(2025) Physical Review Physics Education Research. 21, 1, 010101. Abstract
Response to the continuing call to integrate scientific inquiry activities into high school education has taken different forms varying in student ownership, physical setting, time span, and mentoring resources. Important issues are how students perceive central dimensions of their experience, and the extent to which the inquiry framework design serves to promote a sense of growth in the participants. The current research followed a group of 34 high school physics students who participated in the out-of-school Research Physics program over a 3-year period (2016-2019), gradually progressing from inquiry-oriented lab activities to an extended inquiry project under the guidance of teacher-mentors, within an instructional design of cognitive apprenticeship. The research focused on a set of 15 inquiry components, some directly related to experimental practices such as formulating inquiry questions, preparing and performing experiments, data processing using technological tools, others related to the scientific culture of presenting oral and written inquiry reports, and finally abilities of teamwork and self-regulation. Data regarding students' perceptions of three aspects - Experience, Difficulty, and Development with respect to the inquiry components, were collected at the end of each year, using self-report questionnaires. The analysis of longitudinal trends revealed several inquiry components for which significant changes occurred in the perceptions of the three aspects, which can be mainly related to the program design. The research hypothesis regarding the relationship between the three aspects was that the perceived Development would match the levels of the perceived Experience and Difficulty for all 15 inquiry components. The quantitative analysis revealed four groups of inquiry components, only two of which aligned with the hypothesis. The quantitative findings are explained based on program design and qualitative data about student effort and ways of coping and teacher-mentor scaffolding methods.
(2024) Physics Education. 59, 5, 055010. Abstract
Despite the positive effects of gamification on student motivation and learning outcomes, there are still widespread concerns that playing games is merely fun and have no added value, thus making teachers hesitate about incorporating games into their teaching. This paper describes Phys-Cards games, designed as a summative hands-on activity that highlights physics concepts through a contrast and compare task in a game context. The Phys-Cards games were presented in a national network of professional learning communities (PLCs) for high school physics teachers. The teachers first played the games and then reflected on their experiences after they implemented them in their classrooms. Surveys and an analysis of the teachers reflections indicated that they valued the Phys-Cards games and reported that the games contributed to students conceptual understanding and knowledge organization. However, teachers faced challenges such as team size and composition, how to best monitor different groups, and timing in the instructional sequence. In their discussions during the PLC meetings, the teachers identified the features of the games that best promotedmeaningful collaborative learning and suggested productive ways to incorporate the games into their teaching.
(2024) Physical Review Physics Education Research. 20, 2, 020146. Abstract
In this paper, we demonstrate the fruitfulness of a theoretical framework called Commognition, developed in the context of mathematics education research, for conceptualizing and analyzing a professional development (PD) process on measurement uncertainty for secondary physics teachers. Evaluating measurement uncertainty is an important learning goal in the physics lab and is key to determining the validity of an experiment. While research has mapped difficulties students face and teaching strategies to support them, teacher PD still requires attention, both in capturing teachers' existing perceptions and in designing PD activities that address these perceptions and support teachers in adopting a more scientifically aligned discourse on measurement uncertainty. Commognition perceives learning as becoming a participant in the discourse of a specific professional community. A discourse consists of keywords, visual mediators, narratives, and routines - and metarules that govern their use. The appropriation of a new discourse involves reconciling conflicts between the metarules of learners' existing discourse and the new discourse (i.e., commognitive conflicts). We adopted the commognitive framework in all phases of our PD design. First, we mapped the canonical discourse we intended our teachers to adopt versus the prevailing discourse of physics teachers in our national context. Following this mapping, we designed PD tasks intended to lead participants to acknowledge the limitations of their existing discourse on measurement uncertainty as a precursor to internalizing the canonical discourse. Finally, the commognitive framework served as an analytical lens to detect commognitive conflicts involved in collaborative sensemaking among the teachers and between them and the PD facilitators. We demonstrate this type of analysis in a case study, in which learners who hold different discursive metarules encounter implicit commognitive conflicts and discuss implications and untapped opportunities for physics teachers' PD process on measurement uncertainty.
(2024) Physics Education. 59, 1, 015018. Abstract
During a professional development course for graduate student teaching assistants (TAs), a question was asked-would you use a context-rich problem (presented via a narrative set in a real-world context, not broken into parts and sometimes even without an explicit question) in an introductory physics class, and if so, how? One graduate TAs sentiment appeared to resonate with most of the other TAs in the class, I will not use this at all.. Though more experienced in teaching, physics faculty often share this point of view-less than half of interviewed faculty members indicated they appreciated yet would not use such a problem. But if we want students to become proficient problem-solvers, should we not employ a comprehensive toolbox containing a wide variety of problem-types? Is there not a place for a context-rich problem in our teaching or are we overlooking the benefits and utility of problems such as these? Evidence continues to suggest that TAs and faculty alike both appear to be reluctant to adopt some types of physics problems in their teaching, while relying almost completely on just a couple types of problems. Based upon education research data, we believe it is time to broaden those horizons.
(2024) Physics Education Today. Fazio C. & Logman P.(eds.). p. 35-53 Abstract
The GTG Mathematics in Physics Education follows the philosophy of supporting physics understanding by the conscious use of mathematical structures in physics teaching. We discuss the possible roles of digital tools in promoting physics understanding by fostering sense making of computational models, using geometrical visualizations or interpreting app-generated diagrams in a physics context. We look into three types of digital tools: (a) Smartphone apps that allow data collection from the phones internal sensors to effortlessly produce graphical representations of the data. (b) GeoGebra, that combines different mathematical representations and allows their visualization and manipulation. (c) Computational modeling via Vpython where students can build or manipulate a computational model and compare it to experimental results. We will describe the potential of these tools to improve understanding of different mathematical features in physics, as well as obstacles that educators should take into account. In addition we present some empirical findings concerning graphs from smartphone apps and experiences from teacher professional development.
(2023) Science Education. Abstract
Out-of-field teaching is a global educational challenge. In particular, many teachers whose academic background and main teaching experience is in biology are called to teach middle school physics and have limited opportunities for productive professional development. Based on previous studies, we expect these teachers to hold different epistemic cognitions from the in-field teachers. The present study builds on this epistemic diversity and offers dialogic argumentation as a means to promote mutual learning among physics teachers from different disciplinary backgrounds. We describe guidelines for designing interdisciplinary dialogic argumentation activities that aim to encourage teachers to express their disciplinary perspectives in the context of inquiry-based physics and to facilitate a deliberative discourse among them. We demonstrate in a case study the ways in which the discourse of a group of in-field and out-of-field teachers unfolds under the proposed design guidelines. Using the Actor-Network methodology and an analysis of power relations, we uncover a complex interplay between the social and the epistemic in the discourse: when interactions become more dialogic and power relations more equalized, the out-of-field teachers take an active role in the discussion, foregrounding their epistemic practices and enhancing the epistemic practices of the group, including the in-field teacher.
