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Date:17 March2025MondayHour: 11:00 - 12:15
Chemistry Colloquium
Lecturer: Prof. Wim Noorduin, AMOLF, Amsterdam -
Date:7 April2025MondayHour: 11:00 - 12:15
Chemistry colloquium
Lecturer: Prof. Ilan Marek, Schulich Faculty of Chemistry, Technion -
Lecture / SeminarDate:25 February2025TuesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Programmable polymer materials empowered by DNA nanote
Lecturer: Dr. Elisha Krieg,Abstract
Synthetic chemistry has enabled the creation of materials with remarkable properties, yet they often lack thedynamic nature exhibited by biological systems. In contrast, living matter is self-organizing and responsive, whichis critical for processes such as cell differentiation, sensing, transport, actuation, structural support, and—morebroadly—adaptation to internal and external stimuli. Intriguingly, the application of DNA nanotechnology tosynthetic materials has opened avenues for achieving a range of features and a level of control reminiscent ofbiological systems. These materials have begun to emulate key cellular mechanisms, including the modulation ofviscoelastic properties in the extracellular matrix, cytoskeletal shape changes, control of molecular transport, andthe localization of processes in biomolecular condensates. In this talk, I will describe our progress in developingsuch programmable materials and highlight two recent examples. First, I will introduce a novel precision matrix forculturing cells and organoids. By integrating customizable mechanics with predictable, responsive features, thismatrix both guides and probes cellular development. Second, I will present an exotic form of soft matter that isself-assembled from more than 16,000 unique molecular components. This material demonstrates that highcompositional complexity can yield unique molecular architectures with emergent properties distinct from thoseof conventional polymers.References:* Speed et al. J. Polym. Sci. 2023, 61, 1713.* Peng et al., Nature Nanotech. 2023, 18, 1463.* Krieg & Shih, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 714.* Gupta & Krieg, Nucl. Acids Res. 2024, 52, e80.* Prakash et al., Nature Nanotech. 2021, 16, 2021.* Speed et al., BioRxiv 2024. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:24 February2025MondayHour: 14:00 - 15:00
In situ SEM and TEM mechanical testing in development of hard coatings
Lecturer: Dr. Jakub Zalesak,Abstract
Hard coatings are integral to modern manufacturing, significantly impacting the optical properties, friction, hardness,corrosion resistance, and wear resistance of various surfaces. The global market for hard coatings is valued at $1.2 billion,with strong growth expected in the coming years, offering opportunities for the direct application of fundamentalresearch in industrial settings. One key challenge in this field is the low toughness of protective coatings, particularly innitrogen-based PVD/CVD hard coatings, where this issue is compounded by the low cohesive energy of grain boundaries.Due to their lack of ductility, nitrogen-based ceramic materials are prone to grain boundary cracking under mechanicalload, leading to the degradation of protective layers and reduced lifetime of coated parts. Our research focuses onunderstanding the structure-property relationships of these materials.Commercial coatings are typically a few micrometers thick, with microstructures consisting of grains ranging fromnanometers to micrometers, making them well-suited for study using modern electron microscopy. By combiningpicoindentors for in situ SEM and TEM with FIB-based manufacturing, we developed in situ testing approaches to assesskey mechanical properties such as Young's modulus, fracture stress, and fracture toughness, as well as to explore theunderlying fracture mechanisms. In this talk, I will present our findings on the design of grain boundaries, materialcomposition, and transformation toughening strategies, which have significantly enhanced the mechanical properties ofhard coatings. -
Date:17 February2025MondayHour: 11:00 - 12:15
Chemistry Colloquium
Lecturer: Prof. Christian A. Nijhuis, Department of Molecules & Materials, University of Twente -
Lecture / SeminarDate:27 January2025MondayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Integrating Peptides and DNA for Tailored Material Design
Lecturer: Dr. Zohar A. Arnon,Abstract
In nature, sequence-specific biopolymers, such as peptides and nucleic acids, are essential to various biological systems and processes. These biopolymers are utilized in materials science to achieve precise property control. Typically, variations in amino acid sequences focus on functional regulation while nucleotides are used for structural control. This raises the question: How can we integrate peptide-based functionality with the spatial precision of DNA nanotechnology for innovative material design? Here, I will present examples illustrating the incredible properties of peptide self-assembly from my PhD, and the remarkable nanoarchitecture design achieved through DNA nanotechnology from my Postdoc. These two key elements establish a vision of utilizing and synergizing peptide functionality with structural control achieved by DNA nanotechnology.Specifically, I will show how subtle changes in the molecular environment influence the morphology and behavior of peptide assemblies such as diphenylalanine crystals and enable control over their growth and disassembly processes, revealing insights into peptide-based material manipulation (Nat. Commun., 2016). Another example is that of the amorphous assemblies of tri-tyrosine peptides, where we linked the molecular arrangement to unique mechanical and optical properties of glass-like peptide structures (Nature, 2024).Next, I will introduce the principles of DNA nanotechnology for advanced structural control. By designing DNA nano-frames capable of self-assembling into organized lattices, we created micron-scale 3D materials. We discovered that a minor modification in DNA linker length induces a crystalline phase transition, from simple cubic to face-centered cubic structures, altering lattice geometry. In addition, we established a method using acoustic waves to achieve scalable and morphologically controllable DNA assemblies at the millimetric scale (Nat. Commun., 2024). This approach highlights how DNA nanotechnology provides unparalleled spatial control, decoupling structural architecture from functional elements such as peptides and nanoparticles. Together, these projects illustrate how peptides and DNA nanotechnology can be potentially integrated to engineer novel materials and enhance our capacity to design materials with tailored properties across scales. -
Date:20 January2025MondayHour: 11:00 - 12:15
Chemistry colloquium
Lecturer: Prof. Viktor N. Nemykin, Department of Chemistry, The University of Tennessee -
Lecture / SeminarDate:23 December2024MondayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
The Israel Rubinstein 4th Memorial Lecture -"The challenge of rechargeable batteries with very high energy density and prolonged cycle life: from basic science to practical devices"
Lecturer: Prof. Doron Aurbach, Bar Ilan University, Department of ChemistryAbstract
The development of high energy density, long running rechargeable batteries like Li ion batteries, that power so successfully all mobile electronic devices, can be considered as the greatest success of modern electrochemistry. However, the basis for this success was the capability of exploring most complex electrodes, electrolyte solutions and reactive interfaces by most sophisticated electroanalytical tools in conjunction with advanced spectroscopic and microscopic was a first-rate leader in electroanalytical ז"ל techniques. Professor Israel Rubinstein chemistry. I learned a lot from him. The main theme of this presentation is to examine what is the true horizons for advanced high energy density batteries that can promote the electro-mobility revolution. The limiting factor in Li-ion batteries in terms of energy density, cost, potential, durability and cycling efficiency are the cathode materials used. We will examine most energetic cathode materials and novel approaches we developed for their stabilization. We describe in this lecture which electrode materials can be relevant, methodologies of their stabilization by doping, coating, and affecting electrodes surface chemistry by the use of active additives. Most important cathode materials are comprising the 5 elements Li,Ni,Co,Mn,O at different stoichiometries that determine voltage and specific capacities. We will explain how the stoichiometry dictates basic cathodes properties.1,2 We will discuss the renaissance of Li metal-based rechargeable batteries.3 We have learned how the stabilize Li metal anodes in rechargeable batteries using reactive electrolyte solutions that induce excellent passivation through controlled surface reactions. The emphasis is on fluorinated co-solvents that open the door for a very rich surface chemistry that forms passivating surface films that behave as ideal solid electrolyte interphase on both anodes and cathodes in advanced secondary Li batteries. This field provides fascinating examples how systematic basic scientific work leads to development of most practical devices for energy storage & conversion. -
Date:16 December2024MondayHour: 11:00 - 12:15
Molecular junctions with semimetal contacts: a promising milestone on the roadmap to molecular thermoelectricity
Lecturer: Prof. Yoram Selzer, Nano Center, TAUAbstract
The efficiency of a thermoelectric (TE) device depends on the extent to which, in response to a given temperature gradient, its electron/hole transport symmetry at the Fermi level is broken. This requirement makes molecular junctions highly promising for TE applications due to their non-linear transmission properties. Yet, in the absence of an efficient method to tune the position of the Fermi level within the transmission landscape of these junctions, the Seebeck values of metal-molecules-metal junctions are typically |S|≤50μV/K, while based on their electrical and thermal conductance, it should be |S|≥1mV/K to be relevant for applications. I will describe our effort to reach this goal, which recently has culminated in molecular junctions with the semimetal Bismuth (Bi) as one of their leads and with |S| in the required mV/K range. Unlike the conventional approach to tweak the transmission properties by modifying the structure of the molecules, here the high Seebeck is a result of molecularly induced deterministic changes in the density of states within the Bi lead in the form of quantized 2D interfacial states, that in turn result in highly non-linear transport properties. I will argue that this effect is just one glimpse into the very rich and complex terra incognita of molecular layers on semimetals. -
Date:18 November2024MondayHour: 11:00 - 12:15
2024 G.M.J. SCHMIDT MEMORIAL LECTURE - Prof. Sason S. Shaik
Lecturer: Prof. Sason S. Shaik, Department of Chemistry, HUJIAbstract
This talk tells my outlook on the development of electric-field-mediated-chemistry/biochemistry and predicts a vision of its future state.1 The talk discusses applications of oriented electric-fields (OEFs) to chemical and biochemical reactions e.g., Diels Alder reactions, and reactions of the enzyme Cytochrome P450. As shall be demonstrated, the orientation of the OEF controls reaction-rate (acceleration/inhibition), chemo-selectivity, enantio-selectivity, and solvent effect. This will be followed by showing relevant experimental verifications of the impact of OEF on structure and reactivity. Subsequently, the talk will outline other ways of generating OEFs, e.g. by use of; pH-switchable charges, ionic additives, water droplets, and so on. I shall further describe the application of static vs. oscillating OEFs to decompose peptide plaques (e.g., Amyloid Plaques in Alzheimer’s disease). The second part of the talk consists of conceptual principles for understanding and predicting OEF effects, e.g., the “reaction-axis rule”, the capability of OEFs to act as tweezers that orient reactants and accelerate their reaction, etc. Finally, I shall discuss the prospects of up-scaling applications of various OEF-sources to Molar concentrations. The talk ends with the vision that, in the forthcoming years, OEF usage will change chemical education, if not also the art of making new molecules. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:25 June2024TuesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Molecular Manipulation of Heterogeneous Electrocatalysis Using Metal-Organic Frameworks
Lecturer: Prof. Idan Hod, Department of Chemistry at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, BGUAbstract
Electrocatalytically driven reactions that produce alternative fuels and chemicals are considered as a useful means to store renewable energy in the form of chemical bonds. in recent years there has been a significant increase in research efforts aiming to develop highly efficient electrocatalysts that are able to drive those reactions. Yet, despite having made significant progress in this field, there is still a need for developing new materials that could function both as active and selective electrocatalysts. In that respect, Metal–Organic Frameworks (MOFs), are an emerging class of hybrid materials with immense potential in electrochemical catalysis. Yet, to reach a further leap in our understanding of electrocatalytic MOF-based systems, one also needs to consider the welldefined structure and chemical modularity of MOFs as another important virtue for efficient electrocatalysis, as it can be used to fine-tune the immediate chemical environment of the active site, and thus affect its overall catalytic performance. Our group utilizes Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) based materials as a platform for imposing molecular approaches to control and manipulate heterogenous electrocatalytic systems. In this talk, I will present our recent study on electrocatalytic schemes involving MOFs, acting as: a) electroactive unit that incorporates molecular electrocatalysts, or b) non-electroactive MOF-based membranes coated on solid heterogenous catalysts. -
Date:10 June2024MondayHour: 11:00 - 12:15
AI (R)Evolution in (Quantum) Chemistry and Physics
Lecturer: Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko, Theoretical Chemical Physics, University of LuxembourgAbstract
Learning from data has led to paradigm shifts in a multitude of disciplines, including web, text and image search and generation, speech recognition, as well as bioinformatics. Can machine learning enable similar breakthroughs in understanding (quantum) molecules and materials? Aiming towards a unified machine learning (ML) model of molecular interactions in chemical space, I will discuss the potential and challenges for using ML techniques in chemistry and physics. ML methods can not only accurately estimate molecular properties of large datasets, but they can also lead to new insights into chemical similarity, aromaticity, reactivity, and molecular dynamics. For example, the combination of reliable molecular data with ML methods has enabled a fully quantitative simulation of protein dynamics in water ( While the potential of machine learning for revealing insights into molecules and materials is high, I will conclude my talk by discussing the many remaining challenges. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:27 March2024WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Exploring Inorganic and Organic Biomass for generation of Fuels and Chemical Commodities
Lecturer: Dr. José Geraldo Nery, São Paulo State University - UNESPAbstract
Biomass is characterized as "material of biological origin, excluding material embedded in geological formations or fossilized." It serves as a valuable resource for energy production and as a foundational material for the synthesis of various commodity and specialty materials. The composition of biomass is notably more diverse and intricate than that of crude oil, resulting in significant distinctions between a conventional petroleum refinery and a biomass refinery, often referred to as a biorefinery. Unlike crude oil, which is typically abundant in gaseous, liquid, and solid hydrocarbons featuring a high carbon-to-oxygen (C/O) ratio, biomass primarily consists of complex biomacromolecules with a considerably lower C/O ratio. The conversion of biomass into commodity chemicals presents a promising approach to diminish society's reliance on fossil fuel resources—the predominant challenge of the 21st century. This challenge necessitates the development of tools and technologies to facilitate the transition from a predominantly petroleum-based to an alternative bio-based chemical industry. The objective of this seminar is to showcase the recent advancements we have made in enhancing bio-based platform molecules for the production of commodity or specialty chemicals. We achieve this through the utilization of C2 to C6 bio-based platforms, exemplified by polyols (e.g., glycerol), furanoids (e.g., furfural), and carboxylic acids (e.g., levulinic acid). -
