- Yerushalmi, E. (1994). Workshop leader guide: Problem Solving, ST-WIS.
- Yerushalmi, E., & Eylon, B. (1994). Mechanics: activity Modules, ST-WIS.
- Yerushalmi, E. (1996). Workshop leader guide: How to learn from mistakes, ST-WIS.
- Yerushalmi, E., & Eylon, B. (2003). Workshop leader guide and associated teacher guide – cooperative problem solving, MALAM.
- Kapach, Z., Bagno, E., Magen, E., & Yerushalmi, E. (2008). Web-based test preparation modules in introductory physics (Newton Laws, Electrostatics, Electric Circuits), MALAM.
- Yerushalmi E. (Ed.) (2010). Translation to Arabic – Models of light, MALAM .
- Yerushalmi E. (Ed.) (2010). Translation to Arabic – Models of the atom and the nucleus, MALAM.
- Yerushalmi, E., Puterkovski, M., Polingher, C., & Bagno, E. (2011). Web-based troubleshooting modules - electrostatics, electric circuits, magnetism, ST-WIS. (in Hebrew).
- Langbeheim, E., Livne, S., Safran, S., & Yerushalmi, E. (2011). Soft Matter- interdisciplinary program for high school chemistry and physics students – presentations and worksheets accompanying curricular units (1st Version), Davison Institute of Science Education, ST-WIS. (in Hebrew and English).
- Schulmann, N., Golan, A., & Yerushalmi, E. (2013). The puzzle of diffusion, a module for computational science (MOACH) program, Davison Institute of Science Education, ST-WIS.
- Magen, E., Ailabouni, S., Safadi, R., & Yerushalmi E. (2014). Computerized Troubleshooting Tasks in Geometrical Optics And 1-D Waves For 10th Grade, MALAM. (in Hebrew and Arabic).
- Edri, H., & Yerushalmi, E. (2015). Computational investigations in the instructional physics laboratory, MALAM .
- Langley, D., & Yerushalmi, E. (2016). Design Guidelines - Introductory Modules of the Research Physics Training Program, MALAM .
- Kapach, Z., Langley, D., Arieli, R., Krakover, Z., & Yerushalmi, E. (2017). Central dilemmas in the training of mentors of students carrying out year-long research projects, MALAM.
- Kapach, Z., Langley, D., Arieli, R., Krakover, Z., & Yerushalmi, E. (2017). Workshop leader guide - research physics training program - practical work and advanced training for mentors of students' research projects; MALAM .
- Shalev, N., Perl, D., Kapach, Z., Arica, Z., & Yerushalmi, E. (2017). Mentor booklet – Research Physics, 10th grade, Modules 1 & 2, MALAM .
- Shalev, N., Perl, D., Kapach, Z., Arica, Z., & Yerushalmi, E. (2018). Mentor booklet – research physics, 10th grade, modules 3-6, MALAM.
- Krakover, Z. Edri, H, Sheiner, D. Perl-Nussbaum, D., & Yerushalmi, E. (2018). Guiding students in a 'Research Physics' project: Parametric resonance in a spring pendulum, parts 1,2, study of bubbles adhering to a liquid, parts 1-3, Brownian motion parts 1-5, the Carousel. (10 videos, ~ 5 minutes each), MALAM.
- Kapach, Z., & Yerushalmi, E. (2018). Workshop leader guide -10th grade mentors of students' research projects, MALAM.
- Kapach, Z., & Yerushalmi, E. (2018). Workshop leader guide -11th grade mentors of students' research projects, MALAM.
- Perl-Nussbaum, D., Langbeheim, E., Armoni, M., & Yerushalmi, E. (2019). Computational modeling activities for inquiry-based middle school physics. ST-WIS. (in PeTel - Personalized Teaching and Learning environment).
- Levy, S,. & Yerushalmi, E. (2019). Workshop Leaders Booklet – the 2019 Professional Learning Communities activities and learning materials, MALAM.
- Kapach, Z., & Yerushalmi, E. (2019). Teacher's booklet – inquiry oriented physics activities, MALAM.
Kapach, Z., & Yerushalmi, E. (2019). Teacher's booklet – collaborative assessment of students work in inquiry oriented physics activities, MALAM.
- Edri, H., & Yerushalmi, E. (2019). Teacher's Booklet Expanding knowledge in physics for mentors of students, research projects – Computational modeling: from a two-particle system to a multi-particle system (molecular dynamics of hard sphere gas), MALAM.