(2022) Physical review. Physics education research. 18, 1, 010137. Abstract
Inquiry practices can be integrated into various settings that differ in terms of their constraints and hence in the scope and depth of the practices that students experience. Key policy papers suggest implementing a gradual learning sequence for inquiry practices so that students learning experiences in more constrained settings can serve them later in extended research projects. What type of learning progression in inquiry is valued by students? To answer this question, students views were examined while progressing from inquiry-oriented instructional labs to an extended research project. This was done in the context of the Research Physics program, a three-year program consisting of an introductory stage followed by a long-term (∼18 months) research project. The group administered interactive questionnaire methodology was used to collect student reflections at the interface between the two stages of the program, both individually and in groups. Students were asked to identify inquiry practices they had encountered during the introductory stage and to evaluate their contribution to their projects. Findings showed that while students perceived the development of measurement, analysis, and self-monitoring skills as useful in preparing them for future research projects, this was not the case for the practices of teamwork and communication of knowledge. We explain these findings, using the boundary crossing theoretical lens, by looking at the different meanings these two practices take on when imported from the physicists lab to the educational lab and suggest that this impedes the cultural boundary crossing between these two settings.
(2021) Physics Education. 57, 1, 015018. Abstract
The instructional lab setting has been found to be dominated by prescribed tasks and pre-prepared lab kits. This was explained by teachers' need to guide students to simultaneously progress through a lab curriculum, which prompts them to standardize the lab experience. Nevertheless, prominent professional associations have persistently called to better represent experimental research practices in the lab, and to grant students more agency in the experimental process by orienting them towards more open-ended lab experiences. This paper reports a lab activity designed to advance students' agency in the practice of experimental design, in a setting governed by a high-stakes national matriculation exam. Three hundred teachers of advanced level high-school physics experienced the lab activity in a national network of professional learning communities (PLCs). The activity was anchored in an experiment to determine the relationship between the current through a battery and its terminal voltage. It was designed to problematize students' considerations underlying the choices of the location of the voltmeter and the measuring scale of the ammeter, and the possible implications for the validity of the experimental results; e.g. control of the variables, as well as the range and the accuracy of measurements. Teachers first performed the lab activity as learners, discussed it in the PLC meeting, and finally reflected on their experience. Individual responses to the lab worksheets and the reflections were analyzed. Initially, teachers' considerations did not portray key aspects related to the validity of the experimental results, such as how design choices related to the location of the voltmeter and the ammeter measuring scale impacted the accuracy and range of the measurements and the control of variables. The teachers were highly engaged in the peer discussion in the PLC and found the lab activity valuable in raising students' awareness of important considerations in experimental design.
(2020) Physical Review Physics Education Research. 16, 2, 020147. Abstract
This article describes the redesign of a project-based course on soft and biological materials to include computational modeling. Including the construction of computational models in the course is described as a shift from constructivism-a theory that characterizes the development of formal reasoning, to constructionism-a theory that focuses on learning while constructing artifacts. This shift ameliorated two drawbacks in the original course: the limited conceptualization of entropy resulting from an unproductive use of the disorder metaphor, and the dependence of most students on the teacher for writing theoretical explanations for their final papers. In the redesigned curriculum, computer simulations provide concrete dynamic representations that students can draw upon for developing nuanced, formal reasoning on entropy and the 2nd law of thermodynamics. In addition, core computational models act as a flexible web that can be extended and modified, and allow a significant proportion of the students to build theoretical models on their own. We conclude that while the new design reflects a shift towards constructionism, we did not adopt a fully constructionist approach, rather a blend of constructivist and constructionist approaches.
(2020) European Journal of Physics. 41, 5, 055701. Abstract
Grading can shape students' learning and encourage use of effective problem solving practices. Teaching assistants (TAs) are often responsible for grading student solutions and providing feedback, thus, their perceptions of grading may impact grading practices in the physics classroom. Understanding TAs' perceptions of grading is instrumental for curriculum developers as well as professional development leaders interested in improving grading practices. In order to identify TAs' perceptions of grading, we used a data collection tool designed to elicit TAs' considerations when making grading decisions as well as elicit possible conflicts between their stated goals and actual grading practices. The tool was designed to explicate TAs' attitudes towards research-based grading practices that promote effective problem solving approaches. TAs were first asked to state their goals for grading in general. Then, TAs graded student solutions in a simulated setting while explicating and discussing their underlying considerations. The data collection tool was administered at the beginning of TAs' first postgraduate teaching appointment and again after one semester of teaching experience. We found that almost all of the TAs stated that the purpose of grading was formative, i.e. grading should encourage students to learn from their mistakes as well as inform the instructor of common student difficulties. However, when making grading decisions in a simulated setting, the majority of TAs' grading considerations focused on correctness and they did not assign grades in a way that encourages use of effective problem solving approaches. TAs' perceptions of grading did not change significantly during one semester of teaching experience.
(2020) Journal of Science Education and Technology. 6, p. 785-796 Abstract
This study focuses on science teachers' first encounter with computational modeling in professional development workshops. It examines the factors shaping the teachers' self-efficacy and attitudes towards integrating computational modeling within inquiry-based learning modules for 9th grade physics. The learning modules introduce phenomena, the analysis of measurement data, and offer a method for coordinating the experimental findings with a theory-based computational model. Teachers' attitudes and self-efficacy were studied using survey questions and workshop activity transcripts. As expected, prior experience in physics teaching was related to teachers' self-efficacy in teaching physics in 9th grade. Also, teachers' prior experience with programming was strongly related to their self-efficacy regarding the programming component of model construction. Surprisingly, the short interaction with computational modeling increased the group's self-efficacy, and the average rating of understanding and enjoyment was similar among teachers with and without prior programming experience. Qualitative data provides additional insights into teachers' predispositions towards the integration of computational modeling into the physics teaching.
(2020) p. 278-283 Abstract
We present a study of a first step in a large-scale intervention designed to shift lab instruction away from tightly prescribed lab norms. The intervention was implemented in a national network of Professional Learning Communities of high school physics teachers (N=250) operating in a high-stakes exam setting with limited resources, and catering to diverse groups of students. A pre-intervention survey examined learning goals that the teachers value as well as practices taking place in their lab lessons. The findings revealed a gap between the importance that teachers attributed to scientific practices such as experimental design and the manifestation of these goals in the national lab exam. In addition, the survey revealed disparities between the scientific practices that teachers believe that their students engage in during the instructional lab and the practices they identify in physicists' work in research labs. The intervention consisted of a series of Restricted Inquiry Labs (RILs) designed to address the teachers' interest in change as well as the constraints imposed by the setting in which they work by modest restructuring of traditional labs such as encouraging students to reflect on the considerations underlying the experimental design. The intervention proved successful in that half of the teachers reported that they introduced the RILs. They described students' engagement when granted more autonomy in designing an experiment, as well as students' difficulties in coping with a more open-ended task. Implementation of the RILs also created challenges in class management. Despite these challenges, most teachers reported that they intended to keep using RILs. Teachers asked to re-design assessment policies to emphasize scientific inquiry. The RILs proved to be a feasible way to introduce change towards inquiry-oriented labs via professional development programs, while pointing out aspects that need to be addressed to respond to teachers' concerns.
