

  1. Addadi L., Kronik L., Leiserowitz L., Oron D. & Weiner S. (2024) Advanced Materials. 36, 38, 2408060.  Abstract
  2. Klar P. B., Waterman D. G., Gruene T. et_al. (2024) ACS Central Science. 10, 8, p. 1504-1514  Abstract


  1. Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2023) Helvetica Chimica Acta. 106, 5, e202200172.  Abstract


  1. Mullick D., Rechav K., Leiserowitz L., Regev-Rudzki N., Dzikowski R. & Elbaum M. (2022) Faraday Discussions. 240, p. 127-141  Abstract
  2. Shepelenko M., Hirsch A., Varsano N., Beghi F., Addadi L., Kronik L. & Leiserowitz L. (2022) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 144, 12, p. 5304-5314  Abstract
  3. Varsano N., Capua-Shenkar J., Leiserowitz L. & Addadi L. (2022) Annual Review of Materials Research. 52, p. 57-78  Abstract


  1. Kapishnikov S., Hempelmann E., Elbaum M., Als-Nielsen J. & Leiserowitz L. (2021) ChemMedChem. 16, 10, p. 1515-1532  Abstract


  1. Nevo I., Jahn S., Kretzschmar N., Levantino M., Feldman Y., Naftali N., Wulff M., Oron D. & Leiserowitz L. (2020) Journal of Chemical Physics. 153, 2, 024504.  Abstract
  2. Shepelenko M., Feldman Y., Leiserowitz L. & Kronik L. (2020) Crystal Growth & Design. 20, 2, p. 858-865  Abstract


  1. Zhang G., Hirsch A., Shmul G. et_al. (2019) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 141, 50, p. 19736-19745  Abstract
  2. Kapishnikov S., Staalso T., Yang Y. et_al. (2019) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116, 46, p. 22946-22952  Abstract
  3. Hirsch A., Palmer B. A., Ramasubramaniam A. et_al. (2019) Chemistry of Materials. 31, 12, p. 4479-4489  Abstract
  4. Varsano N., Beghi F., Dadosh T., Elad N., Pereiro E., Haran G., Leiserowitz L. & Addadi L. (2019) ChemPlusChem. 84, 4, p. 317-317  Abstract
  5. Varsano N., Beghi F., Dadosh T., Elad N., Pereiro E., Haran G., Leiserowitz L. & Addadi L. (2019) ChemPlusChem. 84, 4, p. 338-344  Abstract


  1. Varsano N., Beghi F., Elad N. et_al. (2018) Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Biological Sciences. 115, 30, p. 7662-7669  Abstract
  2. Palmer B. A., Hirsch A., Brumfeld V. et_al. (2018) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 115, 10, p. 2299-2304  Abstract
  3. Kariko S., Timonen J. V. I., Weaver J. C., Gur D., Marks C., Leiserowitz L., Kolle M. & Li L. (2018) Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 15, 139, 20170930.  Abstract


  1. Kapishnikov S., Leiserowitz L., Yang Y., Cloetens P., Pereiro E., Ndonglack F. A., Matuschewski K. & Als-Nielsen J. (2017) Scientific Reports. 7, 1, 802.  Abstract
  2. Kapishnikov S., Grolimund D., Schneider G., Pereiro E., McNally J. G., Als-Nielsen J. & Leiserowitz L. (2017) Scientific Reports. 7, 1, 7610.  Abstract
  3. Hirsch A., Palmer B. A., Elad N., Gur D., Weiner S., Addadi L., Kronik L. & Leiserowitz L. (2017) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 56, 32, p. 9420-9424  Abstract
  4. Leiserowitz L. (2017) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 57, 1, p. 9-12  Abstract


  1. Addadi L., Varsano N., Kapishnikov S., Pereiro E., Shimoni E., Dadosh T., Jin X., Kruth H. & Leiserowitz L. (2016) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 138, 45, p. 14931-14940  Abstract


  1. Hirsch A., Gur D., Polishchuk I., Levy D., Pokroy B., Cruz-Cabeza A. J., Addadi L., Kronik L. & Leiserowitz L. (2015) Chemistry of Materials. 27, 24, p. 8289-8297  Abstract
  2. Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2015) PHYSICA SCRIPTA. 90, 11, 118003.  Abstract
  3. Varsano N., Fargion I., Wolf S. G., Leiserowitz L. & Addadi L. (2015) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137, 4, p. 1601-1607  Abstract


  1. Straasø T., Marom N., Solomonov I., Barfod L. K., Burghammer M., Feidenhans'L R., Als-Nielsen J. & Leiserowitz L. (2014) Crystal Growth & Design. 14, 4, p. 1543-1554  Abstract


  1. Kapishnikov S., Weiner A., Shimoni E., Schneider G., Elbaum M. & Leiserowitz L. (2013) Langmuir. 29, 47, p. 14595-14602  Abstract
  2. Marom N., Distasio R. A., Atalla V., Levchenko S., Reilly A. M., Chelikowsky J. R., Leiserowitz L. & Tkatchenko A. (2013) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 52, 26, p. 6629-6632  Abstract


  1. Kapishnikov S., Weiner A., Shimoni E., Guttmann P., Schneider G., Dahan-Pasternak N., Dzikowski R., Leiserowitz L. & Elbaum M. (2012) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109, 28, p. 11188-11193  Abstract
  2. Ziblat R., Fargion I., Leiserowitz L. & Addadi L. (2012) Biophysical Journal. 103, 2, p. 255-264  Abstract
  3. Kapishnikov S., Berthing T., Hviid L., Dierolf M., Menzel A., Pfeiffer F., Als-Nielsen J. & Leiserowitz L. (2012) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109, 28, p. 11184-11187  Abstract


