Yocheved Stein, The contribution of academic mathematical studies to teaching in secondary school: The case of teachers who studied academic mathematics, for the first time, in parallel to teaching, Weizmann Institute of Science. Current activity: PhD student at the Weizmann Institute.
Anna Hoffmann, The contribution of advanced mathematical studies to teaching mathematics in secondary mathematics: The case of knowledge and beliefs about mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science. Current activity: PhD student at the Weizmann Institute.
Ayelet Gottlieb, Changes suggested by teachers in the textbook they use in class: the case of equivalent algebraic expressions, Weizmann Institute of Science. Current activity: Head of development of mathematics learning materials.
Sarit Dolev (Borukhov), Justifications and proofs of mathematical statements in 7th grade textbooks. Weizmann Institute of Science.
Irad Niv, Equivalent algebraic expressions in the 7th grade: Teaching approaches and cognitive demands in three beginning algebra textbooks. Weizmann Institute of Science.
Michal Ayalon, What does one mean when claiming that learning mathematics develops deductive reasoning? Weizmann Institute of Science. Current activity: Lecturer at the University of Haifa.
Gabi Goldenberg, The portfolio as a means for changing teacher assessment of student knowledge of positive rational numbers. Tel Aviv University (joint supervision with D. Tirosh).
Avigail Hartman, What characterizes the knowledge of high-school teachers in probability and its teaching, Tel Aviv University (joint supervision with D. Tirosh).
Rivka Lipman, Checking some aspects of using and understanding the function concept while locating related prospective teachers' difficulties, Ben Gurion University (joint supervision with T. Eisenberg).
1993 Naomi Robinson, Connectedness in teaching: Equivalent algebraic expressions - by expert and novice teachers, Tel Aviv University (joint supervision with .D. Tirosh).
Doctoral Students
Anna Hoffmann, The contribution of advanced mathematical studies to teaching mathematics in secondary mathematics: The case of knowledge and beliefs about mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science.
Boaz Silverman, Explanations and justifications in Israeli mathematics textbooks and the textbook's contribution to shaping classroom learning. Weizmann Institute of Science. https://doi.org/10.34933/wis.000334 Current activity: Member of the Mathematics Group at the Center of Educational Technology (CET).
Shai Olsher, Changes in the textbook performed by teachers using a Wikibook. Weizmann Institute of Science. Current activity: Lecturer at the University of Haifa.
Michal Ayalon. Argumentation and school mathematics. Weizmann Institute of Science. Current activity: Lecturer at the University of Haifa.
Orly Gottlib, How teachers relate to students’ mathematics related communication. Ben Gurion University (joint supervision with T. Eisenberg). Current activity: Mathematics teacher educator at Orot Israel College of Education.
Tammy Eisenmann, The same teacher, the same curriculum materials, different schools: What is the enacted curriculum? Weizmann Institute of Science. Current activity: Director of the Initiative for Applied Education Research.
Tali Wallach, Teachers’ hearing and interpretation of students’ talk and action while they engage in mathematics problem solving. Weizmann Institute of Science. Current activity: Mathematics teacher educator at Achva College of Education and ראש המסלול להכשרה קלינית במסלול יסודי ועל יסודי.
Tova Kvatinsky, Practice of probability teaching: A comparative analysis of teaching probability in classes of different levels. Weizmann Institute of Science. Current activity:במכללה האקדמית לחינוך תלפיות ראש המחלקה למינהל סטודנטים (Former Head of the mathematics department at Talpiot College of Education).
Postdoctoral Fellows and Interims
Michal Ayalon Current activity: Lecturer at the University of Haifa.
Ivy Kidron. Current activity: Professor at the Jerusalem College of Technology.