(2024) Implementation and Replication Studies in Mathematics Education. 4, 2, p. 243-281 Abstract
Arguably, all educational research is conducted with the goal of improving teaching and learning. However, research may not explicitly suggest implications for practice. Furthermore, teachers may not be convinced by findings based on academic theories and methods of analysis that are foreign to them. This suggests that findings of such research may have a low level of implementability. We posit that replication of research by teachers can lead them to findings that are more implementable for them. In this article we elaborate the notion of implementability of educational research findings, make a theoretical case for teachers' qualitative replication of basic research, and offer the notion of pedagogical sensemaking as the activity by which research findings may become implementable for teachers. We investigate this practice based on empirical data gathered in a graduate course for practicing teachers, who were required to replicate a well-known piece of basic research in mathematics education.
(2024) Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 74, 101157. Abstract
We substantiate the following claim: multi-variable narrative in qualitative research on problem posing bears promise for a better understanding of causality relationships between ways in which problem-posing activities are organized on the one hand, and characteristics of processes, products, and effects of problem posing on the other hand. Our notion of multi-variable narrative is first introduced by means of a hypothetical scenario. We then discuss relationships between different types of variables while adapting the terminology developed in mediation analysis literature to problem-posing situations and suggest heuristics for choosing problem-posing variables in research that aspires to inform practice. This is followed by an illustration in the context of a problem-posing activity by mathematics teachers. The illustration shows how features of the posed problems can be related to the problem-posing task organization, and how these relations may be mediated or moderated by particular features of the problem-posers, and by choices they make.
(2024) Handbook of Digital Resources in Mathematics Education. Pepin B., Gueudet G. & Choppin J.(eds.). p. 1307-1330 Abstract
The goal of this chapter is to showcase and characterize the diversity of interactions between policy and implementation of digital resources for teaching and learning mathematics. Based on a review of the professional literature on educational policy and implementation, we put forward a set of conceptual distinctions, including the following: types of policy (e.g., policy as governing text vs. policy as negotiation of power), typology of objects of implementation (e.g., material-centered vs. material-interactive), and roles of stakeholders (e.g., original vs. secondary proponents of an innovation, government-affiliated policymakers vs. researchers and teachers as policymakers). These distinctions are first illustrated by means of several past studies on mathematics education digital resources and then are systematically put to use in the context of three ongoing R&D projects from Greece, Israel, and the USA. These projects, as different as they are in respect to their goals, operation, and policies involved, are comparable with respect to their digital components, namely digital platforms containing collections of digitalized resources for teaching and professional learning of mathematics teachers. The chapter concludes with remarks about the emerging patterns of policy implementation relationships and suggestions for future research.
(2023) ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education. 55, p. 883-896 Abstract
Tertiary mathematics has a central place in teacher education, yet in recent years there is growing evidence that realizing its potential affordances in secondary mathematics teaching is far from trivial. Research suggests that utilizing tertiary mathematics in secondary teaching requires interweaving it with knowledge for teaching secondary mathematics. Little is known about the underlying processes, which are often tacit and highly personal. In this article we analyze affordances of tertiary mathematics for teaching secondary probability. A group of mathematicians and experienced secondary teachers jointly inquired into the mathematics that could be addressed in school when discussing a popular probability game - the River Crossing game (henceforth "the game"). This context was chosen as an extreme case, in the sense that the mathematics underlying the game is so nuanced and complex that applying tertiary knowledge to mathematize and understand it is generally not feasible for secondary teachers. Thus, it is not clear how tertiary mathematics can inform teachers about using the game in class. Our analysis shows how the conflicting perspectives of teachers and mathematicians on what mathematics students may learn by playing the game initially hindered utilization of tertiary mathematics. Nevertheless, rapprochement was achieved, highlighting four different trajectories for interweaving knowledge of tertiary mathematics with knowledge for teaching secondary mathematics towards using the game in ingenious ways that respect both mathematical and pedagogical concerns. Our findings suggest that tertiary mathematics may have affordances for secondary mathematics teaching even in situations where teachers lack tertiary-level understanding of the underlying subject-matter.