(2020) Physical Review Physics Education Research. 16, 1, 010128. Abstract
We examined physics graduate teaching assistants' views about introductory physics problem "types," i.e., different ways of posing the same underlying physics problem, within the context of a semester-long teaching assistant (TA) professional development course. Here, we focus on TAs' views about two types of broken-into-parts problems that involve the same underlying physics scenario. One of these problem types does not involve explicit calculation, while the other does. The TAs were asked to list the pros and cons of these two types of broken-into-parts problems, rank them compared to other problem types (e.g., traditional textbook problem not broken-into-parts, context-rich problem, and multiple-choice problem) with the same underlying scenario in terms of their instructional benefit and the level of challenge they might produce for their students, and describe when and how likely they would be to use these types of problems in their own classes in different instructional situations if they had complete control of teaching the class. TAs reported that they found the broken-into-parts problem type to be the most instructionally beneficial out of all the problem types because of the guidance such problems offer, and would use a broken-into-parts problem type often and in a variety of ways (e.g., homework assignments, exams, and quizzes). While providing guidance to students is an appropriate instructional approach, our findings from interviews suggest that many TAs may be motivated to assign broken-into-parts problems out of a desire to make the problem-solving process easy and/or less stressful for students, especially because they felt that introductory students may not be capable of breaking a problem into subproblems on their own. The instructional benefits of gradually removing the scaffolding support to help students develop self-reliance in solving problems appeared to be overlooked by most TAs. In particular, in written responses or in interviews, most TAs did not mention a long-term goal of helping students develop more independence in problem solving for which one may start with broken-into-parts problems and gradually transition to problems that are not broken into parts. While the study findings that provide a snapshot of TA views in the middle and at the end of a TA professional development course may only apply to graduate TAs at a similar large university, at those institutions, professional development of TAs should take into account these findings and help TAs reflect on the important role that removing scaffolding support gradually and providing adequate challenge can play in helping introductory students develop self-reliance and become independent, expertlike problem solvers.
(2020) p. 178-183 Abstract
Different physics problem types, i.e., the same physics scenario posed as a problem in different ways, can emphasize different learning goals for students and can be used in diverse situations to meet various instructional goals. We examined graduate teaching assistants' (TAs') views about broken-into-parts introductory physics problems within the context of a semester-long TA professional development course. The TAs were asked to list the broken-into-parts problem type pros and cons of, rate its instructional benefit and the level of challenge it might produce for their students, and describe when and how often they would use such problems if they had complete control of teaching a class. We find that TAs reported the broken-into-parts problem type to be the most instructionally beneficial of all the problem types and would use a broken-into-parts problem type often and in a variety of ways (e.g., homework assignments, exams, and quizzes). Written explanations and interviews suggest they preferred to use a broken-into-parts problem type more often because of the guidance such problems offer. While providing guidance to students is an appropriate instructional approach, our findings from interviews suggest many TAs may be motivated to assign broken-into-parts problems out of a desire to make the problem-solving process easy and/or less stressful for students, especially because they felt introductory students may not be capable of breaking a problem into sub-problems on their own. The instructional benefits of gradually removing the scaffolding support to help students develop self-reliance in solving problems appeared to be overlooked by most TAs. This lack of awareness or reflection on the important role that removing scaffolding support gradually and providing adequate challenge can play in helping introductory students develop self-reliance and become independent, expert-like problem-solvers has implications for the professional development of TAs.
Extending the Boundaries of High-School Physics: Introducing Computational Modeling of Complex Systems(2019) Physics Teaching and Learning: Challenging the Paradigm. p. 111-134 Abstract
(2018) Physical Review Physics Education Research. 14, 2, 020120. Abstract
Physics problems can be posed in different ways. Given a physics scenario, different problem types presenting that scenario in various ways can emphasize different instructional goals. In this investigation, we examined the views of physics graduate teaching assistants (TAs) enrolled in a semester-long TA professional development course about the instructional benefits of different types of introductory problems based upon the same problem scenario to generate discussion and reflection on their use in different instructional situations. The TAs were asked to list the pros and cons of the problem types, rank them in terms of their instructional benefit and the level of challenge they might produce for their students, and describe when and how often they would use different types of problems in their own classes if they had complete control of teaching the class. Here we report on TAs' views about two of these problem types that were regarded by TAs as the least instructionally beneficial of all problem types - the context-rich and multiple-choice formats. Many TAs listed no pros at all for these problem types, despite being explicitly asked for at least one pro. They viewed multiple-choice questions nearly exclusively as tools for high stakes summative assessment rather than their possible use as formative assessment tools, e.g., as clicker questions even in large classes. Similarly, TAs viewed context-rich problems as overly challenging, unnecessarily wordy, and too time consuming to be instructionally beneficial to their students. It is possible that in the written responses, TAs could have focused on the example problems provided to illustrate each problem type. Therefore, discussion in the TA professional development class and in the follow-up interviews explicitly included a focus on the general instructional benefits of well-designed multiple-choice and context-rich problems in different instructional contexts based upon the goals. It appears that TAs' sentiments were general views about these types of problems, and not just their views about the specific examples that the TAs were given in order to illustrate a problem type. While TAs' concerns have obvious validity and value, the benefits of well-designed multiple-choice questions as a formative assessment tool was not readily identified by them, nor did the TAs recognize the learning benefits associated with solving context-rich problems. Given the powerful ways multiple-choice and context-rich problems can be used for active engagement and formative assessment in different instructional contexts to meet diverse instructional goals, the lack of enthusiasm for these types of problems has implications for future TA professional development programs.
(2018) p. 144-147 Abstract
Posing the same physics problem scenario in different ways can emphasize learning goals for students, such as developing expert-like problem-solving approaches. In this investigation, we examined graduate teaching assistants' (TAs') views about a context-rich introductory physics problem within a semester-long TA professional development course. The TAs were asked to list the pros and cons of a context-rich problem, rank the problem in terms of its instructional benefit and the level of challenge it might produce for their students, and describe when and how often they would use it in their own classes if they had complete control of teaching the class. We find that TAs did not find the context-rich problem to be instructionally beneficial and were unlikely to use it in their own courses. Many TAs expressed their concerns as being due to the problem seeming to be unclear or excessively challenging and time-consuming for their students. These findings suggest that there is a discrepancy between the TAs' perception of a context-rich problem and the benefits of problems posed in this manner according to the physics education research literature.
(2018) Canadian Journal of Physics. 96, 4, p. 420-437 Abstract
Teaching assistants (TAs) are often responsible for grading in introductory physics courses at large research universities. Their grading practices can shape students' approaches to problem solving and learning. Physics education research recommends grading practices that encourage students to provide evidence of understanding via explication of the problem-solving process. However, TAs may not necessarily grade in a manner that encourages students to provide evidence of understanding in their solutions. Within the context of a semester-long TA professional development course, we investigated whether encouraging TAs to use a grading rubric that appropriately weights the problem-solving process and having them reflect upon the benefits of using such a rubric prompts TAs to require evidence of understanding in student solutions. We examined how the TAs graded realistic student solutions to introductory physics problems before they were provided a rubric, whether TAs used the rubric as intended, whether they were consistent in grading similar solutions, and how TAs' grading criteria changed after discussing the benefits of a well-designed rubric. We find that many TAs typically applied the rubric consistently when grading similar student solutions, but did not require students to provide evidence of understanding. TAs' written responses, class discussions, and individual interviews suggest that the instructional activities involving the grading rubrics in this study were not sufficient to change their grading practices. Interviews and class discussions suggest that helping TAs value a rubric that appropriately weights the problem-solving process may be challenging partly due to the TAs' past educational experiences and the departmental context.