Levy, S., Noga, A., & Yerushalmi, E. (2020). Professional Learning Communities - Leaders’ guide, MALAM.
Kapach, Z., & Yerushalmi, E. (2020). Resources for the sub-committee “Reform in the national lab matriculation”. MALAM.
Abrashkin, A. Safran, S., & Yerushalmi, E. (2020). Expanding knowledge in physics for mentors of students, research projects – Statistical Mechanics modeling of "non-interacting" systems for 11th graders part b – Thermal Contact, MALAM.
- Abrashkin, A. Safran, S., & Yerushalmi, E. (2020). Expanding knowledge in physics for mentors of students’ research projects – Statistical Mechanics modeling of "non-interacting" systems for 11th graders part a – Diffusion, MALAM.
- Edri, H., & Yerushalmi, E. (2020). Teacher's booklet –multi particle systems in high school physics, MALAM.
- Perl-Nussbaum, D., Kapach, Z., Sivan, O., Krakover, Z., & Yerushalmi, E. (2021). Interdisciplinary dialogic argumentation professional development and classroom activities for middle-school physics. ST-WIS.
Magen, E., Halamish, Y., Shaked, A., Gilat, O., Lehavi, Y., & Yerushalmi, E. (2022). Interactive PeTel modules: diagnosis-based instructional sequences to promote self- regulated learning in the physics classroom, MALAM.
Kapach, Z., & Yerushalmi, E. (2022). “Towards reform in the national lab matriculation” teachers’ booklet – assessment items and scoring rubrics. MALAM.
Kapach, Z. Noga, A., Abrashkin A., & Yerushalmi, E. (2023). “Towards reform in the national lab matriculation” teachers’ booklet - deliberation lab activities - Mechanics. MALAM.
Kapach, Z. Sivan, O., Levy, S., & Yerushalmi, E. (2023). Professional learning community leader modules – promoting practices aligned with the OECD 2030 learning compass in the instructional laboratory – experimental design and measurement uncertainty. MALAM.
Magen, E., Ofir, K., Levy, S., Gilat, O., & Yerushalmi, E. (2023). Professional learning community leader modules: integrating digital activities to promote self- regulated learning in physics problem solving, MALAM.
- Magen, E., Ofir, K., Levy, S., Lehavi, Y., & Yerushalmi, E. (2023). Interactive PeTel modules: diagnosis-based teaching sequences in the physics classroom aligned with the OECD 2030 learning compass, MALAM.
Porat, G., Walter, M., Langley, D., & Yerushalmi, E. (2023). Impulse and Momentum – a diagnostic questionnaire developed for grouper: a learning analytic tool presenting teachers with projection of their own class on clusters of student responses exhibiting similar knowledge structures. MALAM.
Krakover, Z., Blau Barak, E., Perl, D., Bernholz U., Katz, B., & Yerushalmi, E. (2023). Gateway to Physics – Inquiry modules for 9th grade advance level Physics - Energy, MALAM.
Bernholz U., Katz, B. Lehavi, Y. Blau Barak, E., Krakover, Z., Abrashkin, A., Perl, D., & Yerushalmi, E. (2023). Energy and Environment – visualizing thermal energy - digital activities, MALAM.
Kapach, Z. Abrashkin A., Lehavi, Y., & Yerushalmi, E. (2023). Teacher booklet, Physics for science 10th grade students, Optics – Part B, MALAM.
Kapach, Z. Abrashkin A., Lehavi, Y., & Yerushalmi, E. (2023). Teacher booklet, Physics for science 10th grade students, Optics – Part A, MALAM.
Levy, S, Shvarzbord, Kobi, Noga A. & Yerushalmi, E. (2024). Professional learning community leader modules: physics card games to promote knowledge organization. MALAM.
Ofir, K., Levy, S. & Yerushalmi, E. (2024). Interactive PeTel modules: Digital Activities to Promote Self-Monitoring in Physics Problem Solving. MALAM.
Noga, A., Kapach, Z., Levy, S. & Yerushalmi, E. (2024). Professional learning community leader modules: Deliberation Lab Activities to Promote Student Agency in Experimental Research Practices. MALAM.
Kapach, Z., Noga, A., & Yerushalmi, E. (2024). Teachers’ booklet: Lab Activities and assessment items aligned with the reformed lab matriculation guidelines. MALAM.