  1. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2011) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 51, 10, p. 1017-1033  Abstract
  2. Straasø T., Kapishnikov S., Kato K., Takata M., Als-Nielsen J. & Leiserowitz L. (2011) Crystal Growth & Design. 11, 8, p. 3342-3350  Abstract
  3. Marom N., Tkatchenko A., Kapishnikov S., Kronik L. & Leiserowitz L. (2011) Crystal Growth & Design. 11, 8, p. 3332-3341  Abstract
  4. Ziblat R., Leiserowitz L. & Addadi L. (2011) Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. 50, 16, p. 3620-3629  Abstract
  5. Dubar F., Egan T. J., Pradines B. et_al. (2011) ACS Chemical Biology. 6, 3, p. 275-287  Abstract


  1. Ziblat R., Leiserowitz L. & Addadi L. (2010) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132, 28, p. 9920-9927  Abstract
  2. Birman A., Kjaer K., Prior Y., Nevo I. & Leiserowitz L. (2010) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 49, 13, p. 2354-2357  Abstract
  3. Bernstein J., Cohen M. D. & Leiserowitz L. (2010) The Chemistry of the Quinonoid Compounds. p. 37-110  Abstract


  1. Ziblat R., Kjaer K., Leiserowitz L. & Addadi L. (2009) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 48, 47, p. 8958-8961  Abstract
  2. Solomonov I., Daillant J., Fragneto G., Kjaer K., Micha J. S., Rieutord F. & Leiserowitz L. (2009) European Physical Journal E. 30, 2, p. 215-221 215.  Abstract
  3. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2009) Chirality at the Nanoscale. B. Amabilino D. D.(eds.). p. 247-270  Abstract
  4. Nevo I., Kapishnikov S., Birman A. et_al. (2009) Journal of Chemical Physics. 130, 14, 144704.  Abstract
  5. Menzel A., Dierolf M., Kewish C. M. et_al. (2009) Scanning Microscopy 2009. Vol. 7378.  Abstract
  6. De Villiers K. A., Osipova M., Mabotha T. E., Solomonov I., Feldman Y., Kjaer K., Weissbuch I., Egan T. J. & Leiserowitz L. (2009) Crystal Growth & Design. 9, 1, p. 626-632  Abstract


  1. Weissbuch I. & Leiserowitz L. (2008) Chemical Reviews. 108, 11, p. 4899-4914  Abstract
  2. Nogues C., Lang P., Desbat B., Buffeteau T. & Leiserowitz L. (2008) Langmuir. 24, 16, p. 8458-8464  Abstract
  3. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2008) Chirality. 20, 5, p. 736-748  Abstract
  4. Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2008) Angewandte Chemie : international edition. 47, 20, p. 3680-3682  Abstract
  5. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2008) Current Opinion In Colloid & Interface Science. 13, 1-2, p. 12-22  Abstract
  6. Levy-Lior A., Pokroy B., Levavi-Sivan B., Leiserowitz L., Weiner S. & Addadi L. (2008) Crystal Growth & Design. 8, 2, p. 507-511  Abstract
  7. Leiserowitz L., Weissbuch I. & Lahav M. (2008) Engineering Of Crystalline Materials Properties: State Of The Art In Modeling, Design And Applications. p. 271-290  Abstract
  8. Bernstein J., Etter M. C. & Leiserowitz L. (2008) Structure Correlation. Vol. 1. p. 431-507  Abstract


  1. Solomonov I., Osipova M., Feldman Y. et_al. (2007) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 129, 9, p. 2615-2627  Abstract
  2. Weissbuch I., Popovitz-Biro R., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2007) The Lock-and-Key Principle, The State of the Art--100 Years On. Vol. 1. p. 173-246  Abstract
  3. Lahav M., Weissbuch I. & Leiserowitz L. (2007) AIP conference proceedings. 916, p. 401-415  Abstract


  1. Pignat J., Daillant J., Leiserowitz L. & Perrot F. (2006) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 110, 44, p. 22178-22184  Abstract
  2. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2006) Crystal Growth & Design. 6, 3, p. 625-628  Abstract


  1. Torbeev V., Shavit E., Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2005) Crystal Growth & Design. 5, 6, p. 2190-2196  Abstract
  2. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2005) Prebiotic Chemistry. p. 123-165  Abstract
  3. Scheffer L., Solomonov I., Weygand M., Kjaer K., Leiserowitz L. & Addadi L. (2005) Biophysical Journal. 88, 5, p. 3381-3391  Abstract
  4. Weissbuch I., Torbeev V., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2005) Angewandte Chemie : international edition. 44, 21, p. 3226-3229  Abstract
  5. Solomonov I., Weygand M., Kjaer K., Rapaport H. & Leiserowitz L. (2005) Biophysical Journal. 88, 3, p. 1809-1817  Abstract


  1. Eliash R., Weissbuch I., Weygand M., Kjaer K., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2004) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 108, 22, p. 7228-7240  Abstract
  2. Weissbuch I., Bolbach G., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2004) Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere. 34, 1-2, p. 79-92  Abstract


  1. Plaut D., Martin S., Kjaer K., Weygand M., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Weissbuch I. & Ward M. (2003) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 125, 51, p. 15922-15934  Abstract
  2. Alonso C., Gurney R., Eliash R. et_al. (2003) Crystal Growth & Design. 3, 5, p. 683-690  Abstract
  3. Weissbuch I., Zepik H., Bolbach G., Shavit E., Tang M., Jensen T., Kjaer K., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2003) Chemistry-A European Journal. 9, 8, p. 1782-1794  Abstract
  4. Weissbuch I., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2003) Crystal Growth & Design. 3, 2, p. 125-150  Abstract
  5. Buller R., Weissbuch I., Cohen S. R., Kjaer K., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2003) Helvetica Chimica Acta. 86, 8, p. 2711-2725  Abstract
  6. Weissbuch I., Rubinstein I., Weygand M., Kjaer K., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2003) Helvetica Chimica Acta. 86, 11, p. 3867-3874  Abstract
  7. Estroff L., Leiserowitz L., Addadi L., Weiner S. & Hamilton A. (2003) Advanced Materials. 15, 1, p. 38-42  Abstract