Lecture / SeminarDate:20 March2024WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Employing the Hegelian Aufhebung Principle for Predicting New Catalytic Pathways
Lecturer: Prof. Anatoly Frenkel, Stony Brook University and Brookhaven National LaboratoryAbstract
Understanding mechanisms of work for a wide range of applied nanomaterials begins with identifying “active units” in operating conditions, zooming in on the “active sites” and ends with a model explaining their role for functioning of the material or device. There are two main hurdles that we are particularly interested in overcoming: 1) heterogeneity of active species and sites and 2) their dynamics that can be directly responsible for their mechanisms. One possible method, ideally suitable for capitalizing on these challenges for rational design of new catalytic pathways, is the Aufhebung (sublation) principle from the Hegelian dialectics. It describes the process of advancing knowledge by integrating the two opposites: the thesis and antithesis. We adopt this principle to leverage the inherent heterogeneity of catalytic active species and active sites in metal catalysts for understanding and predicting new catalytic pathways for CO and CO2 conversion reactions. Starting with atomically dispersed (the thesis) Pt on ceria support, we use multimodal, operando characterization for monitoring formation of nanoparticles (the antithesis), identify reaction active species and unique active sites at the metal-support interface. With this knowledge, we design the “single-atoms” catalysts (synthesis) possessing the same active sites and enhanced stability in reaction conditions. I will highlight the role of oxygen vacancies for enhancing the dynamicity of Pt atoms and opening new reaction pathways for direct and reverse water gas shift reactions and CO oxidation reaction. -
Date:18 March2024MondayHour: 11:00 - 12:15
Atom-Probe Tomography and its Myriad Applications in Chemistry
Lecturer: Prof. David N. Seidman, McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern UniversityAbstract
atom-probe tomograph (APT) can dissect a nanotip shaped specimen (radius -
Lecture / SeminarDate:17 January2024WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Design principles for new anode compositions: Exploring Earth-Abundant Transition Metal Oxides for Li-ion Batteries
Lecturer: Dr. Arava Zohar, Materials Department and Materials Research Laboratory, University of CaliforniaAbstract
Innovative battery electrode materials are essential for unlocking the full potential of Li-ion batteries in various aspects of modern life. A primary focus is identifying novel materials with greater elemental diversity that offer improved stability, rapid charge capabilities, and high performance. Promising candidates, like early transition metal oxides, are earth-abundant and present opportunities for next-generation anode materials due to their redox voltage and more than a single stable oxidation state. Exploring fundamental design principles for improved de/lithiation mechanisms will influence battery functionality and advance energy storage capabilities. The first part will delve into the impact of the insulator-metal transition during lithiation, focusing on two distinctive Wadsley-Roth (WR) structures. Our findings underscore the critical role of disorder within these structures in determining kinetics and retained capacities for these anodes. The second part proposes a novel strategy leveraging the induction effect to reduce the operation voltage of Mo-oxide-based anodes. This reduction opens the door for Mo-based oxide anodes as an alternative to graphene. Understanding these key aspects can guide the search for alternatives to existing anodes for advancing the development of Li-ion batteries with enhanced performance in the energy storage field. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:14 January2024SundayHour: 15:00 - 16:00
“Enhancing Specificity with ultrafast functional MRI”
Lecturer: Noam Shemesh,Ph.D, Director, Champalimaud preclinical MRI Centre (CMC) Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown Lisbon, Portugal -
Lecture / SeminarDate:2 January2024TuesdayHour: 11:15 - 12:15
Enhanced Growth in Atomic Layer Deposition of Transition Metals: The Role of Surface Diffusion and Nucleation Sites
Lecturer: Dr. Amnon Rothman, Chemical Engineering, Stanford UniversityAbstract
Noble metal thin films have attracted significant interest owing to their distinctive properties and structures, which make them ideal for applications in microelectronics, catalysis, energy, and photovoltaics. While several parameters influence the properties of these metals for such applications, the deposition process remains a critical factor. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) stands out as a prevalent deposition technique due to its surface-sensitive nature. The ALD process is characterized by its self-limiting surface reactions, promoting a layer-by-layer growth mechanism and allowing for precise control over film thickness and conformality. However, challenges arise in achieving continuous, pinhole-free noble metal ALD layers on oxide surfaces, often resulting in low film quality. These challenges can be traced back to the lack of adequate nucleation sites and the poor wettability of the low-surface energy substrates. The research studied the impact of substrate surface functionalization using organometallic molecules, such as trimethylaluminum (TMA) and diethylzinc (DEZ), on the nucleation and growth of Ru layers. The results reveal an enhancement in both nucleation density and the average diameter of the Ru nanoparticles deposited, and these improvements were attributed to an increase in both nucleation sites and elevated surface diffusivity. The latter effect is speculated to result from a reduction in the substrate's surface free energy. The study also examines the influence of substrate surface characteristics, including surface termination and crystallinity, on the nucleation and growth of Ru metal via ALD. The morphologies of the resulting Ru thin films are studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering (GISAXS). These analytical results are integrated with an experimental model to elucidate the differences in growth mechanisms observed across substrates. The findings underscore the importance of substrate choice in the ALD process and broaden our understanding of Ru metal growth. This research serves as an important step in optimizing the ALD process for various applications by tailoring substrate selection. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:7 September2023ThursdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
“Lessons From Nature: How to Get the Best out of Materials”
Lecturer: Prof. Mato Knez, Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for ScienceAbstract
Processes in nature are often long-lasting, but they have a common goal, i.e., to advance structures or constructions. Especially for the composition of materials, it is worth having a closer look and mimic the natural concept for improving the properties of the known materials and in this way opening doors for new application fields. Among the concepts in nature there is the hybridization of materials, i.e., the blend of organic and inorganic materials with the goal of outperforming both constituting components. The engineering of such hybrid materials can be done in synthetic wet-chemical or in physical ways and often the results, i.e., the properties of the materials, will differ, even if their composition is identical. This may result from different qualities of interactions between the constituting materials. The quality of interactions can be controlled by the choice of the chemicals and/or the choice of hybridization process. Two recently developed approaches for hybridization base on vapor phase chemistry and are derived from atomic layer deposition (ALD) and result in hybrid thin film growth (molecular layer deposition, MLD) or subsurface hybridization of polymers (vapor phase infiltration, VPI). Both approaches open a plethora of new options for materials design for future applications. In this talk, some approaches of our group will be discussed that show great promise of vapor phase-grown hybrid films for innovation in technological fields beyond the microelectronics industry. Examples, where mechanical and electronic properties of polymeric materials have been significantly improved through nanoscale coatings and infiltration, will be shown. Furthermore, new concepts towards self-healing of semiconducting thin films, enabled by hybrid materials, will be shown. In most cases, the chemical or physical properties of the initial substrate are altered, typically improved, and new functionalities are added. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:30 August2023WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Ultra-Repellent Aerophilic Surfaces Underwater”
Lecturer: Dr. Alexander B. Tesler, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, GermanyAbstract
Wetting describes the ability of liquids to maintain contact with a solid surface, a phenomenon that is ubiquitous in nature.1 However, in engineering and medical applications, contact of solid surfaces with aqueous media leads to undesirable phenomena such as corrosion, chemo- and biofouling, which have extremely negative economic, health, and environmental impacts. Therefore, control of wetting on solid surfaces is key to mitigating its detrimental effects. The latter can be achieved by minimizing the contact of the solid substrate with aqueous media, so-called superhydrophobic surfaces (SHS). Although SHS have been studied for decades to overcome wetting challenges,2 they are still rarely used in engineering applications. When immersed underwater, a special type of SHS can trap air on its surface, so-called air plastron, also known as an aerophilic surface. To date, plastrons have been reported to be impractical for underwater engineering due to their short lifetime. Here, I will describe aerophilic surfaces made of titanium alloy (Ti) with an extended lifetime of plastron conserved for months underwater.3 The extended methodology was developed to unambiguously describe the wetting regime on such aerophilic surfaces since conventional goniometric measurements are simply impractical. My aerophilic surfaces drastically reduce the adhesion of blood, and when immersed in aqueous media, prevent the adhesion of bacteria, and marine organisms such as barnacles, and mussels. Applying thermodynamic stability theories, we describe a generic strategy to achieve long-term stability of plastron on aerophilic surfaces for demanding and hitherto unattainable applications. (1) Quéré, D. Wetting and Roughness. Annual Review of Materials Research 2008, 38 (1), 71-99. (2) Cassie, A. B. D.; Baxter, S. Wettability of porous surfaces. Transactions of the Faraday Society 1944, 40, 546-551. (3) Tesler, A.B.;* Kolle, S.; Prado, L.H.; Thievessen, I.; Böhringer, D.; Backholm, M.; Karunakaran, B.; Nurmi, H.A.; Latikka, M.; Fischer, L.; Stafslien, S.; Cenev, Z.M.; Timonen, J.V.I.; Bruns, M.; Mazare, A.; Lohbauer, U.; Virtanen, S.; Fabry, B.; Schmuki, P.; Ras, R.H.A.; Aizenberg, J.; Goldmann, W.H. Long-Lasting Aerophilic Metallic Surfaces Underwater. Nature Materials 2023, accepted. *Corresponding author -
Lecture / SeminarDate:20 July2023ThursdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Solvent-Enhanced Symmetry-breaking and Singlet-Fission in the Covalently-BoundTetracene Dimer and Calculation of Electronic States in TIPS-Pentacene
Lecturer: Prof. Hans Lischka, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Texas Tech UniversityAbstract
In recent years, covalently bound dimers of chromophores have attracted significant interest as singlet fission (SF) material because of better control of coupling of different electronic states to the gateway 1(TT) by means of intramolecular vibrational modes.1 It has been shown that charge transfer (CT) plays a crucial role in mediating the S1-1(TT) interaction and their influence can be conveniently tuned by solvent polarity. Motivated by the experimental and theoretical work of Alvertis et al.,1 we have investigated the electronic states relevant to the SF for the covalently bound tetracene dimer with the goal to provide a broader picture of the occurring photodynamical processes.2 For that purpose, the second-order algebraic diagrammatic construction (ADC(2)) method in combination with the conductor-like screening model (COSMO) has been used. Vertical excitations and potential energy curves for excitonic and CT states along low-frequency symmetric and antisymmetric normal modes have been computed. These results have been combined with those obtained by density functional theory/multireference configuration interaction (DFT/MRCI) calculations for the 1(TT) state since its doubly-excited wavefunction is not accessible to the ADC(2) method. In the second part of the talk, DFT/MRCI calculations on dimer and trimer TIPS-Pn will be presented with the goal of a first theoretical understanding of the photodynamics of the 1(TT) state monitored by time-resolved mid-IR absorption spectroscopy.3 -
Lecture / SeminarDate:11 July2023TuesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Unconventional semiconductors and device architectures enabled by molecular design, doping and film morphology engineering
Lecturer: Prof. Antonio Facchetti, Department of Chemistry and the Materials Research Center, Northwestern UniversityAbstract
Organic/printed electronics is a technology enabling the fabrication of mechanically flexible/stretchable electronic circuits and devices using low-temperature, possibly by additive, solution processing methodologies. In this presentation we report the development of novel materials, as well as thin-film processing and morphology engineering, for flexible and stretchable organic and inorganic thin film transistors, electrolyte gated transistors and circuits. On material development, we present that “soft” small-molecules and polymers can be synthesized by co-polymerizing naphthalenediimide (NDI) or diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) units with proper co-monomer building blocks or properly designed additives. Furthermore, we also report the fabrication of stretchable inorganic metal oxide fiber network by spry coating metal salts+thermally labile polymer formulations. New transistor architectures using semiconductor film porosity as the key element for enhancing mechanical flexibility and tune charge transport are also demonstrated. These films, combined with elastomeric pre-stretching, enables unprecedentedly stable current-output characteristic upon mechanical deformation, which are used for sensing analytes, strain, light, temperature and physiological parameters. Finally, we report our recent work on molecular n-doping of organic semiconductors using a novel strategy involving catalysts. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:11 June2023SundayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Soft Matter and Biomaterials: Membrane remodelling in viral infection and migrasome formation
Lecturer: Dr. Raya Sorkin, School of Chemistry, TAUAbstract
Fundamental understanding of physiological processes that occur at biological membranes, such as membrane fusion, necessitates addressing not only the biochemical aspects, but also biophysical aspects such as membrane mechanical properties and membrane curvature. In this talk, I will show how we combine membrane model systems, micropipette aspiration, optical tweezers and confocal fluorescence microscopy to study membrane shaping and membrane fusion processes. I will describe a new tool we developed, where we form membrane bilayers supported on polystyrene microspheres which can be trapped and manipulated using optical tweezers. Using this approach, we demonstrate successful measurements of the interaction forces between the Spike protein of SARS CoV-2 and its human receptor, ACE2. We further use bead-supported membranes interacted with aspirated vesicles to reveal the inhibitory effect of membrane tension on hemifusion. I will also describe a particular case of membrane shaping during the formation of the newly discovered organelle termed migrasome. We show that tetraspanin proteins involved in migrasome formation strongly partition into curved membrane tethers, and we reveal a novel, two-step process of migrasome biogenesis. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:11 June2023SundayHour: 10:00 - 11:00
