Leading team
Prof. Abraham Arcavi
Dr. Ronnie Karsenty
Ph.D. student (Graduated)
Yael Nurick
This study investigated the processes that mathematics teachers engage in when participating in video-based peer discussions, guided by a framework developed for this purpose. The context in which the investigation is conducted is the VIDEO-LM project. The study characterized processes of evolvement, or refinement, of mathematical knowledge and reflection tools associated with mathematics teaching, and unpacked various types of outcomes that emerged after participation in video-based courses, in terms of the participants’ professional decisions.
Related Papers
- Nurick, Y., Arcavi, A., & Karsenty, R. (2022a). Revisiting the concept of reflection: An empirical investigation of mathematics teachers’ articulations on the teaching practice. In J. Hodgen, E. Geraniou, G. Bolondi, & F. Ferretti (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12) (pp. 3221-3228). Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and ERME.
Nurick, Y., Arcavi, A., & Karsenty, R. (2022b). How can a setting influence one’s reflection? In C. Fernández, S. Llinares, A. Gutiérrez, & N. Planas (Eds.). Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 3, pp. 259-266). PME
- Karsenty, R., & Arcavi, A. (2021). "Life trajectory" of a professional development project: The case of VIDEO-LM. In A. Hofstein, A. Arcavi, B. Eylon, & A. Yarden (Eds.), Long-term research and development in science education: What have we learned? (pp. 306-332). Brill.
- Schwarts, G., & Karsenty, R. (2020). “Can this happen only in Japan?": Mathematics teachers reflect on a videotaped lesson in a cross-cultural context. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 23, 527–554.
- Karsenty, R. (2018). Professional development of mathematics teachers: Through the lens of the camera. In G. Kaiser, H. Forgasz, M. Graven, A. Kuzniak, E. Simmt, & B. Xu (Eds.), Invited Lectures from the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (pp. 269-288). Hamburg: Springer.
- Schwarts, G., & Karsenty, R. (2018). A teacher's reflective process in a video-based professional development program. In E. Bergqvist, M. Österholm, C. Granberg, & L. Sumpter (Eds.), Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 4, pp 123-130). PME.
- Arcavi, A., & Karsenty, R. (2018). Enhancing mathematics teachers’ reflection and knowledge through peer-discussions of videotaped lessons: A pioneer program in Israel. In N. Movshovitz-Hadar (Ed.), K-12 Mathematics Education in Israel - Issues and Challenges (Chapter 33, pp. 303-310). Series on Mathematics Education (Volume 13). World Scientific.
- Karsenty, R., & Arcavi, A. (2017). Mathematics, lenses and videotapes: A framework and a language for developing reflective practices of teaching. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 20, 433-455.
- Karsenty R., Arcavi, A., & Nurick, Y. (2015). Video-based peer discussions as sources for knowledge growth of secondary teachers. In K. Krainer & N. Vondrová (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (pp.2825-2832). ERME.