  1. Buller R., Peterson M. L., Almarsson Ö. & Leiserowitz L. (2002) Crystal Growth & Design. 2, 6, p. 553-562  Abstract
  2. Weissbuch I., Buller R., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2002) Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical And Engineering Aspects. 208, 1-3, p. 3-27  Abstract
  3. Weissbuch I., Bolbach G., Zepik H. et_al. (2002) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 124, 31, p. 9093-9104  Abstract
  4. Rapaport H., Moller G., Knobler C., Jensen T., Kjaer K., Leiserowitz L. & Tirrell D. (2002) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 124, 32, p. 9342-9343  Abstract
  5. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2002) ACS Symposium Series. 810, p. 242-253  Abstract
  6. Zepik H., Shavit E., Tang M., Jensen T., Kjaer K., Bolbach G., Leiserowitz L., Weissbuch I. & Lahav M. (2002) Science. 295, 5558, p. 1266-1269  Abstract


  1. Alonso C., Renault A., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2001) Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings. 678, p. EE9.10.1-EE9.10.6  Abstract
  2. Buller R., Cohen H., Jensen T., Kjaer K., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2001) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 105, 46, p. 11447-11455  Abstract
  3. Alonso C., Eliash R., Jensen T., Kjaer K., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2001) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 123, 41, p. 10105-10106  Abstract
  4. Alonso C., Kuzmenko I., Jensen T., Kjaer K., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2001) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 105, 36, p. 8563-8568  Abstract
  5. Kuzmenko I., Rapaport H., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Weissbuch I., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2001) Chemical Reviews. 101, 6, p. 1659-1696  Abstract
  6. Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2001) Chemical Engineering Science. 56, 7, p. 2245-2253  Abstract
  7. Konopny L. W., Berfeld M., Popovitz-Biro R., Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2001) Advanced Materials. 13, 8, p. 580-584  Abstract
  8. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2001) Crystallization Technology Handbook. p. 563-616  Abstract
  9. Rapaport H., Kuzmenko I., Lafont S., Kjaer K., Howes P., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2001) Biophysical Journal. 81, 5, p. 2729-2736  Abstract
  10. Weissbuch I., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2001) Advances In Crystal Growth Research. p. 381-400  Abstract
  11. Kuzmenko I., Kindermann M., Kjaer K., Howes P., Als-Nielsen J., Granek R., von Kiedrowski K. G., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2001) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 123, 16, p. 3771-3783  Abstract


  1. Rapaport H., Kjaer K., Jensen T., Leiserowitz L. & Tirrell D. (2000) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 122, 50, p. 12523-12529  Abstract
  2. Edgar R., Huang J., Popovitz-Biro R. et_al. (2000) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 104, 29, p. 6843-6850  Abstract
  3. Weissbuch I., Kuzmenko I., Berfeld M., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (2000) Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry. 13, 7, p. 426-434  Abstract
  4. Lederer K., Godt A., Howes P., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M., Wegner G., Leiserowitz L. & Weissbuch I. (2000) Chemistry-A European Journal. 6, 12, p. 2173-2183  Abstract
  5. Weissbuch I., Baxter P., Kuzmenko I. et_al. (2000) Chemistry-A European Journal. 6, 4, p. 725-734  Abstract
  6. Rapaport H., Kuzmenko I., Berfeld M., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Popovitz-Biro R., Weissbuch I., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (2000) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 104, 7, p. 1399-1428  Abstract


  1. Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1999) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 38, 17, p. 2533-2536  Abstract
  2. Berfeld M., Kuzmenko I., Weissbuch I., Cohen H., Howes P., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1999) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 103, 33, p. 6891-6899  Abstract
  3. Berfeld M., Zbaida D., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1999) Advanced Materials. 11, 4, p. 328-331  Abstract
  4. Kuzmenko I., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1999) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 121, 12, p. 2657-2661  Abstract
  5. Rapaport H., Kim H., Kjaer K., Howes P., Cohen S. R., Als-Nielsen J., Ghadiri M., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1999) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 121, 6, p. 1186-1191  Abstract
  6. Edgar R., Schultz T., Rasmussen F., Feidenhans'l R. & Leiserowitz L. (1999) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 121, 4, p. 632-637  Abstract
  7. Rapaport H., Kuzmenko I., Kjaer K., Als-nielsen J., Weissbuch I., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1999) Synchrotron Radiation News. 12, 2, p. 25-33  Abstract
  8. Weissbuch I., Popovitz-Biro R., Kuzmenko I., Rappaport H., Berfeld M., Guo S., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1999) Current Challenges On Large Supramolecular Assemblies. Vol. 519. p. 97-114  Abstract


  1. Popovitz-Biro R., Edgar R., Weissbuch I. et_al. (1998) Acta Polymerica. 49, 10-11, p. 626-635  Abstract
  2. Popovitz-Biro R., Edgar R., Weissbuch I. et_al. (1998) Acta Polymerica. 49, 10-11, p. 626-635  Abstract
  3. Weissbuch I., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Lederer K., Godt A., Wegner G., Howes P., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1998) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 102, 33, p. 6313-6317  Abstract
  4. Kuzmenko I., Kaganer V. M. & Leiserowitz L. (1998) Langmuir. 14, 14, p. 3882-3888  Abstract
  5. Guo S., Popovitz-Biro R., Arad T., Hodes G., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1998) Advanced Materials. 10, 9, p. 657-661  Abstract
  6. Weissbuch I., Baxter P., Cohen S. R. et_al. (1998) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 120, 19, p. 4850-4860  Abstract
  7. Arbel-Haddad M., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1998) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 102, 9, p. 1543-1548  Abstract
  8. Kuzmenko I., Weissbuch I., Gurovich E., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1998) Chirality. 10, 5, p. 415-424  Abstract
  9. Lafont S., Rapaport H., Somjen G., Renault A., Howes P., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1998) Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 102, 5, p. 761-765  Abstract
  10. Weissbuch I., Bouwman W., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1998) Chirality. 10, 1-2, p. 60-65  Abstract
  11. Weissbuch I., Guo S., Edgar R., Cohen S. R., Howes P., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1998) Advanced Materials. 10, 2, p. 117-121  Abstract
  12. Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction studies of two-dimensional packing properties of amphiphilic alcohols at air-water interface
    Majewski J., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1998) Applied Crystallography : Proceedings of the XVII International Conference. p. 43-48  Abstract