Probing nanocrystal photophysics with spectator excitons
Lecturer: Prof. Sanford Ruhman, Institute of Chemistry, HUJIAbstract
Femtosecond pump-probe experiments on nanocrystals are interpreted primarily in terms of state filling of the states involved in the intense band edge absorption features, and bi-exciton shifting which changes the resonance energy of the probe pulse due to presence of pump induced excitations. Results have been interpreted to show 1) that “hot” excitons will relax to the lowest available levels in the conduction band in ~1 ps, and 2) that said intense band edge exciton transition will be bleached linearly with excitons until the underlying states are completely filled. In the talk we describe a new approach involving “spectator excitons” to test these accepted views. It consists of comparing pump-probe experiments on pristine samples, with equivalent scans conducted on the same sample after it has been saturated in cold mono-excitons. We show how this method has uncovered previously unrecognized spin blockades in the relaxation of hot multi-exciton states in CdSe NCs, and simply detects stimulated emission signals even in presence of overlapping absorption. We report specific difficulties of applying this approach on perovskite crystals leading to controversial determination that in quantum confined CsPbBr3 bi-exciton interactions are positive (repulsive) and describe recent time resolved emission data which challenges this result. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:7 June2023WednesdayHour: 10:30 - 11:30
“How atoms jiggle and wiggle in energy materials”
Lecturer: Prof. David Egger, Dept. Physics, Technical University of MunichAbstract
Energy materials are crystalline, solid-state substances with technological applications in energy-conversion or storage devices that include solar cells and batteries. In our work, we are particularly interested in scenarios where these systems show unusual structural dynamical effects. These effects trigger many puzzling questions in regard to updated structure-property relations and improved theoretical understandings of these solids. In my talk, I will present our recent findings regarding theoretical treatments of structural dynamics in energy materials and how we may use them to improve our understanding of their finite-temperature properties. The results will focus on halide perovskite as well as nitride semiconductors and solid-state ion conductors, which we typically investigate in tandem with experiment. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:30 May2023TuesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Homogeneous (De)hydrogenative Catalysis for a Circular Economy
Lecturer: Dr. Amit Kumar, School of Chemistry, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, KY169ST, UKAbstract
The development of sustainable methods for the closed-loop production and recycling of plastics is an important challenge of current times. Reactions based on catalytic (de)hydrogenation are atom-economic, and sustainable routes for organic transformations.1 Using the following examples, this lecture will discuss the application of homogeneous (de)hydrogenative catalysis for the synthesis and degradation of polymers to enable a circular economy: (a) synthesis of polyamides/nylons from the ruthenium catalysed dehydrogenative coupling of diamines and diols and its reverse reaction i.e. hydrogenative depolymerisation of nylons,2 (b) synthesis of polyureas from the ruthenium/manganese catalysed dehydrogenative coupling of diamines3,4 and methanol, and its reverse reaction, i.e. hydrogenative depolymerisation of polyureas (Figure 1B)5, (c) Synthesis of polyethyleneimines from manganese catalysed coupling of ethylene glycol and ethylenediamine or the self-coupling of ethanolamine,6 and (d) Synthesis of polyureas and polyurethanes from the dehydrogenative coupling of diformamides and diamines/diols and its reverse reaction i.e. hydrogenative depolymerisation of polyureas and polyurethanes to diformamides and diamines/diols.7 Some applications of some of the polymers made using dehydrogenative processes in the field of batteries will also be discussed.8 -
Lecture / SeminarDate:21 May2023SundayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
“ Programmatic and Deep Learning Analysis Pipelines for 4D-STEM Materials Science Experiments”
Lecturer: Dr. Colin Ophus, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, BerkeleyAbstract
Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) is one of the most popular materials science methods to characterize the structure and chemistry of nanoscale samples, owing to its high resolution and many flexible operating modes. In a conventional STEM experiment, we focus the electron beam down to a probe from nanometer to sub-angstrom scale, and scan it over the sample surface while recording diffracted signals which are transmitted through the specimen. STEM can also record analytic signals such as x-rays generated by the electron beam to measure composition, or energy loss of the transmitted electrons to probe the electronic structure of samples. Conventional STEM imaging detectors experiments produce only a few intensity values at each probe position, but modern high-speed detectors allow us to measure a full 2D diffraction pattern, over a grid of 2D probe positions, forming a four dimensional (4D)-STEM dataset. These 4D-STEM datasets record information about the local phase, orientation, deformation, and other parameters, for both crystalline and amorphous materials. 4D-STEM datasets can contain millions of images and therefore require highly automated and robust software codes to extract the target properties. In this talk, I will introduce our open source py4DSTEM analysis toolkit, and show how we use these codes to perform data-intensive studies of material properties over functional length scales. I will also demonstrate some applications of modern machine learning tools, to perform measurements on electron diffraction patterns where property signals have been scrambled by multiple scattering of the electron beam. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:10 May2023WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
"Simulations for materials in energy"
Lecturer: Prof. Nuria Lopez, Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ)Abstract
Finding new materials for the conversion of CO2 into useful products is a complex task. Simulations can provide mechanistic and stability insights trying to accelerate the process. In my talk I will present the different degrees of complexity that we try to address in the simulations and which are the major challenges in the field. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:30 April2023SundayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Soft Matter and Biomaterials Seminar: Cytoskeletal dynamics generate active liquid-liquid phase separation.
Lecturer: Dr. Alexandra Tayar, Dept. Chemical and Biological Physics, WISAbstract
Liquid-Liquid phase separation (LLPS) has been of fundamental importance in the assembly of thermally driven materials and has recently emerged as an organizational principle for living systems. Biological phase separation is driven out of equilibrium through complex enzyme composition, chemical reactions, and mechanical activity, which reveals a gap in our understanding of this fundamental phenomenon. Here we study the impact of mechanical activity on LLPS. We design a DNA-based LLPS system coupled to flows through molecular motors and a cytoskeleton network. Active stress at an interface of a liquid droplet suppressed phase separation and stabilized a single-phase regime well beyond the equilibrium binodal curve. The phase diagram out of equilibrium revealed a 3-dimensional phase space that depends on temperature and local molecular activity. Similar dynamics and structures are observed in simulations, suggesting that suppression of liquid phase separation by active stress is a generic feature of liquid phase separation. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:24 April2023MondayHour: 14:00 - 15:00
Approaching non-equilibrium: from machine learning to non-adiabatic dynamics
Lecturer: Dr. Sergei Tretiak, Theoretical Division & Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT), Los Alamos National LaboratoryAbstract
Machine learning (ML) became a premier tool for modeling chemical processes and materials properties. For instance, ML interatomic potentials have become an efficient alternative to computationally expensive quantum chemistry simulations. In the case of reactive chemistry designing high-quality training data sets is crucial to overall model accuracy. To address this challenge, we develop a general reactive ML interatomic potential through unbiased active learning with an atomic configuration sampler inspired by nanoreactor molecular dynamics. The resulting model is then applied to study five distinct condensed-phase reactive chemistry systems: carbon solid-phase nucleation, graphene ring formation from acetylene, biofuel additives, combustion of methane and the spontaneous formation of glycine from early-earth small molecules. In all cases, the results closely match experiment and/or previous studies using traditional model chemistry methods. Altogether, explosive growth of user-friendly ML frameworks, designed for chemistry, demonstrates that the field is evolving towards physics-based models augmented by data science. I will also overview some applications of Non-adiabatic EXcited-state Molecular Dynamics (NEXMD) framework developed at several institutions. The NEXMD code is able to simulate tens of picoseconds photoinduced dynamics in large molecular systems. As an application, I will exemplify ultrafast coherent excitonic dynamics guided by intermolecular conical intersections. Here X-ray Raman signals are able to sensitively monitor the coherence evolution. The observed coherences have vibronic nature that survives multiple conical intersection passages for several hundred femtoseconds at room temperature. These spectroscopic signals are possible to measure at XFEL facilities and our modeling results allow us to understand and potentially manipulate excited state dynamics and energy transfer pathways toward optoelectronic applications. References: 1. N. Fedik, R. Zubatyuk, N. Lubbers, J. S. Smith, B. Nebgen, R. Messerly, Y. W. Li, M. Kulichenko, A. I. Boldyrev, K. Barros, O. Isayev, and S. Tretiak “Extending machine learning beyond interatomic potentials for predicting molecular properties” Nature Rev. Chem. 6, 653 (2022). 2. G. Zhou, N. Lubbers, K. Barros, S. Tretiak, B. Nebgen, “Deep Learning of Dynamically Responsive Chemical Hamiltonians with Semi-Empirical Quantum Mechanics,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 119 e2120333119 (2022) 3. S. Zhang, M. Z. Makos, R. B. Jadrich, E. Kraka, B. T. Nebgen, S. Tretiak, O. Isayev, N. Lubbers, R. A. Messerly, and J. S. Smith “Exploring the frontiers of chemistry with a general reactive machine learning potential,” (2023) 4. A. De Sio, E. Sommer, X. T. Nguyen, L. Gross, D. Popović, B. Nebgen, S. Fernandez-Alberti, S. Pittalis, C. A. Rozzi, E. Molinari, E. Mena-Osteritz, P. Bäuerle, T. Frauenheim, S. Tretiak, C. Lienau, “Intermolecular conical intersections in molecular aggregates” Nature Nanotech. 16, 63 – 68 (2021). 5. V. M. Freixas, D. Keefer, S. Tretiak, S. Fernandez-Alberti, and S. Mukamel, “Ultrafast coherent photoexcited dynamics in a trimeric dendrimer probed by X-ray stimulated-Raman signals,” Chem. Sci., 13, 6373 – 6384 (2022). -
Lecture / SeminarDate:16 April2023SundayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Protein Phase Transitions
Lecturer: Prof. Tuomas Knowles, Dept. of Chemistry, Cavendish Laboratory, University of CambridgeAbstract
Proteins are the fundamental building blocks of life. They form high performance materials and carry out cellular functions. They are able to fulfil these roles by assembling together to form sophisticated structures and architectures, which in many cases extend to mesoscopic liquid or solid phases. This talk focuses on understanding the transitions between these phases, their fundamental material properties and the way that the modulate biological function and malfunction. I will then discuss two areas opened up by the control of protein assembly. I will first focus on the understanding of the mechanism of protein aggregation and the discovery of molecules that can ameliorate malfunctioning protein self-assembly in a range of age-associated disease states. I will then outline some of our efforts to control protein self-assembly to form silk-inspired sustainable materials -
Lecture / SeminarDate:29 March2023WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Emerging research landscape of altermagnetism
Lecturer: Prof. Tomas Jungwirth, Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of SciencesAbstract
Magnetism is one of the largest, most fundamental, and technologically most relevant fields of condensed-matter physics. Traditionally, two elementary magnetic phases have been distinguished - ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism. The spin polarization in the electronic band structure reflecting the magnetization in ferromagnetic crystals underpins the broad range of time-reversal symmetry-breaking responses in this extensively explored and exploited type of magnets. By comparison, antiferromagnets have vanishing net magnetization. Recently, there have been observations of materials in which strong time-reversal symmetry-breaking responses and spin-polarization phenomena, typical of ferromagnets, are accompanied by antiparallel magnetic crystal order with vanishing net magnetization, typical of antiferromagnets [1]. A classification and description based on spin-symmetry principles offers a resolution of this apparent contradiction by establishing a third distinct elementary magnetic phase, dubbed altermagnetism [2]. We will start the talk with an overview of the still emerging unique phenomenology of this unconventional d-wave (or higher even-parity wave) magnetic phase, and of the wide array of altermagnetic materials. We will then show how altermagnetism can facilitate a development of ultra-fast and low-dissipation spintronic information technologies, and can have impact on a range of other modern areas of condensed matter physics and nanoelectronics. References [1] L. Šmejkal, A. H. MacDonald, J. Sinova, S. Nakatsuji, T. Jungwirth, Nature Reviews Mater. 7, 482 (2022). [2] L. Šmejkal, J. Sinova & T. Jungwirth, Phys. Rev. X (Perspective) 12, 040501 (2022). -
Lecture / SeminarDate:29 March2023WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Emerging research landscape of altermagnetism
Lecturer: Prof. Tomas Jungwirth, Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, UKAbstract
Magnetism is one of the largest, most fundamental, and technologically most relevant fields of condensed-matter physics. Traditionally, two elementary magnetic phases have been distinguished - ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism. The spin polarization in the electronic band structure reflecting the magnetization in ferromagnetic crystals underpins the broad range of time-reversal symmetry-breaking responses in this extensively explored and exploited type of magnets. By comparison, antiferromagnets have vanishing net magnetization. Recently, there have been observations of materials in which strong time-reversal symmetry-breaking responses and spin-polarization phenomena, typical of ferromagnets, are accompanied by antiparallel magnetic crystal order with vanishing net magnetization, typical of antiferromagnets [1]. A classification and description based on spin-symmetry principles offers a resolution of this apparent contradiction by establishing a third distinct elementary magnetic phase, dubbed altermagnetism [2]. We will start the talk with an overview of the still emerging unique phenomenology of this unconventional d-wave (or higher even-parity wave) magnetic phase, and of the wide array of altermagnetic materials. We will then show how altermagnetism can facilitate a development of ultra-fast and low-dissipation spintronic information technologies, and can have impact on a range of other modern areas of condensed matter physics and nanoelectronics. References [1] L. Šmejkal, A. H. MacDonald, J. Sinova, S. Nakatsuji, T. Jungwirth, Nature Reviews Mater. 7, 482 (2022). [2] L. Šmejkal, J. Sinova & T. Jungwirth, Phys. Rev. X (Perspective) 12, 040501 (2022). -