(2016) p. 408-411 Abstract
Explication and reflection on expert vs. novice considerations within the problem-solving process characterize a cognitive apprenticeship approach for the development of expert-like problem solving practices. In the context of grading, a cognitive apprenticeship approach requires that instructors place the burden of proof on students, namely, that they require explanations of reasoning and explication of problem-solving processes. However, prior research on instructors' considerations when grading revealed their reluctance to use such a grading approach, motivated by a perception of teaching that places the burden of proof on the instructor. This study focuses on physics graduate teaching assistants (TAs) who play a central role in grading. A short professional development activity was designed that involved eliciting TAs' perceptions regarding grading, presenting a cognitive apprenticeship-inspired grading rubric, followed by a discussion of the dilemma between placing the burden of proof on the instructor vs. the student. In this context, we examined TAs' grading considerations and approaches towards grading and the effect of the short professional development grading activity on them.
(2016) p. 140-143 Abstract
Physics graduate teaching assistants (TAs) are often responsible for grading. Physics education research suggests that grading practices that place the burden of proof for explicating the problem solving process on students can help them develop problem solving skills and learn physics. However, TAs may not have developed effective grading practices and may grade student solutions in introductory and advanced courses differently. In the context of a TA professional development course, we asked TAs to grade student solutions to introductory physics and quantum mechanics problems and explain why their grading approaches were different or similar in the two contexts. TAs expected and rewarded reasoning more frequently in the QM context. Our findings suggest that these differences may at least partly be due to the TAs not realizing that grading can serve as a formative assessment tool and also not thinking about the difficulty of an introductory physics problem from an introductory physics student's perspective.
Learning from mistakes: The effect of students' written self-diagnoses on subsequent problem solving(2016) Physics Teacher. 54, 2, p. 87-90 Abstract
Helping students learn to think like a physicist is an important goal of many introductory physics courses. One characteristic distinguishing more experienced physicists from novice students is that they make better use of problem solving as a learning opportunity. Experts were found to spend more time than novices in monitoring their work, reflecting upon their possibly deficient approach to solving a problem, reconsidering their choices as necessary, and extending and refining their knowledge structure. Moreover, research on worked-out examples suggests that better performing students are those who "self-explain," that is, elaborate to themselves what they are learning from those examples, generate inferences, acknowledge mismatches between their own approach and that of the example, and attempt to resolve conflicts (self-repair1). Indeed, physics instructors often express concern that many students do not make an effort to learn from their mistakes after the graded problems are returned to them. Here, we discuss an investigation focusing on how well introductory physics students self-diagnose their mistakes in their quiz solutions and its effect on subsequent problem solving in different interventions.
(2016) International Perspectives on Science Education for the Gifted:Key issues and challenges. p. 43-56 Abstract
Science apprenticeship programmes offer gifted and highly capable high school students the opportunity to participate in research projects in a university setting. Science apprenticeship programmes can serve the needs of these talented and curious youngsters, which are often not met in the regular school science curriculum. Such students are characterized by their motivation to apply their creativity, critical thinking and reasoning capabilities to explore in depth topics that interest and challenge them (Gardner, 2008). These needs can be accommodated via research apprenticeships that embody the complexity of authentic scientific investigations (Taber, 2007). It is thus expected that participation in cutting-edge scientific research projects foster these students enthusiasm for learning science.
(2015) p. 287-290 Abstract
Research shows that expert-like approaches to problem-solving can be promoted by encouraging students to explicate their thought processes and follow a prescribed problem-solving strategy. Since grading communicates instructors' expectations, teaching assistants' grading decisions play a crucial role in forming students' approaches to problem-solving in physics. We investigated the grading practices and considerations of 43 graduate teaching assistants (TAs). The TAs were asked to grade a set of specially designed student solutions and explain their grading decisions. We found that in a quiz context, a majority of TAs noticed but did not grade on solution features which promote expert-like approaches to problem-solving. In addition, TAs graded differently in quiz and homework contexts, partly because of how they considered time limitations in a quiz. Our findings can inform professional development programs for TAs.
(2015) p. 111-114 Abstract
Teaching assistants (TAs) are often responsible for grading student solutions. Since grading communicates instructors' expectations, TAs' grading decisions play a crucial role in forming students' approaches to problem solving (PS) in physics. We investigated the change in grading practices and considerations of 18 first-year graduate students participating in a TA professional development (PD) course. The TAs were asked to state their beliefs about the purpose of grading, to grade a set of specially designed student solutions, and to explain their grading decisions. We found that after one semester of teaching experience and participation in PD, TAs did not significantly change their goals for grading (i.e., a learning opportunity for both the student and the instructor) or their grading practice. In addition, TAs' grading practice frequently did not align with their goals. However, some TAs' perceptions of the level of explication required in a student solution did change. Our findings suggest that in order for PD to help TAs better coordinate their goals with appropriate grading practices, PD should focus on TAs' perception of sufficient reasoning in student solutions.
(2015) Encyclopedia of Science Education. p. 786-790 Abstract
Problem solving plays a central role in school science, serving both as a learning goal and as an instructional tool. As a learning goal, problem-solving expertise is considered as a means of promoting both proficiency in solving practice problems and competency in tackling novel problems, a hallmark of successful scientists and engineers. As an instructional tool, problem solving attempts to situate the learning of scientific ideas and practices in an applicative context, thus providing an opportunity to transform science learning into an active, relevant, and motivating experience. Problem solving is also frequently a central strategy in the assessment of students performance on various measures (e.g., mastery of procedural skills, conceptual understanding, as well as scientific and learning practices). A problem is often defined as an unfamiliar task that requires one to make judicious decisions when searching through a problem...
(2014) International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 12, 6, p. 1341-1366 Abstract
We compared the materialization of knowledge integration processes in class discussions that followed troubleshooting (TS) and problem-solving (PS) tasks and examined the impact of these tasks on students conceptual understanding. The study was conducted in two sixth-grade classes taught by the same teacher, in six lessons that constituted a third of a unit on simple electric circuits. In these lessons, one class was assigned PS tasks where students were asked to solve conceptual problems. Later they were asked to share their work in a class discussion. The other class was assigned TS tasks where students were asked to identify, explain, and correct the mistakes in \u201cteacher-made\u201d erroneous solutions to these same problems. They were also engaged later in a class discussion. We found that students performance on subsequent transfer problems was significantly higher for the TS class, in particular for students with low prior knowledge. We account for the difference in learning outcomes by the differences in the learning process: the TS tasks elicited more naïve ideas both in students worksheets as well as in class discussions, and the TS discussions involved more episodes where students developed criteria to discern scientifically acceptable and naive ideas. We also found differences in the format of students participation, where lower-achieving students participated in the TS discussions. The implications of these findings for future research are discussed.
