Postdoctoral training, Mathematics Education, 1989-1991, Weizmann Institute of Science.
Ph.D. |
Mathematics Education & Teacher Education, 1985-1989, Michigan State University, USA. Thesis: Prospective secondary mathematics teachers' knowledge and understanding about mathematical functions(Advisor: G. Lappan). |
M.Sc. |
Mathematics & Education, 1976-1981, Haifa University, Israel. Thesis: Two-dimensional mathematical crystallography and the development of a learning unit for elementary schools on the subject of tessellations (Advisors: I. Weismann - mathematics, P. Nesher - education). |
B.Sc. | Mathematics, 1971-1974, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. |
2008-2018 | Co-director of the math strand of the Rothschild-Weizmann Program for the advancement of science and mathematics teachers, Weizmann Institute of Science. |
2006-2011 | Director of the Teaching Certificate Program, Feinberg Graduate School, Weizmann Institute of Science. |
2000-2018 | Head of the Mathematics Group, Department of Science Teaching, Weizmann Institute of Science (2000-2002: Co-Head with A. Arcavi). |
1993-2003 | Head of MANOR – National Mathematics Teacher Center, Department of Science Teaching, Weizmann Institute of Science. |
1993-1995 |
Academic Coordinator of the Mathematics Group's teacher development activities. Department of Science Teaching, Weizmann Institute of Science. |
1990-1993 | Head of Tel-Aviv Project for improving mathematics teaching in junior-high schools, Department of Science Teaching, Weizmann Institute of Science. |
1981-1985 | Coordinator of National (Israeli) Correspondence Course in Mathematics Problem Solving for pupils in grades 4-9, Weizmann Institute of Science. |
2011-present | Section Editor for the Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education published by Springer. |
2005-present | Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (JMTE) published by Springer. |
2000-present |
Mathematics Education Research Journal (MERJ) published by Springer. |
2020 | Chair of the External Evaluation Committee (EEC) for the evaluation-accreditation process of the programmes of study: Mathematics Education Master and Ph.D in the University of Cyprus. |
2017 | Member – International Review Committee for the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology, Technion. |
2016-2017 | Member – Evaluation Committee for the promotion to the rank of Professor, Department of Education, University of Cyprus. |
2014-2017 | Member of the Professional National Committee of School Mathematics, Israeli Ministry of Education. |
2013-2018 | Co-Chair (with X. Yang) of Topic Study Group 46: “Knowledge in/for teaching mathematics at secondary level” at the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME). |
2014-2015 | Member – Program Committee of the 3rd annual meeting of the Jerusalem Conference on Research in Mathematics Education (JCRME). |
2014 | Chair – Professional Committee on Education, The Israel Science Foundation (ISF). |
2013-2014 | Member – Program Committee of the 2nd annual meeting of the Jerusalem Conference on Research in Mathematics Education (JCRME). |
2013 | Member – Professional Committee on Education, The Israel Science Foundation (ISF). |
2012-2016 | Chair – Expert Committee for the examination of the request of Orot Israel College of Education to open a M.Ed. program in elementary school mathematics and science, The Council for Higher Education. |
2012-2016 | Chair – Expert Committee for the examination of the request of Oranim College of Education to open a M.Ed. program in elementary school mathematics and science, The Council for Higher Education. |
2011-2015 | Chair – Expert Committee for the examination of the request of Al-Qasemi College of Education to open a M.Ed. program in secondary school mathematics, The Council for Higher Education. |
2010-2012 | Member – Expert Committee for the activity on “What do mathematics teachers need to know?” Initiative for Applied Education Research, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. |
2009-2015 | Chair – Expert Committee for the examination of the request of Achva College of Education to open a M.Ed. program in elementary school mathematics, The Council for Higher Education. |
2009-2010 | Chair – Expert Committee for the activity on “Who will teach in a teacher shortage?” Initiative for Applied Education Research, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. |
2001-2008 | Co-Chair (with D. L. Ball) – the International Committee of the International Commission on Mathematics Instruction (ICMI) Study on the Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics. |