Lecture / SeminarDate:12 March2023SundayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Soft Matter and Biomaterials: “The Secret Ultrafast Motions of Protein Nanomachines”
Lecturer: Prof. Gilad Haran, Dept. Chemical and Biological Physics, WISAbstract
Multiple proteins function as nanomachines, and carry out multiple specific tasks in the cell by alternating chemical steps with conformational transitions. Single-molecule FRET spectroscopy is a powerful tool for studying the internal motions of proteins. In recent years, we have been using this technique to study a range of protein machines, surprisingly finding in each case microsecond-time-scale internal dynamics. What is the role of these fast motions in the much-slower functional cycles of these machines? -
Lecture / SeminarDate:28 February2023TuesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Intrinsically Chiral and Multimodal Click Chemistry
Lecturer: Prof. Han Zuilhof, Department of Organic Chemistry, Wageningen University, The NetherlandsAbstract
Click chemistry has revolutionized many facets of the molecular sciences, with the realization of reactions that are ‘‘modular, wide in scope, give very high yields, generate only inoffensive byproducts that can be removed by nonchromatographic methods and are stereospecific”. Yet surprisingly little attention has been given to the development of intrinsically chiral click reactions (potentially enantiospecific, rather than ‘only’ enantioselective due to chiral auxiliary groups), while the modularity of many click reactions is best compared to one-dimensional LEGO. Of course, much could be done within the constraints – hence forementioned revolution – but it drove attention towards an extension of available click chemistries. Kolb, H. C.; Finn, M.; Sharpless, K. B., Click chemistry: diverse chemical function from a few good reactions. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2001, 40, 2004-2021. The talk will focus on the resulting investigations in the field of S(VI) exchange chemistry, with specific emphasis on two fields: a) the development of the intrinsically enantiospecific click reactions and their use to e.g. make synthetic polymers with 100% backbone chirality that combine stability & degradabbility, and b) the development of multimodular click chemistry and single-polymer studies by a combination of AFM, TEM, scanning Auger microscopy -
Lecture / SeminarDate:22 February2023WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Strong light-exciton interactions in 2D semiconductors
Lecturer: Prof. Itai Epstein, School of electrical engineering, TAUAbstract
The remarkable properties of excitons in transition-metal-dichalcogenides (TMDs), together with the ability to readily control their charge carriers, have attracted a significant amount of interest in recent years. Despite the atomic dimensions of the hosting 2D semiconductors, TMD excitons exhibit strong interaction with light, both in absorption and photoemission processes, and practically dominate the optical response of these 2D materials. In this talk, I will introduce several approaches for achieving extremely strong light-exciton interactions. First, by optical and electrical manipulation of TMD excitons inside a van der Waals heterostructure cavity [1], second, via the formation of highly-confined, in-plane exciton polaritons [2], and third, through the realization of valley-polarized hyperbolic exciton polaritons [3]. These enhanced light–exciton interactions may provide a platform for studying excitonic phase-transitions, quantum nonlinearities and the enablement of new possibilities for 2D semiconductor-based optoelectronic devices. [1] I. Epstein et al, "Near-unity Light Absorption in a Monolayer WS2 Van der Waals Heterostructure Cavity", Nano letters 20 (5), 3545-3552 (2020). [2] I. Epstein et al, "Highly Confined In-plane Propagating Exciton-Polaritons on Monolayer Semiconductors", 2D Materials 7, 035031 (2020). [3] T. Eini, T. Asherov, Y. Mazor, and I. Epstein, "Valley-polarized Hyperbolic Exciton Polaritons in Multilayer 2D Semiconductors at Visible Frequencies", Phys. Rev. B 106, L201405 (2022). -
Lecture / SeminarDate:19 February2023SundayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Soft Matter and Biomaterials Seminar
Lecturer: Prof. Avi Schroeder, Dept. Chemical Engineering, TechnionAbstract
Medicine is taking its first steps toward patient-specific cancer care. Nanoparticles have many potential benefits for treating cancer, including the ability to transport complex molecular cargoes, including siRNA and protein, as well as targeting specific cell populations. The talk will explain the fundamentals of nanotechnology, from ‘barcoded nanoparticles’ that target sites of cancer where they perform a programmed therapeutic task. Specifically, liposomes diagnose the tumor and metastasis for their sensitivity to different medications, providing patient-specific drug activity information that can be used to improve the medication choice. The talk will also describe how liposomes can be used for degrading the pancreatic stroma to allow subsequent drug penetration into pancreatic adenocarcinoma and how nanoparticle’ biodistribution and anti-cancer efficacy are impacted by the patient’s sex and, more specifically, the menstrual cycle. The evolution of drug delivery systems into synthetic cells, programmed nanoparticles that have an autonomous capacity to synthesize diagnostic and therapeutic proteins inside the body, and their promise for treating cancer and immunotherapy, will be discussed. References: 1) Theranostic barcoded nanoparticles for personalized cancer medicine, Yaari et al. Nature Communications, 2016, 7, 13325 2) Collagenase nanoparticles enhance the penetration of drugs into pancreatic tumors, Zinger et al., ACS Nano, 13 (10), 11008-11021, 2019 3) Targeting neurons in the tumor microenvironment with bupivacaine nanoparticles reduces breast cancer progression and metastases, Science Advances, Kaduri et al., 7 (41), eabj5435, 2021 4) Nanoparticles accumulate in the female reproductive system during ovulation affecting cancer treatment and fertility, Poley et al., ACS nano, 2022 -
Lecture / SeminarDate:14 February2023TuesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Photoinduced regioselective functionalization of arenes at proximal and distal sites
Lecturer: Prof. Debabrata Maiti, Department of Chemistry & IDP in Climate Studies, IIT BombayAbstract
Over years’ transition metal-catalyzed C-H activation has propelled the field of organic synthesis for the construction of structurally complex and diverse molecules in resource-economical fashion. In this context, non-directed C-H activation has gained unprecedented attention for attaining region-specific C-H functionalizations in a step-economic mode. Unlike traditional Fujiwara-Moritani reaction, this approach relies on ligand assistance and thus uses arene as the limiting reagent. However, all existing non-directed C-H functionalizations utilize high thermal energy to induce the functional group which eventually put the regioselectivity at stake. In addition, use of super stoichiometric costly silver salts to regenerate the catalyst produces unwanted metal waste. In aid of developing a more sustainable and environmentally benign approach, we have established a photoredox catalytic system by a merger of palladium/organo-photocatalyst(PC) which forges highly regeiospecific C-H olefination of diverse arenes and heteroarenes. Visible light nullifies the requirement of silver salts and thermal energy in executing “region-resolved” Fujiwara-Moritani reaction. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:12 February2023SundayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
“Life at Interfaces- Challenges and Opportunities in the Miniaturization of Bioinspired Robots”
Lecturer: Dr. Bat-El Pinchasik, School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, TAU -
Lecture / SeminarDate:7 February2023TuesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
From Spin Materials to Electron Transfer Catalysis
Lecturer: Prof. Swadhin K Mandal, Department of Chemical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, KolkataAbstract
The major concerns about industrially used catalytic systems today are: i) the high cost of catalysts; ii) the toxicity of heavy transition metals; iii) difficulties in removing trace amounts of toxic-metal residues from the desired product; and, finally, iv) rare transition metal depletion, which does not meet the requirement of sustainable development. Developing environmentally friendly catalysts is an excellent option in this regard. Naturally, the most recent catalyst development trend heralded a new era of metal-free catalysis or catalysts based on earth-abundant, nontoxic, and low-cost metals. This talk will go over our recent advances [1-4] in using small molecules to systematically mimic transition metal-based catalysis. We designed electron transfer catalysis using the smallest polycyclic odd alternant hydrocarbon, phenalenyl (PLY)-based molecules, which was inspired by a completely different field of molecular spin materials [5]. This talk will focus on how to avoid transition metals when performing various cross-coupling catalysis. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:1 February2023WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
M.Sc thesis defense: “Fermi-polaron description of excitonic scattering processes in layered systems from first principles”
Lecturer: Guy Voscoboynik, M.Sc student of Dr. Sivan Refaely AbramsonAbstract
Layered materials exhibit unique charge and energy transfer characteristics, making them promising candidates for emerging photophysical and photochemical applications, and particularly in energy conversion and quantum information science. In two-dimensional systems, spatial confinement in a certain dimension causes reduced dielectric screening and enhanced Coulomb interaction compared to bulk materials. Upon light excitation, the relaxation processes of the charge and energy carriers, as well as their rearrangement in the lateral plane, allow for unique and structure-specific interaction dynamics of the electrons and holes in these systems and of their bound states - neutral and charged excitons. In particular, these dimensionality effects induce strong exciton-electron and exciton-hole interactions in doped or gated systems, where optical excitations coexist alongside electronic excitations. These interactions dominate the exciton decay and diffusion and introduce bound three-particle states in such systems. A many-particle theoretical picture of the formation and propagation of these states is crucial for proper tracking and understanding of the interaction pathways, crystal momentum effects, the involved particle-particle coupling and their relation to the underlying structure, dimensionality, and symmetry. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:25 January2023WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
"Molecules in a Quantum-Optical Flask"
Lecturer: Dr. Tal Schwartz, School of Chemistry, TAUAbstract
"Molecules in a Quantum-Optical Flask" When confined to small dimensions, the interaction between light and matter can be enhanced up to the point where it overcomes all the incoherent, dissipative processes. In this "strong coupling" regime the photons and the material start to behave as a single entity, having its own quantum states and energy levels. In this talk I will discuss how such cavity-QED effects can be used in order to control material properties and molecular processes. This includes, for example, modifying photochemical reactions [1], enhancing excitonic transport up to ballistic motion close to the light-speed [2-3] and potentially tailoring the mesoscopic properties of organic crystals, by hybridizing intermolecular vibrations with electromagnetic THz fields [4-5]. 1. J. A. Hutchison, T. Schwartz, C. Genet, E. Devaux, and T. W. Ebbesen, "Modifying Chemical Landscapes by Coupling to Vacuum Fields," Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 51, 1592 (2012). 2. G. G. Rozenman, K. Akulov, A. Golombek, and T. Schwartz, "Long-Range Transport of Organic Exciton-Polaritons Revealed by Ultrafast Microscopy," ACS Photonics 5, 105 (2018). 3. M. Balasubrahmaniyam, A. Simkovich, A. Golombek, G. Ankonina, and T. Schwartz, "Unveiling the mixed nature of polaritonic transport: From enhanced diffusion to ballistic motion approaching the speed of light," arXiv:2205.06683 (2022). 4. R. Damari, O. Weinberg, D. Krotkov, N. Demina, K. Akulov, A. Golombek, T. Schwartz, and S. Fleischer, "Strong coupling of collective intermolecular vibrations in organic materials at terahertz frequencies," Nat. Commun. 10, 3248 (2019). 5. M. Kaeek, R. Damari, M. Roth, S. Fleischer, and T. Schwartz, "Strong Coupling in a Self-Coupled Terahertz Photonic Crystal," ACS Photonics 8, 1881 (2021). -
Lecture / SeminarDate:24 January2023TuesdayHour: 12:30 - 13:30
Electro-freezing of Super-Cooled Water within Electrolytic Cells
Lecturer: Danielle Amit Awaskar, M.Sc student of Profs. Igor Lubomirsky and Meir LahavAbstract
Ice melts at 0 [˚C], however, water can be super-cooled homogeneously down to ~-40 [˚C] without freezing. The ability to control the temperature of freezing of super-cooled water is highly important in many scientific sub-fields. Freezing can be induced at higher temperatures by the application of electric fields (known as electro-freezing). Despite the importance of the process of electro-freezing, its mechanism at the molecular level is still not fully understood. Recently, icing experiments performed by our group have demonstrated that electro-freezing comprises of the interactions of an electric field with specific ions of trigonal planar configuration, creating arm-chair hexagons that mimic the hexagons of the crystal ice. In my research, I investigated the effect of electro-freezing of super-cooled water on silver and copper electrodes. I found that the mechanism of electro-freezing of super-cooled water as induced by the silver electrodes is very complex and irreproducible. In contrast, the high icing temperature (~-4 [˚C]) on the copper (111) face is induced primarily by a mechanism of epitaxy. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:15 January2023SundayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
“Spherical polyelectrolytes and their self-assembly into colloidal crystals”
Lecturer: Prof. Rafal Klajn, Dept. Molecular Chemistry and Materials ScienceAbstract
Self-assembly of inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) into ordered structures has led to a wide range of materials with unique optical, electronic, and catalytic properties. Various interactions have been employed to direct the crystallization of NPs, including van der Waals forces, hydrogen bonding, and magnetic dipolar interactions. Among them, Coulombic interactions have remained largely unexplored, owing to the rapid charge exchange between spherical NPs bearing high densities of opposite charges (superionic NPs). In this talk, I will describe a new method to assemble superionic NPs under conditions that preserve their native surface charge density. Our methodology was used to assemble oppositely charged NPs (“spherical polyelectrolytes”) into highly ordered assemblies exhibiting previously unknown morphologies. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:2 January2023MondayHour: 13:00 - 14:00
M.Sc thesis defense: “Probing the Composition and Structure of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase in Na Ion Anodes via DNP- Solid State NMR”
Lecturer: Yuval Steinberg, M.Sc student of Dr. Michal LeskesAbstract
The need for affordable large scale energy storage has risen dramatically with the increase in usage of renewable energy sources. In recent years, beyond Li batteries such as Na ion batteries (SIB), gained much interest due to limited Lithium resources. However, SIBs are still far from meeting the demands in terms of electrochemical performance, rendering research on SIBs very important. During battery cycling, chemical and electrochemical processes result in the formation of an interphase between the anode and electrolyte called the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI). The effect of the SEI on electrochemical performance cannot be overstated, as its composition and structure dictate interfacial ionic transport in the battery cell. Since the SEI is very thin (10-50 nm) and is composed of disordered, organic, and inorganic phases it is extremely difficult to characterize at the atomic-molecular level. In this seminar I will present methodology developed for probing the native SEI formed in SIBs by using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and signal enhanced NMR by exogenous and endogenous dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP). Employing these techniques enabled us to gain information on the chemical composition of the SEI together with important insights into the SEI’s structural gradient formed with different Na electrolytes. Correlating the compositional and structural information acquired with the SEI’s function can assist in designing SIBs with improved performance and longer lifetime. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:2 January2023MondayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Graphullerene: a new form of two-dimensional carbon