(2014) Journal of Chemical Education. 91, 3, p. 380-385 Abstract
When a system exchanges energy with a constant-temperature environment, the entropy of the surroundings changes. A lattice model of a fluid thermal reservoir can provide a visualization of the microscopic changes that occur in the surroundings upon energy transfer from the system. This model can be used to clarify the consistency of phenomena such as crystallization or similar phase transitions with the second law of thermodynamics; in those phenomena, students intuitively grasp that the system entropy decreases, but may not have a clear picture of how it is compensated by an increase in the reservoir entropy. The model may be used in the classroom to visually demonstrate how processes in which the entropy of the system decreases can occur spontaneously; specifically, it shows how the reservoir temperature affects the magnitude of the entropy change that occurs upon energy transfer from the system.
The Impact of Diagnosing Teacher-Made Erroneous Solutions, With the Aid of On-Line Prompts and Feedback, on Students' Diagnostic Skills(2014) p. 7-16 Abstract
An on-line activity was designed to improve students' diagnostic performance in physics problem solving (i.e. their ability to explain mistakes in terms of the misuse of principles applied in an erroneous problem solution). The activity engaged students in diagnosing teacher-made erroneous problem solutions, with the aid of principle-based prompts and feedback. We examined the impact of the on-line activity on students' performance in a more natural F2F setting where students self-diagnose their solutions aided by worked-out examples. Students' learning from the self-diagnosis task was assessed in terms of their performance on transfer problems. We compared students' learning from the self-diagnosis task before and after they experienced the on-line activity. The participants were 11th grade students from the Arab sector in Israel studying the topic of geometrical optics. A detailed analysis of the progression of six students indicated that the online activity did not have a significant impact on their diagnostic skills in the more natural setting. This may have been due to the nature of the students' problem solutions, which were brief, with minimal justifications and rarely explicated the physics principles underlying their solutions. Thus students did not have much to respond to in their self-diagnoses.
(2013) Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research. 9, 2, 020117. Abstract
We analyze the development in students understanding of fundamental principles in the context of learning a current interdisciplinary research topicsoft matterthat was adapted to the level of high school students. The topic was introduced in a program for interested 11th grade high school students majoring in chemistry and/or physics, in an off-school setting. Soft matter was presented in a gradual increase in the degree of complexity of the phenomena as well as in the level of the quantitative analysis. We describe the evolution in students use of fundamental thermodynamics principles to reason about phase separationa phenomenon that is ubiquitous in soft matter. In particular, we examine the impact of the use of free energy analysis, a common approach in soft matter, on the understanding of the fundamental principles of thermodynamics. The study used diagnostic questions and classroom observations to gauge the students learning. In order to gain insight on the aspects that shape the understanding of the basic principles, we focus on the responses and explanations of two case-study students who represent two trends of evolution in conceptual understanding in the group. We analyze changes in the two case studies management of conceptual resources used in their analysis of phase separation, and suggest how their prior knowledge and epistemological framing (a combination of their personal tendencies and their prior exposure to different learning styles) affect their conceptual evolution. Finally, we propose strategies to improve the instruction of these concepts.
(2013) Journal of Science Education and Technology. 22, 4, p. 463-474 Abstract
A troubleshooting activity was carried out by an e-tutor in two steps. First, students diagnosed a mistaken statement and then compared their diagnosis to a teacher's diagnosis provided by the e-tutor. The mistaken statement involved a widespread tendency to over-generalize Ohm's law. We studied the discourse between pairs of students working with the e-tutor to examine whether and how the activity attained its objective of engaging students in knowledge integration processes; namely to elicit students' ideas, add scientifically acceptable or non-acceptable ideas and support them in developing criteria to sort out their ideas. We focus here on two case studies involving a pair of students with high prior knowledge and a pair with poor prior knowledge. The micro-analysis of these two pairs shows how the activity triggered students to explicate multiple alternative interpretations of the principles and concepts involved and attempts to align conflicting conceptions. We discuss how successive emendations gradually culminated in the elaboration of the students' understanding of these concepts.
(2013) Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 9, 1, 010121. Abstract
When classroom teachers introduce curricular innovations that conflict with their former deeply rooted practices, the teachers themselves experience a process of change. One professional development framework intended to support this change is the customization workshop, in which teachers cooperatively customize innovations to their own classroom contexts, reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of classroom implementation, and refine their innovations. Two goals sometimes conflict in such workshops: developing teachers' skills as reflective practitioners (process) and maintaining crucial characteristics of the original innovations (product). This paper explores how to meet both challenges using the insights from a perspective that provides a striking parallel: developing expertlike problem-solving skills (process) as well as conceptual understanding (product) in the physics classroom. We apply this perspective by (a) characterizing an expertlike approach to pedagogical problem solving in the context of customization workshops, (b) determining the nature of pedagogical problems best suited for developing such an expertlike approach, (c) suggesting how to design customization workshops that support teachers to develop an expertlike approach to pedagogical problem solving. In particular, we hypothesize that applying cognitive apprenticeship in customization workshops in a manner similar to its application in the teaching of expertlike problem solving in the physics classroom should effectively help teachers approach the pedagogical problem of customization in an expertlike manner. We support our hypothesis with an empirical study of three year-long cooperative customization workshops for physics teachers that differed in terms of mentoring approach. We examined the questions (a) under which mentoring approaches did teachers perform an expertlike pedagogical problem-solving process and (b) which practices and perceptions emerged through execution of this process?
(2013) Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 9, 1, 010120. Abstract
As part of a larger study to understand instructors' considerations regarding the learning and teaching of problem solving in an introductory physics course, we investigated beliefs of first-year graduate teaching assistants (TAs) regarding the use of example solutions in introductory physics. In particular, we examine how the goal of promoting expertlike problem solving is manifested in the considerations of graduate TAs' choices of example solutions. Twenty-four first-year graduate TAs were asked to discuss their goals for presenting example solutions to students. They were also provided with different example solutions and asked to discuss their preferences for prominent solution features. TAs' awareness, preferences, and actual practices related to solution features were examined in light of recommendations from the literature for the modeling of expertlike problem-solving approaches. The study concludes that the goal of helping students develop an expertlike problem-solving approach underlies many TAs' considerations for the use of example solutions. TAs, however, do not notice and do not use many features described in the research literature as supportive of this goal. A possible explanation for this gap between their belief and practices is that these features conflict with another powerful set of values concerned with keeping students engaged, setting adequate standards, as well as pragmatic considerations such as time requirements and the assignment of grades. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.
(2013) 2012 Physics Education Research Conference. 1513, 1, p. 23-26 Abstract
We present design guidelines for using Adapted Primary Literature (APL) as part of current interdisciplinary topics to introductory physics students. APL is a text genre that allows students to comprehend a scientific article, while maintaining the core features of the communication among scientists, thus representing an authentic scientific discourse. We describe the adaptation of a research paper by Nobel Laureate Paul Flory on phase equilibrium in polymer-solvent mixtures that was presented to high school students in a project-based unit on soft matter. The adaptation followed two design strategies: a) Making explicit the interplay between the theory and experiment. b) Re-structuring the text to map the theory onto the students' prior knowledge. Specifically, we map the theory of polymer-solvent systems onto a model for binary mixtures of small molecules of equal size that was already studied in class.
