. Each spraying nozzle is fed with a separate precursor solution. The overlap of areas that are sprayed leads to unprecedented composition flexibility of the films obtained after pyrolysis. Thus, a library with a continuous composition spread of a Li-La-P-O model system is formed. The Li-ion conduction was determined on 169 cells of the library, using high throughput impedance measurements in a controlled environment. While the activation energies that were found were relatively small, Li-ion conduction was still low. This low mobility is hypothesized to originate from the sub-optimal occupation of Li sites in the non-stoichiometric materials' lattices, and/or porosity and tortuosity issues, which in turn, reduces their effective concentration and contribution to ion transport. In addition, porosity and tortuosity in sprayed electrolyte causes random orientation of the grains and grain boundaries in the solid followed by the random diffusion scattering of Li-ions and low Li-ions conductivity, despite low apparent activation energy of conduction.
An electrocatalyst composed of RuO2 surrounded by interfacial carbon, is synthesized through controllable oxidization-calcination. This electrocatalyst provides efficient charge transfer, numerous active sites, and promising activity for pH-universal electrocatalytic overall seawater splitting. An electrolyzer with this catalyst gives current densities of 10 mA cm−2 at a record low cell voltage of 1.52 V, and shows excellent durability at current densities of 10 mA cm−2 for up to 100 h. Based on the results, a mechanism for the catalytic activity of the composite is proposed. Finally, a solar-driven system is assembled and used for overall seawater splitting, showing 95% Faraday efficiency.
Humidity is often reported to compromise the stability of lead halide perovskites or of devices based on them. Here we measure the humidity dependence of the elastic modulus and hardness for two series of lead halide perovskite single crystals, varying either by cation or by anion type. The results reveal a dependence on bond length between, hydrogen bonding with, and polarizability/polarization of these ions. The results show an intriguing inverse relation between modulus and hardness, in contrast to their positive correlation for most other materials. This anomaly persists and is strengthened by the effect of humidity. This, and our overall findings are ascribed to the materials unique atomic-scale structure and properties, viz nano-polar domains and strong dynamic disorder, yet high-quality average order. Our conclusions are based on comparing results obtained from several different nano-indentation techniques, which separate surface from bulk elastic modulus, and probe different manifestations of the hardness.
The environment humidity effects on performance of halide perovskites (HaPs), especially MAPbI3, are known. Nevertheless, it is hard to find direct experimental evidence of H2O in the bulk materials at the levels lower than that of Monohydrate (MAPbI3.H2O). Here, for the first time, direct experimental evidence of water being released from bulk (µms deep) of MAPbI3 single crystal is reported. The thermogravimetric analysis coupled with mass spectrometry (TGAMS) of evolved gases is used to detect the MS signal of H2O from the penetrable depth and correlate it with the TGA mass loss due to H2O leaving the material. These measurements yield an estimate of the average H2O content of 1 H2O molecule per three MAPbI3 formula units (MAPbI3.0.33H2O). Under the relatively low temperature conditions no other evolved gases that can correspond to MAPbI3 decomposition products, are observed in the MS. In addition to being direct evidence that there is H2O inside MAPbI3, the data show that H2O diffuses into it. With this article, a solid basis is proved for further studies on the mechanisms through which water modifies the properties of MAPbI3 and all the other halide perovskites.
Direct evidence of release of H2O from bulk MAPbI3, under the conditions where the MAPbI3 crystal structure is intact and with an indication of a H2O gradient of MAPbI3.xH2O with x=1 at the surface to x=0 in the bulk.
The interfaces between inorganic selective contacts and halide perovskites (HaPs) are possibly the greatest challenge for making stable and reproducible solar cells with these materials. NiO x , an attractive hole-transport layer as it fits the electronic structure of HaPs, is highly stable and can be produced at a low cost. Furthermore, NiO x can be fabricated via scalable and controlled physical deposition methods such as RF sputtering to facilitate the quest for scalable, solvent-free, vacuum-deposited HaP-based solar cells (PSCs). However, the interface between NiO x and HaPs is still not well-controlled, which leads at times to a lack of stability and V oc losses. Here, we use RF sputtering to fabricate NiO x and then cover it with a Ni y N layer without breaking vacuum. The Ni y N layer protects NiO x doubly during PSC production. Firstly, the Ni y N layer protects NiO x from Ni3+ species being reduced to Ni2+ by Ar plasma, thus maintaining NiO x conductivity. Secondly, it passivates the interface between NiO x and the HaPs, retaining PSC stability over time. This double effect improves PSC efficiency from an average of 16.5% with a 17.4% record cell to a 19% average with a 19.8% record cell and increases the device stability.
The future of halide perovskites (HaPs) is beclouded by limited understanding of their long-term stability. While HaPs can be altered by radiation that induces multiple processes, they can also return to their original state by \u201cself-healing.\u201d Here two-photon (2P) absorption is used to effect light-induced modifications within MAPbI3 single crystals. Then the changes in the photodamaged region are followed by measuring the photoluminescence, from 2P absorption with 2.5 orders of magnitude lower intensity than that used for photodamaging the MAPbI3. After photodamage, two brightening and one darkening process are found, all of which recover but on different timescales. The first two are attributed to trap-filling (the fastest) and to proton-amine-related chemistry (the slowest), while photodamage is attributed to the lead-iodide sublattice. Surprisingly, while after 2P-irradiation of crystals that are stored in dry, inert ambient, photobrightening (or \u201clight-soaking\u201d) occurs, mostly photodarkening is seen after photodamage in humid ambient, showing an important connection between the self-healing of a HaP and the presence of H2O, for long-term steady-state illumination, practically no difference remains between samples kept in dry or humid environments. This result suggests that photobrightening requires a chemical-reservoir that is sensitive to the presence of H2O, or possibly other proton-related, particularly amine, chemistry.
The origin of the low densities of electrically active defects in Pb halide perovskite (HaP), a crucial factor for their use in photovoltaics, light emission, and radiation detection, remains a matter of discussion, in part because of the difficulty in determining these densities. Here, we present a powerful approach to assess the defect densities, based on electric field mapping in working HaP-based solar cells. The minority carrier diffusion lengths were deduced from the electric field profile, measured by electron beam-induced current (EBIC). The EBIC method was used earlier to get the first direct evidence for the n-i-p junction structure, at the heart of efficient HaP-based PV cells, and later by us and others for further HaP studies. This manuscript includes EBIC results on illuminated cell cross sections (in operando) at several light intensities to compare optoelectronic characteristics of different cells made by different groups in several laboratories. We then apply a simple, effective single-level defect model that allows deriving the densities (Nr) of the defect acting as recombination center. We find Nr ≈ 1 × 1013 cm3 for mixed A cation lead bromide-based HaP films and ∼1 × 1014 cm3 for MAPbBr3(Cl). As EBIC photocurrents are similar at the grain bulk and boundaries, we suggest that the defects are at the interfaces with selective contacts rather than in the HaP film. These results are relevant for photovoltaic devices as the EBIC responses distinguish clearly between high- and low-efficiency devices. The most efficient devices have n-i-p structures with a close-to-intrinsic HaP film, and the selective contacts then dictate the electric field strength throughout the HaP absorber.
Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are being studied and developed because of the outstanding properties of halide perovskites as photovoltaic materials and high conversion efficiencies achieved with the best PSCs. However, leaching out of lead (Pb) ions into the environment presents potential public health risks. We show that thiol-functionalized nanoparticles provide an economic way of minimizing Pb leaching in the case of PSC module damage and subsequent water exposure (at most, ∼2.5% of today's crystal silicon solar panel production cost per square meter). Using commercial materials and methods, we retain ∼90% of Pb without degrading the photovoltaic performance of the cells, compared with nonencapsulated devices, yielding a worst-case scenario of top-soil pollution below natural Pb levels and well below the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency limits.
Attempts to dope halide perovskites (HaPs) extrinsically have been mostly unsuccessful. Still, oxygen (O2) is an efficient pdopant for polycrystalline HaP films. To an extent, this doping is reversible, i.e., the films can be dedoped by decreasing the O2 partial pressure. Here results are reported, aimed at understanding the mechanism of such reversible doping, as it has been argued that doping involves interaction of oxygen with defects inside bulk HaP. These experimental results clearly point out that O2surface interactions suffice to dope the bulk of the films. Such behavior fits what is known for other polycrystalline semiconductors, where surface charge transferadducts can form and be removed. Thus, controlling the O2 partial pressure to which the HaP film is exposed, can, after proper encapsulation, achieve the desired bulk doping of the film.
Adding a 2D character to halide perovskite (HaP) active layers in ambient-protected cells can improve their stability drastically, which is not obvious from the hydrophobicity of the large cations that force the HaP into a 2D structure. Results of two-photon confocal microscopy are reported to study inherent photo-stability of 2D Pb iodide HaPs in the interior of single crystals. Compared to 3D HaP crystals, 2D ones have higher photo-stability and, under a few sun-equivalent conditions, self-heal efficiently after photo-damage. Using both photoluminescence (PL) intensities (as function of time after photo-damage) and spectra, self-healing dynamics of 2D HaP (C4H9NH3)(2)PbI4, 2D/3D (C4H9NH3)(2)(CH3NH3)(2)Pb3I10 and 3D MAPbI(3) are compared. Differences in response to photo-damage and self-healing ability from different degrees of photo-damage are found between these HaPs. Based on the findings, a possible chemical mechanism for photo-damage and self-healing of the 2D HaPs is suggested: the layered lattice arrangement limits out-diffusion of degradation products, facilitating damage reversal, leading to better 2D HaP photo-stability and self-healing uniformity than for 2D/3D HaPs. One implication of the layered structures' resilience to photo-damage is transfer of their increased stability to devices made with them, such as photovoltaic solar cells and light-emitting diodes.
Ion migration and subsequent accumulation at interfaces, driven by the built-in potential (Vbi), are intrinsic properties of halide perovskite solar cells (PVSCs), which mostly decrease the device performance. To address this issue, we constructed favorable ion accumulation in perovskite solar cells via illumination to improve the performance of the quasi-2D PVSCs. This design dramatically improves the photo-carrier collection and enables significant device performance improvement from 14.6% to 19.05%, one of the best results for quasi-2D PVSCs. We argue that the light-triggered favorable ion accumulation originates from (1) the photo-induced quasi-Fermi level splitting that compensates the Vbi, so as to avoid the ion accumulation that decreases Vbi, and (2) the light-intensity-distribution-induced uneven ion potential further drives the segregation of mobile ions towards favorable ion accumulation, decreasing any I− gradient between the anode and cathode. Our work provides insight into the fundamental understanding of ion accumulation in perovskite-based optoelectronic devices and paves the way to more stable, high-performance PVSCs.
Ultra-thin hydrophobic capping layers of two-dimensional (2D) onto three-dimensional (3D) metal halide perovskites (HaPs) are an attractive strategy for preventing ambient-induced degradation and minimizing interfacial non-idealities of 3D HaPs. However, it is not obvious in how far the unusual 3D HaP lattice dynamics affect 2D-on-3D HaP composites' stability, especially at their interface, an issue important for devices made with such composites. Using low electron-fluence, four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy and nanobeam electron diffraction, we show formation of the 2D (n = 1) phase on top of 3D perovskite, using focused-ion beam-prepared cross-sections, under conditions that minimize radiation damage. The 2D-on-3D HaP composites were prepared by controlled gas-phase surface cation exchange of 3D MAPbI3 films to form A2PbI4, where A = (fluoro- )phenyl-ethyl-ammonium, (F)PEA. We provide direct evidence for 2D phase formation also inside the 3D matrix, likely via A cation grain boundary diffusion, and, over time, of quasi-2D phases near the surface. These results show that the 2D/3D heterointerface is dynamic; they imply that not only small, but also large A cations, (F)PEA+, migrate. Structural rearrangements, leading to quasi-2D phase formation can be followed with the electron beam, which provides hitherto unknown atomistic insights into such interfaces, needed to assess their (in)stability. Apart from directly illustrating effects of HaP lattice dynamics, our results help understanding extensive (semi)empirical data on engineering 2D-on-3D composites and provide guidance for enhancing stability of such systems. Critically, our direct observation of electron beam-induced loss of long-range periodicity defines conditions for damage-free atomicresolution studies of HaP samples, also in device-relevant configurations.
Considering the toxicity of lead ions, substituting Pb with nontoxic elements in halide perovskites, HaPs, has become one of the most significant challenges associated with these materials. Here, we report on replacing Pb with Sn and Ge, focusing on an all-inorganic HaP, CsSn x Ge1x Br3, and using a multihead spray deposition setup for thin-film formation to overcome the low solubility of the precursors and improve film coverage. We find that, in this way, we can form CsSn x Ge1x Br3 films up to high x values as homogeneous solid solutions; i.e., we obtain a range of compositions with one crystal structure (rather than clusters of two phases). The cubic structure of pure CsSnBr3 is maintained up to 77 atom % Ge, with the lattice spacing decreasing with increasing Ge concentration. The optical band gap is tunable between 1.8 and 2.5 eV, from pure Sn to pure Ge HaP. Most importantly, the perovskite structural stability increases with increasing concentration of Ge, with less oxidation of both Ge and Sn to the +4 state, which can be ascribed to less octahedral tilting and stronger bonding. Electrical and electronic transport measurements show the potential of these materials as Pb-free absorbers for solar cells, particularly, given their band gap range as the top cell of a tandem photovoltaic device.
Combinatorial material science crucially depends on robust, high-throughput characterization methods. While X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) may provide detailed information about chemical and electronic properties, it is a time-consuming technique and, therefore, is not viewed as a high-throughput method. Here we present preliminary XPS data of 169 measurement spots on a combinatorial 72 × 72 cm2 CuxNi1−xOy compositional library to explore how characterization and evaluation routines can be optimized to improve throughput in XPS for combinatorial studies. In particular, two quantification approaches are compared. We find that a simple integration (of XPS peak regions) approach is suited for fast evaluation of, in the example system, the [Cu]/([Cu] + [Ni]) ratio. Complementary to that, the time-consuming (XPS peak-) fit approach provides additional insights into chemical speciation and oxidation state changes, without a large deviation of the [Cu]/([Cu] + [Ni]) ratio. This insight suggests exploiting the fast integration approach for real time analysis during XPS data collection, paving the way for an on-the-fly selection of points of interest (i.e., areas on the sample where sudden composition changes have been identified) for detailed XPS characterization. Together with the envisioned improvements when going from laboratory to synchrotron-based excitation sources, this will shorten the analysis time sufficiently for XPS to become a realistic characterization option for combinatorial material science.
We report persistent 100-fs period Rabi oscillations between 1s and 2p excitons in halide perovskite single crystals driven by off-resonant low-frequency phonon modes. This contrasts with prevailing models for the electron-phonon coupling in these materials.
To explain what drives us to study electron transport (ETp) through electrode/protein/electrode solid-state junctions (cf. Figure 1) we present some of the reasons, mostly in the form of the following questions:
1. Scientific curiosity: How can electron transport take place through nonconjugated, flexible, polyelectrolytic macromolecules? Answering this question is also driven by intense current interest to understand ETp via so-called bacterial nanowires. (1−3)
2. Biological implications and relevance:Can we learn from understanding ETp via proteins also about their role in biological electron transfer (ET)?
3. Physico-chemical insights: Which constituting elements and properties of proteins are involved in effective electron transport? The following can be singled out:
a. primary, secondary, and tertiary structure;
b. π-electron content and H-bonding character of amino-acid residues;
c. cofactors and their redox properties; alternatively, these can be described in terms of:
i. the (electronic) energy levels of a cofactors HOMO and LUMO;
ii. the energy difference between these levels, and between each of these levels and the electrode Fermi level; (51)
iii. the difference between the electrochemical potentials of the electrodes (= Fermi level) and of the protein (≈ redox potential (51)).
4. Potential applications: Can proteins serve as components of electronic devices as part of true bioelectronics?
Among many riddles posed by halide perovskites, the surprising apparent near-absence of harmful defects stands out. This is commonly explained by invoking defect tolerance (DT), but the term is used loosely, sometimes interchangeably with self-healing (SH). Also, the relation between underlying physical and chemical mechanisms and device behavior is often murky. Here, we offer our views as to what DT and SH constitute, the evidence for and against them, and what research challenges remain.
Understanding the charge transport properties of proteins at the molecular scale is crucial for the development of novel bioelectronic devices. In this contribution, we report on the preparation and electrical characterization of thin films of bacteriorhodopsin grafted on the surface of titanium nitride via aminophosphonate linkers. Thickness analysis using atomic force microscopy revealed a protein film thickness of 8.2±1.5 nm, indicating the formation of a protein bilayer. Electrical measurements were carried out in the dry state, in a vertical arrangement with a eutectic gallium-indium (EGaIn) or an evaporated Ti/Au top contact. DC current-voltage measurements yielded comparable effective tunneling decay constants β∼0.13A-1 for the EGaIn top contact and ∼0.15A-1 for the Ti/Au top contact. The results presented herein may establish a novel platform for studying charge transport via protein molecules in a solid-state device configuration.
A central issue in protein electronics is how far the structural stability of the protein is preserved under the very high electrical field that it will experience once a bias voltage is applied. This question is studied on the redox protein Azurin in the solid-state Au/protein/Au junction by monitoring protein vibrations during current transport under applied bias, up to ≈1 GV m
−1, by electrical detection of inelastic electron transport effects. Characteristic vibrational modes, such as C-H stretching, amide (N-H) bending, and A-S (of the bonds that connect the protein to an Au electrode), are not found to change noticeably up to 1.0 V. At >1.0 V, the N-H bending and C-H stretching inelastic features have disappeared, while the Au-S features persist till ≈2 V, i.e., the proteins remain Au bound. Three possible causes for the disappearance of the N-H and C-H inelastic features at high bias, namely, i) resonance transport, ii) metallic filament formation, and iii) bond rupture leading to structural changes in the protein are proposed and tested. The results support the last option and indicate that spectrally resolved inelastic features can serve to monitor in operando structural stability of biological macromolecules while they serve as electronic current conduit.
We find significant differences between degradation and healing at the surface or in the bulk for each of the different APbBr3 single crystals (A = CH3NH3+, methylammonium (MA); HC(NH2)2+, formamidinium (FA); and cesium, Cs+). Using 1- and 2-photon microscopy and photobleaching we conclude that kinetics dominate the surface and thermodynamics the bulk stability. Fluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy, as well as results from several other methods, relate the (damaged) state of the halide perovskite (HaP) after photobleaching to its modified optical and electronic properties. The A cation type strongly influences both the kinetics and the thermodynamics of recovery and degradation: FA heals best the bulk material with faster self-healing; Cs+ protects the surface best, being the least volatile of the A cations and possibly through O-passivation; MA passivates defects via methylamine from photo-dissociation, which binds to Pb2+. DFT simulations provide insight into the passivating role of MA, and also indicate the importance of the Br3- defect as well as predicts its stability. The occurrence and rate of self-healing are suggested to explain the low effective defect density in the HaPs and through this, their excellent performance. These results rationalize the use of mixed A-cation materials for optimizing both solar cell stability and overall performance of HaP-based devices, and provide a basis for designing new HaP variants.
Direct detection of intrinsic defects in halide perovskites (HaPs) by standard methods utilizing optical excitation is quite challenging, due to the low density of defects in most samples of this family of materials (≤1015 cm-3 in polycrystalline thin films and ≤1011 cm-3 in single crystals, except melt-grown ones). While several electrical methods can detect defect densities 2 eV) HaPs. By measuring HaP layers on both hole- and electron-contact layers, as well as single crystals without contacts, we conclude that the observed deep defects are intrinsic to the Br-based HaP, and we propose a passivation route via the incorporation of a 2Dforming ligand into the precursor solution.
We report on charge transport across single short peptides using the Mechanically Controlled Break Junction (MCBJ) method. We record thousands of electron transport events across single-molecule junctions and with an unsupervised machine learning algorithm, we identify several classes of traces with multifarious conductance values that may correspond to different peptide conformations. Data analysis shows that very short peptides, which are more rigid, show conductance plateaus at low conductance values of about 10-3G0 and below, with G0 being the conductance quantum, whereas slightly longer, more flexible peptides also show plateaus at higher values. Fully stretched peptide chains exhibit conductance values that are of the same order as that of alkane chains of similar length. The measurements show that in the case of short peptides, different compositions and molecular lengths offer a wide range of junction conformations. Such information is crucial to understand mechanism(s) of charge transport in and across peptide-based biomolecules.
Ion diffusion affects the optoelectronic properties of halide-perovskites (HaPs). Until now, the fastest diffusion has been attributed to the movement of the halides, largely neglecting the contribution of protons, on the basis of computed density estimates. Here, the process of proton diffusion inside HaPs, following deuteriumhydrogen exchange and migration in MAPbI3, MAPbBr3, and FAPbBr3 single crystals, is proven through D/H NMR quantification, Raman spectroscopy, and elastic recoil detection analysis, challenging the original assumption of halide-dominated diffusion. The results are confirmed by impedance spectroscopy, where MAPbBr3- and CsPbBr3-based solar cells respond at very different frequencies. Water plays a key role in allowing the migration of protons as deuteration is not detected in its absence. The water contribution is modeled to explain and forecast its effect as a function of its concentration in the perovskite structure. These findings are of great importance as they evidence how unexpected, water-dependent proton diffusion can be at the basis of the ≈7 orders of magnitude spread of diffusion (attributed to I− and Br−) coefficient values, reported in the literature. The reported enhancement of the optoelectronic properties of HaP when exposed to small amounts of water may be related to the finding.
Multi-heme cytochromes (MHCs) are fascinating proteins used by bacterial organisms to shuttle electrons within, between, and out of their cells. When placed in solid-state electronic junctions, MHCs support temperature-independent currents over several nanometers that are 3 orders of magnitude higher compared to other redox proteins of similar size. To gain molecular-level insight into their astonishingly high conductivities, we combine experimental photoemission spectroscopy with DFT+ς current-voltage calculations on a representative Gold-MHC-Gold junction. We find that conduction across the dry, 3 nm long protein occurs via off-resonant coherent tunneling, mediated by a large number of protein valence-band orbitals that are strongly delocalized over heme and protein residues. This picture is profoundly different from the electron hopping mechanism induced electrochemically or photochemically under aqueous conditions. Our results imply that the current output in solid-state junctions can be even further increased in resonance, for example, by applying a gate voltage, thus allowing a quantum jump for next-generation bionanoelectronic devices.
We track ultrafast charge carrier relaxation and the concurrent build-up of dynamical exciton screening on a 30-fs timescale, and probe strong electron-phonon couplings in halide perovskite crystals by temperature-dependent two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy.
We observe reversible, bias-induced switching of conductance via a blue copper protein azurin mutant, N42C Az, with a nearly 10-fold increase at |V| > 0.8 V than at lower bias. No such switching is found for wild-type azurin, WT Az, up to |1.2 V|, beyond which irreversible changes occur. The N42C Az mutant will, when positioned between electrodes in a solid-state AuproteinAu junction, have an orientation opposite that of WT Az with respect to the electrodes. Current(s) via both proteins are temperature-independent, consistent with quantum mechanical tunneling as dominant transport mechanism. No noticeable difference is resolved between the two proteins in conductance and inelastic electron tunneling spectra at
We describe the growth of single crystals of the halide perovskites APbBr3, with varying ratios of Cs to methylammonium (MA) on the A site, by antisolvent vapor-assisted crystallization (AVC) and characterize the structural and compositional homogeneity of the grown crystals. We find improved thermostability for the Cs-rich mixed crystals and suggest that this is caused by a combination of locking-in of the relatively large MA in the smaller lattice of the Cs-rich material as well as by stronger hydrogen bonding between the nitrogen of MA and Br due to reduced lattice size and/or octahedral tilting with increased Cs. We also show that it is possible to grow either compositionally homogeneous crystals or core-shell, compositionally graded crystals by changing the ratio of antisolvent to solvent in the AVC method.
Although halide perovskites (HaPs) are synthesized in ways that appear antithetical to those required for yielding high-quality semiconductors, the properties of the resulting materials imply, particularly for single crystals, ultralow densities of optoelectronically active defects. This article provides different views of this unusual behavior. We pose the question: Can present models of point defects in solids be used to interpret the experimental data and provide predictive power? The question arises because the measured ultralow densities refer to static defects using our present methods and models, while dynamic defect densities are ultrahigh, a result of the material being relatively soft, with a shallow electrostatic energy landscape, and with anharmonic lattice dynamics. All of these factors make the effects of dynamic defects on the materials' optoelectronic properties minimal. We hope this article will stimulate discussions on the nontrivial question: Are HaPs, and especially the defects within them, business as usual?
We show a simple modification of spin-coating to obtainpinhole-free, well-coveringanduniformfilms of an all-inorganic Pb-halide perovskite (Pb-HaP),on a flat substrate(i.e., not mesoporous)at standard temperature and pressure. In Pb-HaP-based devices the active film is generally fabricated by spin-coating. This is a challenging task for purely inorganic Pb-HaPs, as, except if nano-crystallites can be used, mostly rough and inhomogeneous thin films with poor optoelectronic quality are obtained. We describe agas flow-assistedmethod to fabricate thinconformalfilms of phase-pure CsPbBr3. First cells made with the resulting CsPbBr3-films, yield solar conversion efficiencies up to 2.5%. Electron beam-induced current measurements of device cross-sections show uniform charge generation profiles, implying >= similar to 0.2 mu m diffusion lengths. Non-encapsulated devices generate stable photocurrent for > 1 hr under continuous illumination at maximum power in ambient.
Successful integration of proteins in solid-state electronics requires contacting them in a non-invasive fashion, with a solid conducting surface for immobilization as one such contact. The contacts can affect and even dominate the measured electronic transport. Often substrates, substrate treatments, protein immobilization, and device geometries differ between laboratories. Thus the question arises how far results from different laboratories and platforms are comparable and how to distinguish genuine protein electronic transport properties from platform-induced ones. We report a systematic comparison of electronic transport measurements between different laboratories, using all commonly used large-area schemes to contact a set of three proteins of largely different types. Altogether we study eight different combinations of molecular junction configurations, designed so that A(geo) of junctions varies from 10(5) to 10(-3) mu m(2). Although for the same protein, measured with similar device geometry, results compare reasonably well, there are significant differences in current densities (an intensive variable) between different device geometries. Likely, these originate in the critical contact-protein coupling (similar to contact resistance), in addition to the actual number of proteins involved, because the effective junction contact area depends on the nanometric roughness of the electrodes and at times, even the proteins may increase this roughness. On the positive side, our results show that understanding what controls the coupling can make the coupling a design knob. In terms of extensive variables, such as temperature, our comparison unanimously shows the transport to be independent of temperature for all studied configurations and proteins. Our study places coupling and lack of temperature activation as key aspects to be considered in both modeling and practice of protein electronic transport experiments.
We study halide exchange in the prototypical halide perovskite, methylammonium lead trihalide, MAPbX(3) (X = halide), to test and possibly experimentally use halide diffusion in these materials. We use macroscopic single crystals to study the fundamental exchange process(es) so as to minimize possible grain boundary and surface diffusion effects. Initially, halide exchange creates normal concentration gradients of the outgoing and incoming halides, on a scale of a few microns to a few hundred microns. The depth (from the surface) of the substituted volume depends on the halide pair and on which one is exchanged and which is exchanging. The concentration gradient of the incoming halides decreases from the crystal surface toward its inner core and vice versa for the out-going halides; the profiles roughly fit diffusion in a semi-infinite specimen. This concentration gradient changes slowly with time, with the crystal becoming more homogeneous with storage time. Using the Boltzmann-Matano method and diffusion profiles from electron-dispersive spectroscopy, we evaluate the halide diffusion coefficients; these are not constant and depend on the halide couple. Although these gradients cause a lattice parameter change and may cause a symmetry change, X-ray diffraction shows that if the exchanging halides are of similar size (e.g., Br- and Cl-, Br- and I-, but not Cl- and I-), the resulting material remains single crystalline, prima facie evidence for bulk halide diffusion. These findings are valid, irrespective of which is the exchanged halide. These results suggest that for the similar-sized halide pairs the solid-state chemical exchange is topotactic such that the resulting crystal orientation is determined by that of the initial crystal. I-Cl exchange leads to loss of single crystallinity, suggesting lack of miscibility, a finding that might bear on the difficulty in finding Cl in MAPbI(3) samples grown from Cl-containing solutions.
Single crystals represent a benchmark for understanding the bulk properties of halide perovskites. We have indeed studied the dielectric function of lead bromide perovskite single crystals (MAPbBr(3), CsPbBr3 and for the first time FAPbBr(3)) by spectroscopic ellipsometry in the range of 1-5 eV while varying the temperature from 183 to 440 K. An extremely low absorption coefficient in the sub-band gap region was found, indicating the high optical quality of all three crystals. We extracted the band gap values through critical point analysis showing that Tauc-based values are systematically underestimated. The two structural phase transitions, i.e., orthorhombic-tetragonal and tetragonal-cubic, show distinct optical behaviors, with the former having a discontinuous character. The cross-correlation of optical data with DFT calculations evidences the role of octahedral tilting in tailoring the value of the band gap at a given temperature, whereas differences in the thermal expansion affect the slope of the band gap trend as a function of temperature.
We report on the chemical and electronic structure of cesium tin bromide (CsSiiBr(3)) and how it is impacted by the addition of 20 mol % tin fluoride (SnF2) to the precursor solution, using both surface-sensitive lab-based soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and near-surface bulk-sensitive synchrotron-based hard XPS (HAXPES). To determine the reproducibility and reliability of conclusions, several (nominally identically prepared) sample sets were investigated. The effects of deposition reproducibility, handling, and transport are found to cause significant changes in the measured properties of the films. Variations in the HAXPES-derived compositions between individual sample sets were observed, but in general, they confirm that the addition of 20 mol % SnF2 improves coverage of the titanium dioxide substrate by CsSnBr3 and decreases the oxidation of Sn-II to Sn-IV while also suppressing formation of secondary Br and Cs species. Furthermore, the (surface) composition is found to be Cs-deficient and Sn-rich compared to the nominal stoichiometry. The valence band (VB) shows a SnF2-induced redistribution of Sn 5s-derived density of states, reflecting the changing Sn-II/Sn-IV ratio. Notwithstanding some variability in the data, we conclude that SnF2 addition decreases the energy difference between the VB maximum of CsSnBr3 and the Fermi level, which we explain by defect chemistry considerations.
Perovskite photovoltaics has witnessed an unprecedented increase in power conversion efficiency over the last decade. The choice of transport layers, through which photo-generated electrons and holes are transported to electrodes, is a crucial factor for further improving both the device performance and stability. In this perspective, we critically examine the application of optical spectroscopy to characterize the quality of the transport layer-perovskite interface. We highlight the power of complementary studies that use both continuous wave and time-resolved photoluminescence to understand non-radiative losses and additional transient spectroscopies for characterizing the potential for loss-less carrier extraction at the solar cell interfaces. Based on this discussion, we make recommendations on how to extrapolate results from optical measurements to assess the quality of a transport layer and its impact on solar cell efficiency.
Extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy of the light-harvesting formamidinium lead bromide (FAPbBr(3)) perovskite, a system with attractive optoelectronic performance, shows anomalously large variance in Pb-Br bond length, some 50% larger than in its inorganic CsPbBr3 counterpart. Using first-principles molecular dynamics simulations, we find a significant contribution to this variance coming from the FA cation, and show that the FA does not just tumble in its cuboctahedral Br-12 cage, but instead stochastically sticks to, and detaches from one of the 12 nearest Br atoms after another, leading to the large variance in Pb-Br bond length. Our results demonstrate dynamic coupling between the FA-Br moiety and perovskite cage vibrations, and that tunability in dynamics can be achieved by changing the cation type and perovskite lattice parameter. Thus, our results provide information that needs to be considered in any of the intensely debated models of electron-phonon coupling in lead halide perovskites.
The attractive optoelectronic properties of MAPbI(3) (MA = CH3NH3), one of the most common halide perovskites, can be complicated by its tetragonal -> cubic structural phase transition just above room temperature. We show that decreasing the ambient pressure can move that phase transition by similar to 40 degrees C (at , similar to 10(-3) mbar). Our report also includes control experiments, which show that desorption of water or oxygen can be excluded as possible causes for the change in phase transition temperature. On the basis of diffraction data, we postulate that an optimum volume is required to initiate a T -> C phase transition. The pressure-induced phase change in effect stabilizes the tetragonal phase for work around room temperature, even if some natural heating occurs.
Solid-state electronic transport (ETp) via the electron-transfer copper protein azurin (Az) was measured in Au/Az/Au junction configurations down to 4 K, the lowest temperature for solid-state protein-based junctions. Not only does lowering the temperature help when observing fine features of electronic transport, but it also limits possible electron transport mechanisms. Practically, wire-bonded devices-on-chip, carrying Az-based microscopic junctions, were measured in liquid He, minimizing temperature gradients across the samples. Much smaller junctions, in conducting-probe atomic force microscopy measurements, served, between room temperature and the protein's denaturation temperature (similar to 323 K), to check that conductance behavior is independent of device configuration or contact nature and thus is a property of the protein itself. Temperature-independent currents were observed from similar to 320 to 4 K. The experimental results were fitted to a single-level Landauer model to extract effective energy barrier and electrode-molecule coupling strength values and to compare data sets. Our results strongly support that quantum tunneling, rather than hopping, dominates ETp via Az.
Incorporating sustainability into chemistry education in Israel has been an ongoing endeavor for the last 25 years. In this chapter we introduce development, implementation, and research of six different educational initiatives: (1) Incorporating Industrial Chemistry into the teaching and learning of high school chemistry curriculum; (2) National Projects competition: "We have Chemistry: Chemistry, Industry, and the Environment in the Eyes of the Individual and Society"; (3) Promoting higher-order thinking skills using context-based Green Chemistry; (4) Professional Development for teachers: Focusing on sustainability: Materials for Energy (5) Professional Development for teachers: Supporting teachers in teaching socio-scientific issues, and finally; (6) Sustainable Chemistry for tertiary education: Research-based design of an interdisciplinary environmental science course. These initiatives span all levels of chemistry education, and hold a mutual design model, which will be discussed hereby.
Quantum tunneling is the basis of molecular electronics, but often its electron transport range is too short to overcome technical defects caused by downscaling of electronic devices, which limits the development of molecular-/nano-electronics. Marrying electronics with plasmonics may well present a revolutionary way to meet this challenge as it can manipulate electron flow with plasmonics at the nanoscale. Here we report on unusually efficient temperature-independent electron transport, with some photoconductivity, across a new type of junction with active plasmonics. The junction is made by assembly of SiO2 shell-insulated Au nanoparticles (Au@SiO2 NPs) into dense nanomembranes of a few Au@SiO2 layers thick and transport is measured across these membranes. We propose that the mechanism is plasmon-enabled transport, possibly tunneling (as it is temperature-independent). Unprecedentedly ultra-long-range transport across one, up to even three layers of Au@SiO2 in the junction, with a cumulative insulating (silica) gap up to 29 nm/NP layer was achieved, well beyond the measurable limit for normal quantum mechanical tunneling across insulators (similar to 2.5 nm at 0.5-1V). This finding opens up a new interdisciplinary field of exploration in nanoelectronics with wide potential impact on such areas as electronic information transfer.
The primary sequence and secondary structure of a peptide are crucial to charge migration, not only in solution (electron transfer, ET), but also in the solid-state (electron transport, ETp). Hence, understanding the charge migration mechanisms is fundamental to the development of biomolecular devices and sensors. We report studies on four Aib-containing helical peptide analogues: two acyclic linear peptides with one and two electron-rich alkene-based side chains, respectively, and two peptides that are further rigidified into a macrocycle by a side bridge constraint, containing one or no alkene. ETp was investigated across Au/peptide/Au junctions, between 80 and 340 K in combination with the molecular dynamic (MD) simulations. The results reveal that the helical structure of the peptide and electron-rich side chain both facilitate the ETp. As temperature increases, the loss of helical structure, change of monolayer tilt angle, and increase of thermally activated fluctuations affect the conductance of peptides. Specifically, room temperature conductance across the peptide monolayers correlates well with previously observed ET rate constants, where an interplay between backbone rigidity and electron-rich side chains was revealed. Our findings provide new means to manipulate electronic transport across solid-state peptide junctions.
Electrocatalytical conversion of CO2 into various chemicals like hydrocarbons and CO is regarded as a promising approach to mitigate carbon emission and, meanwhile, to provide sustainable energy and value-added chemicals. Two different reactors are used in this work. One is based upon the two-electrode configuration powered by a DC power supply or Si solar cell, which is suitable for practical applications. Another is three-electrode one powered by a potentiostat, which is feasible to study the electrode performance. Polycrystalline Cu electrode is used as the cathode, and hematite is the anode. Performance of CO2 reduction using the two- and three-electrode configurations is studied by measuring electrode potential, cell voltage, current density, Faradaic efficiency, and reduction selectivity of CO2. Cu cathode used here exhibits a low overpotential for CO2 reduction, specifically for the cell with two-electrode configuration. No obvious difference can be observed between the two types of configurations at a low bias like -0.3 and -0.4 V; while the reactor with two-electrode configuration exhibits better performance at a high bias like -0.8 V than the one with three-electrode configuration. Thus, the reactors with two-electrode configuration are desirable for practical applications, specifically considering solar cells can be used as the power source to provide green and sustainable energy.
Halide perovskites are promising optoelectronic materials. Despite impressive device performance, especially in photovoltaics, the femtosecond dynamics of elementary optical excitations and their interactions are still debated. Here we combine ultrafast two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES) and semiconductor Bloch equations (SBEs) to probe the room-temperature dynamics of nonequilibrium excitations in CsPbBr3 crystals. Experimentally, we distinguish between excitonic and free-carrier transitions, extracting a similar to 30 meV exciton binding energy, in agreement with our SBE calculations and with recent experimental studies. The 2DES dynamics indicate remarkably short,
The Shockley-Queisser model is a landmark in photovoltaic device analysis by defining an ideal situation as reference for actual solar cells. However, the model and its implications are easily misunderstood. Thus, we present a guide to help understand and to avoid misinterpreting it.
Although Pb Halide perovskites (HaPs) can be prepared as organic electronic materials, they resemble top-quality inorganic semiconductors, especially with respect to their low defect densities, as derived from optical and electronic transport studies. Among causes for such low defect densities were 'defecttolerance' (proposed) and 'self-healing' (experimentally identified). We show that HaPs are likely an example of a class of materials that cannot support static bulk defect densities significantly above thermodynamically-dictated densities. The reasons are (a) the free energy to form HaPs (from binary halides) is less than the formation energies of (static) defects in them and (b) the small kinetic stabilization of such defects. We summarize the evidence for such a situation and conclude that higher defect densities in polycrystalline films likely result from the (expected) smaller defect formation energy at surfaces and grain boundaries than in the bulk. This situation directly limits the options for doping such materials, and leads to the counter-intuitive conclusion that a low free energy of formation (from the binaries) can lead to self-healing and, consequently, to low densities of static defects, to be distinguished from dynamic ones. The latter can be benign in terms of (opto)electronic performance, because of their relatively short lifetimes. We propose that the conditions that we formulated can serve as search criteria for other low defect density materials, which can be of interest and beneficial, also for applications beyond optoelectronics.
A sample-type protein monolayer, that can be a stepping stone to practical devices, can behave as an electrically driven switch. This feat is achieved using a redox protein, cytochrome C (CytC), with its heme shielded from direct contact with the solid-state electrodes. Ab initio DFT calculations, carried out on the CytC-Au structure, show that the coupling of the heme, the origin of the protein frontier orbitals, to the electrodes is sufficiently weak to prevent Fermi level pinning. Thus, external bias can bring these orbitals in and out of resonance with the electrode. Using a cytochrome C mutant for direct S-Au bonding, approximately 80 % of the Au-CytC-Au junctions show at greater than 0.5 V bias a clear conductance peak, consistent with resonant tunneling. The on-off change persists up to room temperature, demonstrating reversible, bias-controlled switching of a protein ensemble, which, with its built-in redundancy, provides a realistic path to protein-based bioelectronics.
Halide perovskites (HaPs) have rapidly grown as highly promising photovoltaic materials. Despite the impressive device efficiencies, however, the fundamental mechanisms governing their unusual optoelectronic properties are still unclear [1]. In particular, the nature of their elementary optical excitations, their dynamics and interactions on ultrafast timescales are currently debated. Due to the comparatively low exciton binding energy, typically
The author list of this publication should have included Janardan Dagar, from Young Investigator Group Hybrid Materials Formation and Scaling, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH, Kekule-Strasse 5, 12489 Berlin, Germany. ́The authors express their sincere apologies to Dr. Dagar for this omission. Dr. Janardan Dagar prepared the iodide-based (mixed MAPI) solar cells used in this work, as shown in the main text in Figure 2b and described in the Supporting Information.Dr. Dagar made thus a significant contribution to this work.
Lead bromide-based halide perovskites are of interest for wide-band-gap (>1.75 eV) absorbers for low-cost solar spectrum splitting to boost solar-to-electrical energy conversion efficiency/area by adding them to c-Si or Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 PV cells and for photoelectrochemical solar fuel synthesis. Deep in-gap electronic states in PV absorbers serve as recombination centers and are detrimental for the cell's photovoltaic performance, especially for the open-circuit voltage (V-oc). We find four different deep defect states in polycrystalline layers of mixed-cation lead tribromide from high-sensitivity modulated surface photovoltage (SPV) spectroscopy. Measurements were performed with different contact configurations, on complete solar cells and on samples before and after aging or stressing at 85 degrees C under illumination. Three of the four states, with energies of similar to 0.63, 0.73, and 1.35 eV below the conduction band edge, are assigned to intrinsic defects, whereas defect states in the middle of the band gap could be associated with (uncontrolled) impurities.
The remarkable development in photovoltaic (PV) technologies over the past 5 years calls for a renewed assessment of their performance and potential for future progress. Here, we analyse the progress in cells and modules based on single-crystalline GaAs, Si, GaInP and InP, multicrystalline Si as well as thin films of polycrystalline CdTe and Culn(x)Ga(1-x),Se-2. In addition, we analyse the PV developments of the more recently emerged lead halide perovskites together with notable improvements in sustainable chalcogenides, organic PVs and quantum dots technologies. In addition to power conversion efficiencies, we consider many of the factors that affect power output for each cell type and note improvements in control over the optoelectronic quality of PV-relevant materials and interfaces and the discovery of new material properties. By comparing PV cell parameters across technologies, we appraise how far each technology may progress in the near future. Although accurate or revolutionary developments cannot be predicted, cross-fertilization between technologies often occurs, making achievements in one cell type an indicator of evolutionary developments in others. This knowledge transfer is timely, as the development of metal halide perovskites is helping to unite previously disparate, technology-focused strands of PV research.