(2023) Educational Studies in Mathematics. 113, p. 287-306 Abstract
Professors in proof-based mathematics courses often intend that the feedback they provide on students' flawed proofs will promote proof comprehension. In this theoretical article, we investigate how such feedback can be formulated. Drawing on Lakatos's process of proof and refutation, we propose the notion of heuristic refutation feedback for feedback on a flawed proof that contains a mathematical argument, possibly incomplete, that logically implies that the student's proof is invalid. Such feedback is heuristic in the sense that interpreting and utilizing it invites mathematical reasoning that can contribute to development of proof comprehension. We build on Toulmin's model of argumentation to analyze possible variations in the formulation of feedback. Based on data from a Real-Analysis course, we highlight two key decisions entailed in formulating refutation feedback: deciding what flawed (possibly implicit) claim in the student's proof to refute, and deciding how explicitly to present the various elements of the refutation argument. We exemplify these decisions in two particular types of refutation feedback that we have identified: refutation by counter-example and refutation by false implication. We show how different formulations of refutation feedback may afford different opportunities for student-engagement with particular facets of proof comprehension. Our findings suggest how professors can purposefully tailor feedback in order to achieve particular didactic goals.
(2023) Mathematics Curriculum Reforms Around the World. Vithal R. & Shimizu Y.(eds.). p. 445-453 Abstract
The multitude of stakeholders who typically take part in curriculum reform often have conflicting views about knowing, teaching and learning mathematics, which we conceptualize as discursive boundaries. Based on examples from across the world, we described a variety of ways in which these stakeholders may or may not interact in the context of reform initiatives in the mathematics curriculum. We posit that deep and meaningful sharing of perspectives is the exception and not the rule, and suggest that setting up opportunities for boundary crossing brokered by mathematics education researchers can be beneficial. This notion of boundary crossing does not suggest that conflicting perspectives should, or even can be reconciled, but rather that a deep understanding of ones own perspective, with respect to the perspectives of others, can open up new possibilities that may otherwise remain hidden.
(2022) International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. 8, 2, p. 318-338 Abstract
There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that secondary mathematics teachers may not be drawing significant benefit from the tertiary mathematics courses they take in preparation programs or in-service for professional development. While there are some theory-driven attempts to re-design or complement such courses for teachers, empirical evidence on how teaching might actually draw on these courses in practice is scarce. The M-Cubed project utilizes an innovative approach to generate empirical data for exploring this issue a \u201clab\u201d where mathematicians and experienced secondary mathematics teachers examine authentic mathematics lessons and discuss teaching alternatives roads not taken in specific situations. This article demonstrates this approach in an investigation of the affordances of Infinitesimal Calculus (IC) for secondary mathematics teaching. We draw on the theoretical framework of Commognition in conceptualizing affordances of IC for teaching, and show nuanced ways in which the content and practices of IC can support pedagogical practices and enrich the repertoire of secondary mathematics teachers in contingent situations, even when IC appears unrelated to the taught content. Our findings suggest that interactions of mathematicians and teachers may be a necessary ingredient for learning how IC could be brought to bear on secondary mathematics teaching. We conclude by discussing possible implications for IC courses for teachers.
(2022) Implementation and Replication Studies in Mathematics Education. 2, 1, p. 76-106 Abstract
The importance of mathematical problem solving has long been recognized, yet its implementation in classrooms remains a challenge. In this paper we put forth the notion of problem-solving implementation chain as a dynamic sequence of intended, planned, enacted and experienced activity, shaped by researchers, teachers and students, where the nature of the activity and its aims may change at the links of the chain. We propose this notion as an analytical framework for investigating implementation of problem-solving resources. We then illustrate this framework by a series of narratives from a project, in which the team of task-designers develops problem-solving resources aimed at reaching middle-school students via their teachers, who encounter these resources in professional development communities. We show how the problem-solving activity evolves along the implementation chain and then identify opportunities for mutual learning that emerge from tensions in perspectives on PS held by the different parties involved.