Lecturer: Dr. Elena Meirzadeh, Department of Chemistry, Columbia UniversityAbstract
The two natural allotropes of carbon, diamond and graphite, are extended networks of sp3- and sp2- hybridized carbon atoms, respectively. By mixing different hybridizations and geometries of carbon, one could conceptually construct countless synthetic allotropes. In this talk, I will introduce graphullerene, a new two-dimensional superatomic allotrope of carbon combining three- and four-coordinate carbon atoms. The constituent subunits of graphullerene are C60 fullerenes that are covalently interconnected within a molecular layer, forming graphene-like hexagonal sheets. The most remarkable thing about the synthesis of graphullerene is that the solid-state reaction produces large polyhedral crystals (hundreds of micrometers in lateral dimensions), rather than an amorphous or microcrystalline powder as one would typically expect from polymerization chemistry. Similar to graphite, the crystals can be mechanically exfoliated to produce molecularly thin flakes with clean interfaces—a critical requirement for the creation of heterostructures and optoelectronic devices. We find that polymerizing the fullerenes leads to a large change in the electronic structure of C60 and the vibrational scattering mechanisms affecting thermal transport. Furthermore, imaging few-layer graphullerene flakes using transmission electron microscopy and near-field nano-photoluminescence spectroscopy reveals the existence of moiré-like superlattices. The discovery of a superatomic cousin of graphene demonstrates that there is an entire family of higher and lower dimensional forms of carbon that may be chemically prepared from molecular precursors. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:27 December2022TuesdayHour: 11:15 - 12:15
“Intelligentsia of Nano-Architected Hierarchical Materials”
Lecturer: Prof. Julia Greer, California Institute of TechnologyAbstract
Creation of reconfigurable and multi-functional materials can be achieved by incorporating architecture into material design. In our research, we design and fabricate three-dimensional (3D) nano-architected materials that can exhibit superior and often tunable thermal, photonic, electrochemical, biochemical, and mechanical properties at extremely low mass densities (lighter than aerogels), which renders them useful and enabling in technological applications. Dominant properties of such meta-materials are driven by their multi-scale nature: from characteristic material microstructure (atoms) to individual constituents (nanometers) to structural components (microns) to overall architectures (millimeters and above). Our research is focused on fabrication and synthesis of nano- and micro-architected materials using 3D lithography, nanofabrication, and additive manufacturing (AM) techniques, as well as on investigating their mechanical, biochemical, electrochemical, electromechanical, and thermal properties as a function of architecture, constituent materials, and microstructural detail. Additive manufacturing (AM) represents a set of processes that fabricate complex 3D structures using a layer-by-layer approach, with some advanced methods attaining nanometer resolution and the creation of unique, multifunctional materials and shapes derived from a photoinitiation-based chemical reaction of custom-synthesized resins and thermal post-processing. A type of AM, vat polymerization, has allowed for using hydrogels as precursors, and exploiting novel material properties, especially those that arise at the nano-scale and do not occur in conventional materials. The focus of this talk is on additive manufacturing via vat polymerization and function-containing chemical synthesis to create 3D nano- and micro-architected metals, ceramics, multifunctional metal oxides (nano-photonics, photocatalytic, piezoelectric, etc.), and metal-containing polymer complexes, etc., as well as demonstrate their potential in some real-use biomedical, protective, and sensing applications. I will describe how the choice of architecture, material, and external stimulus can elicit stimulus-responsive, reconfigurable, and multifunctional response -
Lecture / SeminarDate:25 December2022SundayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
RNA-Lipid Nanoparticles 2.0: From Gene Silencing to Genome Editing
Lecturer: Prof. Dan Peer, Laboratory of Precision NanoMedicine, Tel Aviv UniversityAbstract
Accumulating work points out relevant genes and signaling pathways hampered in human disorders as potential candidates for therapeutics. Developing nucleic acid-based tools to manipulate gene expression, such as siRNAs, mRNA and genome editing strategies, open up opportunities for personalized medicine. Yet, although major progress was achieved in developing RNA targeted delivery carriers, mainly by utilizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for targeting, their clinical translation has not occurred. In part because of massive development and production requirements and high batch-to-batch variability of current technologies, which relies on chemical conjugation. Here we present a self-assembled modular platform that enables to construct theoretically unlimited repertoire of RNA targeted carriers. The platform self-assembly is based on a membrane-anchored lipoprotein, incorporated into RNA-loaded novel, unique lipid nanoparticles that interact with the antibody Fc domain. We show that a simple switch of 8 different mAbs, redirects specific uptake of siRNAs by diverse leukocyte subsets in vivo. The platform therapeutic potential is demonstrated in an inflammatory bowel disease model, by targeting colon macrophages to reduce inflammatory symptoms, and in Mantle Cell Lymphoma xenograft model, by targeting cancer cells to induce cell death and improve survival. In addition, I will discuss novel approach for delivering modified mRNA to specific cell types in vivo utilizing this platform. I will also share some data on mRNA vaccines for COVID19 and Finally, I will share new data showing very high efficiency genome editing in glioma and metastatic ovarian cancer. This modular delivery platform can serve as a milestone in turning precision medicine feasible. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:18 December2022SundayHour: 14:00 - 15:00
From atomic imaging and functionalizing of inorganic 2D materials to molecular imaging of organic 2D materials
Lecturer: Prof. Ute Kaiser, Ulm University, Materials Science Electron MicroscopyAbstract
In this lecture, the theoretical and technical base for atomic imaging of defects in inorganic 2D materials in the low-voltage transmission electron microscope SALVE will be discussed. Atomic defects can significantly change the properties of the material: Using 2D-TMDs and 2D-TMPTs and corresponding heterostructures, this is shown experimentally and verified by corresponding quantum mechanical calculations. We also use the electron beam for the targeted formation of new phases in the inorganic 2D matrix. Since the interaction cross-sections of electron beam and organic 2D materials differ strongly from the inorganic case, we explore highest-resolution imaging conditions for 2D polymers and various 2D MOFs and show that there is a trend towards lower voltage TEM as well. We may conclude that low-voltage TEM and low-dimensional materials are just made for each other. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:18 December2022SundayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Structure and Dynamics of Polyelectrolyte Complex Network under Electric Field
Lecturer: Prof. Eyal Zussman, Dept Mechanical Engineering, TechnionAbstract
Electrostatic interactions between polyelectrolyte (PE) charges and dissociated counterions provide PEs with intriguing properties and significantly determine their conformation and dynamics. This research shows how weak PE chains form a global network when they are oppositely charged and how strong electric fields lead to orientational order. The development of controlled drug release and responsive structures is demonstrated by the use of ordered PE with tunable intermolecular interactions. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:14 December2022WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Engineering Imaging Technologies and Discovering Biomarkers to Characterize Disease States
Lecturer: Prof. Barbara S. Smith, School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering, Arizona State UniversityAbstract
Neurodegenerative diseases are often clinically, genetically, and pathologically heterogeneous. The clinical impact of understanding heterogeneity is perhaps best observed in cancer, where subtype-specificity within diagnoses, prognoses, and treatments have had a critical impact on clinical decision making and patient outcomes. A better understanding of how mechanisms are related to or drive heterogeneity within diseases such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), will have a direct impact on patient outcomes, with a conscious effort to move towards precision medicine and targeted therapeutics for patients, which are urgently needed. For this reason, neuroscientists and oncologists have long aspired to achieve an understanding of the mechanisms governing pathophysiology. Our interdisciplinary work integrates technologies across a wide range of fields to surpass the current barriers in understanding disease pathophysiology. This talk will highlight a series of optical and photoacoustic imaging tools as well as multi-omics analysis that have been developed and studied in Dr. Smith’s lab to address the urgent need for non-invasive cancer detection and the characterization of neurological disorders. Through this work, we aim to develop translational technologies and methodologies to better characterize, understand, and detect disease pathogenesis, beyond current capabilities. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:1 December2022ThursdayHour: 14:00 - 15:00
“Investigating the Surface Dynamics of Ions at the Anode-Electrolyte Interface using NMR Spectroscopy”
Lecturer: Shakked Schwartz, M.Sc. student of Dr. Michal LeskesAbstract
High-Performance, Rechargeable Li-ion Batteries (LIBs) are key to the global transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. LIBs utilizing lithium metal as the anode are particularly exciting due to their exceptional energy density and redox potential, yet their advancement is hindered by growth of metallic filaments and unstable surface layers. Efficient cationic transport, which is crucial for battery performance, largely depends on the heterogeneous and disordered interphase formed between the anode and the electrolyte during cycling. Directly observing this interphase as well as the dynamic processes involving it is a great challenge. Here we present an approach to elucidate these dynamic processes and correlate them with the corresponding interfacial chemistry, focusing on the first step of cationic transport: surface adsorption. Employing Dark State Exchange Saturation Transfer (DEST) by 7Li NMR, we were able to detect the exchange of Li-ions between the homogenous electrolyte and the heterogeneous surface layer, highlighting the hidden interface between the liquid and solid environments. This enabled determination of the kinetic and energetic binding properties of different surface chemistries, advancing our understanding of cationic transport mechanisms in Li-ion batteries. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:24 November2022ThursdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
M.Sc thesis defense: "Self-Integrating Memories Based on Guided Nanowires"
Lecturer: Omri Ron, M.Sc student in Prof. Ernesto Joselevich's groupAbstract
Neuromorphic computing designs have an important role in the modern ‘big data’ era, as they are suitable for processing large amount of information in short time, eliminating the von Neumann (VN) bottleneck. The neuromorphic hardware, taking its inspiration from the human brain, is designed to be used for artificial intelligence tasks via physical neural networks, such as speech or image recognition, bioinformatics, visual art processing and much more. The memristor (memory + resistor), is one of the promising building blocks for this hardware, as it mimics the behavior of a human synapse, and can be used as an analog non-volatile memory. The memristor has been proven as a viable memory element and has been used for constructing resistive random access memory (RRAM) as a replacement for current VN hardware. However, the mechanism of operation and the conducting bridge formation mechanisms in electrochemical metallization memristors still require further investigation. A planar single-nanowire (NW) based memristor is a good solution for elucidating the mechanism of operation, thanks to the high localization of switching events, allowing in-situ investigation as well as post-process analysis. Our group, which has developed the guided-growth approach to grow guided planar NWs on different substrates, has used this method to integrate guided epitaxial NWs into functional devices such as field-effect transistors (FETs), photodetectors and even address decoders. However, the guided-growth approach has not been used for creating memristors up to date. In this work, I successfully synthesized guided NWs of two metal-oxides on flat and faceted sapphire substrates – ZnO and β-Ga2O3 were successfully grown in the VLS mechanism as surface guided NWs. I successfully grew planar guided β-Ga2O3 NWs on six different sapphire substrates, for the first time as far as we know. We characterized the newly grown β-Ga2O3 NWs with SEM, TEM, EDS and Raman spectroscopy. The monoclinic NWs grew along surprising directions on the flat sapphire surfaces and I demonstrated a new mode of growth – epitaxy favored growth on a faceted surface, when graphoepitaxy is also possible. I created electrochemical metallization memristors with the obtained NWs and successfully demonstrated the effect of resistive switching for β-Ga2O3 guided NW based devices. With the abovementioned achievements, we expanded the guided-growth approach on flat and faceted sapphire surfaces, and opened the opportunity for creating surface guided-NW based neuromorphic hardware. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:23 November2022WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
The Role of Active Encapsulation in Perovskite Solar Cells
Lecturer: Prof. Shaibal Sarkar, at Department of Energy Science and Engineering, IIT BombayAbstract
From a perovskite photovoltaic device standpoint, the Al2O3 ALD can be thought of as a thin film encapsulate to protect the underlined material from the extrinsic entities. However, as per the literature is concerned, the role of Al2O3 ALD in the perovskite photovoltaic devices is much beyond a mare passive component. This raises a severe ambiguity over the choice of surface (or interface) on which ALD needs to be done for optimized device performance, in terms of the device efficiency and stability. In my presentation, I would like to elucidate the characteristic differences between the surface limited and substrate enhanced ALD processes which is important to perovskite devices. The objective here is to discuss a unified correlation between the role of the Al2O3 ALD mechanism with the perovskite device performance by excluding popular overestimated assumption about the conformality on non-ideal surface, like perovskite or organic thin films. In addition, I would like to emphasize on the fact that how the ALD process can be used to passivate the buried interfacial defect and enhancing the VOC, PL and ELQE. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:22 November2022TuesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
What is the Science behind Climate Change?