2004-2005 | Co-Chair (with D. L. Ball) – the International Program Committee of the International Commission on Mathematics Instruction (ICMI) Study Conference on the Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics. |
2004-2005 | Member – Coordinators of Group 12 - From a Study of Teaching Practices to Issues in Teacher Education at the 4thbi-annual Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME). |
2002-2003 | Member – Coordinators of Group 12 - From a Study of Teaching Practices to Issues in Teacher Education at the 3rdbi-annual Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME). |
2001-2002 | Member – Program Committee of the 26th annual meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME). |
1999-2003 | Member - International Committee of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME). |
1999-2000 | Chief Organizer (with D. L. Ball) for Working Group for Action #8: "Research, Practice and Theory of Mathematics Education" at the 9th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME). |
1998-1999 | Member - Organizing Committee of the 23rd annual meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME). |
1986 | Member - Organizing and Program Committees of the 8th annual meeting of the North-American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA). |
2020 | Lecture on “Using assessment to inform instructional decisions: A story of a three-decade research and development journey” at the Virtual International Conference on “Diagnosis-based Teaching in Science and Mathematics”, the Weizmann Institute of Science. |
2018 | Lecture on "Teachers Editing Textbooks: Opportunities and Challenges” at the 1st Israeli-Canadian Education Workshop on “Teachers and Teaching in the Era of Change”, Jerusalem, Israel. |
2016 | Lecture on “The professional education and development of teachers” at the Early Career Researcher Day at ICME-13, Hamburg, Germany. |
2016 | Lecture on “The professional education and development of teachers” at the Early Career ReLecture on “Teachers’ views on the relevance of advanced mathematics studies to secondary school teaching” at TSG-46 on “Knowledge in/for teaching mathematics at the secondary level” at ICME-13, Hamburg, Germany.earcher Day at ICME-13, Hamburg, Germany. |
2015 | Lecture on “The interplay of factors involved in students' opportunities to engage in argumentative activity in the mathematics classroom” at the International Symposium of Research on Mathematical Argumentation in Mathematics Education (2015 ISRMA), Discipline of Mathematics Education (DME), Department of International Cooperation and Science Education, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Taiwan, Hsinchu, Taiwan. |
2015 | Lecture on “The opportunities for argumentative activity offered in 7th grade Israeli math textbooks” at the International Symposium of Research on Mathematical Argumentation in Mathematics Education (2015 ISRMA), Discipline of Mathematics Education (DME), Department of International Cooperation and Science Education, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Taiwan, Hsinchu, Taiwan. |
2014 | Lecture on “Factors involved in shaping students’ opportunities to develop habits of mind in the context of school mathematics” at the 2nd joint international meeting of the Israeli Mathematical Union (IMU) and the American Mathematical Society (AMS). Israel. |
2012 | Lecture on “Challenges associated with conceptualizing and developing teacher expertise in mathematics instruction” at the Research Forum on Conceptualizing and developing expertise in mathematics instruction at the 36th conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME), Taipei, Taiwan. |
2012 | Lecture on “Alternative theoretical perspectives in and for mathematics education” at Topic Study Group 37 on Theoretical issues in mathematics education at the 12th International Congress on Mathematics Education (ICME-12). Seoul, South Korea. |
2010 | Lecture on “The use of recursion in teacher preparation programs in Israel” at the Seminar "Mathematics Education around the World: Bridging Policy and Practice". Part of the Institute for Advanced Study's Park City Mathematics Institute (IAS/PCMI) in Park City, Utah, USA. |
2009 | Lecture on “The teaching of functions in Israeli classrooms” at the Seminar "Mathematics Education around the World: Bridging Policy and Practice". Part of the Institute for Advanced Study's Park City Mathematics Institute(IAS/PCMI) in Park City, Utah, USA. |
2008 | Plenary lecture on “Offering mathematics to learners in different classes of the same teacher” at the joint meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 32) and the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA XXX). Morelia, Mexico. |