(2022) International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. 9, p. 605-631 Abstract
Situations where students encounter mathematical "impasses" instances where their current discourse is incommensurable with the discourse demanded to solve a task have the potential to stir emotional responses of different types. They can engender feelings of confusion and bafflement, or even embarrassment, or alternatively open students' curiosity to the ways by which more advanced mathematics can solve a problem. In this study, we closely examine the subjectifications (affective communication) of a group of graduate students encountering such an impasse in the form of a request to account for the area and perimeter of the Sierpiński triangle. We analyze these subjectifications in relation to an a priori mathematical analysis of the impasse inherent in the task. We show two major types of subjectifications, found to be communicated by distinct members of the classroom: "I'm baffled", and "this is not a problem". We show how the students subjectifying "this is not a problem" were those who avoided engagement with the impasse by attending only to the infinite process that defines the fractal, while those students who subjectified "I'm baffled" were those who engaged with the process as well as its outcome. Moreover, despite the lack of substantial contribution to the exploration of the impasse by those students who subjectified "this is not a problem", they were positioned as the "explainers", in a position of power relative to those students who expressed bafflement. We conclude by discussing the dialectical relationship between identity and engagement with mathematical impasses.
Teachers' qualitative replication of research(2022) Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2022. Gutiérrez ?., Fernández C., Planas N. & Llinares S.(eds.). p. 193 Abstract
(2021) International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 19, 8, p. 1635-1653 Abstract
With the growing availability of technology, teachers are becoming significant co-designers of the curriculum-resequencing, editing or supplementing a primary textbook with publicly available digital learning objects. This places a grave responsibility on teachers, who must have a clear view of the rationale and didactic intentions of the textbook in order to "re-source" it while maintaining its coherence. Yet, teachers are seldom provided with means to understand textbooks' structure and underlying design principles, particularly at the grain size of individual learning objects. We are developing tools to express the "voice" of a textbook-one tool for assigning specific metadata to learning objects (i.e. "tagging", sometimes referred to as "coding") and another for analysing the coherence of the textbook based on the tagged metadata. In the current study, the 3 pre-calculus chapters of a high school textbook were tagged. Based on the tagged metadata, we used the second tool to reveal the relative prominence of different "types" of tasks, analysed by the categories of metadata. We focused on commonalities across taggers to explore the nature of the textbook. Triangulating our findings in an interview with the textbook author, we show that some patterns in the metadata reflect explicit design principles, such as avoiding symbolic representations in tasks that open a topic, while others reflect tacit principles-making sense to the author though not explicitly intended-such as eliciting non-technological student justifications in the topic of derivative. We conclude that this methodology offers novel opportunities for the study of textbook design.
(2021) Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 61, 100833. Abstract
In their enactment of the curriculum, teachers have a substantial role as instructional designers. Accordingly, any evaluation of the progression of students learning should first be concerned with the pedagogical intentions of the teacher. In this article we present a method for reconstructing teachers implicit and tacit considerations in their selection, sequencing and enactment of tasks. Two 11th grade teachers tagged all of the tasks that comprised a 5-week learning progression. Tagging consisted of assigning values to prescribed categories of metadata. Visual representations of the metadata revealed patterns in the tagged progressions, and allowed the teachers to reflect upon these patterns. Both teachers, though guided by very different didactical considerations, validated that many of their explicit and implicit intentions were revealed in the representations of the progressions. Furthermore, both teachers had the opportunity to reflect on tacit aspects of their instructional design that they were not previously aware of.
(2021) Journal of Mathematical Behavior. 61, 100822. Abstract
There are points in the mathematics curriculum where the \u201crules of the game\u201d change, for example, the meaning and method of multiplication when negative numbers are introduced. At these junctions the new mathematical discourse may be in conflict with learners current discourse. Learners may have little intrinsic motivation to accept new rules whose productiveness they cannot yet appreciate, hence, their first steps in the emerging discourse may need to be ritualized - socially motivated by the teacher's approval. In this article we ask how careful crafting of task situations can support teachers in leading learners into a new discourse. We propose interdiscursivity the blending of discursive elements from different discourses as a mechanism for designing task situations to support learners in taking their first steps in an emerging discourse. On the basis of three examples, we suggest that this mechanism may support participation that is intrinsically motivated (explorative).
INSTRUCTIONAL INNOVATION IN MATHEMATICS COURSES FOR ENGINEERING PROGRAMS A CASE STUDY(2021) Proceedings of the 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2021. Inprasitha M., Changsri N. & Boonsena N.(eds.). p. 169-176 Abstract
While the affordances of problem-based learning are broadly recognized, implementation of this innovative approach is not common, particularly in tertiary mathematics education. This study investigates early stages of an implementation of problem-based instruction in 1st year mathematics courses for engineering students, within a project encompassing 12 universities and colleges across Europe. Twenty-three lecturers from participating institutions took part in a preparatory workshop. Framing the project as a case of diffusion of innovations, we analyze post-workshop questionnaires to reveal the participants' conception-of and attitudes-toward the innovation. We highlight some challenges that the innovation entails, and how they relate to participants general attitude toward implementing the innovation.