Design and modification of interfaces, always a critical issue for semiconductor devices, has become a primary tool to harness the full potential of halide perovskite (HaP)-based optoelectronics, including photovoltaics and light-emitting diodes. In particular, the outstanding improvements in HaP solar cell performance and stability can be primarily ascribed to a careful choice of the interfacial layout in the layer stack. In this review, we describe the unique challenges and opportunities of these approaches (section 1). For this purpose, we first elucidate the basic physical and chemical properties of the exposed HaP thin film and crystal surfaces, including topics such as surface termination, surface reactivity, and electronic structure (section 2). This is followed by discussing experimental results on the energetic alignment processes at the interfaces between the HaP and transport and buffer layers. This section includes understandings reached as well as commonly proposed and applied models, especially the often-questionable validity of vacuum level alignment, the importance of interface dipoles, and band bending as the result of interface formation (section 3). We follow this by elaborating on the impact of the interface formation on device performance, considering effects such as chemical reactions and surface passivation on interface energetics and stability. On the basis of these concepts, we propose a roadmap for the next steps in interfacial design for HaP semiconductors (section 4), emphasizing the importance of achieving control over the interface energetics and chemistry (i.e., reactivity) to allow predictive power for tailored interface optimization.
High band gap Pb bromide perovskite (APbBr(3))-based solar cells, where A is a mixture of formamidinium, methylammonium, and Cs, show significantly higher, relative, V-OC losses than their iodide analogs. Using photoluminescence-, quantum efficiency-, and surface photovoltage-spectroscopy measurements, we show the absence of any significant electronically active tail states within the bulk of the (FA(0.85)MA(0.1)Cs(0.05))PbBr3 absorber. All methods confirm that E-G = 2.28 eV for this halide perovskite, HaP. Contact potential difference measurements for this HaP, on different substrates, reveal a Z-shape dependence between the substrate work functions and that of the HaP, deposited on it, indicating that the HaP is relatively low doped and that its Fermi level is affected by the substrate onto which it is deposited. We confirm results from electron beam-induced current (EBIC) and other measurements that most voltage loss of cells, made with these HaP films, is at the HaP/selective-contact interface, specifically the TiO2/HaP one, and provide a complete account of these cells' V-OC losses. Capacitance measurements indicate that 350 mV V-OC could be gained by eliminating (fast) interfacial states, emphasizing the importance of interface passivation. Still, even passivating the TiO2/HaP interface cannot eliminate the band misalignment with Br-based HaPs.
The incorporation of proteins as functional components in electronic junctions has received much interest recently due to their diverse bio-chemical and physical properties. However, information regarding the energies of the frontier orbitals involved in their electron transport (ETp) has remained elusive. Here we employ a new method to quantitatively determine the energy position of the molecular orbital, nearest to the Fermi level (E-F) of the electrode, in the electron transfer protein Azurin. The importance of the Cu(ii) redox center of Azurin is demonstrated by measuring gate-controlled conductance switching which is absent if Azurin's copper ions are removed. Comparing different electrode materials, a higher conductance and a lower gate-induced current onset is observed for the material with smaller work function, indicating that ETp via Azurin is LUMO-mediated. We use the difference in work function to calibrate the difference in gate-induced current onset for the two electrode materials, to a specific energy level shift and find that ETp via Azurin is near resonance. Our results provide a basis for mapping and studying the role of energy level positions in (bio)molecular junctions.
The presence of excess lead iodide in halide perovskites has been key for surpassing 20% photon-to-power conversion efficiency. To achieve even higher power conversion efficiencies, it is important to understand the role of remnant lead iodide in these perovskites. To that end, we explored the mechanism facilitating this effect by identifying the impact of excess lead iodide within the perovskite film on charge diffusion length, using electron-beam-induced current measurements, and on film formation properties, from grazing-incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. Based on our results, we propose that excess lead iodide in the perovskite precursors can reduce the halide vacancy concentration and lead to formation of azimuthal angle-oriented cubic α-perovskite crystals in-between 0° and 90°. We further identify a higher perovskite carrier concentration inside the nanostructured titanium dioxide layer than in the capping layer. These effects are consistent with enhanced lead iodide-rich perovskite solar cell performance and illustrate the role of lead iodide.
Different batches of Si wafers with nominally the same specifications were found to respond differently to identical chemical surface treatments aimed at regrowing Si oxide on them. We found that the oxides produced on different batches of wafer differ electrically, thereby affecting solid-state electron transport (ETp) via protein films assembled on them. These results led to the another set of experiments, where we studied this phenomenon using two distinct chemical methods to regrow oxides on the same batch of Si wafers. We have characterized the surfaces of the regrown oxides and of monolayers of linker molecules that connect proteins with the oxides and examined ETp via ultrathin layers of the protein bacteriorhodopsin, assembled on them. Our results illustrate the crucial role of (near) surface charges on the substrate in defining the ETp characteristics across the proteins. This is expressed most strikingly in the observed current's temperature dependences, and we propose that these are governed by the electrostatic landscape at the electrode-protein interface rather than by intrinsic protein properties. This study's major finding, relevant to protein bioelectronics, is that protein-electrode coupling in junctions is a decisive factor in ETp across them. Hence,surface electrostatics can create a barrier that dominates charge transport and controls the transport mode across the junction. Our findings' wider importance lies in their relevance to hybrid junctions of Si with (polyelectrolyte) biomolecules, a likely direction for future bioelectronics. A remarkable corollary of presented results is that once an electron is injected into the protein, transport within the proteins is so efficient that it does not encounter a measurable barrier down to 160 K.
Junctions built from metallic nanoparticles (NPs) can circumvent the diffraction limit and combine molecular/nanoelectronics with plasmonics. However, experimental advances in plasmon-assisted electron transport at the nanoscale have been limited. We construct junctions of a robust, molecule-free, suspended film, built solely from AuNPs, capped by SiO2 shells (Au@SiO2), which give insulating tunneling gaps up to 3.6 nm between the NPs. Current measured across monolayers of such AuNPs shows ultra-long-range, plasmon-enabled electron transport (P-transport), beyond the range of normal electron tunneling across insulators. This finding challenges the present understanding of electron transport in such systems and opens possibilities for future combinations of plasmonics and nanoelectronics.
In-gap states in solar cell absorbers that are recombination centers determine the cell's photovoltaic performance. Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS), temperature-dependent photoconductivity and steady-state photocarrier-grating measurements we probed, directly and indirectly, the energies of such states, both at the surface and in the bulk of two similar, but different halide perovskites, the single cation MAPbI(3) (here MAPI) and the mixed cation halide perovskite, FA(0.79)MA(0.16)Cs(0.05)Pb(I0.83Br0.17)(3) (here MCHP). We found a correlation between the energy distribution of the in-gap states, as determined by STS measurements, and their manifestation in the photo-transport parameters of the MCHP absorbers. In particular, our results suggest that the in-gap recombination centers in the MCHP are shallower than those of MAPI. This can be one explanation for the better photovoltaic efficiency of the former.
Multi-heme cytochrome c (Cytc) proteins are key for transferring electrons out of cells, to enable intracellular oxidation to proceed in the absence of O-2. In these proteins most of the hemes are arranged in a linear array suggesting a facile path for electronic conduction. To test this, we studied solvent-free electron transport across two multi-heme Cytc-type proteins: MtrF (deca-heme Cytc) and STC (tetra-heme Cytc). Transport is measured across monolayers of these proteins in a solid state configuration between Au electrodes. Both proteins showed 1000x higher conductance than single heme, or heme-free proteins, but similar conductance to monolayers of conjugated organics. Conductance is found to be temperature-independent (320-80 K), suggesting tunneling as the transport mechanism. This mechanism is consistent with I-V curves modelling, results of which could be interpreted by having protein-electrode coupling as rate limiting, rather than transport within the proteins.
Making biomolecular electronics a reality will require control over charge transport across biomolecules. Here we show that chemical modulation of the coupling between one of the electronic contacts and the biomolecules in a solid-state junction allows controlling electron transport (ETp) across the junction. Employing the protein azurin (Az), we achieve such modulation as follows: Az is covalently bound by Au-S bonding to a lithographically prepared Au electrode (Au-Az). Au nanowires (AuNW) onto which linker molecules, with free carboxylic group, are bound via Au-S bonds serve as top electrode. Current voltage plots of AuNW-linkerCOOH//Az-Au junctions have been shown earlier to exhibit step-like features, due to resonant tunneling through discrete Az energy levels. Forming an amide bond between the free carboxylic group of the AuNW-bound linker and Az yields AuNW-linkerCO-NH-Az-Au junctions. This Az-linker bond switches the ETp mechanism from resonant to off-resonant tunneling. By varying the extent of this amide bonding, the current voltage dependence can be controlled between these two mechanisms, thus providing a platform for altering and controlling the ETp mechanism purely by chemical modification in a two-terminal device, i.e., without a gate electrode. Using results from conductance, including the energy barrier and electrode molecule coupling parameters extracted from current voltage fitting and normalized differential conductance analysis and from inelastic-electron-tunneling and photoelectron spectroscopies, we determine the Az frontier orbital energies, with respect to the Au Fermi level, for four junction configurations, differing only in electrode-protein coupling. Our approach and findings open the way to both qualitative and quantitative control of biomolecular electronic junctions.
Time-resolved, pulsed excitation methods are widely used to deduce optoelectronic properties of semiconductors, including now also Halide Perovskites (HaPs), especially transport properties. However, as yet, no evaluation of their amenability and justification for the use of the results for the above-noted purposes has been reported. To check if we can learn from pulsed measurement results about steady-state phototransport properties, we show here that, although pulsed measurements can be useful to extract information on the recombination kinetics of HaPs, great care should be taken. One issue is that no changes in the material are induced during or as a result of the excitation, and another one concerns in how far pulsed excitation-derived data can be used to find relevant steady-state parameters. To answer the latter question, we revisited pulsed excitation and propose a novel way to compare between pulsed and steady state measurements at different excitation intensities. We performed steady-state photoconductivity and ambipolar diffusion length measurements, as well as pulsed time-resolved microwave conductivity and time-resolved photoluminescence measurements as a function of excitation intensity on the same samples of different MAPbI(3) thin films, and found good quasi-quantitative agreement between the results, explaining them with a generalized single level recombination model that describes the basic physics of phototransport of HaP absorbers. Moreover, we find the first experimental manifestation of the boundaries between several effective recombination regimes that exist in HaPs, by analyzing their phototransport behavior as a function of excitation intensity. Published by AlP Publishing.
It is reported how differences in the composition of high bandgap Pb bromide-based perovskites affect their carrier diffusion length and junction type. Pb-based, APbX(3), halide perovskite (HaP) films and devices are studied, where A can be a mixture of formamidinium, methylammonium (MA), and Cs, and X a mixture of Br and Cl, using a combination of dark- and photoconductivity and steady-state photocarrier grating. The results show the cation and anion compositions affect both majority and minority carrier diffusion lengths. In particular, using electron beam-induced current measurements, FTO\dTiO(2)mp-TiO(2)HaP\PTAA (poly-triarylamine)\Au devices are studied. The results enable identifying junction and built-in voltage formation and track position and size of the space charge region width with changes in the HaP composition. As far as it is known, it is found for the first time that a mixed-cation HaP forms a junction that has characteristics of a p-i-n one, with relatively long and comparable carrier diffusion lengths, while the single cation-based bromide HaPs form clear p-n junctions at the interface with the TiO2 [pure CsPbBr3 and MAPbBr(3)(Cl)] or a buried one (MAPbBr(3)) and shorter diffusion lengths. These differences are attributed to lower carrier density in MAPbBr(3), and especially in the mixed cation HaP, which is comparable to iodide-based HaP films.
Electrochemical CO2 reduction on Cu electrode has attracted the attention of many researchers in the last decades, because of its potential to generate significant amounts of hydrocarbons at high reaction rates over sustained periods of time. As a result, substantial effort has been devoted to determining the unique catalytic performance of Cu and to elucidate the mechanism through which hydrocarbons are formed. Here we report new insights into CO2 reduction on Cu by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in terms of adsorption/desorption of the reduction intermediates. The potential dependence of charge transfer kinetics is discussed on the basis of EIS results. We revisit the mechanism of the formation of hydrocarbons, taking into account the pH adjacent to the electrode surface, adsorption of HCO3- and CO32-, and the role of active hydrogen. In addition to the enol-like intermediate, proposed previously, we proposed that *COOH center dot radicals, originating from the active involvement of HCO3- and/or CO32- upon reduction are key intermediates for the formation of a variety of C2 and C3 products. Thus, our results provide an additional crucial guideline for the design of future catalysts that can efficiently and selectively reduce CO2 into value-added chemicals.
Lead-based halide perovskites (APbX(3)) are fascinating optoelectronic materials. Because of toxicity issues of Pb, Sn-based halide perovskites are studied, although less so, as an alternative. Adding SnF2 often improves the properties of Sn halide perovskite-based devices. This effect is usually ascribed to suppression of Sn2+ -> Sn4+ oxidation and/or decreased Sn vacancy concentration. These effects will change the doping, sometimes in opposite directions. Here we review the effect of addition of SnF2 during the formation of ASnX(3) layers as observed by different groups, both to the properties of the layers themselves and to photovoltaic cells made from these layers. SnF2 can affect many different properties of the ASnX(3) perovskites, including film morphology, doping, control over formation of unwanted crystal phases, material stability to various factors, and energy level positions. It also improves (in general) the performance of photovoltaic cells made with these layers. Besides focusing on all these issues, we also describe possible doping scenarios for the perovskites, including some that do not appear to have been considered before and conclude that the doping mechanism depends strongly on whether the oxidation of Sn2+ to Sn2+ occurs during the materials preparation or after the film is formed, and if oxygen is involved.
Inorganic and organic lead halide perovskite materials attract great interest in the scientific community because of their potential for low-cost, high efficiency solar cells. In this report we add a new property of these materials, namely their photochemical activity in the visible light range. Both inorganic (CsPbBr3) and organic (CH3NH3PbBr3-MAPbBr(3)) perovskite thin films were demonstrated to promote photo-dissociation of adsorbed ethyl chloride (EC), employing 532 nm pulsed laser irradiation under ultra-high vacuum (UHV) conditions. From the post-irradiation temperature programmed desorption (TPD) analysis, the yield of photoproduct formation was found to be up to two orders of magnitude higher than for UV light-excited EC molecules on metallic and oxide surfaces. Photo-reactivity on top of the CsPbBr3 surface is almost an order of magnitude more efficient than on the CH3NH3PbBr3 surface, apparently due to the lower density of defect and surface states. A direct correlation was found between electron-induced luminescence and photoluminescence intensities and the photoreactivity cross-sections. We conclude that both the intense luminescence and the well-known photovoltaic properties associated with these halide perovskite materials are consistent with the efficiency of photo-reactivity in the visible range, reported here for the first time.
The notion that halide perovskite crystals (ABX(3), where X is a halide) exhibit unique structural and optoelectronic behavior deserves serious scrutiny. After decades of steady and half a decade of intense research, the question which attributes of these materials are unusual, is discussed, with an emphasis on the identification of the most important remaining issues. The goal is to stimulate discussion rather than to merely present a community consensus.
Metalloproteins, proteins containing a transition metal ion cofactor, are electron transfer agents that perform key functions in cells. Inspired by this fact, electron transport across these proteins has been widely studied in solid-state settings, triggering the interest in examining potential use of proteins as building blocks in bioelectronic devices. Here, we report results of low-temperature (10 K) electron transport measurements via monolayer junctions based on the blue copper protein azurin (Az), which strongly suggest quantum tunneling of electrons as the dominant charge transport mechanism. Specifically, we show that, weakening the protein-electrode coupling by introducing a spacer, one can switch the electron transport from off-resonant to resonant tunneling. This is a consequence of reducing the electrode's perturbation of the Cu(II)localized electronic state, a pattern that has not been observed before in protein-based junctions. Moreover, we identify vibronic features of the Cu(II) coordination sphere in transport characteristics that show directly the active role of the metal ion in resonance tunneling. Our results illustrate how quantum mechanical effects may dominate electron transport via protein-based junctions.
Nano-heterostructures are widely used in the field of optoelectronic devices, and an optimal proportion usually exists between the constituents that make up the structures. Investigation on the mechanism underlying the optimal ratio is instructive for fabricating nano-heterostructures with high efficiency. In this work, BiOCl/Bi2S3 type-II nano-heterostructures with different Bi2S3/BiOCl ratios have been prepared via epitaxial growth of Bi2S3 nanorods on BiOCl nanosheets with solvothermal treatment at different sulfuration temperatures (110-180 degrees C) and their photoelectrochemical (PEC) performances as photoanodes have been studied. Results indicate that the Bi2S3 content increases with the sulfuration temperature. BiOCl/Bi2S3-170 (i.e., sulfurized@170 degrees C) exhibits the highest PEC performance under visible-light illumination, whereas BiOCl/Bi2S3-180 with the maximum Bi2S3 content shows the highest visible-light absorption, i.e., possessing the best potential for charge generation. Further analysis indicates that the BiOCl/Bi2S3 heterojunction interface is also crucial in determining the PEC performance of the obtained heterostructures by influencing the charge separation process. With increasing Bi2S3 content, the interface area in the BiOCl/Bi2S3 nano-heterostructures increases first and then decreases due to the mechanical fragility of the nanosheet-nanorod structure and the structural instability in the [010] direction of Bi2S3 with higher Bi2S3 content. Therefore, the increasing content of the Bi2S3 does not necessarily correspond to higher heterojunction area. The optimal performance of BiOCl/Bi2S3-170 results from the maximum of the synthetic coordination of the charge generation and separation. This is the first time ever to figure out the detailed explanation of the optimal property in the nano-heterostructures. The result is inspiring in designing high-performance nano-heterostructures from the point of synthesizing morphological mechanically robust heterostructure and structurally stable constituents to reach a high interfacial area, as well as high light-absorption ability.
Peptide-based molecular electronic devices are promising due to the large diversity and unique electronic properties of biomolecules. These electronic properties can change considerably with peptide structure, allowing diverse design possibilities. In this work, we explore the effect of the side-chain of the peptide on its electronic properties, by using both experimental and computational tools to detect the electronic energy levels of two model peptides. The peptides include 2Ala and 2Trp as well as their 3-mercaptopropionic acid linker which is used to form monolayers on an Au surface. Specifically, we compare experimental ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy measurements with density functional theory based computational results. By analyzing differences in frontier energy levels and molecular orbitals between peptides in gas-phase and in a monolayer on gold, we find that the electronic properties of the peptide side-chain are maintained during binding of the peptide to the gold substrate. This indicates that the energy barrier for the peptide electron transport can be tuned by the amino acid compositions, which suggests a route for structural design of peptide-based electronic devices.
Self-healing, where a modification in some parameter is reversed with time without any external intervention, is one of the particularly interesting properties of halide perovskites. While there are a number of studies showing such self-healing in perovskites, they all are carried out on thin films, where the interface between the perovskite and another phase (including the ambient) is often a dominating and interfering factor in the process. Here, self-healing in perovskite (methylammonium, formamidinium, and cesium lead bromide (MAPbBr3, FAPbBr3, and CsPbBr3)) single crystals is reported, using two-photon microscopy to create damage (photobleaching) ≈110 µm inside the crystals and to monitor the recovery of photoluminescence after the damage. Self-healing occurs in all three perovskites with FAPbBr3 the fastest (≈1 h) and CsPbBr3 the slowest (tens of hours) to recover. This behavior, different from surface-dominated stability trends, is typical of the bulk and is strongly dependent on the localization of degradation products not far from the site of the damage. The mechanism of self-healing is discussed with the possible participation of polybromide species. It provides a closed chemical cycle and does not necessarily involve defect or ion migration phenomena that are often proposed to explain reversible phenomena in halide perovskites.
Molecular monolayers at metal/semiconductor heterointerfaces affect electronic energy level alignment at the interface by modifying the interface's electrical dipole. On a free surface, the molecular dipole is usually manipulated by means of substitution at its external end. However, at an interface such outer substituents are in close proximity to the top contact, making the distinction between molecular and interfacial effects difficult. To examine how the interface dipole would be influenced by a single atom, internal to the molecule, we used a series of three molecules of identical binding and tail groups, differing only in the inner atom: aryl vinyl ether (PhO), aryl vinyl sulfide (PhS), and the corresponding molecule with a CH2 group allyl benzene (PhC). Molecular monolayers based on all three molecules have been adsorbed on a flat, oxide-free Si surface. Extensive surface characterization, supported by density functional theory calculations, revealed high-quality, well-aligned monolayers exhibiting excellent chemical and electrical passivation of the silicon substrate, in all three cases. Current voltage and capacitance voltage analysis of Hg/PhX (X = C, 0, S)/Si interfaces established that the type of internal atom has a significant effect on the Schottky barrier height at the interface, i.e., on the energy level alignment. Surprisingly, despite the formal chemical separation of the internal atom and the metallic electrode, Schottky barrier heights were not correlated to changes in the semiconductor's effective work function, deduced from Kelvin probe and ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy on the monolayer-adsorbed Si surface. Rather, these changes correlated well with the ionization potential of the surface-adsorbed molecules. This is interpreted in terms of additional polarization at the molecule/metal interface, driven by potential equilibration considerations even in the absence of a formal chemical bond to the top Hg contact.
We review the status of protein-based molecular electronics. First, we define and discuss fundamental concepts of electron transfer and transport in and across proteins and proposed mechanisms for these processes. We then describe the immobilization of proteins to solid-state surfaces in both nanoscale and macroscopic approaches, and highlight how different methodologies can alter protein electronic properties. Because immobilizing proteins while retaining biological activity is crucial to the successful development of bioelectronic devices, we discuss this process at length. We briefly discuss computational predictions and their connection to experimental results. We then summarize how the biological activity of immobilized proteins is beneficial for bioelectronic devices, and how conductance measurements can shed light on protein properties. Finally, we consider how the research to date could influence the development of future bioelectronic devices.
We present a measurement of the energies and capture cross-sections of defect states in methylammonium lead bromide (MAPbBr3) single crystals. Using Laplace current deep level transient spectroscopy (I-DLTS), two prominent defects were observed with energies 0.17 eV and 0.20 eV from the band edges, and further I-DLTS measurements confirmed that these two defects are bulk defects. These results show qualitative agreement with theoretical predictions, whereby all of the observed defects behave as traps rather than as generation-recombination centers. These results provide one explanation for the high efficiencies and open-circuit voltages obtained from devices made with lead halide perovskites.
Halide perovskite film-based devices (e.g., solar cells and LEDs) have shown unique device performance. These films are commonly prepared from toxic solutions of metal salts (e.g., Pb2+ in DMF or DMSO). We describe a method to form halide perovskite films by simply reacting metal (Pb or Sn) films with alcoholic solutions of monovalent alkali metal or alkyl ammonium halides, which avoids the use of toxic Pb2+ solutions in the manufacturing step. We show how the morphology of the films can be controlled by variation in reaction parameters and also how mixed halide perovskite films can be prepared. A mechanism for the metal-to-perovskite conversion is suggested. We further show how electrochemically assisted conversion can allow control over the oxidation state of the metal and increase the reaction rate greatly.
Obtaining insight into, and ultimately control over, electronic doping of halide perovskites may improve tuning of their remarkable optoelectronic properties, reflected in what appear to be low defect densities and as expressed in various charge transport and optical parameters. Doping is important for charge transport because it determines the electrical field within the semiconducting photoabsorber, which strongly affects collection efficiency of photogenerated charges. Here we report on intrinsic doping of methylammonium lead tri-iodide, MAPbI3, as thin films of the types used for solar cells and LEDs, by I2 vapor at a level that does not affect the optical absorption and leads to a small (
Negative capacitance in photovoltaic devices has been observed and reported in several cases, but its origin, at low or intermediate frequencies, is under debate. Here we unambiguously demonstrate a direct correlation between the observation of this capacitance and a corresponding decrease in performance of a halide perovskite (HaP; CsPbBr3)-based device, expressed as reduction of open-circuit voltage and fill factor. We have prepared highly stable CsPbBr3 HaPs that do not exhibit any degradation over the duration of the impedance spectroscopy measurements, ruling out degradation as the origin of the observed phenomena. Reconstruction of current voltage curves from the impedance spectroscopy provided further evidence of the deleterious role of negative capacitance on photoconversion performance.
Halide perovskite (HaP) semiconductors are revolutionizing photovoltaic (PV) solar energy conversion by showing remarkable performance of solar cells made with HaPs, especially tetragonal methylammonium lead triiodide (MAPbI3). In particular, the low voltage loss of these cells implies a remarkably low recombination rate of photogenerated carriers. It was suggested that low recombination can be due to the spatial separation of electrons and holes, a possibility if MAPbI3 is a semiconducting ferroelectric, which, however, requires clear experimental evidence. As a first step, we show that, in operando, MAPbI3 (unlike MAPbBr3) is pyroelectric, which implies it can be ferroelectric. The next step, proving it is (not) ferroelectric, is challenging, because of the material's relatively high electrical conductance (a consequence of an optical band gap suitable for PV conversion) and low stability under high applied bias voltage. This excludes normal measurements of a ferroelectric hysteresis loop, to prove ferroelectricity's hallmark switchable polarization. By adopting an approach suitable for electrically leaky materials as MAPbI3, we show here ferroelectric hysteresis from well-characterized single crystals at low temperature (still within the tetragonal phase, which is stable at room temperature). By chemical etching, we also can image the structural fingerprint for ferroelectricity, polar domains, periodically stacked along the polar axis of the crystal, which, as predicted by theory, scale with the overall crystal size. We also succeeded in detecting clear second harmonic generation, direct evidence for the material's noncentrosymmetry. We note that thematerial's ferroelectric nature, can, but need not be important in a PV cell at room temperature.
Materials are central to our way of life and future. Energy and materials as resources are connected, and the obvious connections between them are the energy cost of materials and the materials cost of energy. For both of these, resilience of the materials is critical; thus, a major goal of future chemistry should be to find materials for energy that can last longer, that is, design principles for self-repair in these.
We review charge transport across molecular monolayers, which is central to molecular electronics (MolEl), using large-area junctions (NmJ). We strive to provide a wide conceptual overview of three main subtopics. First, a broad introduction places NmJ in perspective to related fields of research and to single-molecule junctions (1mJ) in addition to a brief historical account. As charge transport presents an ultrasensitive probe for the electronic perfection of interfaces, in the second part ways to form both the monolayer and the contacts are described to construct reliable, defect-free interfaces. The last part is dedicated to understanding and analyses of current-voltage (I-V) traces across molecular junctions. Notwithstanding the original motivation of MolEl, I-V traces are often not very sensitive to molecular details and then provide a poor probe for chemical information. Instead, we focus on how to analyze the net electrical performance of molecular junctions, from a functional device perspective. Finally, we point to creation of a built-in electric field as a key to achieve functionality, including nonlinear current-voltage characteristics that originate in the molecules or their contacts to the electrodes. This review is complemented by a another review that covers metal-molecule-semiconductor junctions and their unique hybrid effects.
Inserting molecular monolayers within metal/semiconductor interfaces provides one of the most powerful expressions of how minute chemical modifications can affect electronic devices. This topic also has direct importance for technology as it can help improve the efficiency of a variety of electronic devices such as solar cells, LEDs, sensors, and possible future bioelectronic ones. The review covers the main aspects of using chemistry to control the various aspects of interface electrostatics, such as passivation of interface states and alignment of energy levels by intrinsic molecular polarization, as well as charge rearrangement with the adjacent metal and semiconducting contacts. One of the greatest merits of molecular monolayers is their capability to form excellent thin dielectrics, yielding rich and unique current-voltage characteristics for transport across metal/molecular monolayer/semiconductor interfaces. We explain the interplay between the monolayer as tunneling barrier on the one hand, and the electrostatic barrier within the semiconductor, due to its space-charge region, on the other hand, as well as how different monolayer chemistries control each of these barriers. Practical tools to experimentally identify these two barriers and distinguish between them are given, followed by a short look to the future. This review is accompanied by another one, concerning the formation of large-area molecular junctions and charge transport that is dominated solely by molecules.
Recent studies showed that positron annihilation methods can provide key insights into the nanostructure and electronic structure of thin film solar cells. In this study, positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) is applied to investigate CdSe quantum dot (QD) light absorbing layers, providing evidence of positron trapping at the surfaces of the QDs. This enables one to monitor their surface composition and electronic structure. Further, 2D-Angular Correlation of Annihilation Radiation (2D-ACAR) is used to investigate the nanostructure of divacancies in photovoltaic-high-quality a-Si:H films. The collected momentum distributions were converted by Fourier transformation to the direct space representation of the electron-positron autocorrelation function. The evolution of the size of the divacancies as a function of hydrogen dilution during deposition of a-Si:H thin films was examined. Finally, we present a first positron Doppler Broadening of Annihilation Radiation (DBAR) study of the emerging class of highly efficient thin film solar cells based on perovskites.
Using several metals with different work functions as solar cell back contact we identify majority carrier type inversion in methylammonium lead bromide (MAPbBr3, without intentional doping) as the basis for the formation of a p-n junction. MAPbBr3 films deposited on TiO2 are slightly n-type, whereas in a full device they are strongly p-type. The charge transfer between the metal electrode and the halide perovskite (HaP) film is shown to determine the dominant charge carrier type of the HaP and, thus, also of the final cells. Usage of Pt, Au and Pb as metal electrodes shows the effects of metal work function on minority carrier diffusion length and majority carrier concentration in the HaP, as well as on built-in voltage, band bending, and open circuit voltage (VOC) within a solar cell. VOC > 1.5 V is demonstrated. The higher the metal WF, the higher the carrier concentration induced in the HaP, as indicated by a narrower space charge region and a smaller minority carrier diffusion length. From the analysis of bias-dependent electron beam-induced currents, the HaP carrier concentrations are estimated to be ∼ 1 × 1017 cm-3 with Au and 2-3 × 1018 cm-3 with Pt. A model in which type-inversion stretches across the entire film width implies formation of the p-n junction away from the interface, near the back-contact metal electrode. This work highlights the importance of the contact metal on device performance in that contact engineering can also serve to control the carrier concentration in HaP.
The inorganic lead halide perovskite CsPbBr3 promises similar solar cell efficiency to its hybrid organic-inorganic counterpart CH3NH3PbBr3 but shows greater stability. Here, we exploit this stability for the study of band alignment between perovskites and carrier selective interlayers. Using ultraviolet, X-ray, and inverse photoemission spectroscopies, we measure the ionization energy and electron affinities of CsPbBr3 and the hole transport polymer polytriarylamine (PTAA). We find that undoped PTAA introduces a barrier to hole extraction of 0.2-0.5 eV, due to band bending in the PTAA and/or a dipole at the interface. p-doping the PTAA eliminates this barrier, raising PTAA's highest occupied molecular orbital to 0.2 eV above the CsPbBr3 valence band maximum and improving hole transport. However, IPES reveals the presence of states below the PTAA lowest unoccupied molecular level. If present at the CsPbBr3/PTAA interface, these states may limit the polymer's efficacy at blocking electrons in solar cells with wide band gap materials like CsPbBr3 and CH3NH3PbBr3.
Photovoltaic solar cells operate under steady-state conditions that are established during the charge carrier excitation and recombination. However, to date no model of the steady-state recombination scenario in halide perovskites has been proposed. In this Letter we present such a model that is based on a single type of recombination center, which is deduced from our measurements of the illumination intensity dependence of the photoconductivity and the ambipolar diffusion length in those materials. The relation between the present results and those from time-resolved measurements, such as photoluminescence that are commonly reported in the literature, is discussed.
Simple organic salts are used as a cheap alternative for hole-conducting materials in methylammonium lead bromide perovskite solar cells and obtaining power conversion efficiency of 4.4%. The findings suggest that the polar organic salts interact with the perovskite surface, leading to formation of a surface dipole or change of an existing one on the perovskites that changes its effective work function.
We investigate the effect of high work function contacts in halide perovskite absorber-based photovoltaic devices. Photoemission spectroscopy measurements reveal that band bending is induced in the absorber by the deposition of the high work function molybdenum trioxide (MoO3). We find that direct contact between MoO3 and the perovskite leads to a chemical reaction, which diminishes device functionality. Introducing an ultrathin spiro-MeOTAD buffer layer prevents the reaction, yet the altered evolution of the energy levels in the methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3) layer at the interface still negatively impacts device performance.
Solar cells based on "halide perovskites" (HaPs) have demonstrated unprecedented high power conversion efficiencies in recent years. However, the well-known toxicity of lead (Pb), which is used in the most studied cells, may affect its widespread use. We explored an all-inorganic lead-free perovskite option, cesium tin bromide (CsSnBr3), for optoelectronic applications. CsSnBr3-based solar cells exhibited photoconversion efficiencies (PCEs) of 2.1%, with a short-circuit current (JSC) of ∼9 mA cm-2, an open circuit potential (VOC) of 0.41 V, and a fill factor (FF) of 58% under 1 sun (100 mW cm-2) illumination, which, even though meager compared to the Pb analogue-based cells, are among the best reported until now. As reported earlier, addition of tin fluoride (SnF2) was found to be beneficial for obtaining good device performance, possibly due to reduction of the background carrier density by neutralizing traps, possibly via filling of cation vacancies. The roles of SnF2 on the properties of the CsSnBr3 were investigated using ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis.
Cesium lead bromide (CsPbBr3) was recently introduced as a potentially high performance thin-film halide perovskite (HaP) material for optoelectronics, including photovoltaics, significantly more stable than MAPbBr3 (MA = CH3NH3+). Because of the importance of single crystals to study relevant material properties per se, crystals grown under conditions comparable to those used for preparing thin films, i.e., low-temperature solution-based growth, are needed. We show here two simple ways, antisolvent-vapor saturation or heating a solution containing retrograde soluble CsPbBr3, to grow single crystals of CsPbBr3 from a precursor solution, treated with acetonitrile (MeCN) or methanol (MeOH). The precursor solutions are stable for at least several months. Millimeter-sized crystals are grown without crystal-seeding and can provide a 100% yield of CsPbBr3 perovskite crystals, avoiding a CsBr-rich (or PbBr2-rich) composition, which is often present alongside the perovskite phase. Further growth is demonstrated to be possible with crystal seeding. The crystals are characterized in several ways, including first results of charge carrier lifetime (30 ns) and an upper-limit of the Urbach energy (19 meV). As the crystals are grown from a polar aprotic solvent (DMSO), which is similar to those used to grow hybrid organic-inorganic HaP crystals, this may allow growing mixed (organic and inorganic) monovalent cation HaP crystals.
The realization of high-quality optoelectronic properties in halide perovskite semiconductors through low-temperature, low energy processing is unprecedented. Understanding the unique aspects of the formation chemistry of these semiconductors is a critical step toward understanding the genesis of high quality material via simple preparation procedures. The toolbox of preparation procedures for halide perovskites grows rapidly. The prototypical reaction is that between lead iodide (PbI2) and methylammonium iodide (CH3NH3I, abbr. MAI) to form the perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPbI3), which we discuss in this work. We investigate the conversion of small, single-crystalline PbI2 crystallites to MAPbI3 by two commonly used synthesis processes: reaction with MAI in solution or as a vapor. The single crystal nature of the PbI2 precursor allows definitive conclusions to be made about the relationship between the precursors and the final product, illuminating previously unobserved aspects of the reaction process. From in situ photoluminescence microscopy, we find that the reaction in solution begins via isolated nucleation events followed by growth from the nuclei. We observe via X-ray diffraction and morphological characterization that there is a strong orientational and structural relationship between the final stage of the solution-reacted MAPbI3 product and the initial PbI2 crystallite. In all these measurements, we find that the reaction does not proceed below a certain MAI threshold concentration, which allows the first experimental determination of a free energy of formation for a widely used synthetic procedure of ∼0.1 eV. From these conclusions, we present a more detailed hypothesis about the reaction pathway than has yet been proposed: Our results suggest that the reaction in solution begins with a topotactic nucleation event followed by grain growth by dissolution-reconstruction. By similar techniques, we find the reaction via vapor phase produces material lacking a preferred orientation, suggesting the transformation is dominated by a deconstruction-reconstruction process due to the higher thermal energy involved. We also find that the crystal lattice structure of the vapor-reacted material is clearly different from that of the solution-phase reaction due to the temperature conditions of the synthesis.
Charge migration for electron transfer via the polypeptide matrix of proteins is a key process in biological energy conversion and signaling systems. It is sensitive to the sequence of amino acids composing the protein and, therefore, offers a tool for chemical control of charge transport across biomaterial-based devices. We designed a series of linear oligoalanine peptides with a single tryptophan substitution that acts as a "dopant," introducing an energy level closer to the electrodes' Fermi level than that of the alanine homopeptide. We investigated the solid-state electron transport (ETp) across a selfassembled monolayer of these peptides between gold contacts. The single tryptophan "doping" markedly increased the conductance of the peptide chain, especially when its location in the sequence is close to the electrodes. Combining inelastic tunneling spectroscopy, UV photoelectron spectroscopy, electronic structure calculations by advanced density-functional theory, and dc current-voltage analysis, the role of tryptophan in ETp is rationalized by charge tunneling across a heterogeneous energy barrier, via electronic states of alanine and tryptophan, and by relatively efficient direct coupling of tryptophan to a Au electrode. These results reveal a controlled way of modulating the electrical properties of molecular junctions by tailormade "building block" peptides.
Hysteresis in the current-voltage characteristics of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite-based solar cells is one of the fundamental aspects of these cells that we do not understand well. One possible cause, suggested for the hysteresis, is polarization of the perovskite layer under applied voltage and illumination bias, due to ion migration within the perovskite. To study this problem systemically, current-voltage characteristics of both regular (light incident through the electron conducting contact) and so-called inverted (light incident through the hole conducting contact) perovskite cells were studied at different temperatures and scan rates. We explain our results by assuming that the effects of scan rate and temperature on hysteresis are strongly correlated to ion migration within the device, with the rate-determining step being ion migration at/across the interfaces of the perovskite layer with the contact materials. By correlating between the scan rate with the measurement temperature, we show that the inverted and regular cells operate in different hysteresis regimes, with different activation energies of 0.28 ± 0.04 eV and 0.59 ± 0.09 eV, respectively. We suggest that the differences observed between the two architectures are due to different rates of ion migration close to the interfaces, and conclude that the diffusion coefficient of migrating ions in the inverted cells is 3 orders of magnitude higher than in the regular cells, leading to different accumulation rates of ions near the interfaces. Analysis of VOC as a function of temperature shows that the main recombination mechanism is trap-assisted (Shockley-Read Hall, SRH) in the space charge region, similar to what is the case for other thin film inorganic solar cells.
Organolead halide perovskite materials possess a combination of remarkable optoelectronic properties, such as steep optical absorption edge and high absorption coefficients, long charge carrier diffusion lengths and lifetimes. Taken together with the ability for low temperature preparation, also from solution, perovskite-based devices, especially photovoltaic (PV) cells have been studied intensively, with remarkable progress in performance, over the past few years. The combination of high efficiency, low cost and additional (non-PV) applications provides great potential for commercialization. Performance and applications of perovskite solar cells often correlate with their device structures. Many innovative device structures were developed, aiming at large-scale fabrication, reducing fabrication cost, enhancing the power conversion efficiency and thus broadening potential future applications. This review summarizes typical structures of perovskite solar cells and comments on novel device structures. The applications of perovskite solar cells are discussed.
We report valence and conduction band densities of states measured via ultraviolet and inverse photoemission spectroscopies on three metal halide perovskites, specifically methylammonium lead iodide and bromide and cesium lead bromide (MAPbI3, MAPbBr3, CsPbBr3), grown at two different institutions on different substrates. These are compared with theoretical densities of states (DOS) calculated via density functional theory. The qualitative agreement achieved between experiment and theory leads to the identification of valence and conduction band spectral features, and allows a precise determination of the position of the band edges, ionization energy and electron affinity of the materials. The comparison reveals an unusually low DOS at the valence band maximum (VBM) of these compounds, which confirms and generalizes previous predictions of strong band dispersion and low DOS at the MAPbI3 VBM. This low DOS calls for special attention when using electron spectroscopy to determine the frontier electronic states of lead halide perovskites.
To experimentally (dis)prove ferroelectric effects on the properties of lead-halide perovskites and of solar cells, based on them, we used second-harmonic-generation spectroscopy and the periodic temperature change (Chynoweth) technique to detect the polar nature of methylammonium lead bromide (MAPbBr3). We find that MAPbBr3 is probably centrosymmetric and definitely non-polar; thus, it cannot be ferroelectric. Whenever pyroelectric-like signals were detected, they could be shown to be due to trapped charges, likely at the interface between the metal electrode and the MAPbBr3 semiconductor. These results indicate that the ferroelectric effects do not affect steady-state performance of MAPbBr3 solar cells.
ConspectusHybrid alkylammonium lead halide perovskite solar cells have, in a very few years of research, exceeded a light-to-electricity conversion efficiency of 20%, not far behind crystalline silicon cells. These perovskites do not contain any rare element, the amount of toxic lead used is very small, and the cells can be made with a low energy input. They therefore already conform to two of the three requirements for viable, commercial solar cells-efficient and cheap. The potential deal-breaker is their long-term stability. While reasonable short-term (hours) and even medium term (months) stability has been demonstrated, there is concern whether they will be stable for the two decades or more expected from commercial cells in view of the intrinsically unstable nature of these materials. In particular, they have a tendency to be sensitive to various types of irradiation, including sunlight, under certain conditions.This Account focuses on the effect of irradiation on the hybrid (and to a small degree, all-inorganic) lead halide perovskites and their solar cells. It is split up into two main sections. First, we look at the effect of electron beams on the materials. This is important, since such beams are used for characterization of both the perovskites themselves and cells made from them (electron microscopy for morphological and compositional characterization; electron beam-induced current to study cell operation mechanism; cathodoluminescence for charge carrier recombination studies). Since the perovskites are sensitive to electron beam irradiation, it is important to minimize beam damage to draw valid conclusions from such measurements. The second section treats the effect of visible and solar UV irradiation on the perovskites and their cells. As we show, there are many such effects. However, those affecting the perovskite directly need not necessarily always be detrimental to the cells, while those affecting the solar cells, which are composed of several other phases as well as the perovskite light absorber, are not always due to the perovskite itself. While we cannot yet say whether perovskite solar cells will or will not be stable over the long-term, the information in this Account should be a useful source to help achieve this goal.