  1. Rapaport H., Kuzmenko I., Kjaer K., Howes P., Bouwman W., AlsNielsen J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1997) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 119, 46, p. 11211-11216  Abstract
  2. Majewski J., PopovitzBiro R., Edgar R., ArbelHaddad M., Kjaer K., Bouwman W., AlsNielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1997) Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. 101, 44, p. 8874-8877  Abstract
  3. Gidalevitz D., Feidenhansl R., Smilgies D. & Leiserowitz L. (1997) Surface Review and Letters. 4, 4, p. 721-732  Abstract
  4. Isz S., Weissbuch I., Kjaer K., Bouwman W., Als-Nielsen J., Palacin S., Ruaudel-Teixier A., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1997) Chemistry-A European Journal. 3, 6, p. 930-939  Abstract
  5. Gidalevitz D., Feidenhansl R. & Leiserowitz L. (1997) Angewandte Chemie-International Edition In English. 36, 9, p. 959-962  Abstract
  6. Gidalevitz D., Feidenhansl R., Matlis S., Smilgies D., Christensen M. & Leiserowitz L. (1997) Angewandte Chemie-International Edition In English. 36, 9, p. 955-959  Abstract
  7. Weissbuch I., Berfeld M., Bouwman W., Kjaer K., AlsNielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1997) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 119, 5, p. 933-942  Abstract
  8. Weissbuch I., Popovitz-Biro R., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1997) Advances In Chemical Physics . 102, p. 39-120  Abstract


  1. Kuzmenko I., Buller R., Bouwman W., Kjaer K., AlsNielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1996) Science. 274, 5295, p. 2046-2049  Abstract
  2. PopovitzBiro R., Edgar R., Majewski J., Cohen S. R., Margulis L., Kjaer K., AlsNielsen J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1996) Croatica Chemica Acta. 69, 2, p. 689-708  Abstract
  3. Weinbach S., Kjaer K., Bouwman W., AlsNielsen J. & Leiserowitz L. (1996) Journal of Physical Chemistry. 100, 20, p. 8356-8362  Abstract
  4. Gidalevitz D., Weissbuch I., Bouwman W., Kjaer K., AlsNielsen J. & Leiserowitz L. (1996) Langmuir. 12, 4, p. 1011-1017  Abstract
  5. Cohen S., Weissbuch I., PopovitzBiro R., Majewski J., Mauder H. P., Lavi R., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1996) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 36, 1, p. 97-110  Abstract
  6. Tailor-made auxiliaries for the control of nucleation, growth and dissolution of crystals.
    Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1996) Crystallography Of Supramolecular Compounds. 480, p. 331-345  Abstract
  7. Nanocrystals at the air/liquid interface as transients in crystallization
    Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1996) Nanoparticles In Solids And Solutions. Vol. 18. p. 49-64  Abstract


  1. Weinbach S. P., Weissbuch I., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Kjaer K., Bouwman W. G. & Nielsen J. A. (1995) Advanced Materials. 7, 10, p. 857-862  Abstract
  2. AIZENBERG J., HANSON J., KOETZLE T., Leiserowitz L., Weiner S. & Addadi L. (1995) Chemistry-A European Journal. 1, 7, p. 414-422  Abstract
  3. Majewski J., Popovitz-Biro R., Bouwman W. G., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1995) Chemistry-A European Journal. 1, 5, p. 304-311  Abstract
  4. Weissbuch I., Popovitz-Biro R., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1995) Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science. 51, 2, p. 115-148  Abstract
  5. Majewski J., Edgar R., Popovitz-Biro R., Kjaer K., Bouwman W. G., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1995) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 34, 6, p. 649-652  Abstract
  6. Popovitz-Biro R., Majewski J., Wang J. L., Leiserowitz L., Lahav M., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1995) Thin Films. C ed. Vol. 20. p. 145-181  Abstract
  7. Weissbuch I., Berkovic G., Yam R., Als-Nielsen J., Kjaer K., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1995) JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 99, 16, p. 6036-6045  Abstract
  8. Wasserman, catenane chemist [5]
    Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1995) Chemical & Engineering News. 73, 12, p. 5  Abstract
  9. Majewski J., Margulis L., Weissbuch I., Popovitz-Biro R., Arad T., Talmon Y., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1995) Advanced Materials. 7, 1, p. 26-35  Abstract
  10. AIZENBERG J., HANSON J., ILAN M., Leiserowitz L., KOETZLE T., Addadi L. & Weiner S. (1995) FASEB Journal. 9, 2, p. 262-268  Abstract


