Information security section holds a few activities that have one common goal to protect all the systems in the Institute while allowing full connectivity from external sources.
The section manages a few systems that help protect the people of the Institute on several fronts:

  • Central Anti-Virus – a system that manages and updates all campus anti-virus software and enables real-time action against malware.
  • VPN – enables secure and full access to any system within the Institute from external sources.
  • eMail filtering system – prevents SPAM emails, which is currently about 90% of the email traffic, from filling the user's mailbox.
  • Firewall system – blocks and protects the campus systems against malicious attempts from the internet.

Other services provided by Information Security Section

  • Security information consulting and design for campus systems.
  • Installing best practices for internet and eMail usage.
  • Increase awareness to the risks present in the computing world of our era.