(2020) International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education. Lloyd G. M. & Chapman O.(eds.). Second Edition ed. Vol. 3. p. 211-240 (trueThe International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education). Abstract
Studying interactions across communities of mathematics teachers and educational researchers in professional development poses theoretical challenges. The authors suggest that it may be productive to view such encounters as the meetings of two professional communities that have different, possibly conflicting perspectives on the theory and practice of mathematics education. Drawing on the notions of boundary objects and boundary-crossing, the authors propose a framework forof how teachers and researchers may learn from and with each other through joint work on common objects, through which they can explicate, reflect upon and modify their perspectives. Through the analysis of three educational projects from different countries - Italy, France and Israel - the authors describe ways in which the structure of boundary objects supports various aspects of dialogical learning, thus providing an initial frame for the proposed theoretical constructs.
(2019) ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education. 51, 1, p. 69-80 Abstract
Teachers and mathematicians hold different perspectives on the teaching and learning of whole number arithmetic. Though these perspectives may be complementary, sharing them across communities is challenging. An unusual professional development course for primary school teachers, initiated and taught by research mathematicians, provided a setting for productive sharing of both mathematical and pedagogical perspectives. Drawing on the theory of commognition, I analyze two lesson segments, one, designed by one of the mathematician-instructors, included a discussion of an alternate method for performing vertical subtraction; the other, initiated by a 3rd grade teacher, is a discussion of an authentic classroom activity. Through these analyses, and drawing on the notion of boundary as sociocultural differences between communities, I reveal some mechanisms of the perspective-sharing that took place, and discuss what and how the parties learned from and with each other. I also highlight the role of a participant-observer researcher as a broker in this process, supporting events of boundary-crossing in which the parties came to explicate, and sometimes change, their own perspectives on teaching and learning mathematics with respect to the perspectives of others. I propose this PD setting as a model for sharing perspectives across these communities.
(2019) Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 23, 4, p. 363-384 Abstract
With the emergence of e-textbooks, along with expectations to integrate technology in instruction, teachers are becoming significant co-designers of the curriculum. Informed selection and sequencing of learning resources requires sensitivity to didactic nuance, and tools to support development and application of such sensitivity. Teachers practices are constrained by the aspects of resources that are \u201csearchable,\u201d which are limited using standard search engines, and the selection of tasks is influenced by the engines ranking of search results, reflecting their popularity. We are developing and researching a coupled pair of tools to support mathematics teachers in making informed curricular decisionsa tool for tagging learning resources with prescribed categories of didactic metadata and a dashboard for browsing collections of resources according to this tagged metadata. In this article, we investigate affordances of these tools for the professional development of mathematics teachersboth practicing and pre-service teacher candidates. Viewing the dashboard, along with the metadata that it encodes, as a boundary object between the teachers and the researchers perspectives on curricular design, we show how teachers learned through acts of boundary crossing, conceived as transitions and interactions between the two communities curricular discourses. We show how using the dashboard in a task-selection assignment encouraged teachers to reflect on their practicemaking explicit the tacit considerations that they apply to curricular decisions and articulating them from the researchers perspective. We also describe the emergence of \u201chybrid\u201d search strategies, integrating multiple perspectives to create practices that are both didactically informed and practically relevant for instruction.
(2019) Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. p. 2630-2637 Abstract
Research shows that lecturer feedback on students proofs is crucial for developing proof comprehension in advanced mathematics courses, yet students often fail to comprehend lecturer feedback, and only rarely receive further feedback on their revisions. In this study we investigate the affordance of a novel formative-assessment scheme, designed and enacted by a mathematics professor, which employed multiple rounds of lecturer-feedback / student-revision. We analyze one such round, focusing on various facets of proof comprehension that underlie the lecturers feedback and the students subsequent revisions. On the basis of this analysis we discuss various ways in which lecturers can leverage feedback/revision cycles, not only for gaining insight into students comprehension, but also for fostering meta-level ideas, and affording opportunities for students to develop agency and holistic proof comprehension.