  1. Popovitz-Biro R., Majewski J., Margulis L., Cohen S. R., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1994) Advanced Materials. 6, 12, p. 956-959  Abstract
  2. Weissbuch I., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1994) Advanced Materials. 6, 12, p. 952-956  Abstract
  3. Leiserowitz L. (1994) Science. 266, 5192, p. 1791-1792  Abstract
  4. Als-Nielsen J., Jacquemain D., Kjaer K., Leveiller F., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1994) Physics Reports-Review Section Of Physics Letters. 246, 5, p. 251-313  Abstract
  5. Weissbuch I., Kuzmenko I., Vaida M., Zait S., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1994) Chemistry of Materials. 6, 8, p. 1258-1268  Abstract
  6. Addadi L., AIZENBERG J., Albeck S., BERMAN A., Leiserowitz L. & Weiner S. (1994) Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 248, 1, p. 185-198  Abstract
  7. Popovitz-Biro R., Majewski J., Margulis L., Cohen S. R., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1994) JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 98, 19, p. 4970-4972  Abstract
  8. GIDALEVITZ D., Weissbuch I., KJAER K., ALSNIELSEN J. & Leiserowitz L. (1994) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 116, 8, p. 3271-3278  Abstract
  9. LEVEILLER F., BOHM C., JACQUEMAIN D., MOHWALD H., Leiserowitz L., KJAER K. & ALSNIELSEN J. (1994) Langmuir. 10, 3, p. 819-829  Abstract
  10. BOHM C., LEVEILLER F., JACQUEMAIN D., MOHWALD H., KJAER K., ALSNIELSEN J., Weissbuch I. & Leiserowitz L. (1994) Langmuir. 10, 3, p. 830-836  Abstract
  11. Popovitz-Biro R., Wang J., Majewski J., Shavit E., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1994) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 116, 4, p. 1179-1191  Abstract
  12. Wang J., Leveiller F., Jacquemain D., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1994) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 116, 4, p. 1192-1204  Abstract
  13. Weinbach S. P., Kjaer K., Bouwman W. G., Grübel G., Legrand J., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1994) Science. 264, 5165, p. 1566-1570  Abstract
  14. Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1994) Neutron and synchrotron radiation for condensed matter studies : applications to soft condensed matter and biology. p. 47-68  Abstract
  15. Majewski J., Popovitz-Biro R., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1994) JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 98, 15, p. 4087-4093  Abstract
  16. POPOVITZBIRO R., MAJEWSKI J., WANG J., KJAER K., ALSNIELSEN J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1994) Hydrogen Bond Networks. Vol. 435. p. 395-402  Abstract
  17. POPOVITZBIRO R., MAJEWSKI J., WANG J., KJAER K., ALSNIELSEN J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1994) Computational Approaches In Supramolecular Chemistry. Vol. 426. p. 411-418  Abstract


  1. WEINBACH S., JACQUEMAIN D., LEVEILLER F., KJAER K., ALSNIELSEN J. & Leiserowitz L. (1993) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 115, 24, p. 11110-11118  Abstract
  2. Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1993) Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics. 26, 8, p. B22-B22  Abstract
  3. BERMAN A., HANSON J., Leiserowitz L., KOETZLE T., Weiner S. & Addadi L. (1993) Journal of Physical Chemistry. 97, 19, p. 5162-5170  Abstract
  4. Majewski J., Margulis L., Jacquemain D., Leveiller F., Bohm C., Arad T., Talmon Y., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1993) Science. 261, 5123, p. 899-902  Abstract
  5. Parsons R., Robinson K. M., Twomey T. A. et_al. (1993) Faraday Discussions. 95, p. 145-172  Abstract
  6. Weinbach S. P., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1993) Journal of Physical Chemistry. 97, 20, p. 5200-5203  Abstract
  7. Van Der Eerden J. P., Bennema P., Roberts K. J. et_al. (1993) Faraday Discussions. 95, p. 37-54  Abstract
  8. Weissbuch I., LEVEILLER F., JACQUEMAIN D., KJAER K., ALSNIELSEN J. & Leiserowitz L. (1993) Journal of Physical Chemistry. 97, 49, p. 12858-12861  Abstract
  9. Rohl A. L., Van Der Eerden J. P., Bennema P. et_al. (1993) Faraday Discussions. 95, p. 367-397  Abstract
  10. Shimon L., Vaida M., Frolow F., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Weissinger-Lewin Y. & McMullan R. (1993) Faraday Discussions. 95, p. 307-327  Abstract
  11. BOHM C., MOHWALD H., Leiserowitz L., ALSNIELSEN J. & KJAER K. (1993) Biophysical Journal. 64, 2, p. 553-559  Abstract
  12. Weissbuch I., Majewski J., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1993) JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 97, 49, p. 12848-12857  Abstract
  13. BERMAN A., HANSON J., Leiserowitz L., KOETZLE T., Weiner S. & Addadi L. (1993) Science. 259, 5096, p. 776-779  Abstract
  14. Weissbuch I., Majewski J., Margulis L., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1993) Journal of Physical Chemistry. 97, 34, p. 8692-8695  Abstract
  15. Lahav M., Eisenstein M. & Leiserowitz L. (1993) Science. 259, 5100, p. 1469-1470  Abstract


  1. Jacquemain D., Wolf S. G., Leveiller F., Frolow F., Eisenstein M., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1992) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 114, 25, p. 9983-9989  Abstract
  2. Jacquemain D., Wolf S. G., Leveiller F., Deutsch M., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1992) Angewandte Chemie-International Edition In English. 31, 2, p. 130-152  Abstract
  3. Vaida M., Weissbuch I., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1992) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 32, 1, p. 15-21  Abstract
  4. LEVEILLER F., JACQUEMAIN D., Leiserowitz L., KJAER K. & ALSNIELSEN J. (1992) Journal of Physical Chemistry. 96, 25, p. 10380-10389  Abstract
  5. Wang J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1992) Journal of Physical Chemistry. 96, 1, p. 15-16  Abstract
  6. Weissbuch I., Popovitz-Biro R., Wang J., Berkovic G., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1992) Pure and Applied Chemistry. 64, 9, p. 1263-1270  Abstract
  7. Gavish M., Wang J., Eisenstein M., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1992) Science. 256, 5058, p. 815-818  Abstract