A vertical nanogap device (VND) structure comprising all-silicon contacts as electrodes for the investigation of electronic transport processes in bioelectronic systems is reported. Devices were fabricated from silicon-on-insulator substrates whose buried oxide (SiO2) layer of a few nanometers in thickness is embedded within two highly doped single crystalline silicon layers. Individual VNDs were fabricated by standard photolithography and a combination of anisotropic and selective wet etching techniques, resulting in p+ silicon contacts, vertically separated by 4 or 8 nm, depending on the chosen buried oxide thickness. The buried oxide was selectively recess-etched with buffered hydrofluoric acid, exposing a nanogap. For verification of the devices' electrical functionality, gold nanoparticles were successfully trapped onto the nanogap electrodes' edges using AC dielectrophoresis. Subsequently, the suitability of the VND structures for transport measurements on proteins was investigated by functionalizing the devices with cytochrome c protein from solution, thereby providing non-destructive, permanent semiconducting contacts to the proteins. Current-voltage measurements performed after protein deposition exhibited an increase in the junctions' conductance of up to several orders of magnitude relative to that measured prior to cytochrome c immobilization. This increase in conductance was lost upon heating the functionalized device to above the protein's denaturation temperature (80 °C). Thus, the VND junctions allow conductance measurements which reflect the averaged electronic transport through a large number of protein molecules, contacted in parallel with permanent contacts and, for the first time, in a symmetrical Si-protein-Si configuration.
Electron transport properties via a photochromic biological photoreceptor have been studied in junctions of monolayer assemblies in solid-state configurations. The photoreceptor studied was a member of the LOV domain protein family with a bound flavin chromophore, and its photochemically inactive mutant due to change of a crucial cysteine residue by a serine. The photochemical properties of the protein were maintained in dry, solid state conditions, indicating that the proteins in the junctions were assembled in native state-like conditions. Significant current magnitudes (>20 μA at 1.0 V applied bias) were observed with a mechanically deposited gold pad (area ∼0.002 cm2) as top electrode. The current magnitudes are ascribed to electrode-cofactor coupling originating from the apparent perpendicular orientation of the protein's cofactor embedded between the electrodes, and its proximity to the electrodes. Temperature independent electron transport across the protein monolayers demonstrated that solid-state electron transport is dominated by tunneling. Modulation of the observed current by illumination of the wildtype protein suggested conformation-dependent electron conduction efficiency across the solid-state protein junctions.
Direct comparison between perovskite-structured hybrid organic-inorganic methylammonium lead bromide (MAPbBr3) and all-inorganic cesium lead bromide (CsPbBr3), allows identifying possible fundamental differences in their structural, thermal and electronic characteristics. Both materials possess a similar direct optical band gap, but CsPbBr3 demonstrates a higher thermal stability than MAPbBr3. In order to compare device properties, we fabricated solar cells, with similarly synthesized MAPbBr3 or CsPbBr3, over mesoporous titania scaffolds. Both cell types demonstrated comparable photovoltaic performances under AM1.5 illumination, reaching power conversion efficiencies of ∼6% with a poly aryl amine-based derivative as hole transport material. Further analysis shows that Cs-based devices are as efficient as, and more stable than methylammonium-based ones, after aging (storing the cells for 2 weeks in a dry (relative humidity 15-20%) air atmosphere in the dark) for 2 weeks, under constant illumination (at maximum power), and under electron beam irradiation.
Halide perovskite-based solar cells still have limited reproducibility, stability, and incomplete understanding of how they work. We track electronic processes in [CH3NH3]PbI3(Cl) ("perovskite") films in vacuo, and in N2, air, and O2, using impedance spectroscopy (IS), contact potential difference, and surface photovoltage measurements, providing direct evidence for perovskite sensitivity to the ambient environment. Two major characteristics of the perovskite IS response change with ambient environment, viz. -1- appearance of negative capacitance in vacuo or post-vacuo N2 exposure, indicating for the first time an electrochemical process in the perovskite, and -2- orders of magnitude decrease in the film resistance upon transferring the film from O2-rich ambient atmosphere to vacuum. The same change in ambient conditions also results in a 0.5 V decrease in the material work function. We suggest that facile adsorption of oxygen onto the film dedopes it from n-type toward intrinsic. These effects influence any material characterization, i.e., results may be ambient-dependent due to changes in the material's electrical properties and electrochemical reactivity, which can also affect material stability.
Solution-processed hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites (HOIPs) exhibit long electronic carrier diffusion lengths, high optical absorption coefficients and impressive photovoltaic device performance. Recent results allow us to compare and contrast HOIP charge-transport characteristics to those of III-V semiconductors - benchmarks of photovoltaic (and light-emitting and laser diode) performance. In this Review, we summarize what is known and unknown about charge transport in HOIPs, with particular emphasis on their advantages as photovoltaic materials. Experimental and theoretical findings are integrated into one narrative, in which we highlight the fundamental questions that need to be addressed regarding the charge-transport properties of these materials and suggest future research directions.Errata: In the originally published version of this article, the conduction bands in Figure 3c were incorrectly aligned. This has been corrected in both the HTML and PDF versions. We apologize to the readers for this error.
The remarkable optoelectronic and especially photovoltaic performance of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite (HOIP) materials drives efforts to connect materials properties to this performance. From nano-indentation experiments on solution-grown single crystals we obtain elastic modulus and nano-hardness values of APbX(3) (A = Cs, CH3NH3; X = I, Br). The Young's moduli are similar to 14, 19.5, and 16 GPa, for CH3NH3PbI3, CH3NH3PbBr3, and CsPbBr3, respectively, lending credence to theoretically calculated values. We discuss the possible relevance of our results to suggested self-healing, ion diffusion, and ease of manufacturing. Using our results, together with literature data on elastic moduli, we classified HOIPs amongst the relevant material groups, based on their elastomechanical properties.
Electron transport (ETp) across met-myoglobin (m-Mb), as measured in a solid-state-like configuration between two electronic contacts, increases by up to 20 fold if Mb is covalently bound to one of the contacts, a Si electrode, in an oriented manner by its hemin (ferric) group, rather than in a non-oriented manner. Oriented binding of Mb is achieved by covalently binding hemin molecules to form a monolayer on the Si electrode, followed by reconstitution with apo-Mb. We found that the ETp temperature dependence (>120 K) of non-oriented m-Mb virtually disappears when bound in an oriented manner by the hemin group. Our results highlight that combining direct chemical coupling of the protein to one of the electrodes with uniform protein orientation strongly improves the efficiency of ET across the protein. We hypothesize that the behavior of reconstituted m-Mb is due to both strong protein-substrate electronic coupling (which is likely greater than in non-oriented m-Mb) and direct access to a highly efficient transport path provided by the hemin group in this configuration.
We report a combined ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) and density functional theory (DFT) study of the electronic structure of aromatic self-assembled monolayers covalently bound to Si, using several different aromatic groups (phenyl, biphenyl, and fluorene) and binding groups (O, NH, and CH2). We obtain excellent agreement between theory and experiment, which allows for a detailed interpretation of the experimental results. Our analysis reveals a significant effect of the binding group on state hybridization at the organic/inorganic interface. Specifically, it highlights that lone-pair electrons in the binding atom facilitate hybridization between the aromatic system and the Si substrate, resulting in a significant induced density of interface states (IDIS). These interface states are manifested as a broadened HOMO peak in the experimental UPS data and are clearly observed in a theoretical spatially-resolved density of states map. This provides means to control the degree of coupling between substrate and molecule, which may prove useful in the design of transport across organic/inorganic interfaces.
The conclusions reached by a diverse group of scientists who attended an intense 2-day workshop on hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites are presented, including their thoughts on the most burning fundamental and practical questions regarding this unique class of materials, and their suggestions on various approaches to resolve these issues.
Surprisingly efficient solid-state electron transport has recently been demonstrated through "dry" proteins (with only structural, tightly bound H2O left), suggesting proteins as promising candidates for molecular (bio)electronics. Using inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy (IETS), we explored electron-phonon interaction in metal/protein/metal junctions, to help understand solid-state electronic transport across the redox protein azurin. To that end an oriented azurin monolayer on Au is contacted by soft Au electrodes. Characteristic vibrational modes of amide and amino acid side groups as well as of the azurin-electrode contact were observed, revealing the azurin native conformation in the junction and the critical role of side groups in the charge transport. The lack of abrupt changes in the conductance and the line shape of IETS point to far off-resonance tunneling as the dominant transport mechanism across azurin, in line with previously reported (and herein confirmed) azurin junctions. The inelastic current and hence electron-phonon interaction appear to be rather weak and comparable in magnitude with the inelastic fraction of tunneling current via alkyl chains, which may reflect the known structural rigidity of azurin.
We observe temperature-independent electron transport, characteristic of tunneling across a ∼6 nm thick Halorhodopsin (phR) monolayer. phR contains both retinal and a carotenoid, bacterioruberin, as cofactors, in a trimeric protein-chromophore complex. This finding is unusual because for conjugated oligo-imine molecular wires a transition from temperature-independent to -dependent electron transport, ETp, was reported at ∼4 nm wire length. In the ∼6 nm long phR, the ∼4 nm 50-carbon conjugated bacterioruberin is bound parallel to the α-helices of the peptide backbone. This places bacterioruberins ends proximal to the two electrodes that contact the protein; thus, coupling to these electrodes may facilitate the activation-less current across the contacts. Oxidation of bacterioruberin eliminates its conjugation, causing the ETp to become temperature dependent (>180 K). Remarkably, even elimination of the retinal-protein covalent bond, with the fully conjugated bacterioruberin still present, leads to temperature-dependent ETp (>180 K). These results suggest that ETp via phR is cooperatively affected by both retinal and bacterioruberin cofactors.
The soft character of organic materials leads to strong coupling between molecular, nuclear and electronic dynamics. This coupling opens the way to influence charge transport in organic electronic devices by exciting molecular vibrational motions. However, despite encouraging theoretical predictions, experimental realization of such approach has remained elusive. Here we demonstrate experimentally that photoconductivity in a model organic optoelectronic device can be modulated by the selective excitation of molecular vibrations. Using an ultrafast infrared laser source to create a coherent superposition of vibrational motions in a pentacene/C60 photoresistor, we observe that excitation of certain modes in the 1,500-1,700 cm-1 region leads to photocurrent enhancement. Excited vibrations affect predominantly trapped carriers. The effect depends on the nature of the vibration and its mode-specific character can be well described by the vibrational modulation of intermolecular electronic couplings. This presents a new tool for studying electron-phonon coupling and charge dynamics in (bio)molecular materials.
Many novel applications in bioelectronics rely on the interaction between biomolecules and electronically conducting substrates. However, crucial knowledge about the relation between electronic transport via peptides and their amino-acid composition is still absent. Here, we report results of electronic transport measurements via several homopeptides as a function of their structural properties and temperature. We demonstrate that the conduction through the peptide depends on its length and secondary structure as well as on the nature of the constituent amino acid and charge of its residue. We support our experimental observations with high-level electronic structure calculations and suggest off-resonance tunneling as the dominant conduction mechanism via extended peptides. Our findings indicate that both peptide composition and structure can affect the efficiency of electronic transport across peptides.
Hybrid organic-inorganic lead halide perovskite photovoltaic cells have already surpassed 20% conversion efficiency in the few years that they have been seriously studied. However, many fundamental questions still remain unanswered as to why they are so good. One of these is "Is the organic cation really necessary to obtain high quality cells?" In this study, we show that an all-inorganic version of the lead bromide perovskite material works equally well as the organic one, in particular generating the high open circuit voltages that are an important feature of these cells.
High band gap, high open-circuit voltage solar cells with methylammonium lead tribromide (MAPbBr3) perovskite absorbers are of interest for spectral splitting and photoelectrochemical applications, because of their good performance and ease of processing. The physical origin of high performance in these and similar perovskite-based devices remains only partially understood. Using cross-sectional electron-beam-induced current (EBIC) measurements, we find an increase in carrier diffusion length in MAPbBr3(Cl)-based solar cells upon low intensity (a few percent of 1 sun intensity) blue laser illumination. Comparing dark and illuminated conditions, the minority carrier (electron) diffusion length increases about 3.5 times from Ln = 100 ± 50 nm to 360 ± 22 nm. The EBIC cross section profile indicates a p-n structure between the n-FTO/TiO2 and p-perovskite, rather than the p-i-n structure, reported for the iodide derivative. On the basis of the variation in space-charge region width with varying bias, measured by EBIC and capacitance-voltage measurements, we estimate the net-doping concentration in MAPbBr3(Cl) to be 3-6 × 1017 cm-3.
The great promise of hybrid organic-inorganic lead halide perovskite (HOIP)-based solar cells is being challenged by its Pb content and its sensitivity to water. Here, the impact of rain on methylammonium lead iodide perovskite films was investigated by exposing such films to water of varying pH values, simulating exposure of the films to rain. The amount of Pb loss was determined using both gravimetric and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry measurements. Using our results, the extent of Pb loss to the environment, in the case of catastrophic module failure, was evaluated. Although very dependent on module siting, even total destruction of a large solar electrical power generating plant, based on HOIPs, while obviously highly undesirable, is estimated to be far from catastrophic for the environment.
Electron transfer (ET) proteins are biomolecules with specific functions, selected by evolution. As such they are attractive candidates for use in potential bioelectronic devices. The blue copper protein azurin (Az) is one of the most-studied ET proteins. Traditional spectroscopic, electrochemical, and kinetic methods employed for studying ET to/from the protein's Cu ion have been complemented more recently by studies of electrical conduction through a monolayer of Az in the solid-state, sandwiched between electrodes. As the latter type of measurement does not require involvement of a redox process, it also allows monitoring electronic transport (ETp) via redox-inactive Az-derivatives. Here, results of macroscopic ETp via redox-active and -inactive Az derivatives, i.e., Cu(II) and Cu(I)-Az, apo-Az, Co(II)-Az, Ni(II)-Az, and Zn(II)-Az are reported and compared. It is found that earlier reported temperature independence of ETp via Cu(II)-Az (from 20 K until denaturation) is unique, as ETp via all other derivatives is thermally activated at temperatures >≈200 K. Conduction via Cu(I)-Az shows unexpected temperature dependence >≈200 K, with currents decreasing at positive and increasing at negative bias. Taking all the data together we find a clear compensation effect of Az conduction around the Az denaturation temperature. This compensation can be understood by viewing the Az binding site as an electron trap, unless occupied by Cu(II), as in the native protein, with conduction of the native protein setting the upper transport efficiency limit.
Using ultrafast visible/IR pulse-sequence spectroscopy combined with electric current detection, we engage vibronic and charge-delocalization phenomena to control the performance of optoelectronic devices base on organic semiconductors, colloidal quantum dots and conductive oxides.
A small molecule based on N,N-dialkyl perylenediimide (PDI) as core derivatized with thiophene moieties (Th-PDI) was synthesized. Its HOMO (highest occupied molecular orbital) level was measured to be between 5.7 and 6.3 eV vs. local vacuum level depending on doping and measurement method. Th-PDI was successfully applied as hole-transporting material (HTM) in CH3NH3PbBr3 hybrid perovskite solar cells. Three different cell architectures, each with a different mode of operation, were tested: (1) using a mesoporous (mp) TiO2 substrate; (2) mp-Al2O3 substrate; (3) planar dense TiO2 substrate. The first gave the best overall efficiency of 5.6% while the mp-Al2O3 gave higher open-circuit photovoltage (VOC) but lower efficiency (2.2%). The cells exhibited good reproducibility with very little J-V hysteresis (the mp-Al2O3 showed a more appreciable hysteresis of individual photovoltaic parameters but little dependence of efficiency on scan direction). Storage of unencapsulated cells in 25-30% relative humidity demonstrated fairly good stability with
Reproducible molecular junctions can be integrated within standard CMOS technology. Metal-molecule-semiconductor junctions are fabricated by direct Si-C binding of hexadecane or methyl-styrene onto oxide-free H-Si(111) surfaces, with the lateral size of the junctions defined by an etched SiO2 well and with evaporated Pb as the top contact. The current density, J, is highly reproducible with a standard deviation in log( J ) of 0.2 over a junction diameter change from 3 to 100 μm. Reproducibility over such a large range indicates that transport is truly across the molecules and does not result from artifacts like edge effects or defects in the molecular monolayer. Device fabrication is tested for two n-Si doping levels. With highly doped Si, transport is dominated by tunneling and reveals sharp conductance onsets at room temperature. Using the temperature dependence of current across medium-doped n-Si, the molecular tunneling barrier can be separated from the Si-Schottky one, which is a 0.47 eV, in agreement with the molecular-modified surface dipole and quite different from the bare Si-H junction. This indicates that Pb evaporation does not cause significant chemical changes to the molecules. The ability to manufacture reliable devices constitutes important progress toward possible future hybrid Si-based molecular electronics.
A distinct odd-even effect on the electrical properties, induced by monolayers of alkyl-phenyl molecules directly bound to Si(111), is reported. Monomers of H2C=CH-(CH2)n-phenyl, with n = 2-5, were adsorbed onto Si-H and formed high-quality monolayers with a binding density of 50-60% Si(111) surface atoms. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that the binding proximity is close enough to allow efficient π-π interactions and therefore distinctly different packing and ring orientations for monomers with odd or even numbers of methylenes in their alkyl spacers. The odd-even alternation in molecular tilt was experimentally confirmed by contact angle, ellipsometry, FT-IR, and XPS with a close quantitative match to the simulation results. The orientations of both the ring plane and the long axis of the alkyl spacer are more perpendicular to the substrate plane for molecules with an even number of methylenes than for those with an odd number of methylenes. Interestingly, those with an even number conduct better than the effectively thinner monolayers of the molecules with the odd number of methylenes. We attribute this to a change in the orientation of the electron density on the aromatic rings with respect to the shortest tunneling path, which increases the barrier for electron transport through the odd monolayers. The high sensitivity of molecular charge transport to the orientation of an aromatic moiety might be relevant to better control over the electronic properties of interfaces in organic electronics.
A central vision in molecular electronics is the creation of devices with functional molecular components that may provide unique properties. Proteins are attractive candidates for this purpose, as they have specific physical (optical, electrical) and chemical (selective binding, self-assembly) functions and offer a myriad of possibilities for (bio-)chemical modification. This Progress Report focuses on proteins as potential building components for future bioelectronic devices as they are quite efficient electronic conductors, compared with saturated organic molecules. The report addresses several questions: how general is this behavior; how does protein conduction compare with that of saturated and conjugated molecules; and what mechanisms enable efficient conduction across these large molecules? To answer these questions results of nanometer-scale and macroscopic electronic transport measurements across a range of organic molecules and proteins are compiled and analyzed, from single/few molecules to large molecular ensembles, and the influence of measurement methods on the results is considered. Generalizing, it is found that proteins conduct better than saturated molecules, and somewhat poorer than conjugated molecules. Significantly, the presence of cofactors (redox-active or conjugated) in the protein enhances their conduction, but without an obvious advantage for natural electron transfer proteins. Most likely, the conduction mechanisms are hopping (at higher temperatures) and tunneling (below ca. 150-200 K).
Hybrid organic/lead halide perovskites are promising materials for solar cell fabrication, resulting in efficiencies up to 18%. The most commonly studied perovskites are CH3NH3PbI3 and CH3NH3PbI3-x Clx where x is small. Importantly, in the latter system, the presence of chloride ion source in the starting solutions used for the perovskite deposition results in a strong increase in the overall charge diff usion length. In this work we investigate the crystallization parameters relevant to fabrication of perovskite materials based on CH3NH3PbI3 and CH3NH3PbBr3. We find that the addition of PbCl2 to the solutions used in the perovskite synthesis has a remarkable eff ect on the end product, because PbCl2 nanocrystals are present during the fabrication process, acting as heterogeneous nucleation sites for the formation of perovskite crystals in solution. We base this conclusion on SEM studies, synthesis of perovskite single crystals, and on cryo-TEM imaging of the frozen mother liquid. Our studies also included the effect of different substrates and substrate temperatures on the perovskite nucleation efficiency. In view of our findings, we optimized the procedures for solar cells based on lead bromide perovskite, resulting in 5.4% efficiency and Voc of 1.24 V, improving the performance in this class of devices. Insights gained from understanding the hybrid perovskite crystallization process can aid in rational design of the polycrystalline absorber films, leading to their enhanced performance.
Potential future use of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) as a solid-state electron transport (ETp) material requires the highest possible active protein concentration. To that end we prepared stable monolayers of protein-enriched bR on a conducting HOPG substrate by lipid depletion of the native bR. The ETp properties of this construct were then investigated using conducting probe atomic force microscopy at low bias, both in the ground dark state and in the M-like intermediate configuration, formed upon excitation by green light. Photoconductance modulation was observed upon green and blue light excitation, demonstrating the potential of these monolayers as optoelectronic building blocks. To correlate protein structural changes with the observed behavior, measurements were made as a function of pressure under the AFM tip, as well as humidity. The junction conductance is reversible under pressure changes up to ∼300 MPa, but above this pressure the conductance drops irreversibly. ETp efficiency is enhanced significantly at >60% relative humidity, without changing the relative photoactivity significantly. These observations are ascribed to changes in protein conformation and flexibility and suggest that improved electron transport pathways can be generated through formation of a hydrogen-bonding network.
Organometallic lead-halide perovskite-based solar cells now approach 18% efficiency. Introducing a mixture of bromide and iodide in the halide composition allows tuning of the optical bandgap. We prepare mixed bromide-iodide lead perovskite films CH3NH3Pb(I 1-xBrx)3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) by spin-coating from solution and obtain films with monotonically varying bandgaps across the full composition range. Photothermal deflection spectroscopy, photoluminescence, and X-ray diffraction show that following suitable fabrication protocols these mixed lead-halide perovskite films form a single phase. The optical absorption edge of the pure triiodide and tribromide perovskites is sharp with Urbach energies of 15 and 23 meV, respectively, and reaches a maximum of 90 meV for CH 3NH3PbI1.2Br1.8. We demonstrate a bromide-iodide lead perovskite film (CH3NH3PbI 1.2Br1.8) with an optical bandgap of 1.94 eV, which is optimal for tandem cells of these materials with crystalline silicon devices.
The field of organo-lead perovskite absorbers for solar cells is developing rapidly, with open-circuit voltage of reported devices already approaching the maximal theoretical voltage. Obtaining such high voltages on spun-cast or evaporated thin films is intriguing and calls for detailed investigation of the source of photovoltage in those devices. We present here a study of the roles of the selective contacts to methylammonium lead iodide chloride (MAPbI 3-xClx) using surface photovoltage spectroscopy. By depositing and characterizing each layer at a time, we show that the electron-extracting interface is more than twice as effective as the hole-extracting interface in generating photovoltage, for several combinations of electrode materials. We further observe the existence of an electron-injection related spectral feature at 1.1 eV, which might bear significance for the cell's operation. Our results illustrate the usefulness of SPV spectroscopy in highlighting gaps in cells efficiency and for deepening the understanding of charge injection processes in perovskite-based photovoltaics.
The built-in voltage of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly(styrenesulfonate)-nSi hybrid solar cells is demonstrated to indicate strong inversion over most substrate donor concentrations. This implies a p-n homojunction, induced in the Si surface by the high work function of the top contact. This induced homojunction is then used to form the source and drain electrodes in a field-effect transistor.
The work function (WF) of ZnO is modified by two types of dipole-bearing phenylphosphonate layers, yielding a maximum WF span of 1.2 eV. H 3CO-phenyl phosphonate, with a positive dipole (positive pole pointing outwards from the surface), lowers the WF by ∼350 meV. NC-phenyl phosphonate, with a negative dipole, increases the WF by ∼750 meV. The WF shift is found to be independent of the type of ZnO surface. XPS data show strong molecular dipoles between the phenyl and the functionalizing (CN and OMe) tail groups, while an opposite dipole evolves in each molecular layer between the surface and the phenyl rings. The molecular modification is found to be invariant to supra-bandgap illumination, which indicates that the substrate's space charge-induced built-in potential is unlikely to be the reason for the WF difference. ZnO, grown by several different methods, with different degrees of crystalline perfection and various morphologies and crystallite dimensions, could all be modified to the same extent. Furthermore, a mixture of opposite dipoles allows gradual and continuous tuning of the WF, varying linearly with the partial concentration of the CN-terminated phosphonate in the solution. Exposure to the phosphonic acids during the molecular layer deposition process erodes a few atomic layers of the ZnO. The general validity of the treatment and the fine-tuning of the WF of treated interfaces are of interest for solar cells and LED applications.
Direct and inverse photoemission spectroscopies are used to determine materials electronic structure and energy level alignment in hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite layers grown on TiO2. The results provide a quantitative basis for the analysis of perovskite-based solar cell performance and choice of an optimal hole-extraction layer. This journal is
Electronic coupling to electrodes, G, as well as that across the examined molecules, H, is critical for solid-state electron transport (ETp) across proteins. Assessing the importance of each of these couplings helps to understand the mechanism of electron flow across molecules. We provide here experimental evidence for the importance of both couplings for solid-state ETp across the electron- mediating protein cytochrome c (CytC), measured in a monolayer configuration. Currents via CytC are temperature-independent between 30 and -130 K, consistent with tunneling by superexchange, and thermally activated at higher temperatures, ascribed to steady-state hopping. Covalent protein-electrode binding significantly increases G, as currents across CytC mutants, bound covalently to the electrode via a cysteine thiolate, are higher than those through electrostatically adsorbed CytC. Covalent binding also reduces the thermal activation energy, Ea, of the ETp by more than a factor of two. The importance of H was examined by using a series of seven CytC mutants with cysteine residues at different surface positions, yielding distinct electrode-protein(-heme) orientations and separation distances. We find that, in general, mutants with electrode-proximal heme have lower Ea values (from high-temperature data) and higher conductance at low temperatures (in the temperatureindependent regime) than those with a distal heme. We conclude that ETp across these mutants depends on the distance between the heme group and the top or bottom electrode, rather than on the total separation distance between electrodes (protein width).
Developments in organic-inorganic lead halide-based perovskite solar cells have been meteoric over the last 2 years, with small-area efficiencies surpassing 15%. We address the fundamental issue of how these cells work by applying a scanning electron microscopy-based technique to cell cross-sections. By mapping the variation in efficiency of charge separation and collection in the cross-sections, we show the presence of two prime high efficiency locations, one at/near the absorber/hole-blocking-layer, and the second at/near the absorber/electron-blocking-layer interfaces, with the former more pronounced. This 'twin-peaks' profile is characteristic of a p-i-n solar cell, with a layer of low-doped, high electronic quality semiconductor, between a p- and an n-layer. If the electron blocker is replaced by a gold contact, only a heterojunction at the absorber/hole-blocking interface remains.
The remarkable advances over the past few years in performance of photovoltaic cells, including the advent of new absorber materials, call for an update to the previous assessment of prospects for future progress. The same simple criteria with some refinements, based on cell and module performance data, serve to evaluate and compare most types of solar cells. Apart from Si and InP, for all types the "best cells" have improved in conversion performances (and crystalline Si modules have made major strides in cost reduction). New cell types, such as "perovskite", sustainable chalcogenide, and quantum dot cells, are included. CdTe results bring those cells in line with other well-developed ones, lending some credence to the idea that the criteria provide the reader with knowledge, useful for gauging possible future technological developments. Additionally, the developments of the past few years show that, while the advent of more new cell types cannot be predicted, it can be aided and stimulated by innovative, daring, and creative new materials research. The 2011-2013 period has seen amazing progress of nearly all solar-cell types that have possible or actual practical potential, including significant cost decreases of commercial cells. A concise update of the current status and future prospects of solar-cell research is given.
Low-cost solar cells with high VOC, relatively small (E G - qVOC), and high qVOC/EG ratio, where EG is the absorber band gap, are long sought after, especially for use in tandem cells or other systems with spectral splitting. We report a significant improvement in CH3NH3PbBr3-based cells, using CH3NH3PbBr3-xClx, with EG = 2.3 eV, as the absorber in a mesoporous p-i-n device configuration. By p-doping an organic hole transport material with a deep HOMO level and wide band gap to reduce recombination, the cell's VOC increased to 1.5 V, a 0.2 V increase from our earlier results with the pristine Br analogue with an identical band gap. At the same time, in the most efficient devices, the current density increased from ∼1 to ∼4 mA/cm2.
CH3NH3PbI3-based solar cells were characterized with electron beam-induced current (EBIC) and compared to CH 3NH3PbI3-xClx ones. A spatial map of charge separation efficiency in working cells shows p-i-n structures for both thin film cells. Effective diffusion lengths, LD, (from EBIC profile) show that holes are extracted significantly more efficiently than electrons in CH3NH3PbI3, explaining why CH 3NH3PbI3-based cells require mesoporous electron conductors, while CH3NH3PbI3-xCl x ones, where LD values are comparable for both charge types, do not.
The alignment between the energy levels of the constituents of an organic solar cell plays a central role in determining the open-circuit voltage. However, tuning the energy levels of electrodes and/or active components via molecular modifiers placed at interfaces is not straightforward. The morphology of organic materials is commonly controlled by the substrate onto which they are deposited, and differences in morphology often lead to differences in energetics. Such a change in morphology may reduce the effect of surface modifications, as the modified surface is part of an interface with the organic material. Here we show, in an experimental model system, that by using binary molecular monolayers, in which dipolar molecules are buried in a protective nonpolar matrix, we can transform changes in the electrode surface dipole into interface dipole changes without significantly affecting the growth of pentacene onto the molecular layer, thus enabling the use of the full range of dipolar-induced open-circuit-voltage tuning.
Conducting Probe AFM. CP-AFM, was used to follow how chemical etching, oxidation, and sulfurization affect the surface nanoscale electrical characteristics of polycrystalline Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin films. Band bending at grain boundaries (GBs) on the surface was studied and analyzed by CP-AFM - measured photocurrents. We find that both oxidation and sulfurization can passivate the GBs of the CIGS films; oxidation increases n-type band bending, which impedes the transport of photogenerated electrons, while sulfurization increases p-type band bending at GBs, which helps this transport. Differences in effects between surface terminations by sulfide, selenide and oxide were analyzed. The effects of these treatments on the electrical activity of the GBs of the films, as well as the importance of the use of chemical bath deposition of the CdS buffer, are explained within a defect surface chemistry model.
We survey published experimental data on the performance of cells and modules to compare all types of today's solar cells and with these find solar cell efficiencies that we can strive towards. Such an approach allows identifying limits that need to be considered for real solar cells on top of the ShockleyQueisser (S-Q) limit, as the latter applies strictly to an ideal model system. Prominent among the additional limits is the degree of disorder of the absorber, strongest for amorphous Si-based cells, and minimal for IIV-based cells (and hopefully, for the new perovskite ones). While adding extra limits lead to lower numbers than the S-Q ones, normally used, the results help us to see what we can hope to reach in practice, in terms of technological progress and in terms of champion cells.
To understand the title topic a model system of single crystal SiC, modified with an interfacial molecular monolayer of alkyl siloxane molecules, with polycrystalline pentacene deposited on it, was fabricated. In this way a change in the length of the alkyl chain could change the structural order of the pentacene film by changing the surface's hydrophobicity, while no significant variation was found in the surface potential, and, thus, in the surface dipole. The pentacene film grown on top of the monolayers showed, with increasing alkyl chain length, increased lateral order and decreased band gap state density, as observed by X-ray diffraction and surface photovoltage spectroscopy. The V oc, Jsc and fill factor of solar cells, made with these material combinations, improved with increasing alkyl chain length. We explain this as a result of increased 2D film growth with increasing alkyl chain length of the monolayer, as the surface becomes more hydrophobic, which increases ordering of the pentacene film. Thus, this model system illustrates the role of ordering in charge separation and recombination.
We report on the passivation properties of molecularly modified, oxide-free Si(111) surfaces. The reaction of 1-alcohol with the H-passivated Si(111) surface can follow two possible paths, nucleophilic substitution (SN) and radical chain reaction (RCR), depending on adsorption conditions. Moderate heating leads to the SN reaction, whereas with UV irradiation RCR dominates, with SN as a secondary path. We show that the site-sensitive SN reaction leads to better electrical passivation, as indicated by smaller surface band bending and a longer lifetime of minority carriers. However, the surface-insensitive RCR reaction leads to more dense monolayers and, therefore, to much better chemical stability, with lasting protection of the Si surface against oxidation. Thus, our study reveals an inherent dissonance between electrical and chemical passivation. Alkoxy monolayers, formed under UV irradiation, benefit, though, from both chemical and electronic passivation because under these conditions both SN and RCR occur. This is reflected in longer minority carrier lifetimes, lower reverse currents in the dark, and improved photovoltaic performance, over what is obtained if only one of the mechanisms operates. These results show how chemical kinetics and reaction paths impact electronic properties at the device level. It further suggests an approach for effective passivation of other semiconductors.
The interface level alignment of alkyl and alkenyl monolayers, covalently bound to oxide-free Si substrates of various doping levels, is studied using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Using shifts in the C 1s and Si 2p photoelectron peaks as a sensitive probe, we find that charge distribution around the covalent Si-C bond dipole changes according to the initial position of the Fermi level within the Si substrate. This shows that the interface dipole is not fixed but rather changes with the doping level. These results set limits to the applicability of simple models to describe level alignment at interfaces and show that the interface bond and dipole may change according to the electrostatic potential at the interface.
Integrating proteins in molecular electronic devices requires control over their solid-state electronic transport behavior. Unlike "traditional" electron transfer (ET) measurements of proteins that involve liquid environments and a redox cycle, no redox cofactor is needed for solid-state electron transport (ETp) across the protein. Here we show the fundamental difference between these two approaches by macroscopic area measurements, which allow measuring ETp temperature dependence down to cryogenic temperatures, via cytochrome C (Cyt C), an ET protein with a heme (Fe-porphyrin) prosthetic group as a redox centre. We compare the ETp to electrochemical ET measurements, and do so also for the protein without the Fe (with metal-free porphyrin) and without porphyrin. As removing the porphyrin irreversibly alters the protein's conformation, we repeat these measurements with human serum albumin (HSA), 'doped' (by non-covalent binding) with a single hemin equivalent, i.e., these natural and artificial proteins share a common prosthetic group. ETp via Cyt C and HSA-hemin are very similar in terms of current magnitude and temperature dependence, which suggests similar ETp mechanisms via these two systems, thermally activated hopping (with ∼0.1 eV activation energy) >190 K and tunneling by superexchange
Charge separation at organic-organic (O-O) interfaces is crucial to how many organic-based optoelectronic devices function. However, the mechanism of formation of spatially separated charge carriers and the role of geminate recombination remain topics of discussion and research. We review critically the contributions of the various factors, including electric fields, long-range order, and excess energy (beyond the minimum needed for photoexcitation), to the probability that photogenerated charge carriers will be separated. Understanding the processes occurring at the O/O interface and their relative importance for effective charge separation is crucial to design efficient solar cells and photodetectors. We stress that electron and hole delocalization after photoinduced charge transfer at the interface is important for efficient free carrier generation. Fewer defects at the interface and long-range order in the materials also improve overall current efficiency in solar cells. In efficient organic cells, external electric fields play only a small role for charge separation.
Monolayers of the redox protein Cytochrome C (CytC) can be electrostatically formed on an H-terminated Si substrate, if the protein- and Si-surface are prepared so as to carry opposite charges. With such monolayers we study electron transport (ETp) via CytC, using a solid-state approach with macroscopic electrodes. We have revealed that currents via holo-CytC are almost 3 orders of magnitude higher than via the heme-depleted protein (→ apo-CytC). This large difference in currents is attributed to loss of the proteins' secondary structure upon heme removal. While removal of only the Fe ion (→ porphyrin-CytC) does not significantly change the currents via this protein at room temperature, the 30-335 K temperature dependence suggests opening of a new ETp pathway, which dominates at high temperatures (>285 K). These results suggest that the cofactor plays a major role in determining the ETp pathway(s) within CytC.
Contact potential difference (CPD) measurements of the relative work functions of a range of organic semiconductor thin films show that oxygen causes effective p-type doping (with work functions increasing 0.1-0.3 eV). This doping effect is found to be reversible by exposure to high vacuum or heating in inert atmosphere. The mechanism of doping is explained by a model, based on a reversible formation of an O-substrate charge transfer state. Conductivity measurements of p-phthalocyanine films at variable temperatures support this doping model. The oxygen doping effect is consistent with filling of tail states in the gap, as shown by the increase of activation energy of hole transport with decreased O-doping, and by the good fit between experimental data and simulations of the in-gap density of states. A model hybrid solar cell configuration also shows the effect of doping by O2 and corroborates the fact that O-doping fills the tail states in the system.
Mesoscopic solar cells, based on solution-processed organic-inorganic perovskite absorbers, are a promising avenue for converting solar to electrical energy. We used solution-processed organic-inorganic lead halide perovskite absorbers, in conjunction with organic hole conductors, to form high voltage solar cells. There is a dire need for low-cost cells of this type, to drive electrochemical reactions or as the high photon energy cell in a system with spectral splitting. These perovskite materials, although spin-coated from solution, form highly crystalline materials. Their simple synthesis, along with high chemical versatility, allows tuning their electronic and optical properties. By judicious selection of the perovskite lead halide-based absorber, matching organic hole conductor, and contacts, a cell with a ∼ 1.3 V open circuit voltage was made. While further study is needed, this achievement provides a general guideline for additional improvement of cell performance.
Thermally evaporated Pb preserves the electronic properties of an organic monolayer (ML) on Si and surface passivation of the Si surface itself. The obtained current-voltage characteristics of Pb/ML/Si junctions agree with results obtained with the well-established Hg contact and preserve both the molecule-induced dipole effect on, and length-attenuation of, the current. We rationalize our findings by the lack of interaction between the Pb and the Si substrate. This method is fast, scalable, and compatible with standard semiconductor processing, results in close to 100% yield, and can help the development of large-scale utilization of silicon-organic hybrid electronics. Our experimental data show a dependence of the transport across the molecules on the substrate orientation, expressed in the smaller distance decay parameter with Si(100) than that with Si(111).
An eight-orders of magnitude enhancement in current across Hg/X-styrene-Si junctions is caused by merely altering a substituent, X. Interface states are passivated and, depending on X, the Si Schottky junction encompasses the full range from Ohmic to strongly rectifying. This powerful electrostatic molecular effect has immediate implications for interface band alignment and sensing.
The quinhydrone/methanol treatment has been reported to yield outstanding passivation of the H-terminated Si(100) surface. Here, we report on the mechanism of this process by comparing the resulting surface to that of freshly etched H-terminated Si, of Si with chemically grown oxide, and of Si treated with hydroquinone/methanol solution of the same concentration. We find that the benzoquinone moieties of the quinhydrone react with the surface to yield a Si-hydroquinone surface termination, while the methanol molecules bind as well to form methoxy-terminated Si. The slightly negative-charged benzene ring of the hydroquinone acts to repel majority carrier electrons from the surface and inhabits the surface recombination. The higher the ratio of surface-bound hydroquinone to surface-bound methoxy species, the larger the minority carrier life-time measured by microwave photoconductivity. Thus, our results lead us to conclude that this treatment results in field effect passivation; remarkably, this effect is caused by a molecular monolayer alone.
Transition voltage spectroscopy (TVS) has become an accepted quantification tool for molecular transport characteristics, due to its simplicity and reproducibility. Alternatively, the Taylor expansion view, TyEx, of transport by tunneling suggests that conductance-voltage curves have approximately a generic parabolic shape, regardless of whether the tunneling model is derived from an average medium view (e.g., WKB) or from a scattering view (e.g., Landauer). Comparing TVS and TyEx approaches reveals that TVS is closely related to a bias-scaling factor, V0, which is directly derived from the third coefficient of TyEx, namely, the second derivative of the conductance with respect to bias at 0 V. This interpretation of TVS leads to simple expressions that can be compared easily across primarily different tunneling models. Because the basic curve shape is mostly generic, the quality of model fitting is not informative on the actual tunneling model. However internal correlation between the conductance near 0 V and V0 (TVS) provides genuine indication on fundamental tunneling features. Furthermore, we show that the prevailing concept that V0 is proportional to the barrier height holds only in the case of resonant tunneling, while for off-resonant or deep tunneling, V0 is proportional to the ratio of barrier height to barrier width. Finally, considering TVS as a measure of conductance nonlinearity, rather than as an indicator for energy level spectroscopy, explains the very low TVS values observed with a semiconducting (instead of metal) electrode, where transport is highly nonlinear due to the relatively small, bias-dependent density of states of the semiconducting electrode.
We report a method for preparing electrode-molecule-electrode junctions that incorporate nonsymmetrical azobenzene dithiols. Our approach is based on sequential deprotection of thiol moieties originally carrying two different protecting groups. The azobenzene derivatives retained their switching properties within monolayers and permitted the photocontrol of electrical conductance.
Organic monolayers derived from ω-fluoro-1-alkynes of varying carbon chain lengths (C10-C18) were prepared on Si(111) surfaces, resulting in changes of the physical and electronic properties of the surface. Analysis of the monolayers using XPS, Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy, ellipsometry and static water contact angle measurements provided information regarding the monolayer thickness, the tilt angle, and the surface coverage. Additionally, PCFF molecular mechanics studies were used to obtain information on the optimal packing density and the layer thickness, which were compared to the experimentally found data. From the results, it can be concluded that the monolayers derived from longer chain lengths are more ordered, possess a lower tilt angle, and have a higher surface coverage than monolayers derived from shorter chains. We also demonstrate that by substitution of an H by F atom in the terminal group, it is possible to controllably modify the surface potential and energy barrier for charge transport in a full metal/monolayer- semiconductor (MOMS) junction.