(2019) Proceedings of the 43th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Essien A., Venkat H., Graven M. & Vale P.(eds.). Vol. 2. p. 169-176 Abstract
Professional learning communities (PLCs) are considered an effective vehicle for teacher professional development, yet their emphasis on discussions-based learning practices may create tension with the expectation for growth of content knowledge. We have been leading a PLC of practicing and prospective heads of school mathematics departments, in which this tension was particularly salient. We investigate ways in which lectures and workshops conducted by content-experts can support the development of desirable PLC characteristics, rather than being at odds with them. Findings suggest that the tension can be reconciled by means of ongoing debriefings with a focus group comprised of the PLC participants, contributing to the careful design of community activity surrounding the expert-provided lectures.
(2018) p. 547-554 Abstract
Reform committees typically comprise members from diverse communities of practice. Research has shown that achieving productive cross-community collaboration in mathematics education is far from straightforward. The work of reform committees is typically confidential, yet circumstantial evidence suggests that cross-community interactions are less productive than they could be. Due to the crucial influence of such committees on mathematics education at the national level, we suggest that cross-community interactions in reform committees should be an explicit topic of research. We propose boundary-crossing as a framework, and apply it to analyze cases of collaboration, including a setting that simulates the work of committees-a mathematics education forum where mathematicians, educational researchers and teachers (including past and present members of reform committees) meet to discuss issues of common interest. We identify the crucial role played by brokers in facilitating cross-boundary learning, and propose that suitable committee members should be designated as brokers. We call on the community to intentionally study and teach the role of broker in this context.
Jourdain and Dienes effects revisited - Playing Tic Tac Toe or learning non-Euclidean geometry?(2018) Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Granberg C., Bergqvist E., Sumpter L. & Österholm M.(eds.). Vol. 2. p. 307-314 Abstract
Research mathematicians often play a central role in determining educational policies, yet the relevance of their mathematical expertise may be (and indeed often is) questioned. A mathematician who developed a game based on non-Euclidean geometry, and a high school teacher, participated in a group discussion on the game, and were interviewed separately to elicit their perspectives on enriching advanced-track students through inquiry. Though their perspectives appeared in many ways incompatible or incommensurable, we suggest ways in which many of their conflicting concerns can be reconciled. In this we are proposing a model of cooperation among communities, where mathematicians and teachers contribution to mathematics education is mediated by mathematics education researchers.
Boundary crossing in design based research: Lessons learned from tagging didactic metadata(2018) Abstract
Teachers are coming to take a crucial role in designing the curriculum they teach, relying to varying extents on learning-resources that they gather. The internet, though rich in resources, does not support didactically-sensitive searching. To address this, we are developing a pair of tools, one for tagging didactic aspects of learning resources, and one for searching based on tagged metadata. Employing a design-based-research approach, we search for a set of metadata categories that will support changes in teachers practices, yet will be comprehensible to teachers and useful in their current practices. We describe the \u201cboundary\u201d that this research has exposed between the communities of te¬achers and researchers, and the mutual learning that took place through boundary-crossing.
(2018) Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 21, 3, p. 237-261 Abstract
Is it possible that a meeting of mathematicians and primary school teachers will be productive? This question became intriguing when one professor of mathematics initiated a professional development course for practicing primary school teachers, which he taught alongside a group of mathematics Ph.D. students. This report scrutinizes the uncommon meeting of these two communities, who have very different perspectives on mathematics and its teaching. The instructors had no experience in primary school teaching, and their professed goal was to deepen the teachers' understanding of the mathematics they teach, while teachers were expecting the course to be pedagogically relevant for their teaching. Surprisingly, despite this mismatch in expectations, the course was considered a success by teachers and instructors alike. In our study, we analyzed a lesson on division with remainder for teachers of grades 3-6, taught by the professor. The framework used for the data analysis was mathematical discourse for teaching, a discursive adaptation of the well-known mathematical knowledge for teaching framework. Our analysis focuses on the nature of the interactions between the parties and the learning opportunities they afforded. We show how different concerns, which might have hindered communication, in fact fueled discussions, leading to understandings of the topic and its teaching that were new to all the parties involved. The findings point to a feasible model for professional development where mathematicians may contribute to the education of practicing teachers, while they are gaining new insights themselves.