(2012) Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 8, 2, 020110. Abstract
"Self-diagnosis tasks" aim at fostering students' learning in an examination context by requiring students to present diagnoses of their solutions to quiz problems. We examined the relationship between students' learning from self-diagnosis and the typicality of the problem situation. Four recitation groups in an introductory physics class (∼200 students) were divided into a control group and three intervention groups in which different levels of guidance were provided to aid students in their performance of self-diagnosis activities. The self-diagnosis task was administered twice, first in an atypical problem situation and then in a typical one. In a companion paper we reported our findings in the context of an atypical problem situation. Here we report our findings in the context of a typical problem situation and discuss the effect of problem typicality on students' self-diagnosis performance and subsequent success in solving transfer problems. We show that the self-diagnosis score was correlated with subsequent problem-solving performance only in the context of a typical problem situation, and only when textbooks and notebooks were the sole means of guidance available to the students for assisting them with diagnosis.
(2012) Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 8, 2, 020109. Abstract
"Self-diagnosis tasks" are aimed at fostering diagnostic behavior by explicitly requiring students to present diagnosis as part of the activity of reviewing their problem solutions. Recitation groups in an introductory physics class of about 200 college students were distributed into a control group and three intervention groups in which different levels of guidance were provided for performing self-diagnosis activities. We investigated how well students self-diagnose their solutions in the different interventions and examined the effect of students' self-diagnosis on subsequent problem solving in the different intervention groups. We found that in the context of an atypical quiz, while external support altered the self-diagnosis performance, the self-diagnosis score was not correlated with subsequent problem-solving performance on a transfer problem. We discuss possible explanations for our findings.
(2012) p. 202-211 Abstract
This paper focuses on an online activity dealing with a mistaken answer to a problem that is attributed to a student named "Danny'. Students are first required to diagnose the mistake: 1) identify the mistaken part in Danny's answer; 2) explain the nature of the mistake; 3) correct. Later on, the students receive exemplary diagnosis and are asked to compare it to their own diagnosis. The mistaken statements represent common mistaken interpretations to scientific concepts and principles related to the topic of DC circuits that are known from the research literature. In order to examine if and how the activity attains its goal to engage students in a process of clarifying and repairing the mistaken ideas underlying the mistaken answer, we performed meta- analysis of the discourse that takes place between two high school students working on the activity. The analysis focused on two aspects: 1) The physics concepts and principles required to diagnose the mistaken statement. 2) "Acknowledging conflict" statements. We found that students' conceptual change occurred gradually and involved several withdrawals along the way. In this paper we will describe how the interaction with the on-line activity triggered this process. מאמר זה מתמקד בפעילות מתוקשבת במרכזה עומדת תשובה מוטעית לבעיה, המוצגת בפיו של התלמיד "דני". התלמידים מתבקשים בשלב ראשון לאבחן את הטעות: 1 (לזהות את החלק המוטעה בתשובה 2 (להסביר את מהות הטעות. 3 (לתקנה. בשלב השני התלמידים מתבקשים להשוות את אבחונם לאבחון "מומחה" לתשובה המוטעית. התשובה המוטעית מייצגת תפיסה מוטעית נפוצה של תלמידים בנושא מעגלי זרם ישר. מטרת המערכת להניע את התלמידים ללבן את הרעיונות הפיסיקליים המוטעים העומדים בבסיס התשובה המוטעית. במטרה לבחון האם וכיצד מעודדת המערכת תהליכי ליבון מושגי, ביצענו מטה- אנליזה של שיח בין שני תלמידי פיזיקה בתיכון המשוחחים ביניהם במהלך העבודה מול המערכת. הניתוח התמקד בייצוג שני היבטים: א) רעיונות פיסיקאליים המובעים ע"י התלמיד, נכונים ומוטעים ב) "רגעי ערעור" המובילים לליבון מושגי. מצאנו כי השינוי התפיסתי בפעילות התרחש באופן הדרגתי לאורך הפעילות וכלל לא מעט נסיגות. ליבון המושגים בפעילות התרחש בשני מהלכים. המהלך הראשון, בשלב האבחון, הונע על ידי המתח בין המידע שנמסר מהמערכת, שתשובתו של דני מוטעית, לבין הזדהותם של התלמידים עם תשובתו של דני ועורר אצל התלמידים קונפליקטים פנים ובין אישיים. המהלך השני, בשלב ההשוואה לאבחון ה"מומחה, הונע ע"י מידע שהמערכת מוסיפה לתלמידים: אבחון נכון ותשובה נכונה לבעיה. מידע זה, המתווסף לאחר הצפת ההתלבטויות בשלב הראשון, הביא לשינוי מושגי ביחס למרבית הרעיונות הפיסיקליים הנידונים בפעילות.
(2012) 2011 Physics Education Research Conference. 1413, p. 97-100 Abstract
Individual interviews are often considered to be the gold standard for researchers to understand how people think about phenomena. However, conducting and analyzing interviews is very time consuming. This paper presents the Group Administered Interactive Questionnaire (GAIQ) as an alternative to individual interviews and discusses the pros and cons of each data collection method. Use of GAIQ will be discussed in the context of a study that seeks to understand teaching assistants' reasons for the design of problem solutions for introductory physics.
(2012) על כימיה. 20, p. 22-28 Abstract
בשלוש השנים האחרונות מתקיימת תכנית ייחודית בשם "חומר רך ומבולגן" המיועדת לתלמידים הלומדים במגמת כימיה או פיזיקה ברמת 5 יחידות לימוד. התכנית, בהיקף 2 יח"ל, היא תוצר של שתוף פעולה בין המחלקה להוראת המדעים והמחלקה לחומרים ופני שטח במכון ויצמן, ובית הספר למדע עכשווי במכון דוידסון לחינוך מדעי. במסגרת התכנית התלמידים מכירים מודלים מתחום התרמודינמיקה הסטטיסטית המסבירים תופעות מורכבות, החל מהפרדת פאזות בתערובות בינאריות, המשך להתארגנות עצמית של מולקולות סבון, וכלה במודלים לתמיסות של פולימרים. להלן נספר מעט על חומרים רכים, נציג את המסגרת התאורטית המשמשת להבנת הפרדת פאזות בתערובות בינאריות והתארגנות עצמית של חומרים פעילי שטח כמו סבון, ונציג ניסוי המאפשר לאשר את המודל התיאורטי.
(2012) 2011 Physics Education Research Conference. p. 255-258 Abstract
In order to study graduate teaching assistants (TAs) beliefs and values about the design of instructor problem solutions, twenty-four TAs were provided with different solutions and asked to discuss their preferences for prominent solution features. TAs preferences for solution features were examined in light of the modeling of expert-like problem solving process as recommended in the literature. Results suggest that while many of the features TAs valued align with expert-like problem solving approaches, they noticed primarily "surface features" of solutions. Moreover, self-reported preferences did not match well with the solutions TAs wrote on their own.