In recent years, conducting and semiconducting polymers such as PEDOT:PSS and P3HT have become commercially available, and as a result, a new type of polymer/Si heterostructure solar cell is emerging. With a conducting polymer (a degenerate semiconductor) as emitter, such an organic/inorganic hybrid heterojunction is likely to achieve high conversion efficiencies only if the inorganic semiconductor is pushed into strong inversion to reduce dramatically the space-charge recombination and to mitigate the poor lateral conductance of the polymeric layer. We explain this notion through a review of the types of solar cells based on an inversion layer, induced in the semiconductor absorber by a metal, by a dielectric material with fixed charges, or by another semiconductor. In these types, which include the metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS), semiconductor-insulator-semiconductor, and MIS inversion layer solar cells, interfaces play a crucial role, even more so than in other forms of solid-state photovoltaics. We also point out the strategy by which atomic-layer-deposited Al2O3 can be used to form an inversion layer solar cell on an n-Si emitter.
Keywords: Physics, Applied; Physics, Condensed Matter
Measuring solid-state electron transport (ETp) across proteins allows studying electron transfer (ET) mechanism(s), while minimizing solvation effects on the process. ETp is, however, sensitive to any static (conformational) or dynamic (vibrational) changes in the protein. Our macroscopic measurements allow extending ETp studies to low temperatures, with the concomitant resolution of lower current densities, because of the larger electrode contact areas. Thus, earlier we reported temperature-independent ETp via the copper protein azurin (Az), from 80 K until denaturation, whereas for apo-Az ETp was temperature dependent above 180 K. Deuteration (H/D substitution) may provide mechanistic information on the question of whether the ETp involves H-bonds in the solid state. Here we report results of kinetic deuterium isotope effect (KIE) measurements on ETp through holo-Az as a function of temperature (30-340 K). Strikingly, deuteration changed ETp from temperature independent to temperature dependent above 180 K. This H/D effect is expressed in KIE values between 1.8 (340 K) and 9.1 (≤180 K). These values are remarkable in light of the previously reported inverse KIE on ET in Az in solution. We ascribe the difference between our KIE results and those observed in solution to the dominance of solvent effects in the latter (larger thermal expansion in H 2O than in D2O), whereas in our case the KIE is primarily due to intramolecular changes, mainly in the low-frequency structural modes of the protein caused by H/D exchange. The observed high KIE values are consistent with a transport mechanism that involves through-H-bonds of the β-sheet structure of Az, likely also those in the Cu coordination sphere.
We demonstrate a solar cell that uses fixed negative charges formed at the interface of n-Si with Al2O3 to generate strong inversion at the surface of n-Si by electrostatic repulsion. Built-in voltages of up to 755 mV are found at this interface. In order to harness this large built-in voltage, we present a photovoltaic device where the photocurrent generated in this inversion layer is extracted via an inversion layer induced by a high work function transparent organic top contact, deposited on top of a passivating and dipole-inducing molecular monolayer. Results of the effect of the molecular monolayer on device performance yield open-circuit voltages of up to 550 mV for moderately doped Si, demonstrating the effectiveness of this contact structure in removing the Fermi level pinning that has hindered past efforts in developing this type of solar cell with n-type Si.
Solid-state electron transport (ETp) via a monolayer of immobilized azurin (Az) was examined by conducting probe atomic force microscopy (CP-AFM), as a function of both temperature (248-373K) and applied tip force (6-15 nN). At low forces, ETp via holo-Az (with Cu2+) is temperature-independent, but thermally activated via the Cu-depleted form of Az, apo-Az. While this observation agrees with those of macroscopic-scale measurements, we find that for holo-Az the mechanism of ETp at high temperatures changes upon an increase in the force applied by the tip to the proteins; namely, above 310 K and forces >6 nN ETp becomes thermally activated. This is in contrast to apo-Az, where increasing applied force causes only small monotonic increases in currents due to decreased electrode separation. The distinct ETp temperature dependence of holo- and apo-Az is assigned to a difference in structural response to pressure between the two protein forms. An important implication of these CP-AFM results (of measurements over a significant temperature range) is that for reliable ETp measurements on flexible macromolecules, such as proteins, the pressure applied during the measurements should be controlled or at least monitored.
Electrons can migrate via proteins over distances that are considered long for nonconjugated systems. The nanoscale dimensions of proteins and their enormous structural and chemical flexibility makes them fascinating subjects for exploring their electron transport (ETp) capacity. One particularly attractive direction is that of tuning their ETp efficiency by "doping" them with small molecules. Here we report that binding of retinoate (RA) to human serum albumin (HSA) increases the solid-state electronic conductance of a monolayer of the protein by >2 orders of magnitude for RA/HSA ≤ 3. Temperature-dependent ETp measurements show the following with increasing RA/HSA: (a) The temperature-independent current magnitude of the low-temperature (300-fold), suggesting a decrease in the distance-decay constant of the process. (b) The activation energy of the thermally activated regime (>190 K) decreases from 220 meV (RA/HSA = 0) to 70 meV (RA/HSA ≤ 3).
Since the first report of Si-C bound organic monolayers on oxide-free Si almost two decades ago, a substantial amount of research has focused on studying the fundamental mechanical and electronic properties of these Si/molecule surfaces and interfaces. This feature article covers three closely related topics, including recent advances in achieving high-density organic monolayers (i.e., atomic coverage >55%) on oxide-free Si(111) substrates, an overview of progress in the fundamental understanding of the energetics and electronic properties of hybrid Si/molecule systems, and a brief summary of recent examples of subsequent functionalization on these high-density monolayers, which can significantly expand the range of applicability. Taken together, these topics provide an overview of the present status of this active area of research.
Despite the rapid increase in solar cell manufacturing capacity (∼50 GW p in 2011), maintaining this continued expansion will require resolving some major fabrication issues. Crystalline Si, the most common type of cell, requires a large energy input in the manufacturing process, which results in an energy payback time of years. CdTe/CdS thin film cells, which have captured around 10% of the global market, may not be sustainable for very large-scale use because of limited Te availability. Thus, research in this field is emphasizing cells that are energy efficient and inexpensive and use readily available materials. The extremely thin absorber (ETA) cell, the subject of this Account, is one of these new generation cells. Since the active light absorber in an ETA cell is no more than tens of nanometers thick, the direct recombination of photogenerated electrons and holes in the absorber should not compete as much with charge removal in the form of photocurrent as in thicker absorber materials. As a result, researchers expect that poorer quality semiconductors can be used in an ETA cell, which would expand the choice of semiconductors over those currently in use.We first describe the ETA cell, comparing and contrasting it to the dye-sensitized cell (DSC) from which it developed and describing its potential advantages and disadvantages. We then explain the mechanism(s) of operation of the ETA cell, which remain controversial: different ETA cells most likely operate by different mechanisms, particularly in their photovoltage generation. We then present a general description of how we prepare ETA cells in our laboratory, emphasizing solution methods to form the various layers and solution treatments of these layers to minimize manufacturing costs. This is followed by a more specific discussion of the various layers and treatments used to make and complete a cell with emphasis on solution treatments that are important in optimizing cell performance and explaining the possible modes of action of each of these treatments. Finally, we show how ETA cells have improved over the years, their present efficiencies, our expectations for the future, and the challenges that we foresee to fulfill these expectations.
Good passivation of Si, both electrically and chemically, is achieved by monolayers of 1,9-decadiene, directly bound to an oxide-free Si surface. The terminal C - C bond of the decadiene serves for further in situ reaction, without harming the surface passivation, to -OH- or -Br-terminated monolayers that have different dipole moments. Such a two-step procedure meets the conflicting requirements of binding mutually repelling dipolar groups to a surface, while chemically blocking all surface reactive sites. We demonstrate a change of 0.15 eV in the Si surface potential, which translates into a 0.4 eV variation in the Schottky barrier height of a Hg junction to those molecularly modified n-Si surfaces. Charge transport across such junctions is controlled both by tunneling across the molecular monolayer and by the Si space charge. For reliable insight into transport details, we resorted to detailed numerical simulations, which reveal that the Si space charge and the molecular tunneling barriers are coupled. As a result, attenuation due to the molecular tunneling is much weaker than in metal/molecule/metal molecular junctions. Simulation shows also that some interface states are present but that they have a negligible effect on Fermi level pinning. These states are efficiently decoupled from the metal (Hg) and interact mostly with the Si.
Electrical transport studies across nm-thick dielectric films can be complicated, and datasets compromised, by local electrical breakdown enhanced by nm-sized features. To avoid this problem we need to know the minimal voltage that causes the enhanced electrical breakdown, a task that usually requires numerous measurements and simulation of which is not trivial. Here we describe and use a model system, using a "floating" gold pad to contact Au nanoparticles, NPs, to simultaneously measure numerous junctions with high aspect ratio NP contacts, with a dielectric film, thus revealing the lowest electrical breakdown voltage of a specific dielectric-nanocontact combination. For a 48 ± 1.5 Å SiO 2 layer and a ∼7 Å monolayer of organic molecules (to link the Au NPs) we show how the breakdown voltage decreases from 4.5 ± 0.4 V for a flat contact, to 2.4 ± 0.4 V if 5 nm Au NPs are introduced on the surface. The fact that larger Au NPs on the surface do not necessarily result in significantly higher breakdown voltages illustrates the need for combining experiments with model calculations. This combination shows two opposite effects of increasing the particle size, i.e., increase in defect density in the insulator and decrease in electric field strength. Understanding the process then explains why these systems are vulnerable to electrical breakdown as a result of spikes in regular electrical grids. Finally we use XPS-based chemically resolved electrical measurements to confirm that breakdown occurs indeed right below the nm-sized features.
Rapid changes in energy availability lead to the question of whether the sustainable availability of energy implies the sustainable availability of materials and vice versa. In particular, many researchers assume that materials can be produced from any resource type, irrespective of scarcity, by providing enough energy. We revisit this issue here for two reasons: (1) To avoid significant disruptions in daily life, no more than a few percent of total energy production and materials usage can be diverted to support a transition to new energy sources. (2) Such a transition could also be problematic if it requires large quantities of materials that are byproducts of other large-scale production cycles, as any increase in the production of a byproduct typically requires an almost proportional increase in the production of the primary product. In turn, increased production of the primary product could require materials and energy expenditures that are too large to be practical. Both limitations have to be taken into account in future energy planning.
We report near-perfect transfer of the electrical properties of oxide-free Si surface, modified by a molecular monolayer, to the interface of a junction made with that modified Si surface. Such behavior is highly unusual for a covalent, narrow bandgap semiconductor, such as Si. Short, ambient atmosphere, room temperature treatment of oxide-free Si(100) in hydroquinone (HQ)/alkyl alcohol solutions, fully passivates the Si surface, while allowing controlled change of the resulting surface potential. The junctions formed, upon contacting such surfaces with Hg, a metal that does not chemically interact with Si, follow the Schottky-Mott model for metal-semiconductor junctions closer than ever for Si-based junctions. Two examples of such ideal behavior are demonstrated: a) Tuning the molecular surface dipole over 400 mV, with only negligible band bending, by changing the alkyl chain length. Because of the excellent passivation this yields junctions with Hg with barrier heights that follow the change in the Si effective electron affinity nearly ideally. b) HQ/methanol passivation of Si is accompanied by a large surface dipole, which suffices, as interface dipole, to drive the Si into strong inversion as shown experimentally via its photovoltaic effect. With only ∼0.3 nm molecular interlayer between the metal and the Si, our results proves that it is passivation and prevention of metal-semiconductor interactions that allow ideal metal-semiconductor junction behavior, rather than an insulating transport barrier.
Compositional uniformity of Cu(In,Ga)Se 2 (CIGS) solar cells was studied, using thin cross sections of complete cells prepared by focused ion beam (FIB) and examined in the transmission electron microscope (TEM). This methodology revealed the compositional variations at the nm-scale. The Ga and In compositions vary not only between neighboring grains, but also inside individual single crystal grains along their growth direction, which explains the electrical non-uniformity seen in electron beam-induced current (EBIC) measurements. The improved compositional uniformity with increase in sample preparation temperature correlates with higher solar cell efficiency.
Solar cells based on crystalline semiconductors such as Si and GaAs provide nowadays the highest performance, but photovoltaic (PV) cells based on less pure materials, such as poly- or nano-crystalline or amorphous inorganic or organic materials, or a combination of these, should relax production requirements and lower the cost towards reliable, sustainable and economic electrical power from sunlight. So as to be able to compare the operation of different classes of solar cells we first summarize general photovoltaic principles and then consider implications of using less than ideal materials. In general, lower material purity means more disorder, which introduces a broad distribution of energy states of the electronic carriers that affects all the aspects of PV performance, from light absorption to the generation of voltage and current. Specifically, disorder penalizes energy output by enhanced recombination, with respect to the radiative limit, and also imposes a lowering of quasi-Fermi levels into the gap, which decreases their separation, i.e., reduces the photovoltage. In solar cells based on organic absorbers, such as dye-sensitized or bulk heterojunction solar cells, vibronic effects cause relaxation of carriers in the absorber, which implies an energy price in terms of obtainable output.
Electron transport (ETp) across bacteriorhodopsin (bR), a natural proton pump protein, in the solid state (dry) monolayer configuration, was studied as a function of temperature. Transport changes from thermally activated at T > 200 K to temperature independent at
Freezing out of molecular motion and increased molecular tilt enhance the efficiency of electron transport through alkyl chain monolayers that are directly chemically bound to oxide-free Si. As a result, the current across such monolayers increases as the temperature decreases from room temperature to ∼80 K, i.e., opposite to thermally activated transport such as hopping or semiconductor transport. The 30-fold change for transport through an 18-carbon long alkyl monolayer is several times the resistance change for actual metals over this range. FTIR vibrational spectroscopic measurements indicate that cooling increases the packing density and reduces the motional freedom of the alkyl chains by first stretching the chains and then gradually tilting the adsorbed molecules away from the surface normal. Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy shows drastic sharpening of the valence band structure as the temperature decreases, which we ascribe to decreased electron-phonon coupling. Although conformational changes are typical in soft molecular systems, in molecular electronics they are rarely observed experimentally or considered theoretically. Our findings, though, indicate that the molecular conformational changes are a prominent feature, which imply behavior that differs qualitatively from that described by models of electronic transport through inorganic mesoscopic solids.
The photovoltaic performance of solar cells, based on a Cu(In 1-xGa x)Se 2 (CIGS) absorber layer, is directly correlated with Ga composition. We have used scanning capacitance microscopy and conducting probe atomic force microscopy (CP-AFM) to provide microscopic electrical characterization of CIGS films with different Ga content. We found p- to n-type inversion at grain boundaries of the polycrystalline CIGS film, especially for Ga-poor compositions. The fraction of grain boundaries undergoing inversion dramatically decreased for Ga compositions above x = 0.32, the composition corresponding to a sharp efficiency drop of the complete cells. CP-AFM measurements showed a marked current drop at grain boundaries as the Ga composition rose above x = 0.32.
We compare the charge transport characteristics of heavy-doped p ++- and n ++-Si-alkyl chain/Hg junctions. Based on negative differential resistance in an analogous semiconductor-inorganic insulator/metal junction we suggest that for both p ++- and n ++-type junctions, the energy difference between the Fermi level and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO), i.e., electron tunneling, controls charge transport. This conclusion is supported by results from photoelectron spectroscopy (ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy, inverse photoelectron spectroscopy, and x-ray photoemission spectroscopy) for the molecule-Si band alignment at equilibrium, which clearly indicate that the energy difference between the Fermi level and the LUMO is much smaller than that between the Fermi level and the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO). Furthermore, the experimentally determined Fermi level - LUMO energy difference, agrees with the non-resonant tunneling barrier height, deduced from the exponential length attenuation of the current.
A combined electronic transport-structure characterization of self-assembled monolayers (MLs) of alkyl-phosphonate (AP) chains on Al-AlOx substrates indicates a strong molecular structural effect on charge transport. On the basis of X-ray reflectivity, XPS, and FTIR data, we conclude that "long" APs (C14 and C16) form much denser MLs than do "short" APs (C8, C10, C12). While current through all junctions showed a tunneling-like exponential length-attenuation, junctions with sparsely packed "short" AP MLs attenuate the current relatively more efficiently than those with densely packed, "long" ones. Furthermore, "long" AP ML junctions showed strong bias variation of the length decay coefficient, β, while for "short" AP ML junctions β is nearly independent of bias. Therefore, even for these simple molecular systems made up of what are considered to be inert molecules, the tunneling distance cannot be varied independently of other electrical properties, as is commonly assumed.
Despite many recent research efforts, the influence of grain boundaries (GBs) on device properties of CuIn1-xGaxSe2 solar cells is still not fully understood Here, we present a microscopic approach to characterizing GBs in polycrystalline CuIn1-xGa xSe2 films with x = 0.33. On samples from the same deposition process we applied methods giving complementary information, i.e., electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), electron-beam induced current measurements (EBIC), conductive atomic force microscopy (c-AFM), variable-temperature Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM), and scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM). By combining EBIC with EBSD, we find a decrease in charge-carrier collection for non-σ3 GBs, while σ 3 GBs exhibit no variation with respect to grain interiors. In contrast, a higher conductance of GBs compared to grain interiors was found by c-AFM at low bias and under illumination. By KPFM, we directly measured the band bending at GBs, finding a variation from - 80 up to + 115 mV. Depletion and even inversion at GBs was confirmed by SCM. We comparatively discuss the apparent differences between the results obtained by various microscopic techniques.
The electronic structure of the prototypical self-assembled monolayer (SAM) system, i.e. alkanethiol molecules on Au, is investigated via ultraviolet and inverse photoemission spectroscopy measurements. The determination of the density of filled and empty states of the system reveals that the metal Fermi level is significantly closer to the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the molecules than to their highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO). The results suggest that charge carrier tunneling is controlled by the LUMO, rather than by the HOMO, in contrast to what is commonly assumed.
Understanding how quantum dot (QD)-sensitized solar cells operate requires accurate determination of the offset between the lowest-unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the sensitizer quantum dot and the conduction band of the metal oxide electrode. We present detailed optical spectroscopy, low-energy photoelectron spectroscopy, and two-photon photoemission studies of the energetics of size-selected CdSe colloidal QDs deposited on TiO2 electrodes. Our experimental findings show that in contrast to the prediction of simplified models based on bulk band offsets and effective mass considerations, band alignment in this system is strongly modified by the interaction between the QDs and the electrode. In particular, we find relatively small conduction band- LUMO offsets, and near "pinning" of the QD LUMO relative to the conduction band of the TiO2 electrode, which is explained by the strongQD-electrode interaction. That interaction is the origin for the highly efficientQDto electrode charge transfer, and it also bears on the possibility of hot carrier injection in these types of cells.
What are the solar cell efficiencies that we can strive towards? We show here that several simple criteria, based on cell and module performance data, serve to evaluate and compare all types of today's solar cells. Analyzing these data allows to gauge in how far significant progress can be expected for the various cell types and, most importantly from both the science and technology points of view, if basic bounds, beyond those known today, may exist, that can limit such progress. This is important, because half a century after Shockley and Queisser (SQ) presented limits, based on detailed balance calculations for single absorber solar cells, those are still held to be the only ones, we need to consider; most efforts to go beyond SQ are directed towards attempts to circumvent them, primarily via smart optics, or optoelectronics. After formulating the criteria and analyzing known loss mechanisms, use of such criteria suggests-additional limits for newer types of cells, Organic and Dye-Sensitized ones, and their siblings,-prospects for progress and-further characterization needs, all of which should help focusing research and predictions for the future. Several simple criteria, based on cell and module performance data, are used to evaluate and compare all types of today's solar cells. Analyzing these data allows to gauge in how far significant progress can be expected for the various cell types and if basic bounds, beyond those known today, may exist, that can limit such progress.
Focus During the last decade the direct conversion of solar energy to electricity by photovoltaic cells has emerged from a pilot technology to one that produced 11 GWp of electricity generating capacity in 2009. With production growing at 50%70% a year (at least until 2009) photovoltaics (PV) is becoming an important contributor to the next generation of renewable green power production. The question is that of how we can move to the terawatt (TW) scale [1]. Synopsis The rapid evolution of PV as an alternative means of energy generation is bringing it closer to the point where it can make a significant contribution to challenges posed by the rapid growth of worldwide energy demand and the associated environmental issues. Together with the main existing technology, which is based on silicon (Si), the growth of the field is intertwined with the development of new materials and fabrication approaches. The PV industry, which was, until recently, based primarily on crystalline, polycrystalline, and amorphous Si, grew at an average annual rate of 50% during 20002010. This rate was increasing, at least until the 2008 economic crisis, with production of ~11 gigawatts (GWp) per year in 2009 [2]. While this may seem a very large number, PV installations in total are still supplying only
The temperature dependence of current-voltage values of electron transport through proteins integrated into a solid-state junction has been investigated. These measurements were performed from 80 up to 400 K [above the denaturation temperature of azurin (Az)] using Si/Az/Au junctions that we have described previously. The current across the similar to 3.5 nm thick Az junction was temperature-independent over the complete range. In marked contrast, for both Zn-substituted and apo-Az (i.e., Cu-depleted Az), thermally activated behavior was observed. These striking temperature-dependence differences are ascribed to the pivotal function of the Cu ion as a redox center in the solid-state electron transport process. Thus, while Cu enabled temperature-independent electron transport, upon its removal the polypeptide was capable only of supporting thermally activated transport.
We show that electronic transport quality alkyl chain mono-layers can be prepared from dilute solution, rather than from neat alkanes, and on Si (100) instead of (111) surfaces. High monolayer quality was deduced from XPS and from comparing current-voltage curves of Hg/alkyl/Si junctions with those for junctions with monolayers made from neat alkanes. XPS shows that limited surface oxidation does not harm the integrity of the monolayer. Solution preparation significantly widens the range of molecules that can be used for transport studies.
Studying solid-state electronic conductance of biological molecules requires interfacing the biomolecules with electronic conductors without altering the molecules. To this end, we developed and present here a simple, solution-based approach of conjugating Bacteriorhodopsin (bR)-containing membranes with metallic clusters. Our approach is based on selective electroless deposition of Pt nanoparticles on suspended membrane fragments through chemical interaction of the Pt precursor with the proteins residues. Optical absorption measurements show that the membranes retain their photoactivity after this procedure. The result of the Pt deposition is best shown by conductive probe atomic force microscopy mapping of electronic current transport across such soft biological layers, which allows reproducible microscopic electrical characterization of the electronic conductance of the resulting junctions. The maps show that chemical contact between the protein and the deposited electrode yields better electronic coupling than a physical contact, demonstrating that also with biomolecules, the type and method of deposition of the electrical contact are critical to the behavior of the resulting junctions.
Protein structures can facilitate long-range electron transfer in solution. But a fundamental question remains: can these structures also serve as solid-state electronic conductors? Answering this question requires methods for studying conductivity of the "dry" protein (which only contains tightly bound structured water molecules) sandwiched between two electronic conductors in a solid-state type configuration. If successful, such systems could serve as the basis for future, bioinspired electronic device technology. In this Account, we survey, analyze, and compare macroscopic and nanoscopic (scanning probe) solid-state conductivities of proteins, noting the inherent constraints of each of these, and provide the first status report on this research area. This analysis shows convincing evidence that "dry" proteins pass orders of magnitude higher currents than saturated molecules with comparable thickness and that proteins with known electrical activity show electronic conductivity, nearly comparable to that of conjugated molecules ("wires"). These findings suggest that the structural features of proteins must have elements that facilitate electronic conductivity, even if they do not have a known electron transfer function. As a result, proteins could serve not only as sensing, polar,or photoactive elements in devices (such as field-effect transistor configurations) but also as electronic conductors. Current knowledge of peptide synthesis and protein modification paves the way toward a greater understanding of how changes in a protein's structure affect its conductivity. Such an approach could minimize the need for biochemical cascades in systems such as enzyme-based circuits, which transduce the protein's response to electronic current. In addition, as precision and sensitivity of solid-state measurements increase, and as knowledge of the structure and function of "dry" proteins grows, electronic conductivity may become an additional approach to study electron transfer in proteins and solvent effects without the introduction of donor or acceptor moieties. We are particularly interested in whether evolution might have prompted the electronic carrier transport capabilities of proteins for which no electrically active function is known in their native biological environment and anticipate that further research may help address this fascinating question.
Using a semiconductor as the substrate to a molecular organic layer, penetration of metal contacts can be clearly identified by the study of electronic charge transport through the layer. A series of monolayers of saturated hydrocarbon molecules with varying lengths is assembled on Si or GaAs and the junctions resulting after further electronic contact is made by liquid Hg, indirect metal evaporation, and a "ready-made" metal pad are measured. In contrast to tunneling characteristics, which are ambiguous regarding contact penetration, the semiconductor surface barrier is very sensitive to any direct contact with a metal. With the organic monolayer intact, a metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) structure results. If metal penetrated the monolayer, the junction behaves as a metal-semiconductor (MS) structure. By comparing a molecule-free interface (MS junction) with a molecularly modified one (presumably MIS), possible metal penetration is identified. The major indicators are the semiconductor electronic transport barrier height, extracted from the junction transport characteristics, and the photovoltage. The approach does not require a series of different monolayers and data analysis is quite straightforward, helping to identify non-invasive ways to make electronic contact to soft matter.
One of the major problems in molecular electronics is how to make electronically conducting contact to the "soft" organic and biomolecules without altering the molecules. As a result, only a small number of metals can be applied, mostly by special deposition methods with severe limitations. Transferring a predefined thin metal leaf onto a molecular layer provides a nondestructive, noninvasive contacting method that is, in principle, applicable to many types of metal and a variety of metal/molecules combinations. Here we report a modification of our earlier lift-off, float-on (LOFO) method, using as a basis its offspring, the polymer-assisted lift-off (PALO) method, where a backing polymer enables simultaneous deposition of multiple contacts as well as reduces wrinkles in the thin metal leaf. The modified PALO (MoPALO) method, reported here, adds lithography steps to obviate the need to punch through the polymer, as is done to complete PALO contacts. Morphological characterization of the electrodes indicates highly uniform, wrinkle-free contacts of negligible roughness. The good electrical performance of the MoPALO contacts was proven with metal/organic-monolayer/semiconductor (MOMS) junctions, which are known to be very sensitive to molecular degradation and metal penetration. We also show how MoPALO contacts enabled us to compare the effect of varying the metal work function and contact area on the current-voltage characteristics of MOMS devices.
Metal-organic molecule-semiconductor junctions are controlled not only by the molecular properties, as in metal-organic molecule-metal junctions, but also by effects of the molecular dipole, the dipolar molecule-semiconductor link, and molecule-semiconductor charge transfer, and by the effects of all these on the semiconductor depletion layer (i.e., on the internal semiconductor barrier to charge transport). Here, we report on and compare the electrical properties (current-voltage, capacitance-voltage, and work function) of large area Hg/organic monolayer-Si junctions with alkyl and alkenyl monolayers on moderately and highly doped n-Si, and combine the experimental data with simulations of charge transport and electronic structure calculations. We show that, for moderately doped Si, the internal semiconductor barrier completely controls transport and the attached molecules influence the transport of such junctions only in that they drive the Si into inversion. The resulting minority carrier-controlled junction is not sensitive to molecular changes in the organic monolayer at reverse and low forward bias and is controlled by series resistance at higher forward bias. However, in the case of highly doped Si, the internal barrier is smaller, and as a result, the charge transport properties of the junction are affected by changing from an alkyl to an alkenyl monolayer. We propose that the double bond near the surface primarily increases the coupling between the organic monolayer and the Si, which increases the current density at a given bias by increasing the contact conductance.
Electron transfer (ET) through proteins, a fundamental element of many biochemical reactions, is studied Intensively in aqueous solutions. Over the past decade, attempts were made to Integrate proteins into solid-state Junctions in order to study their electronic conductance properties. Most such studies to date were conducted with one or very few molecules In the Junction, using scanning probe techniques. Here we present the high-yield, reproducible preparation of large-area monolayer Junctions, assembled on a Si platform, of proteins of three different families: azurln (Az), a blue-copper ET protein, bacterlorhodopsln (bR), a membrane proteln-chromophore complex with a proton pumping function, and bovine serum albumin (BSA). We achieve highly reproducible electrical current measurements with these three types of monolayers using appropriate top electrodes. Notably, the current-voltage (i-V) measurements on such Junctions show relatively minor differences between Az and bR, even though the latter lacks any known ET function. Electron Transport (ETp) across both Az and bR is much more efficient than across BSA, but even for the latter the measured currents are higher than those through a monolayer of organic, C18 alkyl chains that is about half as wide, therefore suggesting transport mechanlsm(s) different from the often considered coherent mechanism. Our results show that the employed proteins maintain their conformation under these conditions. The relatively efficient ETp through these proteins opens up possibilities for using such blomolecules as current-carrying elements in solid-state electronic devices.
Molecular electronics is a flourishing area of nano-science and -technology, with a promise for cheap electronics of novel functionality. Here we outline the major challenges for molecular electronics becoming an established scientific discipline, including models with predictive power.
Basic scientific interest in using a semiconducting electrode in moleculebased electronics arises from the rich electrostatic landscape presented by semiconductor interfaces. Technological interest rests on the promise that combining existing semiconductor (primarily Si) electronics with (mostly organic) molecules will result in a whole that is larger than the sum of its parts. Such a hybrid approach appears presently particularly relevant for sensors and photovoltaics. Semiconductors, especially Si, present an important experimental test-bed for assessing electronic transport behavior of molecules, because they allow varying the critical interface energetics without, to a first approximation, altering the interfacial chemistry. To investigate semiconductor-molecule electronics we need reproducible, high-yield preparations of samples that allow reliable and reproducible data collection. Only in that way can we explore how the molecule/electrode interfaces affect or even dictate charge transport, which may then provide a basis for models with predictive power. To consider these issues and questions we will, in this Progress Report, o review junctions based on direct bonding of molecules to oxide-fřee Si. o describe the possible charge transport mechanisms across such interfaces and evaluate in how far they can be quantified, o investigate to what extent imperfections in the monolayer are important for transport across the monolayer, o revisit the concept of energy levels in such hybrid systems.
Some simple criteria can serve to estimate to what extent further developments are possible for the various types of photovoltaic cells and to which degree basic limitations may affect such developments. To do so, we use several yardsticks, namely 1. The fraction that the efficiency of the best commercially available module represents of the most efficient, reported laboratory cell; 2. The fractions of the maximal possible current for this cell that are represented by the short circuit current and the current at maximum power of this best laboratory cell; and 3. The fractions of the optical bandgap or the energy of the effective optical absorption edge of the cell, that are represented by the open circuit voltage and the voltage at maximum power of this best laboratory cell. An additional yardstick is the fraction of the efficiency of the best laboratory cell of the Shockley-Queisser (SQ) efficiency. This last yardstick reflects mostly academic ability rather than industrial promise. To some extent the first yardstick expresses the manufacturing maturity of the cell type, shown by the higher value for CdTe than for CIGS, or for the single-, compared to the multi-junction a-Si modules, with the ratios for the dye and organic systems much lower still. The ratio for the highly developed Si cells does show what can be expected. While the second and the third yardsticks express a limit, related to the SQ one, the rather low molecular cell values appear to indicate basic limitations for such cells, which we note. The significant differences between a-Si on the one hand and CdTe and CIGS cells on the other hand genuinely reflect the different physics of these polycrystalline systems. The need to identify and define limitations and distinguish then from immaturity is becoming critical for future thin film cell development and this type of analysis can, therefore help us making our choices for the future.
Electronic transport across n-Si-alkyl monolayer/Hg junctions is, at reverse and low forward bias, independent of alkyl chain length from 18 down to 1 or 2 carbons This and further recent results indicate that electron transport is minority, rather than majority carrier dominated, occurs via generation and recombination, rather than (the earlier assumed) thermionic emission, and, as such, is rather insensitive to interface properties. The (m)ethyl results show that binding organic molecules directly to semiconductors provides semiconductor/metal interface control options, not accessible otherwise.
Bromine-terminated alkyl-chain monolayers, bound to oxide-free Si substrates, were prepared by self-assembly. Infrared spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy imply that monolayer packing density improves after hydrolysis, despite an increase in the presence of oxide. The probable reason is that OH-mediated intermolecular H-bonding along the monolayer emerges after hydrolysis and rearranges the molecular components of the insulating layer. Current-voltage and differential capacitance measurements show that also the interfacial electronic properties of these junctions are changed by hydrolysis of the Br groups. This is expressed in an increased effective Schottky barrier height and a decreased junction ideality factor. We correlate the proposed structural changes of the monolayer with the change in the interfacial electronic properties, with the help of the inhomogeneous Schottky barrier height model. The role of oxide in the charge transport through the monolayer is discussed, as well.
The electronic band structure of different alkyl/Si(111) self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) was investigated using photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) with variable photon energy. We observe a significant dispersion in the valence-band spectra and a large density-of-states (DOS) effect. The dispersion can be described by quantum well states, which depend only on the local properties of the alkanes with a dispersion relation similar to polyethylene and without any significant influence of the Si/molecule interface. Furthermore, the DOS effect is due to averaging over molecules with different tilt angles and thus can be considered as indicator for the degree of orientational order within the SAM. Finally we present a structural model for a description of the PES data, which takes both aspects into account.
We report on electronic transport measurements through dense monolayers of CH 3(CH 2) nPO 3H 2 molecules of varying chain lengths, with a strong and stable bond through the phosphonic acid end group to a GaAs surface and a Hg top contact. The monolayers maintain their high quality during and after the electrical measurements. Analyses of the electronic transport measurements of junctions, and of UV and inverse photoemission spectroscopy data on band alignments of free surfaces, yield insight about the electrical transport mechanism. Transport characteristics for n-GaAs junctions at low forward bias are identical for different chain lengths, a strong indication of high-quality monolayers. Tunneling barrier and carrier effective mass values for n- and p-GaAs samples were deduced from the transport data. In this way we find a tunneling barrier for n-GaAs of 1.3 eV, while UPS data for the lowest unoccupied system orbital (LUSO) point to a 2.4 eV barrier. This discrepancy can be understood by invoking states, closer to the Fermi level than the LUSO state, that contribute to charge transport. Such states lead to a manifold of transitions, each having a different probability, both because of differences in the tunnel barrier and because of differences in density of these interface-induced states; i.e., the single barrier, deduced from J-V measurements, is an effective value only.
We demonstrate an extremely thin absorber (ETA) solar cell using a copper sulfide (Cu2-xS) light absorber. We compare the cell performance with that of a CdS absorber, to demonstrate the potential and the challenges associated with using low-cost, low-band gap absorber materials to fully exploit the thin-absorber concept.
A low-cost dichroic mirror can be used successfully for solar spectrum splitting to enhance solar to electrical energy conversion. The mirror is optimized for use with a polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic cell (pc-Si). With the dichroic mirror simultaneous excitation of a medium-efficient (11.1%) commercial pc-Si and a custom-made high band gap GaInP cell (12.3%), yields 16.8% efficiency, with both cells operating at maximum power. Our results clearly show that what is missing for this simple low-cost enhancement of Si solar cell efficiency are low-cost high band gap cells. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3081510]
Alkyl chain molecules on n-Si were used to test the concept of hybrid metal-organic insulator-semiconductor (MOIS) solar cells. Test structures were made by binding alkyl chain molecules via Si-O-C bonds to oxide-free n-Si surfaces, using self-assembly. With thiol groups at the terminals away from the Si, binding of Au nanoparticles, followed by electroless Au plating yields semitransparent top contacts. First cells give, under 25 mW/ cm2 white light illumination, open-circuit voltage Voc =0.48 V and fill factor FF=0.58. Because with sulfur termination the molecules have a dipole that limits inversion of the Si, we also used methyl-terminated monolayers. Even though then we can work, at this point, only with a Hg top contact, without chemical bond to the molecules, we get, using only radiation (∼AM 1.5) collected around the contact, the expected higher Voc =0.54 V, and respectable 0.8 FF, justifying further MOIS cell development.
Controlling the orientation of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) monolayers is an important step in studying and utilizing such membranes in a solid-state configuration in., for example, photoelectric applications. Macroscopic monolayers of bR have been fabricated in a variety of ways, but characterization of the distribution of the two possible orientations in which the membrane fragments can adsorb has not yet been addressed experimentally. Here, an approach is presented that labels only one of the membrane surfaces by electroless growth of metal nanoparticles on top of the solid-supported membranes. In, this way, it is possible to observe which surface of the membranes is actually adsorbed to the substrate. How this technique serves to interface the membranes with a top metal contact for further electrical measurements is also demonstrated.
After some definitions to establish common ground and illustrate the issues in terms of orders of magnitude, we note that meeting the Energy challenge will require suitable materials. Luckily, we can count on the availability of natural resources for most materials. We briefly illustrate the connection between materials and energy and review the past and the present situations, to focus on the future. We wrap up by arguing that more than bare economics is required to use the fruits of science and technology towards a world order, built on sustainable energy (and materials) resources.
Photon up-conversion (UC) and photon-induced multiple-exciton generation (MEG) are proposed directions that are of increasing interest for improving photovoltaic (PV) conversion efficiencies via "photon (or light) management". Straightforward analysis of these approaches for non-concentrated single-junction cells in the detailed balance limit yields a theoretical PV conversion limit of 49%, instead of 31% without UC and MEG. With what we estimate to be optimistic, maximal realistic efficiencies (25% for UC; 70% for MEG) this limit becomes
Because conventional photovoltaic (PV) cells are threshold systems in terms of optical absorption, "photon management "is an obvious way to improve their performance. Calculations to optimize photon utilization in a single-junction PV cell show -1.4 eV to be the optimal bandgap for terrestrial solar to electrical power conversion. For Si, with a slightly sub-optimal gap, continuous efforts have yielded single-junction laboratory cells, quite close to the theoretical limit. One of the repeatedly proposed directions to improve photon management is that of up-and down-conversion of photon energy. In up-conversion two photons with energy hv G (the band gap) create one photon with hv > EG, while in down-conversion one photon with energy hv > 2EG, yields two photons with energy hv > EG. Multi-exciton generation (MEG), although not a "photon management" process, can achieve effects like down-conversion, which, though, is more limited than MEG. In MEG one photon with energy hv > HEG yields n electron-hole pairs with energy EG. Because MEG has clear advantages over down-conversion, in the following we will, instead of considering both, consider MEG. We find that a straightforward analysis of this approach to "photon management" for a single junction cell under the detailed balance limit shows clearly that, even if we assume (highly unrealistic) 100% efficient up-conversion and MEG, a new theoretical PV conversion limit of 49 %, instead of 31% is arrived at, a maximum possible gain of =60%. The main attractive feature of the combination of up-conversion and MEG is a significant broadening of the optimal band-gap range. Rough estimates for the very highest possibly feasible efficiencies for up-conversion and MEG (25% and 70% respectively), yield at most slightly less than 40% PV conversion efficiency, i.e., only a -25% gain over conventional single band gap semiconductor.
Interfacing functional proteins with solid supports for device applications is a promising route to possible applications in bio-electronics, -sensors, and -optics. Various possible applications of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) have been explored and reviewed since the discovery of bR. This tutorial review discusses bR as a medium for biomolecular optoelectronics, emphasizing ways in which it can be interfaced, especially as a thin film, solid-state current-carrying electronic element.
The preparation of alkoxy monolayers on oxide-free Si (100) and on electronic current transport measurements through junctions that are made up of these monolayers, sandwiched between Si as one electrode and a Hg drop as the other electrode, was reported. Based on the polarized IR spectra, the average tilt angles of the alkoxy and alkyl chains with respect to the surface normal are found to be very similar at 28° and 27° respectively. The monolayer thickness value for the OC12 layer, calculated using an inelastic mean free path of 3.3 nm, is 15∓2Å. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) and contact angle measurements indicate that neither binding chemistry nor molecular length alter the monlayer density. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) binding energy of the C atom closets to the Si is lower than that of the C atom of the alkyl backbone.
n-Si/CnH2n+1/Hg junctions (n = 12, 14, 16 and 18) can be prepared with sufficient quality to assure that the transport characteristics are not anymore dominated by defects in the molecular monolayers. With such organic monolayers we can, using electron, UV and X-ray irradiation, alter the charge transport through the molecular junctions on n- as well as on p-type Si. Remarkably, the quality of the self-assembled molecular monolayers following irradiation remains sufficiently high to provide the same very good protection of Si from oxidation in ambient atmosphere as provided by the pristine films. Combining spectroscopic (UV photoemission spectroscopy (UPS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Auger, near edge-X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS)) and electrical transport measurements, we show that irradiation induces defects in the alkyl films, most likely C=C bonds and C-C crosslinks, and that the density of defects can be controlled by irradiation dose. These altered intra- and intermolecular bonds introduce new electronic states in the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO)-lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) gap of the alkyl chains and, in the process, dope the organic film. We demonstrate an enhancement of 1-2 orders of magnitude in current. This change is clearly distinguishable from the previous observed difference between transport through high quality and defective monolayers. A detailed analysis of the electrical transport at different temperatures shows that the dopants modify the transport mechanism from tunnelling to hopping. This study suggests a way to extend significantly the use of monolayers in molecular electronics.
The interfacing of functional proteins with solid supports and the study of related protein-adsorption behavior are promising and important for potential device applications. In this study, we describe the preparation of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) monolayers on Br-terminated solid supports through covalent attachment. The bonding, by chemical reaction of the exposed free amine groups of bR with the pendant Br group of the chemically modified solid surface, was confirmed both by negative AFM results obtained when acetylated bR (instead of native bR) was used as a control and by weak bands observed at around 1610 cm-1 in the FTIR spectrum. The coverage of the resultant bR monolayer was significantly increased by changing the pH of the purple-membrane suspension from 9.2 to 6.8. Although bR, which is an exceptionally stable protein, showed a pronounced loss of its photoactivity in these bR monolayers, it retained full photoactivity after covalent binding to Br-terminated alkyls in solution. Several characterization methods, including atomic force microscopy (AFM), contact potential difference (CPD) measurements, and UV/Vis and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, verified that these bR monolayers behaved significantly different from native bR. Current-voltage (I-V) measurements (and optical absorption spectroscopy) suggest that the retinal chromophore is probably still present in the protein, whereas the UV/Vis spectrum suggests that it lacks the characteristic covalent protonated Schiff base linkage. This finding sheds light on the unique interactions of biomolecules with solid surfaces and may be significant for the design of protein-containing device structures.