Lecturer: Prof. Peter Rez, Arizona State University Department of PhysicsAbstract
Not a day goes by when we don’t hear about the “climate crisis”; some effects are well documented, like the rise in the average global temperature and the shrinking of the polar ice caps. Undoubtedly, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have been increasing, but what does “science” say about the potential consequences? The combination of the atmosphere, oceans, cryosphere and biosphere is the ultimate non-linear coupled complex system. How well do we understand what might happen? In the first part of my talk, I shall review my exploration of the original literature to try and separate out speculation, hypothesis, results of computational models, and most significantly actual observations. In the second part of my talk, I shall discuss what will actually work to reduce carbon dioxide emissions (complete elimination or Net Zero is an impossibility). Although it has become fashionable for governments to impose mandates enshrined in laws, the only laws that matter are the laws of thermodynamics and Ohm’s law. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:16 November2022WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
“Macrocyclic compounds for green energy device applications: recent progress on boron subnaphthalocyanines and associated hybrids”
Lecturer: Prof. Timothy Bender, Dept. of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto -
Lecture / SeminarDate:15 November2022TuesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Redox reactivity of Ar2Ch2 (Ch = S, Se):from fundamentals to application in catalysis
Lecturer: Prof. Inke Siewert, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, GermanyAbstract
Aromatic dichalcogenides exhibits a rich reductive and oxidative redox chemistry and the one and two electron reductions and oxidations of such Ar2Ch2 species appears at rather mild potentials. The successive 1e–-reductions often have very similar potentials as the one electron process results in the formation of an odd-electron bond, which stabilizes the radical anion, for example in hypothetical Ph2S2•− by about 30 kcal/mol. Inspired by the natural dithiol/disulfide 2H+/2e− couple, we investigated a 2,2′-bipyridine that is equipped with a disulfide/dithiolate unit in the backbone for storing multiple electrons and protons.[2] The synchronized transfer of electrons and protons is a critical step in many chemical and biological transformations. In particular, hydride and H atom transfer reactions are important in, for example, catalytic hydrogenation or small molecule activation reactions relevant to renewable energy storage. We examined in depth the fundamental 2e–, 2e–/2H+ and 1e–/H+ reactivity of the switch depending on the metalation. It appears that the Re compound overcomes the drawback of many metal-free hydride donors, which show a large gap between the first and second reduction process, and detrimental side reactions of the radical intermediate. Furthermore, we applied such Ar2Se2 in the anodic amination and esterification of nonactivated alkenes. Amination and esterfication reactions are of considerable importance since C–N and C–O bond motifs can be found in numerous organic compounds associated with biological, pharmaceutical, or material scientific applications. We developed versatile protocols for the electrochemical functionalization and a detailed kinetic and thermodynamic analysis gave valuable insights into the mechanism of the reaction as well as the impact of, e.g. solvent, additives, on the organocatalysis. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:13 November2022SundayHour: 14:00 - 15:00
"Fgf8 dynamics and critical slowing down in somitogenesis"
Lecturer: Prof. David Bensimon, Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, UCLAAbstract
Somitogenesis, the segmentation of the antero-posterior axis in vertebrates, is thought to result from the interactions between a genetic oscillator and a posterior-moving determination wavefront. I will introduce the current state of knowledge of that important stage in the development of vertebrate embryos. Surprisingly while the oscillator period is very sensitive to temperature changes, the size of the segments is not. I shall describe our results pertaining to the importance of the decrease in time of the Fgf8 gradient on the propagation of the wavefront and the observation that the somitogenetic period, embryo growth rate, PSM shortening rate and Fgf8 decay rate all slow down as 1/(T-Tc) with Tc=14.4°C, suggesting that critical slowing may affect the embryo metabolism resulting in a natural compensation of thermal effects on somite size. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:6 November2022SundayHour: 14:00 - 15:00
Lecturer: Prof. Phillip Pincus, Physics and Materials Departments University of California, Santa BarbaraAbstract Nearly 100 years ago, Jones and Dole experimentally pointed out a puzzle associated with the incremental modification of the bulk viscosity of water induced by small concentrations of salt. The strange behavior relates to cation specificity. This puzzle remains unsolved. This talk will remind you about this problem and suggest a possible approach. I hope that I can engender some ideas from you. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:6 November2022SundayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Semiclassics: The true origins of the success of density functional theory
Lecturer: Prof. Kieron Burke, Department of Chemistry UC IrvineAbstract
The successes and failures of approximate density functionals are due to their connection with semiclassical expansions. In the semiclassical limit, relative errors in local density approximations vanish. Carefully derived corrections to that limit have been shown to be far more accurate than our usual DFT approximations. I will discuss important new results in our 20-year-long quest to derive density functional approximations as expansions in hbar. These include both a new correction to the expansion of the exchange energy of atoms and an orbital-free calculation with sub-milli-Hartree accuracy. [1] Semiclassical Origins of Density Functionals Elliott, Peter, Lee, Donghyung, Cangi, Attila and Kieron Burke, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 256406 (2008). [2] Leading correction to the local density approximation for exchange in large-Z atoms Nathan Argaman, Jeremy Redd, Antonio C. Cancio, and Kieron Burke, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 153001 (2022). [3] Orbital-free functional with sub-milliHartree accuracy, Pavel Okun and Kieron Burke, in preparation. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:28 August2022SundayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
“Chemistry of layered materials: graphene and beyond”
Lecturer: Prof. Zdenek Sofer, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague -
Lecture / SeminarDate:23 August2022TuesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
"Ultrafast charge transfer in heterostructures of two-dimensional materials"
Lecturer: Prof. Giulio Cerullo, Department of Physics, Politecnico di MilanoAbstract
Heterostructures (HS) of two-dimensional materials offer unlimited possibilities to design new materials for applications to optoelectronics and photonics. In such HS the electronic structure of the individual layers is well retained because of the weak interlayer van der Waals coupling. Nevertheless, new physical properties and functionalities arise beyond those of their constituent blocks, depending on the type and the stacking sequence of layers. In this presentation we use high time resolution ultrafast transient absorption (TA) and two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES) to resolve the interlayer charge scattering processes in HS. We first study a WSe2/MoSe2 HS, which displays type II band alignment with a staggered gap, where the valence band maximum and the conduction band minimum are in the same layer. By two-colour pump-probe spectroscopy, we selectively photogenerate intralayer excitons in MoSe2 and observe hole injection in WSe2 on the sub-picosecond timescale, leading to the formation of interlayer excitons (ILX). The temperature dependence of the build-up and decay of interlayer excitons provide insights into the layer coupling mechanisms [1]. By tuning into the ILX emission band, we observe a signal which grows in on a 400 fs timescale, significantly slower than the interlayer charge transfer process. This suggests that photoexcited carriers are not instantaneously converted into the ILX following interlayer scattering, but that rather an intermediate scattering processes take place We then perform 2DES, a method with both high frequency and temporal resolution, on a large-area WS2/MoS2 HS where we unambiguously time resolve both interlayer hole and electron transfer with 34 ± 14 and 69 ± 9 fs time constants, respectively [2]. We simultaneously resolve additional optoelectronic processes including band gap renormalization and intralayer exciton coupling. Finally, we investigate a graphene/WS2 HS where, for excitation well below the bandgap of WS2, we observe the characteristic signal of the A and B excitons of WS2, indicating ultrafast charge transfer from graphene to the semiconductor [3]. The nonlinear excitation fluence dependence of the TA signal reveals that the underlying mechanism is hot electron/hole transfer, whereby a tail the hot Fermi-Dirac carrier distribution in graphene tunnels through the Schottky barrier. Hot electron transfer is promising for the development of broadband and efficient low-dimensional photodetectors. [1] Z. Wang et al., Nano Lett. 21, 2165–2173 (2021). [2] V. Policht et al., Nano Lett. 21, 4738–4743 (2021). [3] C. Trovatello et al., npj 2D Mater Appl 6, 24 (2022). -
Lecture / SeminarDate:22 August2022MondayHour: 14:00 - 15:00
CANCELED: Chemistry of layered materials: graphene and beyond
Lecturer: Prof. Zdenek Sofer, Univesity of Chemistry and Technology, PragueAbstract
Canceled -
Lecture / SeminarDate:17 August2022WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
“Molecular Dopants and other Tools to Control Metal Halide Perovskite Systems”
Lecturer: Prof. Antoine Kahn, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Princeton -
Lecture / SeminarDate:3 August2022WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Metal Catalyzed Carbonylation Reactions
Lecturer: Prof. Howard Alper, University of OttawaAbstract
Transition metal catalyzed carbonylation reactions of a wide range of organic compounds provide entry to some molecules of value to the pharmaceutical, commodity, and petrochemical industries. Examples to be presented include the preparation of indolizine derivatives by palladium-catalyzed oxidative alkoxycarbonylation, the synthesis of N-fused heterocycles via dearomatic carbonylation, the highly regioselective and chemoselective carbonylation of bifunctional organic reactants with haloarenes, styrenes, and alkynes. These transformations were successfully applied to the synthesis of natural products including Avenanthramide A -
Lecture / SeminarDate:26 July2022TuesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Heterogeneity of electrocatalysts: Insights from molecular electrochemistry
Lecturer: Prof. Lior Sepunaru, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of California Santa BarbaraAbstract
Catalysis is a general process that speeds up the reaction rate without altering the process thermodynamics. It is often essential to study the kinetics of the reaction to infer the mechanism of catalysis, an insight that can help in catalyst design. However, bulk catalysis, and specifically electrocatalysis, cannot capture the inherent heterogeneity of seemingly identical catalysts. This talk aims to provide basic principles behind electrocatalysis and introduce a new way to study electrocatalysts at the single entity level. Together, we will review the latest progress in the field and conclude with future directions that can be applied to the vast majority of catalysts ranging from organic, bio, and inorganic materials. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:20 July2022WednesdayHour: 14:00 - 15:00
Ph.D thesis: Pushing the envelope of high field DNP-NMR methodology towards functional materials
Lecturer: Asya Svirinovsky, ph.D candidate under the supervision of Dr. Michal LeskesAbstract
Functional materials are the main building blocks of advanced technologies based on energy storage and conversion systems essential for our modern life including batteries, solar cells, and heterogeneous catalysis. Improvements in materials performance and development of new materials rely on our ability to obtain structure-function correlation as well as understand degradation processes when the materials are integrated into a device. To this end, advanced analytical tools that can provide information at the atomic level are essential. Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) spectroscopy is well suited for this task, especially when equipped with high sensitivity by Magic Angle Spinning - Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (MAS-DNP). However, to date, the majority of materials studied by MAS-DNP were non-reactive and non-conductive materials with DNP from exogenous sources of polarization such as nitroxide radicals. This approach cannot be simply extended to functional materials as the properties that stem from the material’s functionality in the device, including electrical conductivity, chemical reactivity and defects, often pose challenges in the study of the materials by DNP. In this talk I will frame the challenges associated with the application of MAS-DNP to functional materials and describe approaches to address them. Results will be presented from three ubiquitous material systems spanning a range of applications: carbon allotropes, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) and metallic microstructures. We systematically investigated the deleterious effect of materials’ conductivity and formulated means to reduce the effect. We explored the feasibility of utilizing inherent unpaired electrons for endogenous DNP and applied it to probe buried phases in all-solid-state lithium-metal battery and the surface chemistry in carbons. I will show that wealth of information achieved by DNP on various functional materials, can place DNP-NMR as a preferable tool for materials scientists. Our findings are expected to apply to many other systems where functional materials are dominant, making DNP a more general technique. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:20 July2022WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
"Adventures in Colloidal Nanocrystal Surface Chemistry"
Lecturer: Prof. Richard L. Brutchey, Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California, Los AngelesAbstract
Colloidal nanocrystals possess high surface area-to-volume ratios; as a result, many nanocrystal properties are heavily influenced by their surfaces. At these surfaces exist a complex interface between the inorganic solid (governed by the crystal structure and particle morphology) and organic ligands. The organic ligands play a key role in controlling nucleation and growth, passivating under-coordinated surface sites, and providing steric stabilization for solvent dispersibility. Depending on the particular application of the nanocrystal, the native organic ligands may then need to be removed or exchanged. We use a complement of NMR spectroscopic techniques to understand the nature of the nanocrystal surface and ligand binding. Then, using principles of inorganic coordination chemistry, we rationally enact ligand exchange reactions on these surfaces to maximize nanocrystal functionality. This talk will briefly discuss the surface chemistry of three different platforms. (1) I will discuss how we experimentally developed an atomistic picture of perovskite nanocrystal surface termination, and then used that information to better understand how common surface treatments can “heal” halide perovskite nanocrystal surfaces. (2) I will discuss how different -donating, L-type ligands were installed on the surface of metal phosphide nanocrystals, and how they affected the hydrogen evolving ability of these electrocatalysts. (3) I will discuss a new strategy for thermally activating metal carbide nanocrystal CO2 reduction catalysts using labile ligands that decompose at significantly lower temperatures than the native ligands. This circumvents issues commonly encountered with high-temperature thermolysis (coking) or acid treatments (etching, poisoning) that are used to activate nanocrystal catalysts. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:6 July2022WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
“Aspects of solar cell operation and reliability in High and low dimensions”
Lecturer: Prof. Jean Francois Guillemoles, Director of CNRS, Institut Photovoltaïque d'Ile-de-France (IPVF) , ParisAbstract