Reflecting on didactic metadata of learning sequences(2018) p. 191-194 Abstract
With the emergence of e-textbooks, together with expectations to integrate technology in instruction, teachers are coming to take an active role in designing the curriculum they teach. In orderto maintain instructional coherence, teachers need to develop sensitivity to various didactical aspects of the curriculum. We suggest the use of novel tools for tagging didactic metadata of learning resources, and for representing learning sequences from the perspective of this metadata. We report on an ongoing experiment with practicing teachers. Over a period of several weeks, participating teachers tag all of the learning objects that they use in class, construct various representations of the taught curriculum, highlighting different didactic aspects of the sequence, and reflect on the instructional coherence of the sequence in light of these representations. We ask what effect this intervention may have on teachers pedagogical design capacity.
(2018) Newsletter of the European Mathematical Society (EMS Newsletter). 2018, 107, p. 46-51 Abstract
Jason Cooper is a research fellow at the University of Haifas Faculty of Education and at the Weizmann Institutes Department of Science Teaching. His research concerns various aspects of teacher knowledge, including roles of advanced mathematical knowledge in teaching and contributions of research mathematicians to the professional development of teachers. He has been a board member of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (ERME) since 2015. Abraham Arcavi is the incumbent of the Lester B. Pearson Professorial Chair at the Department of Science Teaching of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. He works on the teaching and learning of mathematics, curriculum development and professional development of mathematics teachers. At present (2016-2020), he is the secretary general of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI).
(2018) Building the Foundation. Bartolini Bussi M. G. & Sun X. H.(eds.). Cham: . p. 91-124 (trueNew ICMI Study Series). Abstract
Increasing globalization encourages assumptions of universalism in teaching and learning, in which cultural and contextual factors are perceived as nonessential. However, our teaching and learning are unavoidably embedded in history, language and culture, from which we draw to organize our educational systems. Such factors can remain hidden but can also provide us with opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of constraints that are taken for granted. This chapter provides a meta-level analysis and synthesis of the what and why of whole number arithmetic (WNA). The summary provides background for the whole volume, which identifies the historical, cultural and linguistic foundations upon which other aspects of learning, teaching and assessment are based. We begin with a historical survey of the development of pre-numeral and numeral systems. We then explore the epistemological and pedagogical insights and highlight the differences between linguistic practices and their links with the universal decimal features of WNA. We investigate inconsistencies between spoken and written numbers and the incompatibility of numeration and calculation and review a number of teaching interventions. Finally, we report the influence of economics and business, academic mathematics, science and technology and public and private stakeholders on WNA to understand how and why curriculum changes are made, with a focus on the fundamental losses and gains.
(2017) International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. 3, 2, p. 311-337 Abstract
In this paper we investigate task design in an unusual professional development course for elementary school teachers, conceived and taught by research mathematicians. Prior analysis singled out relevance for teaching as a critical design issue for engaging teachers in effective learning. The aim of the current research is to uncover how relevance for teaching was achieved without compromising mathematical rigor and depth. Findings are based on an analysis of three representative cases of task designing in which the authors where involved one as instructor and task designer, the other as participant observer. Our analysis reveals a designing model that first addresses purely mathematical concerns and then refines tasks, taking into consideration a series of constraints imposed by the requirement of relevance for teaching. Using Schoenfelds Resources-Orientations-Goals framework for decision-making, we show how the mathematicians drew on their special knowledge of mathematical content to achieve such relevance in ingenious ways. We find that tasks were best aligned with Knowless principles of Adult Learning in cases where the designers appropriated the teachers point of view, no longer seeing the need for relevance as a constraining imposition, but rather as an opportunity to combine and merge knowledge specific for teaching and purely mathematical knowledge.
(2017) For the Learning of Mathematics. 37, 2, p. 8-13 Abstract
"The root of 18 is closer to 4 than it is to 5 because 18 is closer to 16 than it is to 25". Is this statement, voiced in an 8th grade class, valid? We suggest hypothetical arguments upon which this statement might be based, and analyze them from two complementary perspectives--epistemic and pedagogical--drawing on Toulmin's notion of field-dependence in argumentation and on Freeman's classification of warrants based on the type of underlying intuition, belief or prior understanding. We propose that our investigation of this statement may serve as a model for inquiry in teacher preparation.
