1. Personal Details


                           Date of                      May 18, 1935



                             Marital                    Married, four children



                             Place of               Kibbutz Ein-Harod, Israel



  1. Education


1964 B.Sc. in Mathematics, Physics and Education, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.


1979 M.A. (With Honors), Tel Aviv University, Israel. Thesis: "Remedial Programs for Reducing the Lack in Prerequisite Mathematical Knowledge". Supervisor – Prof. A. Levy.


1990 Ph.D. (Summa Cum Laude), The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. Thesis: "Geometrical Concept Images of Students and Teachers". Supervisor – Prof. S Vinner.


  1. Professional Employment


1960 -1967 Mathematics and Physics Teacher at Kibbutz Netzer Sireni Junior and High School, Israel.


1967 -1969 Script Writer of Mathematics Programs for Sixth and Eighth Grades, Educational Television, Ramat Aviv, Israel.


1967 - 2014    Research, Curriculum Development, and its Implementation.

         Department of Science Teaching, Weizmann Institute of Science,

                             Rehovot, Israel.


2014 - Present Academic Consultant.  Department of Science Teaching, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.


2005 - 2018     Part-time researcher, School of Education, Tel-Aviv University.


  1. Professional Activities


Major Responsibilities-Curriculum Development and Implementation in the Science Teaching Department, Weizmann Institute of Science


1967-2002    Curriculum Development: Textbook’s designer, Author and Evaluator; Teacher Education; Assessment and Research: The Mathematics Group. The Department of Science Teaching. The Weizmann Institute. (Grantor: Ministry of Education and Culture)

                                  Head of the Implementation Project for the Development of Remedial Materials for Culturally Deprived Students. The Department of Science Teaching, The Weizmann Institute: (Grantor: Ministry of Education and Culture).


1983 - 2000 Mathematics Group Coordinator.


1988 - 1990    Head of the Tel Aviv Project for Improving Mathematics Teaching in Junior-High and Primary Schools in The City of Tel-Aviv - Jaffa. (Grantor: The Municipality of Tel Aviv-Jaffa).


1985 -2000 Consulting; development and research; in the Agam Project for Visual Thinking. (Generator: The Agam Fund and the Ministry of Education and Culture).

1990 - 1991  Head of The Agam Project for Visual Thinking.


1993 - 2000   Head of The Compu-Math Project - Learning Mathematics with Computerized Tools (Microcomputers and Graphic Calculators).

                              The project's main goal was to develop and implement curriculum materials for Junior High School, based on the power of holistic computerized tools and graphics calculators. The project includes an intensive research component. (Grantor: The Ministry of Education and Culture).


1994-2000     Co-head (with Dr. N. Robinson) of the Mathematics for Heterogeneous Classes Project. (Grantor: The Ministry of Education and Culture).


1995-1997     Co-head (with Dr. A. Friedlander) of the mathematics department in the Ramat- Hasharon Net - Teacher Center. (Grantor: The Ministry of Education and Culture and the Local Municipality).


1997-1998      Academic advisor (with Prof. A. Arcavi) to mathematics teachers’ course for teaching mathematics in heterogeneous classes with computerized-tools, in the Rishon Lesion Teacher Center. (Grantor: The Ministry of Education and Culture and the Local Municipality).


  1. Major Responsibilities-Research activities.

Supervision of Ph.D. Students.


1984-1988 Zvia Markovits, Estimation - Research and Curriculum Development. Weizmann Institute of Science, (Joint supervision with Prof. Maxim Bruckheimer).


1991-1993 Orly Kaplan, Generalization and Justification Processes of Students Learning Euclid Geometry, Weizmann Institute of Science. (Joint supervision with Prof. M. Bruckheimer).
Orly Kaplan died in March 1993, and her thesis remains unfinished.


1998 - 2001   Nurit Hadas, Proving as a Way to Explain and Convince in a Dynamic Geometry Learning Environment. The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. (Joint supervision with Prof. B. B. Schwarz).


2003-2007    Michal Tabach, Computer Intensiveness and The Beginning of Learning Algebra. Weizmann Institute of Science (Joint supervision with Prof. A. Arcavi).


2005-2010    Shirly Azmon, The Uniqueness of Teachers' Discourse – Patterns from an Argumentative Perspective. The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. (Joint supervision with Prof. B. B. Schwarz).