  1. Popovitz-Biro R., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1991) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 113, 23, p. 8943-8944  Abstract
  2. Jacquemain D., Leveiller F., Weinbach S. P., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1991) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 113, 20, p. 7684-7691  Abstract
  3. Popovitz-Biro R., Gavish M., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1991) Makromolekulare Chemie. Macromolecular Symposia. 46, 1, p. 125-132  Abstract
  4. Wang J., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1991) ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION. 30, 6, p. 696-698  Abstract
  5. KJAER K., ALSNIELSEN J., KENN R. et_al. (1991) Makromolekulare Chemie. Macromolecular Symposia. 46, 1, p. 89-96  Abstract
  6. Leveiller F., Jacquemain D., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Deutsch M., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1991) Science. 252, 5012, p. 1532-1536  Abstract
  7. Weissbuch I., Addadi L., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1991) Science. 253, 5020, p. 637-645  Abstract
  8. Popovitz-Biro R., Addadi L., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1991) Materials for Nonlinear Optics. Vol. 455. p. 472-483 (trueACS Symposium Series).  Abstract
  9. Weissbuch I., Bercovic G., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1991) Organic materials for non-linear optics II. p. 82-88  Abstract
  10. Popovitz-Biro R., Weissbuch I., Jacquemain D., Leveiller F., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1991) Advances in industrial crystallization. p. 3-19  Abstract


  1. Shimon L. . J. W., Vaida M., Addadi L., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1990) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 112, 17, p. 6215-6220  Abstract
  2. Intercalation of sea urchin proteins in calcite: Study of a crystalline composite material
    BERMAN A., Addadi L., KVICK A., Leiserowitz L., NELSON M. & Weiner S. (1990) Science. 250, 4981, p. 664-667  Abstract
  3. Ice nucleation by alcohols arranged in monolayers at the surface of water drops
    Gavish M., Popovitz-Biro R., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1990) Science. 250, 4983, p. 973-975  Abstract
  4. Popovitz-Biro R., Hill K., Shavit E. et_al. (1990) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 112, 7, p. 2498-2506  Abstract
  5. Weissbuch I., Berkovic G., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1990) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 112, 15, p. 5874-5875  Abstract
  6. Jacquemain D., Wolf S. G., Leveiller F., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Deutsch M., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1990) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 112, 21, p. 7724-7736  Abstract
  7. Wolf S. G., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1990) Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 186, 1, p. 3-17  Abstract
  8. Weissbuch I., Frolow F., Addadi L., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1990) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 112, 21, p. 7718-7724  Abstract
  9. Staab E., Addadi L., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1990) Advanced Materials. 2, 1, p. 40-43  Abstract


  1. Popovitz-Biro R., Hung D. J., Shavit E., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1989) Thin Solid Films. 178, 1-2, p. 203-209  Abstract
  2. Jacquemain D., Wolf S. G., Leveiller F., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Deutsch M., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1989) Journal De Physique. 50, C7, p. C729-C737  Abstract
  3. Landau E. M., Wolf S. G., Sagiv J., Deutsch M., Kjaer K., Als-Nielsen J., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1989) Pure and Applied Chemistry. 61, 4, p. 673-684  Abstract
  4. Harel M., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., van Mil J. & Wasserman E. (1989) Angewandte Chemie (International ed.). 28, 4, p. 466-468  Abstract
  5. Vaida M., Shimon L. . J. W., van Mil J., Ernst-Cabera K., Addadi L., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1989) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 111, 3, p. 1029-1034  Abstract
  6. Landau E. M., Wolf S. G., Levanon M., Leiserowitz L., Lahav M. & Sagiv J. (1989) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 111, 4, p. 1436-1445  Abstract
  7. WeisingerLewin Y., Frolow F., McMullan R., Koetzle T. F., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1989) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 111, 3, p. 1035-1040  Abstract
  8. Weissbuch I., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Meredith G. R. & Vanherzeele H. (1989) Chemistry of Materials. 1, 1, p. 114-118  Abstract


  1. Vaida M., Shimon L. J. W., Weisinger-Lewin Y., Frolow F., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L. & McMullan R. (1988) Science. 241, 4872, p. 1475-1479  Abstract
  2. Wolf S. G., Landau E. M., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Deutsch M., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen) J. (1988) Thin Solid Films. 159, 1-2, p. 29-41  Abstract
  3. Popovitz-Biro R., Hill K., Landau E. M., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L. & Sagiv J. (1988) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 110, 8, p. 2672-2674  Abstract
  4. Weissbuch I., Addadi L., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1988) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 110, 2, p. 561-567  Abstract
  5. Wolf S. G., Landau E. M., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Deutsch M., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1988) Science. 242, 4883, p. 1286-1290  Abstract
  6. Shimon L. J. W., Zbaida D., Addadi L., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1988) Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals. 161, 1, p. 199-221  Abstract


  1. Zbaida D., Weissbuch I., Shavit-Gati E., Addadi L., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1987) Reactive Polymers, Ion Exchangers, Sorbents. 6, 2-3, p. 241-253  Abstract
  2. Lahav M., Addadi L. & Leiserowitz L. (1987) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 84, 14, p. 4737-4738  Abstract
  3. Wolf S. G., Leiserowitz L., Lahav M., Deutsch M., Kjaer K. & Als-Nielsen J. (1987) Nature. 328, 6125, p. 63-66  Abstract
  4. Chang H., Popovitz-Biro R., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1987) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 109, 13, p. 3883-3893  Abstract
  5. Weissbuch I., Zbaida D., Addadi L., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1987) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 109, 6, p. 1869-1871  Abstract
  6. Weisinger-Lewin Y., Vaida M., Popovitz-Biro R., Chang H. C., Mannig F., Frolow F., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1987) Tetrahedron. 43, 7, p. 1449-1475  Abstract
  7. Wireko F., Shimon L. J. W., Frolow F., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1987) JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 91, 2, p. 472-481  Abstract