The development of advanced photovoltaic devices, including those that might overcome the single junction efficiency limit, as well as the development of new materials, all rely on advanced characterization methods. Among all the existing methods optically based ones are very well adapted to quantitatively probe optoelectronic properties at any stage. We here present the use of multidimensional imaging techniques that record spatially, spectrally and time resolved luminescence images. We will discuss the benefits (and challenges) of looking into energy conversion systems from high dimensions perspective and those of dimensional reduction for improved intelligibility through some examples, mostly drawn from halide perovskite materials and device. These examples will help visit questions related to efficient transport and conversion in solar cells, as well as questions related to chemical and operational stability of the devices. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:30 June2022ThursdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
What you always wanted to know about nanoparticles, proteins and biomaterials, but never dared to ask
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Klaus D. Jandt, Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research (OSIM) Friedrich Schiller University, JenaAbstract
This lecture presents an overview on major research work of the Fellow’s group in the areas of polymer nanoparticles for drug delivery, control of protein adsorption on materials surfaces and protein nanofibers. In addition, the new excellence graduate school (Research Training Group) RTG 2723: Materials‐Microbe‐Microenvironments: Antimicrobial biomaterials with tailored structures and properties (M‐M‐M) funded by the German Science Foundation will be introduced. Polymer nanoparticles (PNP) became recently exceedingly popular through novel vaccination technologies but have also major potential for fighting inflammation and cancer. These drug release properties of the PNP depend on their structure. Yet, the literature reports little about the structure and the properties of most PNPs, except the chemical composition. The PNP’s crystallinity, thermal and mechanical properties are frequently ignored, even though they may play a key role in the drug delivery properties of the PNPs. Protein adsorption on biomaterials is the first process after implantation and determines much of the fate of the biomaterial, such as cell adhesion, blood coagulation or infection at the implant site. Despite decades of research, only rules of thumb exist to predict protein adsorption behavior. We present nanotechnological approaches to control protein adsorption using nanostructured semicrystalline polymers and crystal facets of TiO2. Selfassembled protein nanofibers consisting of one or more proteins, potentially allow to tailor the properties of biomaterials interfaces and to create bone mimetic structures. Finally, the new DFG‐RTG 2723: Materials‐Microbe‐Microenvironments: Antimicrobial biomaterials with tailored structures and properties (M‐M‐M) in Jena will be introduced. The aim of the RTG is to provide excellent training for approximately 40 international doctoral researchers in antimicrobial biomaterials in interdisciplinary tandem projects, connecting materials science and medical science. The RTG pursues a new strategy by developing antibiotic free biomaterials, where the antimicrobial action is based mainly on physical principles. The new RTG offers ample opportunity for fruitful cooperation and exchange with leading research institutions in Israel. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:29 June2022WednesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Molecular design of solid catalysts
Lecturer: Prof. Alexander Katz, University of California, BerkeleyAbstract
This colloquium will be divided into two applications parts, dealing with synthesis of supported molecular catalysts and solid catalysts for photoprotection. In the first of these areas, we describe a mechanical approach for stabilizing supported weakly interacting active sites (i.e. those that interact non-covalently with the support) against aggregation and coalescence. We use silica as a prototypical example of a support, and an iridium pair-site catalyst incorporating bridging calixarene ligands as an active site. Atomic-resolution imaging of the Ir centers before and after ethylene-hydrogenation catalysis show the metals resisted aggregation and deactivation, remaining atomically dispersed and accessible for catalysis. When active sites are located at unconfined environments, the rate constants for ethylene hydrogenation are markedly lower compared with confining external-surface pockets [1], in line with prior observations of similar effects in olefin epoxidation catalysis [2,3]. Altogether, these examples represent new opportunities for enhancing reactivity on surfaces by synthetically controlling mechanical features of active site catalyst environments. In the second of these areas, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are associated with several human health pathologies and are invoked in the degradation of natural ecosystems as well as building materials that are used in modern infrastructure (e.g., paints and coatings, polymers, etc). Natural antioxidants such as vitamin E function as stoichiometric reductants (i.e. reaction with ROS synthesizes rancid oils). While enzymes such as superoxide dismutase working in tandem with catalase decompose decompose ROS to H2O and O2 through H2O2 as an intermediate, these enzymes are fragile and costly. Other non-stoichiometric commercial antioxidants that degrade ROS include hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS). Here, we demonstrate that cerium carbonate acts as a degradation catalyst for photogenerated ROS, and describe the performance and characterization of this new catalyst using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and in comparison with HALS and stoichiometric reductants. Our results demonstrate catalytic antioxidant activity of cerium carbonate when dispersed in polymethylmethacrylate polymer. FTIR data demonstrate that a dispersion of 2 wt. % cerium carbonate within the polymer essentially stops degradation by photogenerated ROS, which otherwise cause oxidation of the polymer backbone, in the control polymer lacking cerium carbonate. Experiments with methylene blue dye in aqueous solution demonstrate that cerium carbonate decreases the rate of ROS degradation of dye, in the presence of UV irradiation and air by 16 fold. These effects become even more pronounced (over 600 fold decrease in rate of ROS dye degradation) when cerium carbonate is paired with a photoactive metal oxide. The mechanism involved in this latter case crudely mimics the enzyme tandem sequence referred to above. [1] C. Schöttle, E. Guan, A. Okrut, N. A. Grosso-Giordano, A. Palermo, A. Solovyov, B. C. Gates, A. Katz*, Journal of the American Chemical Society, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 4010-4015. [2] N. A. Grosso-Giordano, C. Schroeder, A. Okrut, A. Solovyov, C. Schottle, W. Chasse, N. Marinkoyic, H. Koller, S. I. Zones, A. Katz, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140, 4956-4960. [3] N. A. Grosso-Giordano, A. S. Hoffman, A. Boubnov, D. W. Small, S. R. Bare, S. I. Zones, A. Katz, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141, 7090-7106. [4] M. K. Mishra, J. Callejas, M. Pacholski, J. Ciston, A. Okrut, A. Van Dyk, D. Barton, J. C. Bohling, A. Katz, ACS Applied Nano Materials 2021, 4, 11, 11590-11600. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:15 June2022WednesdayHour: 10:00 - 11:00
Zoom M.Sc thesis defense: The Investigation of Low-Temperature Proton Conduction in Rare- Earth- Hydroxides
Lecturer: Tahel Malka, under the supervision of Prof. Igor LubomirskyAbstract password:864419 Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), especially proton conducting (PC)-based, and electrolyzes (SOEs), operating above 250°C, demonstrate rapid electrode kinetics, but are limited in their long term stability due to thermal stresses related to on/off cycling. Thermal stress could be reduced dramatically, for PC-SOFCs devices operating in the temperature range of 150-250°C, which would still benefit from fast electrode kinetics and would not require Pt-containing catalytic electrodes. However, a proton-conducting ceramic electrolyte, operating below 250°C hasn’t been identified yet. In this work I investigated the synthesis, preparation protocols and properties of La(OH)_3 and La_2 Ce_2 O_7 (LCO50) powder and ceramics to explore their suitability as proton conductors. Preparation of appropriate pellet samples of La(OH)_3 from the synthesized powder requires (i) elimination of the presence of carbonate oxides followed by (ii) hydration of the remaining La2O3 in boiling deionized water. Room temperature compaction of these powders into solid pellet samples requires prolonged dwell uniaxial pressure. Although the primarily protonic conductivity of the compacted sample reached only 3·10-11 S/cm at 90°C and is insufficient for practical applications; the grain boundaries are apparently not blocking, making it attractive to look for dopants that may potentially enhance the low temperature conductivity. Nominally anhydrous LCO50 has an unexpectedly high conductivity 10-11 S/cm at 110 °C, which is probably due to oxygen vacancies. LCO50 undergoes hydration with a large lattice expansion, which combined with low hydration enthalpy (5.2 kJ/mol) restricted compact crack-free sample. Hydration of LCO50 by 7.5% of the maximum possible showed to have non-blocking grain boundaries, and increases the conductivity by an order of magnitude, which has to be attributed to protonic conduction. Findings describe in this work, point that both investigated materials are promising candidates for further studies as proton conductors. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:7 June2022TuesdayHour: 14:00 - 15:00
On discovery and sensitivity in (photo)catalysis
Lecturer: Prof. Frank Glorius, University of Münster, GermanyAbstract
Catalysis is a key technology, since it allows for increased levels of selectivity and efficacy of chemical transformations. While significant progress can be made by rational design or engineered step-by-step improvements, many pressing challenges in the field require the discovery of new and formerly unexpected results. Arguably, the question “How to discover?” is at the heart of the scientific process. In this talk, (smart) screening strategies for accelerated discovery and improved reproducibility will be presented, together with new photocatalytic transformations. In addition, two other exciting areas will be addressed: N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) are powerful ligands in catalysis due to their strong electron-donating properties and their ability to form very stable bonds to transition metals. In addition, they can stabilize and modify nanoparticles or flat metals surfaces, outperforming established phosphine or thiol ligands regarding structural flexibility, electron-donating properties and stability. Current research is highly interdisciplinary and focusses on the basic understanding of the binding mode, mobility and the elucidation of the impact on the surface properties. Exciting applications in materials science, heterogeneous catalysts and beyond are within reach. Biological membranes and their constituents are some of the most important and fundamental building blocks of life. However, their exact role in many essential cellular processes as well as in the development of diseases such as cancer or Alzheimer's is still not very well understood. Thus, we design, synthesize and evaluate imidazolium-based lipid analogs that can integrate into biological membranes and can be used as probes for live cell imaging or to manipulate membranes. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:26 May2022ThursdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
“Modeling Photo and Bias Induced Electron transfer and transport. An ab-initio perspective on kinetics”
Lecturer: Prof. Barry Dunietz, Dept. Chemistry and Biochemistry, Kent State University, OHAbstract
Charge transfer and transport processes through molecular interfaces are ubiquitous and of a crucial role in determining functionality of biological systems and in enabling energy conversion applications. We study computationally such processes to understand structure-function relationships at the molecular level. We will discuss studies in the following two primary fields: (1) Photovoltaic and charge transfer properties of organic semiconductors materials. (2) Charge transport through voltage-biased molecular scale bridges. Importantly we establish predictive computational scheme that addresses key challenges. Our studies are employed in conjunction with experimental efforts to design materials and applications that control and tune relevant physical properties -
Lecture / SeminarDate:15 May2022SundayHour: 12:00 - 13:00
Designing multifunctional molecular crystalline materials
Lecturer: Dr. Luca Catalano, Laboratory of Polymer Chemistry, Université libre de BruxellesAbstract
Molecular crystals are supramolecules “par excellence"1 as they are macroscopic objects composed by millions of molecules periodically disposed and held together by non-covalent interactions with specific physico-chemical properties dictated by their architectures. This offers a vibrant solid-state chemistry playground to build organic solids with tailored functionalities, such as novel luminescent materials,2 solid-state molecular machines,3 and multicomponent crystals with complex topologies.4 The inherent dynamic nature of the weak intermolecular forces that are driving organic crystals self-assembly is also conferring adaptive responsiveness, e.g., mechanical reconfiguration and shape-memory effect, to this class of materials making them ideal building blocks for the design and synthesis of multifunctional crystalline systems that can be exploited as actuators, flexible single-crystalline optoelectronic devices, and self-healing materials.5 -
Lecture / SeminarDate:28 April2022ThursdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
“Spin-orbit coupling and Kondo resonance in Co adatom on Cu(100) surface: DFT+ED study”
Lecturer: Prof. Alexander B. Shick, Institute of Physics, the Czech Academy of Science, PragueAbstract
The studies of magnetic atoms adsorbed on non-magnetic surfaces provide a fundamental insights into the quantum many-body phenomena at the nanoscale. They imprint non-trivial signatures in STM measurements, and can serve as a prototype for potential applications in quantum information technology. Our work aims at the investigation of the electronic structure, spin and orbital magnetic character for the Co adatom on the top of Cu(100) surface. We make use of DFT combined with exact diagonalization of the multi-orbital Anderson impurity model, including the spin-orbit coupling. For the Co atom d-shell occupation nd=8, a singlet many-body ground state and Kondo resonance are found, when the spin-orbit coupling is included in the calculations. The differential conductance is evaluated in a good agreement with the STM measurements. This comparison is the most direct way to demonstrate the validity of our theoretical approximation. Our results illustrate the very essential role which the spin-orbit coupling is playing in a formation of Kondo singlet for the multi-orbital impurity in low dimensions. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:26 April2022TuesdayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Self-assembling structure and function using equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics
Lecturer: Dr, Matan Ya Ben Zion, School of Physics, TAUAbstract
Self-assembly and self-organization are two big challenges in the natural sciences. What are the rules governing the emergence of greater structures from unassuming elements? Does statistical-mechanics restrict their complexity? Biochemical processes can shape highly specific structures and function on the macro-scale using only molecular information. Although stereochemistry has been a central focus of molecular sciences since Pasteur, its synthetic province has been restricted to the nanometric scale. In my talk, I will describe how to propagate molecular information to self-assemble free-form architectures on the micron-scale and beyond. These architectures are a thousand times greater than their constituent molecules yet have a preprogrammed geometry and chirality. I will then show how to animate such synthetic microstructures into bacteria-like micro-swimmers. Previous artificial microswimmers relied on an external chemical fuel to drive their propulsion which restricted their operational concentration as they competed locally over fuel. I will demonstrate how to use material science and physical chemistry to self-assemble fuel-free micro-swimmers that are driven solely by light. The fuel independence allows the swimmers to stay active even at high densities, where they form turbulent flow structures (previously seen in living fluids), and cooperate to perform a greater task. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:12 April2022TuesdayHour: 11:00 - 13:00
Ph.D thesis: “Structure and properties of naturally occurring materials from first principles.”