2005-2010     Gila Ron, Partially Correct Knowledge constructs in Probability Processes of their Construction, Change and Consolidation. Tel-Aviv University. (Joint supervision with Prof. Tommy Dreyfus).


2008-2012         Naomi Prusak, Integration of Non-Verbal Channels in   Discussions, Designed to Foster Learning in Geometry, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. (Joint supervision with Prof. B. B. Schwarz).


2011-2016        Aehsan Haj Yahya, Linking Visualization Students’    Constructing of Geometrical concepts and their Definitions and Students’ Ability to Prove. Tel-Aviv University. (Joint supervision with Prof. Tommy Dreyfus).



Supervision of Master's Students


1995 - 1997 Osnat Dolev, The Passage Between Representations as an Action of Characterizing Student’s Learning in an Interactive Computer Based Environment. The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. (Joint supervision with Prof. B. B. Schwarz).


1998 - 2000 Shirly Azmon, Generalization Processes of Students in a Computerized Learning Environment. The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. (Joint supervision with Prof. B. B. Schwarz).



1999 - 2001    Michal Tabach, Knowledge Development of a Pair of Students: Beginning Algebra in an Interactive Learning Environment. Weizmann Institute of Science. (Joint supervision with Prof. B. B. Schwarz).


2000 - 2002     Hana Stein, Changes in the Equation Concept and its Solution Methods in a Technological learning Environment, a Case Study). Weizmann Institute of Science. (Joint supervision with Dr. A. Friedlander).


2000 - 2002   Ronit Sasover, Characteristics of Algebra Learning in Grade Seven among Students that Learn in Interactive Environment. The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. (Joint supervision with Prof. B. B. Schwarz and Dr. A. Friedlander).


2006 - 2007    Naomi Prusak, The Analyses of Dialogues of a Dyad of Pre-service Teachers Operating in an Activity Designed to Foster Argumentation – The Case of Dynamic Geometry. The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. (Joint supervision with Prof. B. B. Schwarz).



 Text books for students, guides for teachers and teaching aids     in the Science Teaching Department, Weizmann Institute for Science, Israel (Hebrew)

  • כמחברת, ו/או מחברת בצוות ו/או עורכת

1969- 1971     סדרת ספרים לרמה א: פרקי מתמטיקה:  (עולם המספרים, אשנב                 לאלגברה, אלגברה 1,  אלגברה 2)

1969- 1974          מדריכים למורה לסדרה לעיל

1979                   אוסף עבודות סיכום לרמה א ומדריך למורה לאוסף              

  1975                        תיק שקפים לאלגברה 2           

1992            מקום גיאומטרי – לומדה לכיתות ט – יא, עם מדריך למורה, בעברית       ואנגלית.                           

ב.  כראש פרויקט, ו\או כיועצת ו/או כמחברת בצוות:

 פרויקט ההפעלה

1979 -  1984    סדרת ספרים להשלמת פערים בידע קודם (חוליות שברים פשוטים,                                 חוליות שברים עשרוניים, חוליות הנדסה 1 ו-2, חוליות שלמים, חוליות אומדן, חוליות משפה לתבניות 1 ו-2).

1979 – 1984        מדריכים למורה לחלק מספרי סדרת חוליות.

פרויקט חטיבת הביניים

1983 – 1986    סטטיסטיקה ומערכת צירים, לרמות א ו-ב, למורה ולתלמיד.

1987 – 1993     סדרות של 5 ספרי לימוד לתלמידי רמות א ו-ב המכסות את תכנית חטה"ב.

1987 – 1993    סדרות מדריכים למורה לספרים הנ"ל.

1992 – 1994    סדרה של 4 ספרי לימוד לתלמידי רמה ג המכסה את תכנית חטה"ב.

1981 – 1982   סדרה של 3 ספרים בגיאומטריה לתלמידי רמה ב בחטה"ב, עם מדריכים למורה.

1985 – 1987   שתי לומדות לתלמידי רמה ב בחטה"ב, עם חוברות לתלמידים ומדריכים למורה.

פרויקט מתימחשב

1995 – 1996    סדרת ארבעה ספרי לימוד (עם גרפר) בנושא הפונקציות לרמות א ו-ב כתה ט.

2001 – 2002     סדרת מדריכים למורה לארבעת הספרים הנ"ל.