(2011) American Journal of Physics. 80, 1, p. 51-60 Abstract
We describe an elective course on soft matter at the level of introductory physics. Soft matter physics serves as a context that motivates the presentation of basic ideas in statistical thermodynamics and their applications. It also is an example of a contemporary field that is interdisciplinary and touches on chemistry, biology, and physics. We outline a curriculum that uses the lattice gas model as a quantitative and visual tool, initially to introduce entropy, and later to facilitate the calculation of interactions. We demonstrate how free energy minimization can be used to teach students to understand the properties of soft matter systems such as the phases of fluid mixtures, wetting of interfaces, self-assembly of surfactants, and polymers. We discuss several suggested activities in the form of inquiry projects which allow students to apply the concepts they have learned to experimental systems.
(2010) Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 6, 2, 020108. Abstract
This study investigates how the beliefs and values of physics faculty influence their choice of physics problems for their students in an introductory physics course. The study identifies the goals these instructors have for their students, the problem features they believe facilitate those goals, and how those features correspond to problems they choose to use in their classes. This analysis comes from an artifact-based interview of 30 physics faculty teaching introductory calculus-based physics at a wide variety of institutions. The study concludes that instructors' goals and the problem features they believe support those goals align with researchbased curricular materials intended to develop competent problem solvers. However, many of these instructors do not use the beneficial problem features because they believe these features conflict with a more powerful set of values concerned with clarity of presentation and minimizing student stress, especially on exams.
(2009) AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1179. p. 257-260 Abstract
What happens when students are required to engage in a self-diagnosis task; in other words get time and credit for identifying mistakes they made assisted by a sample solution? We examine this question using data collected on 180 high school students in the Arab sector in Israel. Students were able to find significant differences between their solutions and the sample solution. Yet many did not provide self-explanations indicating that they acknowledged a conflict between their mental models and the scientific model. Further, students also addressed non-significant differences. They apparently referred to the sample solution as an ultimate template and identified external deviations from it as flaws or weaknesses. Students reflected on their personal solution process, and the materials used in the task. The findings suggest allocating time for scaffolding 'self-diagnosis'.
(2009) 2009 Physics Education Research Conference, PER. 1 ed. Vol. 1179. p. 27-30 Abstract
Helping students learn from their own mistakes can help them develop habits of mind while learning physics content. Based upon cognitive apprenticeship model, we asked students to self-diagnose their mistakes and learn from reflecting on their problem solution. Varying levels of scaffolding support were provided to students in different groups to diagnose their errors on two context-rich problems that students originally solved in recitation quizzes. Here, we discuss students' cognitive engagement in the two self-diagnosis activities and transfer tasks with different scaffolds.
Self-Diagnosis, Scaffolding and Transfer in a More Conventional Introductory Physics Problem(2009) 2009 Physics Education Research Conference. 1179, p. 23-26 Abstract
Previously we discussed how well students in an introductory physics course diagnosed their mistakes on a quiz problem with different levels of scaffolding support. In that case, the problem they self-diagnosed was unusually difficult. We also discussed issues related to transfer, particularly the fact that the transfer problem in the midterm that corresponded to the self-diagnosed problem was a far transfer problem. Here, we discuss a related intervention in which we repeated the study methodology with the same students in the same intervention groups, using a new quiz problem which was more typical for these students and a near transfer problem. We discuss how these changes affected students ability to self-diagnose and transfer from the self-diagnosed quiz problem to a transfer problem on the midterm exam.
Effect of Self Diagnosis on Subsequent Problem Solving Performance(2008) 2008 Physics Education Research Conference. 1064, p. 53-56 Abstract
Self-diagnosis tasks aim at fostering diagnostic behavior by explicitly requiring students to present diagnosis as part of the activity of reviewing their problem solutions. The recitation classes in an introductory physics class (similar to 200 students) were split into a control group and three experimental groups in which different levels of guidance were provided for performing the self-diagnosis activities. We have been a) investigating how students in each group performed on subsequent near and far transfer questions given as part of the exams, and b) comparing student's initial scores on their quizzes with their performance on the exams. as well as comparing student's self-diagnosis scores with their performance on the exams. We discuss some hypotheses about the students' ability to self-diagnose with different levels of scaffolding support and emphasize the importance of teaching students how to diagnosis their own mistakes. Our findings suggest that struggling with minimal Support during in-class self-diagnosis can trigger out-of-class self-diagnosis. Students therefore may be motivated to make sense of the problem they may have not been able to self diagnose, whether independently or in a collaborative effort.
(2008) 2008 Physics Education Research Conference. p. 99-102 Abstract
"Self-diagnosis tasks" aim at fostering diagnostic behavior by explicitly requiring students to present diagnosis as part of the activity of reviewing their problem solutions. We have been investigating the extent to which introductory physics students can diagnose their own mistakes when explicitly asked to do so with different levels of scaffolding support provided to them. In our study in an introductory physics class with more than 200 students, the recitation classes were split into three different experimental groups in which different levels of guidance were provided for performing the self-diagnosis activities. We present our findings that students' performance was far from perfect. However, differences in the scaffolding in the three experimental groups (i.e. providing a correct solution and a self-diagnosis rubric) noticeably affected the resulting diagnosis.
(2008) 2008 Physics Education Research Conference. p. 147-150 Abstract
Expert problem solvers are characterized by continuous evaluation of their progress towards a solution. One characteristic of expertise is self-diagnosis directed towards elaboration of the solvers' conceptual understanding, knowledge organization or strategic approach. "Self-diagnosis tasks" aim at fostering diagnostic behavior by explicitly requiring students to present diagnosis as part of the activity of reviewing their problem solutions. We have been investigating how introductory physics students perform in such tasks. Developing a robust rubric is essential for objective evaluation of students' self-diagnosis skills. We discuss the development of a grading rubric that takes into account introductory physics students' content knowledge as well as analysis, planning and presentation skills. Using this rubric, we have found the inter-rater reliability to be better than 80%. The rubric can easily be adapted to other problems, as will be discussed in a companion paper.
(2007) Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 3, 2, 020110. Abstract
To identify and describe the basis upon which instructors make curricular and pedagogical decisions, we have developed an artifact-based interview and an analysis technique based on multilayered concept maps. The policy capturing technique used in the interview asks instructors to make judgments about concrete instructional arfifacts similar to those they likely encounter in their teaching environment. The analysis procedure alternatively employs both an a priori systems view analysis and an emergent categorization to construct a multilayered concept map, which is a hierarchically arranged set of concept maps where child maps include more details than parent maps. Although our goal was to develop a model of physics faculty beliefs about the teaching and learning of problem solving in the context of an introductory calculus-based physics course, the techniques described here are applicable to a variety of situations in which instructors make decisions that influence teaching and learning.
(2007) Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research. 3, 2, 020109. Abstract
In higher education, instructors' choices of both curricular material and pedagogy are determined by their beliefs about learning and teaching, the values of their profession, and perceived external constraints. Dissemination of research-based educational reforms is based on assumptions about that mental structure. This study reports the initial phase of an investigation of the beliefs and values of physics professors as they relate to the teaching and learning of problem solving in introductory physics. Based on an analysis of a series of structured interviews with six college physics faculty, a model of a common structure of such beliefs for all physics faculty teaching introductory physics was constructed. This preliminary model, when tested and modified by future research, can be used by curriculum developers to design materials, pedagogy, and professional development that gain acceptance among instructors.