Lecturer: Margarita Shepelenko, under the supevision of Prof. Leeor Kronik -
Lecture / SeminarDate:14 March2022MondayHour: 10:00 - 11:00
Ph.D thesis defense: Zoom: "Polymer beads as interfacial obstacles in fibre-reinforced composites"
Lecturer: Carol Rodricks, under the supervision of Prof. Daniel WagnerAbstract
Zoom Link: The fibre-matrix interface plays a vital role in the overall mechanical behaviour of a fibre-reinforced composite, but the classical approach to improving the interface through chemical sizing is limited by material properties. Achieving a simultaneous improvement in strength and toughness in a composite is a particular challenge since these properties are mutually exclusive, and the chemical modification of the interface often results in one property being improved at the expense of the other. In contrast, the geometrical modification of the fibre-matrix interface to allow for mechanisms such as mechanical interlocking of components is a promising approach to resolving this challenge. This study explores a novel type of topographical obstacle – polymer droplets at the fibre-matrix interface. Discrete epoxy droplets are deposited onto glass fibres and embedded in an epoxy matrix to form model composites. The effect of the interfacial epoxy droplets is investigated using single fibre experiments. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:8 March2022TuesdayHour: 10:00 - 11:00
M.Sc thesis defense: "Data-Driven Force Fields for Large Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Halide Perovskites"
Lecturer: Oz Yosef Mendelsohn,Abstract
Zoom Link: In the last decade, halide perovskites (HaPs) have developed as promising new materials for a wide range of optoelectronic applications, notably solar energy conversion. Although their technology has advanced rapidly towards high solar energy conversion efficiency and advantageous optoelectronic properties, many of their properties are still largely unknown from a basic scientific standpoint. Due to the highly dynamical nature of HaPs, one of the main avenues for basic science research is the use of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, which provide a full atomistic picture of those materials. One of the main limiting factors for such analysis is the time scale of the MD simulation. Because of the complexity of the HaP system, classical force field approaches do not yield satisfactory results and the most widely used force calculation approach is based on first-principles, namely on density functional theory (DFT). In recent years, a new type of force calculation approach has emerged, which is machine learned force fields (MLFF). These methods are based on machine learning (ML) algorithms. Their wide spread use is enabled by the ever-increasing computational power and by the availability of large-scale shared repositories of scientific data. Here, we have applied one MLFF algorithm, known as domain machine learning (GDML). After training a MLFF based on the GDML model, we observed that the MLFF fails in a dynamical setting while still showing low testing error. This has been found to be due to lack of full coverage of the simulation phase space. To address this issue, we have suggested the hybrid temperature ensemble (HTE) approach, where we create rare events that are training samples on the edge of the phase space. We achieve this by combing MD trajectories from a range of temperatures to a single dataset. The MLFF model, trained on the HTE dataset, showed increasing accuracy during the training process, while being dynamically stable for a long duration of MD simulation. The trained MLFF model also exhibited high accuracy for long-term simulations, showing remaining errors of the same magnitude of inherent errors in DFT calculation. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:27 February2022SundayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
"Electrified Addition and Subtraction of H2 to Simplify Synthesis"
Lecturer: Dr. Samer Gnaim, Beckman Center for Chemical Sciences The Scripps Research InstituteAbstract
Methodologies that rely on the addition and removal of molecular hydrogen from organic compounds are one of the most oft-employed transformations in modern organic chemistry, representing a highly relevant tactic in synthesis. Despite their overall simplicity, organic chemists are still pursuing sustainable and scalable processes for such transformations. In this regard, electrochemical techniques have long been heralded for their innate sustainability as efficient methods to perform redox reactions. In our first report, we discovered a new oxidative electrochemical process for the a,b-desaturation of carbonyl functionalities. The described desaturation method introduces a direct pathway to desaturated ketones, esters, lactams and aldehydes simply from the corresponding enol silanes/phosphates, and electricity as the primary reagent. This electrochemically driven desaturation exhibits high functional group tolerance, is easily scalable (1–100 g), and can be predictably implemented into synthetic pathways using experimentally or computationally derived NMR shifts. Our second report demonstrated the reductive electrochemical cobalt-hydride generation for synthetic organic applications inspired by the well-established cobalt-catalyzed hydrogen evolution chemistry. We have developed a silane- and peroxide-free electrochemical cobalthydride generation for formal hydrogen atom transfer reactions reliant on the combination of a simple proton source and electricity as the hydride surrogate. Thus, a versatile range of tunable reactivities involving alkenes and alkynes can be realized with unmatched efficiency and chemoselectivity, such as isomerization, selective E/Z alkyne reduction, hydroarylation, hydropyridination, strained ring expansion, and hydro-Giese. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:13 February2022SundayHour: 16:00 - 17:00
Ph.D thesis defense:" Advancing the optimally-tuned range-separated hybrid approach"
Lecturer: Georgia Prokopiou, Ph.D student under the supervision of Prof. Leeor KronikAbstract
Zoom Link: The optimally-tuned range separated hybrid (OT-RSH) functional is a non-empirical method within density functional theory, which is known to yield accurate fundamental gaps for a variety of systems. Here we extend its applicability to magnetic resonance parameters, enhance its accuracy by designing OT-RSH based double-hybrid functionals, and increase its precision for solid-state calculations by designing and generating RSH pseudopotentials. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:7 February2022MondayHour: 11:00 - 12:00
Zoom: "Templating Silk Self-assembly with Metal Nanoparticles"
Lecturer: Daniel Hervitz, M.Sc student under the supervision of Dr. Ulyana ShimanovichAbstract
Zoom Link: Protein-metal interactions play an important regulatory role in the modulation of protein folding and in enabling the “correct” biological function. In material science, protein self-assembly and metal-protein interaction have been utilized for the generation of multifunctional supramolecular structures beneficial for bio-oriented applications, including biosensing, drug delivery, antibacterial activity, and many more. Even though, the nature and the mechanisms of metal-protein interaction have been extensively studied and utilized for the functionalization of protein-based materials, mainly with metal-based nanoparticles, our understanding of how metals shape protein folds, the inter-and intramolecular interactions, the associative behavior, and evolve material characteristics of protein constructs, is limited. To address these highly challenging scientific questions, I have explored the self-assembling behavior of silk fibroin protein and its’ interaction with metal nanoparticles for the formation of multifunctional composites. The central goal of my research was to explore the full potential of metal nanoparticles (NP), in particular, copper oxide (CuO) to modify the self-assembly pathway of fiber-forming protein- silk fibroin. CuO NP has been chosen as a candidate for this study, due to its versatile properties and bio-relevant functionalities applicable for sensing, antibacterial function, and capability to regulate cellular activity. Thus, to address this challenge I first focused on the understanding of metal NP-induced structural transformations in natively folded protein and on probing whether these structural changes can be artificially imposed on the assembled, β-sheet rich protein complexes. My experimental results showed that CuO NPs are indeed capable of template the assembly of natively folded silk fibroin, on the one hand, and on the other hand, exhibited variations in NPs-silk fiber interaction when added at the post-synthetic stage. Yet, the fundamental questions of how RSF-CuO NPs self-assembly occurs remain to be addressed. The exploration of biomaterial applications for silks is only a relatively recent advance; therefore, the future for this family of structural proteins appears promising. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:6 February2022SundayHour: 12:00 - 13:00
Zoom: "A Faster Path to Solar Fuels: New Approaches for Highly Efficient Materials for Photoelectrochemical Energy Conversion
Lecturer: Dr. Ronen Gottesman, Institute for Solar Fuels, Helmholtz Center for Materials and Energy, BerlinAbstract
Zoom: Viable, global-scale photoelectrochemical energy conversion of cheap, abundant resources such as water into chemical fuels (“solar fuels”) depends on the progress of semiconducting light-absorbers with good carrier transport properties, suitable band edge positions, and stability in direct-semiconductor/electrolyte junctions. Investigations concentrated mainly on metal-oxides that offer good chemical stability yet suffer from poor charge transport than non-oxide semiconductors (e.g., Si, GaAs). Fortunately, only a fraction of the possible ternary and quaternary combinations (together ~ 105 – 106 combinations) were studied, making it likely that the best materials are still awaiting discovery. Unfortunately, designing controlled synthesis routes of single-phase oxides with low defects concentration will become more difficult as the number of elements increases; and 2) there are currently no robust and proven strategies for identifying promising multi-elemental systems. These challenges demand initial focusing on synthesis parameters of novel non-equilibrium synthesis approaches rather than chemical composition parameters by high-throughput combinatorial investigations of synthesis-parameter spaces. This would open new avenues for stabilizing metastable materials, discovering new chemical spaces, and obtaining light-absorbers with enhanced properties to study their physical working mechanisms in photoelectrochemical energy conversion. I will introduce an approach to exploring non-equilibrium synthesis-parameter spaces by forming gradients in synthesis-parameters without modifying composition-parameters, utilizing two non-equilibrium synthesis components: pulsed laser deposition and rapid radiative-heating. Their combination enables reproducible, high-throughput combinatorial synthesis, resulting in high-resolution observation and analysis. Even minor changes in synthesis can impact significantly material properties, physical working mechanisms, and performances, as demonstrated by studies of the relationship between synthesis conditions, crystal structures of α-SnWO4, and properties over a range of thicknesses of CuBi2O4, both emerging light-absorbers for photoelectrochemical water-splitting that were used as model multinary oxides. -
Lecture / SeminarDate:6 February2022SundayHour: 11:00 - 12:00