1998 -  1999     סדרת ספרי לימוד (עם גרפר) בנושא הפונקציות לרמות ב ו-ג כתה ט.

1998 – 2002    סדרת ספרים לתחילת האלגברה (כתה ז), עם גיליון אלקטרוני.

2001 – 2002    מדריכים למורה לנ"ל.

2002 – 2003  סיפורי יוסף – סדרת ספרים באלגברה לכתה ח (עם אקסל, גרפר, ותוכנה                סימבולית).

2002 – 2003   מדריכים למורה לנ"ל.

1995 – 1997   פרויקט כתה הטרוגנית- סדרה של 5 ספרים לכתה ז הטרוגנית.

1984 – 2016  פרויקט אגם לחשיבה וויזואלית- יועצת ומפתחת בצוות לסדרת החוברות            של הפרויקט.


  As a consulter for books and Text books outside the Department (Hebrew and English)

1997        דליה שרון, כלי חשיבה בסיסיים לפתירת בעיות מילוליות במתמטיקה.              משרד החינוך והתרבות, מח"ר 98, ומכון ברנקו-וייס לפיתוח החשיבה.

1986 – 1989   Team work with curriculum designers from Singapore on 4 textbooks for Junior High School, as an over-sea consultor.                                                                                                                                         

  1. Additional Research Activities


1975 - Present       Intensive research in the Area of Learning and Teaching Geometry. (See list of Publications).


1999 - Present       Intensive research in the topic of "Abstraction in Context” (AiC). (Joint Research with B.B. Schwarz and T. Dreyfus - Generator ISF)


2009 - Present       Intensive Joint Research with M. Tabach and T. Dreyfus; “Knowledge Agents in the Mathematics Classroom" and "The Role of the Teacher in Encouraging this Phenomenon". (Generator ISF).


 2012 - 2016           Intensive Joint Research with M. Tabach and T. Dreyfus from Tel- Aviv University on the topic of: “Coordinating the development of individual and collective learning of mathematics in the classroom.” (Generator ISF).

2015 - 2019            Intensive Joint Research with M. Tabach and T. Dreyfus from Tel- Aviv University on the topic of: Knowledge shifts in the mathematics classroom: the roles of students and teachers.” (Generator ISF).

1993 - 2018           Lecturer of Graduate Courses at The Fienberg Graduate    School


1993 - 1998       Lecturer of Graduate Courses in Other Countries


1978 - 2016         Presentations in International and National Meetings


1980 - 2004         Invited Plenary Lectures in Various Countries and Conferences


1977- Present      Member of International and national Associations


1980 - Present     Advising for National and International Institution


1987- Present      Reviewer for Research Grants, Research Journals, Text Books, Chapters in Books, Conferences’ Proceedings, and Graduate students’ Proposals and Thesis in Israel and other Countries.


2014 - Present       Academic Consultor. The Science Teaching Department, Weizmann Institute for Science, Rehovot, Israel.




  1. Roles in International Organizations, Conferences & Studies


1981 The National Coordinators Meeting of the International Studies in Educational Achievement Study of Mathematics, II (IEM). Paris, France.


1980 - 1984    Member of The International Committee of the International Group for The Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME).


1983      Chair of the International Program Committee of the 7th International Conference of The International Group for The Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME), as Well as Its Chief Organizer and Editor of The Conference Proceedings. Shoresh, Jerusalem.


1984 - 1988   Head of the "Geometry Group" at the International Group for The Psychology of Mathematics Education Conferences (PME).


1990 - 1992      Chief Organizer of the Working Group: "The Role of Geometry in General Education" At the 7th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME 7). Quebec City, Canada, 1992.


1994 - 1997      International Program Committee of the ICMI Study on Geometry.


2001 - 2004     President of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME).




  1. National Activities in Addition to the Activities at the Weizmann Institute


1979 - 1982       National Committee of the Israel Educational Research Association (I.E.R.A.).


1981 Steering Committee of the Second International Studies in Educational Achievement (IEA) Mathematics Research in Israel.


1985 - 2003 The National Committee for Mathematics Instruction, Ministry of Education and Culture.


1997- 2000 The Subcommittee for Learning Mathematics with Technology. In the National Committee for Mathematics Instruction, Ministry of Education and Culture.


2000 - 2003 The Subcommittee for The Syllabus of Junior High School Mathematics.


2002 - 2003 Head of The Recommendations Committee for Elementary School Math.