Developing categories of curricular metadata: lenses for studying relationships between teachers and digital textbooks(2017) Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development 2. Abstract
(2017) Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Gueudet G. & Dooley T.(eds.). p. 1953-1960 Abstract
The TWG14, University Mathematics Education (UME), was launched in CERME7 (Nardi, González-Martín, Gueudet, Iannone, & Winsløw, 2011) showcasing the fast growth of research in UME and also the specificity of the research context. In particular, the abstract, formal nature of a significant portion of the mathematical content; the absence of national curriculum guidelines, and therefore the great variations in organization and practices across institutions; the general lack of professional development or of systematic preparation for teaching; and, the volume of content to learn in a short period of time, and the degree of autonomy expected from the students and faculty.
A Mathematics Educator and a Mathematician Co-Teaching Mathematics Affordances for Teacher Education(2017) Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. p. 2025-2032 Abstract
Prospective secondary school teachers are required to take undergraduate courses in mathematics, which may be of limited relevance for their teaching. In this study, we investigate affordances of co-teaching for achieving such relevance. This is a qualitative study of an undergraduate course on Mathematical Proof and Proving, co-taught by a professor of mathematics education and a professor of mathematics. Analyzing an episode critiquing three different proofs, we show that the mathematician was concerned mainly with the written proof and its \u201ccorrectness\u201d, whereas the mathematics educator showed a sensitivity to the person behind the proof, and to pedagogical aspects of proof and proving. We propose that such a course may help students reconcile conflicts between how mathematics is taught and practiced in university and in high school, and suggest such co-teaching as a model for achieving relevance for teaching in mathematics courses.
(2015) The Twenty-third ICMI Study. Kaur B., Novotná J. & Sun X.(eds.). Macao, China: . p. 68-75 Abstract
University mathematicians and elementary school teachers have their own particular perspectives on whole number arithmetic. The study reported herein investigates how these different perspectives may interact productively in a professional development scenario, observed by a mathematics-education researcher, to achieve new insights. A discursive analysis of a professional development lesson on Division with Remainder, taught by a university mathematician, shows how the differences between the parties' perspectives led to the growth of new insights on the topic, its role in the curriculum, and its teaching. This meeting of communities is offered as a model for achieving rich expertise - an emergent discourse that is more than the sum of its parts.
(2015) Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Krainer K. & Vondrová N.(eds.). p. 2081-2088 (trueProceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education). Abstract
When university mathematicians teach mathematics courses for non-mathematicians, there may be a discrepancy between the mathematics they aim to teach and the mathematics their students aim to learn. In this paper, I analyze a lesson on long division taught by a mathematics Ph.D. student, where the learners were in-service elementary school teachers. Taking a Commognitive approach, I describe some crucial differences in the teachers' and the mathematician's discourse on mathematics and on teaching, which created opportunities for mutual learning. Uncovering the affordances and limitations of this teaching/learning situation is expected to help mathematicians become more effective teachers of non-mathematicians in general, and of pre-service and in-service teachers in particular.
Mathematical discourse for teaching: A discursive framework for analyzing professional development(2014) Proceedings of the 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education and the 36th Conference of the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Nicol C., Allan D., Liljedahl P. & Oesterle S.(eds.). Vol. 2. p. 337-344 Abstract
The framework of mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) is brought under the discursive framework of Commognition in order to track learning in professional development (PD). I follow MKT in differentiating between subject matter discourse and pedagogical discourse. The framework, which I call Mathematical Discourse for Teaching (MDT) permits a combined view on mathematical and meta-mathematical issues as constituted in discourse. Such meta-issues are found to be a significant part of what is taught and learned in a particular PD, where mathematics Ph.D. students teach elementary school teachers. Through the analysis of a lesson on parity I show how "knowing" has different meanings in mathematical and pedagogical discourses, and find evidence of learning in the evolving ways in which the parties use this term.