    SHIMON L., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1986) Nouveau Journal De Chimie-New Journal Of Chemistry. 10, 12, p. 723-737  Abstract
  2. Addadi L., Cohen M., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1986) ChemPhysChem. 83, p. 831-840  Abstract
  3. Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Weissbuch I., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1986) Topics in Stereochemistry. Vol. 16. p. 1-85  Abstract
  4. Landau E. M., Popovitz-Biro R., Levanon M., Leiserowitz L., Lahav M. & Sagiv J. (1986) Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals. 134, 1, p. 323-335  Abstract
  5. Weissbuch I., Shimon L. J. W., Landau E. M., Popovitz-Biro R., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Addadi L., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1986) Pure and Applied Chemistry. 58, 6, p. 947-954  Abstract
  6. Shimon L. J. W., Wireko F., Wolf J., Weissbuch I., Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1986) Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals. 137, 1, p. 67-86  Abstract


  1. Popovitz-Biro R., Tang C., Chang H., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1985) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 107, 13, p. 4043-4058  Abstract
  2. Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Weissbuch I., van Mil J., Shimon L. J. W., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1985) Angewandte Chemie-International Edition In English. 24, 6, p. 466-485  Abstract
  3. Tang C., Chang H., Popovitz-Biro R., Frolow F., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L. & McMullan R. (1985) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 107, 13, p. 4058-4070  Abstract
  4. Berkovitch-Yellin Z., van Mil J., Addadi L., Idelson M., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1985) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 107, 11, p. 3111-3122  Abstract
  5. Landau E. M., Lavanon M., Leiserowitz L., Lahav M. & Sagiv J. (1985) Nature. 318, 6044, p. 353-356  Abstract
  6. WANG J., BERKOVITCHYELLIN Z. & Leiserowitz L. (1985) Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science. 41, OCT, p. 341-348  Abstract
    Addadi L., van Mil J., Weissbuch I., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1985) Chemica Scripta. 25, p. 91-99  Abstract
  8. Weissbuch I., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1985) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 25, 3-4, p. 362-372  Abstract
  9. Weissbuch I., Shimon L. J. W., Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Weinstein S., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1985) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 25, 3-4, p. 353-361  Abstract
  10. Weinstein S. & Leiserowitz L. (1985) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 25, 3-4, p. 334-337  Abstract


  1. Weissbuch I., Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Gati E., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1984) Nature. 310, 5973, p. 161-164  Abstract
  2. BERKOVITCHYELLIN Z. & Leiserowitz L. (1984) Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science. 40, APR, p. 159-165  Abstract


  1. Weissbuch I., Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Gati E., Weinstein S., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1983) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 105, 22, p. 6615-6621  Abstract
  2. BERKOVITCHYELLIN Z., Ariel S. & Leiserowitz L. (1983) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 105, 4, p. 765-767  Abstract
  3. Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Weissbuch I., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1983) Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals. 96, 1-4, p. 1-17  Abstract
    Leiserowitz L. & Hagler A. T. (1983) Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of London Series A-Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences. 388, 1794, p. 133-175  Abstract


  1. Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Addadi L., Idelson M., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1982) Angewandte Chemie-International Edition In English. 21, 8, p. 631-632  Abstract
  2. Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Weissbuch I., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L. & Weinstein S. (1982) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 104, 7, p. 2075-2077  Abstract
  3. BERKOVITCHYELLIN Z. & Leiserowitz L. (1982) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 104, 15, p. 4052-4064  Abstract
  4. Ludmer Z., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L. & Roitman L. (1982) Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. 6, p. 326-328  Abstract
  5. Reactions in molecular inclusion complexes. 4. Biomimetic photohydroxylation of crystalline Deoxycholic-acid as catalyzed by occluded oxygen carrier
    POPOVITZBIRO R., TANG C., CHANG H., SHOCHET N., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1982) Nouveau Journal De Chimie-New Journal Of Chemistry. 6, 2, p. 75-77  Abstract
  6. Addadi L., Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Domb N., Gati E., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1982) Nature. 296, 5852, p. 21-26  Abstract
  7. BerkovitchYellin Z., Addadi L., Idelson M., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1982) Angewandte Chemie (International ed.). 21, 8 S, p. 1336-1345  Abstract
  8. van Mil J., Addadi L., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1982) Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. 11, p. 584-587  Abstract
  9. Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Addadi L., Idelson M., Leiserowitz L. & Lahav M. (1982) Nature. 296, 5852, p. 27-34  Abstract


    Chang H., Tang C., Popovitz-Biro R., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1981) Nouveau Journal De Chimie-New Journal Of Chemistry. 5, 10, p. 475-478  Abstract


  1. BERKOVITCHYELLIN Z. & Leiserowitz L. (1980) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 102, 26, p. 7677-7690  Abstract
  2. Weinstein S., Leiserowitz L. & GILAV E. (1980) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 102, 8, p. 2768-2772  Abstract
  3. Weinstein S. & Leiserowitz L. (1980) Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science. 36, JUN, p. 1406-1418  Abstract
  4. Popovitz-Biro R., Chang H. C., Tang C. P., Shochet N. R., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1980) Pure and Applied Chemistry. 52, 12, p. 2693-2704  Abstract


  1. Tang C. P., Popovitz-Biro R., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1979) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 18, 3-4, p. 385-389  Abstract