Introducing organic molecules in electronics, in general, and as active electronic transport components, in particular, is to no small degree limited by the ability to connect them electrically to the outside world. Making useful electrical contacts to them requires achieving this either without altering the molecules, or if they are affected, then in a controlled fashion. This is not a trivial task because most known methods to make such contacts are likely to damage the molecules. In this progress report we review many of the various ways that have been devised to make electrical contacts to molecules with minimal or no damage. These approaches include depositing the electronic conducting contact material directly on the molecules, relying on physical interactions, requiring chemical bond formation between molecule and electrode materials, "ready-made" contacts (i.e., contact structures that are prepared in advance), and contacts that are prepared in situ. Advantages and disadvantages of each approach, as well as the possibilities that they can be used practically, are discussed in terms of molecular reactivity, surface and interfacial science.
Molecular electronics is very much about contacts, and thus understanding of any generic contact effect is essential to its advance. For example, it is still not obvious in how far variations in electrode roughness of macroscopic contacts can lead to rectification. Here we report an investigation of this contact effect on electronic transport properties using metal-insulator-metal planar junctions with a 5 nm thick bacteriorhodopsin-based insulator as model system. We demonstrate that the experimentally observed rectifying behavior is not an intrinsic property of the molecules used, but rather of the local contact quality. Even a slight increase in surface roughness of the bottom electrode gives rise to distinct rectifying behavior in these and, by extrapolation, possibly other molecular junctions.
Forget about 'the' solution. Instead, we need to work toward a strong, sustainable mosaic of many solutions.
Temperature-dependent transport measurements through alkyl chain monolayers that are directly chemically bound to Si, show that the currents decrease as the temperature increases. We relate this temperature dependence primarily to a gradual un-tilting of the adsorbed molecules, which leads to increasing of the film thickness, resulting in a wider tunnel barrier. Following that, we conclude that a significant part of transport through these alkyl chain monolayers occurs "through space". The experimental finding and its interpretation result from the high reproducibility and accuracy of the transport results for the semiconductor/alkyl chain/metal junctions that we study.
(Figure Presented) Can we put organic molecules to use as electronic components? The answer to this question is to no small degree limited by the ability to contact them electrically without damaging the molecules. In this Account, we present some of the methods for contacting molecules that do not or minimally damage them and that allow formation of electronic junctions that can become compatible with electronics from the submicrometer to the macroscale. In "Linnaean" fashion, we have grouped contacting methods according to the following main criteria: (a) is a chemical bond is required between contact and molecule, and (b) is the contact "ready-made", that is, preformed, or prepared in situ? Contacting methods that, so far, seem to require a chemical bond include spin-coating a conductive polymer and transfer printing. In the latter, a metallic pattern on an elastomeric polymer is mechanically transferred to molecules with an exposed terminal group that can react chemically with the metal. These methods allow one to define structures from several tens of nanometers size upwards and to fabricate devices on flexible substrates, which is very difficult by conventional techniques. However, the requirement for bifunctionality severely restricts the type of molecules that can be used and can complicate their self-assembly into monolayers. Methods that rely on prior formation of the contact pad are represented by two approaches: (a) use of a liquid metal as electrode (e.g., Hg, Ga, various alloys), where molecules can be adsorbed on the liquid metal and the molecularly modified drop is brought into contact with the second electrode, the molecules can be adsorbed on the second electrode and then the liquid metal brought into contact with them, or bilayers are used, with a layer on both the metal and the second electrode and (b) use of preformed metal pads from a solid substrate and subsequent pad deposition on the molecules with the help of a liquid. These methods allow formation of contacts easily and rapidly and allow many types of monolayers and metals to be analyzed. However, in their present forms such approaches are not technologically practical. Direct in situ vacuum evaporation of metals has been used successfully only with bifunctional molecules because it is too invasive and damaging, in general. A more general approach is indirect vacuum evaporation, where the metal atoms and clusters, emitted from the source, reach the sample surface in an indirect line of sight, while cooled by multiple collisions with an inert gas. This method has clear technological possibilities, but more research is needed to increase deposition efficiency and find ways to characterize the molecules at the interface and to prevent metal penetration between molecules or through pinholes, also if molecules lack reactive termination groups. This Account stresses the advantages, weak points, and possible routes for the development of contacting methods. This way it shows that there is at present no one ideal soft contacting method, whether it is because of limitations and problems inherent in each of the methods or because of insufficient understanding of the interfacial chemistry and physics. Hopefully, this Account will present the latter issue as a research challenge to its readers.
The deficit of top scientists pursuing alternative energy (AE)-oriented research is a major problem in meeting the global energy challenge. This paucity has the potential to self-proliferate, as a limited core of experienced researchers will encourage a limited group of talented students and post-docs to seek research opportunities in AE research. To discontinue this pattern, a selected group of 24 of the nation's top, final-year PhD students from all areas of physical, life, and engineering sciences, assembled in a Galilee mountain location, along with 20 senior Israeli and foreign scientists, who are all experts in various aspects of AE. The meeting also included seminars that made students aware of, and knowledgeable about, the energy challenges and related worldwide scientific research. The seminar also allowed them to form their own opinions about directions for fruitful avenues of research for possible new approaches to AE.
Using a dense organic monolayer, self-assembled and directly bount to n-Si, as high quality insulator with a thickness that can be varied from 1.5-2.5 nm, we construct a Metal-organic Insulator-Semiconductor (MOIS) structure, which, if fabricated with semi-transparent top electrode, performs as ahybrid organic-inorganic photovoltaic device. The feasibility of the concept and the electrical properties of the insulating layer were first shown with a Hg top electrode, allowing use of prior know-how from electron transport through molecular monolayers, but with photon collection only from around the electrode. We then used another bottom-up fabrication technique, in addition to molecular self-deposition yields an electrically continuous, porous and semi-transparent top electrode, improving photon harvesting. Aside form being a nearly ideal insulator, the monolayer acts to passivate and protect the interfacial Si layer from defects and to decrease the surface state density. In addition the cell, like any MIS solar cell, benefits from that the light needs only to cross a few thin transparent layers (anti-reflective coating, organic insulator) to reach the photovoltaically active cell part. This helps to generate carriers close to the junction area, even by short wavelength photons, and, thus, to increase light collection, compared to p-n junction solar cells. While probably the most important use of MOIS cells will be to allow systematic exploration of directions for general MIS solar cell optimization, low temperature cell fabrication without high vaccum steps, may make this approach also interesting for low cost solar cells.
We explore two main ways to use molecules in molecular electronics, electrostatically, as dipolar films and electrodynamically, where current passes through them. For the former we find that incomplete partial dipolar molecular films can control diode behaviour and that this effect extends to poly- and nano-crystalline solar cells. For the latter complete monolayers are needed, as ideal as possible to assure current transport through the molecules. Such systems with alkyl chain monolayers behave like ideal MIS diodes with significant photovoltaic activity, due to the remarkable insulating behavior of the monolayer. Recently we started to combine the two effects by adding dipolar character to the completely covering alkyl monolayers, enabling modulating the electronic quality of the monolayers. Chemically the interesting aspect is that the introduction of strong leaving groups on the monolayers allows nucleophilic substitutions, to allow further reactions. This, thus, creates a platform for further molecular device modification.
Electron irradiation can alter electronic charge transport through Si-CH2(CH2)12-CH3//Hg molecular junctions. Applying UPS, XPS, Auger, NEXAFS, and electrical transport measurements, we show that irradiation induces defects, most likely C=C bonds and C-C cross-links, which introduce new electronic states into the HOMO-LUMO gap of the alkyl chains, and, hence, effectively dope these layers. We demonstrate a 1-2 order of magnitude enhancement in current, clearly distinguishable from that of defects in as-prepared layers.
A reliable and reproducible method for preparing bacteriorhodopsin (bR)-containing metal-biomolecule-monolayer-metal planar junctions via vesicle fusion tactics and soft deposition of Au top electrodes is reported. Optimum monolayer and junction preparations, including contact effects, are discussed. The electron-transport characteristics of bR-containing membranes are studied systematically by incorporating native bR or artificial bR pigments derived from synthetic retinal analogues, into single solid-supported lipid bilayers. Current-voltage (I-V) measurements at ambient conditions show that a single layer of such bR-containing artificial lipid bilayers pass current in solid electrode/bilayer/solid electrode structures. The current is passed only if retinal or its analogue is present in the protein. Furthermore, the preparations show photoconductivity as long as the retinal can isomerize following light absorption. Optical characterization suggests that the junction photocurrents might be associated with a photochemically induced M-like intermediate of bR. I-V measurements along with theoretical estimates reveal that electron transfer through the protein is over four orders of magnitude more efficient than what would be estimated for direct tunneling through 5 nm of water-free peptides. Our results furthermore suggest that the light-driven proton-pumping activity of the sandwiched solid-state bR monolayer contributes negligibly to the steady-state light currents that are observed, and that the orientation of bR does not significantly affect the observed I-V characteristics.
Self-assembled monolayers formed by thermal hydrosilylation of a trifluoroacetyl-protected alkenylthiol on Si-H surfaces, followed by removal of the protecting groups, yield essentially oxide-free monolayers suitable for the formation of Si-C11H22-S-Hg and Si-C11H22-S-Au junctions in which the alkyl chains are chemically bound to the silicon surface (via Si-C bonds) and the metal electrode (via Hg-S or Au-S bonds). Two barriers to charge transport are present in the system: at low bias the current is temperature activated and hence limited by thermionic emission over the Schottky barrier in the silicon, whereas as at high bias transport is limited by tunneling through the organic monolayer. The thiol-terminated monolayer on oxide-free silicon provides a well-characterized system allowing a careful study of the importance of the interfacial bond to the metal electrode for current transport through saturated molecules.
We show that electron beam evaporation of metal onto a monolayer of organic molecules can yield reproducible electrical contacts, if evaporation is indirect and the sample is on a cooled substrate. The metal contact forms without damaging even the molecules' outermost groups. In contrast, direct evaporation seriously damages the molecules. By comparing molecular effects on metal/molecular layer/GaAs junctions, prepared by indirect evaporation and by other soft contacting methods, we confirm experimentally that Au is not an optimal choice as an evaporated contact metal. We ascribe this to the ease by which Au can diffuse between molecules, something that can, apart from direct contact-substrate connections, lead to undesired and uncontrollable interfacial interactions. Such phenomena are largely absent with Pd as evaporated contact.
The electronic transport through alkyl chains of a molecular level was compared and analyzed through C-Si bonds, and contacted by charge transfer between the molecule and the electrode as a result of this bond formation. A semiconductor/saturated molecule-metal junction, two transport barriers can exist simultaneously, a Schottky barrier inside the semiconductor. The tunnel barrier is affected by the molecular length or molecular layer width, and by the molecular levels closest to the Fermi level and band edges of each electrode. The existence of two distinct barriers in a system allows to extract complementary information about the molecular junction. Changing the doping type of the electrode can effect both the Schottky barrier and the tunnel barrier. For p-Si molecular junctions in both reverse-and forward-bias directions, the current is dominated by majority carriers, that is, holes, which flow from the Si to the Hg in forward bias and from the Hg to the Si in reverse bias.
Local electrical transport measurements with scanning probe microscopy on polycrystalline (PX) p-CuInSe2 and p-Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 films show that the photovoltaic and dark currents for bias voltages smaller than 1 V flow mainly through grain boundaries (GBs), indicating inversion at the GBs. Photocurrent for higher bias flows mainly via the grains. Based on these results and our finding of similar to 100 meV GB band bending we deduce the potential landscape around the GBs. We suggest that high grain material quality, leading to large carrier mobilities, and electron-hole separation at the GBs, by chemical and electrical potential gradients, result in the high performance of these PX solar cells. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
How alkyl chain molecules are bound chemically to GaAs directly affects current transport through GaAs/Alkyl/Hg junctions. We used two different binding groups, thiols that form an As-S bond and phosphonates with the much stronger Ga-O (actually Ga-O-P) bond. Analyzing transport through the junctions as tunneling through a dielectric medium of defined thickness, characterized by one barrier and the effective mass of the electronic carrier, we find the main difference in the electronic properties between the two systems to be the effective mass, 1.5-1.6 me with thiols and 0.3 me with phosphonates. The latter value is similar to that found with, or predicted for, other systems. We ascribe this difference primarily to less scattering of carriers by the Ga-O than by the As-S interface.
We show that the electrode/molecule chemical bond does not change the tunneling barrier for charge transport through alkyl chain monolayers sandwiched between Si and Hg electrodes. This observation can be understood if the interfacial bond mainly governs the monolayer's structure, while the electronic states due to molecule-electrode bonding do not contribute significantly to tunneling. Yet, the nature of the bond affects the Schottky barrier inside the semiconductor due to changes in the interface dipole.
A dipole-layer approach is adapted to describe the electrostatic potential and electronic transport through metal/semiconductor junctions with a discontinuous monolayer of polar molecules at the metal/semiconductor interface. The effective barrier height of those junctions, which have small pinholes, embedded in a molecular layer, which introduces a negative {positive} dipole (i.e., a dipole whose negative {positive} pole is the one that is closest to the semiconductor surface) on an n-type {p-type} semiconductor, is often "tunable" by the magnitude and density of the dipoles. If the lateral dimensions of a molecule-free pinhole at the interface exceed the semiconductor depletion width, carrier transport is not influenced by the molecular layer and the "effective" barrier height is the nominal metal/semiconductor barrier height. If the molecular layer introduces a positive {negative} dipole on an n-type {p-type} semiconductor, enhanced field emission at edges of small pinholes might lead to a leakage- and/or an edge-current component resulting in an effective barrier height lower than the nominal one. We support these conclusions by direct measurements of the nm-scale electronic behaviour of a Au/n-GaAs diode with a discontinuous monolayer of dicarboxylic acids at the interface, using Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy (BEEM).
Monolayers of alkyl chains, attached-through direct Si-C bonds to Si(111), via phosphonates to GaAs(100) surfaces, or deposited as alkyl-silane monolayers on SiO2, are investigated by ultraviolet and inverse photoemission spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation from a He discharge lamp, or to a beam of energetic electrons, leads to significant damage, presumably associated with radiation- or electron-induced H-abstraction leading to carbon-carbon double-bond formation in the alkyl monolayer. The damage results in an overall distortion of the valence spectrum, in the appearance of (occupied) states above the highest occupied molecular orbital of the alkyl molecule, and in a characteristic (unoccupied state) π* resonance at the edge of the carbon absorption peak. These distortions present a serious challenge for the interpretation of the electronic structure of the monolayer system. We show that extrapolation to zero damage at short exposure times eliminates extrinsic features and allows a meaningful extraction of the density of state of the pristine monolayer from spectroscopy measurements.
Coupling of noble-metal nanoparticles (NPs) into electronics might lead to interesting new avenues in nanoelectronics. It was found that currents through metal//organic (or inorganic) insulator/Au NP monolayer//metal planar junctions (2) are orders of magnitude higher than what is obtained without the NP monolayer (1). (Graph Presented).
We study the effect of monolayer quality on the electrical transport through n-Si/CnH2n+1/Hg junctions (n = 12, 14, and 18) and find that truly high quality layers and only they, yield the type of data, reported by us in Phys. Rev. Lett. 2005, 95, 266807, data that are consistent with the theoretically predicted behavior of a Schottky barrier coupled to a tunnel barrier. By using that agreement as our starting point, we can assess the effects of changing the quality of the alkyl monolayers, as judged from ellipsometer, contact angle, XPS, and ATR-FTIR measurements, on the electrical transport. Although low monolayer quality layers are easily identified by one or more of those characterization tools, as well as from the current-voltage measurements, even a combination of characterization techniques may not suffice to distinguish between monolayers with minor differences in quality, which, nevertheless, are evident in the transport measurement. The thermionic emission mechanism, which in these systems dominates at low forward bias, is the one that is most sensitive to monolayer quality. It serves thus as the best quality control. This is important because, even where tunneling characteristics appear rather insensitive to slightly diminished quality, their correct analysis will be affected, especially if layers of different lengths are also of different quality.
CdSe is homogeneously deposited into nanoporous TiO2 films and used in liquid junction photoelectrochemical solar cells. The effect of the deposition parameters on the cell are studied, in particular differences between ion-by-ion and cluster deposition mechanisms. CdSe deposition on a Cd-rich CdS film that was deposited first into the TiO2 film, or selenization of the Cd-rich CdS layer with selenosulphate solution improves the cell parameters. Photocurrent spectral response measurements indicate photocurrent losses due to poor collection efficiencies, as shown by the strong spectral dependence on illumination intensity. Cell efficiencies up to 2.8% under solar conditions have been obtained.
A series of p- and n-GaAs-S-CnH2n+1 ∥ Hg junctions are prepared, and the electronic transport through them is measured. From current-voltage measurements, we find that, for n-GaAs, transport occurs by both thermionic emission and tunneling, with the former dominating at low forward bias and the latter dominating at higher forward bias. For p-GaAs, tunneling dominates at all bias voltages. By combining the analysis of the transport data with results from direct and inverse photoemission spectroscopy, we deduce an energy band diagram of the system, including the tunnel barrier and, with this barrier and within the Simmons tunneling model, extract an effective mass value of 1.5-1.6me for the electronic carriers that cross the junctions, We find that transport is well-described by lowest unoccupied and highest occupied states at 1.3-1.4 eV above and 2.0-2.2 eV below the Fermi level. At the same time, the photoemission data indicate that there are continua of states from the conduction band minimum and the valence band maximum, the density of which varies with energy. On the basis of our results, it appears likely that, for both types of junctions, electrons are the main carrier type, although holes may contribute significantly to the transport in the p-GaAs system.
Studying electron transport (ET) through proteins is hampered by achieving reproducible experimental configurations, particularly electronic contacts to the proteins. The transmembrane protein bacteriorhodopsin (bR), a natural light-activated proton pump in purple membranes of Halobacterium salinarum, is well studied for biomolecular electronics because of its sturdiness over a wide range of conditions. To date, related studies of dry bR systems focused on photovoltage generation and photoconduction with multilayers, rather than on the ET ability of bR, which is understandable because ET across 5-nm-thick, apparently insulating membranes is not obvious. Here we show that electronic current passes through bR-containing artificial lipid bilayers in solid "electrode-bilayer-electrode" structures and that the current through the protein is more than four orders of magnitude higher than would be estimated for direct tunneling through 5-nm, water-free peptides. We find that ET occurs only if retinal or a close analogue is present in the protein. As long as the retinal can isomerize after light absorption, there is a photo-ET effect. The contribution of light-driven proton pumping to the steady-state photocurrents is negligible. Possible implications in view of the suggested early evolutionary origin of halobacteria are noted.
We study how partial monolayers of molecular dipoles at semiconductor/metal interfaces can affect electrical transport across these interfaces, using a series of molecules with systematically varying dipole moment, adsorbed on n-GaAs, prior to Au or Pd metal contact deposition, by indirect evaporation or as "ready-made" pads. From analyses of the molecularly modified surfaces, we find that molecular coverage is poorer on low- than on high-doped n-GaAs. Electrical charge transport across the resulting interfaces was studied by current voltage-temperature, internal photoemission, and capacitance-voltage measurements. The data were analyzed and compared with numerical simulations of interfaces that present inhomogeneous barriers for electron transport across them. For high-doped GaAs, we confirm that only the former, molecular dipole-dependent barrier is found. Although no clear molecular effects appear to exist with low-doped n-GaAs, those data are well explained by two coexisting barriers for electron transport, one with clear systematic dependence on molecular dipole (molecule-controlled regions) and a constant one (molecule-free regions, pinholes). This explains why directly observable molecular control over the barrier height is found with high-doped GaAs: there, the monolayer pinholes are small enough for their electronic effect not to be felt (they are "pinched off"). We conclude that the molecules can control and tailor electronic devices need not form high-quality monolayers, bind chemically to both electrodes, or form multilayers to achieve complete surface coverage. Furthermore, the problem of stability during electron transport is significantly alleviated with molecular control via partial molecule coverage, as most current flows now between, rather than via, the molecules.
The superior performance of certain polycrystalline (PX) solar cells compared to that of corresponding single-crystal ones has been an enigma until recently. Conventional knowledge predicted that grain boundaries serve as traps and recombination centers for the photogenerated carriers, which should decrease cell performance. To understand if cell performance is limited by grain bulk, grain surface, and/or grain boundaries (GBs), we performed high-resolution mapping of electronic properties of single GBs and grain surfaces in PX p-CdTe/n-CdS solar cells. Combining results from scanning electron and scanning probe microscopies, viz., capacitance, Kelvin probe, and conductive probe atomic force microscopies, and comparing images taken under varying conditions, allowed elimination of topography-related artifacts and verification of the measured properties. Our experimental results led to several interesting conclusions: 1) current is depleted near GBs, while photocurrents are enhanced along the GB cores; 2) GB cores are inverted, which explains GB core conduction. Conclusions (1) and (2) imply that the regions around the GBs function as an extension of the carrier-collection volume, i.e., they participate actively in the photovoltaic conversion process, while conclusion (2) implies minimal recombination at the GB cores; 3) the surface potential is diminished near the GBs; and 4) the photovoltaic and metallurgical junction in the n-CdS/p-CdTe devices coincide. These conclusions, taken together with gettering of defects and impurities from the bulk into the GBs, explain the good photovoltaic performance of these PX cells (at the expense of some voltage loss, as is indeed observed). We show that these CdTe GB features are induced by the CdCl 2 heat treatment used to optimize these cells in the production process.
We elucidate the electronic structure of both filled and empty states of ordered alkyl chains bound to the Si(111) surface by combining direct and inverse photoemission spectroscopy with first principles calculations based on density functional theory. We identify both filled and empty interface-induced gap states, distinguish between those and states extending throughout the monolayer, and discuss the importance of these findings for interpreting transport experiments through such monolayers.
Acetylation of purple membranes ( PM) significantly enhances the surface photovoltage that they exhibit, if adsorbed as a monolayer on a solid surface; we suggest that this increase is due to the improved orientation of the PM on the surface.
Electron transport through Si-C bound alkyl chains, sandwiched between n-Si and Hg, is characterized by two distinct types of barriers, each dominating in a different voltage range. At low voltage, the current depends strongly on temperature but not on molecular length, suggesting transport by thermionic emission over a barrier in the Si. At higher voltage, the current decreases exponentially with molecular length, suggesting transport limited by tunneling through the molecules. The tunnel barrier is estimated, from transport and photoemission data, to be ∼1.5eV with a 0.25me effective mass.
Molecular modification of dye-sensitized, mesoporous TiO2 electrodes changes their electronic properties. We show that the open-circuit voltage (V-oc) of dye-sensitized solar cells varies linearly with the dipole moment of coadsorbed phosphonic, benzoic, and dicarboxylic acid derivatives. A similar dependence is observed for the short-circuit current density (I-sc). Photovoltage spectroscopy measurements show a shift of the signal onset as a function of dipole moment. We explain the dipole dependence of the V-oc in terms of a TiO2 conduction band shift with respect to the redox potential of the electrolyte, which is partially followed by the energy level of the dye. The I-sc shift is explained by a dipole-dependent driving force for the electron current and a dipole-dependent recombination current.
Two-dimensional arrangements of molecules can show remarkable cooperative electronic effects. Such effects can serve to achieve direct electronic sensing of chemical and physical processes via electrostatic effects, i.e., without transfer of charge or matter between the locus of sensing and that of detection.
Diodes made by (indirectly) evaporating Au on a monolayer of molecules that are adsorbed chemically onto GaAs, via either disulfide or dicarboxylate groups, show roughly linear but opposite dependence of their effective barrier height on the dipole moment of the molecules. We explain this by Au-molecule (electrical) interactions not only with the exposed end groups of the molecule but also with its binding groups. We arrive at this conclusion by characterizing the interface by in situ UPS-XPS, ex situ XPS, TOF-SIMS, and Kelvin probe measurements, by scanning microscopy of the surfaces, and by current-voltage measurements of the devices. While there is a very limited interaction of Au with the dicarboxylic binding groups, there is a much stronger interaction with the disulfide groups. We suggest that these very different interactions lead to different (growth) morphologies of the evaporated gold layer, resulting in opposite effects of the molecular dipole on the junction barrier height.
The bacteriorhodopsin (bR) monolayers were prepared by a self-assembly procedure on a solid surface. The orientation of monolayers on an Al substrate was determined using a Kelvin probe. The good orientation of purple membrane (PM) patches to the electrostatic asymmetry between the two sides of the membrane protein was described. Such monolayers, made from WT bR, exhibited a photoelectric response that was quite different from that of the bR multilayer and the bR suspension. It was observed that upon green-light illumination, the characteristic absorption of bR, with a maximum at ∼560 nm disappeared and a maximum at ∼410 nm appeared, indicating the formation of the M intermediate.
The effect of surface treatments on p-CdTe/n-CdS solar cell performance was examined. Adsorption of organic molecules with various magnitudes and directions of the dipole moment on p-CdTe resulted in controlled changes in electron affinity and surface band bending. Similar adsorption on CdTe in state-of-the-art p-CdTe/n-CdS solar cells changes the cell performance, and we explain this by a combination of increased series resistance and changes in light absorption and in cell photovoltage. While at this stage no improvement in performance has been found with these cell structures, which are the result of years of empirical optimization, the molecular effect on the photovoltage shows that it is possible in this way to control the photovoltaic effect at this junction. Separate optimization may well lead to improvement by inserting a dipole layer near the photovoltaic interface. Our results also show that this is even possible when dipole adsorption is performed on the complete polycrystalline thin-film cell.
The energetics of molecular interfaces, used in determining the properties and performance of materials were described. A combination of ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy measurement of highest occupied molecular orbital and inverse photoemission spectroscopy measurements of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital of an organic monolayer was used to determine the single particle gap of the molecular materials. It was found that determining Fermi level position of the metal contact on the same energy scale, can derive energy barrier for electrons and hole injection across the interface. It was also found that structural defects, which give rise to new electronic states, can extend into the band gap of the pristine materials.
Indirect e-beam evaporation of metal on a cooled substrate that allows making reproducible and gentle electrical contact to molecular films of organic molecules yields strikingly different results with Pd and Au. This is attributed to different growth modes of the metals, which lead to different molecule/metal interactions and to Au penetration in between the molecules. These differences can radically change the effect of the molecules on the resulting junctions.
The use of discontinuous molecular films in controlling semiconductor junctions was analyzed. The photoelectrical measurements were performed on bare and molecularly modified structures on Au/n-GaAs and Au/MoL/n-GaAs devices. It was found that the electrostatic influence of the molecular dipole domains in the heavily doped samples effected the entire (semiconductor region below the) pinhole areas. The results show that the molecularly modified samples, analytical solution of the electrostatic potential at the Au/GaAs interface support the existence of distinct dipole domains.
The electric potential distribution in dye-sensitized solar cells plays a major role in the operation of such cells. Models based on a built-in electric field which sets the upper limit for the open circuit voltage (V ∝) and/or the possibility of a Schottky barrier at the interface between the mesoporous wide band gap semiconductor and the transparent conducting substrate have been presented. We show that I-V characteristics in the dark and upon illumination are very well explained by electron tunneling, rather than transport over a Schottky barrier, at this interface. Our calculations, based on tunnel currents, show that a discontinuity of the conduction band at the TiO2/FTO interface, rather than a built-in electric field, suffices for efficient electron transfer through this interface, and, thus, for efficient operation of this type of solar cell. Clearly, this will hold only if the photoinduced electrostatic potential barrier between the transparent conducting substrate and the mesoporous wide band gap semiconductor drops over a region that is sufficiently narrow to allow efficient tunneling through it.
Reproducible electrical contacts to organic molecules are created non-destructively by indirect electron beam evaporation of Pd onto molecular films on cooled substrates. In contrast, directly evaporated contacts damage the molecules seriously. Our conclusions are based on correlating trends in properties of a series of molecules with systematically varying, exposed functional groups, with trends in the electrical behaviour of Pd/molecule/ GaAs junctions, where these same molecules are part of the junctions.
We show reproducible, stable negative differential resistance (NDR) at room temperature in molecule-controlled, solvent-free devices, based on reversible changes in molecule-electrode interface properties. The active component is the cyclic disulfide end of a series of molecules adsorbed onto mercury. As this active component is reduced, the Hg-molecule contact is broken, and an insulating barrier at the molecule-electrode interface is formed. Therefore, the alignment of the molecular energy levels, relative to the Fermi levels of the electrodes, is changed. This effect results in a decrease in the current with voltage increase as the reduction process progresses, leading to the so-called NDR behavior. The effect is reproducible and repeatable over more than 50 scans without any reduction in the current. The stability of the system, which is in the "solid state" except for the Hg, is due to the molecular design where long alkyl chains keep the molecules aligned with respect to the Hg electrode, even when they are not bound to it any longer.
A contact free method, aimed at measuring the photovoltage that can be generated by an absorber, upon illumination, was presented. The measurement, based on Kelvin's capacitor method measures the contact potential difference built up between two sufficiently conducting materials of different electrically connected work functions. It was shown that the photovoltage of an absorber, introduced into the Kelvin capacitor, could be measured accurately, even if it was not in electrical contact to any of the capacitor plate. The approach was shown to enable the measurement of photovoltage of complete solar cells and also its single components.
The single-crystal outperformance of thin film polycrystalline (PX) CdTe/CdS solar cells was analyzed. The defect density of grains was reduced by gettering of defects at the grain boundaries (GB). Scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM) alongwith scanning Kelvin probe microscopy (SKPM) characterize the grain surface electrically. The results show that the separation and collection of photogenerated charge carriers was enhanced by CdTe GB.
We review the status of the understanding of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC), emphasizing clear physical models with predictive power, and discuss them in terms of the chemical and electrical potential distributions in the device. Before doing so, we place the DSSC in the overall picture of photovoltaic energy converters, reiterating the fundamental common basis of all photovoltaic systems as well as their most important differences.
We use the adsorption of systematically substituted silanes with either simple alkyl or alkyl phenyl ether chains onto oxidized Si to study the electronic effects of such molecular monolayers on Si. While there is no significant effect of distance of the substituents from the surface, a strong effect of what we interpret as depolarization is found for layers made up of molecules with high (>5 D) free molecule dipole moment. This is also apparent from differences in UV - visible and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectral features, suggesting changes in molecular conformation, and, especially, from the measured contact potential differences. These reflect the modified surface's electron affinity and, thus, the effective dipole moment of the monolayer. The effect is ascribed to the system's response to the energetic price of dipole-dipole repulsion.
Type conversion in CdS in CdTe/CdS solar cells was disproved. CdS and high-resistance SnO2 layer in USF cells were found to be electronically similar, rationalizing the need for a HR layer in cells with very thin CdS for supporting the junction photovoltage, without reducing the cell's blue response. Most importantly, combined XS SCM and SKPM of CdTe/CdS cells show that the photovoltaic and metallurgical functions coincide.
We compile, compare, and discuss experimental results on low-bias, room-temperature currents through organic molecules obtained in different electrode-molecule-electrode test-beds. Currents are normalized to single-molecule values for comparison and are quoted at 0.2 and 0.5 V function bias. Emphasis is on currents through saturated alkane chains where many comparable measurements have been reported, but comparison to conjugated molecules is also made. We discuss factors that affect the magnitude of the measured current, such as tunneling attenuation factor, molecular energy gap and conformation, molecule/electrode contacts, and electrode material.
Metal/organic monolayer/GaAs junctions, prepared by adsorbing a set of dicarboxylic ligands, with systematic change of ligand substituents, on GaAs, are measured and characterized electrically. The molecules are chemically bound to the semiconductor surface under ambient conditions and form roughly a monolayer (MoL), with average order in the direction perpendicular to the semiconductor surface. This suffices to yield systematic changes in electron affinity and work function of the modified GaAs. Junctions are made by a soft metal deposition method, used here for Au and Al. Experimentally, we find strong molecular effects, reaching differences in current at a given voltage of up to 6 orders of magnitude, depending on the substituent on the molecules making up the monolayer. These and the changes in the effective barrier height of the metal/MoL/GaAs junctions, extracted by analyses of their current-voltage characteristics, can be explained by electrostatic effects of the molecular layer, rather than by electrodynamic ones (current flow through the molecular film). This can be understood by realizing that the samples are relatively large area devices with extremely narrow (∼1 nm) films of organic molecules, showing only average order, which makes dominance of tunneling effects very unlikely. We show that not only the molecule's electronic and electrical properties but also the way the metals contact the molecules, as well as the doping type of the semiconductor, can determine the direction of the molecular effect. Also the type of metal governs the effect that we identify as being due to interfacial dipoles formed as a result of triple metal/organic molecule/semiconductor interaction.
Epitaxial films of CuInSe2 on Si(1 1 1) were modified by the application of an electric field through a movable tip. The electric field induces stable junction regions which are identified by separation and collection of electron beam-induced charge carriers. The movable tip allows scribing of these junction regions and one-sided connection to a contact pad. The junction formation is mainly due to electric field application and, in contrast to what was found to be the case for bulk samples, is not accompanied by a significant temperature rise. The junctions can be explained by symmetrical p/p+/n/p+/p regions formed within the CuInSe2 epilayers. The reported method presents a new way for junction patterning in two dimensions.
CdTe/CdS solar cells were subjected to heat stress at 200 °C in the dark under different environments (in N2 and in air), and under illumination (in N2). We postulate that two independent mechanisms can explain degradation phenomena in these cells: i) Excessive Cu doping of CdS: Accumulation of Cu in the CdS with stress, in the presence of Cl, will increase the photoconductivity of CdS. With limited amounts of Cu in CdS, this does NOT affect the photovoltaic behavior, but explains the crossover of light/dark current-voltage (J-V) curves. Overdoping of CdS with Cu can be detrimental to cell performance by creating deep acceptor states, acting as recombination centers, and compensating donor states. Under illumination, the barrier to Cu cations at the cell junction is reduced, and, therefore, Cu accumulation in the CdS is enhanced. Recovery of light-stress induced degradation in CdTe/CdS cells in the dark is explained by dissociation of the acceptor defects. ii) Back contact barrier: Oxidation of the CdTe back surface in O2/H2O-containing environment to form an insulating oxide results in a back-contact barrier. This barrier is expressed by a rollover in the J-V curve. Humidity is an important factor in air-induced degradation, as it accelerates the oxide formation. Heat treatment in the dark in inert atmosphere can stabilize the cells against certain causes of degradation, by completing the back contact anneal.
We show that, for molecules with particularly strong dipoles, their organization into a monomolecular layer can lead to depolarization, something that limits the range over which the substrate's work function can be changed. It appears that, with molecules, depolarization is achieved by changes in orientation and conformation, rather than by charge transfer to the substrate as is common for atomic layers.
We present a concise, although admittedly non-exchaustive, but hopefully didactic review and discussion of some of the central and basic concepts related to the energetics of surfaces and interfaces of solids. This is of particular importance for surfaces and interfaces that involve organic molecules and molecular films. It attempts to pull together different views and terminologies used in the solid state, electrochemistry, and electronic device communities, regarding key concepts of local and absolute vacuum level, surface dipole, work function, electron affinity, and ionization energy. Finally, it describes how standard techniques like photoemission spectroscopy can be used to measure such quantities.
A study was performed on molecular modification of an ionic semiconductor-metal interface. It was found that with ZnO the interface behavior was 0.55, five times that with GaAs. It agreed well with the results for junctions of these materials with different metals, prepared in ultrahigh vacuum.
The direct characterization of a single grain boundary (GB) and a single grain surface in solar cell-quality CdTe was performed using scanning probe microscopy. It was found that scanning capacitance microscopy could be used to study polycrystalline electronic materials. The presence of a barrier for hole transport across GB in solar-cell quality CdTe was also observed.
We describe and analyze a process to position a ∼1 nm thick molecular layer between two solid surfaces without damage to the molecules. The method is used to deposit a metal film in a soft, gentle manner on a semiconductor, yielding functional semiconductor/molecule/metal junctions. It is a combination of the lift-off procedure, known from, for example, lithography, and the bonding process, known from, for example, wafer bonding. The combined method may find application also outside the area described here. We point out its major difficulties as well as solutions to overcome them. For this we rely on concepts from the physics of liquid and solid surfaces and interfaces. Conditions are found, in terms of choice of solvents, under which the method will be effective. The efficacy of floatation as soft contacting procedure is demonstrated by the preparation of Au and Al contacts on GaAs single crystal surfaces, modified by a self-assembled monolayer of small organic molecules. The resulting electrical properties of the contacts depend crucially on how the molecular interface with the contacting metal is formed. This type of wet contacting procedure to make dry devices may be advantageous especially if biomolecules are used.
The effect of the presence or absence of chemical bonds between alkyl chain monolayers and the contacts in metal/molecule/semiconductor junctions on the current-voltage characteristics was studied. Three types of junctions were used: Hg/alkylthiols/SiO2/p-Si, Hg/alkylthiols/p-Si-H, and Hg/alkylsilanes/SiO2/p-Si. While in the first two junctions current is attenuated exponentially as a function of the length of the alkyl chain, a characteristic behavior of tunneling, the current through the third junction does not reveal such behavior, suggesting that current transport is different in this case. We postulate that this is because in the first two junctions the monolayers are covalently bound to the Hg, while in the third junction, the alkysilanes are anchored to the Si surface only at a few points and are best viewed as not bonded to either side of the junction. The mechanism of current flow through the first two junctions is thought to be through-bond tunneling, and our results indicate that a chemical bond to at least one of the electrode surfaces is essential for this mechanism to operate. Electrostriction causes changes in the current-voltage characteristics of the first two junctions. Evidence is presented suggesting that electrostriction tilts short chains (≤C12), resulting in an additional route to charge transport by tunneling through space. In contrast, long chains (≥C14) do not tilt under pressure; instead, gauche defects are formed in their initial all-trans configuration decreasing the efficiency of electronic coupling through them. The use of p-type Si in this study ensures that at low bias voltages holes are the dominant charge carriers. Holes are found to tunnel more efficiently than electrons in agreement with theoretical predictions.
Progress reports are a new type of article in Advanced Materials, dealing with the hottest current topics, and providing readers with a critically selected overview of important progress in these fields. It is not intended that the articles be comprehensive, but rather insightful, selective, critical, opinionated, and even visionary. We have approached scientists we believe are at the very forefront of these fields to contribute the articles, which will appear on an annual basis. The article below describes the latest advances in molecular electronics.
The effect of sodium on the performance of CuInSe2-based solar cells has been under discussion for already a decade. We present experimental evidence using secondary ion mass spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and other, complementary physical characterization methods, which indicate that, after exposure to an external Na source, no significant amounts of sodium, beyond the residual amount, found in as-grown samples, enter intact crystals, except via defects such as grain boundaries. However, after such exposure, sodium is found in significant concentrations on crystal surfaces, something that is accompanied by an increase in oxygen concentration, as judged by XPS. As expected metallic Na attacks the crystals and can destroy them or at least introduce significant defect densities. Adding Se0 is found, via Na2Se formation, to temper Na activity specifically its effects on crystal disintegration. This is different from the effect of Se0 along where annealing (of n-type) crystals results in n to p type conversion by Cu outdiffusion.
The mechanism by which dicarboxylic acid molecules adsorb onto ambient-exposed GaAs (1 0 0) surfaces is studied by combining infrared spectroscopy and measurements that are sensitive to changes of the electric potential on the surface. For the latter we used the recently developed molecular controlled semiconductor resistor. By comparing the time dependences of the two measurements we conclude that adsorption proceeds sequentially, with virtually all of the rearrangement of electrical charge in the adsorbates taking place when the first carboxylic group, in each molecule, binds to the surface. This can be understood if charge rearrangement is necessary for forming a close-packed adsorbed layer. Since creation of such a layer, that is made up of molecules with significant molecular dipoles, requires some degree of depolarization of the molecules.
Using Hg/alkyl-chain-monolayer/p-Si devices we find that the type of contact between the chains and the electrodes (chemical bonding or not) is of critical importance for electronic transport across the junctions. As the semiconductor is p-type, the transport is that of holes. In agreement with theory we find that holes tunnel more efficiently through alkyl chains than do electrons.
Junction function: Molecule-controlled devices based on metal-semiconductor junctions can exhibit negative differential resistance (NDR) at room temperature. The active component is a self-assembled monolayer of molecular dipoles (see schematic representation; X = CF3, CN, H, OMe). A systematic change in the dipole moment of these molecules results in a corresponding systematic change in the NDR effect, thus establishing for the first time molecularly tunable NDR.
An information transfer mechanism through a molecular bilayer, which does not involve charge/mass transfer or conformational changes of membrane-spanning molecular structures, is proposed. We tested this proposal by measuring changes in the electric potential at a Si/SiOx surface, onto which an artificial bilayer had been constructed, in response to exposure of the adsorbed bilayer to different ambient. The bilayer was comprised of an OctadecylTrichloroSilane (OTS) monolayer, adsorbed onto the Si/SiOx surface and a second layer of stearic acid, deposited on the OTS monolayer by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. Changes of the band bending (BB) at the Si/SiOx surface in response to exposing the bilayer to different solutions were measured by Kelvin Probe. These changes indicate that external stimuli at the bilayer's exterior induce a change in the electric potential at the bilayer's interior, a change that is sensed at the surface of the Si/SiOx. The mechanism proposed to explain the results is based on electrostatic interactions at the bilayer's exterior with dipole- or monopole-carrying molecules.
This article examines a somewhat counter-intuitive approach to molecular-based electronic devices. Control over the electronic energy levels at the surfaces of conventional semiconductors and metals is achieved by assembling on the solid surfaces, poorly organized, partial monolayers (MLs) of molecules instead of the more commonly used ideal ones. Once those surfaces become interfaces, these layers exert electrostatic rather than electrodynamic control over the resulting devices, based on both electrical monopole and dipole effects of the molecules. Thus electronic transport devices, incorporating molecules, can be constructed without current flow through the molecules. This is illustrated for a gallium arsenide (GaAs) sensor as well as for gold-silicon (Au-Si) and Au-GaAs diodes. Incorporating molecules into solid interfaces becomes possible, using a 'soft' electrical contacting procedure, so as not to damage the molecules. Because there are only a few molecular restrictions, this approach opens up possibilities for the use of more complex (including biologically active) molecules as it circumvents requirements for ideal MLs and for molecules that can tolerate actual electron transport through them.
Grafting organic molecules onto solid surfaces can transfer molecular properties to the solid. We describe how modifications of semiconductor or metal surfaces by molecules with systematically varying properties can lead to corresponding trends in the (electronic) properties of the resulting hybrid (molecule + solid) materials and devices made with them. Examples include molecule-controlled diodes and sensors, where the electrons need not to go through the molecules (action at a distance), suggesting a new approach to molecule-based electronics.