(2013) Proceedings of the Eighth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Ubuz B., Haser ?. & Mariotti M. A.(eds.). p. 3005-3014 Abstract
In this paper we analyze teachers' beliefs about the knowledge needed for teaching elementary school mathematics. Eliciting such beliefs is important for designing and evaluating teacher education. We find indications of these beliefs in anonymous feedback questionnaires the teachers submitted in an in-service professional development course. This indirect approach avoids discrepancies between teachers' declared (conscious) beliefs and tacit beliefs that actually influence their learning. We found that beliefs changed during the course, at first favouring pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) as a learning goal, and shifting toward subject matter content knowledge (SMCK). The significance of this research is not only its findings but also its method, which avoids some issues inherent in traditional methods.
(2013) Proficiency and Beliefs in Learning and Teaching Mathematics. Moschkovich J. N. & Li Y.(eds.). Rotterdam: . p. 179-200 Abstract
The involvement of mathematicians in mathematics education is as old as mathematics education itself. Very prominent mathematicians, such as Felix Klein and Hans Freudenthal, are considered precursors or even founding fathers of mathematics education as an academic field of study. Many well-known researchers in mathematics education started their career as research mathematicians, like Alan Schoenfeld and Günter Törner, to whom this volume is dedicated.
Games Kids Play: A Course in Game Theory(2008) Abstract
Children play games. Not just zero sum games, where one players gain is another players loss (Chess, Tic Tac Toe, Poker, etc.), but also Game Theory dilemmas, such as the Ultimatum Game, \u201cChicken\u201d, and the Prisoners Dilemma. To give just two examples, on a random weekend my children are likely to: 1) Pick a DVD to watch one compiles a short list of his favorite movies, the other picks his favorite from the list; 2) Share time on the family computer, knowing full well that the rules of the house are: If they argue about it, nobody gets to use it. They both handle such situations very well. In the first case, the short list quickly came to contain one favorite movie, and a list of movies no one in their right mind would choose to see. In the second case the outcome tends to be similar to the Ultimatum Game described in this paper. Their intuitive grasp of the basics of Game Theory leads to two questions: If 5 and 8 year olds practice Game Theory, why not teach it to (somewhat older) children? Can the study of Game Theory improve childrens social skills? The first gave birth to the project described bellow 24 hour courses in Game Theory and Strategic Thinking that Ive been offering at The Young Persons Institute for the Promotion of Creativity and Excellence in Tel Aviv (institute for gifted children directed by Dr. Erika Landau) since 2005. I believe the answer to the second question to be affirmative. The demonstrations that follow give some indication that this may be the case a claim that may yield some interesting research.
(1995) Combinatorica. 15, 3, p. 319-332 Abstract
In this paper we develop a leader election protocol P with the following features:1. The protocol runs in the perfect information model: Every step taken by a player is visible to all others.2. It has linear immunity: If P is run by n players and a coalition of c(1)n players deviates from the protocol, attempting to have one of them elected, their probability of success is 0 are absolute constants.3. It is fast: The running time of P is polylogarithmic in n, the number of players.A previous protocol by Alon and Naor achieving linear immunity in the perfect information model has a linear time complexity. The main ingredient of our protocol is a reduction subprotocol. This is a way for n players to elect a subset of themselves which has the following property. Assume that up to epsilon n of the players are bad and try to have as many of them elected to the subset. Then with high probability, the fraction of bad players among the elected ones will not exceed epsilon in a significant way. The existence of such a reduction protocol is first established by a probabilistic argument. Later an explicit construction is provided which is based on the spectral properties of Ramanujan graphs.
(1993) Proceedings of the 25th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, STOC 1993. p. 662-671 (trueProceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing). Abstract
In this paper we develop a leader election protocol P with the following features: The protocol runs in the perfect information model: Every step taken by a player is visible to all others. It has linear immunity: If P is run by n players and a coalition of c1n players deviates from the protocol, attempting to have one of them elected, their probability of success is 0 are absolute constants. It is fast : The running time of P is poly- logarithmic in n, the number of players. A previous protocol by Alon and Naor achieving linear immunity in the perfect information model has a linear time complexity. The main ingredient of our protocol is a reduction subpro-Tocol. This is a way for n players to elect a subset of themselves which has the following property. Assume that up to \u20acn of the players are bad and try to have as many of them elected to the subset. Then with high probability, the fraction of bad players among the elected ones will not exceed \u20ac in a significant way. The existence of such a reduction protocol is first established by a probabilistic argument. Later an explicit construction is provided which is based on the spectral properties of Ramanujan graphs.