2008 | Plenary lecture on “Knowledge for teaching mathematics” at the 11th International Congress on Mathematics Education (ICME-11). Monterrey, Mexico. |
2008 | Lecture on “Educating practicing mathematics teachers: What is missing in the literature?” at the plenary panel at Discussion Group 7 on Dilemmas and controversies in the education of mathematics teachers at the 11thInternational Congress on Mathematics Education (ICME-11). Monterrey, Mexico. |
2008 | Plenary lecture on “The tensions between the academic foundations of mathematics teacher education and well grounded experience in what constitutes a good teacher” at working group 2 on “The professional formation of mathematics teachers” at the Symposium for celebration of the centennial of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI). Rome, Italy. |
2008 | Lecture on “Educating all students to be creative in mathematics: What do teachers need to learn and how should they learn it?” at the conference on “Creativity in mathematics and the education of gifted students”. Haifa, Israel. |
2007 | Lecture on “The complexity of guidance” at the plenary panel on “Guidance” at the International Workshop on “Guided Construction of Knowledge in Classrooms”. Jerusalem, Israel. |
2006 | Plenary lecture on “The 15th ICMI Study on the Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics at the international seminar on “Changing the Practice of Science Teachers through Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programs”. Sefad, Israel. |
2006 | Plenary lecture on “Using assessment to inform instructional decisions: How hard can it be?” at the international forum for public discussion on mathematics education: “Mathematics, assessment and in between”. Herzlia, Israel. |
2005 | Lecture on “Integrating knowledge and practice as a means to raise PD providers’ awareness of their own conceptions and beliefs” at the Metacognition SIG invited symposium on “Activating Metacognitive Processes in the Classroom” at the 11th biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Nicosia, Cyprus. |
2005 | Keynote speech on “MANOR: The development of providers of Professional Development for Teachers” at the bi-annual meeting of the Korean Society of Mathematics Education. Seoul, Korea. |
2005 | Lecture on “Developing and integrating knowledge and practice: Examination of two activities” at the ICMI Study Conference on the Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics. Águas de Lindóia, Brazil. |
2005 | Plenary lecture on “MANOR: The development of providers of Professional Development for Teachers” at the ICMI Study 15 Satellite Conference on Mathematics Education. Sao-Paulo, Brazil. |
2005 | Lecture on “Knowledge and practice” at the plenary symposium on “Improving practice and research of educational evaluation and measurement” at the Learning Seminar on Educational Evaluation and Measurement, organized by the Initiative for Applied Research in Education, the Israeli Academy of Sciences. Jerusalem, Israel. |
2005 | Lecture on “A different learner’s perspective: The development of providers of professional development for teachers” at the Korean – Weizmann Institute Seminar on “Issues of mathematics education”. Rehovot, Israel. |
2004 | Lecture on “The nature of mathematical knowledge for secondary teaching” at the Research Forum on "International perspectives on the nature of mathematical knowledge for secondary teaching: Progress and dilemmas" at the 28th conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME). Bergen, Norway. |
2004 | Lecture on “Integrating knowledge and practice in the preparation of providers of professional development for teachers: Theoretical and empirical challenges” at the invited presidential international panel on "International perspectives on teacher professional development" at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Diego, CA, USA. |
2003 | Plenary lecture on “Continuing professional development for mathematics teachers – an Israeli experience” at the DfES/ACME (British Department of Education and Skills & Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education of The Royal Society) Seminar on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Teachers of Mathematics. London, UK. |
2002 | Keynote speech on “The development of mathematics teacher leaders and inservice teacher educators” at the ICM-2002 (International Congress of Mathematicians) Satellite Conference on Mathematics Education. Lhasa, Tibet. |
2001 | Plenary lecture on “The development of mathematics teacher leaders and inservice teacher educators” at the North Carolina-Israel Workshop. North Carolina, USA. |