Bifunctional conjugated molecules, consisting of electron donating or accepting groups that are connected, via a conjugated bridge, to a carboxylic acid group, were adsorbed as monomolecular carboxylate films on n-GaAs (100) and characterized by reflection FTIR, ellipsometry, and contact angle techniques. The way the donors and acceptors affected the electronic properties of the semiconductor was investigated. In agreement with theory, we find a linear relation between the calculated dipole moment of the molecules and the change in electron affinity of the moleculary modified surface, as well as between the barrier height of Au/molecule on n-GaAs junctions, extracted from their current-voltage characteristics and the dipole moment. The experimental results show little effect of the nature of the conjugated bridge in the molecules. Comparison with earlier work shows a clear decrease in the effect of the dipole of the free molecule on the semiconductor surface and interface behavior, notwithstanding the strongly conjugated link between the donor or acceptor groups of the molecule and the semiconductor surface. The simplest way to understand this is to consider the higher polarizability of the intervening bonds. Such effect needs to be considered in designing molecules for molecular control over devices.
High efficiency CdTe/CdS thin-film solar cells require low resistance contacts to p-CdTe, which is frequently achieved by addition of Cu. Decreases in cell efficiency over time. however. have been associated with Cu from the contact. The question that is considered here is if Cu is really detrimental to cell performance? By performing a series of thermal stress tests the authors reach a far more optimistic conclusion than what has hitherto been assumed. The Figure shows the proposed model for action of Cu (and Cl) in the CdTe/CdS cell.
Epitaxial films of CuInSe2 on Si(111) were modified by the application of an electric field through a movable tip. The electric field induces stable junction regions which are identified by efficient separation and collection of electron beam-induced charge carriers. The movable tip allows for scribing of these junction regions. The junctions can be explained by symmetrical p/p+ /n/p+ /p regions formed within the CuInSe2 epilayers. The reported method presents an alternate way for junction patterning in two dimensions.
The onset wavelengths of the surface photovoltage (SPV) in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) with different mesoporous, wide-band gap electron conductor anode materials, viz., TiO2 (anatase), Nb2O5 (amorphous and crystalline), and SrTiO3, using the same Ru bis-bipyridyl dye for all experiments, are different. We find a clear dependence of these onset wavelengths on the conduction band edge energies (ECB) of these oxides. This is manifested in a blue-shift for cells with Nb2O5 and SrTiO3 compared to those with TiO2. The ECB levels of Nb2O5 and SrTiO3 are known to be some 200-250 meV closer to the Vacuum level than that of our anatase films, while there is no significant difference between the optical absorption spectra of the dye on the various films. We, therefore, suggest that the blue shift is due to electron injection from excited-state dye levels above the LUMO into Nb2O5 and SrTiO3. Such injection comes about because, in contrast to what is the case for anatase, the LUMO of the adsorbed dye in the solution is below the ECB of these semiconductors, necessitating the involvement of higher vibrational and/or electronic levels of the dye, with the former being more likely than the latter. While for Nb2O5 hot electron injection has been proposed earlier, on the basis of flash photolysis experiments, this is the first evidence for such ballistic electron-transfer involving SrTiO3, a material very similar to anatase but with a significantly smaller electron affinity. Additional features in the SPV spectra of SrTiO3 and amorphous Nb2O5 (but not in those of crystalline Nb2O5) can be understood in terms of hole injection from the dye into the oxide via intraband gap surface states.
Fine tunning of Au/SiO2/Si diode was realized by varying interfacial dipoles using molecular monolayers. Barrier heights of the Schottky junctions were modified by molecular monolayers dipoles. Current-voltage curves for a series of molecularly modified junctions showed that the presence of molecules with the positive dipole decreased the current compared to the molecules with the negative dipole.The presence of molecular layer resulted in the decrease of current relative to that of the unmodified junctions.
We suggest an alternative technique for electroluminescent device fabrication, based on our earlier findings of electric field (E-field)-induced bipolar transistor creation in Si, doped with Li. An external electric field served to induce μm sized electroluminescent device structures in Si, that had been doped prior to E-field application, with Li, and Er via thermal in-diffusion. Such devices exhibit low temperature, near infrared (IR) electroluminescence at ∼ 1.16 and 1.55 μm, corresponding to transitions associated with Li and Er levels, respectively, in the forbidden gap. While Li also creates radiative recombination centers in Si, the Er-based IR radiation is the most desirable one. At the same time Li-doping is what makes E-field-induced p-n junction fabrication possible.
Nitric oxide (NO) acts as a signal molecule in the nervous system, as a defense against infections, as a regulator of blood pressure, and as a gate keeper of blood flow to different organs. In vivo, it is thought to have a lifetime of a few seconds. Therefore, its direct detection at low concentrations is difficult. We report on a new type of hybrid, organic-semiconductor, electronic sensor that makes detection of nitric oxide in physiological solution possible. The mode of action of the device is described to explain how its electrical resistivity changes as a result of NO binding to a layer of native hemin molecules. These molecules are self-assembled on a GaAs surface to which they are attached through a carboxylate binding group. The new sensor provides a fast and simple method for directly detecting NO at concentrations down to 1 μM in physiological aqueous (pH=7.4) solution at room temperature.
A semiconductor that contains dopants can be considered as a mixed electronic-ionic conductor, with the dopants as mobile ions. The temperature range in which this normally becomes true is far from where the opto-electronic properties of the material are of interest. However, exceptions exist. In this chapter we consider several important cases. Dopant diffusion and drift are relevant not only for materials such as Si:Li, used in radiation detectors, but also for other semiconductors, ranging from II-VIs and related compounds, such as CdTe, (Hg,Cd)Te and CuInSe2, to III-Vs, including GaN, and potential high temperature semiconductors, such as SiC. Better understanding of the phenomena is important also because of the implications that it has for device miniaturization. as dopant diffusion and drift put chemical limits to device stability. Such understanding can also make dopant electromigration useful for loci-temperature doping.
A tailormade, twocomponent molecular system bound to a GaAsbased electronic device has been used to detect nitric oxide (NO) in physiological buffer solutions down to a concentration of 1 ppm (ca. 3 μM). This is made possible because the current through the GaAs changes when NO binds to an iron(III) porphyrin (see picture).
We explore chemical and physical limits to semiconductor device miniaturization. Minimal sizes for space charge-based devices can be estimated from Debye screening lengths of the materials used. Because a doped semiconductor can be viewed as a mixed electronic-ionic conductor, with the dopants as mobile ions, dopant intermixing across a p/n junction presents a chemical limit. Given a desired lifetime, simple relations can be derived between size and dopant intermixing for reverse- or forward-biased devices. Mostly, conditions for significant dopant mobility are far from those where the material is used. Thus, it is generally held that elemental and III-V-based p-n junctions are immune to this problem and persist because of kinetic stability. Indeed, we find this to be so for Si in the foreseeable future, but not for III-V- and II-VI-based ones. The limitation is more severe in structures with very thin undoped layers sandwiched between doped ones or vice versa, where even 1% intermixing can be critical. This decreases lifetime nearly 100 times. For example, for structures containing a 10 nm critical dimension, none of the components can have an average diffusion coefficient higher than 10-24 cm2/s for a 3 year lifetime. Ways to overcome or mitigate this limitation are indicated.
Careful analysis of the Cd-Te P-T-X phase diagram, allows us to prepare conducting p- and n-type CdTe, by manipulating the native defect equilibria only, without resorting to external dopants. Quenching of CdTe, following its annealing in Te atmosphere at 350-550 degrees C, leads to p-type conductivity with hole concentrations of similar to 2 x 10(16) cm(-3) Slow cooling of the samples, after 550 degrees C annealing in Te atmosphere, increases the hole concentration by one order of magnitude, as compared to quenching from the same temperature. We explain this increase by the defect reaction between donors V-Te and Te-i. Annealing in Cd atmosphere in the 350-550 degrees C temperature range leads, in contrast to the annealing in Te atmosphere, to n-type conductivity with electron concentrations of similar to 2 x 10(16) cm(-3). We ascribe this to annihilation of V-Cd as a result of Cd-i diffusion. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Stability aspects of the Mo/Cu(In,Ga)Se2/CdS/ZnO solar cell are reviewed and assessed. These include (i) the chemical stability of the various interfaces present in the device, (ii) the long-term behavior of metastable defects found in the Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) compound, and (iii) the impact of Cu migration on device performance and lifetime. We find that (i) all interfaces within the structure are chemically stable, (ii) metastable defects have a beneficial effect on performance, and (iii) Cu migration effects are reversible and their possible detrimental effects are eclipsed by the beneficial effect of the metastable states. Moreover, Cu out-diffusion from the CIGS layer is absent in photovoltaic-quality CIGS. Finally, we propose a model that explains the exceptional radiation hardness and impurity tolerance of CIGS-based devices, based on the synergetic effect of copper migration and point defect reactions.
The recent literature regarding the stability of CdTe/CdS photovoltaic cells (as distinguished from modules) is reviewed. Particular emphasis is given to the role of Cu as a major factor that can limit the stability of these devices. Cu is often added to improve the ohmic contact to p-CdTe and the overall cell photovoltaic performance. This may be due to the formation of a Cu2Te/CdTe back contact. Excess Cu also enhances the instability of devices when under stress. The Cu, as Cu+, from either Cu2Te or other sources, diffuses via grain boundaries to the CdTe/CdS active junction. Recent experimental data indicate that Cu, Cl and other diffusing species reach (and accumulate at) the CdS layer, which may not be expected on the basis of bulk diffusion. These observations may be factors in cell behavior and degradation, for which new mechanisms are suggested and areas for future study are highlighted. Other possible Cu-related degradation mechanisms, as well as some non-Cu-related issues for cell stability are discussed.
The use of molecules to control electron transport is an interesting possibility, not least because of the anticipated role of molecules in future electronic devices(1). But physical implementations using discrete molecules are neither conceptually(2,3) simple nor technically straightforward (difficulties arise in connecting the molecules to the macroscopic environment). But the use of molecules in electronic devices is not limited to single molecules, molecular wires or bulk material. Here we demonstrate that molecules can control the electrical characteristics of conventional metal-semiconductor junctions, apparently without the need for electrons to be transferred onto and through the molecules. We modify diodes by adsorbing small molecules onto single crystals of n-type GaAs semiconductor. Gold contacts were deposited onto the modified surface, using a 'soft' method to avoid damaging the molecules(4). By using a series of multifunctional molecules whose dipole is varied systematically, we produce diodes with an effective barrier height that is tuned by the molecule's dipole moment. These barrier heights correlate well with the change in work function of the GaAs surface after molecular modification. This behaviour is consistent with that of unmodified metal-semiconductor diodes, in which the barrier height can depend on the metal's work function.
We explain the cause for the photocurrent and photovoltage in nanocrystalline, mesoporous dye-sensitized solar cells, in terms of the separation, recombination, and transport of electronic charge as well as in terms of electron energetics. On the basis of available experimental data, we confirm that the basic cause for the photovoltage is the change in the electron concentration in the nanocrystalline electron conductor that results from photoinduced charge injection from the dye. The maximum photovoltage is given by the difference in electron energies between the redox level and the bottom of the electron conductor's conduction band, rather than by any difference in electrical potential in the cell, in the dark. Charge separation occurs because of the energetic and entropic driving forces that exist at the dye/electron conductor interface, with charge transport aided by such driving forces at the electron conductor/contact interface. The mesoporosity and nanocrystallinity of the semiconductor are important not only because of the large amount of dye that can be adsorbed on the system's very large surface, but also for two additional reasons: (1) it allows the semiconductor small particles to become almost totally depleted upon immersion in the electrolyte (allowing for large photovoltages), and (2) the proximity of the electrolyte to all particles makes screening of injected electrons, and thus their transport, possible.
Sequential self-assembly of a two-component system on a solid support is described with respect to structure and function. Two ligands, which bind to the semiconductor surface through one end and axially ligate a heme analogue at the other end, are described. Monolayer assemblies of complexes formed by these ligands and iron-porphyrin perform reversible binding of molecular oxygen. In the monolayer, a metalloporphyrin (the sensing unit) is held by the intervening ligand that serves as a 'hinge', away from the solid surface. Sensing events based on porphyrin chemistry are communicated via the ligand to the solid support. The transduction manifests itself as a change in the solid's surface electronic properties. Synthesis of the ligands and analysis of its complex formation with Fen(III)-porphyrin are described. The anisotropic orientation of the porphyrin ring within the ligand cavity, due to restricted rotation around the Fe(III)-N imidazole bonds, was probed by 1H NMR measurements in solution. We show that the porphyrin substituents stand as barriers for the free rotation even at room temperature. Molecular modeling supports the NMR evidence and reveals the stable conformations for the porphyrin's orientation relative to the solid support. The complexes were assembled as films on the (0001) surface of etched n-CdSe single crystals, and the films were characterized using transmission Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron (XPS) spectroscopies. Contact potential difference (CPD) and steady-state photoluminescence (PL) measurements of the derivatized CdSe show that the intervening ligands yield better conjugation and stronger binding of the sensing unit to the semiconductor surface, relative to direct adsorption of metalloporphyrins. Furthermore, the PL changes in the CdSe can be used to follow the interaction of the surface-bound Fe(III)-porphyrin-ligand complexes with molecular oxygen. A model is proposed to explain the electronic changes resulting from binding of O2 to the monolayer.
Numerical simulations of the defect distribution of CuInSe2 were carried out as a function of the stoichiometry. The simulations are based on a new calculation of the intrinsic defects in this material. The results of the calculations were compared with earlier electrical and positron lifetime measurements. This leads to the assumption, that the single defects VSe, VCu, CuIn and the defect pair (2VCu-InCu) occur in the investigated specimens in considerable concentrations.
The chemical effects of oxygenation of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) interfaces are analyzed and are shown to involve passivation of Se deficiencies and Cu removal. The former effect is beneficial at grain boundaries, but detrimental at the CdS/CIGS interface. The latter effect is purely detrimental. Na and chemical bath deposition (CBD) treatments are shown to isolate the `good' oxygenation effect from the `bad' ones. Na is shown to promote oxygenation already before the deposition of the buffer and window layers, which allows a maximization of the benefits of Se deficiency passivation and a minimization of Cu removal. Next, the CBD of the CdS buffer layer restores the interface charge, due to creation of CdCu interface donors and possibly a removal of OSe interface acceptors. This highlights the crucial role that interface redox engineering plays in optimizing the performance of CIGS-based solar cells.
CuInSe2 single crystals prepared by the traveling heater method were investigated by synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Three sample types were investigated: as-grown, n-type; samples converted to p-type by annealing with Se; and samples subjected to an electric field leading to n+/p/n transistor formation. Clear evidence for the thermally-assisted electromigration mechanism proposed for electric-field induced transistor formation was observed. The observations provide important support for the model of ion migration-mediated self-stabilization of CuInSe2-based solar cells.
Surface passivation due to the interaction of a given molecule with n- and p-GaAs surfaces is explained well by a highest occupied molecular orbital-lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (HOMO-LUMO) interaction between the frontier orbitals of the molecules and the semiconductor surface states. The observed electronic changes depend on the nature of the molecules, on the one hand, and on that of the surface states, on the other. Considering semiconductor surface passivation as a frontier orbital interaction mechanism is expected to lead to its quantitative understanding, and use of such a model for designing molecular treatments of electronic materials provides a new tool for fine-tuning semiconductor device structures.
Geringe Konzentrationen von NO in physiologischen Pufferlösungen (1 ppm, ca. 3 μM) lassen sich mit dem gezeigten maßgeschneiderten molekularen Zweikomponentensystem ein pinzettenartig von einem organischen Liganden gehaltenes Eisen(III)porphyrin nachweisen, das mit einer Seite an einen Detektor auf GaAsBasis gekoppelt ist. Bindet NO an das Eisen(III)porphyrin, ändert sich die Stromstärke.
A new generic transducer has been developed, based on a Molecular Controlled Semiconductor Resistor (MOCSER). It is based on a GaAs/(AI, Ga)As structure, to the surface of which the specially designed bifunctional organic molecules are covalently bound The electrical current through the device is very sensitive to the surface polential. Therefore, it changes when metal ions bind to the receptor site of the organic molecule. The new sensor has high sensitivity over a wide dynamic range, high selectivity, short measurement time and it is inexpensive to produce.
We present 'design rules' for the selection of molecules to achieve electronic control over semiconductor surfaces, using a simple molecular orbital model. The performance of most electronic devices depends critically on their surface electronic properties, i.e., surface band-bending and surface recombination velocity. For semiconductors, these properties depend on the density and energy distribution of surface states. The model is based on a surface state-molecule, HOMO-LUMO-like interaction between molecule and semiconductor. We test it by using a combination of contact potential difference, surface photovoltage spectroscopy, and time- and intensity- resolved photoluminescence measurements. With these, we characterize the interaction of two types of bifunctional dicarboxylic acids, the frontier orbital energy levels of which can be changed systematically, with air- exposed CdTe, CdSe, InP, and GaAs surfaces. The molecules are chemisorbed as monolayers onto the semiconductors. This model explains the widely varying electronic consequences of such interaction and shows them to be determined by the surface state energy position and the strength of the molecule-surface state coupling. The present findings can thus be used as guidelines for molecule-aided surface engineering of semiconductors.
We present a simple, compact, and robust arrangement for surface photovoltage measurements of free semiconductor surfaces immersed in liquids. It is based on the classical Kelvin probe arrangement, where the semiconductor sample is put in a liquid-containing, electrically insulating vessel, with an optically transparent window, situated between the sample and the Kelvin probe. At the price of permitting relative, rather than absolute, contact potential difference values, this modification enables easy, routine surface photovoltage measurements of semiconductors in any kind of liquid ambient. The validity and efficiency of this approach are demonstrated by surface photovoltage spectra obtained from the p-InP(100) surface in various liquid etchants.
Nanocrystalline SrTiO3 is synthesized by hydrothermal treatment of nanocrystalline titanium dioxide in the presence of strontium hydroxide. Working photoelectrochemical solar cells are produced using these nanometer-sized semiconductor particles as photoelectrode materials. At AM 1.5, measured open circuit voltages were roughly 100 mV higher than in solar cells produced using nanocrystalline titanium dioxide (anatase), in agreement with a simple relation between semiconductor conduction band edge and open circuit voltage for these cells. Photocurrents measured in the SrTiO3 cells were roughly 1/3 those measured with TiO2 (anatase) -based cells. On the basis of flash laser photolysis and absorptance studies, we suggest that low dye loading and possibly suboptimal dye-oxide interactions can be the cause for the relatively low photocurrents in the SrTiO3 system.
Communication: Is "self-healing" the source of the stability of Cu(In, Ga)Se-2-based solar modules? The proven remarkable stability and radiation hardness of Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 (CIGS) solar cells stand in apparent contradiction to the fact that CIGS shows both short-range (metastable defect centers) and long-range (significant Cu migration) instabilities. The authors suggest that these instabilities may in fact be a prerequisite for CIGS's stability as they allow a degree of flexibility or "smartness" in accommodating externally imposed changes. Two self-healing cycles are proposed, in which copper species play a particularly important role.
The proven remarkable stability and radiation hardness of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cells stand in contradiction to the fact that CIGS shows both short-range and long-range instabilities. This work suggests that these instabilities may in fact be a prerequisite for CIGS's stability as they allow a degree of flexibility or smartness in accommodating externally imposed changes. Two self-healing cycles are proposed, in which copper species play an important role.
Photoelectron spectroscopy and admittance spectroscopy were used to analyze Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) based thin films and heterojunction solar cells based on chemical oxygenation and post-deposition air-annealing effects. The effect of CIGS surface chemistry on the electronic structure of the heterojunction solar cells and the influence on the CIGS layer of oxygenation-induced Cu redistribution were analyzed. Results showed that charge redistribution and compensation of the effective acceptor density can be achieved in the bulk of the absorber.
A reinvestigation of the phase diagram of the Cu-In-Se system along the quasi-binary cut In2Se3-Cu2Se reveals an existence range of the chalcopyrite α-phase that is much narrower than commonly accepted. The presence of 0.1% of Na or replacement of In by Ga at the at.% level widens the existence range of the α-phase, towards In- and Ga-rich cmnpositions. We also investigate the interplay between phase segregation and junction formation in polycrystalline Cu(In, Ga)Se2 films. Here, we attribute the band bending observed at bare surfaces of the films to a positively charged surface acting as a driving force for the formation of a Cu-poor surface defect layer via Cu-electromigration. The electrical properties of this defect layer are different from those found for the bulk β-phase. We suggest that Cu-depletion is self-limited at the observed In/(In+Cu) surface composition of 0.75 because further Cu-depletion would require a structural transformation. Capacitance measurements reveal two types of junction metastabilities: one resulting from local defect relaxation, invoked to explain a light-induced increase of the open-circuit voltage of Cu(In, Ga)Se2 solar cells, and one due to Cu-electromigration.
Dopant flux in a semiconductor junction due to chemical diffusion and drift (electromigration) was analyzed as a possible determining factor for device life expectancy at room temperature. Simple relations are derived and/or recalled to allow estimates of lifetimes. They are shown to be appropriate for III-V heterojunction bipolar transistors. We suggest that this chemical factor must be considered for compound semiconductor devices, as their dimensions shrink.
We show that percolation can control not only diffusion in solids, but in the case of semiconductors also their electrical activity, via the doping action of the diffusing species. This occurs in (Hg1-xCdx)Te (MCT) when x(Cd)
We show how phase separation, in the form of a redistribution of impurities (dopants in a semiconductor), can occur at impurity concentrations that are more than one order of magnitude lower than hitherto observed. This phenomenon results from the balance between long-range electrostatic repulsion and the elastic attraction of the dopants, which deforms the anisotropic host lattice. We observed such a phase separation for Ag in (Cd, Hg)Te at Ag concentrations
Hemispherical (Formula presented) transistor structures ranging from 100 μm down to 0.05 μm in diameter are fabricated in (Formula presented) by application of a high electric field between a conducting diamond tip of an atomic force microscope and a (Formula presented) crystal. This leads to electromigration of Cu ions in the bulk of the material. The results of this thermally assisted process are the transistor structures. These are characterized by scanning spreading resistance microscopy. For large devices these results are compared and found to agree with those of \u201cconventional\u201d electron-beam-induced current ones. Removing several tens of atomic layers from the top surface of a structure does not affect the spreading resistance image of the device. This indicates the three-dimensional hemispherical nature of the structures.
We have developed a new, efficient method to dope bulk single crystals of CdTe by In, via gas phase diffusion, using In4Te3 as the source. Doping was carried out on crystals of very high resistivity (>5 MΩ cm), following annealing in the temperature range of 350-1000°C. Resulting crystals showed n-type conductivity with a free carrier concentration in the range of 1015-1018 cm-3 and carrier mobility of 100-750 cm2/(V s), depending on the annealing temperature and time, and on the cooling conditions. Incorporation of In was found to be a function of annealing time and temperature only. Up to 650°C, the In and the free electron concentrations are roughly the same.
Single crystals of CuInSe2 were prepared under conditions to suppress the occurrence of twinning. This was accomplished by growth from an In melt by the traveling heater method to keep the growth temperature below that of the sphalerite-chalcopyrite phase transition. The resulting crystals were n-type and could be converted to p-type by a Se anneal. Both n and p-type crystals were characterized structurally by X-ray diffraction, compositionally by microprobe analyses, morphologically by atomic force and scanning electron microscopy, and electrically. They were found to be mostly homogeneous with mirror-like cleavage and without twins.
Ion potential diagrams can facilitate the description of systems in which ionic species are mobile. They depict qualitatively the spatial dependence of the potential energy for mobile ions, somewhat akin to band diagrams for electrons. We construct ion potential diagrams for the mixed conducting (oxide), optically active electrodes of five-layer electrochromic devices, based on reversible Li+ intercalation. These serve to analyze stability problems that arise in these systems. We then use them as building blocks to arrive at ion diagrams for complete devices. This allows analyses of (dis)coloration kinetics.
Polymer electrochemical cells have been reported to emit light. The current and light output increase rapidly with voltage, apparently beyond 2 V. The polymer is an ionic conductor as well as an electronic (electron/hole) conductor, i.e. a mixed ionic-electronic conductor (MIEC). The I-V relations are explained here to be those of an MIEC of a particular defect model placed between two ion blocking electrodes. This MIEC defect model assumes a large concentration of mobile ions and small concentrations of electrons and holes. A p and an n region are formed in the MIEC. However, there is no space charge within the MIEC and it stays neutral. The resulting I-V relations are exponential. A good fit to the experimental data is obtained when electrode over-potential and heating of the polymer under current are taken into consideration.
Systematic errors are likely to affect the results of indirect methods used for measuring dopant diffusion in semiconductors, which, for this purpose should be considered as mixed electronic-ionic conductors. The highest contribution to these errors is introduced by the presence of an internal electric field, i.e., by space charge effects. The electric field can be the result either of a dopant concentration gradient or of external bias, applied during the measurement. We consider here three methods in detail, viz. measurement of p-n junction motion, of current or potential decay, and of the time dependence of capacitance (transient ion drift). We show that space charge effects can lead to overestimating diffusion coefficients by a few orders of magnitude. We use the results of our analyses to review and compare the experimental data obtained by different direct and indirect methods, for Cu diffusion in CuInSe2, an issue of considerable current interest for solar cells.
We show that the chemisorption of dicarboxylic acids on GaAs (100) is described well by a two-site mechanism, in contrast to benzoic acid adsorption which fits to a one-site mechanism. We do so by using a novel electrical method for direct measurement of adsorption kinetics. In the method we measure the current through a GaAs/(Al, Ga)As-based device, where the bare surface between two contacts is used as the adsorption domain. The results, which are in agreement with FTIR absorption equilibrium data, are obtained in ambient notwithstanding the notorious instability of GaAs surfaces under such conditions. We conclude that these acids chemisorb on the GaAs surface and that binding is significantly stronger for the di-than for the monocarboxylic acids.
The interactions between adsorbed organic molecules and the electronic charge carriers in specially made GaAs structures are studied by time- and wavelength-dependent measurements of the photocurrent. The adsorption of the molecules modifies the photocurrent decay time by orders of magnitude. The effects are molecularly specific, as they depend on the electronic properties and absorption spectrum of the molecules. These observations are rationalized by assuming that new surface states are created upon adsorption of the molecules and that the character of these states is controlled by the relative electronegativity of the substrates and the adsorbed molecules. The relevance for surface passivation and for construction of semiconductor-based sensors is indicated.
In this study we present the determination of the defect chemistry and the electrical properties of CuInSe2 after controlled annealing steps. The samples were investigated with the positron annihilation method and the admittance spectroscopy.
Control over semiconductor surface energetics can be achieved using different chemisorbed organic molecules with diverse electronic properties. We find evidence of such control over CdTe upon adsorption of dicarboxylic acid derivatives with different substituted phenyl rings. FT-IR measurements show that the dicarboxylic acid derivatives bind as carboxylates to form approximately one monolayer. Such chemisorption modifies both the band bending and the electron affinity (up to 500 and 700 mV, respectively), as measured by contact potential difference (CPD). Changes in band bending result from_a coupling between molecular orbitals and surface states close to the valence band and depend on the withdrawing character of the phenyl substituent. A model is presented to interpret and explain the data.
We show how sub-μm sized transistor structures (down to 50 nm cross section) can be fabricated by thermally assisted electromigration of mobile dopants inside the semiconductor CuInSe2. Small device structures are fabricated by application of an electric field to the sample via the contact, defined by a conducting atomic force microscope tip. The structures are characterized by nm scale scanning spreading resistance and scanning capacitance measurements to reveal the inhomogeneous doping profiles created by the electric field.
Control over the surface chemistry and physics of electronic and optical materials is essential for constructing devices and fine-tuning their performance. In the past few years we have started to explore the use of organic molecules for systematic modification of semiconductor surface electronic properties. In this paper, manipulation of silicon surfaces by self-assembly of various quinolinium-based chromophores is reported. The progress of the assembly process is monitored by XPS, UV-Vis, and FTIR spectroscopies as well as with surface wettability. The effect of the monolayer's dipole moment on the Si surface potential and the interaction with surface states is monitored by CPD measurements. A pronounced effect of a sub-nanometer coupling-agent layer alone on the electron affinity and band-bending of Si was observed. We also show a way to modulate the Si work-function by tuning the dipole strength of the chromophore-containing organic, self-assembled monolayer and of its orientation with respect to the silicon surface.
The structure of CuInSe2 was redetermined, using synchrotron X-radiation with 0.15 Angstrom wavelength, thus eliminating problems of uncertainties introduced by absorption corrections. This allowed us to look at the effect of subjecting crystals to strong electric fields, a process known to be able to type convert the material under relatively mild conditions. Proper refinement became possible after correcting for twinning. The main results are relatively high Cu temperature factors and significant electron density in octahedral interstitial sites. The main results of electric field application are a decrease in structure quality (increased R factor) and a slight increase in electron density on Cu sites. These preliminary results point to the need for further work with twin-free crystals.
By growing CuInSe2 with the traveling heater method, from an In melt (at a temperature below that of the sphalerite-chalcopyrite transition), twinning in the resulting single crystals was suppressed. The resulting crystals were n-type and could be converted to p-type by Se anneal. Both types were characterized structurally by X-ray diffraction, for composition by microprobe analyses, morphologically by AFM and SEM, and electrically. They were found to be mostly homogeneous, with mirror-like cleavage and without twins.
The promising new generation of solar cells based on CIGS (Cu(I,Ga)Se-2) exhibits behavior differing from that of earlier cells because of changes in the method of preparation, leading, among other things, to a difference in sodium content. A simple defect chemical model is presented for the effects of sodium on the surface chemistry and electronic properties of CIGS thin films. The model, based on the well-known catalytic effect that alkali metals have on surface oxidation of semiconductors, is shown to be consistent with the experimental data available in the literature.
We fabricate sub-micron sized diode and transistor structures (down to 100 nm in diameter) inside CuInSe2 crystals by inducing thermally assisted electromigration of mobile dopants. This is achieved by applying an electric field via a small area contact to the crystals, using a conducting Atomic Force Microscope tip. The structures are characterized by nm scale scanning spreading resistance and scanning capacitance measurements to reveal the inhomogeneous doping profiles, that result from the electric field action. Calculations suggest that the smallest of the structures that we made are very close to the lower size limit of possible p/n/p devices.
By growing CuInSe(2) with the traveling heater method, from an In melt (at a temperature below that of the sphalerite-chalcopyrite transition), twinning in the resulting single crystals was suppressed. The resulting crystals were n-type and could be converted to p-type by Se anneal. Both types were characterized structurally by X-ray diffraction, for composition by microprobe analyses, morphologically by AFM and SEM, and electrically. They were found to be mostly homogeneous, with mirror-like cleavage and without twins.
Thermal diffusion, parallel to the photovoltaic junction and perpendicular to the direction of illumination, can be used to separate the contributions of injected and photogenerated carriers to the generation of heat in a photothermal experiment, and to demonstrate the influence of electronic carrier diffusion on the signal, already at relatively low modulation frequencies. We show this by using an experimental arrangement in which the distance is varied between the illuminated area of the photovoltaic cell and that over which the thermal signal is detected, and the two areas do not overlap. Our results agree with theoretical calculations used to simulate the photothermal responses of solar cells.
A doped semiconductor can be viewed as a mixed electronic-ionic conductor, with the dopants as mobile ions. Normally the temperature range where this becomes true is not even close to that where the (opto)electronic properties of the material are of interest. However notable exceptions exist and some examples of these are reviewed here. We limit ourselves to those cases where semiconductivity is preserved when the (mobile) dopant concentration changes and ambipolar behaviour can be obtained by dopant mobility. Dopant diffusion and drift are of interest not only in materials such as Si:Li, known from its use in radiation detectors, but also in ternary semiconductors, such as (HE,Cd)Te and CuInSe2. Understanding the phenomena is important not only for low-temperature doping, but also because of the implications that it has for device miniaturization, as dopant diffusion and drift impose chemical limits on device stability.
The electronic properties of semiconductor surfaces can be controlled by binding tailor-made ligands to them. Here we demonstrate that deposition of a conducting phase on the treated surface enables control of the performance of the resulting device. We describe the characteristics of the free surface of single crystals and of polycrystalline thin films of semiconductors that serve as absorbers in thin film polycrystalline, heterojunction solar cells, and report first data for actual cell structures obtained by chemical bath deposition of CdS as the window semiconductor. The trend of the characteristics observed by systematically varying the ligands suggests changes in work function rather than in band bending at the free surface, and implies that changes in band line-up, which appear to cause changes in band bending, rather than direct, ligand-induced band bending changes, dominate.
Assembling quinolinium-based chromophores on silicon surfaces provides a new route to electronic control over such semiconducting surfaces. The two-step process by which the molecules are grafted on to the surface involves first coupling the organic functionality to silicon, followed by chromophore anchoring. These synthetic steps are monitored by XPS, UV-Vis and FTIR spectroscopies. Using contact potential difference measurements we found that the electron affinity of the modified silicon is a function of the molecule's dipole moment. The same technique shows a pronounced effect of the sub-nanometer siloxane-based, coupling-agent, layer by itself on the band bending and band-bending modification as function of chromophore adsorption. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Cu diffusion in chalcopyrite CuInSe2 was studied directly, using 64Cu as a radioactive tracer. For diffusion from a thin surface layer, the Cu diffusion coefficients at 380 and 430 °C, were found to vary from 10-8 to 10-9 cm2/s. In case of diffusion from a volume source at 400 °C, a value of 10-10 cm2/s was calculated from diffusion profiles. Electromigration of Cu was demonstrated, by applying a strong electric field to a sample and following the redistribution of 64Cu, that had been thermally diffused into the sample, prior to electric field application.
The purpose of construction of ion potential diagrams is to facilitate the description of systems in which ionic species are mobile. These diagrams depict qualitatively the spatial dependence of the potential energy for mobile ions in a way similar to band diagrams for electrons. We specify and explain what types of experimental data are needed to construct these diagrams. We construct such diagrams for five layer electrochromic devices in which both optically active electrodes are oxides, capable of reversible lithium ion intercalation. We consider the systems at open circuit and under bias. We compare the behaviour of several electrochromic oxides with respect to intercalation and deintercalation reactions. On the basis of the diagrams we discuss electrode stability and switching time in electrochromic devices. Possible novel electrode materials, in terms of their electrical behaviour, are discussed.
Polymer electrochemical cells with ion blocking electrodes were reported to emit light under applied voltage. This work analyzes the current-voltage relations, internal electric fields, and point detect distribution in the polymer. The polymer is regarded as a mixed-ionic-electronic conductor. Two relevant defect models are investigated. A good fit is obtained between experimental data and theory which also takes into consideration electrode overpotentials.
Dopant diffusion and drift in semiconductors is reviewed with special emphasis on those materials in which semiconductivity is preserved when the dopant concentration changes and ambipolar behavior can be obtained by dopant mobility. The Figure is a schematic representation of the electromigration process in CuInSe2 upon application of an electric field.
Room temperature formation of ohmic contacts by electroplating gold on chemically treated surfaces of P-CuInSe2 and p-CdTe single crystals is reported. The effect of Br2/methanol and KOH+KCN+H2O treatments prior to plating was analyzed in the case of CuInSe2. It is shown that the former treatment yields better ohmic contacts, with lower contact resistance, than the latter. While annealing these contacts made them highly non-ohmic, the method gives reasonably ohmic contacts on surfaces, that were purposely oxidized prior to contact preparation. In the case of p-CdTe stable, low resistance ohmic contacts were obtained at room temperature by electrochemical diffusion of Hg from solution, prior to gold plating. The treatment forms a highly degenerated p+-HgCdTe layer. The contacts, which have a very low contact to bulk resistivity - ratio, were further improved by vacuum annealing.
Homogeneously mixed molecular assemblies of defined stoichiometry were created by adsorption of asymmetric, trifunctional ligands on gold and CuInSe2 (CISe). The ligands rely on cyclic disulfide groups for binding to the substrate and can in addition possess two different substituents, one polar substituent (p-cyanobenzoyl or anisoyl) and one long-chain, aliphatic residue (palmitoyl). Because the substituents are covalently connected, no phase segregation will occur upon surface binding. Adsorption of these ligands on conducting surfaces changed both the surface potential (because of the polar substituent) and hydrophobicity (because of the aliphatic residue). Larger changes of surface potential were obtained by adsorption of the symmetric, dipolar ligands than by adsorption of the asymmetric ligands, and larger changes occurred on gold than on CuInSe2 (up to 1.2 V between extreme modifications on Au and 0.3 V on CISe). The magnitude and direction of the observed contact potential difference changes were found to depend on the extent of coverage (as derived from electrochemical and contact angle measurements) and on the orientation of the ligands (estimated from ellipsometry and FTIR data) and could also be reconstructed using a simple, electrostatic model. These findings demonstrate that the present methodology enables simultaneous grafting of two desired properties onto solid surfaces and illustrate the predictive power of a simple, electrostatic model for molecule-controlled surface engineering.
Wavelength-dependent two-photon photoemission (WD-TPPE) spectroscopy was used to investigate the surface state properties of CdTe crystals before and after the adsorption of specially designed organic molecules. One photon was used to modify the population of the surface states and a second photon to eject electrons from the substrate. We measured the dependence of the photoemission signal on the energy of the first photon and on the delay between the two light pulses. The energy of surface states, relative to the bands, was found to correlate with the relaxation time of the semiconductor surface after being photoexcited. This is explained in terms of a simple kinetic model for electron transfer. These findings demonstrate that the properties of surface states of semiconductors can be manipulated by adsorbing suitable organic molecules on the semiconductor surface and that the WD-TPPE method is a useful tool for optoelectronic characterization of semiconductor surfaces, with sensitivity exceeding that of most commonly used techniques.
We show that the transient ion drift (TID) method, which is based on recording junction capacitance under constant reverse bias [A. Zamouche, T. Heiser, and A. Mesli, Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 631 (1995)], can be used not only for measurements of the diffusion coefficient of mobile impurities, but also to estimate the concentration of mobile species as part of the total dopant density. This is illustrated for CdTe, contaminated by Cu, and intentionally doped by Li or Ag and for CuInSe2. We show also that, with some restrictions, the TID method can be used if the mobile ions are major dopants. This is demonstrated using Schottky barriers on CdTe, and p-n junction devices in (Hg,Cd)Te, and CuInSe2. The values that we obtain for the diffusion coefficients (for Li, Ag, and Cu in CdTe and for Cu in CuInSe2) agree well with measured or extrapolated values, obtained by other methods, as reported in the literature. Furthermore, we could distinguish between diffusion and chemical reactions of dopants, as demonstrated for the case of Cu in CdTe and Ag-doped (Hg,Cd)Te. In the former case this allows us to separate copper-free from contaminated CdTe samples.
Control of the work function of GaAs single crystals, under ambient conditions, was achieved by chemisorption of a series of benzoic acid derivatives with varying dipole moments. Quantitative Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy shows that the benzoic acid derivatives bind as carboxylates, via coordination to oxidized Ga or As atoms, with a surface coverage of about one layer and a binding constant of 2.1 104 M-1 for benzoic acid. Contact potential difference measurements reveal that molecules affect the work function by changing the electron affinity while band bending is not affected significantly. The direction of the electron affinity changes depends on the direction of the dipole moments, and the extent of the change increases linearly with the dipole's magnitude. Investigation of the surface composition by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy shows that the etched surface, onto which the molecules adsorb, is covered by an oxide layer. This may prevent the molecules from affecting band bending.
The diffusion and electromigration of Ag in crystals of CdxHg1-xTe is studied, as a function of original doping level and of the concentration of mercury. In materials with x = 0.55-0.8, Ag dopes p-type, when diffusing in at
When p-n junctions are formed by doping with a dopant that diffuses via a dissociative diffusion mechanism, dopant diffusion is suppressed and dopants can pile up near the junction, well above their original concentration. Calculations confirm this, if no local neutrality is assumed. The results agree well with published and our own experimental data for Zn diffusion in InP. The increased built-in electric field due to this pileup is expelled nearly completely to the side of the junction without the pileup. This effect has important consequences for devices containing thin and/or small regions doped with such dopants because such regions may be completely depleted.
The effects of chemisorbed molecules on the electronic transport through an ungated high electron mobility transistor and through an ungated field effect transistor are examined, Current versus voltage measurements in the dark reveal that the adsorbed molecules and their chemical nature have a pronounced effect on the structures' performance, as they reduce the current by up to one order of magnitude. The molecular specificity of the devices is expressed in the wavelength dependence of photo current decay. The decay time, which increases by several orders of magnitude upon adsorption of the molecules, changes drastically when the excitation wavelength matches the absorption of the adsorbed molecules. Effect of Cu ions caught by adsorbed organic molecules on the photo current decay is clearly demonstrated. The observations open new possibilities in constructing semiconductor based light and chemical sensors.
Micrometer-sized homojunction structure can be formed by applying strong electric pulses, at ambient temperatures, to Li-doped, floating zone n-Si. Two such junctions, arranged back to back, act as a transistor, as evidenced by electron-beam-induced current and current-voltage measurements. The structures are created during a time ranging from ∼100 ms to a few seconds, depending on the size of the structure. The phenomenon is similar to what was observed earlier in CuInSe2 and was explained there by thermally assisted electromigaration of Cu. In the case of Si doped with Li we can use secondary-ion-mass spectrometry to detect the redistribution of Li after electric-field application. Such a redistribution is needed found and corresponds to an n+-p-n structute with the p region extending at least ∼20 μm into the bulk of Si. Structures created in Si doped with Li in this way are stable for at least 13 months after their creation. We ascribe this to the large difference between Li diffusivity at the local temperature that is reached during structure formation (∼400°C; 10-8 cm2/s) and at room temperature (∼10-15 cm2/s).
The effect of air annealing on state-of-the-art, solar-cell-quality CdS/Cu(In,Ga)Se2 heterojunctions has been studied using contact potential difference and surface photovoltage measurements. The annealing treatment is shown to have no significant effect on the band lineup of the heterojunction. However, the surface photovoltage spectral response increases markedly upon air annealing. These results can be reconciled if air annealing of the junctions leads mainly to elimination of recombination centers, rather than to changes in the built-in voltage or in the band lineup. We also show that ZnO deposition has an effect on the surface photovoltage that is similar to that of air annealing.