(2007) 2007 Physics Education Research Conference, PERC. p. 27-30 Abstract
For problem solving to serve as an effective learning opportunity, it should involve deliberate reflection, e.g., planning and evaluating the solver's progress toward a solution, as well as self-diagnosing former steps while elaborating on conceptual understanding. While expert problem solvers employ deliberate reflection, the novices (many introductory physics students) fail to take full advantage of problem solving as a learning opportunity. In this paper we will focus on self-diagnosis as an instructional strategy to engage students in reflective problem solving. In self-diagnosis tasks students are explicitly required to carry out self diagnosis activities after being given some feedback on the solution. In this and a companion paper, we will present research exploring the following questions: How well do students self-diagnose, if at all, their solutions? What are the learning outcomes of these activities? Can one improve the act of self-diagnosis and the resulting learning outcomes by scaffolding the activity?
(2006) Physics Education. 41, 6, 007. Abstract
Often, students repeat the mistakes they have made in answering exam questions, even after classroom discussion of their errors. They do not appear to have 'learned from their mistakes'. One possible solution is to guide students through a more active process of addressing their mistakes. We will describe a classroom study focused on the assignment of analysing an 'Incorrect Answers' page of mistaken statements collected from students' test answers. The students were required to diagnose the statements as part of their homework, and subsequently discuss their answers in class. We will focus on students' difficulties with the process of analysing incorrect statements, specifically in structuring arguments. We will suggest how teachers can direct their practice to foster students' learning in this context.
(2006) Physics Education. 41, 2, p. 161-167 Abstract
Students frequently misconceive the process of problem-solving, expecting the linear process required for solving an exercise, rather than the convoluted search process required to solve a genuine problem. In this paper we present an activity designed to foster in students realization and appreciation of the nature of the problem-solving process, in comparison with the exercise-solving process. The activity focuses on comparing two problems that are similar in regard to the physics principles required to solve them, yet differ in the solution process. One is 'context-rich', and requires the student to engage in analysis and planning stages; the other, that we labelled 'context-poor', does not. We studied the impact of this activity on the students and found that students recognized the differences required in the problem-solving process between context-rich and context-poor problems, that students were able to perform many parts of the task of transforming a context-rich problem into a context-poor form, and that students perceived the activity as useful in developing analysis and planning skills in problem solving. We concluded that the activity achieved its goal.
Teachers' investigation of students' self-perceptions regarding physics learning and problem-solving(2005) AIP conference proceedings. 790, p. 181-184 Abstract
Transfer is required in nearly every activity of problem solving. It spans from transferring procedures within a finite set of similar "end of the chapter problems" to applying problem solving strategies in completely unfamiliar problems. Students' self-perceptions, in the context of problem solving and learning, influence the success of instruction promoting transfer. Hence, teachers have to attend to such self-perceptions. We conducted a cooperative inquiry workshop to support teachers who modify their instruction in problem solving to better achieve transfer goals. As part of the workshop, the teachers raised the need to develop a questionnaire examining students' self-perceptions in the context of problem solving and learning in physics. The development of the questionnaire was supported by educational research, in a manner reflecting the teachers' motivation and time limits. In this paper, we describe the process of developing the questionnaire, present findings from a validation analysis of the questionnaire, and discuss its role in the teachers' professional development.
(2004) 2003 Physics Education Research Conference. p. 153-156 Abstract
Reflection on practice (ROP) serves to support teachers that introduce innovative instruction into their classrooms. There is an inherent dilemma between competing goals in ROP workshops: developing teachers' skills as reflective practitioners (process), vs. developing specific favored practices (result). This dilemma affects the evaluation of such workshops, as evaluation methods should align with the goals. In this paper we will gain insight on how to resolve the dilemma from the perspective of teaching scientific problem solving, where a similar dilemma between process and result is sharply manifested and thoroughly explored. Assessment methods and tools derived from this perspective were applied in a formative evaluation of a workshop for high school physics teachers. We will show how these analysis tools enabled us to identify differences in outcomes between versions of yearlong workshops that used different approaches to guidance of ROP. Our research can contribute to the planning and evaluation of ROP workshops.
(2004) American Journal of Physics. 72, 2, p. 164-169 Abstract
Grading sends a direct message to students about what is expected in class. However, often there is a gap between the assigned grade and the goals of the instructor. In an interview study of faculty teaching calculus-based introductory physics, we verified that this gap exists and identified three themes that appear to shape grading decisions: (1) a desire to see student reasoning, (2) a reluctance to deduct points from a student solution that might be correct, and (3) a tendency to project correct thought processes onto a student solution. When all three themes were expressed by an instructor, the resulting conflict was resolved by placing the burden of proof on either the instructor or the student. The weighting of the themes with the burden of proof criterion explains our finding that although almost all instructors reported telling students to show their reasoning in problem solutions, about half graded problem solutions in a way that would likely discourage students from Showing this reasoning.
To formulate the problem anew: Developing a questionnaire on the subject of learning practices in a workshop for physics teachers(2004) Abstract
How to guide students to learn from their mistakes? A collaborative study of teachers and researchers(2004) p. 295-302 Abstract
(2002) Abstract
This paper, presented at the 2002 Physics Education Research Conference, shares an initial hypothesis of instructors' beliefs about their role in helping students learn to solve problems in an introductory calculus-based physics course. Instructors see their teaching role as primarily providing resources and making suggestions, with little mentioning of how they influence the students to use the resources or follow the suggestions.
(2001) p. 79-82 Abstract
This paper presents preliminary hypotheses about the relationship between faculty goals for the introductory calculus-based physics course and their beliefs about student learning of problem solving. All faculty have problem solving as a major goal for their course. There appears to be however, an instructional paradox. When discussing how students learn to solve problems in their own courses, faculty indicate that reflective-practice skills are a necessary prerequisite, and that average students enter the course with these skills. When discussing general problem solving skills, however, faculty seem to believe that similar reflective-practice skills cannot be learned in an introductory physics course, and should be a long-term goal of university education.
(2001) p. 71-74 Abstract
This paper presents preliminary hypotheses about a common core of faculty beliefs about how their students learn to solve problems in their introductory courses. Using a process of structured interviews and a concept map based analysis, we find that faculty appear to believe that students learn problem solving primarily through a process of reflective introspection (educators call this process metacognition) while they practice solving problems and getting assistance from example problem solutions.
(2001) p. 75-78 Abstract
The Physics Education Research Group at the University of Minnesota has developed an interview tool to investigate physics faculty views about the learning and teaching of problem solving. In the part of the interview dealing with grading, faculty members were asked to evaluate a set of five student solutions and explain their reasons for the grades that they assigned. Preliminary analysis on two of the five student solutions was done on six physics faculty members from a large research university. The results indicate that faculty members hold conflicting beliefs when grading between valuing reasoning in student solutions and wanting to give students the benefit of the doubt. This paper illustrates the hypothesis that physics faculty hold conflicting values when grading, and describes how the research university faculty resolved their conflicts.
Why solve problems? Interviewing college faculty about the learning and teaching of problem solving(2001) Abstract
Teachers approaches to promoting self-monitoring in physics problem solving by their students(2001) Physics teacher education beyond 2000: International Conference. p. 129-132 Abstract