Crystalline alcohol dehydrogenase from the extreme thermophile Thermoanaerobacter brockii (TbADH).
Super-position of the backbone structures of the monomeric subunits of the extreme thermophilic TbADH (in green) and the mesophilic CbADH (in red).
A view of the interface (residues 268-278) between subunits A (green) and B (yellow) of TbADH and CbADH. Note the smaller cavity at the interface of TbADH relative to larger one in CbADH. Cavities were calculated by the program SURFNET 1.4.
Intersubunit ion-pair network in the extreme thermophile TbADH. Lys257 (blue), Asp237 (red) of subunit A, Arg304 (blue) of subunit D and Glu165 of subunit A, form a four-membered ion-pair network. Subunit A is colored purple and subunit D is yellow.