We have measured the widths of the transition regions at p-n-p junctions that are formed on CuxAg1-xInSe2 by high electric field at room temperature, by using a scanning tunneling microscope with capacity for measuring current-voltage curves on physical contact. We find marked transition regions of low conductivity with widths in the range of 1.3-5 μm. This shows that the junction created by the electromigration mechanism in this material, while diffuse by the standards of those produced by high-temperature or high-energy methods, are remarkably sharp by solid-state ionic measures.
A p-n junction is a stable situation for electronic carriers, but not for those dopants that are the cause of the junction. Thus the junction is stabilized only kinetically against equilibration of the dopant concentrations due to the electrical and chemical potential gradients that reign in the depletion regions that are associated with the junction. The situation changes, though, when a dopant can be present in two forms, with opposite effective charges, with the majority form being responsible for doping and the minority one for drifting. Then the electrical potential gradient can actually stabilize the junction. Ag, which acts as an acceptor in (Hg,Cd)Te, is an example of such a dopant. Silver creates a p-n junction in Cd-rich n-(Hg,Cd)Te. We show that this junction is capable of restoring itself after being smeared out by small electrical or thermal perturbations. This behaviour 'suggests that we have a thermodynamically, rather than a kinetically stabilized junction. It indicates that Ag dissolution in MCT strongly deviates from ideal behaviour. Reasons for this non-ideality are suggested.
Real space, potential energy level diagrams of electrons ("band diagrams") are useful for describing devices, i.e. structures with spatially varying electronic carrier concentration. They help us to visualize situations in semiconductor materials and devices, without the need for calculations. Diagrams with the same function can be conceived of for ions in structures and devices with ionic conductivity. Such diagrams could be especially useful for describing the dynamic behaviour of systems with both ionic and electronic conductivity, such as devices incorporating semionic materials. We show how such diagrams can be constructed and indicate how their use can add to our understanding of the behaviour of mixed conductors through qualitative descriptions of processes that occur in them. We illustrate their use for a few specific cases, such as electrochromic and light emitting devices.
Silver diffusion in CdxHg1-xTe was investigated as a function of Fermi level position and of mercury content. Silver diffusion increases with increasing mercury content and hole concentration. While in CdTe Ag diffusion at 200°C dopes n-type, in CdxHg1-xTe with x = 0.55-0.8, Ag diffusion below 125°C dopes p-type. We explain these findings by silver-mercury complex formation.
Electron transfer (ET) in organic-inorganic hybrid structures is of interest for applications in optoelectronics. The study of these hybrid structures is difficult because contact formation is often destructive. We have experimented with the lift-off/float-on technique to create metal contacts in a gentle manner. We present results of these experiments and initial data on silicon/octadecyl trichlorosilane (OTS)/silver junctions where the metal contact was prepared by evaporation. The presence of the OTS greatly affects the current-voltage characteristics of such a junction.
A number of configurations can be used to form p-n junctions in semiconductors, by applying an electrical potential difference to them under conditions where dopants, native or foreign, show ionic conductivity. In all these cases the electrical potential difference guides the dopants to create compositional inhomogeneities. This can lead to actual type conversion and thus to p-n junction formation. Junction formation can be localized on a scale that is small compared to the sample size, by working under conditions far from equilibrium and by limiting thermal effects.
Application of strong electric fields at ambient temperatures to crystals of CuInSe2 and (Cu,Ag)InSe2 semiconductors can create non-equilibrium doping profiles, stable after removal of the electric field, as illustrated by formation of μm-sized single and multiple diode structures in initially homogeneous and uniformly doped single crystals. Phototransistor action and amplification was obtained, clear evidence for the presence of junctions, resulting from non-equilibrium doping profiles. Electron beam-induced current measurements, combined with current-voltage, capacitance-voltage and time-dependent current measurements, as well as numerical simulations were performed to characterize and understand the phenomena. Control experiments exclude formation of extended defects or the occurrence of contact diffusion. Localized Joule heating that occurs around the contact cannot by itself account for the observed phenomena. Because these chalcopyrites contain relatively mobile components [Cu,Ag], which are also dopants, we interpret these observations as a result of internal dopant redistribution, aided by localized temperature increases and directed by the electric field.
In view of our recent experimental finding of self-restoration of p/n junctions in Ag-doped (Cd,Hg)Te after their electrical or thermal perturbation, we ask the question if, and if so, when can, a mixed electronic semiconductor/ionic conductor support a built-in electric field. The question is of interest because common p/n junctions are merely kinetically stabilized systems. We study the problem by deriving the thermodynamically stable states of mixed conductors. This shows that (1) as long as all components of a multicomponent system behave ideally, no stable concentration gradient and built-in field may exist; (2) a thermodynamically stable concentration gradient and thus a built-in field can exist in a multicomponent system, if at least one of its components behaves nonideally (and thus, from the Gibbs-Duhem relation, at least one additional component must behave nonideally, too); and (3) the likelihood of finding a thermodynamically stable concentration gradient increases with the number of components of the system. While the first of these results is intuitively obvious, the rigorous proof given here is necessary to deduce that actual observation of self-restoration of p/n junctions implies nonideal behavior of at least two of the mobile species in the system. We show that our results can be used to derive the built-in electric field for a given variation of activity coefficients of one or more of the mobile species and vice versa.
Communication: Light emitting diodes where the efficiency of the junction electroluminescence has been improved over devices fabricated using thermal in-diffusion methods, is demonstrated for structures such as that shown in the figure, which is an electric-field-induced device. As E-field produced transistors are already available, combined monolithic LED/transistor structures produced using E-field-induced doping of semiconductors could be possible.
Micrometer-sized homojunction structures can be formed by local application of strong electric fields (∼106 V/cm) at ambient temperatures to Si which was homogeneously doped n-type by Li. Such junctions show electroluminesence and two such junctions, arranged back to back, act as transistors, as evidenced by electron beam induced current, current-voltage and capacitance-voltage measurements. These results are explained by thermally-assisted electromigration of Li.
Contact potential difference measurements in the dark and under illumination are used to derive the conduction band offset (ΔE c) in a solar cell quality junction formed by chemical bath deposition of CdS on a polycrystalline thin film of Cu(In,Ga)Se2. Our experimental measurements and the estimates made for dipole contributions show that the junction is of type II, i.e., without a spike in the conduction band (ΔEc=80 meV±100 meV). This is consistent with the high performance of the actual solar cell. However, it differs from most previous results on junctions based on single crystals and/or vacuum deposited CdS, which indicated the existence of a conduction band spike.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy shows that benzoic acid and its derivatives can bind chemically to the surfaces of CdSe. The dipole moment of the adsorbed benzoate correlates linearly with changes in the semiconductor work function, as determined by vibrating capacitor (Kelvin probe) measurements. Because ligand adsorption does not induce significant changes in surface photovoltage, we conclude that changes in work function are due to changes in electron affinity rather than in band bending. This means that ligand adsorption does not induce charge transfer between the surface and the semiconductor but rather adds a surface dipole. Changes in band bending do occur, however, upon conventional etching.
While a p-n junction is a stable situation for electronic carriers, it represents an unstable one for the very dopants that create the junction, i.e., the junction is only kinetically stabilized against equilibration of the dopant concentrations in the chemical and electrical potential gradients in the junction region. However, when a dopant migrates with a charge opposite to the effective one that it has as a dopant, the electrical potential gradient, instead of destabilizing, can now help to stabilize the junction. Ag, which acts as an acceptor in (Hg,Cd)Te, is an example of such a dopant. We show here that in Cd-rich n-(Hg,Cd)Te, Ag creates a p-n junction that is capable of restoring itself after being smeared out by small perturbations. This behavior is inconsistent with pure kinetic stabilization of the junction and indicates that Ag dissolution in (Hg,Cd)Te strongly deviates from ideal behavior. Reasons for this nonideality are suggested.
Controlled surface modification of CdTe single crystals and CdTe and CuInSe2 solar cell quality thin films was achieved by chemisorption of a series of organic ligands with varying dipole moments. Contact potential difference measurements in air showed that adsorption of benzoic or hydroxamic acid derivatives on the thin films or crystals changes the semiconductors' electron affinity without significantly affecting band bending. The magnitude and direction of surface potential changes, which reach 670 mV between extreme modifications, correlate with the ligands' dipole moments. Ligand dipole moments were controlled by varying the substituents of the ligand. Quantitative Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy showed that benzoic acid surface coverage is about one monolayer. Finally, FTIR spectral analysis showed that the benzoic acid derivatives adsorb via coordination to Cd on CdTe and that hydroxamic acids bind to Cd on CdTe and to In on CuInSe2. These phenomena occur in several systems (two semiconductor compounds, two types of binding groups, and two types of surface morphologies were examined) and may prove useful in band edge engineering.
Surface photovoltage spectroscopy has been used as a clear, simple method to identify the two polar faces [(111) and (111)] of undoped CdTe. The difference in electronic structure of the two faces is clearly observed in air on polished untreated samples. The (111)Te surface is characterized by an acceptor level, at an energy 1.17 eV below the conduction-band minimum, which is assumed to result from TeO2-CdTe interaction. The (111)Cd surface is distinguished by two additional donor levels, at 1.11 and 1.33 eV above the valence-band maximum, which seem to be due to Cd surface atom displacements, accompanying the Te oxidation. These assignments are supported by the results obtained after various chemical treatments.
Local p-n and p-n-p junction structures can be formed under room-temperature conditions, in CuInSe2 and related materials solely by applying strong electric fields through small contacts. Electromigration of native Cu ions, which was suggested as the mechanism for type conversion, assumes an enhancement in ion mobility of several orders of magnitude. Electric-field-induced local heating was given as one possible cause for such enhancement [Cahen et al., Science 258, 271 (1992)]. Therefore, we have measured the average temperature of and around the contacts to CuInSe2 and Cu0.95Ag0.05InSe2 crystals, during application of the electric field. The measurements were done as a function of the active power dissipated in the system, using two different techniques, viz. infrared emission and contact melting. We find that the temperature around the contact, during the tens of ms of actual structure formation (210-320°C), is insufficient for significant thermal diffusion. We conclude that electromigration is the dominant mechanism.
The electron transfer through an organized organic monolayer of alkyl chains adsorbed on a silicon wafer has been studied. The silicon was used as an electrode in a three-electrode electrochemical cell, and the current versus voltage response was measured. The results show that when the chains in the monolayer are in the "all trans" configuration, the charge transfer efficiency is higher than when the chains have a "gauche" configuration. A mechanism rationalizing all the observations is suggested.
The displacements of the ions and the changes in cell parameters which occur on application of an electric field to a crystal of AgGaS2 have been determined using X-ray diffraction. The shifts in Bragg angle of 14 reflections, due to a field of 2.6 × 106 V/m applied nearly parallel to [221], were used to refine the change in cell parameters. The resulting piezoelectric coefficients are d14 = d25 = 8.8 (0.9) × 10-12 C/N and d36 = 7.6 (1.8) × 10-12 C/N. This leads to a value of 4.8 (0.5) × 10-12 pC/N for the piezoelectric constant in the [221] direction, which compares well with a value of 5-6 × 10-12 C/N measured directly. The ionic displacements were studied for two field directions. With E = 2.6 × 106 V/m in a direction parallel to [110], very small, but significant a and b direction displacements were observed for all atoms, whereas the displacements in the e direction were negligible as expected. Relative to the sulfur framework, the Ga ion displacement is considerably larger than that of the Ag ions. The changes in scattering intensity for a field parallel to [221] were found to be much smaller, indicating smaller ionic displacements for that field direction. The ion displacements are analyzed with a model of nonpolarizable harmonic oscillators in an electric field. It is found that the observed displacements of the Ga ions are much larger than the calculated displacements, whereas the displacements of the Ag ion are in good agreement with theory.
YBa2Cu3O7 (1237) was reduced and reoxydated quantitatively, in a controlled manner, at room temperature (RT), by way of extraction or insertion of oxygen, using an electrochemical set-up. RT reduction and reoxygenation of thin films, which led to homogeneous products, as judged by X ray diffraction. Since reduction leads to loss of superconductivity and re-oxidation restores it, this method allows room temperature control over superconducting properties of (parts of) films. This permits patterning of (1237) thin films. SNS-like structures were already prepared by this method. The method affords control not only over n(EF) via [oxygen]bulk, but also over the quality of the intergranular contact, possibly via control of [oxygen] in the outermost layers of grains (in films and pellets).
We report here on the optimization of ohmic contacts to p-CuInSe2 (CISe) single crystals. A low resistance ohmic contact is required to minimize current losses due to series resistance; e.g. in Schottky diodes. Both In-Ga (eutectic)/CISe and gold (evaporatedVCISe contacts have been fabricated on crystals with different orientations and bulk properties. Gold contacts were found to have a lower resistance and to be more stable than In-Ga ones, from the slope of the linear current-voltage plot of the junctions. The resistance of the Au/CISe ohmic contact was decreased by etching the CISe crystal surface chemically in a 0.5% solution of Br2 in methanol for 30 sec at room temperature, prior to gold deposition, while that of the In-Ga contact increased by this etch. Wetting experiments and contact angle measurements showed evidence for changes in the polarity of the surface due to chemical etches.
Solar cells based on CuInSe2 polycrystalline thin films (see Figure) are one of the few realistic alternatives to polycrystalline Si for practical conversion of solar energy into electricity. A model explaining the important role of the secondary copper chalcogenide phases in the deposition of the CuInSe2 films by physical vacuum evaporation is presented. (Figure Presented.)
The interaction between a chalcogenide semiconductor surface and a specific chelating ligand was studied by a number of complementary spectroscopic methods (UV/VIS, FTIR, XPS). FTIR suggests that the chelating ligand (diphenyl hydroxamic acid) complexes an In3+ ion in CuInSe2, and a Cd2+ ion in CdTe, accompanied by the loss of a proton. Contact potential measurements showed that the adsorbed ligand changes the semiconductor electron affinity without significantly influencing the band bending. On the basis of these and other results, we suggest that the molecular dipole of the chelating ligand is responsible for the change in surface potential. Because this dipole can be modified without changing the ligand's binding group, this finding opens the way to control surface potential by varying the dipole moment of the adsorbed ligand without changing the binding functional group.
YBa2Cu3O7 (1237) was reduced and reoxidized at room temperature (RT), by using wet electrochemistry to extract, or solid state electrochemistry to re-insert oxygen. With thin films this led to homogeneous products, as judged by X ray diffraction and temperature dependence of electrical resistivity. Because reduction leads to loss of superconductivity and re-oxidation restores it, this method allows room temperature control over superconducting properties of (parts of) films and, thus, can be used for patterning of (1237) thin films. We showed this by preparing SNS-like structures by this method. The method affords control not only over bulk properties, but also over the quality of the intergranular contact, possibly via control of oxygen concentration and ordering in the outermost layers of grains (in films and pellets). The results imply rapid, field-assisted, oxygen motion and this was confirmed by independent measurements.
Impedance measurements were used to evaluate the relative band edge positions of single crystal p-CuInSe2 electrodes in various aqueous electrolytes, by measuring the extrapolated flatband potentials, Vfb. We find that Vfb can be shifted, depending on the extent of the potential scan and on the pH of the electrolyte used, over a range of up to 1.7 V (between pH 0-pH 14). In the pH range 0-6, Vfb can be fixed at intermediate values, which, in their turn, are determined by the pH of the electrolyte.
Semionic behaviour is demonstrated in certain ternary and multinary semiconductors, by following the effects of application of external electric fields at ambient temperature. We find that this can lead to stable, local changes in their microchemical composition and, via resulting changes in carrier concentration, in their electronic properties. Thus, actual device structures are embedded in the material. We summarize these results and our understanding of the mechanisms involved.
The electricfieldinduced doping of semiconductors to form permanentlydoped, stable device structures using strong electric fields at room temperature is reported. The figure is a secondary electron image of two gold electrodes contacting the surface of the CuInSe2 sample. Electricfield application has resulted in the contact becoming ohmic (superimposed trace) indicating that an internal doping profile has been created. (Figure Presented.)
Multiple-junction structures were formed, on a microscopic scale, at room temperature, by the application of a strong electric field across originally homogeneous crystals of the ternary chalcopyrite semiconductor CuInSe2. After removal of the electric field, the structures were examined with electron beam-induced current microscopy and their current-voltage characteristics were measured. Bipolar transistor action was observed, indicating that sharp bulk junctions can form in this way at low ambient temperatures. The devices are stable under normal (low-voltage) operating conditions. Possible causes for this effect, including electromigration and electric field-assisted defect reactions, are suggested.
On the basis of literature data of thermodynamic quantities and functions for species that can be involved in the preparation of thin films of CuInSe2, we calculate free energies for a number of possible reactions. The reactions that are considered are especially relevant for the three-source vacuum evaporation process and for selenization of CuIn alloys. Reactions of species that can be present in the gas phase, with oxygen, are also considered. Where possible, free energies of reaction are calculated at temperatures relevant for these preparation processes. In some cases, only enthalpies of reaction could be given. We include a compilation of free energies and enthalpies of formation for I-III-VI2 compounds and related binary chalcogenides. This can help future calculations of the type presented here for other I-III-VI2 compounds.
Quantitative data are presented that show partial ionic conductivity of Cu or Ag in ternary and quaternary electronic semiconductors, with idealized stoichiometry CuxAg1-xInSe2. A trend of increasing facility of ionic motion with increasing Ag content was observed. Ionic transference numbers up to 0.13 and 0.55 were measured for CuInSe2 and AgInSe2, respectively. This trend can be correlated with the degree of compactness of the structure. It is supported by results from measurements of effective values of chemical diffusion coefficients, obtained by a potentiostatic current decay technique. Those results show a generally higher diffusivity in AgInSe2 than in CuInSe2. A clear trend of increasing diffusion coefficient (up to 10-7 cm2/s) with decreasing concentration of IB metal was observed. No obvious general correlation is seen between net electronic carrier concentration (or resistivity) and diffusion coefficients, except that overall the highest diffusion coefficients are found for Cu-poor (or Ag-poor) samples which are also the most resistive. The effect of temperature (between 20 and 100°C) on the diffusivity is small. On the basis of our observations we conclude that diffusion occurs predominantly via a vacancy mechanism and suggest that this possibility of coexistence of significant ionic mobility with true semiconductivity can be useful for electronic doping by native defects.
Electronic properties of initially homogeneous (Hg,Cd)Te samples have been modified on a local scale, in a stable manner at room temperature, by reverse biasing of small-area Schottky contacts on them. This was shown, after the bias voltage had been lifted, by current-voltage measurements and by electron beam-induced current scans. The creation of a clear diodelike structure in the vicinity of the Schottky contact on a scale of about hundred μm could be explained by electromigration of electrically active ions and/or by generation of point and line defects. The latter type of defect was revealed by chemical etch after application of the field.
Energy storage measurements by modulated photothermal radiometry (PTR) were carried out on intact leaves to assess the value of the PTR method for photosynthesis research. In particular, correlations to the redox state of P700 under various conditions were examined. PTR monitors modulated light conversion to heat by sensing the resulting modulated infra-red radiation emitted from the leaf. It is, therefore, a complementary method to photoacoustics for estimating energy storage and its time variation, particularly under controlled leaf atmosphere. With modulated light-1 (λ>690 nm) the energy storage approached zero and P700 was maximally oxidized. When background light of shorter wavelength (λ
We present a summary of our defect chemical microscopic model for the effect that annealing in air or oxygen has on CuInSe2 and CdTe-based polycrystalline thin film solar cells and explain its generalization to other chalcogenide-based semiconductor devices. The summary includes a hypothesis for specific O2 (molecule) and surface interaction. From the point of view of device performance, the model provides a specific chemical explanation for the conclusions obtained from device analyses that the performance of the present generation of polycrystalline cells of this type is mainly limited by recombination at grain surfaces and boundaries.
Diffusion of oxygen at room temperature in polycrystalline pellets and thin films of YBa2Cu3O7-x (123) is measured from the current decay at constant potential in an electrochemical cell with a liquid electrolyte, using 123 as the cathode. The effective chemical diffusion coefficient is found to be 10-11-10-12cm2/s, thus explaining the relatively facile movement of oxygen in such samples.
On the basis of literature data of thermodynamic quantities and functions for species that can be involved in the preparation of thin films of CuInSe2,we calculate free energies for a number of possible reactions. The reactions that are considered are especially relevant for the three-source vacuum evaporation process and for selenization of CuIn alloys. Reactions of species that can be present in the gas phase, with oxygen, are also considered. Where possible, free energies of reaction are calculated at temperatures relevant for these preparation processes. In some cases, only enthalpies of reaction could be given. We include a compilation of free energies and enthalpies of formation for I-III-VI2 compounds and related binary chalcogenides. This can help future calculations of the type presented here for other I-III-VI2 compounds.
The oxygen content of polycrystalline samples of YBa2Cu3O7 x can be reduced quantitatively, in a controlled fashion, by electrochemical techniques at room temperature in propylene carbonate. Upon reduction, the propylene carbonate undergoes an unusual reaction at the YBa2Cu3O7 x cathode to produce propanal, apparently because of the production of an active oxygen species on the surface. The reduced materials have been characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility. The large-grained, reduced pellets are found to be inhomogeneous with respect to x. The reduced materials exhibit a broadened transition to the superconducting state. This effect is ascribed to the formation of metastable phases formed during reduction. After a low-temperature anneal, 80, 60 and 20 K transition temperatures are observed. These results indicate that Tc is a continuous function of oxygen content, but a discontinuous function of oxygen ordering.
The practical diffusion coefficient of oxygen in YBa2Cu3O7-x at room temperature, as measured by a current decay method in a wet electrochemical set-up was found to be 4 ± 2 × 10-12 cm2/sec, essentially independent of grain size (in polycrystalline thin films or bulk pellet) and of surface properties. Therefore, it is concluded that the rate-determining step in the diffusion process, the movement of the oxygen inside the grain, is much faster than what would be expected on the basis of extrapolation of high temperature data. This explains our ability to use RT reduction to form metastable 123 variants.
By correlating photoluminescence data with the electronic properties, stoichiometry, and chemical diffusion coefficients (of Cu) for a number of single-crystal samples, we arrive at a chemically and physically consistent interpretation of luminescent transitions in CuInSe2. This interpretation involves point defect chemical assignments to the electron energy levels that are involved in these transitions. Thus the copper vacancy, VCu, is identified as a defect that is mainly responsible for Cu diffusion in this material. The electrochemical potential of the electron involved in the VCux + e− = VCu reaction is found to be ca. 40 meV above the valence band.
During a study of grain boundaries and interfaces in Mo/CuBSe2 (CBS, B = In,Ga) polycrystalline films, multigrain aggregates were discovered in these structures if the substrate is 7059 Corning glass or Si. These aggregates were revealed by planar electron-beam-induced current (EBIC) on the CBS surface, by normal optical microscopy on the plasma-etched CBS surface, and by optical Nomarski interference contrast (NIC) microscopy when viewed through the glass substrate. This last method is applicable also to complete solar cell structures. In that case, when the Mo film is sufficiently thin, observation through the glass substrate shows the areas onto which the CdS window layer and the metal pads are deposited on CBS films. The aggregates, which are 10-100 μm in size, probably result from differences in the thermal expansion coefficients of the components of the multilayer structure. NIC microscopy seems to be a rapid, simple and nondestructive method to assess certain aspects of film quality.
Power loss mechanisms in illuminated and nonilluminated photovoltaic cells are investigated by an ac calorimetric method. In this electrothermal (ET) method, periodic temperature changes, caused by periodic electrical excitation, are sensed as a function of external parameters, e.g., applied voltage. ET signals on crystalline silicon and thin-film CuInSe2/CdS solar cells are measured as a function of applied voltage. The results are compared to those obtained from an energy balance model. Inherent to the model is the occurrence of injected carrier cooling. The ability of ET measurements to separate different power loss mechanisms is discussed and compared to that of conventional photothermal ones (e.g., photoacoustic).
CuInSe2 and CuGaSe2 (CMS) are considered as promising materials for solar cells. We have used a variety of microscopic techniques (SEM/SE, EBIC, TEM/SAD and optical microscopy) to understand the microchemistry and microstructure of the various interfaces that occur in these polycrystalline cells, and which often appear to act as the major loci for recombination. Standard bi-layer CMS films were prepared by 3-source vacuum evaporation on Mo-coated substrates (glass or Si single crystals). Plasma ion etching was used to prepare thin foils for TEM observations.
SEM images (SE mode) of the films show a dense polycrystalline structure (few um grain size) with no visible substructure. EBIC analyses of the same films, however, show a clear aggregation of the crystallites into structures of typically : 30 um diameter with very poor collection efficiency at the aggregate boundaries (AB). These AB correllate with deformation patterns of the Mo layer seen by optical microscopy (Nomarski contrast) when etched away, and also do not occur for thin (
We describe the use of photothermal signals, obtained from a photovoltaic cell subjected to periodic excitation, as a function of applied electrical potential, and of a simple geometrical construction, based on a plot of these, to analyze the use of photon energy by the cell. The method is illustrated using examples obtained by a variety of experimental thermal detection schemes with c-Si, a-Si, and GaAs solid-state cells, as well as with liquid-junction (photoelectrochemical) cells, taking into account complications that arise if only part of the solar cell surface is illuminated, if only part of the thermal energy flux emanating from the cell's surface is detected, or if quantum efficiencies for current collection differ substantially from unity. KeywordsPhotovoltaic, radiometry, beam deflection, calorimetry.
The ability of photothermal measurements to provide calorimetric data on active, functioning photovoltaic solar cells is described. We illustrate how the voltage dependence of such data can yield quantitative information on the relative contributions of the different energy conversion loss mechanisms, that are operative in a solar cell, by way of analysis of a number of experimental results on a variety of solar cells, including liquid junction ones. Central to our analysis is the use of a rather simple geometrical construction based on a plot of the photothermal signal versus the applied bias voltage.
Electrothermal measurements are used as a calorimetric method to study power dissipation in laser diodes as a function of applied current. Comparison of low frequency data with a simple model allows the determination of the change in dissipated power near the lasing threshold.
Values for effective electronic parameters and the optical band gaps of CuGaSe2 films and Cu(Ga, In)Se2 films are determined for films with varying metal stoichiometries, by using an organic liquid electrolyte to form a Schottky barrier to the films.
We have found that in certain semiconducting compounds it is
possible to use electro-migration at room temperature or below, to
exert external control over the local microchemical composition of
the semiconductor. This is achieved by means of an electric field
profile that is applied to the sample. This control appears to be
extendable down to sub-micron dimensions.
We studied power dissipation in illuminated and non-illuminated photovoltaic cells using photothermal and electrothermal measurements as a modulated calorimetric method. We are able to identify, analyze and determine quantitatively the major power loss mechanisms due to their dominance under different bias conditions. To this end we have developed a model which we have applied to data measured under various conditions.
Photothermal and electrothermal measurements are used as a calorimetric method to study power dissipation in semiconductor devices as a function of applied bias. We have developed a model that allows a quantitative determination of the contributions due to the major heat-generating mechanisms which are responsible for conversion losses in different types of illuminated and non-illuminated photovoltaic cells and laser diodes.
Photoacoustics is used as a calorimetric method in conjunction with electrical measurements to determine which mechanisms are involved in the conversion of most of the absorbed radiation to thermal energy in (mainly Si p-n) solar cells. The major mechanisms that are identified and quantified include local cooling, near the junction of the cells. Quantification is made possible by the use of a model for internal energy fluxes in a photovoltaic cell, which takes into account the different spatial distributions of heat generated by photogenerated and injected carriers. The experimental results agree well with calculations based on the model also in the case of thin-film CdS/CuInSe2 cells.
Electrochemical and, especially, chemical oxidative etching drastically improves the photoresponse of liquid electrolyte/CuGaSe2-on-Mo junctions. This is expressed in decreased effective doping levels and increased effective minority carrier diffusion lengths. It is accounted for by removal of highly defective surface layers, which also leads to an increase in the barrier height, as judged from a positive shift of the flat band potential (on the electrochemical scale). The etching effects are seen clearly in Zn/CuGaSe2 devices, by electron beam-induced current. This last method also reveals a supra-grain structure, which is tentatively explained by thermal stress-induced strain at the Mo-CuGaSe2 interface.
Annealing of p-CuInSe2 crystals at low (250300 °C) and high (600650 °C) temperatures in the presence of CuInSe2 powder with a variety of (native) dopants showed the temperature rather than the nature of the dopant to be the major factor in determining the resultant carrier type and concentration. Experiments without added dopant indicate, for samples from a different boule, that type conversion occurs upon annealing between 550 and 650 °C. These results can be explained by thermally induced changes in relative concentrations of intrinsic defects (that were frozen in during crystal cooling) via complex formation and temperature-dependent ionization of defects and their complexes.
The oxygen content of YBa2Cu3O7-xcan be reduced electrochemically in a non-aqueous electrolyte at room temperature. The products are characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, magnetic susceptibility and electrical conductivity. The transition to the superconducting state is broadened upon reduction. Subsequent annealing of the reduced samples yields materials with distinct 90, 60 and 20 K transitions. These results indicate that the oxygen content is the primary factor in controlling Tc.
Israel's program in photovoltaic research, development and demonstration is described. The description includes government policy in this area, as expressed by the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, and an historical summary, based mainly on the long-standing involvement of the National Council for Research and Development. There is also an overview of funding sources, and there are short summaries of a number of past and ongoing research and demonstration projects, including the new national centre for testing solar electricity generating systems, at Sde-Boker in the Negev.
CuBSe2/Mo films of about 3 μm in thickness prepared on different substrates (Si single crystal, glass, alumina) by three-source evaporation have been investigated by electron and optical microscopic techniques: Scanning electron microscopy [including (EBIC) electron-beam-induced current mode], conventional transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and optical Nomarski microscopy. They show, on top of their well-known dense polycrystalline structure (≊1 μm average grain size), a more coarse "aggregate" structure with aggregate dimensions of 20-100 μm, depending on the substrate used. The aggregate boundaries are characterized by very poor EBIC collection efficiency. For samples on glass substrates, this structure, as detected in EBIC, correlates with deformation patterns of the Mo layer seen by Nomarski contrast when viewed through the glass side of the samples. Local electrical measurements made on small Schottky contacts reveal a correlation between the aggregate structure and the I-V characteristics. TEM studies show the presence of both cubic (sphalerite) and tetragonal (chalcopyrite) phases with very clear intergranular phase separation. In many of the grains, twinning was observed. Separate studies of the aggregate boundaries show them to be made up of very tiny crystallites (≊50 Å), apparently mixed with amorphous material. Some of these crystallites in the CuInSe 2 films are identified as CuSe and In2Se3 particles.
Heat flow measurements can augment information obtained from electrical measurements on the operating mechanisms in semiconductor devices and particularly solar cells. These measurements can be carried out by a number of experimental methods. The results reported here have been obtained by use of the photoacoustic method, in which a periodic heat flow induces a pressure wave in a small chamber which encloses the device under test, or is attached to it. A microphone detects the pressure wave. The heat flow results from the losses connected with the operating mechanisms of the device. Variations of the operating parameters, such as applied voltage, incident light flux, and/or wavelength etc., permit separation of the mechanisms. Choosing appropriate frequency ranges for the excitation can yield determination of the distance of the heat sources from the surface of the device.
The oxygen content of YBa2Cu3O7-x can be reduced at room temperature using a liquid electrolyte. The degree of reduction can be controlled by coulometry. The products have been characterized structurally, magnetically and electrically. Reduction broadens the transition to the superconducting state. Two distinct superconducting phases are observed only upon annealing at 300°C. Thus while reduction alone affects the Tc, the distinct lower Tc phase is a result of ordering on the oxygen sublattice.
There are seemingly conflicting results from two sets of investigations in the literature concerning the electron stimulated desorption of oxygen incorporated into thin-film p-CuInSe2This has a direct bearing on the model for the role of oxygen in the important postdeposition oxygen treatment of CdS/CuInSe2solar cells, proposed in one of the published reports. By comparing the specific beam parameters of the scanning electron microscope (SEM)/ electron beam induced current (EBIC) versus scanning Auger microprobe (SAM) based studies and calculating charge density for the two cases, the SAM experiments are seen to support, rather than contradict, the results of the SEM/EBIC experiments. The evidence tying the addition and deletion of oxygen to changes in the electrical properties of the CuInSe2are then discussed.
We formulate a consistent defect chemical model of the effect of air/O 2 anneals on CdS/CuInSe2 devices. The model centers on O-induced neutralization of (near) surface donor states in CuInSe2 grains. The simplest identification of these states is with ionized Se vacancies, due to coordinatively unsaturated In on grain surfaces and boundaries.
When a photoacoustic signal, measured as a function of an external variable, is referenced to the photoacoustic signal for a fixed value of this variable, it can be advantageous to modulate the external variable, in addition to the normal optical modulation. The use and limitations of such double modulation are illustrated by direct measurements of power curves for solar cells.
Two electronic methods to follow the migration of constituent species in CuInSe2, thermally and/or electrically driven, are examined. Electron beam-induced current measurements were used to trace the formation and progression of junctions into single-crystal p-type samples, which were heated in the presence of Cu and In sources. A diffusion coefficient of ∼6 × 10-9 cm2 s-1 was calculated for Cu at 300°C, while that for In was some two times smaller. Potentiostatic current versus time measurements (cf. Kleinfeld and Wiemhöfer, this conference) were performed on a sample at various temperatures between 18 and 100°C, and a diffusion coefficient of 2×10-8 cm2 s-1 was obtained for the mobile ionic species at 100°C.
A photoelectrochemical cell is constructed, using an n-AgInSez photoanode, made from polycrystalline material with large grain size and an aqueous polyiodide electrolyte. Under simulated AMI.5 insolation, photocurrents of ca. 29 mA/cm2 and photovoltages near 500 mV are obtained, after chemical and photoelectrochemical etching of the electrode surface. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy, and electron microprobe analyses were used to identify corrosion products and the surface chemical reactions, resulting from the etching procedures and from the photocorrosion of the surface. While the use of Ag+-containing electrolytes did not affect cell performance, higher currents and photovoltaic conversion efficiencies were obtained in Cu+-containing polyiodide. Heating the electrodes in air decreases electrode instability, but total stability of the cell has not yet been achieved. The decrease in cell output is ascribed to the photo-assisted formation of elemental selenium, contrary to what is observed for the analogous CuInSe2 cell, where this photodecomposition reaction can be suppressed.
Bonded radii are derived for eight electropositive and four electronegative elements from line plots of total valence electron densities [Jaffe and Zunger, Phys. Rev. B28, 5822 (1983); B30, 741 (1984)] for 10 ternary chalcopyrites, in order to aid in understanding the defect chemistry of such compounds. They scale well with tetrahedral sulphide crystal radii, when a spherical atom approximation is made, in which case they are significantly closer to these than to covalent tetrahedral radii, as illustrated for several ternary chalcogenides. Their derivation confirms that the electronegative elements in these tetrahedrally bonded ternaries are better described by tetrahedrally distorted spheres. Still, models using these radii are to be preferred over the usual ball-and-stick types. This is illustrated by a few examples concerning native defects and ion mobility in some ternaries.
We have substituted up to ca. 2 at.% of the Cu in orthorhombic YBa2Cu3O7 by Ag. This substitution leads to a wider temperature range for the resistive transition to the superconducting state and a decrease in the fraction of the sample that is superconductive, as compared to the Ag-free material. Introduction of up to ca. 1.5 at.% Ag causes a slight lattice expansion. Higher nominal levels of Ag bring about the formation of additional phases, which, however, still show zero resistance, albeit at lower temperatures. We use solid state chemical arguments to infer that Ag substitutes for Cu in the CuO4 chains of the structure, in which case our results suggest that optimal superconducting behaviour is obtained when these chains are intact.
The photovoltaic characteristics of (photoelectro)chemically etched n-CuInX2 crystals in basic polysulfide and in neutral polyiodide electrolytes were studied and compared. Because of the indium oxide-like nature of the n-CuInSe2surface, dark current-voltage (I-V) measurements on In2O3 thin films were carried out, too. Photoelectrochemical etching improves the performance of chemically etched photoanodes, more so in polysulfide than in polyiodide. Surface analyses show that the former treatment leads to formation of elemental Se on the surface. Subsequent air oxidation yields a surface, which consists of Se° and In2O3. Solution effects of polysulfide and polyiodide solutions were studied. Polysulfide was modified primarily by changing its cation composition, and polyiodide, by addition of Cu+and/or H+. In polysulfide a strong positive cation effect is found on the photo I-V characteristics with Cs>K>Na>Li.A much weaker effect, with the same trend, is found in polyiodide, if dilute solutions are used. Measurements on In2O3 films show that their electrochemical behavior depends on the cation in the same way as found for CuInX2. These effects are attributed mainly to differences in solution kinetics which stem from cationic activity trends in these solutions. CuInSe2/polyiodide cells are superior, even to Cs-polysulfide ones, but no significant differences are seen with CuInS2. This is explained by differences in the thermodynamic driving forces for electron transfer between these systems. Medium (4-5%) efficient CuInSe2 electrodes show a positive temperature dependence of their photoresponse in polyiodide, similar to that in polysulfide. In the former electrolyte, furthermore, a memory effect is seen: after high temperature operation, some improvement persists for awhile, at room temperature. This might be due to trapping of Cu+in the Se top layer. It is concluded that, while the main difference between n-CuInSe2 in polysulfide and polyiodide is a thermodynamic one, kinetic factors govern further optimization in both electrolytes.
Acoustic detection of thermal waves emanating from a photovoltaic cell are employed to quantitatively distinguish between two power dissipation mechanisms, namely, space-charge thermalization of photogenerated carriers and recombination of injected carriers in the base region. The method can aid in quantitative calorimetric investigations of power-loss mechanisms in photovoltaic devices.
The deposition of CdS onto single-crystal p-CuInSe2 (at a substrate temperature of 200°C) results in a CuInSe2 homojunction rather than the expected heterojunction. Junction depths, varying from 1 to 9 μm, correlated well with the free-carrier concentration of the sample crystals. The junction depths were measured by electron-beam-induced current line scans of cleaved junctions and were corroborated by quantum efficiency measurements. All the materials deposited to date (CdS, Cd, Au, and Mo) have resulted in type conversion of the CuInSe2. The experimental evidence for this type conversion is presented and possible defect chemical origins identified.
The obituary by Elizabeth A. Wood for Alan Holden contained a reference to Kurt Vonnegut's novel Cat's Cradle. Until reading the story about Holden and ethylene diamine tartrate, I thought that the inspiration for ice-nine in Vonnegut's storycame via his brother, Bernard Vonnegut, who is generally credited with the idea for artificial cloud seeding with Agl, a technique used widely in this country. In addition I once heard the story that Bernard Vonnegut was behind a short-lived Allied effort during World War II to bomb the German glycerine (melting point 20°C) tanks with glycerine crystals to solidify this supercooled stored precursor reagent for TNT manufacture, and that this inspired his brother. [with replies from Elizabeth Wood and Bernard and Kurt Vonnegut]
Photoacoustic measurements Provided calorimetric means for characterizing a photovoltaic cell. How photoacoustic measurements performed at low audio frequencies can be applied to the study of energy loss mechanisms in a solar cell is shown. Results from a computer simulation of the photoacoustic signal of a photovoltaic device are compared with the experimental data. The advantages of working at higher irradiation frequencies are discussed. Finally, results of the acoustic signal obtained when an ac voltage is applied to a photovoltaic cell are presented.
Various methods to electrodeposit films of CuInSe(S)2 are discussed. Two basically different methods are treated separately: electrodeposition of the ternary CuInSe(S) systems and deposition of a CuIn alloy followed by annealing in an Se(S)-containing atmosphere. Electrodeposition of the ternary CuInSe(S) systems includes CuInS2 (and CuIn5S8) plated from a thiourea bath. Morphological, compositional and photoelectrochemical behaviour of these layers is discussed. Attempts to plate CuInSe2 from an SeO2-containing bath and CuInS2 from a non-aqueous sulphur-containing bath are also treated. Discussion of the second method, deposition of a CuIn alloy, concentrates on the alloy deposition step. Both co-deposition of copper and indium and sequential deposition of indium on copper are treated, with emphasis on the morphology of the layers.
The results of a wide research program, aimed at improving the conversion efficiency of n-CuInSe2/liquid electrolyte solar cells, while maintaining the stability exhibited by this material in aqueous polysulfide, are described. Aqueous polyiodide is chosen as the electrolyte, on the basis of comparative studies with a number of aqueous and non-aqueous electrolytes. By making the polyiodide slightly acidic, both basic and acid electrolyte photo-oxidation can be avoided. Br2/MeOH is shown to be a good etchant for n-CuInSe2 and optimum conditions for its use are determined. Its chemical and physical effects studied. Chemically, a near-stoichiometric top layer is removed, leaving an O-rich surface. Physically, this treatment removes Fermi level pinning, possibly due to Se-related defect states. Subsequent air oxidation further improves cell performance and conditions for it are optimized. Chemically this treatment leads to formation of In-O bonds. Evidence is found for a low conductivity top layer, and for a ten-fold decrease in doping density, as compared to the etched sample, which is sufficient to explain the improved performance. Only the chemical etch has a significant effect on the charge collection efficiency, as measured by EBIC. From electrochemical decomposition, solid state chemical and surface composition studies we formulate stabilization strategies: adding Cu+ and In3+ to the solution and forming and additional indium oxide film on the electrode surface. In this way, stable, and 12% efficient cells are formed.
When power dissipation in a photovoltaic cell is measured as a function of load resistance via photothermal techniques which sense only part of the photovoltaic cell, significant deviations from previously reported photoacoustic measurements can be obtained. These deviations occur under nonuniform illumination. They are due to the fact that, under these experimental conditions, the measured signal is proportional to only part of the power dissipation by injected carriers, while all of the photogenerated carriers contribute to the signal. Results from photothermal radiometry experiments are presented and explained in this way.
EBIC characterization of CdS/CuInSe2 device cross sections has been used to investigate junction activity as a function of post-deposition oxidation treatments. It was determined that the deposition of CdS onto single-crystal p-CuInSe2 results in type conversion and the formation of a CuInSe2 homojunction, rather than the expected heterojunction. Homojunctions have also been observed in as-deposited CdS/CuInSe2 thin film devices. Post-deposition oxygen treatments of thin film devices serve to move the device junction nearer, if not up to, the heteroface and to largely remove both large (mm) and small (μm) scale spatial variations in the Isc, thereby contributing to device performance improvement. This appears to occur by type converting the unintended CuInSe2 n-layer via the elimination of deep level donor states. These processes are reversible by chemical reduction. They are quite temperature sensitive and are active even at room temperatures. Both hydrazine and an electron beam act to remove "loosely bound" oxygen and thereby prepare the system for a more optimal and stable incorporation of oxygen. The CuInSe2 film stoichiometry appears to determine the concentration and kinds of defects. The resulting defect chemistry, in concert with oxygen, determines the electrical properties of the material.