  1. Leiserowitz L. & TUVAL M. (1978) Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science. 34, APR, p. 1230-1247  Abstract
  2. Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Popovitz-Biro R. & Tang C. P. (1978) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 100, 8, p. 2542-2544  Abstract
  3. Hagler A. T. & Leiserowitz L. (1978) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 100, 18, p. 5879-5887  Abstract


  1. Leiserowitz L. & NADER F. (1977) Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science. 33, 15-Sep, p. 2719-2733  Abstract
  2. BERKOVITCHYELLIN Z. & Leiserowitz L. (1977) Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science. 33, DEC, p. 3657-3669  Abstract
  3. BERKOVITCHYELLIN Z., Leiserowitz L. & NADER F. (1977) Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science. 33, DEC, p. 3670-3677  Abstract
  4. BERKOVITCHYELLIN Z. & Leiserowitz L. (1977) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 99, 18, p. 6106-6107  Abstract
  5. Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Roitman L. & Tang C. P. (1977) Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. 24, p. 928-929  Abstract


  1. Lahav M., Laub F., Gati E., Leiserowitz L. & Ludmer Z. (1976) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 98, 6, p. 1620-1622  Abstract
  2. Leiserowitz L. (1976) Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science. 32, 15-Mar, p. 775-802  Abstract
  3. Addadi L., Gati E., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1976) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 15, 1-2, p. 116-123  Abstract
  4. Friedman N., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Popovitz-Biro R., Tang C. & Zaretskii Z. (1976) Molecular Crystals And Liquid Crystals. 32, 1, p. 127-129  Abstract


  1. Friedman N., Lahav M., Leiserowitz L., Popoyitz-Biro R., TANG C. & Zaretzkii Z. (1975) Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. 21, p. 864-865  Abstract
  2. Leiserowitz L. & WEINSTEIN M. (1975) Acta Crystallographica Section B-Structural Science. 31, 15-May, p. 1463-1466  Abstract
  3. BERKOVITCHYELLIN Z. & Leiserowitz L. (1975) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 97, 19, p. 5627-5628  Abstract


  1. Berkovitch-Yellin Z., Lahav M. & Leiserowitz L. (1974) Journal of the American Chemical Society. 96, 3, p. 918-920  Abstract


  1. Leiserowitz L. & NADER F. (1973) Angewandte Chemie-International Edition In English. 12, 2, p. 158-159  Abstract
  2. HUANG C., Leiserowitz L. & SCHMIDT G. (1973) Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2. 5, p. 503-508  Abstract


  1. Leiserowitz L. (1972) Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie. 135, 3-4, p. 232-239  Abstract
  2. Leiserowitz L. & Nader F. (1972) Angewandte Chemie (International ed.). 11, 6, p. 514-515  Abstract
  3. Benghiat V. & Leiserowitz L. (1972) Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2. 12, p. 1778-1785  Abstract
  4. Benghiat V. & Leiserowitz L. (1972) Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2. 12, p. 1763-1768  Abstract
  5. Filippakis S. E., Leiserowitz L., Rabinovich D. & Schmidt G. M. J. (1972) Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2. 12, p. 1750-1758  Abstract
  6. Benghiat V., Kaufman H. W., Leiserowitz L. & Schmidt G. M. J. (1972) Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2. 12, p. 1758-1763  Abstract
  7. Benghiat V., Leiserowitz L. & Schmidt G. M. J. (1972) Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2. 12, p. 1769-1772  Abstract
  8. Benghiat V. & Leiserowitz L. (1972) Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2. 12, p. 1772-1778  Abstract
  9. Bernstein J. & Leiserowitz L. (1972) Israel Journal of Chemistry. 10, 2, p. 601-612  Abstract


  1. Irngartinger H., Leiserowitz L. & Schmidt G. M. J. (1970) Chemische Berichte. 103, 4, p. 1119-1131  Abstract
  2. Irngartinger H., Leiserowitz L. & Schmidt G. M. J. (1970) Chemische Berichte. 103, 4, p. 1132-1156  Abstract
  3. Kaufman H. W. & Leiserowitz L. (1970) Acta crystallographica. Section B, Structural crystallography and crystal chemistry. 26, 4, p. 442-443  Abstract
  4. Irngartinger H., Leiserowitz L. & Schmidt G. M. J. (1970) Journal of the Chemical Society B: Physical Organic. p. 497-504  Abstract


  1. Leiserowitz L. & Schmidt G. M. (1969) Journal of the Chemical Society A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical. p. 2372-2382  Abstract
  2. Leiserowitz L. & Rabinovich D. (1969) Journal of the Chemical Society A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical. p. 2367-2371  Abstract


  1. Cohen M. D., Flavian S. & Leiserowitz L. (1967) Journal of the Chemical Society B: Physical Organic. p. 329-334  Abstract
  2. Filippakis S. E., Leiserowitz L. & Schmidt G. M. J. (1967) Journal of the Chemical Society B: Physical Organic. p. 297-304  Abstract
  3. Filippakis S. E., Leiserowitz L. & Schmidt G. M. J. (1967) Journal of the Chemical Society B: Physical Organic. p. 305-311  Abstract
  4. Filippakis S. E., Leiserowitz L. & Schmidt G. M. J. (1967) Journal of the Chemical Society B: Physical Organic. p. 290-296  Abstract


  1. Leiserowitz L., Schmidt G. & Shamgar A. (1966) The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids. 27, 9, p. 1453-1457  Abstract


  1. Leiserowitz L. & Schmidt G. M. J. (1965) Acta Crystallographica. 18, 6, p. 1058-1067  Abstract
  2. Coppens P., Leiserowitz L. & Rabinovich D. (1965) Acta Crystallographica. 18, 6, p. 1035-1038  Abstract


  1. Bregman J., Leiserowitz L. & Schmidt G. M. (1964) Journal of the Chemical Society. p. 2060-2067  Abstract
  2. Bregman J., Leiserowitz L. & Osaki K. (1964) Journal of the Chemical Society. p. 2068-2085  Abstract