1999 | Plenary lecture on "Teacher professional development" at the special session on "Aspects of mathematics education in Israel" at the 23rd conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME). Haifa, Israel. |
1998 | Plenary lecture on "Reform in science and mathematics teachers' professional development" at the European Union - Weizmann Institute of Science Seminar on "New Approaches to Scientific Education in Primary and Secondary School". Brussels, Belgium. |
1996 | Semi-plenary lecture on “Teacher subject-matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge: Research and development” at the Research Forum on "The mathematics teacher: Development, change and beliefs" at the 20th conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Valencia, Spain. |
1996 | Plenary international roundtable discussion on "Mathematics teachers as decision makers: Changes and challenges" at the 8th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Seville, Spain. |
1993 | Plenary lecture on “Knowing that and knowing why: Subject-matter knowledge and knowledge about students as sources of mathematics pedagogical knowledge” at the joint US-Israel Workshop on "Teachers' cognition: pedagogical knowledge". Co-sponsored by the US-Israel Bi-national Science Foundation and the McDonnell Foundation. Tel-Aviv, Israel. |
1989 | Lecture on “How do prospective secondary teachers understand the univalence of functions?” at the symposium on"Graphing and functions: cases of learning, learning to teach, and teaching" at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Francisco, CA, USA. |
2021-2024 | Project for the development and implementation of teaching units for advanced 9th grade mathematics (Think Far with Mathematics). The Trump Foundation ($470,000). |
2018-2021 | Project for the development and implementation of diagnostic assignments for advanced 9th grade mathematics (MesiMatica II). The Trump Foundation ($750,000). |
2017-2018 | Project for the professional development of mathematics teachers at Petach Tikva secondary schools. MAKEFET ($52,000). |
2014-2018 | Project for the development and implementation of diagnostic assignments for advanced 10th grade mathematics (MesiMatica I). The Trump Foundation ($930,000). |
2012-2016 | Project for studying opportunities for argumentative activity offered by junior-high school mathematics textbooks. Israeli Science Foundation ($95,000). |
2012-2014 | Project for the development and translation to Arabic of teaching materials for advanced junior-high school students, Ministry of Education ($130,000). |
2011-2014 | Project for the development and translation to Arabic of the Integrated Mathematics (Matematica Meshulevet) junior-high school curriculum program (two levels), Ministry of Education ($620,000). |
2006-2012 | Project for the preparation of mentor teachers. Ministry of Education ($140,000). |
2009-2010 | Project for the development of 7th grade math textbook. Tarbut La’am ($125,000). |
2009 | Project for studying the ways in which teachers structure and handle the mathematical content of lessons. Center for research excellence, Weizmann Institute of Science ($25,000). |
2007-2009 | Project for studying enacted types of algebraic activities in different classes using the same curriculum materials. Israeli Science Foundation ($60,000). |
2005-2006 | Project for studying practices and social interactions in mathematics classes of different levels. Ministry of Education and Culture’s Chief Scientist ($17,000). |
2005-2006 | Project for translating curriculum materials to Arabic. Ministry of Education and Culture ($130,000). |
2004-2007 | Project for advancing curriculum implementation. Ministry of Education and Culture ($140,000). |
2002-2004 | Project for the advancement of quantitative reasoning. Ministry of Education and Culture ($120,000). |
1994-2003 | MANOR - National Mathematics Teacher Center, Ministry of Education and Culture ($1.6 million). |
2000-2002 | Project for providing professional development for teachers and improving mathematics teaching in Achva’s region secondary schools. Achva Regional Teacher Center ($60,000). |
1999-2001 | Project for providing professional development for teachers and improving mathematics teaching in Ashdod elementary and junior-high schools. Ashdod Regional Teacher Center ($150,000). |
1997 | Project for the development of resource files for teacher-leaders and teacher educators, Ministry of Education and Culture ($60,000). |
1993-1995 | Project for (a) preparation of mathematics teacher-leaders, (b) development of resource files, Ministry of Education and Culture ($300,000). |
1990-1993 | Project for improving mathematics teaching in Tel-Aviv junior-high schools, The Municipality of Tel Aviv-Jaffa ($200,000). |