Fourier transform photothermal deflection spectroscopy is used to obtain values for the optical band gaps of relatively rough polycrystalline films of CuInSe2 on scattering Al2O3 or Mo/Al2O3 substrates and to estimate absorption coefficients at photon energies close to the band gap. Heating of the films in air generally caused a slight shift to lower photon energies of the band gap. Absorption edges in Cu2Se-rich films were absent or poorly resolved. Results obtained for a single-crystal sample agree well with literature values. In this case it was possible to determine from the variation in the phase angle of the signal with photon energy that the sub-band-gap absorption originated from the bulk rather than the surface. We did not find conclusive evidence for indirect transitions in either the crystal or the thin films. The integration of this method into a semiconductor-liquid junction system for semiconductor characterization is discussed. In order to illustrate this possibility, simultaneous photothermal deflection and photocurrent measurements are performed for the single crystal and for a thin film immersed in an electrolyte.
CuInS2 films prepared by electrodeposition from an aqueous solution of Cu+ and In3+ ions and thiourea, with subsequent annealing in an H2S atmosphere, were characterized by photoelectrochemical measurements in a polysulfide electrolyte and by scanning electron microscopy and microprobe analyses. Laser scanning of the photocurrent together with microprobe analyses correlated n- and p-type behavior with indium-rich and copper-rich areas respectively. For n-type layers, performance appeared to be determined largely by the morphology of the layers. CuInS2 layers were also prepared by electrodeposition of a CuIn alloy and subsequent sulfurization in H2S. The above methods were extended to the preparation of CuIn5S8 (by adjustment of the copper-to-indium ratio in the bath) and CuInSe2 (by heating CuIn films in H2Se).
Photoacoustic measurements provide calorimetric means for characterizing a photovoltaic cell. The authors apply the photoacoustic technique to the study of energy loss mechanisms in a solar cell. Results from a computer simulation of the photoacoustic signal of a photovoltaic device are in qualitative agreement with the experimental data. When a solar cell containing a back surface field is irradiated with weak, monochromatic light of long wavelength, its photocurrent increases with increasing forward bias. This anomaly originates from trap states at the back surface. Photoacoustic data appear to support this hypothesis.
The consideration of the title cells as either semiconductor/liquid electrolyte, or as solid-state solar cells is determined by analyzing data from impedance measurements on electrochemical and solid-state devices, and from electron-beam-induced current (EBIC) measurements on the latter. Air oxidation of etched samples leads to an order of magnitude decrease in net donor density near the surface. A small, up to 250 mV, barrier is found without electrolyte contact. Because this barrier is insufficient to account for the observed open current voltage with an electrolyte, and because EBIC shows only part of the interface to be active, it is suggested that the cells still act as semiconductor/liquid electrolyte ones, with air oxidation leading mainly to decreased recombination losses by increasing the depletion layer width. Field-assisted movement of Cu-interstitials or vacancies explains the observed decrease in net donor density.
The use of dark- and photo-electrochemical techniques, i. e. use of semiconductor/electrolyte configurations, to obtain information on electrical and optical properties of semiconducting samples, is discussed. A sequence of measurements is given which allows extraction of information even on poorly formed samples, and the experimental techniques needed for such measurements are outlined. Examples are given to illustrate the methods. The unique aspects of (photo)electrochemical characterization are pointed out.
High efficiency (12.7%) CdSe0.68Te0.32/cesium polysulfide photoelectrochemical cells are demonstrated in this work. Crystals of the ternary alloy Cd(Se, Te) of type n type were synthesized by the traveling heater method. The nature of the polysulfide electrolyte, based on Cs polysulfide without excess hydroxide and containing small amounts of copper ions, is shown to be of particular importance in determining the cell efficiency. Reasonable output stability of the cell was obtained under accelerated tests.
Layers of CuInS2, and CuIn5S8 were prepared by the slurry painting method from powders of the respective semiconductors, followed by annealing in Ar and then in H2S. The layers were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction, electron microprobe and surface analyses and, for their photovoltaic behaviour, by photoelectrochemical methods using a liquid polysulfide electrolyte as the junction-forming phase. For the CuInS2 layers, large spatial variations in the photocurrent were found using laser scanning techniques, and these were correlated roughly with the In:Cu ratio, which was found to be > 1 for areas of good photoactivity. Incorporation of the flux metal (Zn or Cd from ZnCl2 or CdCl2) into the layers was not found to be detrimental to the photoactivity, and possibly even beneficial. A steep increase in the dark reverse saturation current under small (2S3 layers (which were also photoactive), and was connected with a layer of In2O3 or In2S3 at the surface of all films. Surface analyses (AES and XPS) showed that strong Cu depletion occurred at the surface of both CuInS2 and CuIn5S8. The surface of the former was found to be predominantly In2O3, while the latter was mainly In2S3, with possibly very localized surface oxide patches.
A high efficiency (12. 7%) CdSe//0//. //6//5Te//0//. //3//5/cesium polysulfide photoelectrichemical cell is demonstrated in this work. Crystals of the ternary alloy Cd(Se, Te) of type n were synthesized by the traveling heater method. The nature of the polysulfide electrolyte, based on Cs polysulfide without excess hydroxide, with optimum sulfur and sulfide concentrations, and containing small amounts of copper ions, is shown to be of particular importance in determining the cell efficiency. Reasonable output stability of the cell was obtained under accelerated tests.
CuInS//2, CuIn//5S//8 and CuInSe//2 films were prepared by deposition of Cu-In-S or Cu-In from aqueous baths, followed by annealing in H//2S or H//2Se. A correlation was found between the composition of CuInS//2 layers (and, to some extent, the annealing temperature) and their conductivity type. The morphology of the layers was the most important factor in determining their photovoltaic activity, which was measured in a liquid (polysulphide) junction configuration. The CuInS//2 layers were usually of the chalcopyrite structure while the CuIn//5S//8 layers were spinel, measured by X-ray diffraction. The n-type layers of all three semiconductors showed very variable quantum efficiencies up to 0. 67 for CuInS//2, while the p-CuInS//2 layers gave quantum efficiencies which rarely exceeded 0. 1.
n-CuInS//2 and n-CuInSe//2 were subjected to surface analyses by x-ray photoelectron and Auger electron spectroscopy, after their use as photoanodes in polysulfide solutions. For CuInS//2 samples that had a poor conversion efficiency, a rather heterogeneous surface was found, with patches rich in In, which is probably present mainly as oxide. Some CuO was found as well, although the top layer was depleted in Cu, compared to a reference sample. More efficient samples showed a more homogeneous surface and even strong Cu depletion. These changes are ascribed to additional surface treatments, viz. , dipping in hot KCN solution and thermal oxidation of the resultant etched surface. It is suggested that the occurrence of an indium oxide top layer, aided by thermal oxidation of the electrode in the case of CuInSe//2, has a beneficial effect on electrode performance.
The photoelectrochemistry of n-CuInS//2 and CuInSe//2 in polysulfide electrolyte is studied with particular emphasis on the pretreatments of the electrodes and on their output stability. The use of Cd doping, (photoelectro)chemical etching, and mild air oxidation all were found to improve electrode performance. The effect of air oxidation was reproducible only for the diselenide, where it improved the fill factor and, because of a negative shift of the flatband potential, the open-circuit voltage. Optimized cells showed, at elevated temperatures, conversion efficiencies around 5 and 7. 5% for the sulfide and selenide, respectively.
Photosynthetic parameters of the lichen Ramalina duriael were investigated in vivo, by the photoacoustic method using intensity-modulated exciting light (frequency range 5-300 Hz). The photoacoustic signal in intact lichens was similar in its general characteristics to that obtained from intact leaves of higher plants (Poulet et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 724, 433-446, 1983). It included two components interpreted to be due to modulated heat and modulated oxygen evolution. The quantum yield of the oxygen evolution component was maximal in the red spectral region and exhibited the 'red drop' decrease at wavelengths larger than 680 nm, similar to observations in higher plants. In contrast to those however, there was a pronounced decrease in this yield in the region below about 600 nm, indicating that pigments absorbing at shorter wavelengths are inefficient energy transfer agents. Similar results were observed for the quantum yield spectrum of photochemical energy storage. Analysis of oxygen diffusion in the symbiont alga, from the modulation frequency dependence of the ratio of oxygen evolution to photothermal signal component is consistent with an average diffusion path of about 4 μm, compared to a smaller, 1 μm, average diffusion path obtained in green leaves.
The modulation frequency dependence of photoacoustic signals obtained from photoactive samples can provide information on the time-dependent enthalpy changes occurring during the light-induced process. The experimental requirements for this type of calorimetry, and the interpretation ot the results, are critically examined with reference to the light-driven proton pump bacteriorhodopsin. For a three-step unbranched model of the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle we derive an expression for the photoacoustic magnitude signal as a function of frequency. Simulations are performed for various values of the rate constants and energetic changes. It is shown that the net heat uptake during a low, final step postulated by some workers should be reflected in the photoacoustic magnitude frequency spectrum, giving rise to a characteristic maximum. However, this effect, which has been observed experimentally, may also be produced by a fast, strongly endothermic step occurring earlier. The precise chronology of an endothermic transition cannot be resolved unambiguously by magnitude measurements alone, although they are free from assumptions regarding difficult-to-measure phase relationships. Hence, the published photoacoustic observations showing the effect are consistent with a cyclic sequence of events in which the bacteriorhodopsin system first undergoes an increase of entropy, followed by a decrease on returning to the initial state, as well as the reverse. It is argued that the molecular disorder-order sequence is more probable.
The photoelectrochemistry of the spinel phase CuIn5S8 in polysulfide electrolyte was studied. A sequence of annealing in S and in vacuum was found to give optimal material for this purpose. The performance of such material could be improved by acid etching and photoelectrochemical etching; both of these treatments deplete the top layer of Cu. Notwithstanding obvious kinetic limitations in polysulfide, the title system shows a negative temperature dependence. The output stability which is inferior to that of n-CuInS2 systems in polysulfide, is limited by increasing dark currents. These may be due to the formation of CuS on the surface. While, for all examples studied, the indirect bandgap around 1.3 eV was observed, the direct gap around 1.5 eV was seen clearly only for photoelectrochemically etched electrodes. It is suggested that the poor photovoltaic performance and mediocre output stability behaviour of CuIn5S8 photoanodes is related to the inability of the material to tolerate significant Cu depletion and to the absence of a homogeneous indium oxide surface layer. This latter finding may be connected with the fact that most of the indium is octahedrally, rather than tetrahedrally coordinated, in contrast to what is the case for the chalcopyrite type disulfide.
Photoluminescence (PL) has been used to determine the emission bands in Se-deficient CuInSe2 single crystals that were either Cu- or In-rich. Data are presented for n- and p-type crystals over the temperature range of 7-300°K. The interpretation of these PL data is based mainly on electron microprobe and Auger electron spectroscopy compositional measurements. The origins of these defect levels, that are used in this interpretation are proposed and discussed.
n-CuInSe2, n-CuInS2 and n-CuIn5S8 were used as photoanodes in electrochemical photovoltaic solar cells, using aqueous polysulfide electrolyte. CuIn5S8 was found to be less stable than CuInS2. Because of kinetic limitations of polysulfide-based systems, the CuInSe2/aqueous polyiodide cell was studied and optimized to yield stable, near 12% AM1 conversion efficiency. The strategy used to achieve this is described. (Photo)electrochemical methods were used to characterize the semiconductor materials and a photoelectrochemical test was developed to gauge the photovoltaic activity of p-CuInSe2 layers used in solid state cells. Solid-state chemical studies on the (Cu2X)2-(In2X3)(X=S,Se) system, and the use of photoelectrochemistry in them, are briefly described.
n-Type CdSnP2 crystals, grown from Sn melt, were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Mőssbauer spectroscopy and Hall measurements. They were employed as electrodes in a CdSnP2/aqueous polysulfide photoelectrochemical cell, for further eletro-optical characterization by current-voltage, capacitance-voltage and spectral response measurements. The photoelectrochemical data agree well with those obtained from solid state measurements and with literature data. The n-CdSnP2/polysulfide system is sufficiently stable and efficient (up to 20% quantum efficiency at 650 nm under reverse bias) for materials characterization, but photocorrosion, leading to the formation of CdS at the surface, limits its use as a practical regenerative solar cell, for long-term application.
CuInS2 and CuIn5S8 films on Ti substrates, were prepared by electrocodeposition of Cu, In and S, from an aqueous bath, followed by annealing in H2S. CuInS2 and CuInSe2 films could be prepared also be depositing a Cu-In alloy and converting it to the dichalcogenide by heating in H2S or H2Se. X-ray diffraction and microprobe analysis confirmed the structures and stoichiometries of the films. Their photovoltaic activity was tested using a polysulfide electrolyte/semiconductor junction. While only modest (up to 1.5%) white light conversion efficiencies were reached, something that is ascribed at least in part to the heterogeneity of the films, quantum efficiencies of up to 0.67 were measured at short-circuit.
Transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction techniques were used to investigate the composition and structure of the interface layer between polycrystalline CdSe films (prepared by slurry painting or electrodeposition) and oxidized titanium substrates used as photoelectrodes. The findings were correlated with the adhesion of the layers. Compound formation between the CdSe and TiO2 (the main constituent of the oxidized titanium surface) was found to occur. In samples which showed good adhesion, CdTi intermetallic compounds and oxides were generally found; these compounds were absent in samples exhibiting poor adhesion.
CuInS films on Ti substrates were prepared by electrodeposition from aqueous solutions of CuCl, InCl3, thiourea, triethanolamine and ammonia. The as-deposited layers were annealed in Ar. A subsequent heat treatment in H2S further improved the photoresponse of the layers. X-ray powder diffraction showed the annealed layers to be mainly CuInS2 with chalcopyrite structure, with at times, some CuIn5S8 mixed in. Photoelectrochemical characterization of the layers in aqueous polysulphide electrolyte includes (photo)current-potential behaviour, spectral response and output stability behaviour.
The performance of photoelectrochemical cells, containing n-CuInX2 (X=S, Se) semiconductor electrodes, has been studied as a function of solution composition and temperature. Significant differences with cells using CdSe or CdIn2Se4 electrodes are found, also in terms of output stability. These results, together with surface analyses, suggest the occurrence of binary chalcogenides on the electrode surfaces, which seems to influence the behaviour of these cells favourably
The photoacoustic signal from an intact leaf was analyzed as a vectorial summation of photothermal and photosynthetic oxygen-evolution contributions. A method is outlined to estimate each contribution separately. The amplitude of the oxygen-evolution component relative to that of the photothermal singnal decreases as the modulation frequency increases due to two processes which specifically damp the oxygen-evolution modulation: (1) diffusion of oxygen from the chloroplasts to the cell boundary, and (2) electron-transfer reactions occurring between the photochemical act and oxygen evolution. The effects of the two processes are well separated and are observed over different ranges of modulation frequency. Analysis of the data leads to a consistent estimation of the oxygen diffusion coefficient and also to a preliminary idea on the limiting time constant on the donor side of Photosystem II. The dependence of the photoacoustic oxygen-evolution signal on the intensity of added nonmodulated background light is used to construct the light saturation curve of (gross) Photsynthesis, with an estimation of the ratio maximal rate / maximal quantum yield. The photoacoustic method is distinguished by its sensitivity and rapidity (a single measurement takes approx. 1 s), far better than any other method to measure gross photosynthesis. The only disadvantage is in the fact that the quantum yield of oxygen evolution is determined in a relative basis only. Attempts to calibrate the photoacoustic measurements in an absolute sense are underway.
The results of experiments probing the influence of various design parameters of photoelectrochemical cells on light-induced heating of such cells are presented. Both simulated (indoor) and outdoor experiments were performed. The use of a proper cell design allows a large degree of control over the operating temperature range of the cell. The temperature dependence of the photovoltaic performance of cells using CdSe and Cd(Se, Te) thin film polycrystalline photoelectrodes in aqueous polysulphide solution was found to depend on the individual photoelectrode. A general trend showing an optimal temperature range above room temperature can be discerned. Systems with higher conversion efficiencies tend to have a higher optimal temperature range than those with poorer efficiencies. This is attributed mainly to solution chemistry limitations. In addition we present data for similar cells that worked for periods between 3 and 15 months under mid-European climate conditions. While some variability was observed, several of the cells suffered not at all, or only slightly. The stability of the photoelectrodes under these conditions is ascribed mainly to the well-insulated cells used, which ensure operating temperatures under solar illumination up to 40 °C above the ambient temperature.
This chapter contains 19 sections. This is section 16.Cadmium chalcogenides (S, Se, Te) are widely used semiconducting materials, mainly as photoconductors, but with increasing interest focused on their use inphotovoltaic' and photoelectrochemical' cells for the conversion of sunlightinto electricity. For these applications, thin layers of the Cd chalcogenide onelectrically conducting substrates are normally required. There are variousmethods of preparing such layers, such as by evaporation of either the Cdchalcogenide or the individual elements, sputtering, chemical vapor deposition,spraying, silk-screen printing, and electrochemical deposition.
We have measured simultaneously the photothermal radiometry and the photoacoustic signals from intact leaves. We have confirmed that while the former senses that part of the modulated absorbed radiation not used in photosynthesis, but converted into heat, the latter, at low modulation frequencies, senses not only this heat but also the modulated oxygen evolution resulting from photosynthesis in the leaf. When photosynthetic activity is saturated upon additional excitation with strong non-modulated light, the photothermal radiometry signal increases (virtually all absorbed modulated light being converted into heat), while at the same time the photoacoustic signal decreases, because virtually no modulated oxygen evolution occurs any more. At higher modulation frequencies the behaviour of the photoacoustic signal closely follows that of the photothermal radiometry signal. We have used combined photothermal radiometry / photoacoustic measurements to estimate directly the yield of chemical energy storage in various plant species which applies for different times after excitation. Measurement of light saturation curves for wheat and Siberian pea bush leaves and of action spectra for the latter confirm the similarity between photothermal radiometry and high-frequency photoacoustic signals, and their difference from the low-frequency photoacoustic signal. Combined use of photothermal radiometry (or high-frequency photoacoustics) and low-frequency photoacoustics can thus provide more information than any one method alone. Experiments on intact chloroplasts and on a blue-green alga demonstrate that photothermal radiometry and photoacoustic methodologies can also be used for these tissues.
The stability and relative quantum yields of n-CdSe/polysulfide photoelectrochemical cells under different applied potentials, light intensities and electrolyte concentrations, and after different photoelectrode surface preparation techniques, were investigated. It was deduced that the availability at the electrode surface of polysulfide ions, which serve as hole acceptors, decreases with forward bias. On the other hand, the flow of the photogenerated holes towards the surface of the semiconductor is affected to a lesser extent by increasing (forward) bias up to the point of maximum power, beyond which the hole flux drops sharply with the bias. Consequently, the polarization of the cell (as given by the ratio between the peak and the steady-state photocurrents) is maximal near the point of maximum power and there the stability is lowest at moderate light intensities (ca. AM1). Under strong illumination, depletion of the polysulfide ions from the surface of the electrode due to photooxidation, together with increasing sulfur to sulfide ratio at the surface, leads to considerable band flattening (decrease in the flat-band potential), and consequently electrodes under forward bias show considerably smaller photocurrents and thus greater stability than electrodes under short-circuit (and reverse bias) conditions (at constant illumination). Increasing the surface area of the electrode by photoetching or increasing the concentration of the electrolyte leads to the behavior which is observed under moderate light intensities, which shows the interdependency of all these factors.
CdIn2Se4 is a cross-substitutional analogue of CdSe with an incomplete cation lattice. We have carried out an investigation of the n-CdIn2Se4/aqueous polysulfide photoelectrochemical cell. A selective photoelectrochemical etching of the semiconductor surface leads to a dramatic increase in the photocurrent of the cell (up to 15 mA cm-2 at small reverse bias) and greatly improved output stability. The spectral response of the cell reveals a considerable sub-bandgap photocurrent for the etched electrode. This is attributed to excitation via surface states located ⋃0.27 eV within the bandgap. After photoetching the electrode, most of the sub-bandgap response disappears and the response to supra-bandgap excitation increases by at least an order of magnitude that shows that these surface states serve also as recombination centers or traps for the photogenerated holes. We have analyzed the shape of the spectral response and observed two distinct transition modes: an indirect transition at 1.55 eV and a direct one at 1.72 eV, both of which are within the acceptable range for efficient solar energy, conversion. Preliminary results using thin film polycrystalline photoelectrodes of this semiconductor are presented. They show that this material tends to lend itself fairly well to preparation of such electrodes.
CdSe and Cd(Se, Te) alloy layers were electroplated onto titanium substrates from both acid and alkaline baths. When annealed, these layers show good photoelectrode behaviour in a polysulphide electrolyte with high quantum efficiencies and stability. Donor densities are found to be in the range of 1014-1015 cm-3. Scanning electron microscopy studies show the layers to have a very irregular morphology and generally to be composed of elongated spherical particles. Annealing conditions can be chosen such that the layers are of cubic or hexagonal structure.
Photosynthetic activities of sections of intact tobacco leaves (Nicotina tabacum L. var. Xanthi) were monitored by the photoacoustic effect. A reference signal was obtained using brief simultaneous illumination of the leaf with continuous light of saturating intensity. 1. The effect of the direct continuous light depends on the modulation frequency: A decrease in the photoacoustic signal, 'negative effect', is observed at low frequency (under approx. 200 Hz) and an increase of the photoacoustic signal, 'positive effect', at high frequency (above approx. 200 Hz). Both effects are reversible. 2. When leaves are water-infiltrated only a 'positive effect': of the direct continuous light is observed, at any frequency. Leaves infiltrated with aqueous DCMU solution (50 μM) do not show any direct continuous light effect. 3. The 'negative effect' develops, as the leaf is illuminated, in parallel to the (low frequency) photoacoustic signal itself which increases gradually after an initial lag period. This transient phenomenon takes a few minutes under our conditions. The differential increase of the signal during the induction period matches the size of the negative effect obtained by applying the direct continuous light at various times during the induction or in the steady state. 4. In a similar way, the 'positive effect' increases during the induction period, due to a transient decrease of the photoacoustic signal measured at high frequency. This change in the 'positive effect' is less noticeable, as a sizeable effect is already observed in a dark-adapted leaf, upon illumination, and the extent of the photoacoustic transient is relatively small. 5. No photoacoustic transients are observed when direct continuous light is used continuously. 6. It is concluded that the photoacoustic signal is due to two contributions: At low frequency there is a considerable contribution from modulated oxygen evolution, which tends to zero as the direct continuous light is applied. At high frequency the main contribution is from the conversion of photon energy to heat, and direct continuous light effects reflect mainly photochemical energy storage. Both low and high frequency photoacoustic transients reflect the induction period of photosynthesis. 7. Preliminary calculations on the relative damping of modulated oxygen evolution and thermal photoacoustic contributions with the modulation frequency, are consistent with the above model, taking into account diffusion and the rate-limiting step in O2 evolution. 8. Photoacoustic data were used to construct a relative quantum yield spectrum for both oxygen evolution and photochemical energy storage.
We report that n-type single crystals of n-CuInSe2 in aqueous polysulfide solution exhibit high quantum efficiencies of 0.8-0.9 in the wavelength region between 600-1150 nm when used as photoanodes in photoelectrochemical cells. Photocurrents of 28 mA/cm2 were measured on a "winter" day in Rehovot (71 mW/cm2) which corresponds to 40 mA/cm2 under AM1 (Air Mass 1) conditions (100-mW/cm2 sunlight). Stability tests of n-CuInSe2 photoanodes (20 000-C/cm 2 photocharge passage) at short circuit current densities of 40 mA/cm2 have shown no deterioration whatsoever of the measured photocurrents.
Photoacoustic measurements on suspensions of purple membrane fragments at optical density 38, extracted from the halophilic bacterium Halobacterium halobium were used to determine the thermal energy changes associated with the photochemically-induced intermediates and conformational states of bacteriorhodopsin. Bacteriorhodopsin contains a retinal molecule attached to a lysine residue through a protonated Schiff base linkage. A photocycle is initiated by absorption of light by the retinal and involves six known intermediates: bR570, K5ss, L550, M412, N530, and 0660 (1). A schematic representation of this photocycle is shown in Fig. 1. Bacteriorhodopsin functions as a light-driven proton pump (1). The protein and associated lipid may undergo conformational changes associated with the mechanism of this pump. We have usedphotoacoustic measurements to determine the enthalpy changes associated with the photocycle and the conformational changes.
Enthalpy changes associated with intermediates of the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) in light-adapted Halobacterium halobium purple membranes, and decay times of these intermediates, are obtained from photoacoustic measurements on purple membrane fragments. Our results, mainly derived from modulation frequency spectra, show changes in the amount of energy stored in the intermediates and in their decay times as a function of pH and/or salt concentration. Especially affected are the slowest step (endothermic) and a spectroscopically unidentified intermediate (both at pH 7). This effect is interpreted in terms of cation binding to the protein, conformational changes of which are thought to be connected with the endothermic process. Wavelength spectra are used to obtain heat dissipation spectra, which allow identification of wavelength regions with varying photoactivity, and estimation of the amounts of enthalpy stored in the photointermediates. Because of bleaching and accumulation of intermediates, however, and because of the small fraction of light energy stored during photocycle, quantitative information cannot be obtained. From photoacoustic wavelength spectra of purple membrane fragments equilibrated at 63% relative humidity, rise and decay times of the bR570 and M412 intermediates are calculated.
Using well-crystallized starting materials, polycrystalline electrodes of MoS2 are found to give significant photoresponse in aqueous polyiodide. Best results are obtained with multicrystalline lumps affixed to metal substrates; pressed pellets reach about 30% of the output of these former ones. Thin polycrystalline films, prepared by flux annealing of pasted films show some photoresponse, which can be improved by more than an order of mangitude if an organic polymer binder is used in the preparation and retained by low temperature annealing. Such electrodes reach 50% of the output of pressed pellets. The action of the organic polymer seems to be twofold: orientation of crystallites, and some passivation of exposed edges on the electrode surface. While prolonged use of these photoelectrodes, as well as short use at higher temperatures, decreases their output, the original activity can be nearly restored by renewed low temperature annealing. The wavelength dependence of the photoresponse of these electrodes shows that those using a polymer matrix approach that of single crystals most closely.
The photoacoustic signal detected near the non-illuminated back surface of a photothermal converter can be used for comparative studies of the conversion efficiency of the converter. The signal is caused not only by the thermal wave transmitted through the sample, but also by mechanical vibrations of the sample itself. While no absolute absorptance or emittance values can be obtained, the signal reflects the influences of both these quantities on the conversion efficiency. Thus this kind of method may lend itself to quality control of such converters, although direct comparisons between absorbing surfaces on different substrates are still problematic.
A quantitative investigation of the photoacoustic (PA) signal amplitude on the exponential optical absorption coefficient, β(=absorbance X (In 10)/cm), In thermally thick liquid samples Is presented. Experimental results agree with a practical approximation to the Rosencwalg-Gersho theory of the PA effect. The experimental results fit the theoretical predictions from values of β of about 0.005 X (thermal diffusion length)\u201d1 upward. The effect of the direct acoustic coupling probably limits the usefulness of the Rosencwalg- Gersho theory at low values of β. theoretically, below values of about 0.03 tor fairly opaque samples (having absorbancies of about 1 or more). A normalized PA signal (ratio between signal and the maximal, saturation, value) Is used for comparison with β. Values for β are measured directly, rather than estimated or extrapolated by using Beerfs law. A straight-forward method to extract optical absorption data In absolute units from the PA signal amplitude only is presented and applied to concentrated samples.
The stability of CdSe and CdS photoanodes in polysulfide electrolytes has been investigated. Both CdSe and CdS were found to deactivate to a similar extent, indicating that this deactivation was due to a physical change (reduction of crystallinity) at the semiconductor surface rather than a chemical change. The real surface area of the photoelectrodes was shown to be of great importance in determining the degree of stability, due to its influence on the real photocurrent density. The ratio of [S] to [S2-] in the electrolyte was likewise shown to have a very strong influence on the stability, and was correlated with the rate of dissolution of photogenerated sulfur away from the semiconductor surface which is the rate determining step under most conditions. Finally, the results of long-term lifetime tests were given, indicating an obtainable stability for CdSe photoanodes measured in years.
Surface changes that occur when CdS and CdSe photoelectrodes are used in photoelectrochemical ceils containing polysulfide redox couples are investigated using low angle x-ray diffraction, reflection electron diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy. Both single crystal CdS and CdSe, and thin layer polycrystalline CdSe samples are used and in all cases restructuring of the surface, accompanied by some decrease in crystallinity of the surface layer, exposed to the electrolyte, is observed. For CdSe samples, crystallographic evidence for a predominant CdS top layer was seen after deactivation. Impurities in thin film CdSe samples are not affected by deactivation and they themselves do not seem to influence electrode activity or stability. These results support the occurrence of a dynamic restructuring process of the electrode surface in this system, which can cause electrode deactivation, by the formation of a layer that impedes charge transfer, if high current densities are used. Evidence is presented that surface recrystallization can occur in the dark, when such a process occurs probably very slowly.
Single crystal and thin film polycrystalline samples of n-CuInS2 were studied as photoanodes in a polysulfide electrolyte-based photoelectrochemical cell. The I-V plots in the dark and under illumination show a strong dependence on the electronic properties of the electrode, explaining the large variations in photoelectrochemical behaviour of different electrodes. Short-circuit photocurrent spectra show a strong temperature dependence as do the I-V plots under illumination. The output stability of the electrodes depends both on electrolyte composition and temperature, and reaches a constant value after a period of some minutes-hours, depending on electrolyte composition. The flat-band potential in polysulfide solution, as derived from a plot of the square of the photocurrent vs. applied potential, is similar to that for Cd-chalcogenide photoelectrodes in this electrolyte, indicating possible pinning of the semiconductor bands by adsorbed sulfide, or by a surface or near-surface layer. Information on the effective hole diffusion length is obtained from analysis of monochromatic I-V curves.
The activation energies and the preexponential factors in the expression for the forward current at the CdS-electrolyte junction were determined as a function of the applied bias. It is suggested that the observed dependence of the preexponential factor on the activation energy can be explained by changes in tunneling probability due to variations in the activation energy.
Cd chalcogenide/polysulfide-based photoelectrochemical cells (PEC's) are considered to be candidates for practical solar energy conversion [1--5]. Conversion efficiencies of up to 8% (CdSe, Te) and close to 5% (CdSe) have been reported for thin film polycrystalline based cells under real or simulated insolation. Output stabilities of at least one year have been reached for CdSe-based cells, operating outdoors in the Israeli coastal plane. However, in places with colder climates freezing of the electrolyte, slower electrochemical kinetics and increased electrolyte resistance at sub-zero (°C) temperatures could lower both the cell efficiency and the stability. This problem has been tacitly assumed to limit the potential market for these and other PEC's to regions with warm climates. We report here laboratory and outdoor tests (both in Rehovot and Berlin winters) of CdSe/polysulfide PEC's, in which we find no adverse effects of temperatures down to -15°C (day) on the cell performance, probably because of rapid solar heating of the electrode/electrolyte interfacial region, especially upon illumination.
The stability of single crystal CdSe photoelectrodes in polysulfide electrolyte is shown to be a function of the etching treatment used. This is explained by changes in real electrode surface area caused by different etchants, leading to a variation in real photocurrent density. The effect of photocurrent density on stability is measured, and used to semiquantitatively explain the observed variation in stability with etching. The effect is shown to be consistent for three different crystal faces, and is extended to polycrystalline electrodes.
A photoacoustic cell is described in which the sample can constitute one of the cell walls. The cell, which can be used alone or in a combined unit with a reference cell, allows nondestructive investigation of a variety of samples either in a normal reflection mode (pressure wave generated at illuminated surface) or in a thermal or elastic transmission mode (pressure wave generated at opposite surface). Simultaneous sample illumination from both sides is possible, too. The cell sensitivity, as measured for an electrically-generated thermal wave, is about 10-2 V/W at 34 Hz. Use of the cell is illustrated by the dependence of the photoacoustic signal, generated by transmitted thermal and/or elastic waves, on the thickness of copper plates, and by the photoacoustic spectrum resulting from illumination through Begonia leaves.
Methodology and demonstration how to utilize the photoacoustic technique in photosynthesis research are presented. Photoacoustic signals were obtained from suspensions of isolated broken chloroplasts. In the presence of strong, continuous (non-modulated) background light the signals were normally larger than without the background light. The effect of the background light was saturable and was absent when non-active (e.g. heat-treated) samples were used, showing that the normal smaller signal in the absence of background light is a genuine reflection of the loss of heat due to the competing photochemistry. The effect of the background light is to close the reaction-centers and hence to inhibit the photochemical process. The percent difference of the photoacoustic signal (± background light) is taken as a measure of the photochemical activity ('photochemical loss'). Initial results demonstrate the wavelength dependence of the 'photochemical loss'. As expected there was a 'red-drop' decrease of the 'photochemical loss' for λ > 690 nm, when the cofactor methyl viologen was present. Surprisingly, however, there was a 'red-rise' increase for λ > 690 nm when no cofactor was present. These findings indicate that under the last conditions there is an unsuspected photoactivity of PS I which was not detected hitherto by the conventional techniques. The dependence on the background light intensity confirms this result. This photoactivity can be explained tentatively as a cyclic electron flow around PS I, present without any added cofactor. Initial results on the modulation frequency dependence in the presence of electron acceptors are also demonstrated.
A simple, versatile method for fabricating semiconductor layers for use as photoelectrodes in photoelectrochemical cells is described. This method, in which a slurry of the semiconductor is painted onto a substrate, is demonstrated particularly for Cd (and Zn) chalcogenides, but is shown to be applicable to other materials of photovoltaic interest, such as CuInS2- Also, the method allows for simple fabrication of layers of solid solutions, such as cadmium mixed chalcogenides.
Photoacoustic (PA) detection is used to determine fluorescence quantum yields of concentrated disodium fluorescein (Na2Fl) and cresyl violet perchlorate (CVP) solutions. Use of heat dissipation spectra, which are obtained from the ratio of the corrected photoacoustic and transmission absorption spectra, is found to give the most reliable results. The presence of several species with different fluorescence characteristics, apparent from the PA data, limits the wavelength range over which the dissipation spectrum can be used to obtain quantitative information. The occurrence of PA saturation leads to erroneous results if data for only one wavelength are used; however, its effect cancels when extrapolation of heat dissipation spectra is employed. Characteristic features of PA detection of fluorescence that are noted include the fact that total fluorescence is sensed and that the technique is essentially a thin film reflectance one. Such features, which can complicate direct comparison of PA data with conventional ones, may be used advantageously in specific problems.
Photoacoustic (PA) measurements provide, by the very nature of the PA effect, the possibility to obtain information on the optical and thermal properties of samples. In addition they can yield information on the enthalpy changes and characteristic times involved in photo-induced processes as the acoustic signal in proportional to the heat produced following the absorption of the modulated excitation. In the study of optical properties the relative insensitivity to scattered light of the PA signal makes such measurement an attractive way to measure biological samples in vivo, or, at least, withpout the need to isolated the absorbing compounds. The dependence of the PA signal on the thermal properties of the sample is particularly useful when heterogeneous samples are studied. As a photocalorimetric method the technique shows considerable promise in the study of photo-biogenergetics, especially photosynthesis. Only in special cases can analytical applications of the method compete with fluorescence measurements (for detection), and with increasingly sophisticated optical transmission and reflectance techniques (for identification). However, the PA method may find important uses in fundamental research and in applied areas such as biomedicine and agricultural biochemistry.
Enthalpy changes that occur during the photocycle of Halobacterium halobium purple membrane fragments have been measured on a millisecond time scale, using photoacoustic detection to obtain modulation photocalorimetric data. Details are given on the ways to obtain quantitative thermodynamic and kinetic information by this method.
Porous electrocatalytic electrodes for the polysulfide redox system, containing one of various metallic sulfides (especially of Co, Cu, Pb) are described. Emphasis is placed on their use as counterelectrodes in photoelectrochemical cells employing polysulfide electrolytes. Their activity is measured as a function of electrolyte temperature and composition. The ratio of S to S2−, and through it the local redox potential of the solution, is shown to be an important factor controlling electrode activity. The short and long term stability of the electrodes, as cathodes, is discussed, and it is shown that, when used in conjunction with photoanodes, CU2S and CoS may poison the photoelectrode surface, thereby reducing total cell efficiency.
Photo-electrochemical systems are midway between solid state photovoltaic devices and electrochemical cells. On the one hand this creates new material problems, such as corrosion of the photoactive material, while on the other hand the demand for lattice match is replaced by that of rapid kinetics of the electrochemical reactions occuring in the cell. Photocorrosion is dependent on the rate of reaction between light-generated charge carriers and solution species, as well as the rate of removal of reacted solution species from the electrode surface. The occurrence of more than one stable valence state in the semiconductor of the photoelectrode can prevent photocorrosion. Exchange of surface ions with the solution may create a dynamic equilibrium which can lead to effective stabilization of certain photoelectrodes. The substrate material of the photoelectrode should act as a poor electrocatalytic material for the reverse of the photogenerated reaction and its contact with the semiconductor material should be ohmic and physically coherent. The counter-electrode must be kinetically rapid for the reverse of the photogenerated reaction, which may cause complications if even small quantities of electrocatalyst reach the photoelectrode from the counter-electrode. If a storage system is added to the photo-electrochemical system its electrochemical as well as chemical properties have to be carefully matched to that of the photoconverting system. When chemicals are produced instead of electrical energy, the energy difference between the bandgap of the semiconductor and the photopotential obtained can be utilized to overcome overpotentials. This is of special importance for photodiodes, where appreciable overpotentials for dark reactions can prevent side-reactions and recombination, while the photoreaction has sufficient energy available for overcoming these overpotentials. Photodiodes and photocatalysts are conceptually close to each other, their difference being defined by the energetic requirements of the chemical reaction. While the combination of energy production, energy storage and the production of chemicals into one device creates many technical problems, it may turn out to be more economical in the end as has been shown to be true for parallel cases in chemical technology.
We report on the use of photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) to study the energy conversion process in photosynthesis. In PAS a sample, situated in a gas-filled chamber containing a microphone, is illuminated by light modulated at an acoustic frequency. Part of the exciting radiation is converted into heat which is tranferred to the gas phase and induces pressure waves which are detected by a microphone.
Photoacoustic (i.e., photocalorimetric) measurements on photovoltaic devices can directly yield their energy conversion efficiency. This is illustrated for a Si solar cell, for which case excellent agreement is found with normal electrical measurements. In addition, the photoacoustic spectra under load and at open-circuit conditions are reported and compared with the cell's spectral response. Together, such measurements can provide information on the wavelength dependence of the cell performance as well.
Simple cells are described for normal and differential measurements in photoacoustic spectroscopy. The differential cell allows for easy background signal correction and for comparison of related samples. The arrangement allows great flexibility in cell design for adaptation to special sample forms. The normal cell can be used for very small volumes, liquids as well as solids, and is constructed in such a way as to allow the possibility of Helmholtz resonance to occur over a range of frequencies. The two cells are compared in terms of background and maximal signal strength and examples of spectra obtained with each of them are given. The general spectrometer setup is outlined as well.
Electrodes for the sulphide/sulphur (polysulphide) redox system are described which show low polarization when operated under conditions to be expected in a practical photo-electrochemical cell (P. E. C.)-These electrodes are composed of Teflon-bonded high surface area carbon, loaded with electrocatalysts, the best results having been obtained using cobalt as electrocatalyst.
WE report here on a major improvement in the conversion efficiency of corrosion-free photoelectrochemical cells (PECs) and on a novel extension of such cells which allows the storage of part or all of the converted energy in situ for subsequent use.
THE PEC1 has acquired popularity among researchers in the past years, mainly because of its possible use in solar energy conversion 2,3. The major problem at present is to find a semiconductor electrode with an optical band gap (written as just band gap below) small enough to allow it to absorb a reasonably large portion of the solar spectrum, and at the same time being stable against photocorrosion. We here report that WO 3 meets these criteria although it is not very efficient at solar wavelengths.
The syntheses of several ternary platinum oxides are reported. The Na and Cd bronzes NaxPt3O4 and CdxPt3O4 as well as the bronze-like CaPt2O4 were prepared in powder form under atmospheric pressure. The existence of Pt3O4 is discussed. Syntheses for CdxPt3O6 and a poorly defined new simple oxide of platinum with stoichiometry Pt5O6 are given. The stability of these various oxides is discussed and their lattice parameters are given. The crystal chemistry of these oxides is systematized using stability fields for the platinum bronzes and for A3BX4 compounds. The close structural relationship between the bronzes and Ag3PO4 and Ag3AsO4 is discussed. Photoelectron spectroscopic, magnetic susceptibility, and electrical conductivity data for the bronzes and various other platinum oxides are reported. From these data it is concluded that most bronzes are metallic oxides and a qualitative one-electron energy-band scheme is given explaining this metallic character. The nonexistence of CaPt3O4 is discussed in terms of both this scheme and thermodynamics. The tendency of the bronzes to incorporate large quantities of foreign cations is explained in terms of the cage-like bronze structure.
The first single-crystal preparation, structure determination, and electrical conductivity measurements of a platinum-metal bronze are described. The nickel-platinum bronze Ni0.25Pt3O4 has a cubic structure with a = 5.61 (2) å and crystallizes in space group PmZn or P43w, with two formula units per unit cell. The structure was solved using three-dimensional X-ray data, collected by counter methods. Refinement by full-matrix least-squares methods gave a final R factor of 5.6% on F for the 18 independent reflections. The structure can be described in terms of a filled β-tungsten type, where the \u201cfilling\u201d oxygen atoms are in square-planar coordination around the platinum atoms. Nonintersecting chains of Pt atoms run parallel to all three cubic axes. The short Pt-Pt distance of 2.80 (1) A and the electrical resistivity data indicate extensive metallic bonding along the chains. The Ni atoms are situated in channels, each Ni atom being very weakly bonded to eight oxygen atoms.